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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 129 KB, 960x1280, img_0839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5194421 No.5194421[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what will you be drinking on valentines day to keep the lonely away

i will be drinking this and probably ordering a pizza

>> No.5194429

Trading lonely for despair. Good move.

>> No.5194438
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After work tomorrow night, bourbon for me as well

>> No.5194444

i'm on a fast day, tragically enough. i think i might just go for a long walk. also i accidentally let on to my ex that i'm free tomorrow by asking if she wanted to hang out 'on friday' before i realised the date, so i'll be thinking about that humiliation too.

otherwise i'd probably be on some sipsmith sloe gin

>> No.5194455

I was thinking of getting a steak or a duck breast for myself, and a nice bottle of wine. Probably a good bottle of zinfandel that I've been saving for a while if I get steak, or a bordeaux from the store if I get the duck. On second thought I don't want to go to the liquor store on valentine's day so it will be the zin.

I'll drink until I start to feel the despair, then maybe take a couple of puffs of from a small baggie of marijuana that I bought over a year ago and never smoke because it causes me to have a terrifying jumble of thoughts about exactly how undignified my slow lonely death will be. If I'm drunk enough I can usually get myself to pass out and sleep a blissfully dreamless sleep and smoking marijuana occasionally in the privacy of my home, despite not really enjoying it like I used to, is how I reassure myself that I'm still young and edgy. In this situation it will also serve as a small act of rebellion against the day where single people everywhere have their noses rubbed in their own shame.

>> No.5194460

>also i accidentally let on to my ex that i'm free tomorrow by asking if she wanted to hang out 'on friday' before i realised the date, so i'll be thinking about that humiliation too.

>> No.5194463
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>> No.5194474

I'm taking my girlfriend to this Italian place we've been wanting to try, Cioppino's. So I guess we'll be drinking some cocktails before dinner, and maybe some wine with the meal.

>> No.5194477

You can save it anon, just add a " *next "

>> No.5194479

Don't do that when you're feeling down, especially not alone. No need to meet the VOID more often than necessary.

>> No.5194482

imagine if he did it hours later


>> No.5194487


haha, i wonder how she'd interpret it if she got that in a text five days later. i only realised yesterday in the middle of work, hit me like a ton of bricks.

>> No.5194493

Probably some Luksusowa with cranberry juice. I don't like spending money.

>> No.5194497

>muh girlfriend

Go make one of those cancer threads

>> No.5194501

You should do it, it would be hilarious.

She would ask you "*next what?" and then you could explain you meant next Friday.

It would be so transparent and sad it would be awesome.

>> No.5194507

Lick her asshole afterward

>> No.5194561
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This stuff.

>> No.5194566

Got a whole chicken in the fridge that hopefully hasn't gone bad yet. Thinking Thai yellow curry with jasmine rice.

>> No.5194606


somewhere around here i have a bottle of legit clandestine templeton moonshine. well, an empty bottle. im trying to find a pic of it.

>> No.5194612
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found it

>> No.5194618
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>Knob Creek keeps the lonely away

>> No.5194626
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Bro fist. Been on a rye kick myself.

>> No.5194631

Gotta work tomorrow night. Having a nice sirloin tonight, and have a sixer of High Life calling my name for later. Pretty much a normal night off for me, but I'll be sure to let the feels flow extra strong.

>> No.5194632

It's very smooth neat. I've been enjoying it. Works well as a Manhattan, but I much rather use my Old Overholt for mixing.

How does it rate with other ryes in the market?

I'm curious on Canadian ryes...

>> No.5194636

Working till midnight, woohoo!

Then I'll probably have a little more sailor jerry and 8-Bit Pale Ale before hitting the hay and waking up to do it again.

>> No.5194645

V Day general?

> another two top? Oh really?

>> No.5194646

>hispanic country in S.A.
>spanish is decent but i can't do cool things with it like win a babe
>get drunk every night and come on 4chan, don't even try for babes because i don't care
>then a special occasion comes
>wish i had a babe
>going to get smashed again tomorrow, only difference is i'm getting an apparently decent burger for my country (my friend says) and getting blazed and seeing a movie
>fun day, but my gf is friendship

>> No.5194651

Same. Working 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Finna go out Sunday though

>> No.5194656

semen, honestly

>> No.5194659
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After a long and unpleasant day delivering flowers for you miserable shitstains I'll be looking forward to a quiet evening alone.

>> No.5194671

And I thought I was unlucky working in a kitchen.
Enjoy your screeching and cackling women.

>> No.5194707
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Two of these

>> No.5194725

Looks fancy, probably shit. Sorry m8, asians don't get beer.

>> No.5194727

My birthday is the day after and I just got a sizable check. I think I may just purchase a fine bottle of whiskey and drink the weekend away. I'm thinking maybe some Laphroaig. Any recommendations?

>> No.5194733

Wouldn't pay over 2.50$ for one

>> No.5194743

fuck that, just get five or six bottles of old crow for the same amount of money to really drink the weekend away

>> No.5194753

Macallan 12

>> No.5194756


This reminds me of when I first started getting into good liquor. My friend's sister would buy me booze because I was too young to go myself and one day she came back and told me that the cashier at the liquor store told her she had good taste in whiskey. It made me happy.

>> No.5194759


I forgot about Macallan. That is some damn tasty whiskey.

>> No.5194762


I used to drink like that and I can't go back to it. I was drinking a 1.75 liter bottle of vodka per day minimum. Drinking that much does some horrible things to you.

>> No.5194772

store brand vodka with a massive hangover in the morning.

>> No.5194773

love macallan 12, 18 is pure ecstacy, but that's more than i'm willing to spend right now

>> No.5194777

there's a bottle of 25 at my local store for 800. I'm always so tempted to pick that shit up, but I would never want to open it at that price.

>> No.5194787

Meh, I'm stuck noon to nine on Sunday, possibly later.

>> No.5194789

ha, reminds me, last year or so i walk into my local bodega to get my fix like I do on many a lonely Saturday night, when i happen to notice MacAllan 25 Yr on the highest shelf behind the register. curious, mostly due to the fact that even the finiest liquor stores i have perused never seem to carry it, i ask them how much it goes for. "$730" he tells me. i begin to wonder how long it's been sitting up there. "but I'll take off $100 just for you" he continues. "Oh, in that case I'll take 2!" I reply, jokingly. He tells me in all seriousness he has 2 bottles, and continues to push the sale. "I'll take $200 off right now, $530 it's yours, you won't find it any better." "I'll keep that in mind I say", as I pay my $3.50 for two 24oz St Ides, and I walk into the rainy, humid night, wondering what could have been..

>> No.5194791

Holy shit dude. I work at a liquor store and we don't even buy them from the distributor for that cheap. You really should have taken the offer.

>> No.5194792

she wanted the D

>> No.5194795

cool story bro

>> No.5194801
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Poorfag here.

>> No.5194809

i was just in there earlier tonight, it's still sitting there. now that i'm a bit more flush with cash, i'll ask the owner when i next see him if that offer is still good. this was back in sept 2012 when that occured. i mean, i can't imagine they'd have carefully switched it with a lower quality scotch. i'd like to think i'd know the difference

>> No.5194825

Well they probably bought it for a much cheaper price than it is now so I would imagine the offer could still stand, maybe not 200, but 100 dollars off would still be a solid deal.

>> No.5194832
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Also some of this if I can get someone to get me some.

I'm 19.

>> No.5194838
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My friend got me a glass of this on my birthday at the fanciest bar in town, $36 for a 1.5 shots I believe. I know it's "overrated," like all the snobs say, but I doubt anyone could call this an amateur drink seriously. Come on.

>> No.5194840

yeah, i'm confident if i walked in there with $600 cash they'd sell

>> No.5194841
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Gonna be drinking this probably.

>> No.5194857

They can't. It's a really good whisky. It's just horrendously overpriced. Sometimes I'll splurge on black label when it's on sale, but will only ever drink blue if it's offered or a gift.

>> No.5194868
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Maybe one glass to feel special.

>> No.5194873
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>duck breast
you should do this and make some fries to go with it

who cares if you're single, buy yourself a big thing of chocolates and treat yourself to a whole day of vidya and/or chinese cartoons

I'll have a nice refreshing coke with fresh lemon and crispy roast pork belly with homemade fries seasoned with whatever is in the spice tray

>> No.5194879

>I'll drink until I start to feel the despair, then maybe take a couple of puffs of from a small baggie of marijuana that I bought over a year ago and never smoke because it causes me to have a terrifying jumble of thoughts about exactly how undignified my slow lonely death will be. If I'm drunk enough I can usually get myself to pass out and sleep a blissfully dreamless sleep and smoking marijuana occasionally in the privacy of my home, despite not really enjoying it like I used to, is how I reassure myself that I'm still young and edgy. In this situation it will also serve as a small act of rebellion against the day where single people everywhere have their noses rubbed in their own shame.
Sounds fun.

>> No.5194882

>It's a really good whisky.


Ralfy disagrees and I trust Ralfy wholeheartedly

>> No.5194887

love zin. just finished a bottle of it tonight. my ex got me started on it. broke up 6 weeks ago. so my new valentine macallan will not disappoint me ever at least

>> No.5194891

Keep cool and then if she asks about it or talks about it then backpedal with the force of a thousand suns

>> No.5194908

Ralfy's generally pretty good, but you should never let one person totally define your own. Ralfy's wrong about some things. Drink and decide for yourself.

>> No.5194914

>you should never let one person's opinion totally define your own
is what I meant to say.

>> No.5194917

I'm too poor to ever get to try Blue Label so I'm just gonna take his word for it

>> No.5194923

Also, after watching that review, I think the one I had in mind was green label. Still, I've had the blue and I remember enjoying it plenty.

>> No.5195011
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>he has an ex

>> No.5195024

>hanging out with your ex
You're doing it wrong.

>> No.5195047

On valentines day, probably just a beer or two. Single, but most of my friends are, too, so won't be really lonely.

Tonight I'm drinking this shit, because I don't feel like going out in the snow, so I have nothing better to do.

>> No.5195050

Forgot my image, but whatever. Drinking some shitty bourbon.

>> No.5195091
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>he has friends

>> No.5195104

I like you.

>> No.5195116

my girlfriends piss

>she just found her watersports fetish

>> No.5196551

What's a good dark rum I could try or a site where they have some reviews or ratings?
not spiced rum though

>> No.5196594
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>> No.5196775

I made my first real cocktail.

It was a mix of Grand Marnier, Campari, lemon juice, orange juice, syrup and one egg white.

I fucked it up and it ended up being way too sour, but it was pretty good.
It also hit like a fucking truck. I'm having a whiskey ginger after this.

>> No.5196788
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>> No.5196794

why don't you make another cocktail but make it less sour this time??? trial and error

>> No.5196854
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No idea what I'm eating yet

>> No.5196865

I only drink alcohol socially :(

>> No.5196871

Well that's stupid

>> No.5196873

Is that really worthy of a sadface?

>> No.5196927


Eh, I'm too drunk and I'm too tired to fucking start shaking things.

I just put some jameson into a Collins glass and topped it with ginger ale; added a slice of lime and called it a drink.
It's actually very tasty.

>> No.5196935

I'm jelly.

>> No.5196942


I'm drinking gin and old, off-brand Sprite.
One 0.5l bottle. I'd like to get drunk but I don't want to do that anymore when I'm alone.

>> No.5196946


Makes me wonder how special that tastes. Regular Carlsberg is alright but gets flat really fast

>> No.5196954

I picked up some knob creek and a 12 pack of ginger ale.

My wife requested meatloaf/mashed potatoes so I'll start that after jeopardy. Green bell pepper, garlic, onion and a ground pork/veal/beef mix.

>> No.5196962

>knob creek
>wife requested meatloaf/mashed potatoes
>pork/veal/beef mix

This is the kind of life every man needs. Good for you, anon.

>> No.5196965

The special part is it being around 11% abv

>> No.5196975
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Oh, so it's like pic related?
Had that once, didn't like it at all, it was far too sweet thanks to the addition of that corn syrup or whatever it is.

>> No.5196977


Whiskey ginger reporting in.

This drink is so goddamn good.

>> No.5196980

i lost my debit card recently and so i can't even go buy alcohol.

i might order some food since i can at least do that.

>> No.5196986

I don't get it, why?

>> No.5196991

Drinking gin atm, about to go to the store to get lobsta's and Dungeness crab for Vday dinner with my wife.

>> No.5197002

why what?

>> No.5197010

He's too retarded to just go to the bank with his checkbook/account info and an ID and get some cash before his new card comes in the mail.

>> No.5197011


>> No.5197015

How can he still get food?

>> No.5197020

He has a gun.

>> No.5197022

Drinking Dark and Stormies.
Not even good ones. Captain Morgan's spiced rum and generic ginger beer.

>> No.5197035
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This right now.

Frozen pizza in the oven.


>> No.5197038

Three shots of arrow brand peppermint liquer and a 40 of budweiser

>> No.5197042

I bought myself a bottle of Ardbeg Uigeadail to ease the sorry. Little disappointed. Don't get me wrong it's a very very good Scotch but I was hoping for better than Lagvulin 16, it cost a bit more. It's not.

Fine scotch and Tom Waits. Then moving onto generic rum or blended scotch if I feel like getting drunk. One does not get drunk on the good stuff.

>> No.5197045


>> No.5197063

There's nothing wrong with Captain Morgan's spiced. It's the best entry level rum. Not stocked everywhere but take a look at Goslings Black Seal. It's widely regarded as the best for dark and stormies and it's not especially expensive. They do their own Ginger Beer as well, though i've not tried it.

I think the ginger beer probably matters more than the rum, which is awkward because it's easier to pick up half decent rum than ginger beer.

>> No.5197078

Ahh man that reminds me of my childhood. I used to sneak into the booze cabinet and steal the Peppermint Liqueur, loved that stuff also the Sheridans I think my mum had a sweet tooth when it came to booze. Then I got adventurous once and tried the Advocat. Fucking disgusting. Still don't like it.

>> No.5197084

My grandfather died this morning.

so, nothing. Because if I start, I don't think I'll be able to stop.

>> No.5197090

Ardbeg is good if overpriced. I'm on the Talisker Stormy which is simply not good. It's nothing like any other Talisker which are all very good. Not impressed.

>> No.5197094

Sipping Laphroaig Quarter Cask and watching House of Cards. Wasn't even feeling sorry for myself until you brought it up.

>> No.5197114
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going with some local stuff right now (good shit)

gonna head out to the liquor store after I finish the beer and pizza

hooray for being single

>> No.5197139

I can't imagine a beer that beautiful colour tasting bad.

>> No.5197145


>> No.5197157

What is it with you guys drinking some weird-ass beers? Don't you have good, cheap regular ones?

>> No.5197165

What is weird about the beers? They're mostly not especially expensive.

>> No.5197166

Why would anyone drink "regular" beer when we have basically an endless variety at our disposal?

>> No.5197169

That's probably my favorite beer. Too bad they've been slowly jacking up the price these past few years. Greedy bastards.

>> No.5197176

I agree in principle but Asahi dry is one of my all time favourites. Also Kalyani Black label but mostly for nostalgia reasons

>> No.5197178


Well I've never heard of them and they seem to be "special" ones that have some "special" ingredient or something. And a pricetag of more than 1 Western Currency per 0.33l bottle

>> No.5197186

>1 Western Currency per 0.33l bottle
>I've never heard of them

Found yer problem

>> No.5197190


And that problem is?

>> No.5197201

You're a foreigner that doesn't have 50 microbreweries in a 15 mile radius.

>> No.5197209


That's true. Though I have one big brewery probably not even 1km away and it smells so good walking past it when they're brewing a new batch

>> No.5197214

>First time in months i order a pizza and it had nothing to do with valentine
>First time in months i have any alcohol and only because I passed by the store and I thought that it's weird how long it was since i had any

Fuck you op

>> No.5197231


hands down my favorite two brothers brew, and even among my favorite beers ever.


It's definitely a great beer. Turned me on to rye beers. It can be compared to Bear Republic's Hop Rod Rye and Founder's Red Rye PA

>> No.5197233
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Just poured my first drink of the day.

>> No.5197251

Wish there was a better selection of bourbon in the UK. We get overpriced JD, which isn't even bourbon and maybe Knob Creek and Makers Mark at an expensive bar. Would like to try to get into it, but it's so much effort when I can just walk into the Whisky shop and have 100 Scotchs available.

>> No.5197256

In my top 10 list bro

>> No.5197265


>Well I've never heard of them and they seem to be "special" ones that have some "special" ingredient or something.

you 12 years old or something? It's just good beer. Like there's shitty cars, and nice cars. There's shitty beers, and nice beers. It just tastes better because it's made better.

>> No.5197269

It's all available on the net bro. Sucks that you can't try them in a bar first though.

>> No.5197271

welp it's about time to pick up my Valentine's date and her 5 friends at the liquor store. I'll post results.

>> No.5197283

Drinking White Russians. Got to love the Big Lebowski. It would considered a gay as fuck girls drink if it wasn't for that.
You're still considered a hipster fuck, but whatever. It tastes nice.

Using Tia Maria rather than Kahlua because it's what the store had.

>> No.5197288

What's gay is that you care. Still a bit gay though.

>> No.5197292


I wonder how you'd objectively rate beer but be that as it may, I've had some rare microbrewery beers, they were nice but far too expensive for the little change in taste. I'll stick to my preferred beers, you to yours. I guess that'll make everybody happy.
Though it makes me wonder if Americans really have no good "big" beers.

>> No.5197297

or possibly the bank is too far out of the way to bother making the trip when i won't be making any important purchases regardless.

all you need to order things online is the card number, expiration date, and security code.

>> No.5197301

You guys doing cocktails are doing it all wrong. It's all about the Long Island Iced Tea, I've not got a mix right that tasted like a Long Island Iced Tea i've had at a bar, but I am very drunk which is the purpose of this drink.

>> No.5197307

It's probably you doing it right and them doing it wrong. They skimp on the spirits, a Long Island done right would cost a the bar too much.

>> No.5197310
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>banking so far away that it's a "trip"
>alcohol is not an important purchase

>> No.5197320

it's generally a very important purchase.

for this exact reason, it's probably for the best that i take a few days off.

>>banking so far away that it's a "trip"

some people don't stay in the same place for their entire lives.

>> No.5197321

On the old trusty Abbot Ale. It's nothing flashy. There are better beers but it's solid and an old stalwart.

>> No.5197327

>tfw drunk and looking at my ex-gf from uni Facebook page. She's married. The fuck am I doing with my life.

>> No.5197329
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Cheep 'n' cheerful

>> No.5197335

>the fuck am I doing with my life

Pissing it away.


>> No.5197352

How about that. I'm thinking of doing two of these myself tonight.

>> No.5197359

I'm going to order some teriyaki in a bit and probably drink some beers. I think I still have a few left in my fridge.

>> No.5197369

I refuse to even look at my ex's page even when smashed to bits

>> No.5197413
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reporting in

r8 my d8s, m8s

>> No.5197462

Posh lager? That's a new one for me, but certainly something i'd be willing to look into for summer.

>> No.5197471

>Drinking the loneliness away
>Not eating mountains of junk food

OR to remain off topic; Vodka donuts if you're feeling especially daring.

>> No.5197476

Drinking vodka is bad enough. Eating it sounds worse.

>> No.5197478 [DELETED] 


Censored: 6.5/10

>> No.5197481

not my region/10

>> No.5197488
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After my Double Bastard, I'm having a gin and tonic. With a lemon twist.

Was getting killed in Rise of Nations. I stopped to drink.

>> No.5197489

Lets see;
Censored 6.5/10 because Lagunitas has so many better offerings and their copper ale is definitely one of their weaker choices

Second one I don't know of

Celebration Ale 5.5/10, this was a really bad year for them and they got the bitterness entirely imbalanced with the malt. Usually nice and citrusy with a lot of good malt character and this year it's just resiny. No good

Obisidian 8/10, good stout, good company. Not a very forward stout, which is good for them, because to keep a strong stout balanced is difficult, and they do a good job with a medium-low intensity stout

Founders IPA 9/10, Founder's is great and everything they touch is magical. End

Prima Pils 10/10, it is regarded as the posterboy of American Noble Pilsners for a reason, and that's because it's the best on the market.

Some decent stuff, would mooch off your beer/10

>> No.5197492

All good stuff, anon.

>> No.5197512
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Frosty Jacks.
Same as every night.

>> No.5197535

At least be a classy alcoholic.

>> No.5197542
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Gin and Tonic never fails me.

>> No.5197546

Ah, my friends.

How I feel these feels.

im bout to go get some shit tier Popov vidka because I got fired and its all i can afford ;_;

>> No.5197569
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I'm starting to get a little depressed too. Should I go get a 6 pack or just drink some Sailor Jerrys I have left.

I had a lunch date with a girl I met on some dating app. We had sushi, it seemed to go alright, but I have a bad feeling she is just going to start ignoring me after a little while. That's what usually happens after the first date.

The feels are getting pretty strong here, boys. I always think of all my past relationships, how I fucked things up and why women don't want me now. It's because I'm a loser. Anyone here do heroin?

>> No.5197577


Guaranteed, 37% of the rest of this thread is about your post.

>> No.5197580

Fuck it. Alcohol per pound. Alkie math.

>> No.5197587
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Bird dog peach
Fuck its solo good
Highly recommend

>> No.5197588
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>> No.5197591
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>get brita filter pitcher
>pour popov vodka into filter
>pour out into large bowl
>pour vodka back into filter
>repeat process 4 times

Your 10$ vodka will taste like 30$ vodka. Just make sure to use superset filters for water and vodka you silly bastard.

>muthbusters has confirmed this


>> No.5197593

>using mythbusters as a source

>> No.5197596



Was asposed to say different. What am I drunk?

>> No.5197602

The problem with this logic is that if you have the funds to fuck around with brita filters, you also have the funds to not buy bottom shelf vodka.

>> No.5197603


I've done it myself, and results were impressive. Thank you for you contribution.

>> No.5197607

A brita filter is 15$, and lasts for a few months. Hardly a huge investment for even the poorest poorfag.

>> No.5197619


It's completely unnecessary. If I lost my job tomorrow the last thing I'd be buying is a damm brita filter to make my popov taste better.

>> No.5197635

> drinking on valentine's day
> not spending the whole day lying in bed from beginning to end

>> No.5197647

Spending my V-Day wrestling with a really fucking stupid decision I made last night. Alcohol didn't help. My boss and I got really wasted and fucked. So that's not really okay. Neither of us has mentioned it since and I don't want to. I'm so scared this shit will bite me in the ass at work. I may have fucked things up bigtime. Guess we'll see. Wish I could drink more to forget it, but alas, I'm at work.

>> No.5197687

Your boss fucked an underling. Chances are he/she is as worried as you.

>> No.5197688 [DELETED] 

ya I know I coulda done better with the Lagunitas, but the store didn't have much, so just went with whatever. But I've had it before and it's decent enough

First time trying the Celebration this year, drinking it right now, and I agree you 100%. I tasted that bitterness right away and didn't remember that being there before. Shame.

Oh and Dortmunder Gold has gotta be my hands down favorite American lager. Great Lakes is a lot like Founder's in that everything they touch is magic.

>> No.5197694


ya I know I coulda done better with the Lagunitas, but the store didn't have much, so just went with whatever. But I've had it before and it's decent enough

First time trying the Celebration this year, drinking it right now, and I agree you 100%. I tasted that bitterness right away and didn't remember that being there before. Shame.

Oh and Dortmunder Gold has gotta be my hands down favorite American lager. Great Lakes is a lot like Founder's in that everything they touch is magic

>> No.5197714

I combined Pepsi and lemonade to try something interesting. It's pretty good.

>> No.5197717
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went with the steak after all. and a merlot that I forgot I had, that's close to the end of its drinking window.

depressing music that reminds me of girlfriends past instead of chinese cartoons tonight. might as well celebrate being in love with someone with the rest of you ;_;

>> No.5197770

>Oh and Dortmunder Gold has gotta be my hands down favorite American lager. Great Lakes is a lot like Founder's in that everything they touch is magic

Good man, love Dortmunder Gold. Though I picked up some Eliot Ness tonight myself, which I hadn't tried yet.

>> No.5197789

Pls post story

>> No.5197884

boss gave me some bookers bourbon and ill prolly finish up with some tanqueray (sic)

>> No.5197983

Just worked for 14 hours, drinking Buffalo Trace + cherry coke before I go to bed and repeat the process tomorrow.

>> No.5198010

I'm drinking some titos vodka and dublin black cherry cola because it's basically dr pepper with cherry since snapple are pissed dublin made bank on bottle dr p

>> No.5198053

bourbon until I can't feel enough to masturbate anymore, then go to sleep. Repeat throughout the weekend.

>> No.5198255
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old fashoineds

>> No.5198332


if anyone wants to know, i ended up watching the entirety of house of cards while eating a homemade jalfrezi. didn't sleep all night

>> No.5198349
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Enjoyed this with my waifu tonight.

First time drinking this port, it was damn good.

>> No.5198659


>picked up some Eliot Ness tonight myself, which I hadn't tried yet.

you won't be disappointed