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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5192565 No.5192565[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thank god for america.

>> No.5192583

No wonder our health insurance is so damned expensive.
They expect everyone to be having heart attacks by the age of 30.

>> No.5192597

The way she says bowl always gets me

>> No.5192599

No more carbs
just fat.

>> No.5192619

>bacon with icecream

The bacon mania went too far

>> No.5192630

the fuck is that noise they use when people bite

also your american bacon looks like shit

>> No.5192632

Nope, just 'Murika

>> No.5192636

Americans dislocating their jaw to gorge faster.

>> No.5192662

I feel like as soon as you tried to bite/cut in to one of these bowls, all the toppings would immediately fall out.

>> No.5192698

What exactly is wrong with this?

>> No.5192700

Bacon's amazing with sweets.

>> No.5192702


or you can just microwave them between 2 paper towels like I always do...

it ends up super crispy and perfect strips.

I guess it won't be a bowl though

>> No.5192707



> and try this, bacon bowl ice cream sunday!

lol da fuq?

>> No.5192710

>never had apple pie and ice cream with crunchy bacon

>> No.5192713
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>What exactly is wrong with this?

Yuropoors are just jealous of our creativity.

They are still eating toast sandwiches ffs.

>> No.5192724


that dude knows how to draw some legs....

although... you guys think this is drawn from a photo?

>> No.5192728

the overcooked as shit bacon clump maker.

>> No.5192732

ITT: poor foreigners using every slight opportunity to attack America

It just shows how inferior you are

>> No.5192733

its like eating a steak that's been microwaved on high power for 14 minutes.

>> No.5192739

nothing to do with america. just people who eat shitty food. just because its your decision to eat shitty food doesn't make it your whole country's decision.

>> No.5192740

>doesn't realize that you can bake bacon

>> No.5192742
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>shitty food

>> No.5192751

Bacon actually cooks very well in a microwave. Try it sometime

>> No.5193751
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What about some good ol' fashioned Dump Cakes?

>> No.5193821

This honestly is the most unhealthy thing I have seen be advertised

>> No.5193826


Also, I already did this before with a metal bowl and wire rack on a cookie sheet, not that fucking hard. I guess we need to clutter up our kitchens with one use dishes after all.

>> No.5193828

We get it, you're 12. Enjoy your incredibly low quality factory-farmed water-logged, sodium nitrate and artificial smoke-drenched, shit flaps.

>> No.5193877
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>pineapple upside-dump cake

>> No.5193915

>And just add a can of soda!
... I don't even

>> No.5193929

>America reading this thread

Y-You too!

>> No.5193959

Man, look at all those people taking dumps

>> No.5193962

Did she even add any liquid to that chocolate cake? Are you supposed to stir the fruit one after you add the soda or do you just hope that it soaks up on its own?

>> No.5194007

Or you could just use your muffin tray and baking beans for the exact same effect.

>> No.5194016

>pouring the fat out of your diet

>> No.5194304
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>that emphasis on the word DUMP

>> No.5194313

Over exposure to bacon has caused me to hate it.

>> No.5194319

Why would the be jealous of our shitty country?

>> No.5194322

Adding soda to cake mix instead of water/milk is actually a thing, my sister makes diet coke chocolate cupcakes. They're totally shit and taste like sweeteners.

However, you can also use things like apple sauce, which makes ridiculously good muffins.

>> No.5194391

>add fruit slices, cake mix and SODA (diet if you are counting calories)

You wot m8? Excuse me while I throw up

>> No.5194409

>pineapple upside-DUMP cake
>dump cakes and dump dinners

>> No.5194440

>microwaving bacon

jesus fucking christ

>> No.5194681 [DELETED] 

Mex-Amerifag here

I don't think I've ever had cabeza. I'm one of those squeamish types. I've had tongue though and I wasn't that thrilled with it. I mean, it's alright, cooked well enough, it's tender, but you could say the same about any other cut and without the gross factor. I myself like slow cooked brisket tacos with a homemade green salsa.. That shit is to die for.

>> No.5194710

ooops wrong thread

>> No.5195222

Jesus fuck, she said it so many times, it doesn't even sound like a real word any more...

>> No.5195228
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My roommate saw these in walmart and thought they were the bowls premade, and almost bought some....

>> No.5195234

i'm not murrican, but microwaving is inherently less fattening than frying, and if you like your bacon soft yields fairly decent results imo.
grilling it is the best way but nobody does that for bacon individually

>> No.5195246

My roommate as mentioned here:
does this, just because he's a lazy fuck.
I have literally had bacon in my cast iron skillet, and had him walk in and start microwaving his cheap ass dollar store shit right behind me.
I was tempted to hit him with the skillet, but I would've strewn baccon all over...

>> No.5195618

I would say you could just toss some grease on him, but that would waste the delicious bacon grease.

Also, anyone that microwaves bacon needs to be shot and fed to pigs.

>> No.5195661


>bacon bowl sundaes

fucking hell murrika

>> No.5195764
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>also soup

gosh, did no one of you cunts get it? when they showed the soup served inside its own bread??

>fkn brillant

pic related

>> No.5195851

>not boiling bacon
this is the only way I do it now.


>> No.5196575


>> No.5196579
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>not making turkey cups instead

>> No.5197057

>bacon "with" icecream

you haven't seen how deep the rabbit hole goes.

>> No.5197077
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 1352752039988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bacon Bowl
>Fill it with cheddar grits
>Top with scrambled eggs