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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5181170 No.5181170 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we discuss our least favorite flavor of chips and then yell at each other

i really don't like bbq chips. i'll eat them if they're all that's around but if there's another option i'll choose other every time

>> No.5181172

this is how I feel with dill pickle

>> No.5181182
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This is, hands down, the worst chip in the history of fried potato slices.

It's like taking the flavoring of buttered popcorn jelly bellies and upping it times five. Disgusting, I tried giving them away, but nobody wanted more than one bite, so I ended up throwing away half the bag.

>> No.5181183

I agree. You are a great person, OP.

>> No.5181191
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These are the most disgusting chips I've ever eaten.

I used to hate salt & vinegar as a kid, but now as an adult, I love it.

>> No.5181193

I don't like prawn cocktail.

Also, I think you'll find they're called crisps.

>> No.5181203


>i'll eat them if they're all that's around

Fucking fatty. You don't always have to be stuffing your face. If you don't like what's there just don't eat.

>> No.5181209

gtfo frenchie

>> No.5181210
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I've had some pretty good buffalo wing flavored chips and I usually love Pringles, but these are terrible. They have these weird buttery flavor mixed in with the hot sauce taste. I do like the regular Frank's Red Hot flavored Pringles alright, though.

>> No.5181213

you do realize that hotwing sauce is just butter and hotsauce, right?

>> No.5181215
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I'm with you 100%, OP.

>> No.5181217
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"Original" flavor. If I could find a pack that wasn't drowned in a bathtub of salt, I'd probably like them more.

>> No.5181235

Yes, but I still don't expect the chips to taste like butter with a hint of hot sauce. Try them, you'll know what I mean. Or don't, because they're awful.

>> No.5181255

Americans invented them, they get to name them.

>> No.5181257


french people call them chips you fucking moron, go fuck yourself

>> No.5181260

This. You guys are horrible at naming shit anyway. You make things sound really gay. Lilke buttys and budgery and shit like that. You put y's on stuff to make it sound cute. It's lame. Stop that.

>> No.5181283


shut the fuck up you fat american piece of shit, go fuck yourself

>> No.5181289

>the most aggression the UK has shown since WWI

>> No.5181292

care for a butty n' tinny for brecky?

>tfw british english has devolved into babbyspeak

>> No.5181307

>mfw americans call crunchy sheety potato crispy-wispies "chips"

>> No.5181335

theyre bad because theyre ridged. I dont know what the fuck they were thinking ruining that flavor.

that brand is fucking great though so many flavors and quality ingredients too

>> No.5181342
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I love the spice

I also love the fact most people don't like these chips for some reason so I never get bothered to share. Yeah I'm fat...

>> No.5181345 [DELETED] 

this is about bad chips
miss vickie's jalapeno chips are amazing. They really capture the flavor and heat of a pickled jalapeno.

>> No.5181346
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Also, these. FUCK these chips. Horrible.

>> No.5181350

I've had that once. Surprisingly spicy, and has that raw fresh jalapeno flavor. People probably don't like that, because it is a little bitter, but I enjoyed it.

>> No.5181356

I know it's about bad chips but I just wanted to point out that somehow everyone I meet doesn't like them. And what you said is true, they're amazing.

>> No.5181367

Salt and vinegar potato chips.

If I'm eating potato chips I'd actually like to be able to taste the potatoes somewhere deep down in there. This shit tastes like I'm swilling down an actual bottle of white vinegar.

>> No.5181369
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Crisps you uncultured swine

>> No.5181378

Pretty much any Asian cheese puffs. God damn, those are awful.

Their original stuff is amazing though. Never change, Nong Shim.

>> No.5181382

Most Asian chips and similar snacks are really bad. That shitty shrimp flavour on everything, bleh.

>> No.5181391

>That shitty shrimp flavour on everything, bleh.


>> No.5181407
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> =[
consider returning to /b/

>> No.5181409

I love that kid

>> No.5181431
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thinking about these makes me gag

>> No.5181435 [DELETED] 

you've never tried them.

>> No.5181441

wtf murrica

>> No.5181480

i forgot about those. i got one of those 99cent bags and ended up throwing them away.

tasted like a spoon full of maple syrup with some herbs and shit in there.

>> No.5181489

Abu-Judom. Some nigger made that shit up. It's nigger food.

>> No.5181547


Racism on /ck/? Go back to /b/.

>> No.5181702
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>no sour cream and onion

God fuck this flavor so hard

Also, anything ranch flavored

>> No.5181706
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I'm ready to have everyone hate me!
I enjoy Maple Moose chips.

>> No.5181710

Where the fuck can I buy them in america

Are they limited edition? out of production?

>> No.5181721

Report in from Canada, eh.
They were in do us a flavour contest and everyone hated them. I didn't really mind them.

>> No.5181730

Wow, you're a faggot. I bet you hate cheddar and sour cream too.

>> No.5181732
File: 73 KB, 361x504, DORITOS_COOL_RANCH_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever seen someone purchase these when they weren't a taco.

How the fuck are they one of the original flavors? Nobody eats these shitty doritos.

>> No.5181758
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Does anyone else remember having those special edition Vanilla Ice Cream flavour Monster Munch around 10 years ago? Disgusting

>> No.5181761

You are one of the most dumbest niggas to have ever nigga'd.

>> No.5181784

Nigga please, cool ranch is garbage, if doritos aren't spicy they have no place existing.

Shit, fuck nacho cheese doritos too. They're always too weird and familiar tasting, and they're cold as shit in the bag which is weird.

>> No.5181797
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>tfw I bought them as a celebration for moving in to my apartment

>tfw 3/4 of a bag will still be here when I move out

>> No.5181816

Nigga, pls.

Ranch is one of the best flavors. If you want spicy, eat habanero/3rd degree.


>> No.5181822
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u gon do me like that


>> No.5182124
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Ketchup chips are the absolute worst, I can't stomach them.
Also the Maple Moose chips were terrible but I commend anyone that can eat them.

>> No.5182129
File: 11 KB, 220x229, ohshitwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you.....

>> No.5182160

But dill is just intense salt and vinegar.

>> No.5182171

Who the fuck eats salt& vinegar chips? They are the god damn nastiest chip flavor ever

>> No.5182175
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>Tapatio Doritos
Just disappointing
>Sriracha Lay's
I don't know what I expected
>Those new Doritos twisty things that are basically a Dorito rolled into a shitty little straw and doused with Flamin' Hot seasoning, but because it's rolled, you're just getting a grossly underseasoned corn chip that tastes like a whisper of nothing with a fart of spice
>Utz Crab Chips
Pic related. Worst chip. I don't even remember what it was about them, but I'll eat anything that I pay for and I'm pretty sure I binned these fuckers. They tasted like low tide on a hot summer day and made me cough.

>> No.5182181

Go fuck yourself

>> No.5182190

I dont think I really have ever enjoyed any flavor of Doritos. Biggest offender to my tastes would be that nacho cheese lowest common denominator flavor that rivals cool ranch with popularity.

>> No.5182200
File: 22 KB, 100x334, Pringles-Wonton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had chips that were so bad I didn't want them before. Even wonton-flavored Pringles were terrible in an edible way - it was amazing how much they tasted like shitty wontons!

>> No.5182555

this. how much more disgusting can chips get? just get lightly salted or unsalted chips and dip into ketchup if you must, that red powder is gross.