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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5178957 No.5178957[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Soul/Southern cuisine thread.

Fried chicken, biscuits, gravy, chicken fried steak, succotash, cornbread, Hoppin' John, waffles, grits, lima beans, collards, chess pie, venison, black eyed peas, BARBECUE, sweet potatoes, turnips, sweet tea, hushpuppies, cobbler, country ham, catfish, fried green tomatoes, okra, red velvet cake, shrimp creole, shrimp and grits, shrimp cocktail.. well I'll stop while I'm ahead.

Post recipes, pictures, anecdotes, anything you want

>> No.5178973

Been a southerner all my life and I ain't never heard of succotash. I just figured it was something Sylvester said.

...or Hoppin John

.........or chess pie.

Do love me some everything else, though.

>> No.5178977

I can't stand dry ass Mac & Cheese like that. I gotta have creamy.

>> No.5179009


Succotash is butterbeans + corn + random veggies, least that's the way I've had it most of the time. Hoppin' John is blackeyed peas plus rice. Chess pie is kind of like pecan pie but whatever flavor you're making it, usually lemon is what I've had. Keep on truckin dude

>> No.5179011

Mothafuckin' Chocolate Chess Pie.
I got it everytime I swung down to Richmond whenever I visited family.

>> No.5179014

Daaamn, Pecan Pie takes me waaay back porchside. Good deal OP.

How do you feel about the True Liquor of the South: Lemonade.

Some people swear it's sweet tea but I'm all about the Lemonade.

>> No.5179018

Mac & Cheese is a vegetable.

I love living here.

>> No.5179020
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>mfw the last oyster roast I went to I got drunk, then blackout drunk later, in a barfight (which my friend started, mind you), and lost my keys.

They oysters weren't even good, waaaaay overdone.... Fucking events. Now, a proper oyster roast, that is the best.


Not OP, but the only time I drink sweet iced-tea is when it's with vodka, greatest beach drink ever. Otherwise it's unsweet.

>> No.5179023

BLT with a fried green.


>> No.5179034

Catfish, god damn. Baked, fried, poached, fishcakes, I fucking love eating catfish.

Also grilling peaches and serving them with bbq chicken.

>> No.5179035

>bar fight
I thought that only happened on tv

>> No.5179048
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I don't remember a thing, all I have is bruises and my friend was bloody as hell, thankfully he knows the owner so it's no big deal, I just have this vague memory of juggalo type people being all cocky and shit, idk man. But there's no way it was anything like in movies and stuff where people are throwing bottles, breaking tables over other people, etc etc

>> No.5179083

Hush puppies, gumbo, red beans and rice, pork skins and tobasco, potato salad, fried potatoes and onions...

Southern/ soul food is GOAT tier.

>> No.5179088

What's that last one?

>> No.5179109

Country ham and white beans, cornbread, greens, fried cabbage/yellow squash, tomato slices sprinkled with salt and pepper.... typical godly meal made by my grandma. Also, her fried chicken, purple hull peas, and german chocolate cake were amazing.

>> No.5179112

Dude this is alpha as fuck

If some bastard came and started talking shit I'd just leave

>> No.5179179

>Fried pork chops

Nirvana for me.

>> No.5179185

I live in Bongistan. I sprinke creole seasoning on my chips when I cook them. It's good.

Good job on creole seasoning. I prefer it to cajun.

>> No.5179202

>ITT: White people co-opting slave culture and white washing it

>> No.5179249 [DELETED] 

>cajun cooking
as an acadian I'm offended.

>> No.5179262

>slave culture
You mean black culture?

>> No.5179269

Do you have any concept of history? Slave culture influenced Southern culture and vise versa, they were not completely isolated. In fact what you are most likely referring to as slave culture is a part of southern culture, since I assume you mean the slave culture in the American south. Co-opting doesn't really describe the phenomenon that well since they developed together, one is more or less part of the other as a historical fact. Your "white washing" comment particularly doesn't make sense in this thread since the subject is "Soul/Southern cuisine" and soul is codeword for black when it comes to food. If you want to insist that this is all "slave food" then I'm not sure what angle you are pushing, since slavery hasn't been an institution in that part of America for 150 years, thus the food has been eaten by free people of any color in the region since that time. If you are trying to belittle it as "slave food" then fine, don't eat it. If you are insisting that white people did not historically eat this type of food in the south then you really have no knowledge of the culture to begin with and your opinion is about as worthwhile as a dog fart.

>> No.5179272
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Fried potatoes and onions?
Slice each about 1/4" thick, fry in oil until brown and crispy. Serve with (usually) ketchup or (fat tier) ranch.
This is the best picture I could find.
One of my favorite things mom makes.

>> No.5179289
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So i'm from Australia, we have literally every cuisine I can think of avaliable BAR American soul food.

Mac and cheese aside, would anyone like to post some homemade recipes? Particularly things like gumbo, or ocra, i'm sure I could find the ingredients.

>> No.5179300

Dont forget to include the influence of Mexican cusine on a lot of Southern states.
Anyone who says the South has appropriated "black" food and claimed it as our own is severly mistaken. Southern food is an eclectic mix of Hispanic, French, Black (I can't say African) and White foods. The reason it's called Soul food is because of the emotion behind not only preparing a meal (which generally would include several people adding their own take on dishes) but the attitude surrounding the table.
One must realize that the South was an agricultural society. People took a lot of pride in their cooking (be it slaves, immigrants, etc) and as a result it's spawned into a culinary Mecca of flavor.

>> No.5179309
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It isn't something you can learn.
I.E. Australian burritos.

>> No.5179344

If you want hardcore deep southern then your staples are cornbread, buttermilk fried chicken, buttermilk biscuits, mac n cheese & grits. I'd post a recipe but I'm mobile now

>> No.5179345

I'm flying to Atlanta tomorrow, what should I eat (besides "everything ins this thread")?

>> No.5179352

If you mean modern black culture, then no. If you meant late 19th century to around 1920 (before urbanization really took off) then yes.

Cajun cuisine has more influence on the media than actual southern cooking outside of the delta. It's comical watching chefs talk about the influence of arcadian/cajun cooking "ALL OVER THE SOUTH". lel

>We lived with them so it's ours too!!!

Fuck off revisionist

>> No.5179359

>I grew up in Nashville/Charlotte/Baltimore

>> No.5179360

True, and the influence of the food culture of the natives of the parts of the south that aren't near Mexico. The tribes in the southeast introduced or influenced the food culture in several ways, such as cornbread and grits. They loved the corn http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Corn_Ceremony.. This also brings up the wider aspect that many of the ingredients used in southern/soul foods are native to the new world in general, which have admittedly influenced cuisine around the world. Corn, potatoes, tomatoes, peanuts, chili peppers, etc.

>> No.5179399

>Fuck off revisionist

That's all you have to say? You couldn't even address any of the points, this is pathetic. Seriously, the people did live together and influence each other, they didn't arise in a vacuum. It's not revisionist, study the primary documents, use some sense, and come to your own conclusion with an open mind and without some agenda. There is some truth to the words you put in my mouth, they did live together and share some of the same foods. Many of the dishes do "belong" to the culture heritage of the white and black people of the south. Outside of cuisine you can notice this in language. So called "AAVE" is not so different from dialects of the white people of the south, turns out people around each other tend to speak in a similar manner. If you want to be revisionist here go ahead and claim that was stolen as well, won't make much sense, considering the slaves would have spoke English if the other people in the area such as their masters didn't, but you seem fond at ignoring logic.

>> No.5179429

Squash... how did I forget about squash, fried squash, squash casserole... WATERMELON. Fuck me

>> No.5179472

I hope you all enjoy losing your feet to the beetus. Fucking shit food that was the garbage bits, turned into a "culture". Might as well eat deep fried cat shit.

>> No.5179473

>white peoples reasoning for stealing black heritage

Pretty pure to the point of near crystalline in your denial. Oh well I'm sure all your black friends and family members never consider you just another dumb white boy who thinks he's figured us out. Stop embarrassing your people

Descendant of delta slaves

>> No.5179506


You don't even have an argument, "your stealing black heritage!" is not an argument. Oh well I'm sure all your white friends and family members never consider you just another cornball brother who can't keep it real with his african roots while you are out on a social justice crusade with a heavy dose of revisionism. I have no intention of "figuring out" "descendents of delta slaves" nor have I made any indication of my personal feelings towards such a group. Stop embarrassing yourself.


>> No.5179549

>mfw Americans claim African and French-Canadian foods as their own

lol soon you'll be praising your Mexican cuisine

>> No.5179576


australia sure does lack mexican that isn't terrible

>> No.5179596



>> No.5179601

French-Canadians make up a lot of the southern part of the US.. obviously southern food includes cuisine from that culture. And as far as African, there were many many slaves down there. Obviously that constitutes a large part of southern cuisine as well.

Just what are you on about, and why are you even on about it?

>> No.5179609

Ah, didn't mean French-Canadians obviously, but you know what I mean. French people immigrated to the southern US as well as Canada, obviously they share similar cuisine.

>> No.5179621
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Damn son you incinerated his ass.

>> No.5179660


/ck/ really is Diet /pol/ these days

>> No.5179665

That guy sounded like he just got off a 2 day tumblr social justice binge.

>> No.5179666


Let's see who brought idiotic off-topic anti-/pol/ SJW shit into this thread, hmmm, oh yeah, this guy >>5179202

>> No.5179669

It is sadly. I'd say it's less /pol/ and more /v/, lots of accepted use of gay slurs and racist terms. 4chan has always been a little brash but it's just turning into a circle jerk for heteronormative whites to condemn minorities and LGBTQ's while secretly hoarding cuck porn and jacking off to transexuals.

>> No.5179676

>If someone disagrees with me they must be racist!

This line of thinking is as toxic as the shit on /pol/.

>> No.5179679

>i seem to have lost an argument, time to initiate operation: samson option.

>> No.5179683

>but it's just turning into a circle jerk for heteronormative whites to condemn minorities and LGBTQ's while secretly hoarding cuck porn and jacking off to transexuals.

TURNING in to? damn you new. how long you been here? a fortnight?

>> No.5179694
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oh and i completely looked over the funniest part
>4chan has always been a little brash

>> No.5179698

are you black? Just wondering.

this thread and the arguments about race that are happening in it are really dumb and you should all feel dumb

>> No.5179701
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>Hash browns
>Two eggs on top
>Sawmill gravy
Breakfast of country champions

>> No.5179727
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>It is sadly. I'd say it's less /pol/ and more /v/, lots of accepted use of gay slurs and racist terms.

Dear Eric Holder,

Today my feelings were hurt on the internet. Please investigate www dot four chan dot organization for the following felonies: racism, homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism, cissexism, anglocentrism, fat-shaming, hate speech, cultural appropriation, failure to correctly designate QUILTBAG-AOL-GTAV's, possession of unchecked privilege with intent to distribute, theism, aggravated rape, drawing Muhammed (PBUH), emotional battery in the first degree, and Super Arson. I trust that you will bring these criminals to justice in short order and make the internet a Safe Place for Allies again.

Yours truly,
Shit Reddit Says


I mean, Mark.

>> No.5179729

>No internet genocide

>> No.5179741
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True Liquor of the South Side USA third coast is Codeine Promethazine and will remain so. Nigga.

>> No.5179746

i only associate drank/purp/lean with texas, not the south as a whole

>> No.5179749

Thought so too, I'd never seen one and I don't fight. One night I got pushed too far and damn near killed a drunk Mexican faggot with one single rocket punch square in the middle of his face. Was out cold for five minutes and they called an ambulance and banned me from the bar. They let me start coming back a week later.

>> No.5179760
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Texas is souther than the south. And I think Louisiana likes it too. Its shit it's gotten so expensive since those rappers had to let everybody know. It used to be a cheap fun buzz but the law caught on and got tough, its hard to get now. Shit got expensive and you won't be getting any when you show up to the doc with a bad cold. I miss those old days.

>> No.5179763

up in canada we use robo for those cold days

>> No.5179776

You know, you never know until you get drunk and do it.

>In college over a decade ago
>Went to college in NYC for "muh diversity"
>At bar at night drinking with classmates
>Everyone is buzzed or showing signs of being drunk
>Big Irish dude bumps into asian dude, spills his drink
>"what out you fucking chink"
>exchange words, start swearing at each other
>they both leave to back alley to settle things
>Oh my god he's gonna murder the asian guy
>go to my car, get my gun chamber a round put safety on
>Go to alley
>Little asian guy is going toe-to-toe with this six-foot Irish dude
>No martial arts, straight-up toe-the-line punching, kid is holding out, putting up a decent fight despite size and reach difference, clips the guy in the chin a few times real good
>bartender comes out, breaks up the fight, bans Irish guy for life
>next dat asian guy complaining his face hurts doesn't remember a thing, still does not believe us to this day what happened

You never know until you try. The power of booze.

>> No.5179787
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Robo down in the states is codeine free, therefore bullshit. You can get fucked on it if you really want to but its goddamn horrible. We have "robotripping" here, which is getting high on DXM ( Dextromethorophan Hyrdobromide). Which IMO is an awful high feel to begin with but they cut it with so much bullshit that unless you know wtf you are doing you'll might die before you even get that shitty robot trip high.

Codeine is fucking glorious if they don't fuck with it. But they started fucking with it. Plain old barre codeine prom is almost non existent, and if somebody gets it its so overpriced because nostalgia and nigger rappers sensationalizing it.

>> No.5179801

>let's put dangerous additives in here so people can't get high off this without dying

I don't even

>> No.5179814

>I don't even
I don't even either. Kids are gonna get fucked, or try to get fucked.

>lets add some extra things so that if they try to get a normal dose of said chemical for a "trip" or "high", they will expire instead of getting high

I guess every kid who at one point in their life wants to feel awesome deserves death. Thank you, thank you so much for ridding us of this garbage. Really, anyone who wants to get fucked up deserves death.

>> No.5179840


Are you guys stupid?

They don't do it to fucking kill people.

You realize this is the same thing they do to rubbing alcohol, right?

>> No.5179851

>Country Ham
Holy shit do I love a proper country ham. It's a shame that people in the states go crazy over prosciutto and the like but aren't aware of how good country hams can be. I got one for christmas and I've barely made a dent into that thing it's so flavorful. Also, it's relatively cheap to boot.

Where's the love for chicken and dumplings?

>> No.5179875

Here's a biscuit recipe I've been working on since last week. My recipe is essentially a bunch of tasty, seasoned milkfat barely held together by flour. Because of this, try to use nice dairy.

Biscuit Recipe
250 g AP flour
20 g Baking powder
1/2 tsp or ~1-2 g salt(I tend to err on 1 g and finish with salt on top)
1/2 tsp or ~1 g cream of tartar
20 g sugar
200 g butter, cubed
25 g Dehydrated milk solid(optional, but results in more tender biscuit)
150 g buttermilk
Mix all but the butter and buttermilk. Then, cut in the butter like you're making a pie crust, until you get mostly pea size chunks. A food processor works great for this. Then, add in milk and mix until JUST coming together.
Now, there are two methods to finish this. First, you can roll out lightly and cut and bake. Or you can knead about 10 times until the dough is cohesive enough to laminate it which you should do about 5-7 times. The difference is the unkneaded dough will be flatter, and have a more crumbly texture, akin to KFC/Popeyes. The kneaded one will rise more with a smooth top and be flakier, akin to those Pillsbury abominations. Either way, bake at 350 F ~15 min rotating halfway through. Once it's out of the oven, immediately brush with generous amounts of melted butter(add honey to the butter if you'd like) and finish with a sprinkling of salt if you'd like. Should make about 12 decent sized biscuits.

I should also note, the butter should NEVER melt or else you will get tough biscuits from gluten development. American biscuits are different than other biscuits in that they are supposed to be basically melt in your mouth bread. If your dough gets a bit warm, fridge/freeze it quickly.

I'll post my gumbo recipe next.

>> No.5179890

ITT: People don't realize that it is the guaifenesin (a legitimate additive that loosens mucus) in Robotussin that fucks you up. Only dumb niggers "robotrip," smart white kids buy Delsym, which is only DXM and you can just chug the bottle without having guaifenesin fuck your stomach up or doing any extractions.

>> No.5179899

People don't fucking drink rubbing alcohol, because it's well known that it's dangerous. Your buddy at the club who's selling you whatever dope makes you feel comfortable taking it. Then, death. That's fucked up.

>> No.5179911

>People don't fucking drink rubbing alcohol, because it's well known that it's dangerous. Your buddy at the club who's selling you whatever dope makes you feel comfortable taking it.

Are you shitting me, man?

Maybe you shouldn't be buying fucking cough syrup second-hand from some retard at the club and chugging it in the bathroom to get high.

Maybe the problem isn't the medicine.
Maybe the problem is you, being a retard who buys black market cough syrup and slams the whole thing. I think most people would consider that well-known to be dangerous.

Is your argument seriously "People don't know that it's dangerous"? It says that shit right on the label. Hey, don't drink a bunch of this at once, it'll fuck you up. Call Poison Control if you drink a whole bunch of this accidentally.

Are you illiterate?

>> No.5179916

learn the difference between ethanol and isopropanol plz

>> No.5179941


The more conventional example for denaturing alcohol is, in fact, this,


As you suspect.

But no mistake was made; isopropyl rubbing alcohols are also frequently denatured and some rubbing alcohols are ethyl alcohol based, in which case they certainly are.

Your condescension is unappreciated.

>> No.5180125

Any one excited for crawfish season? I know am

>> No.5180133

fuck yes i am. dem weekend crawfish boils.

>> No.5180136

30 bucks an oz in Louisiana

>> No.5180161
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The Asian places here in Houston have a sort of Cajun fusion thing going on. Spicy garlic butter crawfish are fucking delicious. I... I wish every season were crawfish season.

>> No.5180399

Do you make dehydrated milk solids or do you buy them?

Is it like skimming the tops off of boiled milk?

>> No.5180403

If you're still here, Britbong here. Still want that Gumbo recipe if you don't mind

>> No.5180925

Hah, I guess you could make them but you typically buy them. Dehydrated milk solids is basically just evaporated milk... that's evaporated more. I've used non-fat milk powder the same with similar results; they may be the same product. The reason I like it is that it interrupts the gluten strands(much like fat) further ensuring tender biscuits.

It was 6 in the morning here clapistan and crashed, hence the no gumbo recipe. Not going to say it's the best or "correct", but does me just fine. Also, these numbers are all estimates, so use your best judgement, and feel free to estimate. I never measure exactly when I make gumbo or most non-pastry items.

Gumbo Recipe
225 g Butter(2 stick)
2 ea stalk celery, diced
1 ea green pepper, deribbed/seeded, diecd
1-2 ea Jalapeno, deribbed/seeded, brunoise(optional for spice)
1 ea onion, diced
2 ea clove garlic, minced
3 bay leaves
Black pepper to taste
Cayenne pepper to taste
3 sprigs thyme
25 g tomato paste(a couple rounded spoonfuls)
225 g flour(equal to the butter)
Can of tomates, crushed diced, w.e your preference
Roasted shrimp stock(see below)
250 g(?) okra, chopped
1 Link sausage, cut into 1 cm rounds preferably andouille, but kielbasa will do in a pinch
1 kg(?) of shrimp
File powder(optional)

Melt butter, add onion, celery, pepper(the holy trinity), season, sweat. Add garlic after a few minutes, then the black pepper, cayenne, thyme, laurel and tomato paste fry lightly until just aromatic. Add flour and gently "fry" to make a roux. This may take a while because you want the roux to be a dark brown. Muh complex flavor profiles.

Now, add stock a bit at a time to ensure a smooth soup, bring to a simmer(you can check thickness at this point) and add sausage and okra, gently cook 10 minutes, and add the shrimp and file powder at the end so the shrimp is just cooked.

N.B. Roux, okra and file powder are ALL thickeners so keep that in mind. These amounts/proportions are rough, trust yourself with amounts.

>> No.5180940

I would wreck your Gumbo, I add fish or chicken to it depending on what I have at the time.

Man, you serve that over a bed of rice and some cornbread/a buttermilk biscuit.

Damn I love the South.

>> No.5180941

Roasted Scrimp Stock
Throwing those shells away? What are ya, daft?
Take the shells from the kilo of shrimp, toss in a couple spoonfuls of tomato paste. Lay out on a sheet tray and roast those bad boys until brown and it smells toasty. Muh complex flavors profiles, again(seriously, though, the browning here and the roux is damn important in gumbo)

Add to a pot with 1 onion, 2 stalk celery, 1 tsp peppercorn, laurel leaf, a half a cuppa white wine or a lemon worth of juice and fill until covered with COLD water. Bring to a simmer, simmer 45 min, skimming off foam and fat if there is any and strain. There's your stock.

If there's interest, I'll try to post some more recipes I got.

>> No.5180959

Monitoring, please proceed

>> No.5180962

Go on, you real American hero

>> No.5180981

You do realize that slave food was slave food because it was cheap, right? Under 10% of southerners owned slaves, most were poor as shit and ate the exact same cheap, shitty food that slaves did. Watermelon, fried chicken, brunswick stew made from hogs heads and the like.

I can't tell if you're trolling or just dumb.

>> No.5180983

im sure there are anons jusst lurkking.

>> No.5180998

Whats the easiest way to cook a mild spicy fried chicken wing?

Assume I'm mentally retarded.

>> No.5181003

I love seeing shit on travel channel where people open up fancy "soul food" (who even fucking calls it that down here?) restaurants up north and charge exorbitant prices for the food just because it's novel and trendy, whenever it's pretty much based around foods that are cheap as fuck.

>> No.5181011

Chicken and dumplings
This is one of my favorite recipe, super homey, easy to make.

1 whole chicken
65 g butter(~1/2 stick)
5 stalk celery,diced
2 carrot,diced
1 onion, diced
Black Pepper
AP Flour
Your choice of seasoning for dumpling

First you make basic stock. Add chicken to a pot, fill with cold water, simmer about 1 hour, skimming. Chicken should be done at this point, so pull out, shred meat and put aside. Add bones back into the pot and simmer another hour or so. If you have a small chicken, just simmer until cooked and pullable, you don't want to cook out all the flavor.

Now, in the mean time, make "dumplings". I like the chewy, noodle like ones, not the matzo ball style ones. I also flavor the dumpling unlike most people. I do this by eye, but put say 250 g flour in a bowl and season with salt, pepper, i also like to add thyme and smashed roasted garlic or caramelized onions. Add 250 g(?) water slowly until a ball forms and knead a couple minutes. You want it a little a dry because it'll hydrate so err on the side of less water. It should be the texture of say biscuit dough. Rest, covered 30 mins.

At this point you should sweat mirepoix in butter, add pepper and bay, fry some more. Add stock and bring to a simmer. Dough should be nicely hydrate and relaxed by now. Roll out to about 1/4-1/3 cm thick and slice into 5 cm squares, using flour as necessary. Add dumplings to simmering stock one at a time so they don't stick, stirring ocassionally. Cook about 15 minutes, stirring some more. Add chicken back in. Check the texture of the dumplings. They get more tender as you cook them more but also as the soup sits overnight so continue to cook(or not) to your liking.

Now if you were really smart, you would take that skin from the chicken and reserve it and make some gribenes. Take skin, chop into a dice and put into a pan with a scant Tbs of oil. Slow fry the skin until crispy and top chicken and dumplings with it.

>> No.5181017

I never knew it was so fucking simple to make dumplings.

The first time I made them, I tried to make ravioli dough. I dropped one ravioli into water to see if I did it correctly and it like quintupled in size.

>> No.5181029

saving all of these forever
ive never seen a claposlavia using grams, mostly cups and ounces

>> No.5181036

>Whats the easiest way to cook a mild spicy fried chicken wing?
Bake it, of course. Drizzle it with butter, bake on a foil lined cookie sheet til crispy and well done, quickly sauce and either broil again or eat right away. Sauce is fairly basically hot sauce, butter, and a little bit of worcestershire or garlic, your pick. Franks Red Hot is the most typical mild sauce used, as it's inexpensive in a large quantity. Ratio of butter to sauce is how you make it milder, just reduce the sauce.

>> No.5181045

Soul food is not novel nor trendy, nor is it all inexpensive. It is most accurately farm to table featuring a lot of produce, and being up north may increase costs significantly by season. It is also expensive to smoke and maintain fires all day for cooking roasts. It's not all fried.

>> No.5181058

I'm a cook so it's often easier to use metric, so much so that I've started to think in metric. Fucking volume measurements everywhere in 'murica so I always convert them myself. I still use cups for rough estimates, though.

I know this one is kind of random but I've also been working on a Char Siu(chinese bbq pork) recipe that I'm quite fond and proud of, I'll post that up for those interested.

>> No.5181066


>soul food is farm to table with lots of produce

So, soul food exists pretty much everywhere? I mean, it's somewhat subjective, but still, that's very broad.


Do it.

>> No.5181070

Anon saving them all. Your pride and love in your cooking is inspirational. A step huge up from vegan, "I want to cook" & fast food threads.

If you don't mind, I'm kind of collecting these recipes so keep postin' 'em. Also if you have a good southern white gravy recipe I'd love it. No idea what it tastes like, I've heard it tastes like salty milk and flour.

>> No.5181101

Not that poster, but it's a basic bechamel-like sauce that has myriad variations, the most famous of which is "sausage gravy" which is crumbled pork mince/ground pork with various spices (a combination called "breakfast sausage" in the US) cooked in a bit of butter or lard (or a high fat pork mince is used in order to yield its own render) to which flour is added to make a light roux and finally milk to make the bechamel.

It varies a bit region to region or even region to region.

The most common "country gravy" is just bechamel with ground black peppercorn in it, but adding minced onion (fresh when making the roux or dry when adding the milk) is also a common variation.

Most basic:
flour, 1 tbsp
butter or lard, 1tbsp
ground black peppercorn, as desired
milk, 1 cup/250ml
salt, to taste

Place flour and butter into a cold pan and set to high heat.
Cook, stirring constantly, until butter and flour are mixed together but have not taken much/any colour yet.
Add peppercorn then stir in the cold milk.
Keep stirring until the flour paste is dissolved and bring to a simmer.
Lower the heat a tad to maintain the simmer and cook a bit until just thickened to desired consistency, about 2-5 minutes.
Off the heat and salt to taste.

In Texas, bacon render is more common than butter while Louisiana clearly prefers butter. The Ozarks regions prefer lard.

>> No.5181117

Thanks, if you could describe the taste, how would you? I ask because there were these bomb ass breakfast bagels I had in elementary school but I didn't know what it was called. I searched and googled and eventually found it, it's this


I looked at the ingredients and I believe that's what it is.

>> No.5181118

Char Siu(Chinese BBQ Pork)
1/2 kg Pork Butt/Shoulder or Belly
6 T Hoisin
3 T Fermented Red Bean Curd
125 g(1/4 cup?) dark soy sauce
1 t white pepper
1 t five spice powder
4 T Honey or preferably, Maltose in you want that glossy sheen
2 T Chinese Black Vinegar
Red food coloring(optional)

Cut pork into planks. Mix marinade ingredients, reserving some, and add pork and marinate overnight. Bake in a 400f/200c oven, basting every few minutes, until done. I also suggest broiling/grilling it the last few minutes to really get that glaze to caramelize and even burn a wee bit. Now go eat that shit with some rice, lo mein, in baos, or my favorite, a slab at a time at 3 am, when I’m half-asleep and half naked with the remnants of swill from my delicious st ide’s 40 oz. Get your girl in the mood quicker, make yourjimmy thicker, St. Ide’s fucking heaven.

I realized I don’t have any tight metric measurements recorded, I always go by taste hah. The soy sauce amount I’m the most tentative about so go slowly with that. It should taste pretty sweet, like commercial BBQ sauce, but with a good depth of flavor from the bean curd, hoisin, soy, and spices. Also, I used sugar, not honey or maltose last time. If you go that route, just make sure the sugar is fully incorporated into the marinade before tasting.

N.B. I’ve found hoisin brands vary in sweetness so keep that in mind. I prefer boston butt for this because of the split of lean and fat, but belly is sometimes used as well. I prefer to reserve belly for Siu Yuk, though. Also, if you’re thinking about using pork loin to use less fat, I hate you, you fucking faggot(just kidding, I still love you, but you’re going to want to be extra careful andcook to 140F/60C internal, no more, no less unless you like chewing on silica packets)

>> No.5181135
File: 67 KB, 600x450, chicken-fried-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but I'm very familiar with country gravy. I wouldn't call it bland by any means but it isn't a strongly flavored gravy. Its creamy, floury tasting, barely salty and you can taste the peppercorns through it. If its pork sausage gravy you get those savory flavorful undertones that come through but it still isn't too strong. Its a subdued, thick, delicious sauce that compliments some things perfectly.

I use it on biscuits, sausage biscuits, fried chicken strips, buttered toast, and best of all chicken fried steak, pic related. Its also really good for dipping french fries in but I don't see many people do this.

>> No.5181145

>dip french fries in sausage gravy
Fuck how is that not a thing? There's gotta be some fucker out there making sausage gravy poutine. Serve that with some chow chow...

>> No.5181214


>> No.5181227 [DELETED] 

>There's gotta be some fucker out there making sausage gravy poutine.
Well, if there's not, then there's gonna be as soon as I can go get some fresh cheese curd

>> No.5181231

>sausage gravy poutine

I do this all the time, I never thought of it as poutine until you said it though. but yea I get a plate of fries and pour sausage grave over them and eat with a fork, its fucking great man. Been doing it since highschool. I'd sometimes get a serving of fries and ask them to give me a cup of gravy on the side and pour the gravy on the fries, eat with fork.

>> No.5181254


Cornbread(Northern-sweet style)
This shit is so moist, it's ridiculous.
175 g sugar
250 g AP flour
125 g Cornmeal
½ Tbs BP
10 g salt
3 eggs
225 g milk
175 g corn oil
Cayenne/Paprika to taste

Mi all the wet and the dry separately. Add dry to wet gradually at first and mix. Pour into a parchment-lined or greased pan, bake at 350 for... 30 min? I used to make giant batches of this that took like an hour so poke it with a toothpick to check how done it is. If you want to go full fatass, brush with melted butter like my biscuit recipe. I imagine you could add chunks of bacon and replace some of the corn oil with bacon fat if you want. Hell, you could probably lower the sugar a ton and add jalapenos/cheddar to make a more savory version.

>> No.5181271

Ew savory cornbread. My mom adds hotsauce and a chili/jalepeno puree.

I add brown sugar, honey and french vanilla creme haha.

>> No.5181284

The each have their place. I just hate that shit that's as dry as sawdust. Not everyone has the luxury of a jug of pot liquer sitting on standby.

The recipe I posted is almost like corn cake, though. Slather a little butter on a slice griddle that... it's crazy good.

>> No.5181338

What does buttermilk batter mean vs just dredging in flour?

>> No.5181372

Its a wet batter. Like a thick liquid that you can dip things in and fry. Flour is a dry batter.

>> No.5181380

Er sorry I'm kind of off today. I mean, what does it do? Will you get a thinner crust using just flour and get those kfc-style fried clumps when using buttermilk?

>> No.5182028


>> No.5182039

not in Melbourne.

But its certainly not street taco cheap like the US.

>> No.5182058


>> No.5182062

>chicken fried steak

Literally perfect

>> No.5182065

Never had one. That the one served with gravy?

>> No.5182075

Yeah, it's usually served with gravy.

I'm not sure if I'm biased, but I spent most of my childhood in GA and the flavor just brings back memories.

>> No.5182254

>$7 for two shitty frozen burritos
Holy shit Australia.

>> No.5182284

I once had a cookout with my black friend and my Asian friend and her family, and I made them Collard Greens, Fried Chicken, Cornbread, Pecan Pie and Peach Cobbler. After the dinner was over, my black friend looked at me and said "Nigga, you got soul. That tasted like my mamas food" I guess if a black guy likes my soul food, its pretty good.

>> No.5182296

Ha! Similar experience here. Dated a nigress for years and years and the cumdumpster's family (as well as HRH) loved when I, a pasty-faced European, learnt to cook soul food and did it well.
It's one of my favourite cuisines, but I can't eat it every day or I'll look like my ex's family, all fat and sickly. Too much fat and meat and too little motion will do that to you.

>> No.5182391

I'm a big white guy too, and I'm from Michigan, so none of my friends actually thought that I'd be able to make soul food

>> No.5182403

Black guy here.

The reason we're always taken aback when we eat good soul food is because most of it out there is rather awful. Either dry and bland or overseasoned with spices that don't even compliment one another.

Mama's cookin is always best in the South.

>> No.5182410

I've just learned that, especially with Chicken and Collard greens, don't over complicate things. For the chicken I just used flour, corn meal, pepper, salt and cayenne pepper to bread it. Then for the Collards just cook them up with plenty of bacon, hot sauce, garlic and a little bit of molasses. They're perfect every time.

>> No.5182414

Well, I'm not a big white guy. Just a regular-sized white guy. I'm not American, though. And isn't Michigan basically the Black Belt anyway? Detroit's the blackest city in the US, isn't it? And that's in Michigan, yeah?

>> No.5182419
File: 194 KB, 1000x750, awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move to detroit
>soul food everywhere
>get a job waiting tables at a soul food restaurant
>i get enough leftovers every night i work to last a week

>> No.5182430

Hrm. Honestly, I don't care a whole lot for most Southern-fried chicken, but I make fantastic collards. Rather than garlic, I use onion. I leave out the molasses as the onion adds just the right amount of sweetness, anyway. I cook my collards super quick by semi cheating: I remove the tough stems (which I save for stir-fries) and cook the leaves only. I sauté them in a pressure pot with chopped bacon and sliced onion until all the leaves have wilted a bit, then lid it and let it cook at high pressure 10 minutes. Perfectly cooked, tasty collards in no time.

Captcha: mmmmummmam acquired

>> No.5182436

Detroit is, but where I'm from its all either white or Arabic.
If you go to downtown Detroit You can go to Slows with is incredible and in Rochester there's Lockharts which is even better. But most people here are pretty fuckin white. I'm really white, but I have an appreciation for soul food.

>> No.5182447

I render the backon for about 30 minutes, then throw in the garlic, salt, pepper and chopped cayenne peppers. Sometimes I use onion, but normally I don't. Then I add the Collards and cook them for almost 90 minutes at a really low heat with the lid on. I leave the stems on.

>> No.5182473

yeah, but you're waiting tables in detroit.

>> No.5182474

So s/he's not being tipped well?

>> No.5182525

>Adding bacon grease and brown sugar to almost every vegetable
>Crawfish Season
>Cornmeal fried fish
>Beef tips and rice
>Crawfish Etouffee

I love the food where I live.

>> No.5182526

ya'll need some smoked pork neck in there rather than bacon. Stew that shit in there for a bit on low then add the greens and simmer on real low for a couple hours. I like a dash of vinegar rather than anything sweet, bit a onion, definitely some heat. Fish out them bones and serve. Best sop up all that pot liquor too- that's the best damn part- that's why god made cornbread

>> No.5183162

LIke I said, I cook it by pressure, so it takes only about 30 minutes. I've cooked stewed collards and those are good, too.
>pot liquor
Northerner, huh? Not cute. You mean 'potlikker.' It's a shibboleth.