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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 300x215, NewCookbook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5177651 No.5177651[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Amy from The Big Bang Theory just came out with a vegan cookbook. Looks good.

>> No.5177661

Will there be any wannabe Chinese food in it for wannabe Chinese actors?

>> No.5177669

0/10 would not buy, bang or eat with. Thread hidden.

>> No.5178214
File: 142 KB, 540x376, 1391897551312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand that show (or any multi-cam sitcom), but I love how it makes pseudo-nerd neckbeards rage. xD

My favorite vegan cookbook authors are Chloe Coscarelli and Isa Chandra Moskowitz. There's some pretty good cheesecake recipes in this book.

>> No.5178216
File: 152 KB, 340x364, PieCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fug, wrong imaeg

>> No.5178221

I tried Ellen and Portia's cookbook (created by their cook), and I have to say it was pretty bad. Most of their foods were more dessert-like and less everyday eating.

>> No.5178223

Of course blossom is a vegan.

>> No.5178235

>hot ham water

>> No.5178242

>>hot ham water

>> No.5178254

>Desserts aren't everyday eating
I challenge this, sir. I had cookies for breakfast, ice-cream sundae for lunch, and for dinner I'll have some strawberry shortcake.

Desserts > life

>> No.5178273


Leave this board pleb!
Hot ham Water is the vegan culinary marvel of our age http://www.thefoodinmybeard.com/2013/04/hot-ham-water-soup.html

You ain't vegan till you've had the hot ham water

>> No.5178283

Oh ha ha ha, you're so fucking funny you card. Here I thought it was some joke but you're just shitposting. Fucking ha ha ha why don't you fuck off back into your folds?

>> No.5178287

le arrested development reference xD

>> No.5178338


It was a joke by who ever posted. I merely took it a step further. If you checked the link, you'd see that the Arrested Development reference was explained there.

Fuck off vegan fag. Damn I hate vegans -- haven't met a single one that hasn't been an insufferable asshole.

>> No.5178349

>Fuck off vegan fag. Damn I hate vegans -- haven't met a single one that hasn't been an insufferable asshole.
You say these things as if anyone else cares. Oh no, a neckbeard who thinks reading trolls online = meeting someone IRL doesn't like vegans.

I bet you just eat processed meats and don't even hunt. Post a pic of your gut.

>> No.5178369


>> No.5178379


Obviously you care.
And no, I don't eat processed meats, I get my meats from Sonoma Ranchers, which is as local as you can get in the SF Bay Area. Also, those ranchers are free range and don't feed their livestock dead livestock, just grasses and grains.

Hunting in California is very limited with lots of BS around guns, most you can get around here is field hunting for pheasants, chuckers and quail. So most I do is fish.

And living in the SF Bay area, I've met more vegans than I'd ever like. And yes. they have all been assholes. And IRL people I spend time with agree and also think vegans are sanctimonious pieces of shit.

>> No.5178382

Your age is showing.

>> No.5178387

She was the character blossom in a show called blossom, many moons ago.

>> No.5178390

>caring what a huge-schnozzed Ashkenazi Jew has to say about cooking
Ashkenazi cuisine is the fucking worst.

>> No.5178397

>crowded california
>"free range"
Have you been to the farm? They probably wouldn't let you see it. You're paying for marketing.

>> No.5178402

>Jews are the fucking worst.

>> No.5178408
File: 155 KB, 340x421, IDIcoverSmall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you misspelled "best"

>> No.5178411


>> No.5178414

>And living in the SF Bay area,
Disagree. I did my grad work at Berkeley, and met a lot of vegans during that time. Some of the most awesome people I've known.

If someone's lifestyle contradicts yours, it's easy to hate on them since we don't like our world view questioned. Go back in history, and you'll also find that society as a whole despised people who acted against social injustices like sexism and racism, too.

>> No.5178417

>Ashkenazi cuisine

they are responsible for pastrami, lox. and shmaltz. opinion invalidated.

>> No.5178420

It's 163,696 square miles.
Do you really think it is all urbanized?

>> No.5178423


Yes I have. And I don't get their meats from the store. It's one farmer ( a cattle rancher) who puts together monthly parcels in conjunction with other farmers (cattle and sheep ranchers, pig and chicken farmers) for customers in the SF Bay area. Each cut of meat is labelled sith the name of the farmer it came from and often, the date of the slaughter. Also the farmers allow you to come and visit as they are all small, family owned farms with limited output.

>> No.5178424

Pretty sure brined salmon and rendered chicken fat aren't purely Ashkenazi inventions.

>> No.5178431

There are open pasture farms in California, but a very small % of meat comes from there.

Most people do just pay for marketing, and never actually research the companies that say "free range" "cage free" "grass fed" and other bullshit. Kudos to those that do, but there aren't many.

>> No.5178435

Freudian slip?

>> No.5178452

>If someone's lifestyle contradicts yours, it's easy to hate on them since we don't like our world view questioned.

I don't hate them, I just don't like them. Is it possible to talk to someone and find you really don't like anything about them without being labelled a "hater"?

And for the record -- I don't care much for Berkeley -- closed minded, overly opinionated people who tend toward the authoritarian side of politics. They honestly love telling others how to live their lives.

But I still spend time in Berkeley, and have fun, just shy away from people as soon as they start talking politics, because what passes for "liberal" in the Bay Area is an authoritarian regimen that wants to dictate and control the daily life of everyone to make it conform to the "progressive liberal" mindset. Shit, these people want to tell you what to eat and how to live your life, but wow -- don't challenge them on the right to an abortion (i'm pro-choice btw)

Frankly, I consider them the flip-side to Tea-Baggers -- every bit as self-righteous, moronic and vitriolic.

>> No.5178454

or just a typo, interesting you went straight from Star Wars to Freud...

So tell me about ewoks...

>> No.5178455

Nope. Sephardi, Italki, Mizrahi, Romaniote, Bene Israel and Beta Israel cuisine are all delicious. Just Ashkenazi Jews that can't figure out how to fucking cook.

>> No.5178461


>> No.5178502

>Makes generalizations about millions of people based upon experiences with a few, and doesn't see how idiotic this is.
Please tell us more.

>> No.5178514

I don't care for the belief system of Jews, the way they only care about fellow Jews, the way they've infiltrated the government and media and made it an offense to even constructively criticize Israel, the way everything is about the Holocaust, the ugly sniveling orthodox Jews, etc.

I don't like them as a whole, deal with it.

>> No.5178521

I don't like Brazilians because a family of them once sit near me and none of them had shoes on.

>> No.5178544

What do Jews have to do with anything? That post was about vegans.

>> No.5178571


Actually, experiences with the thousands of people I've met over the last decade+ I've been in the SF Bay Area as I do get out quite a bit and always make a point to strike up conversations with random people.

And yes, I've found there to be some constants to the SF Bay Area regarding their world view and political mindset.

And from my empirical experience, I've found that the Vegan Community to be the real standard bearers of the Progressive Liberal mentality that I am as opposed to as I am the Tea-Bagger mentality.

It is the Progressive Liberals that have me no longer referring to myself as a "Liberal" as I did for most my life, but now refer to myself as a "Moderate", because I am quite moderate when compared to the whack-jobs on the ends of the current media-driven political spectrum.

And maybe I am an idiot, but I've yet to meet a Vegan who didn't think the Government should swoop in and outlaw soda and fatty foods. And perhaps I'm just a complete moron, but from what I've seen, general the Consensus among these people is that the Gov't should swoop in and make everyone live "healthy, eco-friendly and sustainable lives" regardless of the loss to personal freedom.

While I think Industry should face regulations and be good actors in regards to environmental impact, quality of live and sanitation for livestock, product safety and consumer health, when it comes to individual rights regarding consumer choices and what we do with out own bodies and how we live our lives is no business of Gov't, nor of some sanctimonious twerp who thinks his way of life and world view should be the standard to be imposed upon others.

Mind you, I am not saying that Vegans are militant with their agenda, but when you question them and get down to the nitty gritty, they will (in my experience) say that they do find the above sentiments I have attributed to them to be true.

>> No.5178578

>topic is a cookbook
>nerfherders feel the need to defend their inconsistent actions

>> No.5178679

>when it comes to individual rights regarding consumer choices and what we do with out own bodies and how we live our lives is no business of Gov't
I agree. So long as what you do with your own body, and how you live with your life isn't at the cost of others. Vegans don't consider meat consumption a personal choice, since there are other lives in the equation. Just as modern society would not consider keeping slaves, or women being property of men, to be a matter of lifestyle that the government shouldn't have any say in.

For soda and fatty foods, who cares. If someone wants to drink a liter of Coke a day, more power to them. So long as they pay their own health care.

>> No.5178719


> So long as what you do with your own body, and how you live with your life isn't at the cost of others. Vegans don't consider meat consumption a personal choice, since there are other lives in the equation. Just as modern society would not consider keeping slaves, or women being property of men, to be a matter of lifestyle that the government shouldn't have any say in.

And where would all those tasty cows, chicken and pigs go?

Quite simply, they would become just as extinct as the family chihuahua would if left abandoned in the Zombie Apocalypse.

Our livestock as is man made as corn and bananas are. The exception here is the stigma that they are living beings.

Except, these living beings were created by MANKIND to be food. And so do not know how to live, nor can they live without us in the wild.

So -- you would assign species extinction rather than let mankind and livestock co-exist.

Have you considered that argument before?
Most Vegans/Animal Activists do not consider that a valid argument as it does not lay within their principals of ending the consumption of meat.

Note: I typically go about this by proposing the introduction of tasty lab grown meat that is nearly indistinguishable from the real deal. And it's ramifications.. as the Vegan/Activist will agree and think the debate is a done deal and then -- oh shit what about all those species that are now made redundant

>> No.5178723

Comparing animals to slaves and holocaust victims is in extremely poor taste and borders on immorality in my opinion.

>> No.5178728

Anyone got a link, so I can dl, skim the pictures, then delete the book?

>> No.5178743


What's even more immoral is that as I mentioned, the Vegan/Activist only care about ENDING THE SLAUGHTER/CONSUMPTION of the animal, but puts no thought at all into the remification that would have on the species as a whole.

So for as all high and mighty and noble as they may want to sound -- they don't give two shits about these animals, they only care about changing the way people live their lives.

Organizations like PETA have confirmed this in writing by publishing statements that state that they think domestic dog breeds should be wiped out. By their standards, Hitler was a humanitarian

>> No.5178751

It's just vegans being bigoted as usual. Equating hogfarming with enslavement of black people because they see black people as pigs.

>> No.5178760

Let's all remember that vegans have no respect for any cultures other than liberal, white, irreligious Western culture. It's an extreme example of cultural chauvinism.

>> No.5178782

No, from my experience, Vegans have a pretty deep respect for Asian and pre-Islamic Persian Cultures. And when in IRL conversation, I try to take the subject matter there as I have a very good knowledge of eastern philosophy, while not expert or professor level, quite exceptional by bar and party banter levels amongst the educated.

However, they do tend to have a shit-ton of white guilt - and that is just fucked up

>> No.5178811

Not at all. They don't accept cultural differences of how one culture can see animals as nothing more than landplankton. These cultures, in their eyes, are wrong.
I'd like to see Ingrid Newcunt make a public statement that the Koran is wrong because it specifically states that Allah made animals and gave man dominion over them. Let her put her bullshit where her mouth is and publicly decry Islam. It'd be a great day: Muslim fuckwits can stop bombing public transportation and start bombing Peta rallies.

>> No.5178816

I know christian vegans.

>> No.5178818

How nice of them to completely disregard the gift of animals God gave humanity. Fuck you very much, God. I'm vegan. I don't give a shit that you specifically made animals for me to use as I please. Fuck you, you fucking fuck.

>> No.5178822

So basically it doesn't matter what they do, you're going to find a way to hate vegans? Ok.

>> No.5178826

>we were once discriminated against like the abolitionists and feminists and see where they are now!
Don't worry, I'm sure veganism will soon become a thing along with child rape.

>> No.5178840

>will soon become a thing along with child rape
so you're a vegan?

>> No.5178866

No, they'll just find a way to be detestable nonetheless.

>> No.5178867


Well of course. Most Vegans that I've met are from WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) upbringings, typically middle-class who studies in the Liberal Arts/Humanities or PolySci. Note: I said most, not all.

People of other ethnic background such as Jews/Muslim (both religions are vocally racist by assigning lesser value of "infidels/goys" lives to be as but mere fractions of their own and their slaughter permissible by paying the assigned compensation), Eastern Orthodox or Hindi/Sikhs would rarely go so far as veganism.

While many Hindi/Sikhs do go veggie, I've yet to meet a one that is full on vegan, nor would ever consider going vegan.

The idea of vegetarianism much less veganism to most Eastern Orthodox adherents is a very foreign concept, they have always been grateful to eat what they can and meat is a central part of the traditional diet

For Heebs/Islamists, same goes, but the concept of the Lamb and the Fatted Calf is deeply ingrained into their culture and these people really get off on abiding by tradition as a personal and cultural identity and see outside cultures as a threat, so breaking from the mainstream is an exception.

>> No.5178870

>God gave us animals to eat. Vegans are saying fuck you to God.
Can't tell if troll or just a crazy person.

Just in case you're serious: the Garden of Eden was vegetarian. It was only after man's plunge into sin that we started killing animals for food. So God's ideal paradise = vegetarian.

>> No.5178872


>> No.5178878

So if a culture is in favor of slavery of other races, murdering gays, and abusing women, we should respect that simply because that's their culture? No thanks.

>> No.5178881

how so?

>> No.5178888

You keep equating animals to humans.
Stop that.

>> No.5178897

Thanks for the lesson hot shot. Telling me things I already know.

>> No.5178904

Again, equating women to cattle is sexist, black slaves to housepets is racist and homosexuals to hogs is anti-gay.
Audre Lorde was not some sort of cow-dog-pig hybrid. She was a black lesbian woman and I'm sure she'd be rolling in her grave if she knew vegans equated her struggles and those of her forebears as equal to farming.

>> No.5178905

Humans are an animal. We have certain traits, such as language and thumbs, that have allowed us to slowly build up civilizations--but fundamentally we're just mammals. Our emotions and suffering aren't anything special, other species--especially mammals--have very similar/identical neurobiology for emotion and pain.

>> No.5178910

Animals are sentient beings too.

>> No.5178912

I was a vegan for a couple years and those types of vegans always pissed me off. They're extremists.

>> No.5178915

William Wilberforce, the man that led the abolition of slavery in the British Empire, was also an animal welfare activist.

Suffering is suffering.

Also, many slaves and abolitionists thought women's rights were a joke and that women were property of men. Just because a single people group suffer exploitation doesn't mean they are against the exploitation of other people groups. Sadly empathy doesn't always translate across boundaries.

>> No.5178916

But can they blend?

>> No.5178921

But not sapient.
That is the more important distinction.

>> No.5178925

And he was also a puritan that who wanted to ban cursing, drinking, blasphemy, and the dissemination of articles relating to contraception and human anatomy. Not to forget he was also a sexist.

>> No.5178930

Genesis 1:26 would like a word with you, you know-nothing moron.

>> No.5178945

Still equating human struggle with eating animals. God save you from your own lack of empathy for fellow man.
>you're suffering is the same as a dairy cows!
I'd really love one of you to tell this to a war refugee or rape victim.

>> No.5178947

The best part is when they condemn the meat industry while the industry that grows the crops they eat is just as exploitative of the environment and the people who do the actual growing.

>> No.5178951

Are you aware that the bible contradicts itself constantly?
It's because it was written by many men over the course of hundreds of years and is in no way the word of an omniscient being.

>> No.5178963

And that ties into >>5178760, thus proving the point: vegans are cultural chauvinists.

>> No.5178974

What you guys are talking about ITT is vegan extremists. Every group has extremist idiots. Unless you just hate for no real reason vegans and love to complain about them.

>> No.5178987

Because Veganism at it's onset was (and still is) viewed as an extremist form of vegetarianism or for those with severe allergies or digestive complications.

>> No.5178992

That's because God is a Vegan Womyn who speaks in riddles

>> No.5178998

Vegans are almost exclusively extremists.
There are no non extremists in groups like peta.
Very few vegans are reasonable people. Most throw around the Holocaust/factory farm analogy like it was nothing.

>> No.5179022


Believe it or not, you can still be an Animal Welfare Activist and still enjoy your Standing Rib Roast.

Why is this? Because by advocating the humane treatment of livestock, such as free range/grain fed and humane slaughter, there is no better treatment than human or animal can expect.

Fact 1: No one gets out of here alive. All things must day. Event through technology a million years from now, it will succumb to the 2nd law of Thermo-Dynamics.

Fact 2: Your family pet is more entitled to a humane death than by the Western Medical System which advocates you suffer and die, because suicide, physician assisted or otherwise is a Sin which warrants ETERNAL DAMNATION

So hey -- when you sit there watching a loved one in constant pain on life-support while waiting for death, take solace that they wont be going to HELL.

Whereas Fido would have been "put to sleep" to avoid "unnecessary pain"

>> No.5179027

>All things must day.
All things must die.

But yes, it is Always Sunny in Philly.

>> No.5179029

>not understanding input:output of vegetarian diets vs meat-based diets
>not being educated past a middle school level

>not understanding analogies
>implying blacks weren't treated literally as animals in the past
>implying smarter animals like pigs and dolphins may not one day have better rights

>you can only support the rights of one group
>no you are not allowed to better conditions for BOTH cows AND poor people!!!!! you arent allowed to be that nice and caring because im not !!!!!!

>what is genesis 1:30

>> No.5179043

how come all these vegan cooking books are from retarded looking jewish women?

>> No.5179050

So, how's pol treatin ya?

>> No.5179055


Because they are written by closet lesbians that view a good beef brisket as a symbol of the oppression of Male dominated Jewish Culture

Also, they hate penises and resent the fact they never had a mohel suck their clit on their 8th day of life.

>> No.5179060

alicia silverstone wrote a vegan cookbook
she has a section of sexy vegan men no lie

>> No.5179061

because you are stupid enough to look at a few things and make assumptions about everything

congrats you are stupid enough to go on disability welfare

>> No.5179062

Sorry but using slavery and holocaust analogies to explain your position goes far beyond hyperbole and is unconscionable.

>> No.5179063

No, seriously, how's pol treating you?

>> No.5179071


Can you prove me wrong?

>> No.5179094

Im just gonna leave this here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-xoXbhnFHY#t=160

>> No.5179098

>resent the fact they never had a mohel suck their clit on their 8th day of life

>> No.5179106

I love that guy.

>> No.5179113

please explain how the conditions in the holocaust were so much worse


>> No.5179119

>can you prove that i am not lord zelgar of the moon people on a mission to impregnate every earth female and lead an invasion from within your own people??
>then i must be correct!

>> No.5179133

>amy from the big bang theory

That's blossom you nigger

>> No.5179134

You are not a good person.

>> No.5179136


What the fuck is going on here?

>> No.5179140

John Sakars is a pretty cool guy, even if some of his videos can be obnoxious.

>> No.5179141

well they involved human beings
generally human life is regarded as more important than animal life
that's why

>> No.5179147

She works with food every day and must constantly taste things while developing recipes. And she's always had a little extra.

>> No.5179145

I like how the holocaust is holy to you but slavery is lol

Quick, what was the Ukrainian famine called? Who did Pol Pot lead?

>muh Holocaust Education

>> No.5179149


No, because you made that assertion as pure sarcasm and not as a legitimate argument. Nor has anything you said been based in fact.

Here's some facts:
-- Beef/Meat/Sausage/Salami etc is common slang for GIANT MALE PENISES which are also RAPE TRIGGERS

-- A Beef Brisket is craved by Jewish Males and ANY Male, because they have A PENIS is a RAPE TRIGGER

-- A Beef Brisket is a large JOINT OF MEAT and thereby a RAPE TRIGGER

-- Lesbians like licking pussy, like petting pussycats, like sniffing pussy willows and line up for hours to see a Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit

>> No.5179150

>generally human life is regarded as more important than animal life
This isn't objective in any way. It is simply an emotional "argument".

>> No.5179168

Humans are sapient. That changes everything.

>> No.5179171

Holodomor. Khmer Rouge.

>> No.5179172

animals are sapient

>> No.5179173

holodomor and the khmer rouge. Now will you please fuck off back to /pol?

>> No.5179175

Holodomor. Khmer Rouge.

Cetaceans and apes are widely consideried to be non-human persons, and animals still suffer.

>> No.5179181

have you considered therapy? You seem like a very angry little red neck. Was it uncle dad that did the bad touch?

>> No.5179187

You need to look up sapient.

>> No.5179198

Took a little bit of time. Thank god for Google, eh?

>> No.5179205

which is why three separate people answered correctly?

Aaaaand back to pol. BTW, thanks for all the money, you silly little goy.

>> No.5179214

>what is genesis 1:30
The part that God says "I made plants for animals to eat." That's what it is. Are you thinking of 1:29, where God says "I made grain and fruit for man to eat?" If so, why are you ignoring 1:28 where God says "fuck and have a tonne of kids and inherit the earth and all the animals are yours, by the way, cuz you're their master and you own them and stuff?"

Are they soft or firm? Those straws you're clearly grasping at, I mean.

>> No.5179219

Read a lot about Soviet and communist history.

>> No.5179226

>"I made plants for animals to eat."
New International Version of the Bible says:
"And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.”

Humans are an animal (beast of the Earth) and move across the ground. God clearly wants us to be vegan.

>> No.5179239

you know, i'm looking at the picture and i still don't know who it is. photoshop is quite the thing

>> No.5179245

Dude - learn to laugh a bit.

Even my ex-GF who is a proud Berkeley Grad Psychologist (that's like Harvard Law or MBA status) thinks the TRIGGER shit is a laughable pile of shit used by Feminists as a tool to impose MALE GUILT for how guys act because GUYS HAVE ALWAYS ACTED THAT WAY. Essentially, Feminist Dyke and CO appealing to White Knights and Beta Fags.

So let's get this back into VEGANISM and it's NO ANIMAL agenda.

What harm is it to kill an animal? Don't hundreds of thousands of animals day in nature everyday without Mankind's involvement?

Does not hundreds of thousands of PEOPLE die everyday despite Modern Medicine?

Aren't Livestock Animals such as Cows, Pigs, Chickens and Sheep the product of tens of thousands of years of livestock domestication via artificial selection the same way we created cats and dogs?

Is any member of Homo Sapian, Flora or Fauna Taxonomies IMMORTAL? Or do all creatures die eventually, through sickness, infirmity or slaughter?

Do not members of the Fauna Taxonomies (Animal Kingdom) kill and eat each other?

Is not Homo Sapian a member of the Fauna Taxonomy?

How is self-proclaiming one's species to be a separate Taxonomy from Fauna any different than saying that a "Pious Man should not want of Carnal Pleasures"?

Have we not seen what happens when Homo Sapians try to deprive themselves of the base urges of the Fauna Taxonomy such as sex, food, social interaction and sleep?

Do not "Good and Pious and Trusted" Men who deprive themselves of their base nature often become sick perversions to be held in scorn and hatred by Society?

Am I wrong? If not, then we can only guess as to the sickening depravities festering in these Vegans who would deprive themselves of their basic carnivorous instincts.

>> No.5179250

Well... when vegans tried to get a soup kitchen shut down because they served meat-based broth, yeah... I don't think they have a leg to stand on when it comes to concern for more than one group. They're single-issue people. It all boils down to muh amimulls for them. All of it. Even down to the point of physically assaulting human beings who work on fishing vessels, verbally assaulting human beings who eat veal, damaging and destroying property owned by human beings who raise livestock and being a wholly ablist, classist, racist and elitist group.
How many vegans have you met that aren't white? And how many of them that are? Funny, that.
How many vegans have you met that came from working-to-lower-class and underclassed backgrounds? And from firm-to-upper middle-class and upper class ones?
How many vegans have you met who have any serious physical disability? And how many have you met who are able bodied?
How many vegans have you met who are friendly to those with whom they disagree on the point of animals as food sources? And how many have you met who are hostile?
Veganism is the height of cultural chauvinism. It's the height of egocentrism and self indulgence. It is an evil. A blight. A cancer that must be cut out.

>> No.5179253

Except no. Do you even Aramaic? Humans are never described as animals in Aramaic. You are wrong. I like them straws ya got there. How many do they number?

>> No.5179259

>vegans tried to get a soup kitchen shut down
sauce or no sauce

>> No.5179362

you are a fucking retard. please set your head on fire.

>> No.5179375

Any sufficiently educated 12 year old would know your statement to be an AD HOMINEM and a flagrant display of ignorance, and that by doing so to any educated person, YOU LOSE THE ARGUMENT.

>> No.5179385

"Everything that has a breath of life in it" the Bible says. Humans fit into that. Go eat your vegetables.

>> No.5179386

Are you trying to suggest that white, affluent, and healthy people are bad? I'm not sure where you are coming from.

If anything, it seems like vegans are better from a socio-economic POV.

>> No.5179434

>soup kitchen shut down
Just an FYI, all the largest feed-the-hungry organizations in Africa and other areas with widespread malnutrition and starvation use vegetarian foods.

Why? Not for ethical reasons, just logistical ones: Vegetarian foods are cheaper, and provide more nutrients per dollar, so the organizations can feed more people.

>> No.5179443

Also, the local warlords would confiscate any meat for their own personal BBQ

>> No.5179450

And by "confiscate" I mean rape and murder by dismemberment anyone having possesion of such luxury items

>> No.5179452

how is he cool?
this is awesome and he's a huge conservationist and (he's a meat eater).

>> No.5179458

>If anything, it seems like vegans are better from a socio-economic POV.
how so?

>> No.5179538

Yeah, I don't get this either. Meat is more expensive than vegan food.

>> No.5179544

It's Blossom!

>> No.5179545

vegitarian I could and can deal with.for a while I like vegetables , fruit grains but after week no meat,no milk no eggs no chesse? not a chance Hell i tried it for 3 weeks worse then lent.Iwas miserable,iritable and lost 8 lbs fuck atkins south beach is fine if you spend 1kper monthI eat less walk more.Rome wasn't built in 2 weeks and for sure you aint gonna lose 20 lbs.

>> No.5179550
File: 272 KB, 553x798, 17093-13990-26616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Blossom from 'Blossom', kid.

>> No.5179559

Top down elitism
Reduced life expectations / reduced wages / high payment in loan debt / reinvent veggie ramen dishes with over-priced once dirt cheapS. American Seeds/Grains as super-cool dishes for "the enlightened"

>> No.5179563

>space before comma
>no space after period

what are you even doing

>> No.5179565

Sorry -- meant bottom-up elitism.
Sat Night fermented grain diet taking FULL EFFECT!!!

>> No.5179566

>how so?

>How many vegans have you met that aren't white? And how many of them that are? Funny, that.
>How many vegans have you met that came from working-to-lower-class and underclassed backgrounds? And from firm-to-upper middle-class and upper class ones?
>How many vegans have you met who have any serious physical disability? And how many have you met who are able bodied?
>How many vegans have you met who are friendly to those with whom they disagree on the point of animals as food sources? And how many have you met who are hostile?
>Veganism is the height of cultural chauvinism. It's the height of egocentrism and self indulgence. It is an evil. A blight. A cancer that must be cut out.

>> No.5179611

>All vegans are white middle class
No way. Veganism is a worldwide movement. Sure it is more prominent in America, but can also be found everywhere else. China alone has 50 million vegans.

>> No.5179615

It's not a movement in China though.

Fucking white people.

>> No.5179638

>It's not a movement in China though.

Fuck no it's not. less than 6% in China, where regard for human life is how we regard the life of ants


>> No.5179639

Also, that's VEGETARIANISM, not Veganism
so expect a fraction of the fraction

>> No.5179644

I thought those little movements came from little squirells going through your vegan anus? One of these days you vegan types will realize.

Until then, piss the fuck off!

>> No.5179650

I don't follow...
How am I or my anus Vegan?

FFS, I make bacon from pork belly and ham from piggy leg. Am I not carnivorous enough all of a sudden? Just one protein filled squirt alone should be enough to prove my diet of choice.

>> No.5179663

>but I love how it makes pseudo-nerd neckbeards rage. xD
pseudo-nerd neckbeards love the show. Actual nerds hate the shit out of it. Also

>> No.5179668

jesus christ - how do u even eat that thing????
Has the simple enjoyment of desert become so lost upon these freaks that they think we want to dissect our confections to appear "more edgy"????

>> No.5179672

It's a gluten free non-enriched organic soy product, how dare yo chastise it you ignorant red neck!!

Go back to Texas!

>> No.5179677

Just tuck your beard inside your shirt and put your hands behind your back and tuck in.

>> No.5179696

Last time I checked the fanciest food is still done by omnivore chefs. There's plenty of high end vegan restaurants, but nothing like Alinea.

>> No.5179697

this alinea and french laundry are GOAT

>> No.5179705

>There's plenty of high end vegan restaurants, but nothing like Alinea.

So Chefs who serve up over-priced food for pretentious people who seek to put money into desert rather than helping out Americans or the Global Economy AS LONG AS NO PUPPY WAS OFFENDED! aAre the standard of the future

>> No.5179712

I don't make it with such huge chocolate shavings. Usually just a single leaf. Most people eat it from the side, like any other cupcake. It's fun when someone tries to rip it in half to make a frosting sandwich, because there's other stuff inside. Here's the recipe:


>> No.5179717

vegan food is this shitty and fucking tasteless for nearly everyone who has had a burger or pizza within the last month ... imagine everyone goes to an all you can eat vegan place it would taste like food from a god damned convalescent home or hospital

the food is actually really good but the fact that we dine on salty fatty and sweet food so often the natural flavor is meh at best

>> No.5179721

Well thank you for coming in and addressing that issue.

But seriously - we see that shit in the news media like SFGate ALL THE DAMNED TIME.

What does that do to the service industry as a whole?

After all, you are a PASTRY CHEF and therefore a part of the SERVICE INDUSTRY.

All those "rockstar chefs" and TV Chefs be damned

>> No.5179730


maybe I made too many allusions.
How to cope with the sugar bomb pretention to draw in the crowds vs unyielding healthy matter of factness

Ever get walk outs, low tips, demonstrative complaints from customers feeling anally raped from the hype vs reality from the SFGate Propaganda machine on your behalf?

>> No.5179744



Sugarbomb was a powerpop band from Fort Worth, Texas. After an independent release, Tastes Like Sugar, in 1999, they were signed to RCA and released their second album, Bully, in 2001. However, RCA dropped them two weeks after the release. The single "Hello" reached number 34 on the Billboard Adult Top 40 chart. Billboard writer Geoff Mayfield included Bully on his top ten albums list for 2001, writing in a brief summary that the band's name and album art were "silly... But, my, does it rock." Jason Damas at PopMatters wrote of Sugarbomb, "a damn good sound that rocks hard and is catchy as all hell", comparing them to the Beach Boys, Todd Rundgren, XTC, and Queen.

>> No.5179754


just shove that up your ass
In common dining parlance a "sugarbomb" is any item that is overly sweet without necessity.

Food, beers, wines, deserts

>> No.5179770


Ohh FCK - I'm so sorry -- for wine it's FRUIT BOMB

Just kill me now because I grouped that shit in with other low class sugar in place of goodness classification

But yes -- Since '95 I have forever sworn off any Napa Valley or Australian Riesling. Why? Because the are SUGAAR BOMBS -- oohhhh I'm sorry FRUIT BOMBS that totally degrade and demean the intended character of the varietal.

In fact, I tend to stay away from NV variatals aside from Chardonnay and Sauvignon BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO "FRUIT FORWARD"

AKA "Fruitbombs for being so sweet and fruity beyond the intended character"

But I think SUGARBOMB would have sufficed and been even more precise as to the fructose content that created "Fruit Forward" affectation

>> No.5179894

is honey vegan

>> No.5179897

nope, bee slavery

>> No.5179906

Also, buttbuttinating the queen every couple years.

>> No.5179908

>mfw I saw Sugarbomb at Emo's in Austin, many, many years ago.....

>> No.5179978

...holy shit vegans are dumb. Are they aware exactly what would happen if we stopped keeping bees?

>> No.5179986

i dunno but all i know is that vegans are generally irrational except for muh animal feelings

>> No.5179987

>applying the word slavery to biological automatons
Stop using your computer right now.

>> No.5180012

A non-native species would fuck off and farmers would possibly need to install bumblebee houses.

>> No.5180035

Anti-vaxxer and hardcore Zionist. Fuck her.

>> No.5180037

From the wiki:
>Bialik describes herself as a "die-hard Zionist"
You're not even a /pol/-posting.

>> No.5180474

>Implying humans aren't biological automatons.
Go on thinking you have free will, all while your every thought, emotion, and belief is mere cause and effect of your enculturation.

>> No.5180497

I agree completely. Even more reason to eat honey.

>> No.5180507

after the civilized world starves off yea

>> No.5180513

After researching the honey industry, I concluded it wasn't so bad compared to their natural environment. Certainly nothing like the meat or dairy industries. So if a product happens to have honey in it, I don't mind. But I'm not a big fan of the taste, so don't buy honey itself. Agave has more flavor complexity to me.

>> No.5180538

Your fellow vegans might disagree.

>> No.5180573

There are plenty of vegans who don't eat honey, but also plenty that do. It's probably 50/50.

>> No.5180648

Vegans who don't eat honey know nothing about the industry and are, at best, superbly stupid.

>> No.5180656

But if you just make it depend on the industry there is no reason to be vegan. You can get milk and eggs without partaking in that industry.

>> No.5180662

Not that other poster, but may I ask some clarification here? What do you mean "partake in the industry?" Do you mean husbandry as a whole or only factory farming?

>> No.5180666

Factory farming. Unless you have an issue with keeping some chickens in your garden or keeping a couple of goats.

>> No.5180676

Vegans disagree about everything. Just go to Veggieboards and see their forum. They argue about everything: pet-owning ('companion animals'), horse-riding, honey, vegetarians, animal testing, eating oysters, and everything else. Just do what you want, if you eat meat and its source was raised in decent conditions, more power to you.

>> No.5180677

There are vegans who will eat eggs from chickens that they know live good lives, such as Ellen Degeneres.

It's the suffering that are a part of the dairy and egg industry that people have a problem with, not the products themselves. An unfertilized egg is just a chicken's period, after all.

>> No.5180678

I think when it comes to oysters, pets and any form of animal testing you've reached full crazy.

>> No.5180679

keeping chickens is really actually quite fun.
I haven' taken any to slaughter yet but i think I did it wrong and am quite fond of Nestle, Cadburry and Godiva (I named them after easter chocolates...)

>> No.5180685

Why not? Those can be easily argued against from a vegan perspective.

>> No.5180687

That's a perfectly fine stance in my opinion. There's actually have some reasoning to that compared to "do not or use anything coming from the animal kingdom" which is just religiously following rules like not eating pork or cow.

>> No.5180689

Except chickens stop becoming productive after several years and their egg-laying average drops precipitously. Most owners just kill them and replace the flock.

>> No.5180702

What is the argument?
Oysters actually aren't above plants in complexity with the most rudimentary nervous system imaginable. Might as well not eat mushrooms.
Pets don't suffer.
But I guess if you're against any medical advancement go ahead and don't take your meds ever.

>> No.5180704

Vegans who eat eggs aren't buying them from commercial farmers. Either they have their own chickens that they take care of, or know the people and know that the chickens aren't being killed.

I worked several months at an animal sanctuary in NY, where all the employees were vegan. Nobody had a problem eating eggs dropped from the rescue chickens, since they were just scattered about the ground and the chickens didn't care.

>> No.5180712

A painless, stressless killing is fine by me from a utilitarian perspective but I know a lot of people and especially vegans think differently.

>> No.5180713



My dad's orchard doesn't have any bee keepers around and it's always swarming with bumblebees. Have you ever heard of anyone you know being stung by a bumblebee?

>> No.5180716

Ah. I'm not a vegan or even vegetarian, but when I see that over 50% of the meat produced world-wide gets chucked into the dustbin, I have to ask why in the holy shitting fuck do we need factory farming? As I've said many times before on /ck/, I don't eat a whole lot of meat to begin with, only about 4oz a day, if that much (100g is about 4oz, isn't it?). I have honestly never actually had to throw out meat before. I buy it. I portion it off and freeze it. I defrost and cook it. I don't even throw out things like bones, skin or organs that other people do.
Fuck, I don't even throw out milk that has turned! Instead, I heat it, strain out the curds, salt them and make cheese. Or I just strain out the curds unheated and press them for strained curd cheese that I eat with müesli.
Waste not, want not and all that.
I've never had to throw out eggs, either.

I grew up with hens and was fine eating their eggs. And when she got too old to lay, she made an excellent soup. Were I raised as a vegetarian, what should my family have done, in your opinion, with the hen once she no longer laid? Kept her as a pet, I guess?

>> No.5180717

>medical advancement
Animal testing is not so simple of an issue. It depends specifically on what is being tested, but a lot of research using animals as models does not translate over to humans. Grant money is a major reason for animal testing as a whole.

For cosmetics, animal testing is simply out-dated and barbaric, as there are more reliable methods using synthetic skins and other techniques. It has been banned in the EU for that very reason.

I suggest checking out the documentary "Project Nim." There is a bit where the head of the major research center for AIDS says, "Of course what we're doing is immoral and horrible. There is no way around that. But government regulations require us to do these tests on chimps before doing them on humans, so what can we do?"

>> No.5180719

Agave can be worse for you than white beet sugar.

>> No.5180720

vegans don't eat eggs

>> No.5180741

>oysters aren't actually above plants in complexity
Slippery slope, that makes an argument for eating people who are in a vegetative state, no pun intended.
>Pets don't suffer
Animal exploitation, it's inherently a master-slave relationship, especially when you do obedience training. What you wouldn't do to another human being to demean them shouldn't be done to another animal. Also breeding animals for our entertainment is cruel and furthers that notion that animals are ours to own. Animals abuse also can't be controlled across tens of millions of households, it's just not possible. Not to mention a lot of household pets eat meat which comes from the industry.
>But I guess if you're against any medical advancement go ahead and don't take your meds ever.
Again, that's considering humans above animals. And considering the failure-prone nature of drug research, it might seem like a flop for animals. Some scientists say animal testing also doesn't produce results applicable to human beings, there are groups out there with doctors and scientists that claim this.

Most free-range chickens are killed however when they're post-productive. Even if they aren't, taking a chicken's egg is the equivalent of stealing a woman's egg. While the chicken might not care about it, it's still not your decision to decide.

I'm not a vegetarian or vegan, but you probably could have kept the chicken as a pet. It might have still eaten a lot of feed, but not as much as before.

>> No.5180748

> rescue chickens
You're having a laugh!
No fucking way that's a real thing ...urban legend at best.

>> No.5180758

Obviously there's a lot of bullshit done in the name of science but if you argue against all testing on principle you can go die of your diseases if you ask me.
My partner has a chronic disease, I know it's selfish but I do think his and the life of all people suffering like him are move valuable than a fraction in number of rats or pigs or chimps. And as far as I know vegans argue along the lines of minimizing suffering and a cure tested on hundreds of animals for thousands or millions is definitely minimizing suffering.

>> No.5180762

>Slippery slope
A slope that is avoided by vegans by just sticking to all animals which makes no moral sense and is a shitty excuse. Lucky for them we separate flora and faune eh?

>> No.5180766

>What you wouldn't do to another human being to demean them shouldn't be done to another animal
Like the way we talk to little kids? Train them to be obedient, punish them when theyre not, use positive reinforcement when theyre good.
>Also breeding animals for our entertainment is cruel and furthers that notion that animals are ours to own.
Entertainment? I guess some might like watching animals fucking but thats kinda fringe.

>> No.5180768

Every child is in a master-slave relationship with their parents and is trained. Should raising children be illegal now?
>Again, that's considering humans above animals.
Vegans do this. If they don't they literally can't leave the house in fear of stepping on an ant which is just as bad as killing a human.

>> No.5180769

Also should add that master slave only works for socializing animals. What about spiders and fish (pet rocks).

>> No.5180777

Of course humans are above animals just as tigers are above gazelles.
Your rules are meaningless.

>> No.5180778

I eat meat, m8. I'm just playing the devil's advocate.

>> No.5180786

I guess.
I can understand someone's hesitation to slaughter and butcher their own hen, but it wasn't ever anything that factored in for us. It's just kind of how it went. If I grew up in a different part of the country (or a different country altogether), one without a hen-keeping culture, my mother might have donated geriatric hens to petting zoos or something, I suppose.

>> No.5180788

> Google chicken rescue...Holy shit it's a thing.

I am so tempted to start buying old chickens from egg farms and dropping them off.
I wonder how many they could take.
How are the chicken ranchers not doing this?
One semi load and they would be fucked!

>> No.5180795

wowowow cool i'll check it out for sure, thanks OP

>> No.5180802


Pull up in the middle of the night and just start chucking them over the fence.
My little flatbed trailer could hold a thousand easy

>> No.5180805

what is your argument?

>> No.5180813


>> No.5180835

don't do what you want. do what's right.

>> No.5180841

>Am I wrong?
yes on pretty much all counts

>> No.5180855


>> No.5180871

Not only that. You should do only what's just, fair, and reasonable. And hold an objective opinion.

>> No.5180952

what's right = what's objectively fair, reasonable, and just. thanks for contributing nothing to the conversation.

>> No.5180990

There are all types of rescue animals. Have you never heard of an animal sanctuary?

When animals escape from a factory farm, it becomes a huge media deal, and the animals are almost always given over to animal sanctuaries to take care of. That says a lot about society. We're okay with slaughterhouses when they're out of sight and out of mind, but we see an animal escape and there's public outcry to let the animal be saved.

>> No.5181004

Opinions, by definition, can't be objective. Stop trying to sound smarter than you are. I'm so embarrassed for you.

>> No.5181010

Source on these stories? If vegans were right, butchers and farmers would be vegans because they're slaughtering animals.

>> No.5181102

Wow you really have had a lot of Kool aid.
The public does not give a fuck. All that hype is peta generated media manipulation.

>> No.5181119

I see these stories on the news every once in a while. Livestock is $$$ to the farms, and the animals are still legally their property once they escape, but the ownership gets transferred to animal sanctuaries that take them in. One part of it is simply to preserve public image of the farms. The other part is that when an animal goes through that much to escape, there's a general, "Fuck it, let them go" attitude amongst the industry.

You can find hundreds of incidents with a Google search. There are a ton of animal sanctuaries in the US.

>> No.5181127

You're wrong and retarded.

Tell that to your doctor next time he gives you a medical opinion.

>> No.5181165

Oh there are incidents to be sure but it's peta and the rescues that try to get them on the news.
No one cares.

>> No.5181171


If you don't find this heartwarming, you're a bad person.
If you do find it heartwarming but you still buy beef, you're a hypocrit.

>> No.5181189

>he proves me wrong
>better call him retarded
How embarrassing for you, to now know the definition of an opinion and how opinions are always subjective. How very, very embarrassing. It's so sad, I could cry.

>> No.5181192

>No one cares.
Last national survey said that about 98% of Americans care about the wellbeing of farm animals.

>> No.5181204

Didn't find it heart-warming at all. The cows aren't going to be turned into beef so they're taking up pasture that could be reserved for other cows.

>> No.5181212

Last national survey said 99% of Americans eat meat on a daily basis and enjoy it.

>> No.5181237

63 percent of Americans could not complete a 6 minute phone survey about bacon without jizzing all over the barkalounger and having to end the call to clean it up.

>> No.5181381

Doesn't mean they don't care on some level about animal welfare.

>> No.5181386

That's not enough. If they truly cared, they'd give up meat, dairy and eggs completely. If they don't they're evil and don't deserve to live.

>> No.5181537

Better to care somewhat than not at all.

>> No.5183313

Not heavily Photoshoped.

Source: me, professional retoucher.

>> No.5183338

No, many people on 4chan are manchildren who think everything is black and white. You have to either not give a shit completely and live like a retard with his head in the ground under the guise of "cool apathy" or you have to be a self-righteous breatharian.

There is apparently no middle ground in life. Full neckbeard or not at all.

>> No.5183363

Not surprising. All or nothing, binary thinking is a common attribute of autists.

>> No.5183371
File: 97 KB, 475x880, 1391108114178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a crypto-facist zionist who actively;y campaigns to have parents who give their children vaccines to get jail terms

I learneded this from reddit

>> No.5183385

Yeah, it looks like her. Just good lighting and makeup.

>> No.5183417

God she is ugly. I like how there was a period where she was championing her ultra-sheltering and overbearing parenting style, saying how great it was that they all sleep in the same bed.

Then her husband divorced her.

I don't know how anyone marries a frumpy Jewess. You know *exactly* what you are going to get, and it will just get progressively worse with time.

>> No.5183428

>taking parenting advice from Blossom

I seriously hope no one does this.

>> No.5183485

She has a masters in chemistry or biology or something. So I think I should atleast listen to her arguments against vaccines.

>> No.5183489
File: 510 KB, 600x900, 1392045485701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew steal your lunch money /pol/?

>> No.5183500

She has a Doctorate in Neurobiology. She was originally contacted to be a technical consultant on The Big Bang Theory for the character that would become Amy Farrah Fowler. Eventually they just gave her the role.

>> No.5183505


arguments against vaccines are bunk and are no way based on any kind of legit scientific research.

she has a phd in neuroscience.... any work she had published was shit-tier and she never really had to involve herself much in research because she could pay her own way through university thanks to the proceeds from blossom.... she basically bought a phd
reddit told me this

>> No.5183511


no way she bought her phd. UCLA isn't some snooty ivy league school on the east coast that makes its money off the ultra rich. any money she did have from Blossom wouldn't have been the huge sums successful sitcome actors make today. It would have been enough if saved properly, for her to avoid the lousy work grad students have to do to pay for their education. Plus UCLA makes a lot of money off foreign students. if it ever got released that they were just handing actual doctorates out to people with money who didn't qualify academically. It would hurt them.

>> No.5183514

I'm pretty sure she earned that degree. After Blossom was over it wasn't like work was popping up left and right for her.

I mean look at Vanilla Ice, after he was essentially booted out of the game he started a construction business. People gotta eat.

>> No.5183517

clams have feelings too you know

>> No.5183520

that's what I'm, saying. Even if her doctorate work and post graduation work before TBBT isn't that good compared to peers. She is still more educated and smarter then 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the population.

>> No.5183549

Obviously not if she is one of those idiot anti vaccine people.
This does not add up.
There is some bad info somewhere.

>> No.5183554


james franco basically bought his degree from UCLA

>just handing actual doctorates

nobody said that

all anybody said is that her doctorate might not be as substantial as people think and that she has limited experience in the actual field of neurosciences

>> No.5183564

That is a lot of decimal places.

Considering that in the united states about 3% of people over 25 have doctorates, I think you are overstating the case.

>> No.5183591

>arguments against vaccines are bunk and are no way based on any kind of legit scientific research.
Fact. Like Global Warming alarmists, the assertions and assumptions, let alone predictions, are where "science" is ignored in every research study on vaccines, as well as Global Warming. The average person doesn't understand the difference from research data, and how it's interpreted. The average person doesn't understand what a pilot study is about either, and why it never garnered any funding further than the pilot. Yet, media articles run away with the "results" of them day in and day out like they are significant.

>she has a phd in neuroscience.... any work she had published was shit-tier and she never really had to involve herself much in research because she could pay her own way through university thanks to the proceeds from blossom.... she basically bought a phd
I worked in university medical school neuroscience and research. Without knowing anything specific about her actual experiences at UCLA, I can assure you that she completed a bachelors of science, or else earned a second bachelors in it, in order to have the prereqs of the basic science courses to enter a master's program. During the master's program, she would have been in someone's laboratory, doing basic lab work, maybe feeding mice, working on the computer, performing experiments, splicing tissue samples, something...anything...in neuroscience, under the tutelage of the principal investigator (someone who did have a doctorate and a grant). To get a phD, she would have needed to be within someone's pretty successful research lab, again likely even on the grant, having at the very least tuition paid, and at best, expenses to travel to conferences to present findings. She would have been thrown a bone to be included in publications of these lab findings, and further given the ability to state something "novel" in research. This is where the ease of doctorate comes in.

>> No.5183599

vegan and anti-vaccine campaigner

she sounds like an idiot

>> No.5183606

>This is where the ease of doctorate comes in.
To illustrate this, the difficulty in attaining a new, unique thesis statement and eventually a doctorate in a given area at a university varies greatly by degree. Compare the need to demonstrate something novel in the mathematics world, physics world, computer science world, psychology world, education world, with neuroscience. Some of these subjects are ripe with directions for research, and others aren't tapped out, but are certainly very much covered. To make a discovery, or invent some new findings? Difficult. Neuroscience is not. There's literally not enough funding for all the great avenues of research. To pull off a thesis of merit in engineering or chemistry, you might need to invent a new polymer, but biochemistry? Nah, easy. The average person who can make a master's in neuroscience can complete med school and vice versa. The average person who can get a master's in psychology can be a complete idiot, flake or nutjob, but getting a doctorate in it, or in english, you need to really find a thesis from out of your ass. It's all been covered.

>> No.5183628


Not to mention that you don't necsissarily have to do something truly new to get a pHD. I managed a laboratory at a major US university for several years and worked with many grad students at that time (masters and doctorate). Many of the students were indeed very smart and did indeed publish new discoveries. However, there were just as many of them whom I could only describe as chronically incompetent. They managed to ride the coattails of the director of the program (professor who was the PI for all the research) and get their publications and eventually a degree. It was almost like there were two paths to a degree--being smart and actually discovering and publishing a significant thesis, or simply being the PI's research slave long enough to coast through. Their "Thesis" was just a rehash of the research work.

>> No.5183640

UCLA isn't like Harvard where they'll give you a degree just for being famous.

>> No.5183692

Yup. Similar experience here. Very slight change to the PI's avenue of research, a natural progression to the research even.

You'll see a lot of PhD candidates get horrible sealed letters of recommendation as retaliation, as well. They hand out the doctorate without fuss, but they nail them on the recommendation preventing them getting a position outside the one laboratory.

>> No.5183734
File: 17 KB, 289x400, 1392053108917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your argument is invalid

>> No.5184145

Ivy league legacy here. You are absolutely correct. For undergrads, anyway. For graduate school work outside of MBA stuff, however, Ivies are where it's at.
I was so disillusioned when I first set foot on campus freshman year. I expected other moneyed yet intelligent students, but they were just morons while the scholarship kids were brilliant.

>> No.5185376

'vegan food' always seems really expensive to me, for example i saw vegan pesto on sale for 3 times the price of non vegan pesto (£4.50 and £1.50)

also why do vegetarian/vegan foods all seem to have similar label designs?

>> No.5185411

>vegan pesto
So it was basil, pine nuts, and olive oil? Why the fuck didn't you make it yourself?

>> No.5185415

>english major
also he did it while still a relatively known actor.

Blossom was probably an unknown by most when she went to college.

>> No.5185418

Did you watch the most recent ep of Food & Drink with Tom Kerridge as the guest? What's-her-cunt was complaining that it's impossible to feed yourself on healthy food if you're poor and I was like "lolno."
Kerridge suggested lentils as both cheap and healthy and she said something snarky like "if you deep-fry it, maybe you can get British kids to eat them." The fuck? I wanted to smack her shit. The only valid point she made was that a single apple is 30p and you can buy a bunch of biscuits at the same cost.

>> No.5185433

>Blossom was probably an unknown by most when she went to college.

As a PhD. candidate (microbiology), I can honestly say that most people could do a PhD. You need to be a bit above average intelligence, like to read, be passionate and driven, and be willing to stick it out for a few years.

Mayim whatever had money in the bank and could take her time doing a PhD. It is the financial pressures that usually break PhD students. If I had a few million in the bank I would have a hell of a lot less stress with my degree.

To obtain a PhD. you need a willing supervisor and an agreeable committee. You conduct some novel research, pass a qualifying exam, defend your thesis, and you now have a PhD.

>> No.5185468

Where do you go to school? PhD is a cakewalk at many universities, and at others it's hellish. Microbio department at Columbia for example. Would rather be homeless than do it again.

>> No.5185478

Vegan pesto is the same as other pesto, just without cheese. It is cheaper to make, if anything.

>> No.5186267

Vegans can be fat. If you look at the plates, there are a lot of carbs/fruits, which can be healthy, but usually isn't as filling, leading you to overeat. I knew a fat vegetarian, but that's because he loved cheese and pasta. So they do exist.

>> No.5186476

I'm in Canada. I don't think it is the school as much as your supervisor and committee. Most schools have similar requirements for graduate degrees.

One of the big differences between Canada and America is the course load. I've talked to PhD students in the U.S. and they take a lot more classes than us. In Canada, the focus is on research.

My supervisor is a good guy and my committee hasn't been a hindrance so far. As long as I get my chapters published and have a good defense, I don't see anything going wrong.

Of course, there are many issues with research but that is just part of the fun.

>> No.5187543

enjoy the diabetes

>> No.5187820

How can someone be this stupid?

Oh wait, I'm on 4chan.

>> No.5187877

Yes, there are fat vegans. Look at Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd. But as a whole vegans and vegetarians have lower BMI.

>> No.5188118

I actually know some girl who is 100% vegan. She is chubby as hell.

>> No.5188127

>Comparing animals to slaves and holocaust victims is in extremely poor taste and borders on immorality in my opinion.
This is just moral subjectivism on your part.