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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 535 KB, 595x365, 13rk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5174753 No.5174753[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw they will never sell munchy boxes over in burgerland
feels bad man

>> No.5174761

i don't understand it... this is the shit that you would expect to make immigrants very wealthy, yet i've never once seen it...

>> No.5174767


Have you never been to New York

>> No.5174768

looks tasty what is it?

>> No.5174773

an ungodly clusterfuck of doner kebab meat, chicken tikka, fries, pita bread, and whatever other shit they decide to throw in.
A good one usually tops 2000 calories easily

>> No.5174776

he means the whole package, not just the meat.

>> No.5174778

Horsemeat and other assorted cutting room floor scraps, seasoned with poverty and depression with a side of fleeting freedom fries.

>> No.5174783

Those honestly look awful. Delivery chinese/thai/indian/pizza is a million times better.

How much does that even cost

>> No.5174809
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>> No.5174814
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>> No.5174816

>yfw europoors can only afford 3 tines on their poverty forks.

>> No.5174817
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>> No.5174818

that doner meat looks horrible.

>> No.5174819
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>> No.5174821

damn, now I want a kebab

>> No.5174822

would eat
but only after many whiskey

>> No.5174823
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>> No.5174828
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>> No.5174833
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>> No.5174834

Why do all of these look so shit?

>> No.5174837
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>> No.5174841

whats the average price of this?

>> No.5174843


this. I've always wondered how many bongistani dollars one must shell out for such a monstrosity.

>> No.5174844
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>> No.5174845

God damn I wish I was back in Scotland.
irn bru and munchie boxes are the goat combination when watching sports

>> No.5174847
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>> No.5174848

>in europe
Soccer and running away from rioting muslims?

>> No.5174849
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>> No.5174852

also rugby and cricket

>> No.5174853

I think you mean rioting slavs running away from each other. Muslims sometimes walk around with banners but they don't riot.

>> No.5174854
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>> No.5174861

>>since when is this news.
the best part is how nonchalantant this is, some guy trying to take the piss out of european sports then some brits like " you forgot cricket!" essentially calling SNAFU on the whole thing.

>> No.5174862
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>> No.5174863
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>> No.5174875


>under $10 = GODLY
>$10-14 = WOULD BUY

>> No.5174880

most of the kebab meat in this thread is made from really disgusting ground meat

>> No.5174882

You guys don't eat the whole thing by yourself, right? Tell me these are meant to be shared or spread out over a few meals like a pizza.

>> No.5174887

Apparently around 5 pounds. So... near-ish to $8?

>> No.5174890

I always get epic pungent farts after eating
doner meat.

>> No.5174891
File: 31 KB, 657x368, What (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All that meat and only one scallop

>> No.5174896

What's the pink sauce?

>> No.5174902

I love those pickled peppers. Is there a recipe to make them at home just like you get from a takeaway?

>> No.5174909

£5, so about $8.21.

>> No.5174911

don't you have some commercials to watch?

>> No.5174914

You can buy them in a glass.

>> No.5174920

The donner meat that gets cooked a little too much and starts to go a dark brown, like in your picture, are the best ones.

>> No.5174922
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See you at the olympics, buttertooth.

>> No.5174924

>is made from really disgusting ground meat
But that's what a kebab is made from you moron. That's like complaining that a burger is made from ground meat.

>> No.5174928

I know that, I sometimes but them from my indian shop, but seeing as this is the food board, I thought I would try my hand at making them myself. I already make my own gherkins and pickled eggs.

>> No.5174929

>munchie box

fucking disgusting

even taco bell is better

>> No.5174930
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>a little too much cooked
>too much
Tell me, are you British and is non crispy meat the default for you? This would explain someone posting all those pictures of nasty soggy bland meat. Where I live brown and crispy is the default.

>> No.5174934

They're too afraid of being firebombed by the native religious extremists and rioting masses of street hooligans in burgerland. You should know better. Outside hotels and tightly protected urban centers it's like a giant no-go zone for non-black muslims, and the black ones only get by because the natives are too afraid of being thought of as racist, which applies only towards black people because the TV told them so.

>> No.5174935

Is the meat as dry as it looks

>> No.5174944

thank you. id definitly buy that if it was in my area, looks pretty awesome

>> No.5175038

>Where I live brown and crispy is the default
>Over cooked dry meat is the default
I bet you enjoy well done steaks.

>all those pictures of nasty soggy bland meat
>Juicy meat now means bland
What ever shithole you come from, your English is very poor.

>> No.5175118

None of that looks juicy, it can't be because of the way it's prepared. Doner is meat on a stick (stacked slices or ground meat) with heat applied to the sides and then sliced off thinly. It is not steak. You know what a steak has? A crisp brown outside. If your steak looks like the meat in this thread, you are doing something horribly wrong.

>> No.5175132

Doner is so ridiculously inferior to gyros...I will never understand why it's so popular.

>> No.5175139

It's the same thing with slight local variations. But don't tell the Greeks or Turks.

>> No.5175145

The meat in this thread is well done, all of it.

>> No.5175152

>None of that looks juicy, it can't be because of the way it's prepared
I don't know where you live, but that doesn't apply to British donner meat. Are you trying to imply grey = dried up rubber?That is true for a steak, if it is grey then it is over cooked, but not to donner meat. It is naturally grey.

>> No.5175162

>The meat in this thread is well done, all of it.
Were you the one taking the pictures? For that matter, have you ever actually tried any of these foods? Because you are posting nothing but lies.

>> No.5175172


goddamn i want them peppers

>> No.5175180

The similarity is only the cooking method and presentation. Doner is made from a ground paste of beef and/or lamb with a lot of spices. Gyros is made from pork and uses whole pieces of meat, with minimal spices (usually nothing more than salt & pepper).

>> No.5175187
File: 74 KB, 620x413, doner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are probably talking about the ground meat ones. I don't think you actually get them medium or raw. They are as brown as they can get without being crisp or burned.

>> No.5175188

I'm afraid that you are the moron here, moron.
Real good kebab or gyros or shawarma is made from real, marinated pieces of meat, stacked on top of each other.

>> No.5175191

>Gyros is made from pork

>> No.5175202
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Yes. Occasionally chicken, but the standard is pork.

>> No.5175211

>kebab or gyros or shawarma is made from real, marinated pieces of meat, stacked on top of each other.
But that isn't true, moron.
Are you blind or is the example posted:
too much for you? Donner meat is minced lamb with cuts of other lamb between layers. You probably shouldn't talk about things you have no clue about, your mother might revoke your internet privileges.

>> No.5175213


>> No.5175214

Isn't it supposed to be lamb tho?

>> No.5175215

>None of that looks juicy

Donner meat is juicy. It's fatty, unhealthy as fuck and god knows what animal it came from but it is definitely juicy.

>> No.5175221


>> No.5175226

Yep. Beef and lamb.

>> No.5175227

>Isn't it supposed to be lamb tho?

It's usually lamb but they can legitimately mix in chicken or beef and it's still donner.

>> No.5175229

you actually spell it 'donner' and then you claim even more false shit. minced meat for döner is an invention by the fast food industry. real traditional döner is another thing. but you wouldn't know, mr moron, son of mother moron.

>> No.5175234

Do you see any beef or lamb in the pic >>5175202 ?

No, you don't.

Maybe some arab shithole wherever you live pretends to make "gyros" and does it with beef, but that ain't gyros m8.

>> No.5175236

It's all about donair my friend.

>> No.5175238

>Do you see any beef or lamb in the pic >>5175202
No. Because it isn't a gyro.

>> No.5175244


>> No.5175255


>> No.5175269

You are one dumb motherfucker. With your retarded squiggles for the name donner, I'm guessing German. Don't get too uppity about being wrong, your nationalism will get you arrested while I enjoy a nice donner kebab.

>> No.5175275

Why are you talking about some Greek knockoff shit? A kebab is made from lamb, Greece and its "gyro" has nothing to do with this thread, please stop shitposting.

>> No.5175341

that meat looks fucking putrid

>> No.5175359
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>> No.5175367
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>> No.5175371
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>> No.5175383

And you still want it crispy. Like you want your bacon crispy.

>> No.5175417

>retarded squiggles
>not in turkish


I bet the only squiggles you need to write are U, S and A

>> No.5175420

Can I get this in California?

>> No.5175431

God, you know so fucking little about the food you are arguing about, it's embarrassing. Did you know, Turks have ö and ü and döner is written like that.

>> No.5176412
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fat fries

>> No.5176429

Clearly you've never eaten/ordered college-town food.

>> No.5176454
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But hes right - you wont find any "donair/donner/spinning meat" or whatever you call it made of mostly or exclusively ground meat in turkey for example where they still serve the original Döner Kebab.
The ground meat version served in a bread (mostly a quater of a pide or just a pita) with all these sauces and different vegetables is a european invention which has not much to do with the original which is still served in turkey. I guess ground meat with all nonusable parts was cheaper for all fastfood loving pigs in europe than ussing quality meat.
Pic related - the non ground one.

>> No.5176529

I would have loved a munchie box when I was a stoner.

>> No.5176544
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can we all just agree that kebab should be removed from the premises?

>> No.5176567
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MFW "Kebab Meat" looks exactly like the shit they use for tacos de trompo

>> No.5176623
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I'm still kind of shocked there isn't a ubiquitous version of this in the states. Sure, you have garbage plates and the like, but the munchie box is on another level. You'd think your local mexican joint could pull off some mound of food like this?

Tortilla chips, quesadilla, al pastor, carne asada(maybe chicken or beans to keep costs down.) Mounds of pico, tubs of salsa and sour cream, maybe even guac wherever avocados are cheap. Could even toss in some churros in there. Fuck, I'm thinking of just doing this and franchising it.

Fuck, all those chinese restaurants too? Piles of fried rice, general gau, egg rolls, rangoons and chinese doughnuts. All that shit is dirt cheap.

>> No.5176660

These look fucking disgusting.

>> No.5176665

I agree, but I've had it so I know it isn't.

>> No.5176800

I'm in Burgerland and I'd rather have just a doner kebab on bread with lettuce and tomato or a few lahmacuns.

>> No.5176869

>mfw a thread of people either saying fast food looks unhealthy/disgusting or arguing over who's fast food is best

>> No.5176919


OK, the doner meat I could take or leave, the chips look anaemic, but that chicken I would stab my granny for.

>> No.5176979

I do not see a scallop there.

>> No.5176984
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>the patriotic anger coursing through my cholesterol filled veins

>> No.5176987

what fucking planet are you from? if it was like that in the states, we would have nowhere to buy gas or beer, since the muslims and hindus own all the gas stations.

i guarantee you, if they had a place that sold food like that in those quantity for that price, they would be fucking rich.

>> No.5177005

I didn't know potatoes had blood cells

>> No.5177032

Dude, American food may be unhealthy, but at least it doesn't look like something that fell out the back end of a sick moose.

>> No.5177083

you dont even get munchy boxes in the Midlands or even further south. Is it just a northern thing or scottish?

Still we can get donner meat chips and chilli sauce for 99p in Birmingham so its not all bad

>> No.5177127
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>> No.5177129

IDK man, i have middle eastern family and know alot of arabic restaurants around where i live, mostly syrian or lebanese owned. i've never seen food like that stuff before, are you sure its a muslim thing and not just a european thing? i mean the arabic restaurants i know of certainly don't sell french fries rofl.

>> No.5177245

kebabs etc. aren't sit-down restuarant food they are take-away food you get when you are hammered

>> No.5177331

>tfw they will never sell munchy boxes over in burgerland

Enjoy your muchie box while your culture becomes illegal and your queen is forced to wear a hijab, or else "Asians" will bomb another bus or throw acid in another woman's face.

>> No.5177336

Yeah, because we aren't being taken over by Mexicans and blacks.

>> No.5177558

you clearly have no knowledge of middle eastern and mediterranean cuisine if you think the only things they serve is kebab and whatever the fuck these europeans are packing in boxes, but anyway, the same can be said about burgers, burritos, pizza, chinese takeout, etc, yet lots of people eat those at restaurants and diners. matter of fact i'm going to mexican town tonight with friends to SIT DOWN and enjoy some mexican food, so i don't see your point.

>> No.5177578

actually in the US the black population continues to decrease because of abortion and crime, they are just concentrating themselves in certain urban areas more.

>> No.5177579

I think it's British. You can get fries and döner meat without bread (just veggies and sauce) but that's still miles away from those boxes.

>> No.5177622
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>mfw mexicans and blacks make the best food on the planet.

>> No.5177629


someone pooped on your food

>> No.5177632


it looks gross, but it tastes good.

thanks OP, now i want a fucking munchie box

>> No.5177640

Mexicans maybe, but blacks? What the fuck do they make that's any good?

>> No.5177646

Chicken and Waffles.

>> No.5177650

Surely neither is a black invention.

>> No.5177658

Quinky sauce

>> No.5177667

nice salt shaker faggot

>> No.5177696
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1800 calories per portion. the dutch kapsalon

fries, kebab or shoarma, garlic sauce, sambal/spicy sauce, topped with molten cheese topped with "veggies"

>> No.5177740


In Greece gyros it's made from pork meat with very little spices like salt, black/ red pepper. And ofc we have chicken gyros too.
Greeks in Europe and US are making it with beef for some reason. I have no idea why.

>> No.5177769

>implying greece is not in europe
Much to my chagrin, it is.

>> No.5177874

Dutch here, my friends all love this stuff but I'll take a pizza or a meal combo over this any day, even after plenty of beer.

The salad gets warm, the fries get soggy and the meat gets dry. If you just get it as a separate dish you get the best of all three and a pita to boot.

>> No.5178313

shoarma stinks up my spaghettihouse too much
feels bad man

>> No.5178459

ffs, rest of Europe. Okay now?

>> No.5178469

It will never be okay until Greece is removed from Europe.

>> No.5178500

Wrong board.

>> No.5178516

Don't confuse greek kebab (gyros) with arabian kebab. The greek don't give a fuck about halal.

>> No.5180618

To pretty much anyone is USA: if you are thinking of opening a food related business and open a run of the mill mom and pop resturaunt and diner you are sure to fail.. but if you brought these things to US, you will almost gauranteed make a killing... they are everything a fast food pig wants, easy to prepare.. you can deliver. Why has no one jumped on this yet, its a gold mine.. it contains all the aspects of local non franchise fast food success time 10. The drunks, the hung over, the sports watchers, the fast food pigs.. You will not fail with such an easy idea and no competition.. just open up shop literally anywhere.

>> No.5180652

don't confuse kebab with shawarma, and i don't think you know what halal means.

>> No.5180655

Isn't shawarma a type of kebab?

>> No.5180669

no, since kebab is meat and vegetables roasted on a stick. but after a little investigation i guess the definition changes depending on where you are in the world, so i suppose it can be.

>> No.5180672
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>> No.5180680
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>brown and crispy
>well done

A rare steak can still be seared on the outside, you fucking moron.

>> No.5180688

No, that's shishakebab, literally "skewer/spear kebab," a phrase combining an IndoEuropean word with an AfroAsiatic one. It's cognate with Russian "shashlik." I think the word kebab comes from Aramaic? Or Amharic? Or some other AfroAsiatic language. IIRC, it means 'burnt' or 'roasted," but I know 'shish' comes from Persian/Parsi.

>> No.5180692

Iceberg lettuce has no business atop the rest of the meal. Whoever insisted on trying to "complete" that meal needs to die.

>> No.5180715

Offer a box consisting solely of shawarma, tandoori chicken and plenty of naan, and I'll be your most loyal customer :-D

A franchise like this would best start off in college towns. Young adults open to new things and subsist on carry-out as a necessity.

>> No.5180723

They're just pickled banana peppers. You just pickle them like you would anything else.

>> No.5180735

It's part of every normal döner and does complete it >>5174930