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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 247 KB, 640x480, menudo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5174527 No.5174527[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the ultimate cure for the hangover? Get on my level. Menudo.

>> No.5174529

A rusty nail through the forehead

>> No.5174532
File: 154 KB, 500x335, menudo-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping with more gorgeous menudo. I'm actually making some right now to cure my hangover. Granted it's the canned variety. Just keep that bitch on the stove for a little while and add some extra spices... can't even tell it came from the can.

>> No.5174536

eating the night before

>> No.5174537

Blue gatorade and a big greasy burger.

>> No.5174541
File: 118 KB, 1000x685, chicken_sweet_sour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Menudo's good, but when I have a hangover I eat basically nothing all day. I drink water, maybe nibble a saltine.

Then sometime around 7 PM, I gorge on cheap Chinese food.

>> No.5174548

whatever is the proper temperature for how cold it is when i wake up.

for example, if it's cold as shit out, i want a hot, greasy, filling meal... but right now for example, im hot and sweating, really craving a nice cold bowl of cereal or some ice cream...

>> No.5174552

This. I can't eat when I'm hungover without it making me feel worse. Water, preferably electrolyte water (not Gatorade, too much sugar) and the occasional saltine. Then usually around 7 or 8 pm, I'll get hungry and eat something like eggs and toast or soup (preferably Pho or Hot and Sour soup). Although, I do agree with OP that menudo is awesome for hangovers, but I can't get any good stuff where I live now.

>> No.5174557

aspirin/ibuprofen and a glass of water

or if you really want to get technical, a saline IV will get you back to 100% in 5 minutes

>> No.5174559

youd have to be drunk to eat that

>> No.5174562

This is how I feel if I'm like suuuuper hung over. 11/10 hung over. Haven't been that drunk since college. These days my hangovers are 3/10 and we're talking once every 2 months.

>> No.5174563

Green gatorade, but yeah this nigga knows whats up

>dairy with a hangover
you serious?

>> No.5174564
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coming through plebs

>> No.5174568


to understand what helps you cure a hangover you need to understand what causes it and why you have one in the first place.

>> No.5174572

>ultimate cure
not taking drugs which cause hangovers

>> No.5174573

>you serious?
yeah i've never had an issue with it. doesn't give me any type of problem and for some reason i randomly crave it from time to time.

being hungover doesn't affect what i can or can't eat unless i'm too hungover to keep the food down in the first place.

>> No.5174580

that's not a cure, it's prevention you retard.

>> No.5174582

get the fuck out with your science. hangover food is all about grease / fat / feel good food.
>keep the party going

>> No.5174587

Birria de Chivo

Large Horchata


>> No.5174590
File: 22 KB, 420x523, dietcoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burger. Pho. Anything related to breakfast. Don't care. Just as long as it comes with a iced cold diet coke and free refills

>> No.5174594

I like your style paisa.

>> No.5174605

you'll feel way better as the science says if you eat that shit before and not after you drink.

>> No.5174608
File: 10 KB, 274x184, birria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mexican birria is pretty perfect.

>> No.5174614


>> No.5174610

>drink water and eat food
If this is news to anybody, I'll be pretty upset.

>> No.5174617

Reheated takeaway Chicken Phall from the night before

>> No.5174618

Life hacks, bro

>> No.5174620

Generally when people want to eat "hangover food" they refer to the type of hangover where you're just really, really weak and tired and need a boost.

Any other hangover like a bad headache I'd take showers, pop pills and go back to sleep. Nausea I treat by sipping water all day so I have something to vomit up other than stomach acid, then around 5-7 p.m I eat some dry toast.

>> No.5174622
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le sigh

>> No.5174629

prepare to be upset then, the reason this shit exists is because there are really lots of people out there who don't understand this shit. to them these really are life hacks because theyre so incompetant at managing their own.

>> No.5174631

no wonder yours last till fucking 5pm, eat some fucking food, drink water, and stay off the god damn pills.

>> No.5174634


>> No.5174637

There are different kinds of hangovers, you retard. You're not going to be keeping down any food when your body rejects anything going into it. Believe me, I've been there many fucking times.

>> No.5174645

ITT: alcohol lightweights abound

>> No.5174649

>>drinking so much you vomit up everything.
sorry I didn't realize you where a dumb high schooler, or perhaps a manchild who hasn't progressed beyond that point. learn some moderation you alchoholic.

>> No.5174657
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And this is where I say I'm done dealing with retards for the day.

>> No.5174660

>>drinks things that make you vomit untill 5 pm and waste an entire day
>>calls the other person the retard.
your body is telling you no for a reason you shit stain.

>> No.5174661

So I'm not the only one. I've traced that whereabouts of 11-13 drinks (or a sustained rate of 3 alcohol equivalents/hr for 3+ hrs) will royally fuck me over for the rest of the day. Like vomiting water until 6pm sort of hangover.

For those, I won't eat lest I find out how food seems to magically multiply when it's time to chuck it back up.

Wonder if a bit of pot brownie would set me right. Any #420blazeits here to comment?

>> No.5174664

jesus christ not even him but just shut up already, you goddamn autist.

>> No.5174666

marijuana will help you regardless of whether you smoke it or eat it. so if you don't want to eat food, you'd be better off smoking it.

>> No.5174668

This used to be me
This is me now
it's amazing how much difference a couple of years makes

>> No.5174670

>how much difference a couple of years makes
depends on the person. many people stay alcoholics (functioning or not) until the day they die.

>> No.5174671


>> No.5174677

The ultimate cure for a hangover is preventing one from happening in the first place. Dehydration is the villain because alcohol doesn't hydrate the body. If you drink a bottle or two of water before going to bed you can avoid hangovers all-together.

>> No.5174680

Very true. I saw what it was doing to my father and started cutting back. I still have drinks, but mostly at social events, and I don't feel like I have to keep drinking anymore. In fact, I often switch to water before the end of the night so I'm less or not hungover.

That being said, I feel like everyone has a couple years of heavy drinking, mostly occurring in their early 20s (in the US that is)

>> No.5174687

gatorade before bed helps.
Or you can drink like i'd drink at the barracks.
bottle of gatorade+bottle of vodka=still able to pt in the morning

>> No.5174691

I'm 24 and I've been at that point for a couple years now trying to get through depression, but I've been slowly cutting back. I'm getting there, shit's just a hard battle. I'm at a way better point than I was a few months ago though.

>> No.5174692
File: 38 KB, 500x375, burger with egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a food thread you fuckin faggots.

Here. Burger with an egg.

>> No.5174703

>wake up with hang over
>stumble into kitchen
>eat a bowl of stewed pigs anus and hominy
not even once

>> No.5174705

Does every thread on /ck/ even tangentially related to alcohol have to turn into an alcoholism thread fuck

>> No.5174707

Yes? /ck/ has a lot of alcoholics.

>> No.5174713
File: 102 KB, 500x500, 1391803171788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep at it.

>> No.5174718
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Th-thanks, anon.

>> No.5174720

Slow progress is still progress.
This is my first time here, but sounds like i'd fit right in

>> No.5174782

OP here. Damn this thread I made is depressing the shit out of me. I just wanted to everyone to share what they like to eat after a night of drinking. God damn people you depress the shit out of me. Go rent a gun, and buy a bullet.

>> No.5174788

Welcome to 4chan, enjoy your stay

>> No.5174792
File: 96 KB, 500x375, 53684101_3cf794f26f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea why anyone would find a bunch of people sharing success in how they are overcoming drinking addiction and binge drinking to be depressing, do you hate seeing people happy or something?

>> No.5174807


>> No.5174815

Gatorade and Sausage egg and cheese

>> No.5175230

way to fucking miss the point buzzkillington.

>> No.5175246

way to not answer the question. stop posting unless you have something to say.

>> No.5175273

take your own advice.

>> No.5175288
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telling a retard to explain or stop shit posting is certainly something to say.

>> No.5175293
File: 208 KB, 800x600, 3216541651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bowl bowl of beef or chicken pho

>> No.5175314

So is telling a huge faggot that they're being a buzzkill.

>> No.5175316

There is no cure for a hangover. There's only foods that improve your mood in that situation. The only real cure for a hangover is time and water.

That being said. MOTHERFUCKING PHO.


>> No.5175322

Give that man a prize

>> No.5175332
File: 22 KB, 277x182, 1391812661970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no actually, when you just shit all over a thread with your butthurt and provide no explination even when fucking engaged and asked you don't have a legitimate reason to post, you're merely doing it because you're a giant twat.

>> No.5175509

hangover isnt just dehydration. Left over impurities in your stomach can make you feel ill and is countered with high fat food.

>> No.5176514
File: 70 KB, 499x350, Shijimi clam miso soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shijimi clam miso soup


>> No.5176565
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>> No.5176608

I love a good chili or stew for hangovers.
Actually I'd never made Irish Stew before so i was going to try it tomorrow with this recipe.


>> No.5176618
File: 137 KB, 940x540, rivalries-chubbys-dalesandros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No food when I'm truly hungover, just water and some sort of juice, preferably orange juice.

Once I start to feel better, pizza steak from Chubby's or Dalessandro's with hot peppers and cheese fries.

>> No.5176626

I think we know who the giant twat is.....(protip, it's YOU). Get the fuck over yourself, where do you think you are?

>> No.5176630


Ohana is such a qt, I almost want to rewatch.

>> No.5176631

>linking anything from Gawker Media

Fuck off.

>> No.5176637
File: 1.22 MB, 1366x768, hamburger time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep the party going
keep the party going
keep the party going
keep the party MY TURN

>> No.5176834

yeah i went to a 5 day long festival a few weeks back and we were drinking all day, sleeping, waking up feeling terrible, smoking it up to get rid of headache/nausea, then starting drinking again

its the best cure ive encountered

>> No.5176838

lots of water
piece of toast with vegemite
lemonade if I have it
lots of water

>> No.5176843

>getting hangovers

if i have drunk a ridiculous amount (i.e whole bottle of vodka + beers or something) and need to be up soon for work or something, ill have pu-erh tea and 1l of water before i go to bed. that 1l of water makes me wake up in a few hours for a piss, at which point i drink another litre or so of water.

one day hangovers are going to get me though.

>> No.5176851

I keep several jars of pickles around, not only are they delicious, I drink the brine when I'm hungover and it works like a charm.

>> No.5176968

where do you think you are?
all i can hear is how butthurt you are that people don't go binge drinking and hide their sorrows behind a vinear of enthusiasm for it.
>>"Waaaaaa you people aren't suffering, you're such a buzz kill, waaaa,

>> No.5177070
File: 79 KB, 460x521, Vegemiteontoast_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with a gatorade

>> No.5177124

Weed, pho, vitamin water, weed

>> No.5178727
File: 250 KB, 500x500, chilaquiles[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chilaquilles with over easy eggs on top, that is the best matacrudo.
Thumbs up for menudo, too.

>> No.5178752

10/10 m8

>> No.5178873

smoking is the best cure for a hangover for the same reasons cancer patients smoke. It settles the stomach, and also makes you hungry, so you can eat and drink like your body needs/

>> No.5178940

Waffle House - $1 cheeseburgers drowning in mayo, hash browns, ice water

>> No.5178985

Best cure I've ever found is submersing yourself in cold water, like jumping in a river. Head in a bucket if you live in the desert.

Other than that I can't think of much. I drink water all day, don't eat much either

>> No.5179015

Pho, but with tripe, tendons and all that nasty shit that puts the fight back into ya. Failing that, a big bowl of tom yum soup (the thai answer to hot and sour, try it once and never go back).

>> No.5179017

its pretty much like trying to plug a pot hole with plants though, sure it works at first but it just causes a different problem when they grow.

>> No.5179021

um, or not. SMoke a joint, grab some food (cheap mexican, thai, and viet are ideal) go for a run, down some coconut water (Ginger beer for any lingering upset stomach, too) and feel better...What about that is tough to follow?

>> No.5179036
File: 107 KB, 875x655, goat breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well then head on down to McDonald's, get the fucking Steak Egg and Cheese Bagel, ask for extra grilled onions, put the hash brown inside of it, add ketchup, and then use get the Soda option.

I myself have found an amazing drink, which I drink not only when hungover, but other times. Diet Coke + Blue Powerade. Shit is fucking cash, bro.

>> No.5179044

this would make me need to take a nap

>> No.5179047

So, the goal is to induce vomitting to get the bad shit out of you? Do they not have real food where you live?

>> No.5179051

...what problem are you thinking of? unless you consider feeling extra tired a problem (it very well could be if you've got shit to do, but probably wont fuck with you any worse than a hangover), i just don't see it.

hell, when i get those mornings where i wake up early still half drunk, a bit of weed makes me feel even better, although i'll be craving a nap by midday. man, drinking was easier when i smoked weed.

>> No.5179053


That wouldn't be the worst thing. Sleeping away a hangover is pretty good.

>nigga hatin' on the GoAT Breakfast item

Pic related, you stupid shithead.

>> No.5179059
File: 2.47 MB, 318x283, deal with it hernandez.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck, forgot pic. Deal with it.

>> No.5179065

Hmm, so consumption of fast food really does cause brain damage. Thank you anon, I had a theory.

>> No.5179082

>look, i'm trying to provoke people on the internet again!

have fun with that

>> No.5179090
File: 53 KB, 500x500, reagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there are, responding. If being called out on an unhealthy lifestyle upsets you so, why don't you consider changing it?

>> No.5179107

just to clarify, i'm a completely different poster. i just wanted to point out that your asinine comments have no use in this particular thread.

>why don't you consider changing it?
i like my lifestyle, it's plenty healthy enough to suit my needs. and no, i don't eat at mcdonald's, but i'm not about to start judging people who do eat there just so i can... what, feel superior?

>> No.5179126

a big plate of kedgeree and a strong gin and tonic.

>> No.5179130

Nope. It's about ending the american tax-payers support for companies that profit by paying their employees shit wages and passing their savings on to the rest of us in the form of the taxes we pay for the assistance their employees have to go on. It's about what raising beef for mcd's does to the rain forest. Mostly, it's about not being a lazy piece of shit and actually caring what you put into your body, tho.

>> No.5179137

so your method for getting your point across is insulting people? real effective.

and your forum for calling for these changes is posting on an anonymous imageboard? bravo to you.

>> No.5179183

>It's about ending the american tax-payers support for companies that profit by paying their employees shit wages and passing their savings on to the rest of us in the form of the taxes we pay for the assistance their employees have to go on

TOP LEL. This will never change. If it isn't McDs it will be someone else

>It's about what raising beef for mcd's does to the rain forest

Nobody cares. Third world countries get income and jobs, fair deal imo

>blah blah

You sound like you read alternet frequently. Maybe post on some cumhole like Fark

>> No.5179191
File: 124 KB, 605x455, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>eating one of the most spicy and acidic foods imaginable
>while hung over

>> No.5179196

>hurrr nothing will change just fuck it lol

You sound like a real winner.

>> No.5179227

>bawwwwwww, baawwwwww
FTFY bro.

Yes, those wonderful jobs that pay peanuts and the income that might as well be non-existent in exchange for a massive ecological catastrophe. How fucking stupid are you? Are you some kind of teabagger?

>> No.5179229


good for digestion

since, you know, your digestive system is an utter wreck

>> No.5179247

That looks pretty delicious. Now I'm going to try to learn to make whatever the fuck menudo is and see if I can manage to not botch it.

>> No.5179256
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>tfw went to have menudo for the first time at local diner
>really looking forward to it since every mexibro raves about it
>taste the broth
>is the most bland, oily, tasteless shit I have ever tasted
What the fuck man? Are all menudos like that? The broth had absolutely no flavor. I was appalled. All the onion, cilantro, salt, and lemon couldn't even salvage it.
At least the tripe of tender.

>> No.5179308
File: 481 KB, 500x323, my people.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he mad

Oh he upset

>Mostly, it's about not being a lazy piece of shit and actually caring what you put into your body, tho.

It's like you think I get drunk more than once a month, and eat Fast Food once a month.


Nice presumption you stupid shit. You literally think you're helping the world or economy by not eating at McDicks? McDicks has restaraunts in nearly every country, and provides jobs to the otherwise needy. You so mad because you live in your mom's basement and were denied a job at McDick's because you smell like shit and don't wash your hair.


Would you rather have people living off welfare and having no job? McDonald's is all about equal opportunity and advancement. You can start out a cashier or line worker and work your way to manager, corporate, etc.

>tfw he works at Pizza Hut and doesn't get tipped because he's fat, ugly, smelly, and has a shitty car that breaks down, so he's often late on deliveries

I bet you have pimples, too. God damn. A 20+ year old man with zits. Just kill yourself, worthless sloth.

>> No.5179329


Damn bro, thanks for the novel, but I don't speak butthurt. Why doncha try english this time? There's too much bawwww in your novel. I'm digging the projection and straw men, they really give it that angry basement dwelling autist feel.

>> No.5179341
File: 122 KB, 806x849, 1356698715231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't read 6 sentences

Damn, bro, you must be illiterate.

Get on adderall. PLUS: Then you won't be compelled to eat so much.

>> No.5179348

>straw men

How wry.

>> No.5179354

>Won't waste my life reading the brain-droppings of an autist on the defensive.

You're right, I must be illiterate. I'm sorry to hear about your pharmaceutical addiction, perhaps your should head over to advice.

>> No.5179358

Yes, when you attempt to project your shitty life on to others (sorry to hear about your acne and body image problems, but I take care of myself so I don't have to deal with this) it is in fact projection.

>> No.5179428
File: 43 KB, 500x638, euphoria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm sorry to hear about your pharmaceutical addiction

Cool projection bro. Nice ad hominem. Literally haven't debunked a single point.

*tips fedora*


And he does it again!

>> No.5179438

>Implying you made any points
All you did was show that you are a buttmad autist with an adderall addiction. acne, bad eating habits and body image problems...Why would I refute any of that? Those are your issues, not mine.

>> No.5179456

>adderall addiction


I showed that eating fast food once per month, while experience a hangover, may help, whether mentally or physically, the person.

All you've done is take my own insults and try to sadly use them against me, which have failed. Everytime I mention a new drug you grasp on to it.

I suggest you see a shrink. You're experinceing poly substance abuse. Check yourself into a half-way house and get off the internet. Post haste.

>> No.5179558

Ctrl F for bloody mary phrase not found
Get on my level girls.

>> No.5179718

>Drinking a bloody mary

They're disgusting, kid, only fuckin' weirdos gulp that swill down.

>> No.5179726

Yeah they're in that "love it or hate it" category.

>> No.5180434

WOAH, lay off the SE&C bagel brutha. There is no better fast food item anywhere.
captcha: onions ndenlo

>> No.5180444

Frito chili cheese pies.

>> No.5180456

they call that mondongo where i live, good on winter times

>> No.5180461

Forcing yourself to drink large amounts of water before you fall asleep.
Also banan milkshake with a shot of vodka.

>> No.5180490

Steamed cow tripe with Goto (Filipino type of risotto) and fucking assload of chopped raw chilis sprinkled on top, drizzled lightly with some fish sauce, salt and pepper.

I personally have a bowl of it with about a teaspoon of olive oil, because I feel that helps round out the taste, sometimes with have it with a vegetable spring-roll or two with a side of vinegar dip (place that I get my spring-rolls from mixes some sugar and other things in the vinegar, very smooth taste)

>> No.5183054
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>> No.5183081

Anything greasy. For some reason it helps.

>> No.5183095
File: 438 KB, 300x169, 1381800981488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunkin' Donuts' Bacon, Egg, and Cheese on a Sesame Bagel, and a bottle of Simply Orange.

God fucking damn, fast food isn't supposed to be this scrumptious and wholesome.

>> No.5183118


A shower, a shave and a shit. Not necessarily in that order.

>> No.5183146

Thanks brah, I was just thinking of killing myself.

>> No.5183156
File: 17 KB, 320x240, 1390068959251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Menudo

>> No.5183176

It's a myth and it's purely placebo if anything. Grease only helps if you eat it before you consume alcohol as it limits the amount of alcohol that is absorbed.

>> No.5184374

is there anyway one could acquire saline I.V's without working at a hospital?

>> No.5185898
File: 40 KB, 360x285, GarbagePlate1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my town's local delicacy, and all the carbs it contains seems to sober one's self right up! It is known as the garbage plate. The base of the plate has a few scoops of a mac salad and the rest is covered with fries. You can then slap on either two hamburgers, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, or other meat of your choice. Then you slather the whole thing is a spiced meat/hot sauce. I also usually get mine with onions, mustard, and ketchup on top.

>> No.5185902

I've learned that if I drink coffee while hung over I'll throw up almost instantly. So that's kind of a cure.

If I have to work, I just grab a big green pepper and eat it like an apple. It's a bit tough to get through but it helps a lot

>> No.5185912
File: 159 KB, 500x330, pickleanim3a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master of Feeling Better coming through.
Pickle juice, especially.

Some states offer IV clinics.