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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5174087 No.5174087[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Should it be illegal to eat pigs? We abhor slaughter of dogs, dolphins, and horses, but why not pigs?
>Pigs are one of the smartest species on the planet. Smarter than dogs, and smarter than even human children.
>Pigs are very emotionally complex animals, that go insane in factory farms due to lack of stimulation, and abusive conditions.

>> No.5174092

bacon is good.

>> No.5174095

What a shit thread. Worst in the last 24 hours

>> No.5174096

>We abhor
you mean some western civilizations
not even ALL western civilizations, because people will cook up their horses and put mix it into their beef

>> No.5174099

I've eaten horse before and it was pretty good. White people loves dogs and dolphins but both are perfectly acceptable in other cultures. Whites aren't the only people in the world.

>> No.5174101

This is an English board, with the majority of users coming from USA, Canada, and Europe.

>> No.5174102

No, the slaughter or dogs, dolphins and horses should be legal... And actually is in many countries.

Horse meat is popular around the world.
I have some in the freezer, it's not bad.
It's pretty sweet but it has a sour aftertaste.

>> No.5174107

that doesn't mean that 1. the people who do eat those animals don't exist and that 2. the people who do eat those animals don't also post here

>> No.5174111

Use of "we" signifies the majority of whatever the in-group is. Pretty sure the majority of /ck/ doesn't eat Flipper steaks or Lassie burgers. That is not to say that no individuals or societies do, but in terms of meat consumption it is definitely a minority.

>> No.5174112

What is your point? If anything it proves the point that white people think they are the center of the world

>> No.5174114

So.. y'all saying blacks don't like demselves some dogs? Muthafucka, I know you didn' just say dat bout my group of peeps. OR DO WE NOT MATTER BECUZ WER BLACK? Check out dis joke! Aight I'm out peace.

>> No.5174119

>implying only white people live in the west

>> No.5174124

While I think factory farms are sick even for relatively stupid animals like cows, I have no problem eating pork that has been free to root around in the brush and live a relatively natural life. We get our bacon from a local farm, and the stuff is so superior to other bacon that I no longer want any other kind.

>> No.5174128

We are though.

>> No.5174130

Dolphins are way smarter than pigs.
The only reason why we (especially me) don't eat them is because there aren't that many of them/it's illegal.

>> No.5174137

>there aren't that many of them
Not all species of dolphin are threatened, if it were closely regulated then dolphin meat could be available to the public, it wouldn't be cheap though.

The problem is the mercury, hell, if you eat tuna more than once a week you risk getting sick.

>> No.5174142

>Should it be illegal to eat pigs?
No, why on earth would it be? That won't stop anything, it will simply make it go underground where it is even less regulated.

>We abhor slaughter of dogs, dolphins, and horses, but why not pigs?

No, "we" don't. You might. But I see no difference in killing a horse for meat vs. killing a pig, cow, chicken, or potato plant. All of them are alive. Don't let your personal food preferences cloud your judgement.

>>Pigs are one of the smartest species on the planet. Smarter than dogs, and smarter than even human children.
So what?

>>Pigs are very emotionally complex animals, that go insane in factory farms due to lack of stimulation, and abusive conditions.

Agreed that factory farms are awful. The meat is poor quality too--inferior texture and flavor. I don't understand why people buy it. What does that have to do with killing pigs though? Not all pork comes from factory farms.

>> No.5174180

>Not all pork comes from factory farms.
More than 90% of it does. We can't produce enough pork to feed 7 billion people, and also give the pigs decent living conditions. The land and resource requirements would skyrocket, and animal agriculture also uses an insane amount of resources.

So simple solution = eat less pork / eat none.

>> No.5174400

I don't eat pork.
always annoying when I tell people and they ask if I'm jewish

>> No.5174402


Because they're a household animal by social stigma.

I'd eat a dolphin, only hippies care.

Who the fuck has ever complained about this.

>> No.5174406

Well, I was going to have chicken for dinner tonight but you sold me. Ham it is.

>> No.5174409

I don't eat pork, but not because they're smart, and not because of religion. It's because they're filthy, mean, disgusting animals that will literally eat anything, including humans. They have no eating restraints and will happily eat rotten meat or roadkill as they would eat normal feed. You have no idea what your pork has been eating, unless you buy your meat from a grower. I can only afford a certain amount of properly raised meats, so I spend my money on grass fed beef and free range chickens instead. Occasionally, when I have the cash, I'll buy pastured pork trotters for making tonkotsu broth.

>> No.5174423

>smarter than even human children

Unless you're talking about a 2 week old baby, you're a retard and I'm going to think about you next time I eat pork.

>> No.5174427

You don't have any idea what any animal in captivity eats. Cows were fed on cow, you really think pigs being natural omnivores makes a bloody difference in captivity?

>> No.5174429

7billion people don't eat pork, fuckbrains

>> No.5174432

fuck off shit eater

>> No.5174449

It's like you didn't even read my post, you fucking retard.

>> No.5174453

ABSOLUTELY, YES (although I love to eat pork)

>> No.5174463

Dolphins are endangered, we don't have a culture of eating horse, and we have emotion attachment to housepets.

Nice false equivalence though.

>> No.5174485

I think mass producing factory farms should be illegal. Cost of meat would go up, but so would the quality. We would have to eat less of it, but that would be healthier.

>> No.5174499

This. Though I don't think the minke whale, a dolphin-like baleen animal, is endangered. It's not even of any concern.

>> No.5174504

how do you make your tare seasoning?

>> No.5174523

yuropoor here
we eat horse
shit's tasty
Pferdeleberkäse for the win

>> No.5174530

>pigs are shitty animals they eat whatever
>hurr durr
your post

>> No.5174546
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Pigs are delicious. That's really all I care about. Seriously, there is a limit to how much people/animals one can give a fuck about. I doubt I'll ever feel bad for eating meat that isn't from a near-extinct animal or a monkey or something.

>> No.5174550

>smarter than even human children.
how so

>> No.5174560

You really are a complete moron. GDIAF.

>> No.5174575

no really please answer for the love of god.

>> No.5174576

I raise and slaughter my own pigs. They live the happiest piggy lives ever, and when its time to harvest one I do it quickly. They never experience becoming old. One minute they're being lead to a trough of good food, next minute they're gone.

If only we could go out the same way.

>> No.5174621

You can feed pigs food unsuitable for humans or most other animals. They thrive on this.

Then you can eat the pigs.

This is why we eat pigs.

>> No.5174639

>free range chicken

Take a look at your chicken the next time you guy it. Does that breast meat look huge in proportion to the rest of the body? Now imagine what you think a chicken looks like. Can those breasts fit on that bird?

That free-range chicken can hardly stand on its own two feet. Your free range chicken has been bred for many years to have larger and larger breasts. This has gone on until the chicken simply lacks mobility. The thing lives in agony, hardly able to support its own weight.

Pigs, by contrast, have been much less fucked around with.

>> No.5174647

Cause we used to be?
The majority of the west is still white, and it kind of is the center...

>> No.5174662

>boohoo animal feelings
>feelings of animals we breed for eating

every pig you eat wouldn't even exist if we hadn't bred them for eating

>> No.5174674

if pigs didn't want to be eaten then they woulnd't be eaten

>> No.5174679

That's speciesism at its finest.
>hurr dur without us they wouldn't exist!
They did exist once as free-roaming animals, but our ancestors bred them to be dependent on us. So what if they don't exist, better for it, there are free, emancipated feral pigs out in the wild.

>> No.5174696
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>emancipated feral pigs o

>> No.5174704

and those pigs kill others, and get eaten by still others. the wild is not a happy place any more than a factory. the real devil isn't the factories, but the people who demand the meat, if there where less people and they curbed their excesses, it wouldn't be a problem, but you wont see retarded "environmentalist" vegans championing birth control and saying no to having children; the most devastating impact you can have on the environment is having a kid, but no we just have to stop eating animals, all that top soil will last forever when its put to the clandestine and morally superior use of raising plants to kill. right? right?

>> No.5174711

>We abhor
Do we?

Also, not /ck/.

>> No.5174748

the most humane thing to do is not to eat another living being, animal or plant

kill yourself today to save the planet!!1

>> No.5174758

What the fuck does an animal's alleged intelligence and emotional intelligence have to do with whether or not we east them? Eating meat is traditionally a matter of affluence, and which meats are taboo (if any) a matter of culture.

I don't give a fuck about animal suffering at human hands. Animals make each other suffer, and we're animals, too, so we have no reason not to play that game.

I rarely eat meat because I don't think it's healthy to eat that often, and I think factory farms are disgusting. But I sure as fuck have no ethical problems eating pigs. I just do so only very rarely.

>> No.5174790

>>Pigs are very emotionally complex animals, that go insane in factory farms due to lack of stimulation, and abusive conditions.

I have hunted deer and elk most of my life; THOSE are complex and emotional creatures; they even understand there own fucking impact on there habitat. When was the last time a dolphin stopped eating a certain fish or moving through a certain area because they clearly knew they were having an adverse affect on it and want to keep it alive as a resource? I have no problem with eating any animal; unless I keep it as my personal pet...even then if it was a matter of life and death.

>> No.5174794

Bacon and tenderloin are literally the only good cuts of pork.

>> No.5174802

Not until the point where we can create artificial foods that give us not only the calories but the necessary proteins and amino acids pigs give us.
I am against factory farming so I think that should be outlawed but right now many people rely on pigs and other "smart" animals like goats or dogs for food.

>> No.5174805

pick one faggot and stop living in the 70's.

>> No.5174813

>they even understand there own fucking impact on there habitat
Bull. Shit.

>> No.5174824

this, yellowstone wolves problem. hell, even humans still squirt out more babies even as "environmentalists" claim they support saving the planet by not eating meat or some shit.

>> No.5174825

have you ever hunted? tracked or studied deer and elk? They wont travel through the same area all the time because it created trails and tracks, they wont eat plants to deforestation unless forced to to survive. Deer bond with one another and, this sounds crazy but can become depressed and even borderline suicidal if their mate dies. Stop listening to Lousi C.K. anon.

>> No.5174857


>Not until the point where we can create artificial foods that give us not only the calories but the necessary proteins and amino acids pigs give us.

What necessary proteins/amino acids do pigs offer that can't be found anywhere else? Or calories?

>> No.5174872

if we stop eating pigs, the heritage breeds will die off. The only thing left will be wild swine which are a destructive menace, which we will end up shooting and eating but in a non cost-effective way.

>> No.5174874

Creating trails and tracks doesn't impact habitat negatively. I also suggest you google "deer trail" and be shocked and amazed.
Not eating plants to deforestation unless forced to means nothing. It just means they will eat as much as they need and if their population is too big to be supported by the land they will keep eating. You are attributing an unfounded understanding of the world unto them without any scientific basis but your faulty observation.

>> No.5174881

They are already shot and eaten and their status is completely unrelated to industrial pigs.

>> No.5174884

I don't know
I'm not vegetarian and i'll eat pork very occasionally, but I would like it if not eating meat was the social standard and more things used this dietary choice as a default, rather than an exception.
Meat is tasty, but I wouldn't really miss it unless physical cravings from bad diet.

>> No.5174897


So why do you go around killing deer and elk then?

>> No.5174899

Sooooo....all intelligent pigs that you propose we don't eat, what is your plan for them? Do we kill them all in a mass genocide so we don't have to support them without profit, draining either farms or government of money, or do you propose we release them into the wild, where they become feral and regress into wild pigs in one generation with tusks and all, and a human and animal killing disposition?

>> No.5174910


>so you see, we have to keep killing them forever by the billions, or else they'll DIE

>> No.5174917

If by center you mean the stupidest

>> No.5174927


You didn't answer about what to do with the pigs that are currently alive. The pigs are currently being bred and kept alive because they make money by being butchered. If everyone just stopped eating pigs who would foot the bill?

>> No.5174939

Not that anon, but it's more like we have no good way to get rid of pigs fast. We can reduce the amount of farm slowly, over the years - we'll still be hurting PEOPLE, both those who like pork, and those who grow pork - but it's not like anyone really give a fuck about PEOPLE here.

... Huh. We should really consider cannibalism instead. Increase likelihood of death sentences for crimes to produce the meat. Lower crime rate, and solve part of the world hunger problem.

Wait, I forgot, I am too insane to make good suggestions. Sorry.

>> No.5174947

I don't think anyone demands that on a surprising afternoon suddenly no one eats pig. If you just slaughtered the animals that are still alive and don't raise any new ones either by law or slowly raise less because of the withering demand, you don't have to worry about your stupid ideas.

>mass genocide
Yeah, that would be horrible, to kill all the animals raised for food. Definitely a good point to keep raising and killing them for food.

I ain't even vegetarian but your arguments are toddler tier.

>> No.5174954


>> No.5174960

Don't be stupid. You really have NO idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5174965


>> No.5174982
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>we'll still be hurting PEOPLE, both those who like pork, and those who grow pork

The way you can't see how ridiculous that sounds worries me

>> No.5174984

For the love of god, shut the fuck up. The point is that vegans wouldn't want a mass genocide of the pigs either. There would be protests everywhere "hurr durr you can't kill all the pigs!" And you'd have to, otherwise it's either pay to take care of them, or allow them to be feral, which would be a disaster of epic proportions. The government isn't going to pay to protect the pigs, I can tell you that. They didn't pay to take care of cattle during the Dust Bowl and mass killed hundreds of thousands of cattle, they sure as hell aren't going to pay to take care of Freedom Pigs.

>> No.5174990


>There would be protests everywhere "hurr durr you can't kill all the pigs!"

Has that ever worked at any other point? Just finish off the last batch of pigs and end it

>> No.5174999

>If you just slaughtered the animals that are still alive and don't raise any new ones either by law or slowly raise less because of the withering demand, you don't have to worry about your stupid ideas.

And then...what, have to create a new law enforcement agency that finds and arrests people who illegally raise pigs for meat? Sure, because we know you liberals are all about restrictions of freedoms and making more useless laws and government agencies to rape the people of their tax dollars.

>> No.5175006

I'm fine with that, but vegans wouldn't be. They don't care or want to deal with the aftermath of their beliefs, they can't think beyond their own feelings.

>> No.5175016

>Freedom Pigs

That made me lol.

>> No.5175041

I think we can all agree that when vat-grown meat is invented all the regular folks can eat that stuff while true huntsmen and farmers can raise and kill their own animals.

>> No.5175100


You're talking to a vegan right now. Finish up killing the pigs we already have, then stop killing pigs

>> No.5175103

>I don't think anyone demands that on a surprising afternoon suddenly no one eats pig

>I have never talked to a self-righteous vegan

>> No.5175105

so you would support the extinction of dozens of pig species because its wrong to kill living things

>> No.5175108

You have to kill them all at once, though, which would result in a massive operation to clean up. You can't phase out animal breeding, because animals will breed regardless.

>> No.5175129




>You can't phase out animal breeding, because animals will breed regardless.

I don't think you understand how factory farms work

>> No.5175167

I don't see why people won't eat an animal because is smart, smart animals probably taste better than dumb animals.

>> No.5175170

nigger.. nature works in mysterious ways... jurassic park... okay, enough joking... you can't spay all the pigs or neuter them... god dammit vegans just admit that all this save the animals bullshit isn't practical... nature is brutal, deal with it

>but its only a baby wildebeest, save it

>> No.5175177


we need to kill all predator animals and make this a cruelty free earth

>> No.5175181
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I'll stop eating pigs when they stop being delicious.

>> No.5175182

>b-b-but its pregnant save it- youtube commenter

>> No.5175185
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that... that does not look like a pig.... at al...

>> No.5175189

soooo reeeeallll

>> No.5175264

You know why I don't hesitate to eat pigs?

Because a pig wouldn't hesitate to eat me.

>> No.5175272

Well, it's certainly pork!

>> No.5175281
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I dont think its pork at all, picture related.

>> No.5175278

hate to say it but


>> No.5175289

I don't think you understand ANYTHING. Do you think that only factory farms would be the only farms that have to kill their pigs? A law like that would reach much further than factory farms.

>> No.5175292


>nature is brutal, deal with it

I could accept this argument if you actually used it to its full scope, but when you say "it's just nature, bro. nature's hardcore" to justify one thing like killing animals, you also seem to disregard everything else "it's just nature" means. Rape is a normal part of nature. Killing other members of your species and cannibalising them is nature. It would be perfectly within nature for me to walk up to you, bash your head on a rock, and steal your possessions. It's an everything-or-nothing term.

Being natural doesn't necessarily mean it's something we should strive for though.

>> No.5175294

Well, they do refer people as the long pork.

>> No.5175309

thats why humans are on top of the food chain. common sense. which vegans don't have. just muh feelings

>> No.5175318
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>> No.5175319

morality is arbitrary and anyone who disagrees has nothing but their own concieted anthropocentricism backing it up. the only right answer to this situation is to downsize our population, that way our wild and varied morals and cultures and ways of doing things stop ruining the planet.

>> No.5175324

been waiting to use that one

>> No.5175346

I wouldn't mind getting rid of factory farms, or regulating them so that the animals aren't effectively tortured, but see nothing wrong eating humanely raised animals. They live the life about as good as an animal gets, are generally protected from being terrorized and mutilated by wolves and such, and then one day they are put down cleanly.

You want to reduce animal suffering? Good. Push to end horrible factory farming environments and most people are with you. Trying to shame people to make them stop eating animals or enslaving bees altogether is ridiculous self-righteous asshattery from cunts who can't accept that death is a part of life.

>> No.5175348
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>Should it be illegal to eat pigs?

Why would you ever want to force someone to change their diet because you don't agree with it?

>> No.5175365
File: 105 KB, 436x263, whatthefuckamireading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>self righteous and ridiculous ass hattery from cunts who cant accept that death is a part of life
that goes a lot deeper than vegans and peta anon. 70+% of the planet are just that, and you, while not automatically so, have a very high chance of being one yourself just on statistics alone. picture related.

>> No.5175366
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> and then one day they are put down cleanly.

>> No.5175377

>>laughing at the way we put down animals.

>> No.5175384


Because liking a type of food doesn't give you the right to eat it. I don't know why people who are into cooking have this sense of entitlement where because they have a hobby, they can do whatever they want and use "but I like it" as an excuse to kill things and destroy the planet. If someone liked eating humans, are you going to let them kill and eat you or are you going to "force them to change their diet"?

>> No.5175402
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Have you seen the movie The Island by chance? When the situation becomes humans instead of cows, the idea of giving something an artificially constructed life and then killing it when you need to doesn't seem as open-and-shut. The average farm life of a cow is also about 5 years, whereas in the wild they can live for 20 or so

>> No.5175426

of course it doesn't. see >>5175319
Morals cannot be applied in all cases universally, no matter how hard you try, they will always break down. particularly when they are driven by human motivations from a human perspective. its like you're trying to argue "knives are bad, they can be used to do bad things, so you aren't allowed to say we should use knives in a good way without saying the bad things we do with knives are also good."

Morality is a value system, and people are going to always value things differently than others. even if (a small small subset of) vegans (who are small as they are identical in belief systems) went on a crusade right now, and where 100% successful in killing anyone who wasn't of their exact beliefs and tried to raise future society in the same way, it would degrade, divide, and eventually we'd end up right back where we started, its the same reason negative eugenics do not work.

>> No.5175435


I don't see what your knife analogy is supposed to be representing

>> No.5175464
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the knife is skub, because no matter how clandestine you try and make it someone will disagree with it on moral principles and say its evil or bad in some way. there will always be people who oppose a thing for reasons and people who promote it, and those in the middle gradient. the knife is simply trying to apply a universal rule in a situation as a moral guideline about anything, knife, gun, anime, books, clams, cheese burgers, whatever, it doesn't matter, people are going to back up a reason why they value it and others why they don't, each one, when confronted with eachother without being taught how to tolerate differences, are going to try and apply their value system universally and its going to result in nothing positive.

>> No.5175496

vegans pretend to care about animals to make themselves seem better and to boost their ego about some trivial bullshit

>> No.5175537


Yeah, what a bunch of assholes. They're just trying to look better than me by doing things that make them a better person. I put no effort or consideration into any aspect of life, so that makes me better than them by default, because I'm not trying to be better than them. So I am. Fuck you, I'm not insecure.

>> No.5175558

Not liking a type of food doesn't give you the right to keep people from eating either.

>> No.5175565

>by doing things that make them a better person


>> No.5175590

Dolphin meat is so high in heavy metals that it is unsafe to eat. And some horses are treated with hormones that are also dangerous for humans to consume. Stop being stupid and racist.

>> No.5175592


Who says I don't like that kind of food? I just choose not to eat it, the same way I don't go around raping women just because I think they're attractive.

>> No.5175594

>comparing eating meat to rape

Nice leap of logic there, you should try out for the Special Olympics.

>> No.5175599


>I don't think killing is as bad as raping, so let's just throw the argument away altogether

>> No.5175601
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>eating a dead animal is the same as rape

>> No.5175604

>I think killing livestock, bred to serve as food for the last two millenia, is akin to rape

Face it, your argument is shit and you're a fucking retard.

>> No.5175606
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I'm going to kill you and use you to fatten my pigs

>> No.5175613


So what you're implying is the children in Thailand, bred to be raped for money, are okay to rape? Or do you want to put another arbritary qualifier on it so you don't have to feel so much cognitive dissonance?

>> No.5175616
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>mfw this is a vegan future
So if I raise a chicken in my backyard and I kill it after two years, will I be charged with murder? If my neighbour witnesses me killing the chicken but doesn't report it, is he/she culpable as an accessory?

>> No.5175623

Somehow I don't think there are child rape farms in Thailand on a comparable scale to the average pig farm but hey, in your vegan fantasy land anything is possible!

>> No.5175629

>being a human
>arbitrary qualifier

Not to mention the fact that domestic livestock and wild animals are completely different species. But you know, taxonomic rank in biology is just arbitrary, better listen to the 'muh feels' 'eating meat is raping little boys' guy.

>> No.5175631


The scale of the operation doesn't matter, the fact is they exist, and you just passively admitted to supporting them while trying to justify another dumb thing you support.

>> No.5175634


>Pigs are one of the smartest species on the planet. Smarter than dogs, and smarter than even human children.

I suspect they are even smarter than vegans.

And tastier.

>> No.5175637
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>you just passively admitted to supporting them

You heard it here first folks, buying a sirloin steak from your local butcher is directly supporting the child prostitution industry.

>> No.5175638

Herbivores are naturally tasty.

>> No.5175644


That is abritrary, why do you feel that human beings are the only things on the planet that matter? Because giving thought to anything else would inconvenience the way you already live? The same logic was used to oppose freeing black slaves and Chinese workers. "They're not white, they're a completely different race, they don't matter"

This is why you think vegans are self-righteous, holier-than-thou assholes, because your own sense of morality is based on personal greed and what would require the least effort and sacrifice for you to accept

>> No.5175647


To say "they're bred to have this happen to them" fits both animal slaughter and child prostitution. If you accept one premise, you have to accept the other or else you're cherry-picking.

>> No.5175648

we could be eating the next Shakespeare!

>> No.5175650


Some of the tastiest meats come from omnivores:


>> No.5175651

>strawmanning this hard

Take a basic biology course you fucking retard, and pay attention to classification, the food web, and predation. Also while you're at it, go look into domestic agriculture. Oh wait, but 'muh retarded rationalizations and feels>science and history'

>> No.5175655

There's kind of a difference between "the modern pig, as a species, only exists to be eaten" and "the modern Thai child, as a species, only exists to be raped".

Again, because you are very, very stupid then this may be a difficult concept for you to grasp, but there it is.

>> No.5175657

>domestic livestock and wild animals are completely different species

>But you know, taxonomic rank in biology is just arbitrary, better listen to the 'muh feels' 'eating meat is raping little boys' guy.
Are you implying that morality increases proportionately with phylogenetic relation? How does this make sense?

You are just trying to justify why treating people different from animals is "logical". It isn't, so don't try to use the same arguments as the other side without realizing it.

>> No.5175659

Because reciprocal altruism. I don't mess with other humans because we can form a mutually beneficial relationship with one another. It's the same reason why chimpanzees will form alliances with one another to kill Colobus monkeys, despite the monkeys being just as intelligent as they are.

>> No.5175660

>what are species

Oh I forgot, a housefly and a human are the same thing.

>> No.5175664

>There's kind of a difference between "the modern pig, as a species, only exists to be eaten" and "the modern Thai child, as a species, only exists to be raped".

>Again, because you are very, very stupid
You can't seem to argue without your emotions.

>> No.5175673

>>domestic livestock and wild animals are completely different species

Seriously... how fucking retarded are you?

>> No.5175676

Why do you think domestication has created new species?

>> No.5175678

Sorry but bacon existing is worth their slaughter.

>> No.5175681

Provide an example of this without being so emotional.

>> No.5175682

Because if humans hadn't domesticated the wild boar that was the modern pig's ancestor to feed themselves, the modern pig wouldn't exist.

>You can't seem to argue without your emotions.
Your entire argument is based on emotion. "Pork should be illegal" is not based on fact. It's based on "I think killing this thing is wrong because I'm a sentimental, whiny little bitch, and because I'm a sentimental, whiny little bitch I just can't LIVE knowing people are killing those cute widdle piggies!"

>> No.5175684

>this cognitive dissonance

Oh, I don't know retard, maybe becaused one has been bred for milennia for agricultural purposes and "thai children" aren't a species?

>> No.5175685


Let me guess, you think that because nothing hunts us, that we need to hunt everything else.
Tell that to the rhinocerous, who fucks up anything in the Savannah yet eats grass because that's what he's supposed to eat.

My lack of eating meat doesn't even stem from an ethical viewpoint, I don't eat meat because in study after study we see that people who eat plants are healthy and people who eat meat aren't. The arguments about morality come once you realize that all the killing, wasting of resources, and destruction of the planet at large comes from industries whose job apparently is to feed people their own death, and the argument that meat eaters make for it all is "but it tastes good." If you want to die early, there's plenty of junk food you can eat that doesn't require you to fuck everyone else in the process

>> No.5175686

A lot of people just have a disconnect with what they eat because thats the intention of the industry. It's to give you a product without justification. Convenience, without life changing PTSD.

>> No.5175687

>"I think killing this thing is wrong because I'm a sentimental, whiny little bitch, and because I'm a sentimental, whiny little bitch I just can't LIVE knowing people are killing those cute widdle piggies!"
I can't take anyone seriously who has such poor debating skills. Good bye and try maturing friend.

>> No.5175692


>I don't mess with other humans because we can form a mutually beneficial relationship with one another

What's that whole "war" thing about?

>> No.5175693

domestic pig and wild boar

domestic cow and cape buffalo

oh wait... you're a fucking retard. Go wikipedia the word "species" or hell, "order (biology)" This is literally grade school stuff.

>> No.5175699
File: 46 KB, 479x625, 1390766821840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good bye and try maturing friend

Try slicing down the wrist instead of across.

>> No.5175700

>be called out on strawman
>literal first sentence is another enormous strawman

You seriously think I'm going to read the rest of what you typed? Get fucked dumbass.

>> No.5175701

>some other people do it so I blame you
Why do you support child rape?

>> No.5175702


Ignore him, he'd flip his argument around if he was about to be killed by someone. "B-but killing is wrong when it happens to ME!"

>> No.5175706

>domestic pig and wild boar
Same species. The domestic pig is classified as a subspecies, which isn't exactly a phylogenetically strong classification.

>domestic cow and cape buffalo
Not even the same genus.

Nice try, kid.

>> No.5175709

>"B-but agriculture is bad when it offend ME!"

>> No.5175710


>implying there's anything wrong with war or raping children

Seriously, if you're not ME, why would I give a shit besides "muh feelings"? Stop trying to push your beliefs on me and let me live how I want to live.

>> No.5175715

So you're saying you'd murder people to prove your point about meat being bad?

Well now who's the fucking psychopath?

>> No.5175717

The problem is vegans can't be pro-choice when it comes to food. It's why they're all annoying as fuck.

>> No.5175718


Yes, that is exactly what that post implied. You heard it here, I'm Ted Bundy

>> No.5175719

The only pork I eat, and very rarely, is bacon. Sorry pigs :(

>> No.5175721

[ ] Not told
[ ] Told
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>> No.5175730


>[x] Legend of Zelda: Toldacarnia of Time

Why is that not "ocarina of told"?

>> No.5175732

One time I was watching hogs be castrated, and one of the testicles rolled into the open. Another hog immediately ate it. They're fucking cannibals and you are a shithead for anthropomorphizing them.

>> No.5175735

>>domestic cow and cape buffalo
>Not even the same genus.

Cows: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bos#Evolutionary_history

And the argument over wild boar and domestic pig is debatable. Species/subspecies is fucking moot when the point was that one was raised for agriculture and one is a completely different animal.

The argument wasn't over species level classification, just evolution in domestication. You have to be a slackjawed ignormaous to say "nuh uh, domesticated animals don't exist!"

>> No.5175737

What no pigs are a noble people that's why they have their own culture, music, and poetry anything else is just meat industry propaganda you faggot ;-;

>> No.5175750


>cutting off their testicles
>trying to protray THEM as the bad guys

>> No.5175752

(didn't mean to quote the greentext)

But denying basic things like the fact that homo sapiens and domestic livestock are different species, and that domestic livestock hasn't evolved for the sole purpose of agriculture is beyond stupid.

>> No.5175759

are you against spaying and neutering pets?

>> No.5175766

Cape Buffalo: Syncerus caffer
Domesticated cow: Bos taurus

>Species/subspecies is fucking moot when the point was that one was raised for agriculture and one is a completely different animal.
Phylogeny doesn't capitulate to anthropogenic reasoning. How old are you?

>The argument wasn't over species level classification, just evolution in domestication.
You said domesticate animals are different species and that I was a retard for questioning this. Quite the backtrack now, wouldn't you say?

Congrates on spending a few minutes on Wikipedia though, maybe you learned something.

>> No.5175768


In most cases, but there are some cases where spaying an animal can increase its lifespan because they're prone to diseases like cervical cancer

>> No.5175770

But then you're taking away their reproductive rights you butcher.

>> No.5175775

If you spayed a human before puberty you would basically reduce the incident of breast cancer to 0%.

>> No.5175781

What gives you the motivation to talk about things you know nothing about?

>> No.5175792

So you haven't. That's all I need to know, faglord. Next

>> No.5175827

You are a class A moron. This is why I hide vegan threads, you people are literally below the intelligence level worth talking to. Thread hidden, indeed.

>> No.5175846

But he's right. Are you disputing that?

>> No.5175860




>> No.5175947

>in study after study we see that people who eat plants are healthy and people who eat meat aren't

this is false

the opposite is true

veganism is one of the most unhealthy diets you can possibly have

children and the elderly literally die if they don't eat animal products

>> No.5175978

I'm sure won't be able to find a study showing vegan vs. strict carnivore.

So let's just say vegetarian or mostly vegetarian compared to the average Western diet. This is a more apt comparison.

Are you suggesting the latter is healthier?

>> No.5176032
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western civilization is the trailblazer for social compassion, animal welfare, and human rights.
Are you suggesting we should follow asians on issues of morality?

>> No.5176036

false dichotomy

>> No.5176062

Protip: According to studies, even plants feel an analogue of pain.


>> No.5176067
File: 118 KB, 317x208, 1300480396965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The choice of which animals are considered food animals over those who aren't is -somewhat- arbitrary and based on taste, availability, ease of domestication, the health impact from the incursion of animal-specific types of parasites when eaten, and animal personality as companions compared to others.

Your personal feelings on the poor wittew piggies or any other animal actually become completely irrelevant when people are hungry and something is at hand.

>> No.5176075

>false dichotomy
Not at all.

>> No.5176202


>Your personal feelings on the poor wittew piggies or any other animal actually become completely irrelevant when people are hungry and something is at hand.

Sure, I just hope you don't think humans are off-limits too.

>> No.5176217

That's the reason Inuits are allowed to hunt and eat narwhals and Europeans/Americans can't.
This discussion has moved on to, should people keep eating animals when they have easy access to the calories and macro and micro nutrients they need from non-animal sources.

>> No.5176236

I don't eat any mammals for this reason. I'm okay eating meat from animals that have no central nervous systems, but a pig? No way.

>> No.5176257


you're a sick murderer

>> No.5176259


>> No.5176267


That article is about certain plants' effects on OUR central nervous system, not a CNS that plants have.

>> No.5176317

>Lord of the told

because he's a stupid piece of shit, that's why