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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5171239 No.5171239 [Reply] [Original]

So, /ck/... jail food?

I was in jail last weekend, for a day, and was served cheese sandwiches with an unwieldy amount of margarine, vanilla cake with chocolate swirls, and orange juice.

Apart from a massive case of diarrhea, it wasn't so bad. I've had better, though, in jail, but it was definitely on a par with food you could've eaten at one of your douchebag friends in school.

Aside from that I'm fine, but my diet consists mainly of beer and codeine pills right now, and I'm not at all inclined to make any kind of food. I'm just living to die, and dying to live right now.

Turns out I was actually cooking for /ck/.

>> No.5171245

No one cares.

>> No.5171280

go away

>> No.5171310
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Let's tAlk bout why u were jailed

>> No.5171357

Jail food is mostly shit altough Sundays they can come with decent shit
Also alot of ppl in jail will keep their meatballs for later meals etc. Cornbread too

>> No.5171654
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Do you think people should care?

The future is now, and change begins with your own actions.


I managed to find the boyfriend's address. He charged me with harassment, domestic violence, and something else.

He didn't say a word to me.

I guess he'd rather the state and cops care for him...

>> No.5171657

Thanks for updating your blog.


>> No.5171681
File: 254 KB, 600x590, himmlerburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saute your codeine pills in butter with crushed garlic. Once properly seared plate the codeine pills with a drizzle of the garlic butter for dipping. Serve with your beer.

>> No.5171682

>suspenders and a belt

fucking dropped. Go away Sceak

>> No.5171697

>for a day

Go whine somewhere else, faggot.

>> No.5171718

not to defend Sceak, but those are "bondage pants" the straps are not suspenders. They are meant to be worn down just like that. They look stupid, but that is what they are supposed to look like.

>> No.5171751

this thread is like that dick who kept posting about food in a psychiatric institution because he wanted to talk about his experiences in psychiatric institution..... the food stuff was irrelevant.

get a blog asshole.

saged and hidden

>> No.5171757

Jail food is pretty much on par with the food in school cafeterias. After all, they're both government funded programs.

Unless you're a real snob it's passable for the most part, not dogshit like some people think. The real problem is that it's all you ever get. Bland cafeteria food three times a day for years and years. It's usually not too bad but it's NEVER good. Another problem is that the portions are smaller than most people would like. Like the taste, it's enough to keep you going but never enough to fill you up. It's a purely functional food-as-fuel situation that takes all the pleasure out of eating.

For variety some people make stuff like 'spread,' which is pretty much just a bag full of random shit mixed together. Ramen noodles, crushed up chips, hot dogs, hot sauce, mayo, BBQ sauce, etc, pretty much whatever they can get from the prison store.

Sounds breddy good right?

>> No.5172374

Wow Sceak, your popularity and provocativeness must have run out. Only a dozen replies.

So sad, you've run your /ck/ourse.