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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5166705 No.5166705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would you expect from a place like this?

>> No.5166708

barbecue and watermelons you blind fuck

>> No.5166726

I would expect to get robbed and potentially stabbed.

>> No.5166732

really good ribs, awesome greens and probably disappointing mac&cheese made with Velveeta or some pre-shredded pseudo-cheese with lots of artificial coloring

>> No.5166734

A huge increase in customers on the first of the month.

>> No.5166738

I'd expect to spend the next 14 hours huddled over my toilet if I ate any of their food

>> No.5166739

nehi soda in a bottle, pulled pork in a tangy-vinegary type bbq sauce on a small hamburger bun with a pickle, and potato salad. Looks like the best kind of place to get bbq.

>> No.5166770

Good to see that the boy in the bubble has internet access these days

>> No.5166784

That looks like one of those old time establishments where some gray haired old niggrress is always sayin' "yes'mm" and "boss man" to all the dark foke that come there but spits in the white mans food.

>> No.5166787

This, sadly, but I expect the potato salad should be pretty good.

>> No.5166800

a laundry list of health code violations

>> No.5166814


shut it rummy or the bird gets it.

>> No.5166819

The health department would disagree, as they have presented this establishment with an "A" rating. It is displayed on the front door, prominently .

>> No.5166829
File: 117 KB, 300x900, 1389069586644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a black guy calls me "boss"

Thanks for making any future conversation awkward, asshole.

>> No.5166831

hopefully some good pulled pork sandwiches and a good mop sauce to dip it in

>> No.5166837


Just be assertive and tell him not to call you boss. I worked with a 70-something year old black woman from Mississippi a few years ago, she would call me sir ever though I was 50 years younger than her and it made me feel awkward, so I politely told her that I don't like it when her people speak to me and she never said a word to me again.

>> No.5166843

And I bet she called you racist behind your back.

>> No.5166845
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Okay, that one got me.

>> No.5166846

Food poisoning and nwa's.

>> No.5166848
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>so I politely told her that I don't like it when her people speak to me

>> No.5166852

>don't like it when her people speak to me

wow, the racism on this guy

>> No.5166851

A faded, laminated copy of a NY Times article tacked to the wall next to the register.


>> No.5166849

watch that thing over your head doesn't fall on you

>> No.5166855
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>mfw my boss called me "boss"

>> No.5166857
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>> No.5166859

Either really good food, or really awful food.

Worth a try, just to find out, though.

>> No.5166860

good shit

>> No.5166866
File: 130 KB, 956x570, Scott'sBBQ_Menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is their menu. I love places that have simple, minimalistic menus.

Next time I go to Myrtle Beach, I'll see if I can stop by and out their food.

>> No.5166879

>and out their food

Dude, not cool. It should be the individual who chooses when they should come out and to whom.

>> No.5166880
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>smoked ribeye

>> No.5166885


>no prices


>> No.5166910
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>> No.5166921

Little holes in the wall like that always have the best BBQ.

>> No.5166922

Southern bbq probably.

>> No.5166936


Good pulled pork, and lots of black people, it's that part of South Carolina.

>> No.5166938

yup, SC barbecue is best BBQ

>> No.5166958
File: 400 KB, 610x490, General_Marion[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm from TX and live in SC. To be honest, there is amazing regional BBQ all over the South, and I despair when people get riled up about what's 'best.' But, to be fair, the best grits are from SC, that's indisputable.

>Whereas, throughout its history, the South has relished its grits, making them a symbol of its diet, its customs, its humor, and its hospitality, and whereas, every community in the State of South Carolina used to be the site of a grits mill and every local economy in the State used to be dependent on its product; and whereas, grits has been a part of the life of every South Carolinian of whatever race, background, gender, and income; and whereas, grits could very well play a vital role in the future of not only this State, but also the world, if as Charleston's The Post and Courier proclaimed in 1952, "An inexpensive, simple, and thoroughly digestible food, [grits] should be made popular throughout the world. Given enough of it, the inhabitants of planet Earth would have nothing to fight about. A man full of [grits] is a man of peace."[5]

>> No.5166965

I would expect to feel uncomfortable because of that blacker-than-night negro by the door.

>> No.5167285

pulled pork with some unbelievably god tier smoking.

>> No.5168200

I'm hungry now.

>> No.5168204