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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.97 MB, 2592x1936, poscanopener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5158469 No.5158469[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm sick and tired of having to replace a can opener every 3 or 4 months. No matter how much I try to take care of it, it always ends breaking or the gear gets sheared.

tldr; where can I find a good can opener

>> No.5158477

how do you break it? ive had the same oxo can opener for like 10 years

>> No.5158478


well, oxo's a good brand.

I was actually about to suggest buying one.

>> No.5158480

Get an electric one ya dingus.

>> No.5158508

>using a electric can opener

Look at this fool

>> No.5158526


I could get you some oats to munch on, Mister Goat.

>> No.5158533

I open cans with the heel of one of my cheap cleavers

>> No.5158538

hominy is awesome

>> No.5158550

Swis army knife

>> No.5158556
File: 60 KB, 457x337, 1281760710832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when using a can opener from 1987

>> No.5158564

my parents have had the same can opener for 30 or 40 years

>> No.5158570
File: 172 KB, 999x762, 881 Miracle Roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy one of these, but good luck trying to figure out how to use that bitch on your own.

>> No.5158579

is that one of those ones that forms a smooth edge and makes a lid out of the top?

>> No.5158599
File: 6 KB, 227x156, Easy_Safety_Can_Opener_11802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, those are safety can openers, which is mainly what I use and it's almost all plastic. Hasn't broken in the 5~ years I've had it, and it's some no-name Chink brand. I think OP just doesn't know how to use a can opener.

That Miracle Roll thing cuts the lid like most old can openers.

Pic related is the safety can opener that I normally use.

>> No.5158606

I've had the same can opener for about 10 years now.

The key is not to buy shit can openers.

>> No.5158646

I've had the same Kitchen Aid brand opener for 10yrs, its sturdy. I use it a lot to open beers too.

>> No.5158647


that shits not broken the handle is just off... fucking put glue on it and stick it back in...

>> No.5158670

>every 3 or 4 months

Where the fuck are you getting your can openers? The one in my drawer was the one my mom gave me when I moved to go to school. It's at least a decade old. Works great.

>> No.5158684
File: 168 KB, 1192x672, P-38_Can_Opener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "church key" type is always a good idea but if you are looking for a great manual one (like the picture), forget Coleman brand. They are made of shitty soft metal. I got a pack of 5 x p38 for less than a dollar ten years ago, and all of them still do the job, from American Science & Surplus.

>> No.5158699

This. Swiss Army knife. never breaks and is just as fast as a normal opener. I ahven't had to use one for years now though, pretty much every can you can buy in germany comes with a ring you can pull the lid open with, like a coke can.

>> No.5158710

where'd you get that, the dollar store? I have a swing away and the only problem i've had is that it rusts (presumably because it's made of a very low grade). Oxo usually makes good small shit like this though

>> No.5158727
File: 296 KB, 2800x1500, canOpener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) OP might be squeezing too hard. Let the blade do the work.

2) OP's handle is made of plastic. I got a super cheap one that is almost entirely metal at a big department store. Either Walmart or Target. That has lasted over 6 years and showing no signs of wear. See pic.

>> No.5158747

Just stab it open with a big fucking knife.

>> No.5158755

that does work

>> No.5158757
File: 114 KB, 479x360, soaking_beans_dried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Switch to dried beans OP.

>> No.5158763

Those aren't beans in the OP.

>> No.5158767

I'm... not sure you're using it right.

Either that or you eat canned food every day or something.

>> No.5158779

yes. make sure you hold the can between your thighs for best results.

>> No.5158789

I have a Magican that is still going strong after a few years I have a few other can openers that have been retired to the bar for use as bottle openers after their shit ability to open a can.

Funny how when a can opener stops working it never goes into the trash, it goes into that drawer under the cutlery drawer where it will live forever and every time you reach into that drawer looking for tongs or a wooden spoon you will grab that can opener by mistake.

>> No.5158799

I've had 2 pieces of shit that looked kinda similar to the one in the OP picture but with a little thicker handles, and they've lasted me 15 years so far

>> No.5158801

>every time you reach into that drawer looking for tongs or a wooden spoon you will grab that can opener by mistake
plus one

>> No.5158824

This one is boss. The kind that lock shut are great in general.

http://www.amazon com /Zyliss-20362-Lock-n-Lift-Manual-Opener/dp/B000HK03HI/ref=sr_1_4?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1391326100&sr=1-4

>> No.5158832

>people still use manual can openers

You're not camping m8s

>> No.5158835

Get a swing-a-way. My mom has had the same one for twenty five years.

>> No.5158837

link fail

>> No.5158838
File: 447 KB, 1464x1000, il_fullxfull.403407530_tlmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5158843

>electricity makes canned food taste horrible

>> No.5158844

There is still the possibility that your wonderwand will fail.

You don't have that with a manual p38

>> No.5158848

>1) OP might be squeezing too hard.
OP definitely is squeezing too hard.

>> No.5158850

>not using a samurai sword to open cans with one swift motion

im not even a weeaboo, its a great tool for canned food and destroying enemies.

>> No.5158874


Can openers are planned to break after a period of time.

>> No.5158902

Still using my mother's old Swing-a-way. Figure it dates back to the late 80's.

>> No.5158906

garage sale little nigga, you want one of those old school ones that was made in the 60s-80s, that shit is american/canadian made and doesn't have cheap plastic parts, all metal.

My can opener is 31 years old

>> No.5158915

preach it

>> No.5158943

>buy $4 Good Cook brand can opener
>never buy another one

Seriously OP, what the hell are you doing with yours? You know it's not a hammer, right? I've had this one for at least 8 years and I don't think it was even new when I got it, I'm fairly sure it was my mother's before that.

>> No.5158946

This looks like the one I use. I moved back in with my parents to help when my mom started cancer treatment a few years ago, same old canopener from my youth is still there. I'm 43. This canopener must be from the 70's or earlier.

>> No.5158948
File: 1.53 MB, 2530x1424, IMG_00000240_hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


matter of fact seeing as how I have my knife roll at home I went and took a picture of it, to make you all jelly

>> No.5158953

i have one of those safety ones that makes the lids (sort of) resealable and it takes a fraction of the effort of a traditional can opener

>> No.5158960

Target. Buy the most expensive can opener. Idiot.

>> No.5158989

Enjoy your rusty d-dull p-piece of shit.. electric master race


>> No.5159006
File: 529 KB, 480x360, 1382037966526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been looking for one of these fucking can openers for years, but not even the dollar stores around here carry them
They all have the plastic pieces of shit like in OPs pic, where you have to buy a new one every handful of months
Its almost like its a fucking conspiracy or something.
My tactic so far is to buy a cheapass electric one from walmart that lasts me 5-6 months, then bring it in and trade it for a new one.
((you can return 3 things every 6 months without a recipt, which is a workaround for their 90 day policy))

I wouldn't have to do this if they'd sell a decent fucking can opener.

>> No.5159011
File: 52 KB, 923x434, p38 p51 ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a spare one I keep with my emergency food, plus a couple P51s. They're like a P38, but bigger, these were the ones that the cooks got.

>> No.5159021

i use these all the time to open all my cans. They're easy and quick to use and they never break.

Can't beat that.

>> No.5159035

This is the answer to "how do i open this can"

>> No.5159043

electric only works as long as you have electricity.

you are asking for what to buy when that stops

buy a good manual can opener

the kind you can still use without electricity

a good knife

>> No.5159074

>not keeping a cinder block in the kitchen


>> No.5159173

Have fun with your electric can opener when the power goes out for 3 days and you are trapped at home with nothing but canned goods.

>> No.5159184

I have two can openers. One was my mothers and is older than I am and still works a dream. The other I bought 10 years ago and still works fantastically.
The older one is entirely steel and greatly resembles >>5158727. There are no plastic parts at all.
The newer one is entirely plastic excepting the gear and the blade and it's the one I use more commonly. It is from IKEA.
If you're putting so much pressure on them that the handle breaks, perhaps you can learn to use less force when working a can opener. Alternately, buy a metal one or an electric one. The metal ones won't generally break no matter how much force you use and the electric require no force whatsoever.

>> No.5159186


>> No.5159194

What the hell are you doing to your can openers?

I'm using a cheap one I got at Walmart 10 years ago, and despite having plastic handles and being incredibly rusty, it still works fine.

>> No.5159197
File: 53 KB, 900x900, 1391348435604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a large hand crank opener from a restaurant supply. Best can opener I've ever had.

>> No.5159463

>using a can opener that's probably older than I am
Treat your equipment better OP. Also don't buy something with a plastic handle.

>> No.5159483

I thought I was the only one.

Confirmed for weak, faggot, pussy hands.

>> No.5159576

the brand Cutco makes can openners now. Theyre pretty expensive (like $50 or something) but if you ever damage it at all ever they'll keep replacing it forever because of their "forever guarantee". Check ebay.

i use to sell cutco so I was able to get one for $10

>> No.5159618

I dunno how that could have happened OP. According to the knife fag, having a full metal tang is marketing bullshit and polymers are superior! Your shitty plastic handled can opener should have been nearly indestructible, unlike mine with full length metal handles which is older than I am...
What a fucking crazy world we live in!

>> No.5159649

P51 guy here.
Fuck me, I want one of these.
Guess I'll have three can openers then.

>> No.5159667

I have one of those. It shears metal shavings off of the lid and drags the label off. Garbage

>> No.5159870

>I've been looking for one of these fucking can openers for years
I know those feelers, anon. Search "Chrome Plated Butterfly Can Opener BOJ" on Amazon. The picture is at a bad angle, but I think this is the model you are looking for.