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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5156720 No.5156720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be in line at Subway yesterday
>lady in front of me orders two different six inch subs
>when she goes to pay they ring the total up at around 6-7 dollars
>she asks why it isn't $5 because it's JanuAny
>they say they can't ring up two six inches as one footlong
>lady says she's done it successfully at another Subway location
>manager comes out and says NOPE
>lady gets angry and leaves, saying she'll go to the other Subway
>sandwich artists and manager are laughing and shit talking her after she leaves

Who was right in the situation? You would think that if every footlong was 5 dollars, logic would dictate that a six inch would be 2.50. Not to mention that the Toaster oven was broken, so you would think that the particular location would be trying to be more conducive to making the customer happy.

I also think the manager tried calling the other location, because she asked specifically which location the lady had done it at, and then went to the phone, probably trying to describe the lady, and put a ban on her ass.

When they had the Customer Appreciation month and 2 dollar subs, if you ordered a footlong, they came to around 4 dollars, not the actual price of the footlong, so you would think it would work both ways.

What say you? What would you have done here?

>> No.5156732

Two six inches isn't a footlong. A footlong is one sandwich, two six inches is two sandwiches. Its kind of autistic on the managers part, but it does take twice as much time to make two sandwiches as it does to make one.

>> No.5156738

most point of sale systems in places like this inventory food to calculate food costs so it could simply be against the rules to do that. however...the bitches just wanted a sandwich and I would have given her them for 5 bucks. she's willing to pay, its not like she's scamming for free food.

>> No.5156742

Why do they charge $5 for a footlong when it costs about $1 to make it from the ingredient costs?

Because businesses need to make a profit.

>> No.5156740
File: 149 KB, 997x727, depressing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when glorious JanuAny is over
>look on their website and it's completely depressing

>> No.5156747


>> No.5156753
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>> No.5156755

>wants a login

>> No.5156761

>mfw my manager is working the line and refuses to do a completely reasonable request because it inflamed his autism and/or he's lazy
>mfw he gives in and does it anyway like a bitch after the customer whines enough

It was a one-two punch of retardation. I had to go in the back to calm down.

>> No.5156818
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>he has a gamefaqs account
>he thinks everyone else does, too

>> No.5156875

unless they were really busy why the fuck couldn't they just do it? oh yeah, americans are assholes, that's why

>> No.5156880

Manager and employees were in the right by not letting some entitled cunt try to job the system.

Still, now they have to deal with 2 unwanted sandwiches going to waste. Kinda lose either which way in this situation.

>> No.5156903

they actually call themselves sandwich artists?


>> No.5156915

Well technically the manager is right because none of their sandwiches are a foot long.

>> No.5156916
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>sale on X
>get two Y
>complain the sale doesn't apply to Y

>> No.5156926

A 'footlong' at Subway isn't a length, it's a marketing name. Usually you don't even get a 12" sandwich because the bread isn't actually 12".

She's an idiot though, it's like walking into McDonalds and asking for two medium fries for the price of a large...

>> No.5156932 [DELETED] 

Dumb cunt wanted variety and didn't want to pay for it.
That's the special. The Five Dollar Footlong is only one type of sub. It's not The Five Dollar Two Sixinch Sub.

If she wanted two types of subs she either pays for 2 Footlongs, or get charged extra for two six inch subs.

I bet she was either black or a jew, they always want everyone to accommodate them

>> No.5156938
File: 29 KB, 420x249, laughingsluts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fast food trash complaining about minorities

The Jewish conspiracy is why you're not a winner

>> No.5156941

>I bet she was either black or a jew

Surprisingly enough, it's usually middle aged white women who feel entitled to pulling this kind of shit.

>> No.5156945

It's the blacks and the jews that walk around thinking everyone owes them something for slavery and the holocaust.

I wouldn't have the nerve to be demanding, self-serving, and sassy... At least ask first.

It's called manners, you should look into it.

>> No.5156946

>middle aged white women

Thanks I forgot to add that. Blacks, jews, and middle aged white women. Especially Soccer moms.

>> No.5156953
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>sandwich artists

>> No.5156960

yeah I'd rather stay unemployed than ever become a "sandwich artist"

>> No.5156978

that would be pretty sweet to be able to order a foot long sub. half meatball. half something else.

>> No.5156982

the problem is people who pull scams and then act like the victims act like the victims are the victims. odd how that works huh.

>> No.5156986

>implying she wasn't right
She should've just left and not gone back to give them any more business though

>> No.5156989

Yes, not being able to order something that isn't on sale and try to buy it for sale price makes them the victim.

>> No.5156991


The promotion is a $5 footlong. End of story.

If it were that simple, a double meat double cheese footlong would also be simply $5.

The "logic" presented is only self serving nonsense. You did not order a footlong sub, so you do not get the footlong promotion. Half's are regular price and it does not at all state otherwise. "Logic" is a child's move when the world does not start and stop and their convenience.

And fuck you for penny pinching at a fucking fast food joint anyway.

>> No.5156996

It's a footlong worth of sandwich. They should have charged 5 dollars.

>> No.5156998

You shouldn't encourage anti intellectualism by saying logic is a child's move.

>> No.5157006

Footlong = 11.5"
Two 6" Swandwiches = 12"

>> No.5157007

>taking half of 2 foot longs that would've been included in the 5 dollar foot long deal had they been whole
>somehow makes the deal void because Subway is being a greedy cunt
>people here calling the woman a Jew when Subway is being one as well
I have a big suspicion that everyone defending Subway either just hates people in general or loves getting fucked in the ass

>> No.5157009

>>5156982 >>5156991 >>5156989
the lady should have lawyered up and ordered a foot long sub half what ever and the other half a different whatever

>> No.5157011



>> No.5157015

Maybe they should'nt lie about the damn size of the sandwiches in the first place
Also, I could have sworn that they were actually smaller than that.

>> No.5157019


>> No.5157021

They're not lying.
As I said in >>5156926, a 'footlong' at Subway isn't a measurement of length, it's a menu item.

>> No.5157027

so what your saying is that the other half of the 6" sub is thrown away and the added cost of the savings is passed onto the customer?

hmm very interesting. yeah i can see why two different combinations of bread making up a foot long sub would cost more then ordering two 6" subs. not to mention additional bags and napkins

>> No.5157030

They obviously called it that to make it look like it really is a footlong.
No where on the menu does it say "isn't actually a foot long" when you walk in, nor do they tell you before you order.

>> No.5157037

Of course they do that, it's called marketing.
There's a disclaimer in the fine-print on the menu boards covering themselves that a Subway footlong isn't related to a footlong of measurement. There's a whole court case over this:

>> No.5157042

>go to subway
>order 2 different 6" subs
>get ass pained when charged for 2 6" subs and not a single foot long
>go home
>seek consolation on 4chan while "cleverly" evading responsibility by blaming it on imaginary lady aka being a giant faggot
>cry self to sleep

>> No.5157049

I know what it's called. It doesn't make it right or justified just because so many companies do it

>> No.5157055
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Life isn't fair, anon.

>> No.5157057

>he thinks I was born yesterday

>> No.5157063

some people sued subway because of it. i just get my sub card stamped and they make it up to me with one free sub every month

>> No.5157068

Could have fooled us.

>> No.5157076


>> No.5157082

I hope it actually went somewhere.
"Eat Fresh" is their slogan while they try to rip you off.

>> No.5157088

1. She should have said something before, when they were making the sandwiches, but she didn't because she figured it'd be easier to get her way once the sandwiches were made
2. I've done this when both 6 inchers were the SAME kind of sandwich (but prepared differently for 2 different people) and it's been fine, but since I'm not a rude cunt I asked first.

Rude entitled bitches just trying to save a buck above all else really irritate me. The chick in the OP was a bitch.

>> No.5157093

They let you half-half a footlong, but only on the toppings, not the meat.

>> No.5157110

its fresh backed bread thats not baked in a mold! its a big difference then say some fast food place towing your car because you did not see the 5 minute only parking sign that was hidden by the tow truck drivers drug dealers van

>> No.5157130

>each half of the same loaf they make the footlong from adds up to longer than the footlong
It's the same damn bread. I guess I understand if they can't ring up two different meats as a single footlong for inventory purposes, but the length definitely wasn't the issue here if they used the same bread for both halves.

>> No.5157131

All the Subways I went to let me do that. I don't get why this is an issue.

>> No.5157163

Because some people let off steam they build up in their lives by going on the internet and starting an argument about anything and everything

>> No.5159096

I was a manager at a Subway back in the day.

Our rule was: if it is the same meat, but different bread/salads etc, we put it through as a footlong. If it is different meats, it gets charged as two 6 inches, regardless if they're in the same price category.

Customer is wrong.

>> No.5159114

I worked at a Subway back in the day, and the only requests we would accede to were veggie, sauce, and maybe cheese differences on each half. Don't wrap that shit separate. Don't mix and match meat. Certainly not two different bread types (that's the base man!). Are you going to tell me you're going to ring up my 6" flatbread meatball and 6" wheat meatball as a footlong? Way to lose money for the company numbnuts. And they're all about managing foodwaste unless you were at a shit store. Corporate saw that as their biggest cost savings when I was there.

I can't believe this is a legit argument. Ya'll are a bunch of illogical nickel and dimers. The purpose of this promotion is to move large amounts of similar products. I can't tell you how many dry 6" bread piece would end up in the trash. They want you to buy more, move more, use more, and no, the customer isn't always right. You're not buying a luxury vehicle or sinking your money into a house or vacation or some other thing where a little acquiescence and asswiping is expected. You're buying a $5 FOOTONG. Only a retard would assume differently. And y'know what, I blame the schools.

>> No.5159229

Not allowing the two halves to be separately wrapped is tantamount to torture ... who wants to try and eat the whole 12 inch sub at one time? Those things are messy, yo.

>> No.5159281

Buy one and get it cut into two?

>> No.5159297

She's a cunt.

>> No.5159302

I always wondered if I could just waltz in to europe and demand everything be cheaper. Thanks for letting me know.

>> No.5159312

>local subway is staffed by the nicest people on planet Earth
>these employees exist to make you happy, it seems
>can get whatever combo of shit on the foot long, packaged separately, different stuff on each half, part toasted, part not, etc and they are super enthusiastic about doing it

They're always packed. Their owner is doing something right. Happy/well compensated employees means an easygoing production line which makes happy customers. One thing I've noticed since moving to this town is that all of the Subways back home were owned and operated by Indian or Middle Eastern people. This shop is operated by a mid-40s white chick. Having worked at a Quiznos that was owned by Indians, I can honestly say I understand why employees get easily pissed off at customer requests that exceed the norm. When your boss is a piece of shit slave driver, you don't want to do anything but the bare min.

>> No.5159344


>Order a $5 footlong
>Ask the sandwich artist to cut it in half for me
>It rings up $7 because it is two six inch sandwiches

>> No.5159347

I'm pretty sure Subway always cuts the footlongs in half at the end of the sandwich making procedure.

>> No.5159367

If they were the same sub I'd agree with the lady, but it was two different subs. It should be charged like 2 six-inches.

>> No.5159394

Subway always cuts their footlongs

>> No.5159397

>She should have said something before, when they were making the sandwiches, but she didn't because she figured it'd be easier to get her way once the sandwiches were made

This. I always ask first.

How I would have handled it:

>woman asks why it isn't rung up as footlong
>explain policy and add "But since you didn't now we'll give it to you this time. Hope to see you again."

This way she gets what she wants and you don't lose a customer.

>> No.5159423

The problem with giving it to her "this time" is that she'll then expect that deal every time even if you tell her otherwise.

The customer is not always right. If that means losing a customer, so be it.

>> No.5159435

Had she politely asked if two 6-inch subs could be rung up as a footlong BEFORE she ordered, I would have totally given it to her. Exceptions can be made to ensure customer satisfaction.

But nah, to hell with that entitled bitch.

>> No.5159443

>old ladies trying to game Subway

How fucking cheap can you possibly be?

>> No.5159555

>she'll then expect that deal every time even if you tell her otherwise

Maybe. You never know. Instruct your employees to no longer bend on the policy. You might take a dollar in loss this time, but it's not a huge deal, especially if she comes back because the manager cut her a break once.