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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 50 KB, 1000x351, lindt-lndrcrml3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5153349 No.5153349[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>chewing on chocolate pieces instead of letting it dissolve in your mouth.

lets discuss fat fuck habits

>> No.5153352
File: 77 KB, 600x451, fatty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating chocolate

pic related OP

>> No.5153360

Biting Ice Cream

>> No.5153383
File: 64 KB, 500x256, 1355907612342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god. That shit drives me crazy. It's like watching someone put a nail through their hand. Cold hurts my teeth. A lot.

When I eat ice cream I have to do small scoops and flip the spoon over to put it directly onto my tongue.

>> No.5153400

I used to eat chocolate like that OP before I realized the godliness that is letting it dissolve.

>> No.5153402

this, then drink an ice cold sprite. fucking mouth gasm

>> No.5153406

I always bite into ice cream, I like to think I'm making everyone jealous that I can do it.

>> No.5153435

>wanting nasty lukewarm shit marinating in your mouth
do you like to let your saliva collect in your mouth too? nasty

>> No.5153452

This, so fucking much. It irks me so much when my brother just chews up chocolate and swallows it within three seconds.

Shame on you, but I'm glad you realised your transgression.

>> No.5153454

I can only do that with really dark chocolate. Milk or candied dark chocolate don't have enough flavour for melting it in your mouth to be worth it imo

>> No.5153537
File: 2.00 MB, 400x259, 1389068578927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your rotten teeth, dickwad.

>> No.5153689

You keep chocolate swirling around in your mouth. Its your teeth that are going to look like shit.

>> No.5153690

>not brushing and flossing

>> No.5153692

That's not the point, you're saying to someone who rejects the idea of keeping chocolate in their mouth that their teeth will rot, he could brush and floss too.

>> No.5153779

i fucking love chewing chocolate so fuck you

>> No.5154036

Any guy that licks ice cream in public looks like a massive faggot.

>> No.5154065
File: 282 KB, 704x396, Mello_scar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chocolate pieces

are you crazy? pic related is the only way of eating chocolate that isn't pleb

>> No.5154090

you do realise you're basing your argument on a bad manga adapted into a fucking disgraceful anime, right?

>> No.5154093
File: 145 KB, 400x400, bite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like, your opinion, mate

>> No.5154146

Not gonna fucking lick my ice-cream when I'm out in public.

>> No.5154160

All dat insecurity

>> No.5154197

I don't even eat chocolate but I do bite ice cream, how else does you eat a fucking ice cream sandwich or popsicle bar. Licking is retarded, ain't nobody got time for that shit, my lunch is only an hour, I need 40mins to sleep.

>> No.5154199

Eating food

>> No.5154204


>> No.5154205

>caring about what other people think of you

>> No.5154218

isn't it a school day, underagefriend?

>> No.5154309


>ordering a Lumberjack breakfast
>Not a Lumberjack

>> No.5154322

This has always burned my ass. I used to think it was retarded to care about it, but I think the hate is the same thing that pisses me off on /ck/ when slobs take a picture of their food, but only after taking a bite out it. You fuckin slobs, can't you control yourself for the 30 seconds it takes to take a picture? Nobody wants to see a mold of your fat cocksuckin mouth.

Also when fat chics act all coy around food, pretending they're never hungry and eating tiny portions of healthy foods. Come on, we know you would be buns-up kneeling over a pig trough full of food if you were at home and nobodys watching. You don't get that fat from starving.

>> No.5155859
File: 2.47 MB, 631x351, 1377707009250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a fatfuck with good hair, I only get Ice Cream on beaches and like it lewdly, to embarrass everyone involved.

>> No.5155895

>he doesn't chew chocolate
you must hate texturally interesting foods.
i chew all my chocolate up then let it melt until it is soft but not too soft, then i swirl it around my mouth
but i dont eat chocolate that much

>> No.5155927
File: 58 KB, 426x200, 146562_ferrero_collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only chocolates acceptable to chew are multi layer ones where you are supposed to experience the layers together. Like fererros

Even then you do it slowly to savour it and enjoy it.

I agree with plain pieces of chocolate being sucked and disolved

As for a fat fuck habit that i often whitness. Opening food and eating it while at doing groceries then paying for it at the counter after. Like what the fuck? yall cant even do groceries without eating?

>> No.5155936
File: 44 KB, 500x374, kitkat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5155966

My girlfriend pulls that shit. She'll eat a banana or some shit.

Pisses me off, yo.

>> No.5156171

only fags disassemble Kit Kats jut because the commercial told them to.

>> No.5156192

>not breaking the bar into pieces and carefully chewing all of the chocolate off of each piece before pulling the wafers apart to lick out the sugary creme

>> No.5156235

>oh god yes

>> No.5156246
File: 16 KB, 641x651, lone ranger smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read this thread
>wish I had some chocolate to melt in my mouth
>remember I have a bunch of ghirardelli dark chocolate in the fridge

Also yeah, fuck chewing chocolate. Even if I eat M&M's or something it takes me multiple days to go through a bag, as I only eat like 10-20 in a sitting, allowing each one to melt in my mouth individually before eating the next.

>> No.5157846


>> No.5158620

he talking about saliva you dumb fuck. saliva keeps your teeth clean.

>> No.5158622

>Opening food and eating it while at doing groceries then paying for it at the counter after. Like what the fuck? yall cant even do groceries without eating?

Saw this shit today. Dont peopel feel somwhat embarrassed or shameful doing this.

I know youre going to pay for it but still

>> No.5158892

but melting the chocolate in your mouth keeps them exposed to sugar and bacteria have a feast on it.

you loose

>> No.5159069

you don't have a job do you?

>> No.5159093

>let chocolate - preferably dark melt in mouth til there's not much left
>wash the rest down with really good coffee

this is is my ritual when I have 30mins to spare, shit relaxes me

>> No.5159101

replace coffee with whiskey, I mean it.

>> No.5159170

What an ignorant fucking comment.

>> No.5159176

I've been known to do this with one item - bottled water. The reason is that shopping makes me horrifically thirsty, and I go to multiple stores in a trip so I sometimes end up getting dehydrated if I don't. But I always purchase the item first, separately from my other goods, to make sure it's paid for.

>> No.5159178


>Self-important anons who think so highly of their own opinion on how other people eat a particular food that they actually believe it matters to anyone.

>Posted in a 'food and cooking' forum.


>> No.5159192

>identifying someone else as a narcissist is itself a narcissistic defense (him, therefor not me).

>> No.5159564

Anon, I tried to get into that forum, but it seems to be down.

>> No.5159835

yesyesyes. never met ANYONE else who did this

>> No.5160042
File: 73 KB, 692x442, Nutty Bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do occasionally pull the wafers apart, but I'm more likely to do it with one of these.

>> No.5161672

I have a weakness for fererros, I could eat them all day like Kobayashi inhales hot dogs, cramming them in my gullet at superspeed and not giving a fuck. There's no such thing as too much of a good thing when those are involved. If there was some way where I could literally eat nothing but those and still be healthy, I would probably consider that. At least it would take up most of my food intake anyway.

As for the fat fuck habit you mentioned, the only times I've ever seen that happen are when someone has a little kid and the kid is whining they're hungry, and rather than fear a scene the parent will grab a donut or something for the kid to nosh on, then pay for it later. Do you consider grabbing an impulse item under the fat fuck habit, though? I'll sometimes grab a drink (especially in the summer when it's really hot out) and have some if I'm feeling particularly parched as I'm waiting to check out.

>> No.5161690

Eating dick all day, fat fucks

>> No.5163618

Grow the fuck up you little baby.

>> No.5163878

Supermarket cashier here, the only time I find that acceptable is if it's a beverage and you're thirsty, or you're giving your kid something to shut them up (as long as it's something like crackers, raisins or a piece of fruit, not candy)

>> No.5163906


>not keeping your fair-trade single-source sustainably-harvested 97% pure cacao bars in the freezer
>not crunching the still cold chocolate in your mouth 3 times and then letting the shards slowly melt

stay pleb, op.
chewing the chocolate slightly will greatly improve the mouth-feel and the entire eating experience.

>> No.5163918


I bet you say umami too

>> No.5164033

>the only time I find that acceptable
So aside from the two examples you gave, you don't accept their money at the register? Fucking retard, no one gives two shits about what you "find acceptable".

>> No.5164086

I remember when me and my autistic friend would always get a slice of cheese from the deli corner every time his mom would go grocery shopping.

Shit was so cash.