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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 182 KB, 1000x1296, B001G8Y8U8_vanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5152090 No.5152090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up /ck/, this stuff is beyond awful but I won't just throw it out. Any suggestions on how to make this a little more bearable?

>> No.5152093

Try drinking it instead of funneling it into your urethra.

>> No.5152105

Mix it with chocolate milk. I use almond milk, personally. 1 scoop to 8 oz.
Alternatively, you could double how much water you're using to try and thin the flavor out.

>> No.5152115

I've been doing that with regular milk, 16 ounces to a scoop, still pretty bad. I'll try chocolate milk next time I guess.

>> No.5152118


Vanilla is the worst flavor OP. Get the chocolate, it's about 10 times better. I use the same brand of shitty walmart protein and have been for years, I may just be used to the taste.

>> No.5152129

Oh, shit, I didn't even realize OP was actually drinking vanilla
Yeah, chocolate is better, there's also a peanut butter I noticed recently that's god-tier

>> No.5152130

I'll definitely remember that next time, till then I have about a third of the jar left, maybe I'll make a banana smoothie with it or something.

>> No.5152135


Peanut butter is pretty good but I get sick of pretty quickly cause it was all I drank at first.

Yeah most of the flavors are alright, it's just vanilla that's just shit. Strawberry tastes like straight up strawberry milk.

>> No.5152162

I get chocolate whey and mix it with my bi-nightly white russians.

bretty good

>> No.5152208

>Use whey for what I presume is to get more protein in your diet.
>Drinks alcohol with it which inhibits protein synthesis.

As for OP, man up.
You don't drink whey for the taste, you drink it for the gains.

>> No.5152225

this. i suggest trying chocolate for a brand you don't know, and be wary of vanilla.

>> No.5152249


What the FUCK are you doing putting protein shakes in alcohol, you dumb fuck? You can't stop drinking anything other than liquor for ten fucking minutes to let your body build up protein? You're probably limp looking as your incontinent dick, you alky, wanna-be-bodybuilder FUCK.

>> No.5152272
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Cocoa powder. 1:2 ratio or 1:1. Mix slowly with milk until it's thick and creamy. Add raisins or a shredded apple. Chocolate syrup helps too.

>> No.5152314

>ten fucking minutes

might want to add some carrots into your diet, since your reading comprehension blows lol

>> No.5152333
File: 52 KB, 286x369, 8 SCOOPS CMON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao it's just fucking whey protein

>> No.5152335

Mix with hfcs.

>> No.5152350

>>Drinks alcohol with it which inhibits protein synthesis.
If you're a fucking moronic long-term alcoholic, than yeah, you're right. Otherwise, it's not really a problem.

>> No.5152352

Where can I get this cheap?

>> No.5152374 [DELETED] 


No, I understood it. I also understand that you're an alky fuck who is not only counteracting the protein with alcohol, but also that you're a stupid dumb fuck for acting like you know what's up. Even lifted a weight on your own before? Didn't think so.

>> No.5152385
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lol I just wish I could understand why you are so upset. it's pretty sad that you care so much.

>> No.5152408

if i switched 2 meals of the day to just an assload of whey or soy, how fucked would i be? i want to help my fat ass lose weight

I do light calisthenics and walk 6 miles 3 times a week and was hoping adding 100g of protein each day in lieu of breakfast and lunch would help

>> No.5152414

You'd be fine, but you'll need to start taking a multivitamin.

>> No.5152417

What the fuck are you guys on about? Just drink it with regular milk. It's not even that bad. it just doesn't mix with water well.

>> No.5152420

even if my dinner was good? it's usually a tomato pasta dish

>> No.5152430

Honestly you probably wouldn't get all the nutrition you need unless you followed the food pyramid thing.Just take it with your breakfast shake.

>> No.5152433


Because you're such a fake. What the fuck are you drinking a protein shake for if you don't fucking need to, apparently?

>> No.5152435


>that diet and routine

read the sticky on /fit/ and learn to eat fatty

>> No.5152438

/fit/ please go, we have enough assholes here without you

>> No.5152444

I work out every day, bro. Just add the whey for my bi-nightly drink. Not sure why you're getting so mad about that.

>> No.5152447

>offers nothing of value
how about you kill yourself, homo

>> No.5152452

>sticky says reduce calories and up protein
>just what the poster was asking about
Hmm. I don't think you're actually from /fit/

>> No.5152456

Reminder not to take more than 15 grams of whey protein at once or you're wasting it. Your body can't absorb more than 15 grams of this in one consumption.

And yeah, the chocolate peanut butter isn't bad.

>> No.5152461


Alcohol does not help with protein, that's what I'm mad about. If anything, it breaks it down.

>> No.5152469

The alcohol is going to be consumed regardless. As is the whey protein. Combining them is not an issue.

>> No.5152471

>body can't absorb more than 15 grams
/fit/ sticky says there is no evidence of that claim. Granted if you eat 60+gr then you're bound to have some digestive problems.

Your body can handle 1 scoop (26 grams) each hour just fine.

>> No.5152472

I like all whey protein supplements. They remind me of Ensure-like milkshakes, which I enjoy.

>> No.5152483


So would you drink the protein shake and then the liquor afterward anyway?

>> No.5152497

Correct. I drink a cold drink after my harder workout every other day. I hate the taste of whey protein, but I realize that a little extra protein could definitely help me out. I mix the two together because my white russians taste just as good (maybe even better) with the whey.

They were both gonna happen on the same day anyway. Might as well mix them together.

>> No.5152507

>Because you're such a fake. What the fuck are you drinking a protein shake for if you don't fucking need to, apparently?

What the fuck? It's his money, why the hell are you tripping?

>> No.5152517

The vanilla flavor isn't all that bad.

>vanilla almond milk
>1-2 scoops of vanilla whey powder
>1 cup of minute oatmeal
>add banana if desired

Trust me niggga , I used to drink this shit everyday when I lift.

>> No.5152527

Its not that bad. Don't be a pussy.

Mix it with milk and OJ. Instant creamscicle.

>> No.5152539

vanilla is the only decent flavor. you are a wuss, OP. man up.

>> No.5152561


Alright, sorry.

>> No.5152581

oh, dude, it's no problem. I was just really wondering why you were so mad at me! it's all good.

>> No.5152671

The /fit/ sticky is wrong: http://www.jissn.com/content/5/1/10

>> No.5152708

You bought some of the crappiest stuff.

>> No.5152995

anyone ever try their cookies and cream flavor? how did it taste

>> No.5153020

I just bought 5 pounds of 90% soy protein isolate

how fucked am i

>> No.5153027
File: 451 KB, 500x271, n04XFiL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approximately this much.

>> No.5153033

so, not at all?

>> No.5153035

Oh man..
>dat gif

>> No.5153043

Not he narrator, but bob.

>> No.5153044

enjoy your mantits

>> No.5153045


>> No.5153048

citation needed

>> No.5153057

Soy increases estrogen, google it.

>> No.5153061

the holocaust never happened
google it

>> No.5153062

>implying it did

>> No.5153067

I did. It says that's a myth.

>> No.5153071
File: 166 KB, 456x443, 1375048155.58365455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gas chambers were proven fake.
The furnaces were too small and ill equipped to process even a tiny fraction of the numbers they were supposedly used for.
The giant piles of dead bodies were from Russians who'd died of smallpox.
The numbers are a grossly inflated guess at best, only backed up by hearsay and questionable testimony.
>tl;dr - the holohoax is a bad thing to use in an argument

>> No.5153074

you guys make me so proud

>> No.5153075

http://www.menshealth com/nutrition/soys-negative-effects
http://www.livestrong com/article/264891-does-soy-protein-increase-estrogen-levels/
http://americannutritionassociation org/newsletter/whole-soy-story

>> No.5153082

>no reputable sources
>no studies
>bottom two links don't even say it increases estrogen

Dairy shill pls

>> No.5153091

People knock it for its "filler" but, really, the only "filler" in it that's a problem is the creatine and even then that's only a problem if you're supplementing with creatine on the side to begin with. It's perfectly acceptable whey protein for the average lifter, e.g. those who don't take the nutritional/supplemental aspect to an autistic degree.

>> No.5153106

>http://americannutritionassociation org/newsletter/whole-soy-story
"Soy contains chemicals that mimic estrogen and lower testosterone levels. "
"Soy contains phytoestrogens known as isoflavones, which are plant-based compounds that have a similar function in the body as estrogen, says the University of Maryland Medical Center. "

>> No.5153110

Paying for filler is a bad thing, you aren't getting as much as you think.

>> No.5153112

notice how it doesn't say it raises estrogen.

not to mention there is no associated study

>> No.5153123

>eating food contain estrogen
>not increasing estrogen

>> No.5153126


>> No.5153127
File: 56 KB, 576x418, 1388705192674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's the first time I have seen an apology posted in a non-sarcastic fashion on 4chan.

>> No.5153135

>implying those act like hormones
It's the same way Red Meat increases T

>> No.5153155

so then i need a steak once a week then to counteract this soy business?

>> No.5153182

Haha nah.

Most liquor lowers free test.

>> No.5153190


>> No.5153202

put it in your pancake mix

>> No.5153331

I just joined this thread and you guys were talking about soy. I can't take whey because I need to keep my cholesterol down. I'm on soy protein. Will this really make me grow bitchtits? Can I get the truth here?

>> No.5153416
File: 204 KB, 347x569, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being a fucking child and eat your fucking food?

srsly OP, grow up!

>> No.5155460

suppository. you should be familiar with this method.

>> No.5155497

>do you even lift bro
>not ironic

>> No.5155499
File: 98 KB, 400x311, my sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>counteracting the protein with alcohol

>> No.5155502

>implying cholesterol isn't a hormone
protip: it is

>> No.5155504
File: 19 KB, 475x475, 1311015555398[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>counteracting protein with alcohol

>> No.5155507
File: 33 KB, 251x251, tumblr_lwq98aDP3j1qzgmug[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alcohol counteracting protein
It was so funny, I needed 3 reaction images. Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.5155528


>not always asking people if they lift

>> No.5157784

>Xenoestrogen in plastic and soy.

Almost all food is packaged in plastic and a fuckton of it has traces of soy.
And then people wonder why test values have been dropping since the 50s.

>> No.5157819

They're also in pesticides, sunlotion, epoxy used as a food container lining, birth control and perfume.

The pesticide means that it's found on vegetables.
Tap/bottled water isn't safe either as birthcontrol and pesticides find their way there.
This also means that any food/drinks that contain water will have some estrogen in it.

>> No.5157857


>> No.5157872

this is wrong, you really should stop spreading disinformation

>> No.5157875

First of all, this and Six Star both suck. EAS is good. Second, mix it with more than the recommended non-protein portion- be that milk or water or whatever. That'll fix it a little.

>> No.5157990


>> No.5158064

Straight from wiki:
Common environmental estrogens:

Phthalates are plasticizers providing durability and flexibility to plastics such as polyvinyl chloride. High molecular weight phthalates are used in flooring, wall coverings and medical device such as intravenous bags and tubing. Low molecular weight phthalates are found in perfumes, lotions, cosmetics, varnishes, lacquers and coatings including timed releases in pharmaceuticals.

>> No.5158075


>> No.5158084

Funny thing is that paper packaging can contain dioxines which also act as xenoestrogens.

>> No.5158112

>whey protein
>frozen strawberries or blueberries or both

That was always how I made it.

>> No.5158145

I had to drink what was essentially a protein shake as part of my medication.

It tasted like a milkshake made of plastic.

Banana nesquick powder and chilling it real good made it bearable.

>> No.5158433


Just to pile on --- the chocolate peanut butter is fucking AMAZING!

>> No.5158979

Add milk or water

>> No.5158999

I have a big bottle of whey protein sitting there also.

Mine is a Jarrow brand. It will never go bad.

If all you need is reassurance - it will never go bad. Twenty-five years from now you can still mix that powder with water and get more than your daily dose of amino acids and shit. Your protein powder does NOT go bad.

>> No.5159029

I mptake the same shit OP, 2nd container of it and both times got vanilla because it was only 15 bucks. After reading here though I'll switch to a different flavor, but what I do is mix it with some flavored greek yogurt; I usually drink it immediately after working out (1-2 hour long sessions or shorter if I'm maxing out lifting). Mix in a few spoonfuls of my yogurt, then eat thee rest with granola or something as a snack. Adding too much to the protein will make it too thick to drink quickly, but city's a cheap way to help the flavor and consistency. I'd say a single $1 container of Oikos or any cheap Greek yogurt will last you 2 shakes and the added benefit of more carbs and protein.

>> No.5159048

I always put some in my oatmeal in the morning. Get my protein and OATZ in one go.

>> No.5159337

I used to eat straight unflavored whey protein isolate. It's not as good by itself, but it's easier to incorporate into other drinks I found.(i.e. if you felt like a fruit smoothie it would taste less of whey).

>> No.5160598

Either this product is particularly disgusting or you guys are weirdos. All the reviews of whey said chocolate is the only good flavor, but Im enjoying the fuck out of the vanilla I got heavily discounted when I joined my gym. A lot better than the chocolate I was drinking. My after work out gym drink is vanilla whey + frozen bananas + bagged (frozen strawberries | frozen mangos) + milk + sometimes yogurt and honey. Yogurt isn't necessary but adds some nice flavor and I only add honey as a treat for when Im in the mood for a smoothie. It taste fantastic and I've found vanilla gives me a lot more creative options than when I had chocolate.

>> No.5160679

Man, when I was young I could drink that shit with water and not mind one bit. Then one day I got sick after drinking a shake, threw up and ever since then I get a gag reflex if I can detect even a trace of protein powder flavor.

>> No.5161511


>> No.5161539

Holy shit. I just wasn't ready for this. Made me laugh out loud for a good 60 seconds. My ear popped.

>> No.5161575

i used to mix it with coffee, any coffee would do, i would take coffee i iced down and put it into one of those shaker bottles with the powder in it and drink it at work.