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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 800x600, 800px-Totino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5145608 No.5145608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So, what do you think of Totino's pizza, /ck/?

As far as I'm concerned, it is to frozen pizza what McD's is to hamburgers or Taco Bell is to tacos. And I mean that in the best way possible. It's not really a pizza... it's its own delicious trashy thing.

>> No.5145618
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>> No.5146938


Love the stuff and you basically explained why. It's not pizza, it's a modern creation that only vaguely resembles pizza by having a similar structure. I usually eat it with ranch dressing on the side for dipping, same with their pizza rolls.

>> No.5146945

I will not insult your taste in pizzas OP, I will simply ask that you add your own cheese to it in the future, as they never come with nearly enough.

>> No.5146958
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>> No.5146980


Fuck it. They're only a buck each. Toast up 3 totinos, open a 40oz, get on 4chan, and you got yourself a standard forever alone saturday night.

>> No.5146989
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>> No.5147304

i dig them. When my local convience store carried them for $1.99 i got them all the time when i was broke... now i'd have to go to safeway, and when there i just buy real food... but i actually enjoy the crust... its trashy food, and i usually have to eat 2 - but they are good

>> No.5147305

i fucking love party pizza. its not good....but i love it.

>> No.5147307

yeah i love these. get a bunch in the freezer and pop em in the ovens

>> No.5147318

Tried one for the first time a couple days ago. The only think I really liked was the crust, but apparently they fry it. I'm not a health nut, but that and the amount of sodium is somewhat concerning.

It's okay once in a while, though

>> No.5147357

I pretty much lived on these for my first few weeks out of the military. My housemate and I (also a recently-separated vet) actually carefully measured the freezer just to see exactly how many we could fit in it at once. Neither of us could cook worth a damn it was pretty much stuff like this or fast food, and these were a dollar apiece.

Do I consider it a pizza? No, not at all. Do I consider it fucking delicious? Yes, yes I do. Though I agree with >>5146945 here and suggest throwing a little more of your own cheese on them. I haven't had one in years now but I remember they were always pretty sparse with the cheese. We just had a bag of shredded mozzarella in the fridge at all times.

>> No.5147358

>dem 99 cent ghetto pizzas

they put crack in them i swear, something that cheap and shitty should not taste so good.

>> No.5147360

The only thing better than a delicious Totino's® pizza™ is getting to wash it down with a nice, cold, and refreshing glass™ of Coca-Cola®!!

>> No.5147367

>implying your broke ass can afford real coke when you eat Totinos

More like Shasta or Sam's Choice Cola. Or the super generic "Always Save" brand cola which is basically just HFCS, seltzer water, and brown food coloring.

>> No.5147369

I can't eat totinos without eat bite being dipped in hot sauce.

But for the price, you really can't beat a meal that filling.

>> No.5147371


Whatever the Kroger brand of soda is, that's what I usually get.

>> No.5147374

Sweet fuck that was hilarious.

>> No.5147379

You really wanna know how to enjoy it's full content? Eat it stoned.

>> No.5147381

Yeah, I eat them with hot sauce. OP's description is pretty accurate although I haven't had one in a long ass time. I'd rather eat one of those over pizza rolls or a hot pocket.

>> No.5147384

Man, I'll tear up a Totino's but I just can't do most store-brand sodas. If I want a Coke, then by god I'm getting a Coke.

God dammit, now I want a Coke.

>> No.5147428


At some point they switched from real cheese to imitation cheese. Or so I'm told. I was eating these things back in the mid-90's and they had fake cheese then. Not that I care either way - I'll wolf it down. Just seems funny to me to mix real and fake cheeses.

I only wish certain varieties were more widely available, like Supreme, Canadian Bacon, or the Mexican one. Usually all I see are Pepperoni or Combination :(

>> No.5147576
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>> No.5147678



>> No.5147686

That looks pretty fucking vile, throw it in the streets of NYC and even the pigeons, rats, cockroaches, and politicians would run away.

>> No.5147701

I like how I already knew what this was before I clicked it.

>> No.5148399


Same here, there's a cheese-only one too but how much fake cheese do you really need?

>> No.5148872

They changed the sausage crumbles. Never again.

>> No.5148909

Digiorno's the best shit I swear to god. But I love this too, frozen pizza is orgasm.

>> No.5148919


as someone who LOVES McDonald's, taco bell, even little caesar's, etc. I cannot fucking stand Totino's pizzas. The pizza rolls are eh, but the pizzas are fucking inedible disgusting garbage.
Jack's is my favorite frozen pizza, I like them well-done, the thin crust.

>> No.5151556

>likes Jack's over Totino's

nigga wat

>> No.5151617

You get exactly what you pay for. They are cheap as fuck. Load it up with some crushed red pepper and parmesan and it is a decent pizza.

>> No.5152572

what where their topping on?

>> No.5152614

god bless you

>> No.5152746

Jeno's and Totino's pizzas are amazing. They are totally unlike the other cheap as shit pizzas you find. I mainly use them as a crust base and put on all sorts of other stoppings.

>> No.5152825

I love these--even though i feel greasy on the inside afterwards

>> No.5152858

>store bought pizza
>not making your own
nigga pls

>> No.5152866

Fuck off until you can make a pizza from scratch that you can fold its entirety into a taco

>> No.5152889

Fuck your taco. Unless your taco is a euphemism for your vagina. Then Fuck your Taco.

>> No.5152924

They're around 700 calories and like 4g of trans fat, but goddamn do I love those fuckers.

>> No.5152942

I used to warm up those Mr. P's pizzas and throw some Tapitio on it, fold it in half. Grabbed a soda and watched House M.D.

Did this every night for a while untilI finished the series, was almost always pleasant

>> No.5152950
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>Party Pizza
>it barely feeds one person

>> No.5152997


maybe it's just how I make them?
I don't know, it seems like I'm the only person who cooks oven pizzas long enough that the cheese is not liquid at all. when there was more cheese on them, the cheese would bubble up into a single dome, then that part would get extra crispy, blackened even. I overcook my pizzas, always. Try it like that, instead of 11 minutes at 400, try 18 minutes+ at 450.

>> No.5153145


They've actually just gone trans-fat-free. For whatever that's worth

>> No.5154279
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Celeste reporting in

>> No.5154283

>Pizza for one
>implying I share larger frozen pizzas

>> No.5154333

Are you on a diet or something? Jesus fucking christ, that's sad.

>> No.5154642

Oh god. OH GOD! Fuck you people! I have done well over the last 5+ years to avoid eating Totino's. After seeing this thread a few days ago, I can't stop thinking about them. The smell of them in the toaster over, the crunch and the artificial tasting crust and toppings. Now I must go to the store and buy a stockpile of these fuckers, and clean out a spot in my already overflowing freezer.

>> No.5154663

>Winn-Dixi in my area had too many shipped to their store by mistake
>They go on sale for $1 a box
>Their's so many of them, all of them, Mexican ,Supreme, Combo, ETC.
>Bought 20 of them.

In about 4 days they were all gone, damn niggers.

>> No.5154708

absolutely disgusting. I'd rather have one of those lean cuisine pizzas than that disgrace.