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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 260 KB, 1600x1200, Pomegranate03_edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5143668 No.5143668[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: shit tier fruits
>all that work opening and separating the seeds for a mediocre payout

What did I ever see in this thing?

>> No.5143675

>all that work
Split them open and drop in a bowl of water. Try using physics instead of fighting it.

>> No.5143689

it's an abortificient.

>> No.5143706

its only work if you are an idiot OP

>> No.5143730


i just smash them for 10 minutes all around then pop a hole and suck the juice out. try it.

>> No.5143777

I just eat the seeds too to be honest, it does get tiring though.

>> No.5143793

Bitches don't know SHIT
First of all, chop your fucking pomegranate in half, around the equator of it.
Put a bowl down so you don't lose the seeds like some pussy motherfucker.
flex the pomegranate half till a few pop loose. Then take a spoon or your fist and pummel the hard skin until all the seeds fall out, scattering to the four winds - or possibly to the bowl that you so brilliantly put down beforehand.
BAM all the seeds out, no watery shit everywhere, and you can stop crying like a bitch.

>> No.5143803

As simple as this is, as long as it's not as easy as picking up and biting an apple, I'm sure they'll still complain

>> No.5143850

That's WAAAY to much shit to do. The most amount I'll put in for a fruit is peeling an orange. What's worse is that by the time I'm done chewing, sucking, and spitting out half of the seeds I'm already tired of tasting the fruit. It's just not worth it.

Now that's a novel idea

>> No.5143868

So I assume you've never opened watermelons (melons in general), enjoyed fresh pineapples, and scraped coconut meat directly from the shell? You've been missing out on a lot.

>> No.5143869

What seeds do you spit out? You just eat them.

>> No.5143872

just eat the seeds. the crunch is satisfying and i can't imagine how long it takes to spit each tiny little seed out

>> No.5143874

uncrisp apples
>tfw first bite shitty bite

>> No.5143875

I had no idea you were supposed to eat them. I figured they were like sunflower seeds.Like you put a bunch in your mouth and spit out the remainder.

That changes everything.

>> No.5143938

Pomegranates are easy to open if you know a trick.
Cut or tear them in half or quarters, then soak them in cool water. Work the fruit loose from the skin under the water. The white nasties will float while the fruit sinks.

>> No.5143955

Don't be a little bitch. Open that thing with the hands god gave you and take a fresh bite of fucking nature.

>> No.5144384


But what about the white flakey shit that rubs off of them?

>> No.5144433

Any kind of apple that's coated with a thick layer of wax is just awful.

>> No.5144435

I FUCKING HATE this with a burning passion!!! God, when the apple is just mushy but looks legit on the outside...so fucking deceitful.

>> No.5144445
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love 'em, had them for the first time this summer in a fruit salad from some nice muslim neighbours.
i think they were fasting at the time

>> No.5144466

Ay anar anar bia be balinam, shabnam gole nar bia be balinam
Ay anar anar bia be balinam, shabnam gole nar bia be balinam

>> No.5144556
File: 59 KB, 999x718, papaya-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dried papaya is pretty good, but it tastes and smells terrible fresh. like a bad, weak and watery cheese

>> No.5144807

I cut them in half and crush the juice out of it into my mouth over the sink.

>> No.5145516


>get apple
>fuck yeah apples
>bite apple
>soft mushy shit

Maybe if I bake them or something it can cover it up.

Red delicious are the worst apples in the world. Soft, flavorless. Why do people buy them? I prefer honey crisp, pink lady, or fuji.

>> No.5145544

Fuck you OP. This fruit is God tier.

>> No.5145661

all of them
fruits are an outdated concept
if I want to have their flavor, it's incorporated in easier, more interesting ways

>> No.5145698

My Red Delicious apple tree died last season. I've had it 25 years....I'm not sad to see it go.

>> No.5145716
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I hate cantaloupe.

>> No.5145737

pink ladies are god tier

>> No.5145750
File: 78 KB, 774x649, 1378578905129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are muh niggas. Pink Ladies are the GOAT apple. Granny Smith is still a classic but once they started bringing them shits over here god damn.

Pink Lady got that good.

>> No.5145766

>One method to get just the juice is to vigorously roll the fruit on a hard surface to break the juice sacs. When the fruit is soft, puncture the end, insert a straw, and suck out the juice, squeezing as you go.



>> No.5146001

This is the worst fruit I ever ate.
Tastes like cucumber, only twentyfold expensive

>> No.5146003
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>> No.5146029


>how long it takes to spit each tiny little seed out

Nigga, just chew a mouthful and then spit all the seeds out together.

>> No.5146037
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>> No.5146052

>mediocre payout

stop liking what i don't like

>> No.5146066
File: 132 KB, 308x601, hnnngh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5146069


>> No.5146071

the last time i ate one of these, i would scoop out the little seeds with my tongue and pretend that i was some predatory alien monster eating an egg sack.
felt good man.

>> No.5146077

Fuck this method.

Quarter that thing right and you can just nibble off the seeds. Whichever ones drop on your plate can later be scooped up with a spoon. As long as you don't have parkinson's you won't even need to worry about rind.

Fuck all this bowl of water and spoon smacking bullshit.

>> No.5146081


I can attest. Pink lady is the only choice.

>> No.5146114

sorry guys but eve apples are the best. NZ only.

Beats the shit out of fuji/pink lady

>> No.5146133

Sounds fun.

>> No.5146159


easy as fuck no mess. changed my life when i discovered this

>> No.5146181

they buy them because they are cheap. pink lady's are elder tier, but when they cost 3-4x as much, you better sure as shit like apples.

to contribute to the thread, i'm going to put forth two probably very unpopular opinions

the shit of it is, i like basically anything that claims to taste like them - jam, juice, candy, whatever - but whenever i get some of the actual fruits, they just taste sour and bitter, and all those damn little seeds get stuck in my teeth.

growing up in the south, it was always a source of personal shame that i never acquired a taste for this fruit. but it's shitty to me because, much like the orange slices we all endured at half time of our peewee soccer games, watermelons at the end of two-a-days in high school were always seen as some special reward - meaning i didn't get shit.

>> No.5146183
File: 28 KB, 310x400, JAZZCUNTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Scifresh is the result of a cross between Royal Gala and Braeburn

>> No.5146191

Uou pay for fruit?

>> No.5146196

Tfw black
> hate the taste of watahmelan

>> No.5146234

>not going to farmers markets or asian stores
>cheap or cheaper
>eat tasty fruit instead

>> No.5146251

i do, but our int'l markets specialize in having a lot of different types of fruit overall, rather than a bunch of different types of "normal" fruit. so i can buy plenty of shit i haven't even seen on chopped, but not too many pink lady apples

let me just say, coming from regions that defined the notion of stereotype being a stereotype because it was true, you must have gotten a lot of strange looks growing up

>> No.5146273

test it for shittiness by pressing it kinda hard and seeing if your fingers sink into it at all
if they do more than a tiny bit then it's a 0/10 apple

>> No.5146279

>eve apples
muh nigga
i'm nz too but i'd be surprised if we don't export them to some countries at least
jazz are pretty good but definitely not better than eve
and they're tiny

>> No.5146284

Send me some Eve's up to Australia then. The Jazz supply ran out too fast.

>> No.5146310
File: 378 KB, 650x920, untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit tier
Bad orange (Naval, as a common example)
>God tier
Good orange (clementine, as an example)

>> No.5146324

My nigha

>> No.5146621

It's so easy to do, though!

Take a knife and sink it an inch into the center of the protruding bud, straight down. Wiggle the blade back and forth a tiny bit. Tear that fucker in half along the cut over a bowl of water. Repeat with each half. Consider preparing more than one pomegranate, depending on your bowl's size.

Take your bowl of pomegranate quarters to the living room and peel them out into the water while watching some television. You have wet hands, so a book wouldn't do.

After the seeds are separated from the pith, throw the latter away. The seeds will have little rind bits in them, so rinse the seeds a few times with fresh water. Use a strainer so you won't lose any fruit to the sink drain.

Place the fruit in a nice bowl and consume a handful. Feel satisfaction as you place the rest in the fridge, ready for your salads and breakfast for the rest of the week. Life is pretty good.

Top kek.

>> No.5147727

what are you saying about sunflower seeds?
are you retarded?

>> No.5147774
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cut over the bumps and simply take it wiyh your mouth, also, get some quality product :P

>> No.5147775

>not knowing how to open king's fruit the persian way

>> No.5147779

take your shitskin culture elsewhere

>> No.5147787

>not eating two or more fresh fruits every day

>> No.5147791

azizam koshkeleman, calm down

>> No.5148609


Koskesh madar ghahbe

>> No.5148623
File: 250 KB, 1500x1000, Opuntia_ficus-indica_fruit9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised this wasn't mentioned at all in the thread. god tier fruit, tastes like watermelon kind of but has alot of seed in the middle

>> No.5148634

>Way smaller than in cartoons
>Taste bland for a citrus fruit
>Have to eat with a spoon

>> No.5148647
File: 92 KB, 800x533, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A fruit with the taste and aroma AND texture of semen.
>a fruit like semen
>a fruit

Eating one of these makes you half a fag

>> No.5148649

enjoy your boiled potatoes and fish

Be ina ke nemitunan anaro dun konan mikhandam

>> No.5148673
File: 857 KB, 1647x1345, shittyshitshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking thing.
>be haffu
>be 12
>go to china with mom
>say I want to try new fruits because I noticed my mother taking about fruits she enjoyed
>everyone fucking feeds me this shitty seedy thing
>get sick of it so damn fast

>> No.5148724

the fuck kind of 'grapefruit' are you eating?
Most grapefruit are pretty big and should have a tangy sort of sour taiste to them, if your not used to the taiste it can be off putting.

> eating it with a spoon.

Nigger u wot.

>> No.5148740
File: 120 KB, 1271x848, pitab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try the mexican ones instead

they are fuckign sweet and delicious

>> No.5148744
File: 2.12 MB, 313x212, do want.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't fuck a grapefruit?
would you?
for gainz

>> No.5148746

Semen expert has spoken there!

>> No.5148860

Girl detected

>> No.5148935

What a disappointment. No flavor whatsoever.

>> No.5149171

where do you guys live?

>> No.5149216

Anaheim california, lets be friends

>> No.5149268


Let's not

>> No.5149307

plz i'm rich I can take you to arcade and fuck you in jurassic park ride

>> No.5149378

man, i live in sweden

>> No.5149400

>LA Iranian

pls no

delawho, delawhat, delaware

>> No.5149406

Take a walk down Christopher Street in Manhattan/NYC, there'll be more fruits than you can shake a stick at!

>> No.5149505

>posts a muskmelon

>> No.5149518

I did that with an orange once.

It worked great.

>> No.5149521

come to eid mubarakh onegai.
I'm a weeaboo persian
the best kind

>> No.5149523

What the hell grapefruit are you buying? A good grapefruit is tangy as hell and is a bit smaller than a bowling ball.

>> No.5149531


I like to buy them as gifts for people, not tell them how to eat them or how much I dislike them.

>> No.5149549 [DELETED] 

What the crunch did you just crunching say about me, you little fruit loop? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Cap'n Crunch Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Kellogs, and I have over 300 confirmed meals. I am trained in gorilla munch warfare and I’m the top chewer in the entire General Mills Armed Forces. You are nothing to me but just another part of a well balanced breakfast. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this breakfast table, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the cereal aisle? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the grocery store and your pricetag is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your breakfast.

Im too fucking lazy to finish it

>> No.5149556

shit wrong fucking page

>> No.5149733


Royal coconuts in Sri Lanka.
They go on a a fucking on about them but they're really quite shirt and boring

Second place goes to Jackfruit. Again so much hype

3rd breadfruit. No hype just outright shit. If you've ever wondered what drove Polynesians to eat people jackfruit is your answer. That and taro can go fuck themselves

>> No.5149746

This stuff always makes my tongue feel a little itchy for some reason

>> No.5149819

What the fuck is breadfruit?
Does it taste like a loaf of bread?
Are you trolling?

>> No.5149837

Persimmons. It tasted like straight up jizz with a hint of apricot. It smelled and tasted exactly of fucking jizz. and it's a gross jelly texture.
severely disappointed.

>> No.5149844

tried these in Vietnam
pretty tasteless but they're cheap as hell so w/e

>> No.5149868

So many posters here doing it wrong.

Dragon fruit shouldn't be eaten white.
You should cut it and let it sit for 20 minutes at room temp it will go blood colour and the sugars get released as it oxidises.

Think of it like smoked salmon straight from the fridge it's bland but after 30 minutes at room temp the oils in the fish explode with fragrant flavour.

>> No.5150311

You take a lot of jizz?
Actually curious here.

>> No.5150321

tangerines are fucking garbage

just a clementine but with a crappy sour taste and there are so many seeds within the actual slices. i've had like 20 seeds in one tiny tangerine, you basically have to eat it in the shower if you dont want to make a sticky mess.

>> No.5150326

so close m8
I feel your pain

>> No.5150330
File: 8 KB, 434x204, Half-Grapefruit-Spoon[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating a grapefruit by the preferred method
>using a tool designed to eat grapefruit


>> No.5150353

Son of a bitch, Garden Grove here.

>> No.5150380



>> No.5150392

Grapefruits are dicks. You know that weird, sour, bitter taste of the fruit? That's the grapefruit trying to poison you.

>> No.5150396

I'll stitch your mouth shut you fucking pleb

>> No.5150402

>defending breadfruit

>> No.5150431

Long beach. We should be asleep.

>> No.5150552

b-but it's delicious ;_;

>> No.5150576

true dat
preferably refrigerated

pomegranate seeds give me the shits, which sucks b/c they're tasty

>> No.5151317

Please, I'd just deal with the axe-to-the-neck if the alternative was eating breadfruit. Mouth stitches are a mild irritant in comparison.

>> No.5151636


Fuck durians. And my dad loves to eat them when they're in season

>> No.5151647

tell that to the numerous relatives who nearly force fed me that stuff