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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5143200 No.5143200[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Whats the healthiest thing someone can get from a fast food place at this hour?

>> No.5143206

vinagrette salad

fuck that

go to jack in the box and get the munchie deal

>> No.5143205


A bottle of water?

>> No.5143398

Taco bell chili cheese burrito x2

>> No.5143419

Will Taco Bell still make a fresco taco? I know it's not on the menu.

>> No.5143421

Actually I'm a faggot, the fresco menu is still up on their website. http://www.tacobell.com/food/menu/fresco

>> No.5143499

Wendy's chili

McDonald's McDouble minus bun

>> No.5143886

by your sentence "healthy food from fast food" I can assume with 100% accuracy that what you want is not to put on weight and that you used "healthy" as a synonim for "low fat"

I'm afraid you must read /fit/ sticky on how getting fat works


it's all calories in and calories out, so just order whatever and adjust the rest of your day so you don't exceed your body's daily calorie compsumption, that way even feeding just on chocolate bars and bacon juice you can lose weight, while eating "healthy" without tracking those energy levels you can put on weight eating apples

>> No.5143902

Taco bell will pretty much make you anything discontinued if they have the ingredients for it. I ordered cheesy gordita chrunches for years when they weren't officially on the menu. Didn't even have to explain what it was it was still in the computer systems.

>> No.5143908

there's more to being healthy than living a permanent deficit
BMR is something that needs to be known if you don't want to fuck your metabolism and be perma hungry

>> No.5143913


The bun is what concerns you most about the mcdouble?

>> No.5143921

you can be healthier losing weight with a perfect diet (at a caloric deficit) than getting fat (at a caloric surplus) but just eating whatever you want being less nutritious than the food on the first diet

nobody dies from a caloric deficit and being lean has many benefits over being fat, however you can die from being nutrient deficient

calories =/= nutrients

OP, read /fit/ sticky if you want to lose weight, you might even eat some "junk food" while losing weight, I'm here just to debunk that myth that fast food makes you fat. it doesn't

>> No.5143927
File: 24 KB, 200x167, burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>small amount of whole grain bread
>3 eggs
>maybe some milk if you're feeling dangerous

There, healthy food that took you like 10 seconds of effort and leaving shit in the frying pan for 5 minutes.

>> No.5143935


>eating 2000 calories of cotton candy has the same fat loss effect as eating 2000 calories of mixed chicken breast and pork belly

Stick to cooking, tard.

>> No.5143946

>nobody dies from caloric deficit
what is starvation

you seriously don't want to overdo it or let it control your life
freedom is nice

>> No.5143949


Abs and striations feel better.

>> No.5143953

if you are talking about net calories (because of the termic effect of food, such as protein on those meats needing more energy to be used) yes, 2000 net calories from cotton candy will make you lose the exact same weight than 2000 net calories of mixed chicken breast and pork belly

health wise will be another thing, but I never told OP to feed on cotton candy, I told him it's the same for weight loss so I debunk the myth for him so he can have his burger, then tell him to learn how the body works and it's needs by referring him to /fit/ sticky

>what is starvation

of course if you reach critical levels you will eventually die, but first you will be able to perfectly see your skeleton through your skin

anyways that's not what I was talking about.

What I'm talking about is that right now I'm at a caloric deficit WHILE having nearly 200% more nutrients than when I was eating at a surplus because of food choices. And I can have hamburgers too while losing weight.

OP, don't ever mistake "healty" for "fat loss" ever again. Read /fit/ sticky and create a good diet that is both caloric deficient but nutrient rich at the same time, so you are healthy and lose weight at the same time.

Im bringing you light from there, there are literally billions of people still thinking that fat loss wise it's better 100 net calories from an apple because 100 net calories from a soda automatically makes you fat. LOL

>> No.5143977


Overeating protein gives you a far better muscle:fat gain than eating garbage you vegetarians or fast fooders or whatever eat.

>> No.5143990

eating at a deficit you won't gain muscle, you can mantain it better with more prottons yeah, I'm a bodybuilder and therefore I'm already aware of that
trying to argue with me over things I already know better than you wont lead you anywhere, sorry

-fast food doesn't make you fat
-"healthy" food won't make you lose fat
-if you have your prots/carbs/fats/fiber/vitamins/minerals or you can complete them with a burger or any other fast food you can have it and still lose weight, in fact you don't even need to look to all those, but just calories (however I included them so you can see I'm aware of what's necessary to be healthy)

stop arguing with me. this guy needs to stop using "healthy" thinking that's a synonim for "fat loss" and he needs to stop fearing fast food "because that makes you fat" when it doesn't

I have burgers lots of times and I lose weight, even if I wanted to completely ignore my health I could go nuts and just feed on chocolate bars and still lose weight


as you can see OP, fast food =/= getting fat

learn nutrition from /fit/ sticky, have a diet that provides you with everything your body needs while being caloric deficient and you might even fit some junk food and still meet your fiber/vits etc requirements (you might not just want to feed on those as it will make that impossible, however for weight loss is irrelevant though)

>> No.5143992


>fast food won't make you fat

Ok eat 1200 cals of fast food every day, enjoy losing your muscles first, while retaining every gram of fat you have in your body.

>> No.5144001

Lol, 2 things here.

1º If my TDEE is around 2500 calories and I just eat 1200 I will lose weight. That weight being both muscle (if those 1200 calories contained on that fast food doesn't have enough protein) AND FAT. Yeah, people won't die until you can see their skeletons, so if I continue to burn 2500 calories per day I will burn fat period. You're just talking broscience. If the body has needs it will get the energy from where he can before it dies. period. Theres no such a thing as "unremovable fat" unless you consider complete 100% depletion which won't happen until you are dead and rotten.

2º Number 1º was just hypothetical, since I NEVER EVER TOLD OP TO JUST FEED ON JUNK FOOD. Please provide me with a quote in which I told him to (you can't). I ALWAYS told him to have a nutrient rich diet (in wich he can of course include some junk food if that fits his nutrient requirements for the day). and I also told him the extreme example of just feeding on junk food and still losing weight to debunk the myth for him that "fast food will make me fat"

Please stop this nosense. You can't argue with me.

>> No.5144004

>enjoy losing your muscles first, while retaining every gram of fat you have in your body.
fasting (extreme case, absolute zero protein intake) burns around 60% of the weight on muscle mass and 40% on fat

"losing muscles first and retaining every gram of fat you have in your body"

such broscientist

>> No.5144054


Maybe if you eat shit you'll lose that much muscle.

If you take in at least 1g of protein per 1.5lbs you can minimize muscle loss to be almost nothing.

>hurr if I am 60lbs overweight and I diet down I'll lose my internal organs before fat cuz this tard says its 60/40

>> No.5144063

Are you a retard? I stated that FASTING (from FAST = NO FOOD AT ALL) you will burng 60% of the weight on muscle and 40% on fat.

Im a bodybuilder and therefore I know more stuff about this than you do.
Yeah, taking prottons will make muscle loss become less and weight training will make it even less, but I NEVER SAID THE OPPOSITE GODDAMMIT

HE, THIS GUY >>5143992 AND NOT ME said an stupid thing. He is saying that eating junk food "makes you lose all your weight in muscle and not even a single gram from fat" now thats retarded, so save your energies to argue with him, not with me.

>hurr if I am 60lbs overweight and I diet down I'll lose my internal organs before fat cuz this tard says its 60/40

lol that would be him, who knows nothing about nutrition, I never said such a thing, in fact I even stated that feeding on absolute crap (chocolate bars) will get the job done in what respects to fat loss (not health though)

you're wrong with me ;)