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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5141944 No.5141944[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw extremely picky eater
>won't eat something unless it tastes good even if I'm starving
How do I escape my fate

>> No.5141957


>> No.5141970

Come to terms with the fact that everyone hate's inviting you over to eat

>> No.5142000


>> No.5142005

starve to death
never have children

>> No.5142008
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This is terrible advice to be absolutely sincere

>> No.5142015

No. It really isn't. Cook what you like so you can fucking eat. Nobody likes inviting you over because you're a cunt about food. If you're too dumb to cook for yourself or make compromises in life about what you eat, consider starving to death.

>> No.5142017


Or you know. Just cook something for once.

>> No.5142019

Your body may be retarded and think shit is poison or inedible. I've heard that repeatedly forcing yourself to eat something you dislike can cause you to accept and eventually enjoy it.

So pick foods you want to eat for nutrition or flavor but can't stomach, and munch on them twice a day. Consider it like... medication. Or try not to think about it at all and do it.

In less than a week you may love it.

>> No.5142032
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No OP, don't do any of these. These are trolls.

I have the same problem. Luckily, Kraft Macaroni and cheese is relatively cheap so I keep living off of that liquid gold.

When I go to dinner parties with friends, I usually get out of this by correcting them on mistakes with their food.

>> No.5142038 [DELETED] 


It's the cooking board you fucking shitbaby.

>> No.5142040
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I have no idea what you're trying to say, I almost exclusively eat out with friends stop projecting

>> No.5142044

What I'm trying to say is grow up, learn how to cook for yourself instead of starving like a high school anorexia-ridden retard if it doesn't taste good, and consider telling your oh-so-developed tastebuds to shove it.

>> No.5142046

Lmao, what was the part about no one inviting me to dinner though you sad loser, how old are you, I bet you're like 40

>> No.5142052
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>> No.5142054

Ignore your self importance.

In the grand scheme of things you probably taste like shit.

>> No.5142060

Holy shit, is this suddenly a teenager's facebook? You sure told me sweetie, I am thoroughly #rekt and trolled xD.

Nobody likes inviting over picky eaters when they cook, you know why right? Because they're cunts about what they eat.

I don't care if you eat out with friends, you're allowed to go to the mall food court on days you don't have school, but try being a picky cunt in someone's home about what they cooked. See how that turns out.

>> No.5142067
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I will eat if I'm invited, I have never ever complained about anything that has been cooked for me, I just avoid eating things that I don't consider tasty, being invited to dinner makes up <0.01% of how I eat.

You are so fucking retarded and butthurt, you made the most inane assumptions and projections, I have no idea why you're posting in this thread.
Oldass faggot.

>> No.5142073


Could you go back to /b/ now, dear?

>> No.5142075

I'm very sad for you, OP. if you want to lick this for good, try analyzing why you don't like something by writing down what you don't like about it? This will give you a place to start. Then, try to find ways to dampen or negate the flavors you don't enjoy. Gradually you'll adapt to them, and over time may even grow to like them. You're gonna need to learn to cook, and to cook a lot.
If you want a technical guide to flavor analysis, try The Flavor Bible. You could probably get it from your local library, or order a used copy online for not that much. It can help you understand in concrete terms why you do and don't like things.

Your ability to conquer your picky habits will be key to your survival not just as a friend to others but also as a human being. Best of luck, OP. Maybe adopt a trip out name so I and others can monitor your progress and hold you accountable.

>> No.5142081

Could you BE any angrier and ridiculous?
I am never invited to dinners, I go to high school, I'm from /b/, what else can you tell me about myself that I didn't know about?

>> No.5142082

I got egg on my face, you do have a name! Good luck, motoko.

>> No.5142083

Try things that are close to what you like to start op. Like if you only enjoy potatoes, carrots, and celery maybe try some sweet potatoes, beets, or celery root.

Another idea is when you go to the market go to the produce section and pick up something you've never tried before and make it your goal to make something with it be looking at recipes with it on the internet. :)

>> No.5142088

Well, you're doing the same thing. I'm 40 and filled with intense anger, apparently.

Sorry I'm trying to rationalize the fact you sound retarded with reasons like "you're young", "you come from a shitty board", or "you're socially inept". But since none of those apply, what is your excuse?

>> No.5142092
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I will give my best

>> No.5142094

You're so pathetic stop replying please, making the batshit insane assumptions you made initially, I can't even understand why you would say something like that, you seriously have brain issues or you just like to project your own insecurities.
You're absolutely angry, no doubt about it though.

>> No.5142099

You can't understand why someone would call a picky faggot an insufferable picky faggot?

That's a criteria for "brain issues" with you? Holy shit, I'm really glad you're not in the psychological health field otherwise everyone who doesn't mollycoddle you would be in a straight jacket.

>u mad
Thanks, needed my dose of "stupid comebacks" today.

>> No.5142101

High fucking five, bro.
Captcha: new Spoonsglad

>> No.5142104
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I wouldn't understand why someone would think that just because I am a picky eater I am "anti-social" and no one wants to eat with me, you sound hella fucking autistic oh my god.
It's this 'holier-than-thou' attitude in general that all these shitheads have around here, I know exactly what type of poster you are, you're a sick man, SICK.
And I hope you stop posting so this board, not only /ck/ but 4chan in general can become a slightly better and happier place, without people like you oozing poisonous bitterness whereever they start shitposting.

>> No.5142113

So have you considered learning to cook food you properly enjoy instead of starving like a retard because there isn't anything tasty enough?

Holier-than-thou my ass, at least I can sit down and eat food without deigning it to touch my palate like some kind of Henry the VIIIth.

>4chan needs to be a hugbox so it's a better place

Try tumblr, shitbaby.

>> No.5142117

I already have a 35 follower tumblr, and no I haven't solved my problem yet as only 1 hour passed since I made the thread autismolord.

>> No.5142122

Then go learn to cook. Ask for recipes. Do something useful.

>I already have a 35 follower tumblr

Then go back there.

>> No.5142125

I don't want to cook, I want to learn how to eat things I don't enjoy.
And I'm not from tumblr you thick moron, you're doing it again.
Call me a redditor next.

>> No.5142128

You admitted to having a tumblr. Me telling you to go back there isn't assuming anything. Calling me a thick moron doesn't delete your tumblr.

>> No.5142130
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i have a tumblr with 400 followers, the secret is posting gay anime porn

this isnt related to your food problems at all, but "i dont like food" isnt really an issue anyone but you can fix

if you're totally sure that there are no underlying problems that are putting you off food and you're at a healthy weight there's no rush, either

>> No.5142131

>"I don't want to learn to cook, I want to learn how to eat things I don't enjoy."

Then this isn't a cooking board problem, try /adv/.

>> No.5142137

Can you post the part 2?

>> No.5142142

That's not what I said you mongoloid, go back to tumblr would imply I'm from there when I'm actually from 4chan and just use tumblr sometimes.

Thanks friends

>> No.5142180

get MSG and put it on everything

>> No.5142193
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have this

>> No.5142223
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This doesn't work for everyone but what helped me get out of that lifestyle is marijuana.

>> No.5142233
