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5138474 No.5138474[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just bought some shitty pork bellies on sale at the nearest asian market, and I came home and noticed this...

Is it still safe to eat this (not the weird thing of course)? The pork belly doesn't smell, but I'll be removing that section. If anyone knows what this is, please tell me. I am hoping it's a nipple or something.

>> No.5138477

Err.. I guess it is a pig nipple.

I'm gonna attempt to make pork belly steamed buns, I'll post pictures o fthe results later.

>> No.5138476

nipple, because porks are mammals

>> No.5138482
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It's pig skin, did you expect it to be perfect?

>> No.5138478

It's fine. Just cut it off if it bothers you that much.

>> No.5138479

That's a pig's nipple if I've ever seen one.

>> No.5138485

That's one erect nipple, alright.

Eat or suckle it, it's fine.

>> No.5138484

congratulation you bought a pigs belly and found the nipple cut!

>> No.5138499

Yeah I'm laughing that I got a tit.

>> No.5138500

Suckle it for delicious pig milk.

>> No.5138507

That makes me think. I don't think I've ever heard of cheese made with pigs milk. I've heard of goat, sheep, cow, even yak cheese but never pig. Does pig cheese just taste nasty or something?

>> No.5138510

Oh my God. This is the kinda shit that is both hilarious and horrifying. A slab of meat without a nipple is no big deal. I see it as just a slab of meat. Put a nipple on it and suddenly I realize it was a real animal. Hahaha. Oh man. Thanks for the laugh, OP.

>> No.5138532

Their omnivores goats, sheep, cows, and yaks are all herbivores.

Also pigs are hard to milk since they don't have huge tits like other animals.

>> No.5138563

Cut a circle around it and make a pig nipple slider.

>> No.5138582

Same here. That single, lone nipple just makes it so much more real lol.

>> No.5138593

I make chicken milk cheese, but I haven't tried pig milk yet.

>> No.5138712
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>> No.5138747

>eating something with a nipple

Would your name happen to be Ed Gein, OP?

>> No.5139663

i once noticed a nipple in my carnitas, I powered through and ate it, and it gave me a wierd, not so good sensation in my stomach. Not after swallowing it, it was just being grossed out a little at the hard/chewy texture

>> No.5139675


>> No.5139712


who makes carnitas with belly? especially skin-on belly?

>> No.5139724
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squeeze it for pork milk max gains OP

>> No.5139752

In Mexico, the whole fucking hog is used, chopped into chunks and fried in its own fat in a big ass copper pot, stirred with a fucking wooden boat oar.
the chunks with the chicharron are the best.

>> No.5139780
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Isn't that where the vast majority of cheese comes from already?

>> No.5139825

At every carnitas place I know you order either macizo, which is just actual meat, or mixto, which is a mix of meat, skin, stomach and soft cartilege.

>> No.5139836

Be a man and eat the fucking nipple.

>> No.5139881
File: 1009 KB, 2592x1456, IMG_20140126_162142074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made pork belly buns. They were good but I threw up a couple of minutes after. I couldn't take the texture. How do Koreans eat this?

Also, can the belly still be baconfied? It was cooked wrapped in foil for an hr at 250? and I still have a little left. I don't wanna waste it.

>> No.5139911

>Also, can the belly still be baconfied?

Not if it's cooked.

> It was cooked wrapped in foil for an hr at 250?

Lord, I can see why you didn't like the buns. If that was C temp it's much too hot, for too short a time. If that was F temp it's undercooked like mad. Either way you're missing out on dat crispy skin because it was covered in foil.

>> No.5139916

I followed this recipe


>> No.5139922

Did you brown it like in the recipe? Yours doesn't look as though it's crisped up like their picture.

>> No.5139937


Really? Because that recipe calls for 2 hours at 275 plus further browning in a wok, whereas >>5139881 cooked for 1 hour, at a lower temp, and made no mention of browning afterward.

>> No.5139961

Yep I browned it in a skillet after it cooled. The recipe was for Twp pounds and I had a pound.

The picture is bad quality, sorry. It was really good with hoison and sriracha.

>> No.5140053

...yes? I'm not sure what you're being smug about.

>> No.5140073

>The recipe was for Twp pounds and I had a pound.

You still cook it for the same amount of time, bro. It was inedible because you undercooked it.

>> No.5140077

how do nipples work?
are there like tubes attached

>> No.5140099

They contain tiny milk teleportation devices. Milk is transported from the grocery store into the nipples.

>> No.5140320

I read an article some time ago about a cheesemaker who resolved to answer that question. tl;dr it's really good, but it's also really, really hard to milk pigs.

>> No.5140327

They're just beestings, anon. What you think of "milk" is just mammal pus.

>> No.5140369

Chickens are much easier.

>> No.5140499

well you can get papada which has some skin, fat and meat, kidney, liver, sweetbreads, pieces of cheek and multiple cuts of macisa, of course different places have different styles and add different cuts, but these are pretty normal, you might even get some ribs.
There probably will also be three different qualities of skin, cueritos which are soft and scrumptious, chicharron which will be hard and fatty and chicharron de cáscara which is lean and only the very top rind.
I once tasted a pig's milk because I was like 11 and I got jealous that the fucking piglets were enjoying themselves so much, I could only get like a tablespoonful but it was sweet and creamy, I'd try it again.

>> No.5140538

If you're going to make a pork belly dish, make Hui Guo Rou. It's chinese and tastes like awesome bacon with awesome sauce and it's so fucking amazing

>> No.5140589

Is pork belly only available in Asian supermarkets?

>> No.5140663
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That looks so good. I don't know how it made you sick. Looks fucking amazing. Maybe you aren't use to how soft it is.

>> No.5140696

>not reading thread

he undercooked the shit out of the pork

>> No.5140718

Yeah I didn't read the whole thread fuck that.

>> No.5140735


Pigs don't have udders... they have nipples. Udders you can just milk.... nipples you have to suck. That is why.

>> No.5140761

but since we use pressure operated milkers for everything anyway, wouldn't that suffice?

>now genuinely curious

>> No.5140833

such it while u make proscuito. profit

>> No.5140867

nah, just that:
they have small nipples
produce little milk
piglets are really pigs for their momma's milk

probably the first two are the important ones, especially with artificial insemination

>> No.5141132

>Hui Guo Rou
Will try that with the left over pig belly, thanks!

I don't think it was undercooked? My pork belly wasn't as thick as the lady's in the recipe, and after it was done baking and cooled down for a couple of hours, i cut it up and let it simmer in a pan for 20 minutes with garlic/ginger.. I clearly said I wasn't used to the texture.

No idea, but it was on sale here. 2.88/lbs. You could try your nearest asian market or mexican market.

>> No.5141142

Also I may have just threw up because I consumed too much fat and felt really icky after that? I kept nibbling at it when some were finished cooking in the pan.

>> No.5141158

Is that even a fucking word? Just say "mixed" if you want us gringos to know what it is

>> No.5141173

The method of cooking, time and temperature will cause a different texture in the meat. Think of it this way: If you stew a single cube of pork compared to a shoulder of pork, you still need to cook both for a minimum of an hour or two. Just because you're using a single cube of pork doesn't mean you can just stew that for half an hour and expect similar results. You're not wrong in reducing the amount of time cooking but it definitely is a dubious method to just halve the time like that, and there seems no reason to have changed the temperature.

This all said, it might have come out find. It's difficult to tell since we don't have access to it.

It sounds unlikely but it might have been the fat. I can't imagine why it would be, though, unless you had pounds of it.

>> No.5141218

2lbs recipe called for 2hrs and I assumed 1hr would be good for 1lbs. If it helps I'm a female, and I don't think most females would enjoy eating a lot of pork belly, or fat in general :p

>> No.5141244

He defined it in his post. Problem?

>> No.5141257

>If it helps I'm a female, and I don't think most females would enjoy eating a lot of pork belly, or fat in general :p

No, that literally has nothing to do with it. Please stop doing that, you're giving the autists something to complain about.

>> No.5141261

p sure alot of wimmins are health conscious.

>> No.5141263

>as you are the only one complaining about the mention of the opposite sex.

>> No.5141270

Anyway, i'm gonna use up the left over pork belly for a different asian cuisin. Just added some to my morning miso soup, was good! I pan fried some slices in it's own fat.

Pork belly isn't something I'd want to eat all the time, but it's definitely worth a try to cook with if anyone hasn't yet.

>> No.5141285


I'm talking about how people respond to any post with the mention of a female with "btw im a gurl XDDD" or "btw i have a gurlfriend" because they're either lolsofunnee or they're legitimately bothered by it. Normally they're overreacting but this girl actually did mention her gender despite it having nothing to do with the conversation.

>> No.5141289

wow u dum tho ps im a transexaul btw ;3

>> No.5141298

>I-I'm just the only person bringing attention to her post and complaining about it to prevent others from bringing attention and complaining about it

lol sure buddy

>> No.5141311

I've been referenced as "he" in this thread and haven't even corrected that. I don't get why it matters so much.

>> No.5141314

>but this girl actually did mention her gender despite it having nothing to do with the conversation.
Do you get perturbed if someone says, "My mom...", "My friend...", "My sister..." in a post without it being a critical piece of information?

Does anonymity mean no mention of relationships or gender to you? Would this make you feel more comfortable online?

>> No.5141330

>Do you get perturbed if someone says, "My mom...", "My friend...", "My sister..." in a post without it being a critical piece of information?

No you fool, this doesn't bother me at all. Unfortunately /ck/ (and the rest of 4chan) is populated by people who ACTUALLY get angry at this shit. This is one point where OP is legitimately bringing her gender into the conversation despite it having nothing to do with it. She didn't mention it offhandedly, she literally said "I'm a female."

>> No.5141338

Yes, I'm a female. I stated that I feel as if most women probably don't like eating fatty bits; I know at I don't sometimes. It does pertain to the conversation. I was expressing my experience with pork belly and as to why I probably wasn't used to the texture.

>> No.5141415

I think it's an untrue stereotype that women don't like eating fatty bits, anyway. There are plenty of men who will avoid fatty but will go for lean for health reasons, or who simply don't like the texture.

That said, if you don't like pork belly, I usually prefer pork shoulder over belly for pretty much all Asian recipes that ask for belly. The only instance in which I particularly like the belly is in thick cut bacon.

>> No.5141472

Do be gentle tugging my nipple there, baby....

>> No.5141705


You dumb muthafucka.

>> No.5141738


maybe it's the texture of the fat, maybe it isn't. it's not like we know what specifically disgusted you.

was it too tough, too soft, what?

>> No.5141744

The whole avoiding chunks of fat is more a whitebread thing.

Most of the females I know that are from either Asia or Africa go straight for the fat. One even prefers the crunchy connective tissue on the end of the roast.

>> No.5141779

This. White chicks give too many fucks about how fat their ass is when they're 20. I guess it's because they know they'll look like curdled milk by 30, so they try hard to make sure their youth is worth while.

Based Polynesian/Islander chicks give zero fucks about fat. They'll pop hunks of that slightly crispy pork belly without a second thought. Mmm. Those thick, firm asses. All dat muscle. Fuck white chicks.

>> No.5141785

Asian ladies age like shit

>> No.5142184
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Here OP, this might help

>> No.5142192

They age better than white women. At least asians look good until 30 and then turn to shit

>> No.5142224

White chicks age awful because they fad-diet
When you yo-yo through different shit and go from no eating, only eating fruit, to only eating meat, to fasting to cleansing on a regular basis your body doesn't know what the fuck to do about it.

It's almost better to eat like shit consistently than trying a new thing out every month

>> No.5142271


Come to think of it, this rings true. I'm a white female and I absolute love fat bits, but my other female white friends spend ten minutes surgically removing every visible piece of fat from any piece of meat they eat.

>> No.5142304

I saw a video of some guys curing and smoking their own bacon from a slab of pork belly and I can't stop thinking about it now.

Hopefully when I move to my brother-in-laws guest ranch later this year I can convince him to do it if he hasn't already.

>> No.5142380

isn't gua bao a taiwanese thing?

wifey loves pork belly tho

you gotta look into getting short ribs (is the english name I think? pai gwut in cantonese) if you want a pork cut for braising that isn't as fatty as belly pork. I never get good results with shoulder

>> No.5142398

How do you cook your pork shoulder? Because pork shoulder is god tier for braising. Also, what do you mean by not "good results"?

>> No.5142403


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but keep in mind that in Asia the "chewy" texture of dishes like pork belly is highly regarded, especially in a stewed dish. A Western person and a Chinese person would be expecting two different things if you tell them you are making a braise.

>> No.5142421

Oh, I'm well aware of that difference. I'm actually Chinese myself. You can always braise it less to desired texture, no?

Now that I'm thinking about it, though, I guess pork shoulder's texture is rather monotonous when compared to the renowned five layers of happiness... or even pai gwat for that matter with it's bone and tasty connective tissue.

>> No.5142529

Hating *animal fat* is a early 20th century American thing, dating to Upton Sinclair's 1906 'The Jungle', which attempted to expose the horrors of low-wage work in the meatpacking industry, and used examples like the guys that ended up with limbs or torsos in your sausage & lard (then as popular as butter). The American Public ignored the labor context and got all uppity about eating sausage and lard. Shortly after, Crisco ("It's digestible!") popped onto the scene and every innuendo in healthy-food marketting was used to sell its shelf-stable vegetable trans-fats (which in the 00's we've discovered were the worst of all, but that's another story) and besmirch lard, tallow, and animal fat in general. Fifty years of the ascendency of 'shortening', 'margarine', and butter, and not even Julia Childs was able to convince grocery stores to carry lard. As children, baby-boomers were told to cut the fat off their meat for their health.

>> No.5142535

Hating *fat* and particularly *saturated fat* is a middle-class American 70's/80's/90's thing. We were fed bullshit nutrition about 'fat makes you fat', and and 'fat gives you atherosclerosis', and visceral horror that you would ever consume highly saturated animal fats, with an implied, grossly incorrect, 'HFCS and flour will never make you fat or kill you'. Turns out statistically, diabetes and obesity tracks soda consumption so tightly you can almost blame that alone, and dietary cholesterol having any effect is largely a myth - keeping at a healthy weight swamps most any effect of dietary composition. In this time we also managed to develop a shelf-stable shortening (trans-fat) product made out of lard instead of vegetable oil, and marketted as "lard" at the poorest consumers & Mexican immigrants (lard is in all their recipes). Healthier fresh lard remains persona non grata in most stores.

>> No.5142542


In the 00's, we've found out that trans fats are substantially worse than even fully saturated animal fats and in the 10's begun the process of banning them. We've popularized bacon as an internet fad and began to question just why the hell this stuff is so much worse than butter anyway. We're putting into perspective the notion that really, saturated fats are sought for their melting point, there is no free-lunch (trans fats) to get this melting point, and whether it comes from an oil-palm tree which we have to cut down the rainforest for, or from a pig, fats with a certain mouthfeel & melting point are largely equivalent.

OP should learn to cook her shitty pork belly right, and get used to animal fats again, because done right they're fucking delicious.

>> No.5142644


yeah I think it's just a personal preference thing, but whenever i've tried to red cook some pork shoulder it's turned out kinda dry. Do you need to cook it for longer?

wish i wasn't too lazy to render my own pork fat down for cooking lard lol.

lard and sweet soy sauce rice for greatest poverty food of all time

>> No.5142730

I don't mind the fat in pork belly (Not OP but the person you're replying to) but I just prefer the way pork shoulder cooks and I love the skin on it. I feel the fat enters the lean meat which makes it tastier, the way the cut is results in a more tender and juicy meat, and the skin cooked for a long time, especially when separated from the meat after the meat has finished cooking, gives a much lovelier chew and gooey feeling. This all said, I'll look out for short ribs next time. (Also Chinese here.)

>> No.5142742

Oh, and I have never had pork shoulder be dry for me when braising / stewing. It's sounds like either your temperature was too high or you're not cooking for long enough. I've had times cooking lean beef where after two hours it was very dry but after four it was extremely tender.

I also find rendering very easy. At first, I was unsure about it but once I found a good method, I can just wing it easily. Having your pork belly on low-medium heat should bring the fats out so it can fry and brown itself and you should have leftover fat after that. I love sweet soy sauce. The thinner the cut, the easier it is to render the fat out because of the exposed area of fat, so it's much faster with bacon but less so with thick cut pork belly.