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5137263 No.5137263[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Foods no one actually eats.

I have never, ever seen anyone buy or eat Bugles. They are just relegated to the bottom shelf of the snack aisle on Walmart, next to those weird chips made out of popped corn.

>> No.5137265

When I was a little kid, I used to put the bugles on my finger tips and pretend I was a witch.

>> No.5137271


Bugles are good with salsa, or queso. They're perfect scoops.

>> No.5137273

I used to love Bugles when I was younger. Now I think they're way too salty.

>> No.5137276

You are a good soul.

>> No.5137282

Everyone I know did this.

My sisters will specifically buy a bag and pig out. I don't like them anymore, the fat they use coats my mouth in a gross way.

CAPTCHA: befirmal sister

>> No.5137287

Me too. I played like I was an eagle though. Looking back it makes no sense, eagles don't have hands.

Also, Bugles sort of suck. I'm surprised they are still around.

>> No.5137288

Exactly, everyone ate them as kids, but no one eats them now.

>> No.5137292

I still get them time to time

>> No.5137293

They fry them in some unusual oil if I'm not mistaken, I remember them being startlingly high in fat content. Coconut oil maybe?

>> No.5137300

They could only fit on your fingers when you were a kid and that was what made them the shit.

My mom bought them all the time, but she was as small as us.

>> No.5137322

Yeah, it's coconut oil. I've never seen any other snacks that use coconut oil, which is probably why they seem weird.

>> No.5137342

I have a coworker who buys a bag of bugles for everyone once a week. They're actually not so bad.

>> No.5137344

I'm pretty sure every kid in the history of mankind has done this.

Although I wasn't a witch, I was a monster who couldn't stop eating his own fingers,

>> No.5137349

One of the snack machines at work has the nacho cheese bulges. I buy them regularly.

>> No.5137356

Same as Fritos. I swear in my life the only person I know who has eaten straight Fritos (rather than using them as a topping for a queso or chili) was my Dad. And my dad is weird.

>> No.5137378

I love the texture of Bugles, I just haven't bought a bag in forever because I don't feel like spending money on junk food.

>> No.5137388

You don't like plain fritos? What a faggot....

>> No.5137397

You should probably come out of the closet soon to lessen the blow on your father.

What do you think happens when you run out of bean dip? Huh? Do you throw those fritos away? NO. You enjoy them like the delicious corn chips that they are.

>> No.5137405

Truth be told anon, I am actually bi and I'm really scared about revealing myself to my parents. I'm waiting to finish college before telling them so they can't freak out and remove my future from me.

But why not just use regular tortilla chips that don't have all those additives in them?

>> No.5137438
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those kind of things were pretty popular here in Italy but only like 10-15 years ago.
I liked them but since they were so fucking expensive we always had to turn on regular ones.

>> No.5137457

I can understand the concern about revealing an imperfection in yourself to your parents. For your sake I hope at least your mother will still send you Christmas card or the like every few years.

>> No.5137497

fuck I loved baked bugles.. so pissed they don't make them anymore.
>dat specfic taste flavor

>> No.5137515
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I had these once and they didn't taste like peanuts at all.

>> No.5137521

>discontinued foods
Goddamn I miss Doritos 3D

>> No.5137535
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>Corn, corn oil, salt.

mmmmk. And honestly, I don't know what to tell you about that other dilemma. Do you really like sucking dick that much? Either way, be a great fucking liar until the shit hits the fan/time needs be or come clean now and ride it out. Those are the only options you have, so shit or get off the pot.

>> No.5137552
File: 66 KB, 484x600, caramel bugles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It didn't help that noawadays 99% of them are flattened so you can't even try.

Now they make these sweet and salty ones.

They're not very good. Corn chips dont' go with caramel.

>> No.5137557

Seriously? That's it? What about in the seasoning?

I'm gonna hide it for now. I've got one semester left of college, so I think I'll be fine.

>> No.5137561

Doritos 3D were awful and you should feel awful.

>> No.5137579

If you've made it this far, sure. But, some day you'll have to stand up. Nothing ever ends as bad as you contrive in your head.

>> No.5137583

When I was a kid, like preteen, I used to buy a bag of bugles and a can of easy cheese and make little cornucopias. I thought they were awesome. I can't imagine eating that now. Ugh.

>> No.5137584

there's a 80% chance you'll tell them and they'll respond with "about time" or "duh"

or you can just not tell them and get on with your life

>> No.5137598

i have 3 bugles on my fingers and one cupped on the tip of my tongue right now

>> No.5137620

What do they taste like? Oranges? I have no frame of reference for what circus peanuts taste like if not based on their name or color.

>> No.5137626

Styrofoam. Not even lying.

>> No.5137630

They taste like orange. Food coloring.

>> No.5137633


>> No.5137666

they're flavored with artificial banana, but very very lightly, they mostly just taste like sugar and sadness

>> No.5137669

Food coloring does not taste. Only sandwiches taste like taste.

>> No.5137673

Confirmed for worst snack/candy next to Necco wafers. I swear, people like 100 years ago had the worst fucking taste in candy.

>> No.5137683

Food coloring in some ways can change the way a thing tastes

Red food colorings leave a particular taste if I recall.

Anyways I think the actual flavor to circus peanuts is supposed to be artificial banana.

>> No.5137690

Yea, a particular taste of shit. RED #171 does not taste like wild cherries.

>> No.5137695

How in the name of fuck are these still sold, but all your favorite candies were discontinued within months?

>> No.5137700
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>> No.5137702

these look like blood covered maggots

>> No.5137706

refer to file name
they're not bad but nobody actually wants them

>> No.5137724


They taste like artificial orange and banana. Texture of a stale marshmallow.

>> No.5137733

You don't put these on the tips of your fingers and eat them as witch nails purely for the novelty?

>> No.5137750

I like bugles. I eat them with RedHot, or similar "hot" sauces.

>> No.5137758

You know those water soluble packing peanuts?

I imagine it's the same thing. With sugar.

>> No.5137786

I never buy bugles, but they are one of my favorite snack foods

>> No.5138252

>never buy bugles because they're too plain
>go to bar to have some beers
>free nuts, olives, crackers, bugles
>stuff face with bugles

They're just strangely moreish

>> No.5138262
File: 43 KB, 640x480, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Have this same memory from when I was a kid
>Buy Bugles like two months ago
>Hyped as fuck
>They don't fit on my fingers anymore.

>> No.5138299

Wtf are these?

>> No.5138304

Bugles always tasted like shitty corn to me. I haven't had them in like 20 years.

>> No.5138303


>> No.5138307

I still do that with traffic cones

>> No.5138308

I don't care for that oleaginous film they leave behind. Same as Munchos and Funyuns. Has anyone an idea why these three foods share this quality and, if so, tell us, please?

>> No.5138310
File: 19 KB, 203x268, powdered-eggs8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never seen anyone buy powdered eggs

>> No.5138311
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>One of the snack machines at work has the nacho cheese bulges
>the nacho cheese bulges

>> No.5138312

I've had these maybe 8 times in my life. It's always the same: first 5-6 are really good then I am just disgusted with the film in my mouth and toss the bag out.

>> No.5138314


Just imagine what they leave inside your arteries. I hope you enjoy interval training.

>> No.5138315

All of them contain many air pockets. They have a larger surface area than other chips and basically hold a lot more oil.

>> No.5138319

You don't know (m)any bakers, then? I buy powdered egg whites for making icings. At my old job, a bakery, we used powdered whole eggs because they cut costs by ridiculous amounts and in baked goods, there's really no taste difference between fresh and powdered.

>> No.5138322

I'm certain I can count on my fingers how many times I've had them. They're just... awful.

>> No.5138323
File: 16 KB, 390x292, necco[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>halloween when I'm like 9
>get one of these in my sack
>"The Original Candy Wafer"
>that doesn't sound appetizing at all
>try one
>holy shit these are terrible

Seriously, I can't imagine anyone eats these.

>> No.5138329
File: 189 KB, 768x969, eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is hard as fuck to find at a store.

>> No.5138342

fucking flavored chalk. I always hated that shit. Fucking Necco.

>> No.5138362

I... I l-love them...

>> No.5138369
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>> No.5138372

no they're not

>> No.5138380

This was one of the greatest marketing campaigns in snack food history. No one remembers if bugles tasted good or not, they probably tasted super salty and terrible, but putting them on your fingers was childish delight.

>> No.5138385

Yes, they are.

>> No.5138401

Nigga you must be crazy. That shit is delicious.

>> No.5138415

Exactly this. Its like the 1980s all over again.

I agree with nearly every post in this thread, thats pretty rare.

>> No.5138475

Same. I can't believe my parents let me eat the things I ate.

>> No.5138486

Fake orange, fake banana, sugar, and some underlying food coloring bitterness to balance the maltiness of the corn syrup.

>> No.5138506
File: 41 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.397603645_szlg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I love Bugles. When I was a tyke we also used to eat Whistles.

>> No.5138538

Ranch flavored are godly

>> No.5138549
File: 25 KB, 420x294, 1339089840481_9342833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating candy/junk food

>> No.5138571
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I... I guess you could find a small toddler and eat some off of its fingers?

>> No.5138606

We have 'bugles' in Spain, they are made by Matutano and they're fucking great. I love them.
But there are other imitations by other small brands and they taste bad.
Maybe the original Bugles are bad?

>> No.5138641

I still buy Bugles regularly and eat them with cheese spread.

>> No.5138664

fuck you, original bugles are god tier. get out of here with your thpanith bugleth

>> No.5138794

>not knowing that only Catalonianth thpeak with lithpth and no regular THpaniardth