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5137188 No.5137188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is Coctel de Camaron supposed to taste like? I had some today but it just tasted like ketchup and shrimp bathing water.

>> No.5137196

>Coctel de Camaron
4chan is an English language imageboard, that appears to be some romance language, possibly Spanish

Do you mean shrimp cocktail? It usually is served with cocktail sauce on the side and not drowning the shrimp

>> No.5137195

>it just tasted like ketchup and shrimp bathing water

That's what it is.

>> No.5137202


>> No.5137206

the cocktail sauce is supposed to be spicy and have a strong bite

Usually this is accomplished through generous amounts of horseradish mixed in the sauce

Ive never seen the dish served the way it looks in the OP

>> No.5137211

It's the spic version, not the yuppie version you autists.

>> No.5137224

Interesting! I love shrimp cocktail, but I've never heard of this hispanic version.

Looks pretty tasty. In fact, I bet you could probably use it for dipping tortilla chips into.

>> No.5137243

I hate that Mexican restaurants never seem to devein their fucking shrimp, even when they're huge and obviously haven't been purged. Nothing like taking a bite of shrimp and getting a mouth full of feces and fine sand.

>> No.5137257
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I had a great octopus coctail down in Mexico a few weeks ago.

It shouldn't just taste like ketchup, it should be a cocktail sauce.

>> No.5137289

Isn't cocktail sauce traditionally ketchup-based?

>> No.5137308

Ketchup and horseradish...more horseradish than ketchup tastes best.

>> No.5137310

Horseradish, ketchup, lemon juice, and just a bit of worcestershire.

>> No.5137327
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Jesus guys, I'm a hick that eats meat-and-potato meals 95% of the time, and even I knew that was a Mexican thing. Trying to tell OP they are doing shrimp cocktail wrong? Jesus shrimping christ.

>> No.5137502

A Mexican cocktail is cooked seafood and diced fresh vegetables like cucumber, celery, tomato and the sauce is tomato juice or clamato. It is really like a cold soup.
Some people squirt ketchup into it at the table, I just squeeze a lime and put hot sauce, and chow with saltines

>> No.5137533

I had a Sinaloan version 2 months ago in tijuana, which is basically a raw shrimp cocktail that uses no ketchup. It consisted of v-8, chitepin peppers and soy sauce. God damn the food is better in Mexico

>> No.5137554

Come to think of it I have had cocktails with some raw mariscos in it. Shrimp, sallops, clam and oyster. The cooked stuff has been, fish, shrimp, octopus, squid, sea snail, clam.
And soy sauce and jugo maggi are great condiments, too.

>> No.5138468

I'll tell you the secret, and it's twofold.
the ketchup is watered down with orange soda, and it's finished in "salsa bruja" which is basically pickled chiles, onion, garlic with thyme, bay leaf peppercorns and clove in vinegar and olive oil.
to make it spicy add some habaneros rested in lime juice, or some other salsa, if you're lucky they'll add some oyster juice to give it the sea flavor
I reccomend octopus, snail and oyster, fuck shrimp they are better served fried.

>> No.5139695

where do they make coctel like this?

>> No.5139855

veracruz anon?

>> No.5140167

nigger you need to add bufalo hot sauce to spice it up

>> No.5140176


>> No.5140210

You nailed it.

>> No.5140325

More specific please, I am in Sonora, Mexico and here the juice is always clamato, V8 or plain tomato juice, I've never seen ketchup/orange soda as the base for a coctel.

>> No.5140505

Yeah, veracruz, oaxaca, chiapas, puebla.
At least that I have actually tried but I suppose it could change further in the peninsula.
Oh and nuevo leon so I could guess tampico too.

>> No.5140747

Salsa Bruja , from what I know is mostly a veracruz thing, but putting ketchup and soda in raw seafood is pretty much common everywhere except the north.

>> No.5140896

I've seen salsa bruja in a myriad of places but who knows it's not like I've payed much attention. I will from now on.

>> No.5141273

I'll have to try that sometime. I love me some ketchup, but it has to be quality, i have never seen a decent ketchup at any restaurant here unless it is in packets. The whole sale crap most buy is literally red colored corn syurp.
I'll make a test batch next time I gather a batch of mariscos. I kind of like the idea of a sparkling coctel.
what ratio?

>> No.5142062

well I guess you could mark it up a whole lot by using really high quality ketchup or making your own
and adding some orange juice and sparkling water

anyway they usually do use the shittiest kind of ketchup and fanta somwhere in the 25 to 30% soda ratio
remember that chopped coriander and onios is almost a must because they cut through all the sweetness

>> No.5143448

>adding some orange juice and sparkling water
Now that sounds interesting! well anyway, thanks, I have to try this.

>> No.5143453

I know that feel OP
It's a disappointment 4real
Just get the ceviche instead, it's usually got enough flavor to not need many condiments.

>> No.5143475

usually at mexican restaurants, they'll serve shrimp cocktails with a side of saltine crackers.

>> No.5143527

Growing up on the gulf in South Texas, I ate these all the time. The sauce was usually tomatoes/ketchup, orange soda, lime juice, and a splash of hot sauce.

The filling was chunks of shrimp and octopus (sometimes clams), avocado, jalapeno, onion...spice with garlic, pepper, salt, cilantro...fuck, I hate living with a kosher kitchen

>> No.5143559
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You're eating in the wrong places. A good coctel doesn't have ketchup, but there are exceptions.

When it comes to seafood in Mexico , Aguachile >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ceviche

>> No.5143712
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no you gringo, just because you live under california does not make you the sole arbiter of mexican food
aguachile is just a dumb ceviche and we know thtat ceviche is peruvian territory

>> No.5143739

Relax mexinigger.

>> No.5143756

aguachile is not a ceviche though.

>> No.5143761
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what the fuck is that?

im mexican and i have no idea what are you talking about

>> No.5143766

It's ceviche just that it's called different, you take your chrimp and add a ton of lemon juice and some chiles, let it stew in the lemon juice and eat it with tostadas in mayo

Fucking tostadas de ceviche

>> No.5143784

That's not an aguachile though.

the chile is integrated in the lime, making it into a sauce, along with other things.


This is how you make it

>> No.5143831

Yeah that's a ceviche, one that you call aguachile but it's still a ceviche

>> No.5143839
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Ceviche , or mexican ceviche is seafood cooked in lime , with chopped tomatoes, peppers, and cilantro. its shit. Aguachile is a pepper marinade. Its like comparing mole with curry.

>> No.5143847

hahahahahh OK

>> No.5143855

it's fucking Chile de Agua you fucking retards!

>> No.5143857

and it's best used for a shotglass for mezcal!

>> No.5143864

I'm tired of having to go to awesome lengths to disprove a faggot wrong like I had to do with the retard that could not grasp the concept of adobo the dish and adobo the verb and thick paste last week so I'll just say this
Aguachile is a TYPE of ceviche.
If you have to go and study peruvian cooking to understand this then by all means do

>> No.5143876

The fact that you called aguachile "dumb" shows your lack of knowledge of seafood. Peruvian has nothing to do with Mexican food, its all different. I might as go far as saying that the seafood in some parts of Mexico are superior to the seafood in Lima. I've been to both countries btw.

>> No.5143952


moving on I was talking about how they Live ceviche, and the latitudes around it's definition are larger than you think, ceviche is basically seafood cooked in a strong acid, that's all it is.
Different recipes and styles emerge but they all have a common thread, acid cooking the seafood. If it's not seafood it could be called escabeche.

Which seafood is superior is not the issue here and neither is if it is dumb or not, but I will apologize for calling your aguachile dumb which I knowingly did as an ad hominem

>> No.5144536


It's thanks to 4chan I can't order the Shrimp Chimichanga from my local Mexican (American) shop.

The shrimp were fucking huge, literally the size of a baby's elbow. But I saw a thread saying basically the same thing you said.

They don't devein them/

Never again. Guess I'll have to settle for pastor or chicken or beef.

>> No.5144602
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Save your bullshit for someone else who cares. Yes, Aguachile evolved from the ceviche, but to call Aguachile another name for a ceviche and being an exact replicate of ceviche is an exaggeration. Everyone in Mexico (in the region I go to) calls an aguachile an aguachile and ceviche a ceviche. Aguachile is supposed to give mouth a burst of flavors, the marinade is unique, with not just a single note of lime.

Your typical ceviche recipes will instruct you to cook your shrimp first and then marinate it in the mixture. Aguachile is chiles blended with lime juice, giving the dish intense heat and fresh chile flavor. cooking seafood with heat instead of acid gives the meat an entirely different texture, and you eat off the spot, so the Aguachile is basically Mexican sashimi.

>ceviche is peruvian territory
Too bad its being overtaken slowly by Mexico

>> No.5144713
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I think you're reaching too far with your arguments now, just stop before you get burnt

>> No.5144814

oh noes

>> No.5144867

pls go on

>> No.5144892

That gif is fucking hilarious

>> No.5145135

The etymology of cebiche, ceviche, seviche or sebiche is muddled in history, there are multiple hypothesis ranging from it being related to the arabic sibech, the quechua chibicha, the onion "cebolla", the spanish cebo, the english sea beach and a couple more far fetched ones.
At least in the 1890's it was described as a dish of fish or shrimp diced and macerated in salt, sour orange and chile.
I would submit aguachile falls in to this original definition as well as it does in the Oxford dictionary one.
"a South American dish of marinated raw fish or seafood, typically garnished and served as an appetizer."

In: The human pathogenic Vibrios: a public health update with environmental perspectives. Epidemiology and Infection, 103:1–34.
West writes "In perú there are varieties of ceviche that use very little lime juice or only add a few drops immediately before serving. Many people enjoy eating fish almost raw or raw, like in Japan"
This is a cut and paste recipe for ceviche clásico which you can find here fusion-restaurante.pe/pdf/
"Cortar los filetes de lenguado en cubos o trozos de 3 x 2 cm y colocarlos en un bol frío. Agregar el ají limo, el apio picado tan pequeño que resulte casi imperceptible, el culantro y mezclar. Sazonar con sal y pimienta. Incorporar el jugo de los limones y luego el concentrado de pescado.
Agregar la cebolla cortada en julianas delgadas, sin revolver"
I would submit this is very close to the aguachile.

So yes aguachile has it's own distinctions like any other recipe which comes from a single cooking styles, Salsas in mexico come to mind a salsa botanera like valentina is very very different then a salsa verde asada but they are still salsas, aguachile is not so distinct from other classes of ceviche as my previous example.
>Save your bullshit for someone else who cares.
I understand you have some sort of pride in aguachile and I can understand that but clear your head and accept it's just a falsely glorified ceviche.

>> No.5145953

>ceviche comes from peru and aguachile is a genre of ceviche

You could have saved some time, I don't disagree with you. I don disagree that ceviche is a form of aguachile, but there is no equivalent in Peruvian gastronomy.

What I don't agree with you when I say its not a ceviche is when you say shit like this

>you take your chrimp and add a ton of lemon juice and some chiles, let it stew in the lemon juice and eat it with tostadas in mayo

You're exaggerating at this point. You probably live in some shithole where aguachile isnt an institution in the area. Places like Baja, Sinaloa and even Sonora serve some good Aguachile.

Aguachile is one of my favorite meals when it comes to Mexican food. Better than mole and much better than that shitty Mexican version of ceviche. In regular ceviche the lime dials down the heat of the dish. Aguachile is a salsa-lime juice that is puckering and spicy in every bite. Its more elaborate than your average ceviche.


Just look at 10:00

No contest

>> No.5145998


>Somehow, through impossible odds, be borne into existence
>Be limited to a miniscule slice of time on floating rock in the atmosphere
>Infinite amount of potential
>Wondrous beauty and unspeakable knowledge lay everywhere, waiting to be found
>Can learn, accomplish, see, be anything
>Spend precious seconds anonymously arguing about the definition of ceviche on a website for Chinese cartoons
>Decide to seriously reassess and restructure life

I know I spent a few seconds typing this out, which could be seen as a waste. But, I did it because I love you and want to help, anon. You're welcome.

>> No.5146050

>getting this butthurt in defense of some stupid regional ceviche variant

you're like the beaner equivalent of one of those Chicagoans who gets all ass-pained over their shitty pizzas

>> No.5146271

fuck you faggot nigger

>> No.5146381


>> No.5146394


If it makes you feel any better, most of your meat is probably covered in feces anyway.

>> No.5147081
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now you're just fucking with me aren't you!
quoting the show, and things that were said before I actually got interested in the discussion.
Aguachile is an institution.
Better than mole
No contest

I suspect that I'm just falling for a troll by answering this crock of shit.
Is it even the same dude that I was talking to?
Pic related, it's one of us.
And It's not me.

>> No.5149499


>> No.5149678
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So I take it you have conceded?

>> No.5149738
