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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5134822 No.5134822[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright lads
Super Bowl is coming up soon.
What will you be serving your guests? What will you eat (if you watch it alone?)
I'll have some m8s over and will be serving tapas.

>> No.5134831
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Squid rings. Maybe battered.

>> No.5134829

I think I'll be attempting saté spices chicken wings with a peanut dipping sauce.

>> No.5134837

Wow, you're terrible. I hope you're asian. What a shitty fucking party food. Yeah. that's what I want when I go to a Super Bowl party. The guy who wants to serve calamari and pretty little antipasto on a cute platter.

>> No.5134846

Tapas is played out.
And, it is hardly fitting with the general feel of superbowl. You don't have to go deep fried and greasy, but at least don't market your menu as tapas for the day please

>> No.5134848

Never got a complain so I guess people do like eating them.

>> No.5134853

I don't live in the USA so tapas is not uncommon to eat at big events.

>> No.5134857

Neither do I, but tapas is so 2011
Do you even keep up with culinary trends?

>> No.5134860

Does owl even taste good? Is it legal to hunt? Does your local market carry owl. What kind of owl are we talking about?

>> No.5134861

Rest of the world confirmed for being so goddamn boring and lacking in entertainment that they resort to our most basic form of amusement.

>> No.5134869

lets not turn this thread into USA vs World.

>> No.5134871

They want to be Americans so bad they can't stand it. That's why so many of them envy us to the point of blind hatred.

>> No.5134872

Well, after much debate about what direction our super bowl snacks should go in, I've settled on the following:
2 specific dips that were requested by people who really liked them the last time I made them
Hot wings (grilled)
Sausage balls and olive balls (because I can make them ahead of time and freeze)
Cut veg platter to go with whatever and to cut the richness of the other foods
Homemade gyros (meat to be roasted on a spit over the grill)

>> No.5134874

I'm really disappointed now that this thread isn't about superb food for your pet owl.

>> No.5134928

Once had an owl who had a nest across the highway. Had some campfires in the front yard when I was young. One night we are having a party and someone hears some branches behind us rustle. Big barn owl flew in. Bastards are damn quiet in the air.

I remember seeing a lot of vole skulls around its nest, so you can try that. Or go to a reptile store where they sell pinkies as food, tie them to a stake in the ground, and let the feasting ensue.

Either way OP, have yourself a real superb owl bowl. I know I will.

>> No.5134954

i think wings are required

>> No.5134976

First off, fuck bacon-wrapped Jalapeno Cheese Poppers. I've tried to make these twice now and they're just greasy salty nasty things that nobody touches. Yes I know I'm just doing them wrong, but I figured that I need a reminder for myself so i don't try making them a 3rd year in a row.

Personally I'm leaning toward putting all my effort into a Nacho-Bar. Multiple kinds of chips, including Fritos. Ballpark Nacho Cheese, Chili, jalapenos, onions green and white, fajita steak and chicken, ground beef, green and red salsa, sour cream, guacamole, and anything else I can think of.

I'd also like to recommend a quick and easy dip I've had success with:

Pizza Dip (Awesome with Bagel Chips)

1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon dried parsley
1/4 teaspoon dried basil
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
1 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup pizza sauce
2 tablespoons chopped green bell pepper
2 ounces pepperoni sausage, chopped
2 tablespoons sliced black olives

In a small bowl, mix together the cream cheese, oregano, parsley, and basil.
Spread mixture in the bottom of a 9 inch pie plate, or a shallow microwave-safe dish. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of the mozzarella cheese and 1/2 cup of the Parmesan cheese on top of the cream cheese mixture. Spread the pizza sauce over all. Sprinkle with remaining cheese, then top with green pepper, pepperoni and olive slices. Cover, and microwave for 5 minutes. Serve hot.

>> No.5134973

Oh, me too.

>> No.5134980
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>Watching the superbowl
>Getting excited for ads
>Hosting/going to a suberbowl party

>> No.5134984

Owl wings?

>> No.5134988

>not having friends

>> No.5134989

How sad does your life have to be to get excited about the advertisements you are being subjected to?

I can turn off my brain and enjoy things "just for the fun of it", but I'm never going to willingly watch and enjoy commercials as a source entertainment.

I bet there are people that even look forward to them weeks in advance.

>> No.5134991

>if you don't watch a corporate sports event you have no friends

I don't go to Wal-Mart or eat McDonald's, my life must be one big void.

>> No.5135026
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>> No.5135029

You have to watch the commercials because you will be quizzed about them the next day at work so that people will be sure that you actually watched the super bowl. It's a yearly community effort to weed out Soviet spies.

>> No.5135050


You can just youtube them though, I think. In addition to the spies thing, it's a good way to waste the awkward 5 minutes on those conference calls when everyone starts making small talk. Better to deflect attention away from your lack of wife and kids by talking about television or sports. Anything but the weather which is basically saying "I'm single, so don't promote me please"

>> No.5135069

What God awful place do you work at that this is normal? Get a different job, man

>> No.5135094


But it's normal at most larger corporations. Having a family, being over 6 feet tall, and smiling all the time = fast track to the C-suite. Anything else is a handicap.

>> No.5135154

Why can't you just talk about another subject?

Or just say "Sorry, I didn't watch the game"

>> No.5135170


Like what? Game of thrones?

>> No.5135215

Literally anything in the world that is work acceptable.

>> No.5135221

Because no one wants to talk about D&D and animu you neckbeard. Corporate America has a certain culture. You either participate in it or you're the same weirdo you were in high school.

>> No.5135226

>Weirdo in high school

Can you read at all? How fucking hard is it to argue without bringing up shitty examples that don't even make sense?

>> No.5135232

I had no idea not talking about sports means bringing up board games and anime

>> No.5135233

Or you're the foreign guy.

>> No.5135244


Sports, TV, your kids, and "silly" stories about how your wife wants XYZ expensive bauble for her birthday are the accepted topics for conference calls with regional offices. Subtract the two that don't exist, and you have sports and TV.

>> No.5135246

wow, so you are telling me the only other things to talk about sports are 3 things?

You must lead a boring life.

>> No.5135249
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I have no idea what we're doing this year. The most nasty superb owl food I ever had was two years ago, my ex-gf's brother wanted to make a cheese dip, ok, no problem. It was very simple: the cheapest ground beef (fatty as fuck) cooked in a pan and then poured, grease and all, into molten velveeta. I've never felt more like an americlap in my life, and once I got drunk, fuck me if it wasn't delicious.

>mfw looking at the congealed mass the next day

>> No.5135264

None of these things come up with any regularity at my work place. I think it's just a sign that you are full plebeian if you can't even manage to talk about daily topics aside from sports events and tv events.

>> No.5135273


Or maybe what people in different parts of the country find interesting are different and potentially controversial, so corporate culture has collectively figured out which topics everyone theoretically has in common.

Actually I forgot one other thing: alcohol. Everyone in corporate America can talk fluently about alcohol without pissing off anyone else.

>> No.5135277

Mormons. Muslims. AAers.

>> No.5135283


Mormons don't work for real companies. Normal muslims drink with the rest of us. AAers are pitiable and don't need to worry about promotions in the first place.

>> No.5135293


I've been looking up different recipes/ways to cook owl...I'm even more disappointed!

>> No.5135294

>Mormons don't work for real companies.
I beg to differ. Just before Christmas, this guy posted a CL barter ad trading the door prize he won at his company Christmas party for any giftcard of at least $100. The door prize? It was about $300 worth of liquor. His reason for getting rid of it? He's Mormon (he told me when we met and made the trade). The company he works for? GlaxoSmithKline. Considering that of all Christians, Mormons are in the upper echelons of income in the US, it makes sense to assume many, many of them work in the corporate world.

>> No.5135307


Who was that guy who ran for president again?

>> No.5135311

>Similarly, Mormons are slightly more likely to be in a middle income bracket than the general population; 38% of Mormons report earning between $50,000 and $100,000 annually, compared with 30% among the population overall in this income category. Mormons are slightly less likely than the general public to be in the lowest income bracket (26% earn $30,000 or less per year compared with 31% among the general public), but they are about as likely to make $100,000 or more annually as the rest of the population (16% and 18%, respectively). This places Mormons roughly in the middle of other religious traditions on the socioeconomic spectrum. Jews, Hindus and Buddhists tend to have more education and higher incomes than Mormons...

>> No.5135317

Now compare them specifically to other Christians. I'll wait for you to wikiscum that info up.

>> No.5135323

>of all Christians

And Sikhs are a kind of Muslim too, right?

>> No.5135336

Sikhs have nothing to do with Islam, idiot but let's see:
Christians are people who believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. Mormons are people who believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. So... how are Mormons not Christians, you fucking moron? Oh! They believe in things differently than the child-raping pastor taught me! They can't be Christians! lolno

>> No.5135372


Mormon detected

>> No.5135381

How did this thread derail into religious crap. FUCKING GO BACK TO /POL/ SHITBAGS. This thread is for superb owl foods.

>> No.5135384

Nope. Humanist Quaker with a potty mouth.

>> No.5135386


Maybe you should have posted this on /sp/

This board is for food and cooking

>> No.5135387
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>Watching the superbowl
>Getting excited for ads
>Hosting/going to a suberbowl party

>> No.5135389

By the way:

>> No.5135416

Bird chunks fried in pig anus fat

>> No.5135451

I'm sorry you're so retarded. Did you take your meds today? Because you're uttering gibberish.

>> No.5135452

Look, inbread, this is for super bowl FOODS, no one is here to talk about ads, take your shitposting somewhere else.

>> No.5135456

Wings, certainly.
Other than that, I still haven't decided.
Anyone have suggestions for some delicious, but unexpected foods for the game?

>> No.5135459

Don't bother replying to those people, they're just basement dwellers who don't socialize with anyone IRL.

>> No.5135477


>> No.5135587
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My Buffalo Wing recipe:

>BRINE: 2 qt h2o, 1 c kosher salt, 1 c worcestershire, 1 tsp LIQUID SMOKE, 1 tbls peppercorns- all boiled to dissolve and cooled
>Brine wings in fridge 1 hr
>Dry off wings thoroughly, season w black and cayenne pepper, no salt!
>Bake @ 375 x 45 mins on a greased sheet pan, flip each wing and bake another 20 min
>SAUCE: while wings are baking put 3:2:1 mix of Franks, any BBQ, and butter, plus 3-4 cubes of homemade chicken stock in saucepan, melt and reduce by 1/4
>Toss wings in large bowl with half the sauce, return to broiler 2 mins, remove, drizzle with more sauce and serve with tons of ice cold celery and blue cheese and beer.

WARNING: If done right these are addictive like crack. The skin is crispy but the meat is tender from the brine, and after cooking an hour+ the connective tissue melts away and meat falls off the bones. Liquid smoke gives this background smokiness that makes a big difference, careful not to use too much. The black/red pepper is like a dry rub and is where the heat comes from so adjust accordingly. The sauce is thickened by the homemade stock almost like a spicy gravy and adds some stickiness from the BBQ but still has that Buffalo flavor from Franks.

>> No.5136554

>>different than child-raping pastor

>> No.5136580

Some people have meaningful social lives and interactions that go beyond pretending to enjoy a corporate franchise sporting event one day a year with like-minded people.

I know this is difficult for you to believe. We all must be "fedoras" because we don't crowd around the electric jew and eat thousands of calories of fried foods while pretending to be having fun.

>> No.5136595

>throwing a superb owl party
>not just going to a friend's with beer and eating their food

ur doin it wrong\

>> No.5137190

sounds awesome, can I come?

>> No.5137210

>Hot wings (grilled)

fuck grilled wings

>> No.5137213
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>not eating a bronco and a seahawk

>> No.5138355

Niggas talkin shit bout Sherman because he's the only corner in the league with balls

>> No.5138519
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I take it you won't be watching the game and having a party next weekend?

>> No.5138526

I'm making:

Mini chicken and waffles. Eggo mini waffles topped with little chunks of fried chicken (using my grandma's recipe) with honey butter spread and light syrup drizzle.

Pizza balls. Not much to explain there. Dough with spices, mini pepperoni poked inside, parm/mozz. Baked in mini muffin trays.

Chili dip, done in the crockpot. My house chili recipe with a hearty amount of cream cheese melted in. I prefer cream cheese to velveeta/cheddar/etc.

Fruit/veggie plate

And also a main course for halftime of pork shoulder stuffed with apples, spices, Gorgonzola.

>> No.5138550

I love 'm but they have to be battered and served with dip.

>> No.5138554

Calamari would be kick-butt party food.

>> No.5138561

>I could REALLY go for some **** right now but it is sooooooooo passe.

Who the fuck says that?
Not anyone I know.
Who the hell cares about trends when it comes to food?
Just eat what you enjoy.

>> No.5138572


Enjoy your pig anus


>tfw i'll never be able to eat calamari again

>> No.5138576


welcome to six months ago.

>> No.5138583


Please tell me the story was debunked.

>> No.5138596
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Hickory smoking a pork butt, making my own sauce to go with it.

>> No.5138615

If you're in Britain, you're already eating the bronco.

>> No.5138642

>none of my friends watch football or really acknowledge it
I should host a puppy bowl party as an excuse to make loads of food

>> No.5139056

Where did I say I was a "Basement dweller"?

I'm in my twenty's and have an actual job.

Why is it people are so fascinated with calling everyone a loser or a fedora to try and make themselves look better?

>> No.5139061

Because if it quacks like a duck, it's usually a duck.

>> No.5139063

Still saying the same thing over and over again, try again.

>> No.5139065

I'm making a big ol' tub of butt balm for the Seacocks, for afterwards.

>> No.5139073

What the fuck are you on about? See, you're just another fag who wants to internet fight instead of contributing anything. Go fuck off now.

>> No.5139076

You are doing the same thing that you said I'm doing.

>> No.5139084
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Well, we know what you're eating for Super Bowl Sunday. A big bag of dicks. Now GTFO.

>> No.5139201

Are you homophobic?

>> No.5139299

I'm not sure yet.

Preferably, I would have chicken wings and/or pizza. I'm simple.

If there were more people, dips and other finger foods.