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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 34 KB, 381x225, FieldRoastFrankfurters.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5133397 No.5133397[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a big Seattle Seahawks fan, and on a whim tried a vegetarian hotdog at their stadium a while back. Was the best damned hotdog I've had in my life.

I've always wanted to go vegetarian, and figure doing a vegetarian Super Bowl party would be a good way to kick it off. Recipe suggestions? Need finger foods.

>> No.5133404

>I've always wanted to go vegetarian
first of all stop talking about it like you are turning into something

second nobody is going to go to your superbowl party if you do that so dont waste your time

>> No.5133407
File: 22 KB, 281x211, doesntafraidoflookingfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big shithawks fan
>best hotdog was vegetarian IYO
>wants to go veggie
>actually considering vegetarian super bowl party

How many dicks do you think you can suck off before halftime you immense fucking faggot?

>need finger food
Just suck some dicks, you don't even need fingers for that faggot.

>> No.5133437

Good lord.
Shill your shit somewhere else.

>> No.5133436
File: 108 KB, 1024x681, 1390612408520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, everyone knows vegetarians are losers. Like Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Gandhi, Paul McCartney, Leo Tolstoy, Lord Byron, Bill Clinton, and thousands of celebrities like Natalie Portma

>> No.5133441

> us 12s

>> No.5133445

"ALL THE COOL KIDS ARE DOING IT" might work on children but less likely on adults.

>> No.5133469

Unless we perfect synthetic meat, vegetarianism is likely the future simply due to sustainability. Meat production is by far the most resource intensive food industry, and we can't feed the exploding population size on a high meat diet.

>> No.5133477

Then take your shit to /sci/ or /fit/
Making multiple thinly veiled attempts to convert co/ck/s into vegetarians is stupid.
And I say multiple because your threads always follow >>5133437 that style of set up.

>> No.5133481

You did this fucking last week already.
>I'm not a vegetarian but I tried this vegan cheese and it's the best thing I've ever had. So what other vegan foods have you found superior to the actual thing?

>> No.5133485

Then clearly the logical course of action is to eat as much meat as I can while it's still possible to enjoy it. Thanks for letting me know friend! :^)

>> No.5133487

can someone please explain this joke to me

i dont like not knowing things

>> No.5133501
File: 12 KB, 300x300, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So insecure about your meat.

>> No.5133502

/sp/ stuff, you wouldn't understand

>> No.5133551

Like he said /sp/ at its finest.

Seattle became hatred due it's loud fanbase. Also they tend to say 'we' and 'us' referring to the Seahawks. And they are known as the 12th man at their home stadium.

So now when Seaderall fans post, they get spammed with

>us 12s

>> No.5133561

There are hundreds of millions of vegetarians globally. Thinking there's only one person going vegetarian on the Internet is pretty retarded.

>> No.5133590

Are there hundreds of millions of vegetarians shilling their vegetarian propaganda on /ck/?
Well that would explain a lot

>> No.5133610
File: 52 KB, 812x463, meat industry advertisement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Right on, brother. Stop shilling your lifestyle, vegetarians/vegans. Just sit back and let me shill MY lifestyle into every facet of everybody's lives

>> No.5133744

Are you being sarcastic?

>> No.5133769

"Seahawks Poutine" - fries loaded with shit and wank
"Seattle's Best Dogs" - fresh cocks in buns covered in semen
"Seahawks Chili Bowl" - bowls of Bronco diarrhea topped with semen and peter cheese.

>> No.5133813

there isnt a single non-loser faggot on that list

>> No.5133821

That's a slap to Football's face.

>> No.5133822

restaurants aren't the "meat industry"

>> No.5133823


What about Mike Tyson?

>> No.5133827


Fast-food restaurants are corporations that primarily sell meat products.

>> No.5133832

they are not the meat industry you fat bozo. they purchase things from the meat industry, they aren't raising livestock and manufacturing the product themselves.

if thats the retarded logic you use then elementary schools are part of the medical industry because they all have nurses in them

>> No.5133845


Their whole purpose is to take meat, turn it into burgers and tacos, and sell it to people. When they advertise, they're telling you about their new speciality chicken. What school did you go to where the nurse's office had more of an emphasis than the teachers?

>> No.5133847

>loud fanbase
the same "fanbase" was never loud at the kingdome. they are just a bunch of bandwagon faggots who paid texas a&m to use the "12th man" phrase. basically, they are all faggots, as suspected. stay faggots seattle shitgulls.

>> No.5133852

when you order a meal at a fast food restaurant you are receiving on average a 2oz of meat patty on a 4oz bun, served with a side of 4.5oz of fried potatoes and a 16oz drink

now go ahead and keep saying they are primarily selling meat.

>> No.5133879


Do you think they would ever take the meat patty away and just sell you a bun with french fries and soda?

>> No.5133907

yes, I can indeed order a salad or veggie burger at any of these places
maybe you don't understand how business works but they aren't making people want meat, they are meeting a demand that already exists for it. if the demand stopped they would sell something else.

really the fact of the matter is they want to get away with selling you as little meat as possible because it has the lowest profit margin of everything on the menu. They would love nothing more than to sell you nothing but fries and a soda that cost them pennies to make and they upsell it by nearly 100%
but that is not what the market asks for

>> No.5133937

>veggie burgers
>McDonald's, Hormel, KFC, Taco Bell, Tyson, Wendy's.

>> No.5133944

whoops, also Jack in the Box and Chik Fil A.

actually, burger king's the only one there that offers a veggie burger

>> No.5133988

Good thing mickey dicks offers veggie-burgers around here for sissy wussies like you

>> No.5134003

around where?
It's mentioned no where on the US national site, not even as an option.

>> No.5134109


>> No.5134122

I have no idea what I'm reading

>> No.5134164

>vegetarian football party

>> No.5134167

What a huge, clunky clusterfuck of a website, with a huge, clunky picture of Matthias Schweighöfer, possibly the worst thing that could happen to German cinema after Till Schweiger..

But yeah, the veggie burger was even on the equivalent of the dollar menu we have here.

>> No.5134233

>celebrities like Natalie Portman

kill yourself

>> No.5134736

Have fun by yourself

>> No.5134744

>Paul McCartney
>Bill Clinton


>> No.5136041

I'd go to a vegetarian football party. Thinking that football is manly, and that factory farm meat is the manly food choice to go with it, is pretty naive. Nachos especially taste way better without meat imo.

>> No.5136162

>Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, Gandhi, Paul McCartney, Leo Tolstoy, Lord Byron, Bill Clinton, and thousands of celebrities like Natalie Portma

None of these people are food experts. In fact, you could argue that the average /fit/izen has more knowledge about food than they combined. Being good in one field means jack shit when it comes to making sound decisions in another, you might as well claim a plumber's opinion on a relativity theory have more weight because he's so fucking good at plumbing.

>> No.5136171

>the average /fit/izen has more knowledge about food than anyone

>> No.5136182

>seahawks fan
>vegetarian dog
>throwing a super bowl party and not allowing meat

You are on the 9th level of fag tier level you fucking faggot.

>> No.5136184
File: 2.92 MB, 128x96, 1373250642229.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking faggot filled party that's gonna be.

>> No.5136232

I believe the point was that calling someone a faggot for not eating meat is idiotic since many of the world's most renowned people are vegetarian or vegan. I grew up in Texas on a cattle ranch, so the idea of not eating meat is a mental block for me, but I do respect those evolved enough to be vegetarian even though it might not be for me. Learn to respect difference.

>> No.5136249

No u

>> No.5136269

>I grew up in Texas on a cattle ranch, so the idea of not eating meat is a mental block for me, but I do respect those evolved enough to be vegetarian

This is the stupidest thing I've ever read you lying vegan faggot. "It's a mental block to think like that, but I think they're more evolved than me"

>> No.5136311

>Bill Clinton


>don't eat animals
>kill "...tens of thousands of Sudanese civilians..."

>> No.5136319

I'm not disagreeing with you, but I'm drunk. tl:dr?

>> No.5136324

>bomb "chemical weapons factory"
>it's a medical drug factory
>"...tens of thousands of Sudanese civilians..." die from no longer receiving medications

>> No.5136342

You're a piece of shit lying dickhole. I grew up on a real Texas cattle ranch, and I know cattle inside and out. I respect the animals very much, but I also respect our place in the world to eat them. We are omnivores. It's not "evolved" to be vegan or vegetarian, it's a food related mental disorder brought upon by dissonance having to due with where your food comes from because most people today are raised without knowing where their food actually comes from rather than a cling wrapped package at the store.
I disagree with factory farming, and I grew up on a ranch that was free range and believe in the practice, but the change will come not from abstaining from meat, but from choosing meat that comes from sustainable and ethical environments, not just refusing to eat it.

>> No.5136349
File: 299 KB, 900x600, bubba_returns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Clinton.

>> No.5136431

Op do you know how gay you are ? figure doing a vegetarian Super Bowl party would be a good way to kick it off

Unless everyone coming to your party is a hippy faggot then I suggest having some real meat there . You don't have to have any but think of the real people attending .

>> No.5136488

>they rent rasing livestick
jesus christ mate you must know that giant fast food businesses like mcdonalds and BK have their own ranches where they hold their own cows

>> No.5136495

How many real people is that equivalent to?

>> No.5136517

>I know cattle inside and out.
lol I bet you do... dem lonely Texas nights.

>> No.5136519

>We are omnivores. It's not "evolved" to be vegan or vegetarian
Even if you just look at vegetarianism from a logistical standpoint rather than an ethical one, it is the most sensical decision. Animal agriculture is one of the leading causes of global warming, and a clusterfuck of other environmental issues. I only eat meat one day per week.

>> No.5136528

Some of us are capable of admitting other people live more compassionate lives than us. We're not all 12 year olds with special snowflake syndrome. There are a shit ton of people out there humanitarians and activists of all kinds, devoting their lives to making the world a better place. And I sit on my ass all day playing Diablo 3. Those people are better human beings than me, not going to lie to myself to feel better. Same with vegans and vegetarians. They make a difference with their food choices. Kudos to them.

>> No.5136568

>conscious human decision is "evolution"

So much is wrong with your thinking that I'm just going to wash my hands of debating with you and tell you that you're a fucking retard.

>> No.5136592

Are you a native English speaker? Meaning of words in specific fields--in this case biology--often have different nuances than the vernacular usage. In biology evolution does not refer to conscious decision, but to changes brought about by adaptation, while in common usage "evolve" can simply mean "to develop into/become something better than the previous state."

TLDR: Some people are more evolved than others. Compare Gandhi to a redneck.

>> No.5136593

What does evolution have to do with anything? Do you think evolution has an endpoint or conscious decisions do not have a cascading effect on your fitness and prodigy?

>> No.5136603

>vegan butthurt

Cry me a fucking river.

>> No.5136641

I fish and am an avid hunter (waterfowl, upland birds, moose, deer, and rabbit/hare).

Just because I can think beyond how I was raised or consider things beyond my own comfort zone or opinions doesn't mean I am vegan.

>> No.5136654

So, you're less evolved and obsolete?

>> No.5136666

You sound too sensible. Red flag that you're a vegan.

>> No.5138529

Recipes were demanded, and recipes shall be received.


>> No.5138559

field roasts are really good

>> No.5138923

Haven't tried their hot dogs but their breakfast sausages are amazing.