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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5132418 No.5132418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Share your worst food experiences, /ck/.

>Be youngster
>Parents buy us potstickers and porkbuns from the oriental market for dinner
>Take off the wrapper on the porkbun
>Notice it's surprisingly dark
>Open it
>Rusty staple in my pork bun

>Decide to give their porkbuns another try today
>Go to my mom's house to cook her some pork buns and potstickers
>Check for anything odd from these porkbuns
>All clear, take a bite
>Dig a glob of cartilage out of my mouth
>Look at mom's face
>Same disgusted look moments later
>She digs out a bigger glob of cartilage
>Disgusted stare down ensues
>She gags over everything
>She's currently puking in the toilet as I type

>> No.5132428

Why would you EVER return to a place that served you rusty metal? Fool me once, etc. You and your dumbass mom deserved it

>> No.5132435

i can't eat potstickers anymore because of a bad experience with them

>try potstickers for the first time
>really good
>buy frozen ones because i start to develop a craving for em
>cook them like the package says
>eat a couple and notice that they taste raw
>the insides of them were raw meat instead of precooked bullshit
>vomit everywhere

never trust potstickers

>> No.5132502

>Mom brings some kind of "applepockets" from the bakery
>dont know, few days later one still left
>eat half way through
>notice odd taste
>mix of blue/grey hairy mold + some white spots
>projectile vomit instantly

I dont know from then on, I look "inside" everything i eat first...

>> No.5132506

Everytime i go to macdonalds i come down with stuck-in-bed-for-3-days shitting-out-my-mouth-barfing-out-my-ass food poisoning. i think it's a racism thing

>> No.5132511

Local army commissary regularly sells expired baked goods. They sell fruit pies which are always moldy. I brought it to the attention of the health department and the post commander but they don't care.

>> No.5132520

>worst food experience
Tried crab brain...

>> No.5132551

>be me
>go to five guys
>actually pay money for that shit

>> No.5132620

They were probably dumplings that you're supposed to boil, silly goose.

>> No.5132625


>frozen food is uncooked and raw
>still thinks he cooked them the correct way

what a nancy

>> No.5132683


>> No.5132690
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>puking from cartilage

>> No.5132711

Me too. Fuck that place.

>> No.5132745

You posted this thread before, OP.

>> No.5132752

Wait, how the fuck can your OWN STUPIDITY cause you to never eat them again? Its not like you guy a contaminated batch, you just didn't fucking cook them right.

>> No.5132770

>mom and I are both on a diet
>she buys these tasty snack finger cakes that are like 60 calories each
>start getting them for a white, a span of a couple months
>"mom where are the finger cakes? I can't find any?"
>she digs into the very back of a fucking cabinet
>"Oh there's still one right here."
>"Is it expired?"
>"It's still good anon."
>tell her I'm not fucking eating that
>"okay, I will" she responds
>she opens it, takes a bite and says "tastes perfectly fine!"
>she places it on a counter while she goes to wash some dishes
>I look over at it, it looks pretty normal
>take a bite, my mouth is filled with the most horrid, bitter taste
>I immediately spit it into the trash
>flip the finger cake over, the bottom side was literally entirely covered by a fibrous blue mold
>gag reflex kicks in and I vomit in the trash can
>shove it in my mom's face before tossing it in the trash
>she says nothing

Jesus Christ.

>> No.5132781

Every time I get won ton soup from my local chinese place, the meat inside the won ton has a raw taste.

>> No.5133011

>not liking cartilage
what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.5133022

I had a very similar experience with a moldy muffin. God, the taste is distinctive.

Shame too. It was apple cinnamon.

>> No.5133902

> Mom hoards all the Coke and chainsmokes
> Talkin on the phone with autie, drinking a coke
> Pauses to take a piss
> I stealthily move in to embezzel a big swig of Coke
> Fucking ashtray in mouth, complete with wet cigarette but

/me shudders

>> No.5133926


this OP is retarded

>> No.5133930

are you saying your mom uses her coke bottles/cans to store her cigarette butss?

>> No.5133967 [DELETED] 
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candy thread, favorite candies? least favorites? i probably have to go with sweet tarts or skittles for favorite, jujubes and licorice as my least favorite.

>> No.5133970

>visit family in Korea
>buy fruit from street vendor
>get home and bite into one
>halfway through chewing look down
>half a maggot squirming out of the bite I took
>immediately spit it out and brush the fuck out of my teeth

I've been paranoid about eating fruits whole ever since. Still do, just with extra caution.

>> No.5133984

>in high school
>eating school lunch
>it's pizza today, hooray!
>eating my slice, look down at it
>roly-poly bug baked into the cheese

I never ate anything at school again.

>> No.5133986

I have the best one.

>be dirt poor
>real poor not amerifat poor
>eating cabbage and chicken cooked with rice
>only food for days
>so delicious
>shoveling life giving rice and broth into my mouth
>bite down on swollen, boiled dead cockroach
>squirts bitter cockroach juice to the back of my mouth >spiny hairs on legs and chitin from shell get all over my tongue and in teeth

>weep like a girl
>mess clothes, rug drooling the cockroach parts out of my mouth
>taste doesn't go away
>still have cabbage and chicken rice PTSD can't even smell it without tasting and feeling the roach all over again

>> No.5134038
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>> No.5134040

Im american, I am ramen and tap water poor.

its the college life for me

>> No.5134075

>5th grade me
>considers self to be King Shit
>every so often friends would gather in the lunchroom for disgusting food challenges
>it's my turn
>friend stuffs an ice cream sandwich into a crispy beef taco and squirts mustard all over it
>shove half of that fucker in my mouth
>mustard all over the place. He must have used a whole goddamn bottle
>never go near ice cream sandwiches again, even 18 years later

>> No.5134082

>pour glass of soda
>drink it
>it has no flavor? what the hell?
>also feels weird in mouth
>also smelling oil around the house, what is that
>decide the flavorless soda is too strange so I stop drinking it
>super intense burning oil smell all around me
>what the fuck
>still don't think anything of it
>hours later am told that someone used a soda bottle to drain heating oil from the heater
>then someone put it into the fridge thinking it was soda
>then I drank it

I'm lucky I only swallowed maybe one little bit. But I really don't understand how I could have been so oblivious that I was DRINKING OIL.

>> No.5134087

>Be young
>Family reuses juice containers for juice concentrate
>See bottle that looks like juice (either lemonade or orange, I don't remember what I thought)
>Pour myself a full glass in my new waterbottle that fits in my new bike
>Take a huge gulp
>It's lobster juice
>Spit it out everywhere immediately
>New water bottle ruined forever

>> No.5134091 [DELETED] 
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/ck/, for those of us who do this for a living, cooking is a passion and an art and something we love. It also involves a fucking shitload of standing on our feet all day.

I've got a two-year old pair of Skecher's non-slip work shoes that are on their last legs. What kind of shoes do you co/ck/y bastards prefer to wear in the kitchen?

>> No.5134139

>6 year old me
>gets a go-gurt out of the fridge
>chunky expired yogurt fills my mouth
>oh god why

>> No.5134326

>be single digits little
>be candlelit dinner because california brown outs
>mom serves canned clam chowder with dinner
>eating eating eating
>wow, this big clam sure is chewy
>few seconds later spit it out
>ive been chewing on a chunk of wood

>> No.5134734

Usually when I find a hair in the food at a restaurant I just pick it out and keep eating because I don't want to wait for them to recook my order


>> No.5134801
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>> No.5134806

When I was about 8 I had a mince pie at a school Christmas party.
>chewing it ok
>try to swallow
>pain and feeling of wrongness in throat
>finally cough out an inch long piece of copper wire
> too thin to notice while chewing but when I swallowed it got wedged in my throat
Where the fuck did it come from though... Did it come from the factory machines making those cheap pies?

2 years ago a friend found a shard of glass in a piece of har gao when we went for dim sum too... We got refunded for that plate and the rest of the meal was fine but she was lucky she didn't slice her tongue open

>> No.5134824

When I was younger I was at a Burger King shortly before they closed for the night. They had a self-help soda fountain machine and I used it to fill up a sprite. Shortly after I took a fairly good sip of it and half-swallowed I realized that it tasted awful.

It turns out that the retarded teenagers that work there had filled up the soda machine with a Bleach-based cleaning solution as part of their closing process while they were still open and selling food and drink. Luckily I didn't drink enough to make me sick or worse, but I still can't be around the smell of bleach.

>> No.5134885

Actually, 2 more come to mind:

Back when I was maybe 7 or 8 I poured myself a bowl of Rice Krispies with milk. Only after popping the first spoonful in my mouth did I notice anything wrong. The cereal and my mouth of was full of tiny hair. I checked the entire box after dry heaving for 5 minutes straight and the entire thing was full of hair. Long hairs are bad enough, but these were the sharp little tiny hair you get all over yourself after very short hair cuts. Can't eat Rice Krispies without getting sick to my stomach to this day.

The second was not too long after this. We had bought one of those large family size half-gallon cans of V8 (before they started using plastic bottles) to keep in the fridge. Nobody in my family was really into V8 so I think we just had a few glasses over the next month or so. When it came time to throw it out I had to pour half it down the drain. Now we're not entirely sure because of the tomato juice and decomposition but we're pretty confident there was a freaking rotten fish head sitting at the bottom of the can. It's possible it was a bloated dead rodent (guess it would make more sense) but either way it was something dead and rotting.

This was before people sued for every god damn thing, and we weren't the type of people to do that anyway, so we just threw it away figuring we'd already be sick if it was dangerous.

Funny enough this didn't turn me off V8, which I guess is because there was so much time between when I drank it and discovered the fish head, but of course the stuff is still pretty hard to get down anyway.

>> No.5134888

>be 10 at BBQ
>see can of coke lying around
>take a sip
>something chunky in my mouth
>spit it out
>it's a cocktail onion
>mfw my dad backwashes fucking cocktail onions

>> No.5135834

must be nice living in a lawsuit palace

>> No.5136143

Half and Half

> family comes to america
> we no english
> glocery shopping
> next day
> sister gets a glass of milk
> sister doesn't feel so good
> my cousin comes in
> asks why the hell my sister drank an entire cupful of half-and-half

Soy Milk

> college
> develops a habit of drinking soy milk as a snack
> decides get one again as usual from the college cafeteria
> felt instinctively something is wrong the moment I grabbed the one
> ignored the instinct as a crazy talk
> drank it
> pain & suffering, as spoiled soy milk burns my mouth

>> No.5136179

>bite into apple
>enjoy it for all of 3 bites
>look down
>the core is hairy with some eldritch
I'm one of those faggots who eats the core so if I hadn't looked down, it would have gotten really ugly about 3 minutes later

and again
>I was very young, maybe 6 or 7
>see a red solo cup on the counter, think it was my Sprite from a while ago
>holy shit it's viscous and tastes terrible
>it's canola oil what the fuck
>parents laugh at me while my tiny ass swears at them with all the bad language I knew by then
who puts canola oil in a solo cup, what the FUCK man?

>> No.5136192

>Five guys open up
>Oh boy a new place to eat
>order a combo meal

The hell? Did I just paid this much for a burger

>> No.5136218

When my father died and my mother begun to cook.

>> No.5136260
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>he didn't freeze his go-gurts when he was a kid!

You must be so embarrassed.

>> No.5136271


You're fucking pathetic, posting this in every thread you can to try to start shit. It's not clever, it's not funny, and it's not even working. Really just sad.

>> No.5136282

> pays double digits for a burger and fries
> is an indignant prick about it

Go back to lurking for a while

>> No.5136285

>eating gogurt as a kid

We would call you a faggot to your face at the lunch table.

>> No.5136292

oh my god that sounds so fucking awful

>> No.5136297

OP, if your story is true, it's not atypical. Sadly, chinese people are some of the cheapest corner-cutting restaurant types, almost not to be trusted. They're the least likely to throw out food that is expired, contaminated, or otherwise sat too long on a buffet, for instance. They'll take that tea from your table and pour it right back into the pot. This is how one behaves when you come from that level of poverty in the third world.

If you want to get the chinese food you'd like, roast pork, not roast cartilege, you go up a level into americanized, where all chicken is white meat, and there would be a loss of business if they skimped in any way noticeable. Think PF Changs style. If you want a good takeout pork bun, of course, you can make it yourself quite easily with pork shoulder, BBQ sauce, and flour...but anyway, try a frozen brand like Trader Joe's.

>> No.5136310
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>still trying this hard

>> No.5136331
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> still being this dumb

>> No.5136412

Where are you from, originally?

>> No.5136602

All the soldiers and military wives I know are willing to fucking fight you if you don't get down on your knees and praise the commissary. I have to take old commissary bags to other stores and have them load my stuff into those so I don't get bitched at.

>> No.5136630

>Every time
Why do you keep getting it then?

>> No.5136631
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>> No.5136675

>be 7-8
>Pour myself a bowl of raisin bran
>add milk
>eat a spoonful
>stir it a bit
>notice dozens of tiny bugs floating around in it
>just kind of sit there staring at it in horror
>mom notices and screams

I don't remember what happened after that but we kept all our cereal in those tupperware bins afterwards.

>> No.5136893
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I know that feel, OP.

>went to Asian market in town for the first time
>see pork buns in frozen section
>fuck yeah! I've been wanting to try these
>Go home and steam some for dinner
>aside from tasting bland, they had tough and chewy bits in them
>gross cartilage chunks in each one
>intestine pain and abhorrent diarrhea the next day
>never again

>> No.5137013

>at cousin's house
>go to pour myself a cup of water
>i notice that in the jug, there's these white particles
>go find a bottle of Pepsi and drink that instead

>> No.5137054

Are you all a bunch of babies or something?


It's like I'm talking to babies.

>> No.5137165
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so you can afford a computer an internet?

dont you know, cockroach is an exultant source of protean/

>> No.5137193

Holy apeshitting fucknuts, learn how to spell.
>protean/ (protein)
>an (and)
Luckily for you, I am not correcting your grammatical errors. On an irrelevant note.
Pussies. Both of you. There is absolutely nothing wrong with cartilage, but then again I can eat raw fish without vomiting.

>> No.5137194

>around turn of millennium
>go to Buca's
>have reservation but still wait a long time
>unpleasant because there with mom's family who always talk loud and I'm autistic
>everything is excessively oily
>vomit the salad next morning

>> No.5137215

I'm just happy I'm not the only one disapointed by five guys.

>Brothers freak out about how awesome it is.
>Go there for the first time a week ago.
>Holy shit this costs a lot.
>Well yay anon they give you a ton too!
>Fancy soda machine with a million different sodas.
>Ok I guess.
>Order large fries and double bacon cheese.
>Get food.
>Fries relatively soggy, served in a regular cup and rest dumped in the bag.
>Not a lot of flavor to them either. Just soggy greasy fries.
>Burger patties are chard, bacon is crumbled, slightly burnt and not even placed in between the patties.
>Mound of bacon just on the bottom of the burger that just falls out since it's so crumbled.
>Nothing special about it at all. pretty sure they don't use any seasoning at all for anything they server aside from fries which just get salt.

>> No.5137223

I may as well contribute as well.

>Go to mcdonalds one day after breaking wrist and pinky,
>order Big Mac with a side of freedom.
>Eat it with no remorse, and give the freedom to a group of Islam-worshippers in my home town of 'Murikkkehville, Louisiana.
>Be Japanese and cannot tolerate such vile 'Merifatt foods.
>Vomit, get food poisoning.
>Never eat at McDonalds again, rarely eat burgers afterwards.

>> No.5137234

christ /ck/ is the biggest bunch pussies I've ever seen and overreact to trivial shit.

>/ck/ finds a lone cod worm in a piece of whitefish
>freaks the fuck out and throws out the entire thing
>burns down kitchen for good measure.

>> No.5137241

>everyone praises them
>go there
>it's an average burger and way too much average fries for like $11+
I don't get it.

>> No.5137246

why are you whiteknighting for a restaurant chain?

>> No.5137266
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>parents aren't anti-alcohol, but they very rarely ever drink and dislike it when I drink
>mom mentions that she really liked sidecars in college
>"hey I'd like to try that, we can drink together mom"
>"anon, go look above the washing machine, I might have some brandy"
>there was some whiskey, some gin, an airline bottle of vodka, and bay rum
>aww too bad
>later that day
>decide I want to put some rum in my eggnog
>pull out the bay rum and take a swig
>worst taste ever
>spit it out
>why the fuck does it smell like aftershave everywhere
>mfw Bay Rum is a fucking aftershave

Who the fuck puts aftershave in a liquor cabinet?!

>> No.5137283

>not getting the Cajun fries
well there's your problem

>> No.5137314

jeasus fucking christ what the fuck is wrong with people when they DO this shit, its not that hard to dump your butts and ash into a fucking ASHTRAY thats what they are for, god damn cunts.

>working at my moms cleaning it up.
> realy hot and tired
> some half full drinks from some random last night binge from romies moving out
> figured 'why the fuck not im thirsty and I dont want to take moms drinks'
> sip, wince, ashtray, cig butts, god knew what in it.

Also semi related and its kinda my own falt.

>wake up.
> get my morning coffee from a pot thats been there since yesterday
> pour myself some, its cold, get some ice have a sip.
> 'the fuck is in my mouth?'
> take it out, roach, drink has some dead floaters in there.
> chuckle stupidly as I head outside to dump it and wash everything.

I live like a slob and im moraly dead when it comes to food so I deserve what comes to me.

>> No.5137323

You are a fucking idiot.

>> No.5137352

>drinking soy milk
sure help you aren't a guy.

>> No.5137357

It's called "shilling", son.

>> No.5137360

>implying Amerilard non-fermented soy product should be consumed by any living being

>> No.5137365

There's way more estrogen in beef.

>> No.5137366

>boyfriend is really twinkish and into trapping
I've been thinking about making him drink soy milk instead of regular milk just so it makes him a little more feminine.

>> No.5137370

>not knowing Bay Rum used to be super popular

>> No.5137372

>tfw I don't have a boyfriend like that

>> No.5137373

I think it's a pretty reasonable mistake.

>> No.5137408

I ate durian.

>> No.5137908

Ugh I hate that association with pain or sickness

>be 10
>bedridden with flu
>dizzy, nauseaus, delerious
>ameripoor white trash being raised by single dad who didn't know what to do with sick kids or kidsat all
>no food for days
>go blind
>dad realises that kid probably needs food
>boils some ramen

The smell of chicken broth gave me spins until I was like 17.

>be 12
>get piss drunk (so cool!)
>ate nothing in about two days but a 3oz bag of pork rinds several hours earlier
>keep drinking til I puke my heart out (I know, so badass)
>down to bile and six-hours-old pork rinds
>pass out of kitchen floor
>sister made me go to school anyway

So after that I couldn't stomach pork rinds or Schlitz for another two years

>> No.5137965


that sucks, all the commissaries I've been to in Texas and California were great. It's sad knowing some of them are shitty.

>> No.5137983

That's not racism. It's your stomach begging you to stop poisoning your body.

Wow. Just wow.

>> No.5138007

those are what are known as the "McShits", or as you would call them, the "Macshits'

>> No.5138217

fears and phobias aren't usually rational

>> No.5138237

>>Order large fries and double bacon cheese.

Holy shit, you must be a fucking manatee.

>> No.5138481

I don;t know why but this one did it for me. I dont want to eat pizza for a while.

>> No.5138517

Almost this exact thing happened to me when I was a kid. Both my parents smoke and would use half empty old soda cans as ashtrays...I learned this the hard way. Nobody around, saw cream soda on the coffee table, took a huge gulp of ashtray. Absolutely disgusting.

I'll never drink cream soda again.

>> No.5138527

We had a really great one in Hawaii, and then we moved to Virginia and got a really shitty one. I was seven or eight at the time and I hated going to the commissary in Virginia. The ceiling was low--like maybe seven feet-- and it had that distinctive commissary smell amplified x100, and the lights were dim, it was always hella crowded, and they only had six or seven aisles with the rest of their products being in these little rooms/alcoves. Imagine if you went to the grocery store and their produce was literally all pushed into a room about the size of your bedroom with ten giant black women trying to get in and out. It was horrible. I hated going.

The one in Hawaii was great. The one I go to in Colorado here is fine too.

>> No.5138530
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>be 7 year old me
>always a pitcher of kook-aid in the refrigerator
>get up at 4am thirsty as fuck
>gulp a bunch of 'kool-aid' from the pitcher
>mfw it was homemade Kaluha that my Dad had made the night before

>> No.5138793

Eating cherry ice cream from door to door truck vendor...feel something long and rough in mouth, thinking its stem, pull it out with fingers as I suck the ice cream off of it. Look down to see its a very dirty piece of bitten off fingernail. Never fruity ice cream again.

>> No.5138919

The smell while pouring it should have given it away

>> No.5138926

Not him but my order is the same. I'm 5'5" 125lbs. Work out a bit and food is not a problem

>> No.5139131

When I was about 6 months old i fucking loved chocolate so much. One day, I noticed something on the floor that resembled chocolate.

it was dog shit

it put me off chocolate for about 7 yeats

>> No.5139162

> Be disgusted by earwigs at young age
> press some coffee
> take a sip
> 'ahhhh da's bretty good'
> look in my cup
> fucking earwig

Fuck these scary red fuckers with their fucking pincers.