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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5124517 No.5124517[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My local joint replaced their 10 fountains with one of these and it's terribly inefficient and the cool factor wears off the first use. I guess it's easier for the place to clean.

>waiting to use it
>finally get my turn
>touch buttons are meh
>fill up soda
>let foam rest and settle
>line of people behind me at lunch
>foam settles down
>have to re-enter my soda choice
>fill up soda and hurriedly get out of the way
>4 people waiting for their drink

>> No.5124528

How about when anyone older than 30 tries to use it?
They just kind of stand there and then have to ask an employee how to get soda

>> No.5124537

It'll be alright, Ronnie. There isn't some time limit for how long you can take to dispense your soda. This isn't fucking Jeopardy. As long as you aren't fucking around, you're within your rights. If they didn't want to wait behind you, they should get there first.

>> No.5124545

>let foam rest and settle

You are supposed to pour off the foam.

>> No.5124541


>> No.5124562


37 year old here, I ran into one of those at a fast food joint last year. The reason I stood there was because I was confused at why the teenagers were so impressed that a machine existed where you could press buttons to make it squirt different flavor sodas into a cup. I kind of figured kids these days, having grown playing with 4G iPads in their diapers, would be more jaded. It's basically the same thing we grew up with but with more options. From the way they were acting you'd think it was a food replicator from star trek.

As a kid yourself can you perhaps help me understand why this is such an amazing machine?

>> No.5124574

My school semi-recently got two of them. Most people used it to get water, so there was always a long line in front of them, and it would take 10 minutes during the peak lunch time to get a cup of water. They finally decided to put separate water dispensers on the sides so there wouldn't be such a long line/

>> No.5124577

probably because it has a lot of shitty flavors you cant get anywhere else

>> No.5124601

Yeah I'm 35 and My 5 year old has an Ipad. My 64 yo mother has an Iphone. Who doesn't know how this thing works? EBT Obama phone retards can work this.

>> No.5124624


Oh god, this is going to be in tomorrow's comic, isn't it?

>> No.5124671

But that's wasteful.

>> No.5124691

it ensures superior flavor

For beer you can even buy special foam knives to cut the foam off the top of a glass

>> No.5124694

But that's fucking retarded euroshit. Just tip your glass at an angle when you're filling it.

>> No.5124707

But then you lose so much carbonation

>> No.5124715
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>> No.5124720

as opposed to having it all collect at the top?

If you can't finish your beer within five or so minutes, then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5124722

Nose grease makes foam go away.

>> No.5124743
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>consuming soda past age 16
>drinking the non alcoholic SFW Jewish ale

Seeing as this is an 18+ website, I seriously hope you guys don't actually still drink this corn sugar laden, artificially carbonated and chemically flavored garbage.

>> No.5124760

Those of us who don't drink alcohol at 11:45 on a work day.

>> No.5124765

that is what beer or wine is for

>> No.5124779

>what is coffee/water

>> No.5124793

>dirty bean water
i drink regular water but enjoy soda on the occasion

>beer or wine

>> No.5124805

I wonder if the le epic trolls who post this think they're actually clever.

>> No.5124806
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>not drinking beer as casually as tea or water

Just because it contains alcohol doesn't mean its purpose is to get you smashed. Any normal human can have a beer with their midday meal and feel no ill effects. Enjoy your artificially colored, artificially flavored, artificially carbonated JOO-M-O corn sugar tooth rot diabetic cancer. I'll have my naturally carbonated non pasteurized malt, hops, yeast, and clean water, thank you very much. Just like my ancestors had.

Fucking children here. Do you still eat fucking fruity pebbles for breakfast? Do you stock up on goddamn sour punch straws and zebra gum when you stop at the gas station for a fill up? Why the fuck are any of you drinking soda?

>> No.5124822
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>somebody posts truth

Definitely le epic clever troll. Stay asswrecked, Herman Toothrot. What soda is /ck/ drinking tonight?

>> No.5124824

>How about when anyone older than 30 tries to use it?
>They just kind of stand there and then have to ask an employee how to get soda

ITT: 10 year old child over states the still level it takes to use a simple device.

>> No.5124827

ITT: co/ck/ can't spell "skill" or "overstate."

>> No.5124828
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Dial it back a bit next time.

>> No.5124833

fuck you, this machine makes you into a gotdamn bartender. #mixindrinkslikamofo

>> No.5124837

>eating my lunch in peace
>see some kids by teh machine
>"I'm going to put everything in it"
>Kid puts every available drink and syrup in his cup
>He walks over to a table with friends and they dare him to finish it
>He did.

>> No.5124840

>Do you still eat fucking fruity pebbles for breakfast? Do you stock up on goddamn sour punch straws and zebra gum when you stop at the gas station for a fill up?


>> No.5124841

>ITT: co/ck/ can't spell "skill" or "overstate."
Gotta keep the speeling at the preferred 10th grade leve.

>> No.5124843
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Lel. I bet you drink lots of diet soda. Specifically the ones containing aspartame.

>> No.5124845

>not chewing zebra gum for 10 seconds to get all the flavor and adding a new piece
>repeat until pack is gone

>> No.5124849

Well, fuck you too, cunt.
P.S.: The point of the machine IS to fuck around and try new combinations. That's why they have every fucking soda with half a dozen different flavors.

>> No.5124852

>not straight-up eating bubblicious

>> No.5124853

My girlfriend works at KFC.
You SEVERELY overestimate EBT Obama phone retards.

>> No.5124870

>not taking a bite into the roll of bubbletape

>> No.5124896
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this machine has a major design flaw.

This thing replaces what, 10-15 individual drink dispensers. When one of those lines goes out or for some ungodly reason breaks, no big deal, just get something else

what happens when this fucker breaks?

Design flaw?

>> No.5124911

americans curl up on the floor if no soda

>> No.5125598

>associating with people who work at a fast food restaurant
>calling other people retards


>> No.5125618

They're "easier" in the fact that the syrup is now in plug-and-play containers instead of large heavy cardboard boxes that requires you to screw a hose to a small spigot after tearing open a little flap on the cardboard box.

>> No.5125626

I once saw a grown man weep when his sippy cup full of sweetened Mountain Dew fell on the ground.

The town still refers to that spot as Ground Zero and built a somewhat tacky monument in its place.

>> No.5125635

The first time I saw one of these, I was in a Moes in the shopping center where I work. I only have a 30 minute lunch break, and there was a line of kids and parents and old people in front of me. The parents and old people couldn't figure out how it worked. Just press the fucking drink you want and pick a flavor if you want; the big one in the goddamn center is regular! Jesus!

And the kids. Those fucking asshole kids! They wanted to mix flavors together. "I want vanilla coke and cherry Dr Pepper! And the parents, instead of doing what my mom did at the Icee machine when I was a kid and saying "No, Tim, you cant mix them together. You can get red, blue, or Coke! Goddamnit, you little shit! RED! BLUE! OR COKE?! So, you don't want one?" as she started walking away. "Mommy! Ok, blue! I want blue!" They were trying to figure out how to mix their kids' vomit flavored sodas.

Finally 15 minutes in to my lunch break, I got up there. And holy shit! Grape ginger ale! I love this motherfucker!

>> No.5125636

I knew a few people in university who worked at fast food places part-time. It's not that big of a deal.

>> No.5125652

Only one place in town has one, a BK, and one of the employees said they were planning to replace it with a conventional fountain.
He said it costs too much to operate and maintain. Like $400 a month or something.

I tried it myself and found the touchscreen would NOT respond to regular taps. Maybe something was wrong with the screen, but I had to press with some force for it to respond.

>> No.5125663

these are the worst thing ever. most places don't clean them properly ever so any drink you get just tastes like everything mixed together into shit.

>> No.5125665

> it costs too much to operate and maintain. Like $400 a month or something.

sounds like an ex-gf of mine

>> No.5125675

Wow, that was an unexpected turn.

I remember when I first saw one of these machines. I was like oh that's cool, too bad I don't drink corn syrup. It was essentially the same reaction I have to any new automated system. I was really more impressed with the machine they have at Jack In The Box that takes your order so you don't have to talk to anyone.

>> No.5125680


I don't have a Jack in the Box around where I live. Or, at least, there are none that I can think of or that I've been able to find. But that order-taking machine sounds pretty cool.

>> No.5125686

HEYOOOO get a load of this guy!

>> No.5125692

I hate this touch screen bullshit, it's been stuck in so many places and made things much worse (like cars use everything as touch instead of buttons which makes shit slower and less responsive).

Heptic feedback > touch. I can browse songs through my steering wheel/zip clip with real buttons a gazzilion times faster than a touch screen and I don't have to look away from the wheel.

>> No.5125693

they have club soda and tonic buttons

>> No.5125700

i hate them. i only like regular Sprite and it ALWAYS tastes like shit out of these machines. ALWAYS.

thankfully i only get soda when im out of water in my work van.

>> No.5125707

>Bragging about 5 year old having an ipad

>> No.5125710

>butthurt about not being able to afford an ipad

for real tho, its valid to his point.

>> No.5125718

More butthurt because my degree specialization is in children and I don't approve of the trend that parents are giving their children different pieces of technology before they should. Five years old isn't too bad, but I get really rustled when I see a parent who has a 2 year old with one, since they shouldn't even really be watching tv even until age 2, and some parents use it as a babysitter for their children.

There's nothing wrong with owning things, and your children having things, just mildly annoyed at the timing of such

>> No.5125729

Lime Ginger ale Masterrace.

>> No.5125736

Orange ginger ale master race
vanilla root beer second place

>> No.5125772

>shouldn't be

>> No.5125791

Yeah I have to agree with this. At such a young age when the child's brain is rapidly developing they should be playing with actual real, physical objects, and like, going outside and shit. How are they going to develop spacial cognition on a 2D screen? Plenty of time to listlessly stare at screens later in life.

>> No.5126572

I am more disappointed in the taste of the soda rather than the functionality of these machines. I was very very disappointed to see that all the Coke variations taste like shit, since i'm a Cola addict. The Coke taste just a little bitch like Raspberry sweetner was added, the cherry coke is no longer cherry coke, orange and lime are terrible. I'm not a fan of the vanilla flavors so i never tried them. I sure hope Mc D's, Jack In The Box, Wing Stop and Carl's Jr don't convert to these pieces of shit.

>> No.5126582

This. Those devices are so user-friendly there isn't a need to start them early. It isn't command-line.

>> No.5126592


>> No.5126596
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>Vanilla anything