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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 450x349, cucumber-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5120821 No.5120821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a sandwich thread? Hopefully talk about ones you haven't had yet but would love to try.

Lets start off with Cucumber sandwiches. I just recently read "The Importance of Being Ernest" by Oscar Wilde and these were mentioned in the play. So I looked it up and all they are, is just thinly sliced cucumbers on buttered white bread. Why would this be a symbol of high class? Were cucumbers expensive as shit in the Victorian age? In any case I never had one.

>> No.5120825

Sounds disgusting

>> No.5120833

really? I think they sound refreshing on a hot summer day.
I can't wait for vegetable garden time.

>> No.5120854

you don't just use any old cucumber, OP...you use cucumbers lubricated by royal jelly. The queen lubes it up with her royal cooter and queefs it out for afternoon tea. The butter isn't really butter

>> No.5120855
File: 197 KB, 1000x680, 08banh.1-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banh mi sandwich has cucumber in it OP.

and a bunch of other delicious stuff too.

>> No.5120858

try cucumber and goat cheese with a little black pepper on white bread. it's good.

>> No.5120872
File: 22 KB, 512x384, RetTom8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that sounds amazing

>> No.5120875

I don't know about OP, but I'll certainly be trying this. Sounds like heaven!

>> No.5120879

Also cuke and cream cheese.

>> No.5120883

Make sure and cut the crusts off, and cut into little triangles like in your pic.

>> No.5120884

That looks like it is trying to piss off muslims.
5 different kinds of pork.

>> No.5120888
File: 35 KB, 300x217, cheesesandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, THIS is a real sandwich.

>> No.5120894

fucken love cucumber sandwiches, add some salt to them though

If you wanna get fancy, butter your bread with cream cheese instead

>> No.5120901

I find that the best "grilled cheese" sandwich is actually when you bake them.

perfect crunch.

>> No.5120906

jalapenos are never optional.

>> No.5120913

>Why would this be a symbol of high class?
In Society fashion changes year to year. When cake was in those in the know would scoff at bread and butter for tea. When cucumber sandwiches were in a sweet tea would be considered low.

Take everything you mock about hipsters, multiply it by 100, and you have Victorian high society.

>> No.5120923

I like it. I wish I lived during that time.
>"what is this, earl gray? how droll."

>> No.5120937

Wilde made it seem all so clever while eviscerating it. But being at the top of the social ladder is good at any time other than a revolution.

>> No.5120945

and even then, its not like all the nobles die. After all revolutions most of the time are just one set of nobles turning peasants loose on the other nobles.

>> No.5120951 [DELETED] 

they are if you are bitch nigger than this pre-ground black pepper is "spicy"

pfft. those people make me sick.

>> No.5120955

bitch nigger that thinks*
not "than this"

>> No.5120957

>Why would this be a symbol of high class?

I don't imagine it would be. It looks like peasant food to me. The high class could afford lavish meats and cheeses, they wouldn't be caught dead eating some cheap ass cucumber.

>> No.5120960

>revolutions most of the time are just one set of nobles turning peasants loose on the other nobles
Tell that to the French, the Russians and the Chinese.

>> No.5120964

Not at all. That's just in Britain. No, most revolutions are the middle classes stoking the lower classes to fight the upper classes for them... then the middle classes take the place of the upper classes, the upper classes become middle class or flee the country/go into exile and the lower classes stay exactly where they are.
I recall reading an interview written during the Bolshevik revolution where soldiers of the rebel army were asked about their backgrounds and what they were fighting for. None of them knew that the revolution was to overthrow the yoke of the czar. This is also apparent in the contemporary works of Bulgakov during the revolution and of various French writers in the later 1700s during The Terror.
It's always middle class dupes lower class to fight the upper class so that the middle class can become the upper class and leave the lower class right where it was in the first place... until the next revolution.

>> No.5120966

Are Open face sandwiches sandwiches?
Are Gyros a "sandwich"?
Are Tacos a "Sandwich"?

>> No.5120967

They were neither filling nor particularly nutritious, eating them was like saying "yeah, i'm rich enough to wipe my ass with pound notes"

>> No.5120972

I remember those, but they usually have mayo instead of butter.

>> No.5120977

No to all those, imo of course. I have a hard time even calling hot dogs a sandwich, but that's as far as I'll go.

>> No.5120978

The Edwardians circle-jerked over them more than the Victorians did.

It was less the cucumbers themselves, but it was something to eat while you took your tea that didn't fill you up at all. It was light, and just a nice snack to take, which is enough to take the edge off until large dinner parties.

You're not going to have a large afternoon snack if you're going to eat a several course dinner with 2 soups, fish, ect.

>> No.5120983

The first is a sandwich, but open faced. The next two are wraps.
I wouldn't. I'd call it sausage on a bun

>> No.5120991

What would be a good tea to drink with it to get the full experience?

I say as I'm getting dressed and am about to head to the store, I can resist no longer.

>> No.5120996

Not really the same but I like sliced cucumbers on cream cheese and olive sandwiches. Always wanted to try a monte cristo just because I've heard about them but never see them on menus.

>> No.5120998

>goldsteins book from 1984

i think they're kinda supposed to be a little bland

>> No.5121010

Earl grey, english breakfast.

>> No.5121015

here's real question.
Are "Hoagies" sandwiches? That is to say a long piece of bread that is cut and stuffed but still attached on the one side.

Do sandwiches need to be made of sliced bread?

>> No.5121016

Make sure you get english cucumbers, not those other things.

>> No.5121026

If the bread is still attached on one side it's the same concept as a hot dog bun. I think it counts.

>> No.5121032

ok, will get.
Never had Earl Grey before

Last time I went to the store they didn't have any cucumbers at all. Hopefully it was just a temporary out of stock thing and not a "no cucumbers in winter" sort of thing.

>> No.5121036

But hot dogs aren't sandwiches.

>> No.5121038

Best sandwich I ever ate was spicy avocado paste, smoked salmon and a sunny side up egg on a croisant

>> No.5121041

fuck that sounds amazing

>> No.5121049

I'd hard for me to suggest a specific brand, because although I love tea I get really bad headaches whenever I drink it.

But you'll want something light, to match the lightness of the sandwiches, like you would want a more substantial tea to go with roast beef sandwiches.
You can always go the "contrasting" route when considering it, but that would be up to personal preference.

>> No.5121057
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>> No.5121059
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>> No.5121068
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>> No.5121073
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I prefer Lady Grey to Earl Grey. I find it lighter.

>> No.5121075

>The high class could afford lavish meats and cheeses, they wouldn't be caught dead eating some cheap ass cucumber.
Looks just the opposite, to me. Cucumber was a perfect patrician vegetable for the times. It was exotic - a non-native plant introduced late in the 17th Century. It was light, so it couldn't sustain a workman, like kale or a potato could, but that made it a fine choice for people who ate four, sometimes five meals a day.

>> No.5121079

Now THAT'S a sandwich.

>> No.5121080
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>> No.5121086

Those things in the middle look like pastry doges

>> No.5121091

Someone told me cucumbers in England were considered "high class" because the initial varieties were difficult to grow outdoors and only the rich had glasshouses where they grew better.

>> No.5121098
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Cucumber sandwiches are a symbol of high class, putting aside afternoon tea as a symbol of high class, due to the skill required to thinly slice both bread and cucumbers. They're also delicious, mind you. Get the smooth cucumbers rather than bumpy ones, which should have less seeds.

>> No.5121099
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>> No.5121105

Anyone ever have a grilled apple cheese sandwich? Basically just grilled cheese with thinly sliced apple in the center.

>> No.5121108
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>> No.5121110

Yes. Someone has.

>> No.5121117
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>> No.5121118

>Toast sandwich

God that's even more pathetic than the shit Sandra Lee comes up with.

>> No.5121121
File: 417 KB, 3072x2037, 1390063208957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this guy has never had a toast sandwich

>> No.5121122
File: 327 KB, 1280x960, Egg_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5121123

Yeah I know, I have, but has anyone else? It wasn't very good.

>> No.5121129
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>> No.5121137

You know for 240 calories I can make an egg and cheese sandwich that has actually some nutritional value.

>> No.5121138

had something like this while up in british colombia once. anyone know where to get something like that in CA?

>> No.5121139

I might just be high but that's hilarious.

>> No.5121142

Yeah? I like it. You've got to use green apples, though, and a decent cheddar-like cheese. Gouda is a good choice if proper cheddar isn't available.

>> No.5121143

>the skill required to thinly slice both bread and cucumbers

What the fuck are you on about. Thinly slicing things is not that hard

>> No.5121156
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>> No.5121157

No. CA is completely devoid of class. All the "fine dining" is about being the loudest, most boisterous restaurant possible, not about being refined.
For example, Bastide, a "French" restaurant often touted as being oh-so-ooh-chi-chi offers Pepsi-marinated poularde with popcorn. Yum yum.

>> No.5121163

You can probably find some hotel or bakery that does the pastries

>> No.5121172

Come now, does anyone in this thread really care about that?

>> No.5121174

Google "Afternoon tea" California and there a few blogs with reviews. I can't post the link because of the spam filter

>> No.5121182
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>> No.5121208
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Op here. I just got back from the store and made cucumber sandwiches + earl grey tea

Fucking amazing. I used a spreadable goat cheese, thinly sliced cucumbers, salt and pepper. Earl Grey tea is great for my first time ever drinking it. I didn't even need to add anything to it. Just good on its own.

>> No.5121212

>he thinks that's thinly sliced

>> No.5121221

Victorian chefs were highly prized for their ability to slice thin slices on the order of 10 mm width.

Even to this day chefs have a hard time doing this consistently and there are regular strikes against so-called "thin-slice restaurants" that only hire chefs with this skill.

>> No.5121222


fatass in poverty detected

>> No.5121225

I think you're being a little harsh and bitter

>> No.5121227


Yes they are. They used to be called "weiner sandwiches"

>> No.5121228

looks great OP

>> No.5121239

Thanks. They taste amazing. That goat cheese really kicks it into overdrive.

>> No.5121248


Is the sandwich on the very left Nutella?

>> No.5121249
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>> No.5121250
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>dat meat

>> No.5121256

wow that's so epic funny and naughty /b/ lol better post it on reddit asap :'D

>> No.5121261
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>> No.5121266
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Interesting fork

>> No.5121279

thats the best airport food ever.

>> No.5121297

Is this playing on some sort of cheese with apple pie deal?

>> No.5121314
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My mom used to give me these as a kid, only with cream cheese, salt, and black pepper.

This is a fantastic idea. Thank you, anon!

>> No.5121317

You can get that stuff at a polish deli near me. I tried it once and it was bleh.

>> No.5121323

I have a whip-cracking cheddar and some apples (though they're red). I will try that tomorrow but I think I might prefer it with raw cheese)

>> No.5121328
File: 57 KB, 351x599, 351px-Zapiekanka_3..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandwich: Zapiekanka
Country: Poland
Description: A halved baguette or other bread usually topped with mushrooms and cheese, ham or other meats, and vegetables

>> No.5121330
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It's a cake fork

>> No.5121335

That was probably my favorite play that I read in all of high school. Yeah they did sound delish

>> No.5121336

I learned something today.

>> No.5121394
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>> No.5121410

What do you think the white spread is?

>> No.5121418
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>> No.5121421
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>> No.5121422

Probably a yogurt

>> No.5121424

Do you think that it is what?

>> No.5121426
File: 63 KB, 570x355, locali-reuben-cu-570x355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are reubens any good?

I keep hearing about them. Are they some sort of fad or were they recently in a movie or something? Like overnight suddenly the popularity of these sandwiches have gone through the roof.

>> No.5121445

Reubens aren't sandwiches. They are beyond sandwiches. The international culinary society decided to ban Reubens from the sandwich category because it would be unfair to discuss the superiority of various sandwiches so long as they had to compete with Reubens.

So your post doesn't belong in this thread.

>> No.5121453


>are reubens some sort of fad

Wat. It's an incredibly common deli sandwich and has been for decades.

>> No.5121459

Fresh whipped cream.

>> No.5121462


Son you need to drive yourself to closest decent deli and see what you've been missin'.

Be careful tho: they are like italian subs: all of the basic ingredients are the same but every place does it differently.

>> No.5121474

>all of the basic ingredients are the same but every place does it differently.

Rutter's (chain of gas stations that also does made to order food) has a really good reuben for $4. Good meat to sauerkraut ratio. I put jalapenos on mine, as suggested by a friend of mine from El Salvador.

I got a Reuben from a local bar/pub recently and it was just one thin sheet of meat and the rest was sauerkraut. Very disappointed. I know that pastrami/corned beef is expensive but don't even serve reubens if you can't handle the cost of the ingredients

>> No.5121477

The banh mi has nothing to do with muslims.
It's excellence exists beyond religion.

>> No.5121488
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>> No.5121504

>Bread inside Bread
God damn it Japan

...God damn it England...

>> No.5121506

"Banh mi"
>Ban me

>> No.5121514


Is.. is that a knork?

>> No.5121562

AND Jews. It truly is the lord's sandwich

>> No.5121584

Enough people in modern times find it hard to slice things as thinly as a mandoline is able. It was even more difficult and adequate tools were less accesible in the Victorian era.

>> No.5121613

this right here

>> No.5121636

>the fucking deli ham
>what ever the fuck is on the far right
please let this be a real thing at a high end restaurant.

>> No.5122526

>banh mi offensive to muslims
>AND Jews.
I think the people who ought to be pissed off by this sandwich are the French, since it's a case of their former colonials borrowing French ideas and improving improving them.

The French like to think they've got everything worked out, but a bunch of jungle-dwellers kicked their ass on the sandwich front.

>> No.5122550

This is my wife's favourite.
Right after foreign penis.

>> No.5122556

Cucumber sandwiches are glorious, particularly in summer. They are a refreshing sandwich. lightly salted cucumber, thinly sliced, seeds removed (and peels if they are tough or thick), on bread that has been buttered, or, if you really want to be fancy, spread with cream cheese instead. I like a light grinding of pepper on them too.

>> No.5122560

Fuck you, it's BLT TIME.
Or, my own version, at least.

>Malted Bloomer
>Smoked Bacon, not too crispy, not too soft.
>English Mustard

Mix the mayo with the black pepper on one slice of bread, mustard on the other.

ENJOY. Goes well with home-made wedges - salt+cider vinegar.

>> No.5122569

Now that's just untrue. Where I live (in NorCal), there's several tea rooms where you can get proper tea service. And as to French, there are quite a few French bistros here that are properly french, and quite nice. I'm sorry if you lived/visited an area full of shit. Probably in SoCal, I'd bet.

>> No.5122575

I'm a fat carnivore motherfucker and I LOVE sandwiches with two inches of pepperoni or salami or other fatty cured meat, cheesesteaks and italian beef, deli reuben and all that,
My favorite sandwich ever is whitebread, mayo, thick sliced homegrown tomato with salt and pepper, and a slice of sharp cheddar. It is not even worth making with a supermarket tomato, it must be a homegrown or farmers market hierloom

>> No.5122721

I love a good cucumber sandwich. This method also works really well with thinly sliced radishes as well.

>> No.5122743

>This method also works really well with thinly sliced radishes as well.
Motherfucker upping the game. Butter and radishes is tough to beat.

>> No.5122769


A good addition/little change up to a Reuben. You can still use the Thousand Island/Russian dressing, or you can leave it off entirely, but sometimes, try it with Horseradish sauce either i place of the Thousand Island/Russian, or in combination.

Horseradish goes great with corned beef. I've told a few people of this, and they like it.

Some people put Dijon or Spicy Mustard on it, so I don't see how Horseradish would be much different/outlandish.

I like it, anyway.

>> No.5122774


Let's discuss some of the more uncommon ones. IMO:

Sounds like it'd be quick and taste good enough, but seems a bit strange. You'd assuredly have to toast the bread, or eat it open faced, otherwise I don't see it working. I've heard of Baked Beans on toast, but never as a sandwich.

Anyone had one? I am now compelled to try one. I think adding onion and tomato would be pretty good.

>> No.5122801

I know it's lame, but this winter I made PB&Js from scratch.
>made and canned my own jam
>made my own peanut butter
>baked my own bread

best PB&J ever

>> No.5122814

Russian dressing already has horseradish. That's practically what makes it Russian dressing and not Thousand Island.

>> No.5122815

That's not lame, that's awesome!

>> No.5122823

fuck off faget

>> No.5123089

Why does this list exist? ...honestly, I'm happy it does, I thought Wikipedia had lost all its silly pages. (RIP "List of fictional racists")

>> No.5123104

Cucumber sandwiches originated from british colonization of india. They were considered a good way to combat the harsh indian noon heat. They became popular there. Most of the people there were aristocrats, representing the top of society. Because they were popular with the aristocrats, the rest of society copied them.

They're bretty good really.

>> No.5123107

My pet peeve is food falling out of the bottom of a sandwich so I've been making more tortilla-based ones recently so I can have a secured end.
But, Tomato slices with pepper and pickled peppers (banana, jalapeno, whatever you like) is my go-to for something quick.
If I'm going to cook, I have a chicken BLT and put on some caesar salad dressing or anchovies.

>> No.5123115

My aunt used to eat mashed banana sandwiches with HP sauce.

>> No.5123165

Fuck, man. Now I want to drive to my vietnamese place and get one. So good.

>> No.5123220

>I thought Wikipedia had lost all its silly pages. (RIP "List of fictional racists")
how is that silly?
knowledge is not silly

>> No.5123230



>> No.5123260
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>> No.5123280


>I just found out about something that's well established common knowledge
>Must be a fad.

>> No.5123335

My dad used to make these good snacks
It was a grilling cheese with a spicy pepper infused in it between barbari and sliced pears that were preserved in honey

>> No.5123348

>not grilling the bread
0/10 would not bang until bread is grilled

>> No.5123817
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>> No.5123819
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>> No.5123821


I haven't heard of them getting popular all the sudden and I live in California, where we seem to really experience all trends. I've always loved the sandwich though.

>> No.5126640
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bump! this is a worthy thread.

>> No.5126671


That would look more appetizing if I knew what the brown stuff was. HP sauce?

>> No.5126721

We used to have one of those with our school forks (it wasn't standard issue, don't know why is was there) that we called "the spastic fork" and we would laugh at anyone seen using it

>> No.5126730

>tfw steak sandwiches are such a mess to eat because you cant bite the steak with each bite

>> No.5126733
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I think thats pickle spread (pic related)

>> No.5126769

I ate at a Subway and afterwards it inspired me to make more effort with my own sandwiches

now I make GOAT tier ones, take about 10 minutes longer to put together but worth it

>> No.5126789

10/10, got me a tad peckish m80

>> No.5126821

> Some people put Dijon or Spicy Mustard on it, so I don't see how Horseradish would be much different/outlandish.

I noticed this recently. Before, if I were using horseradish I would leave off other condiments. Mayo - waters it down. Mustard - changes the taste too much. Ketchup - I don't like ketchup so I don't know.

Then I was building a sammich at an order kiosk and selected some horseradish just for shitzengiggles and it turned out great. Gave it a bit of a zip without being overwhelming or having too much effect on the flavor of the other condiments.

>> No.5126887
File: 31 KB, 349x350, low-tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would this be a symbol of high class?

It was a symbol of high class because they were consumed at low tea.

This was an afternoon gathering where small dainties were eaten and tea was drank. The whole point was to eat food which was not filling because you would be having a formal meal later on.

Only the wealthy who did not labour could afford to take the time to do this.

White bread was also very expensive as the automated systems used by flour millers had not yet been developed.

Cucumber sandwiches were also popular in the British Raj due to being refreshing and cooling in hot weather.

>> No.5126948

I remember a trip I had to Mexico City half a year ago, those are cheap and incredibly delicious

Also when I'm tired and don't feel like doing a lot of work, I usually do a fast sandwich with ham, string or gouda cheese, tomato, mustard, pepper, a bit of onion and mushrooms.

>> No.5127297

I really miss reubens especially after I moved from the northeast to northern California. The first reuben I had here was terrible compared to the local delis I used to visit. I know it'd be unfair to compare east coast reubens to west coast ones so what does norcal have in terms of sandwiches?

>> No.5127331

In India they have a fruit sandwich and I wonder what their official names are. I saw it in bizarre foods. It was just white bread with fresh whipped cream, pomegranate seeds, etc

>> No.5127372

>white bread

fucking disgusting

>> No.5127396

The Bolshevik revolutionw as run and orchestrated by the russian jews in an attempt to take power in the country.

9/10 of their commandants were jewish.

>> No.5127400

Earl Grey is a simple black tea with bergamot oil added to it.

It's a very light taste, but has a very pleasant aroma.

>> No.5128005

Cucumber sandwiches, with organic local cream cheese and fresh cracked black pepper are perfect. If you're feeling different, sour cream and chives. They need to be nice and cold, and the bread needs to be as soft as possible

>> No.5128010
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deep fried cucumber

>> No.5129921

I love cucumber, mature cheddar and salad cream sandwiches, so fucking good. Also I do a pretty good cheddar, ham and tomato toasted sandwiche (gotta use dijon mayo, made up, not the bought stuff).

>> No.5129940

No but I like to do grilled cheese on toast with apple, grate cheese, then grate half an apple (braeburn is good but i know shit about apples and someone'll probably tell me that's totally wrong) in, loads salt loadsa pepper THEN a good squirt of HP OR Worcester sauce, spread on toasted buttered bread and then whack under the grill 'til brown and bubbly. Fucking lovely.

>> No.5129972
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>> No.5129996

>greasy as fuck beef and mozzarella subs from fairs/hole-in-the-wall joints
>toasted salami/provolone subs
>ham and cheese bagels

>> No.5130103

garbage tier microwave fast food

>> No.5130322

You're not really educated, are you?

Leave the basement sometime.

>> No.5130328


would be so much better with tomato instead of cucumber...

>> No.5130498

Why not both? With some thin slices of red onion. And fresh arugula. No black pepper, a dash of coarse salt, and toasted?

>> No.5130503

And if you're feeling really adventurous, add some sliced, roasted turkey, and a thin spread of raspberry jam.

>> No.5130509


now you're just betraying the charm of simplicity that made the original what it was!

>> No.5131320

Goat cheese, arugula, cucumber, red onion, turkey, and raspberry jam on toasted 9 grain makes a KICK ASS sandwich.

It's one of my favorite guilty pleasures.

>> No.5131483


I would add that white bread was still seen has only for high society and brown bread was for poor folks.

>> No.5131758
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>> No.5131878

in japan it's mayo.

>> No.5131911

>chips with sandwiches

Never understood this. It's not like they go together.

>> No.5131963


Indeed it is, here where I live cakes are served with this fork and no knife, because cutting a cake with a knife if offensive to the cake maker.

>> No.5131964


They go together great. It's a texture thing: crispy chips and the soft sandwich.

>> No.5131969

Not all combinations are obvious
>fries with milkshake

>> No.5131994

My go-to sandwich is ham flakes and swiss cheese with dijon mustard, on wholegrain bread. Tasty as fuck and pretty cheap too

>> No.5132001


>> No.5132010

DEFinitely a texture thing! I can truly say that I don't enjoy a sandwich as much if I don't have any crisps to go with it. Sorry, chips! Although chips can be nice with a sandwich, too. Sorry, fries!

>> No.5132014

the brits have a thing called a chip butty, its a sandwich that is just 2 pieces of bread with fries in the middle thats it.

>> No.5132057

Yeah Brit"fag" here, I don't see what the fuss is about but a lotta people love 'em. My Mum really likes 'em with balsamic vinegar but to me it kind of defeats the purpose a bit!

>> No.5132126

Cucumber sandwiches were a symbol of high society because as rich people, they could afford to eat foods with little or no nutrition.

>> No.5132127

Dude, 10mm is the thickness of an an American dime's diameter (approximately). That's nowhere near thin.

>> No.5132137
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>> No.5132139

Ugh, looks like a wormburger.

>> No.5132140

Reubens are awesome if you make them on wheat or 12-grain bread instead of faggot rye.

>> No.5132151

Radishes are horrific.

>> No.5132154


Good cut of loaf bread

You're best lettuce, tomato’s, & onions.

Gobs of homemade mayonnaise.

Your best oil & vinegar.

425* degree oven for 10 min.

>> No.5132157

Fuck all..Provolone, gobs of provolone.

>> No.5132159

Fuck no, it would be far too much like that shit Brits eat ... Heinz beans on toast, getting soggier by the second, without any other seasonings added.
Right up there with their disgusting 'mushy peas'.

>> No.5132161

concur; poster is fuckin' ubercook

>> No.5132184

What are you, some sort of raging faggot? Radishes are god tier.

>> No.5132188


>> No.5132193

No, Radishes taste like shit.

>> No.5132194

The point is you eat it quickly before it gets soggy and it's a snack.

>> No.5132196

>sandwich with 'butty' as a word
>this explains the 'spotted dick' for dessert

>> No.5132197

It comes from 'Butty' meaning 'Buttered Bread'.


Are you 9 years old or something?

>> No.5132198

It's still just horrible bland beans out of a can, on toast. Gross. This is like, a THING over there.

Brits ... you might have invented Doctor Who but your food is some of the most awful stuff I've heard of.

>> No.5132199

Have you tried it?

>> No.5132201

It's not as if this is haute cuisine.

It's cheap working class food that's quick to prepare.

>> No.5132203

Hey, I didn't name it. You can just deal with how the rest of the world views it. We all giggle over things like "pork faggots" and "cock-a-leekie" and "spotted dick".

>> No.5132206

I've tried Heinz beans, and found them bland and boring. Don't you guys have Big John's Beans 'N Fixins over there?

Oh yeah, neither do we. they stopped making them. :(

>> No.5132209

So basically, you've got the humour of a 9 year old. Gotcha.

>> No.5132211

What the heck is ON that?

>> No.5132213

Is that a pot pie sandwich?
Sign me up.

>> No.5132218

I've been on a avocado, tomato, cucumber and chipotle sauce kick lately. Usually just throw them all in a wrap. So light yet so slightly filling.

>> No.5132219

Don't act all high and mighty like you never giggled at a fart joke, faggot.

>> No.5132233

Eggsalad my way:
>homemade garlic and herb dressing
>boiled free range eggs
>extra virgin olive oil
>garlic pepper
>a touch of creamy cucumber dressing for creaminess
>loads of hot sauce
>on 12 grain bread with lots of seeds in it

Sorry, no pic, I ate it all too fast.

>> No.5132241

That is just ... disgusting looking.
You might think the restaurant would take a bit more care with the packaging, it's just seriously unappetizing looking like that.

>> No.5132571

I think Heinz ARE pretty crappy, to be honest. Believe it or not Branston (same people who make the pickle) beans are really good, loads better than Heinz (Brit"fag" here).

>> No.5132631

A gyro is a gyro and a taco is a taco. A wrap is what pretentious fucks who think they won't get fat by surrounding their processed lunch meats in flat bread eat.

>> No.5132657

I used to eat these when I was feeling "fancy" as a child, but instead of butter would spread mayo on the little triangle breads with cucumber slices.

>> No.5133136

It's not garbage tier microwave fast food. Their somewhere between fast food and a quality sandwich.

>> No.5133188

I went grocery shopping today and had a craving for several different things, so when I came home I made an epic sandwich.

> honey oat bread
> layer of mayo
> sprinkle on blue cheese crumbles
> layer thinly sliced cucumbers
> add pepperoni
> add sliced deli turkey
> add 4 thinly sliced pieces of jalapeño
> spread a thin layer of beer mustard on the other slice of bread and out on top of the sandwich.

Was pretty good. Any sandwich advice on how to use my blue cheese crumbles?

>> No.5133217

>The French like to think they've got everything worked out,
they're also nowhere near as good at food as they think they are. they spice nothing, and some french restaurants serve cheese sushi. fucking cheese sushi. what the fuck are they thinking?

>> No.5133928

I remember as a kid I ate like a whole fuckin loaf of cha lua and threw it up about 2 minutes later.
& that's why i can never eat it again

>> No.5133945


Goddamn it if I saw a faggot french fuck walking down the street I would just walk straight up and punch them in the face as hard as i could

>> No.5134000

Goat cheese, kalamata olives, and oven roasted turkey breast on a toasted whole wheat kaiser roll

>> No.5134531

Sinner's Sandwich ...

Turkey, strawberry jam and cereal sandwich.


>> No.5134556
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This is the most retarded fucking thing I have ever seen.

>> No.5135758
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>this entire article

>> No.5135797

>Always wanted to try a monte cristo just because I've heard about them but never see them on menus.
Used to be why I'd go to Beningan's, just for that Monte Cristo (or the broccoli bites). I know from the few times I've seen them on menus that the interpretation of what exactly makes a Monte Cristo varies... the Beningan's style was a club sandwich, light-tempura-beer style battered and deep fried. It was served with raspberry jam and sprinkled with powdered sugar. The club was a double decker with a ham+cheddar and turkey+swiss distinct layers. Maybe someone else remembered the bread type. Anyway, it was purely light, melting cheese, but crisp and ungreasy otherwise to eat the bread and coating. A bit of jam on each bite helped the whole savory but sweet fun.

On other menus, it was more an eggy batter with a french toast kind of griddling, not frying. They usually messed up the interior too, making it too dense. I can always just dream of the best.

>> No.5135915
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Sweden reporting in

>> No.5135921
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>> No.5135934

Man, that ain't a fuckin sandwich. It's a bread and seafood casserole

>> No.5135937

> open faced "sandwiches"

>> No.5135940

You take a bunch of thinly sliced cucumber and put that on a nice toasted whole wheat or rye bread with a shitton of mayonnaise (nobody said it was healthy) and freshly ground black pepper, and it's the best thing in the world.

OP has no class.

>> No.5135945

Sometime I mix queso blanco into rice and it's pretty good. Maybe they're on to something.

>> No.5136081

open faced sandwiches are still sandwiches

>> No.5136085

god-tier sandwich still

>> No.5136927
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Had this today


>> No.5136978

Looks good.

>> No.5137022


For some reason that reminds me of a vagina.

Also, I dont see why you would bother putting cucumbers into a sandwich. They don't have a very strong taste, so they don't add much to an otherwise complete sandwich. Also their small size and stiffness means they fall out quiet easily.

I wonder if they're good because of the crunch?

>> No.5137027
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>tfw I can't eat any sandwiches with cold meat

I don't know what it is, but I simply don't find cold meat sandwiches to be very appetizing.

Now, if it was cooked, then I'd be all over that shit. Am I weird?

>> No.5137058

texture and nutrition

>> No.5137068

Just sayin', but a cucumber sandwich with a gin and tonic makes even the hottest summer day seem cool and refreshing.

>> No.5137079

So on the subject of sandwiches, where's a good place to get really firm bread? I like bread that is very hard on the outside, but most grocery stores in America just have the typical soft white bread.

Is Panera bread ok for that? Like is it more expensive than it should be?

>> No.5137085


>> No.5137118

Just buy whole loafs of bread, and cut the slices yourself.

Alternately, put the pre-sliced bread under a broiler or in a toaster briefly.

>> No.5137125

I'm comfortable with slicing bread myself, I just don't know where to get bread that is hard on the outside. Like I want to be able to knock on it and hear it.

>> No.5137132

A bakery?

>> No.5137160

It was.

>> No.5139748


I'm 'murrican, and lived in France for a year. I fucking love a buck fifty baguette from almost anywhere in the town I lived in, and the cheapest shit was about as good as the best "artisan bakery" bread I've found in the States.

Despite how many other great food items you can find here, decent decent bread is far and few between (or however the expression goes).

My recommendation is to learn to make your own bread. Most of the recipes I've worked off of make 2-3 loafs, but go stale within 24 hours. So make sure you scale it down to what you will eat in a day.

>tfw you can eat god tier bread for every meal, for less than $2/day in france
>tfw you don't even want to know about table wine over there (I was also in bourgogne...)

>> No.5139774


The reason the baguettes are so different in France is the flour. Most American bakeries use American flour so there is no way the result is going to come out the same. It has nothing to do with homemade vs. not homemade.

>> No.5139854


While flour surely makes a difference, the biggest thing I've noticed is that in the States a "baguette" is usually just a skinnier "Italian roll" (or whatever), which is soft and spongy the entire way through.

What I liked most about baguettes in France was the texture of the crust (really good crunch, but thin), and the inside (I'm forgetting the term - "m-" something; "mie"?), which was light and airy, but it was generally harder than a Vietnamese baguette (but just as good to eat a sandwich on for three meals a day).

In any case, I made a better baguette after my 2nd attempt than most bakeries do in the States, using run-of-the-mill flour, etc.

>tfw you could only afford to sample the baguettes while living in france
>tfw you're gf of 8 years broke up with you while there
>tfw you never got the number/email of the qt nip girl you bonded with in your french class, who constantly talked about food and wine
>tfw she looked like a younger version of the girl from gojira
>tfw the girl from gojira is your 3dpg waifu

>> No.5139941

I find it interesting that you say that in the States, a 'French baguette' is just like a long soft roll. I only got it once so I doubted if it were the standard but I was definitely surprised how unlike a baguette it was. Could any Americans vouch for whether this is standard or not?

Anyway, I live in the UK and I can get a baguette for a buck fifty from the supermarket. I had imagined it being cheaper in France, though I would be easily convinced that the quality is better.

>> No.5140016
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Not a sandwich, but I work at a pizza restaurant, and OP's picture made me want to make a pizza, so I did.

Cream cheese, cucumber, and some havarti on top, sprinkled with pepper. This is one of the oddest pizzas I've made, but it wasn't bad. (Its better as a sandwich.)

What do you think, /ck/?

>> No.5140028

Wow, that looks really good and interesting. I can imagine it being less refreshing, though, since the cucumber is cooked but it's a really nice colour and doesn't look overcooked. I'd really like to try it.

>> No.5140035

I enjoyed it. You're right about the the cucumber, although it still had a bit of crispness to it. Everyone thought I was crazy for making and eating it.

The joys of being a kitchen manager at a pizza restaurant.

>> No.5140037


She probably thought you were a creep anyway.

>> No.5140039
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>putting noodles or other grain products in a sandwich
>not putting at least one meat item in a sandwich
>having only one ingredient between your sandwich slices

>> No.5140044

I'm from The People's Socialist Republic of Europistan and currently live in the US. No supermarket bread here is in any way similar to the proper bread it's attempting to ape, baguettes included.
Bake your own or go to a proper bread bakery.

>> No.5140048

>>not putting at least one meat item in a sandwich

>implyin everything MUST have meat in it
I'm not even vegfag.

>> No.5140050

canada, not cali

>> No.5140075
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>making some chickpea curry for family
>"Aren't you going to put some meat in there?"
>no, but I could cook some up on the side for you
>"I think you should put some meat in there."
Not everything needs meat, fuck.

>> No.5140078

>not eating protein products that aren't faggot soy

>> No.5140084

I eat my fair share of meat, but I don't think it needs to be in everything.

>> No.5140096

your choices are either put meat in sandwich, or fill sandwich with multiple items that aren't meat. and grains as a filling are never an option

>> No.5140118
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did i do good ck-chan

>> No.5140119


>> No.5140135

Woah woah woah.

People make grilled cheese sandwiches that AREN'T baked? I actually didn't know that.

>> No.5140136

I think it's just a /ck/ meme, but I happen to like them and think they're fucking delicious.

>> No.5140138

How about a grilled cheese? Cheese isn't meat.

>> No.5140139




>> No.5140143

regional exceptions are allowed, like grilled cheese, open faced sandwiches, and this silly cuke sandwich

>> No.5140152


>> No.5140164


You fucking scrub

>> No.5140195

Are you the czar of sandwiches? Fuck you.

>> No.5140199

I believe he is actually the Earl of Sandwich.

>> No.5140202
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>mfw I went to the Earl of Sandwich for lunch because I thought the name was clever
>mfw I felt guilty afterwards

In case you were wondering the sandwich sucked.

>> No.5140212

and the Americans. Ironically.

>> No.5140236

Made me laugh cause it is true, then want to watch the Patriot

>> No.5140316


I'm the anon you're responding to.

Aside from having lived a year in France, I've also lived all over the US (not much in the South, but otherwise all over both coasts, and a bit in the mid-West).

In my experience that is pretty much what a "French baguette" is all over the place (aside from a random "artisen" bakery where a mediocre baguette costs $5).

I lived in France a little over 5 years ago (Dijon, if it makes a difference), and a fresh baguette cost between 1.5-2 Euros.

Good bread is one of the few places where I'm more than willing to admit that 'murrica is fucking failing when it comes to food/drinks.

I actually made the mistake of going to culinary school, and the guy I took baking 101 from was the guy in charge of a huge name brand, regional bread company out where I currently live, and he tough us to make awesome baguettes.

>tfw his company doesn't sell anything comparable in the grocery store

>> No.5140334

the american revolution was still nobles fighting nobles, just it was lesser nobles fighting a king

>> No.5140361

Yeah, it's hard to get good bread in America unless you bake it yourself. We're a Wonderbread nation.

>> No.5140365

Please explain why it is called the midwest, when it is clearly the east.

>> No.5140366
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W-wait, what? But, pie on a sandwich...what?

>> No.5140421


It's because there is almost nothing between the West coast and the Mississippi.

There are a few decent places, but for the size it's pretty much empty land.

>> No.5141480

For a long time, land near the mississippi river was referred to as "the west" because, until manifest destiny, it was as far west as we would normally go. The name just stuck and yeah now I live in Ohio which is considered "the midwest" even though that makes no goddamn sense because I'm closer to the east coast.

>> No.5141505

>Aside from having lived a year in France, I've also lived all over the US (not much in the South, but otherwise all over both coasts, and a bit in the mid-West).
>In my experience that is pretty much what a "French baguette" is all over the place (aside from a random "artisen" bakery where a mediocre baguette costs $5).
Oh c'mon, it's not $5. A baguette is $3.50 or thereabouts, if not closer to the buck in stores that make it fresh all day as a loss leader item. Seriously, you haven't been "all over" like you say you have. Everyone who cares about bread makes it themselves at home, or buys from the local bakery that you couldn't find. Bread is on the way out. Gluten is bad, mmkay? How long has low carb been the thing? Two decades. The difference between Americans and your precious European comparison, is that they eat for enjoyment and for health, without the budget of just getting enough calories each day to survive. I've lived and worked in the top cities in the US, and there is absolutely no shortage of bakeries with good product. I assume you just didn't own a car or understand how to shop. Nothing is dying about bread quality, it only improves each year, but the consumption of it in a daily bread sense is a thing of the past.

>> No.5141775


bitter much?

>> No.5141805

Most 'baguettes' in America are fakes. They do not follow the French guidelines for ingredients.

>> No.5141976

Big Two Hearted River.

WWI combat vet comes home. Goes on a long fishing trip. Just by himself camping in the wilderness. Wading through streams. Casting lines. Catching crickets for bait.

Has himself an onion sandwich. Bread and sliced onion.

It's fucking delicious.

Hemingway's masterpiece, imo.

>> No.5142478

America, do you have fish finger sandwiches? Or fish sticks I think you call them

>> No.5142488
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Yes, we do.

>> No.5142551

What the fuck is that?
I want one

>> No.5142569

Favorite sandwich ever. When I first tried one, I was lost for words


>> No.5142594

I've seen them for sale at a food market. The meat is duck but I don't know what they call the sandwich.

>> No.5142755

Duck confit sandwich. http://youngandfoodish.com/london/le-quack-borough-markets-duck-confit-sandwich-is-dry-throaty says it's duck confit shredded, Savora, and then rocket can be seen there. Unfortunately, the website says it's basically crap and dry because of the way they keep the meat hot in a paella pan.

>> No.5143139

I just made a sandwich on whole wheat bread with sardine, lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber, mayo, and whole grain mustard. Is pretty good.

>> No.5143259

as a fellow pizza dude who's constantly trying out new, unconventional stuff in the kitchen... this is awesome anon. don't have cream cheese at our joint but i suppose i could bring some in and give it a shot. thanks for the idea.

>> No.5143261

It's like one of those nigger memes I often see here
hey dude we heard you like bread so we put some bread in your bread so you can eat bread while you eat bread
They should batter and deep fry it and become americans

>> No.5143262
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>> No.5143282

I would definitely try that.

>> No.5143288

you should have cooked it and then added the cucumber like the ham and arugula pizzas in italy

>> No.5143313

just add lard
Oh goddamit my life won't be complete until I make myself one of those, I'm gonna find out who the fuck grows ducks around here and order a couple. I've never tried to confit anything but I'll begin with pork. My life has new meaning.
Btw I'm planning on opening a "torteria" which is something like a sammich shop I hope that if I get larger I could carry such deliciousness' in my menu. At least for specials.

>> No.5143322

still never tried peanut butter & pickle

>> No.5143366

It's good, but I think that people tend to overhype it just because they're so surprised that it doesn't taste awful.

>> No.5143427

you can buy cans of it on amazon. I ordered one yesterday along with lube and allergy meds

>> No.5143567

They're great with a little salt and pepper. But Cucumbers and cream cheese is even better.

>> No.5143780
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>> No.5144239

I'm foreign. She's my wife. The joke was that it was my penis she loved.

That enough spoonfeedin' for ya there, mate?

>> No.5145036

When you say "bake" do you mean broil?