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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, 18367903689327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5117404 No.5117404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

As always, whatcha sipping on?

I've decided to focus my beer drinking strictly trying local stuff I haven't had before. Sipping on Last Kiss by Pipeworks Brewery at the moment. It's a Wee Heavy, and it is very good. Definitely recommended.

>> No.5117424

>Wee Heavy

nobody calls anything a "wee heavy" in scotland

>> No.5117446

this may be faggoty but i find that fruit enhanced beers are fucking amazing.

i tried a dark blackberry stout, and a huckleberry wheat beer and theyre amazing.

>> No.5117449


regardless, if you are Scottish, I wonder how a Scottish-style ale like this compares to actual Scottish ales.

>> No.5117451
File: 20 KB, 458x230, mcdonaldsbeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only beer worth drinking, and whoever disagrees is most likely of African descent.

>> No.5117462

but people of african descent would drink mcdonalds beer, crime in the ghettos of america would skyrocket if this became a thing

>> No.5117477

You DO have a point.

>> No.5117499

Where have you been? Crime in ghettos of America is already outrageous.

>> No.5117506

add cheap alcohol available at any mcdonalds and imagine the consequences

>> No.5117509

> I wonder how a Scottish-style ale like this compares to actual Scottish ales.

it doesn't much... for a number of reasons.... but you're starting to get smaller breweries trying to mix up things a bit in the past few years... probably influenced/inspired by the american craft brewery model

>> No.5117583


>4 inch reinforced bulletproof glass between cashier and customers

>> No.5117600
File: 129 KB, 273x465, Howe Sound Wee Beastie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a wee heavy on the go as well. Howe Sound Wee Beastie. I've had a few scottish ales before but this one really impressed me. It's oak-aged and some of the barley is peated, which gives it both great smoothness and a bit of smoky flavor.

>> No.5117826
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Drinking some of this, one of the Trappists I haven't had yet. Quite a mellow tripel, but I'm liking the bitterness of the aftertaste.

>> No.5117850
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I'm drinking this. It's really mediocre.

>> No.5117868

Im drinking Weihenstephaner Hefe Weissen right now

I have a Dogfish Head American Beauty IPA and a St. Bernardus Abt 12 in the fridge, probably have those this coming week

>> No.5117944

i remember /ck/ having so many beer and homebrew threads a couple of years ago
what happened man

picked up some goose island sofie today after grabbing some delirium nocturnum, founders imperial and some other nice things a couple of days ago

sofie's definitely the best saison i've had

>> No.5117948
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>Wee heavy

>> No.5117967
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It's not yet midday, so nothing, but I have of this in my fridge for this evening. Great for a summer afternoon. A choice New Zealand brew, bru

>> No.5117993

Beer General, I come seeking some help. I'm not really a beer drinker. The only stuff I normally drink is Redd's. I'm heading back to college tomorrow and when I go get stuff I was gonna try the build a six pack at Kroger. I know I wanna try Arrogant Bastard but what are some recommendations?

>> No.5117998


If you aren't really a beer drinker, start with porters, stouts, wheat ales and pilsners.

Arrogant bastard is a hard drink if you're a newbie.

>> No.5118012


Reasonable advice. For dark stuff I'd add that the guy should look especially closely at nitro stouts (smooth and easy drinking) and imperial stouts (sugar always makes things friendly). Except lagunitas imperial stout which isn't really an imperial stout. And drink them warmer than fridge temperature.

>> No.5118019
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Thanks guys. I'll keep this in mind tomorrow

>> No.5118023


See if you have any local or regional breweries - they're often the cheapest option due to minimal shipping. I would recommend variety packs in general. Also check out local liquor stores if you can - they often have deals that are much better than grocery store prices, and almost always better variety as well.

A piece of advice too - a lot of midrange and above beers shouldn't be served too cold. Let it warm up from the fridge a bit - not too much, but if it's too cold you won't taste all the flavors.

>> No.5118036
File: 18 KB, 320x239, Traquair+Jacobite+Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're talking about scottish ales I guess, I had this shit the other day thanks to some anon's suggestion and it was fucking delicious.

>> No.5118039


This can be dangerous advice unless you live in Sonoma or San Diego or some place like that.

Lots of really fucking horrible local beers that get by on regional jingoism and nostalgia. Examples: Leinenkugel's of Wisconsin, Shiner of Texas, Yuengling of Pennsylvania. If you look up reviews they're all going to be favorable because no one wants to be that guy who bashes the local favorite. But the fact is they suck and everyone knows it, but won't say it out loud.

>> No.5118040


But none of those that you mentioned are really microbrews.

>> No.5118041

Sophie is awesome. Southern Tier's new saison Grand Arbor is pretty tasty, snag one if you see it.

>> No.5118047


But how would a guy who is just getting into beer know that? All he knows is it's a "local beer".

And besides microbrews aren't automatically good. I'll take anything from Paulaner over anything from Magic Hat any time, any day.

>> No.5118048

Pipeworks kicks ass op! Try closer encounter. I just got back from chicago and enjoyed so many of y'all's beers. Revolution brewery is pretty damn good too

>> No.5118051

Variety packs usually suck shit.
They are great when you're a beer noob and don't know what styles you like though.

>> No.5118058

>Implying Great Lakes variety pack isn't worth it
Yeah naa.

>> No.5118093

One of the few decent ones.
Left Hands is good too.
Most suck.

>> No.5118109


Hell yea, Revolution makes some quality brews. Two Brothers as well.

>> No.5118221
File: 169 KB, 529x640, Lagunitas_Sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had heard good things about this one, was eyeing a sixer on the shelf at my local store when a random bro near me came up to me and recommended it. Naturally I followed the advice, and damn glad I did.

A superb beer. Probably my favorite Lagunitas offering. Tempted to pick up more while they are still on the shelves

>> No.5118254

Definitely one of my favorite west coast beers

>> No.5118264

I wasn't impressed. It's good don't get me wrong, but everyone was raving about this shit and it wasn't even that special. I really liked their Brown Shugga more.

>> No.5118266

>Leinenkugel's of Wisconsin
You obviously have never been to Wisconsin

People looking for local craft beer never drink fucking Leinies, Leinies is marketed as a Wisconsin beer outside the state to trick people into thinking they are buying something better than they are (though its not bad for a macro).

New Glarus Spotted Cow is the entry level craft beer everyone in Wisconsin likes

Its pretty funny that you think its tough to find good local beer outside of fucking California

>> No.5118275
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Drank a Southern Tier Choklate bomber bottle I had been sitting on for a few months earlier. Bout to pour a glass of some New Republic Double Chocolate Stout I got as a growler fill yesterday.

>> No.5118277
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One of my favorites.

>> No.5118284


Oh look, it's the ass pained Wisconsin guy. I knew you'd be along at some point. I have family in northern Wisconsin and your lies aren't fooling me. People at the shitty downtown dive bar in the shitty town I go to every couple of years drink it all the time there, and they talk it up like it's some great shit. For a beer neophyte, I thought I'd be helpful and warn him away from your fellow Wisconsinites, but keep on pretending that Leinie's, Old Milwaukee, and other atrocities don't come from your state, if it makes you feel better.

>> No.5118304

Maybe its different up north, that region is extremely sparsely populated and I have never lived there. I have lived in Milwaukee and Madison most of my life which is where the vast majority of the state's population lives.

Spotted Cow outsells Bud Light in Wisconsin as well as Leinies of course, so you are just misinformed if you think people here consider Leinies to be a local staple in the state.

Sure Wisconsin has made a hell of a lot of money over the years selling cheap beer (including High Life, the best of cheap beers) but it is without a doubt one of the easiest places to find good local beer. Way above fucking California, a state pretty much right in the middle of ratio of good breweries to population

>> No.5118310

>Oh look, it's the ass pained Wisconsin guy. I knew you'd be along at some poin

>say something dumb
>then say you aren't surprised when someone calls you out on your stupidity

So why did you even make the post if you knew everyone would see how retarded it was?

>> No.5118312


I'm sorry I triggered your inferiority complex about the state of California. I'm not even from there, it just seemed like a recognizable example of a place with a lot of craft breweries.

>> No.5118315


Sorry I forgot that there are two ass pained Wisconsin guys here.

>> No.5118318

Just trying to dispel ignorance

>> No.5118340
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California is only mildly above average in the craft beer world. Sure there are a bunch of good breweries but its a really massive state so if they were elite you would have to expect much better

>> No.5118343


I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Perhaps what you intended to say was that you wanted to step in and make sure people know that Wisconsin makes good beer and bad beer. That is legitimate, and would have been a lot simpler than getting upset and posting ridiculous nonsense such as

> Leinies is marketed as a Wisconsin beer outside the state

which pretty much qualifies you for a job with KCNA in terms of delusions and denial.

>> No.5118355

I called out your dumb statement saying unless you live in a small subsection of California it is dangerous to look for local or regional breweries.

Thats an extremely ignorant statement, its easy to find good local beer just about anywhere but the deep south, and especially in far northern regions like the upper midwest and northwest and the less populated parts of the northeast

I would never advise as you did, its just an ignorant thing to say, and you should feel bad for defending it

>> No.5118359


Craft brewers per capita is a silly way of measuring the importance of a state's beer industry. Nobody in other states think about a metric like that when they're shopping for beer. All they think is "oh look another good product from {location}".

You might as well say California's wine culture is irrelevant because the Finger Lakes AVA has a much higher winery to person ratio than most NorCal viticultural areas. I don't even like California wine but at least I can admit they have a big profile.

>> No.5118365


I said "can be", not "is". My statement was correct, and you can find a lot of people on the internet whose first encounter with Leinie's was basically the situation I wanted the guy to avoid.

You're butthurt because Wisconsin has nothing to be proud of but beer and cheese, and I touched a nerve. Get over it.

>> No.5118366

>importance of a state's beer industry
Not what was being measured

We were measuring the ability to find agood local beer, so per capita is the best way to measure it because with a shit ton more people you would accordingly need more good brewers for the stuff to be readily available

>> No.5118369

>You're butthurt because Wisconsin has nothing to be proud of but beer and cheese

Why would that possibly make me butthurt? Those are two pretty awesome thing

>> No.5118371

>We were measuring the ability to find agood local beer, so per capita is the best way to measure it

Really? You find new beers by breaking into houses? You are out of your mind, friend. Normal people go to the grocery store, or research on the internet.

>> No.5118373

Leinies is still a nice step up from Bud Light

>> No.5118374

>Why would that possibly make me butthurt

Because I said something that wasn't unqualified praise for all things Wisconsin, and it involved beer. Naturally, you'd be butthurt, as your posts have demonstrated.

>> No.5118375

Are you confused?
Craft breweries in California need to get very large before they can get to statewide distribution. Breweries per capita is a relatively good measure of how wide a selection of local beer you can find at a random grocery store

>> No.5118381

You are really trying to morph this discussion into something it isn't

>> No.5118386


Look, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Wisconsin is great, and the most important state in the world. Far more important than California which sucks and is full of liberals. Happy? Because I'm hungry and I need to go make dinner.

>> No.5118390

Wisconsin is full of liberals too, thats why it sucks

>> No.5118398
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>wisconsin and california talking about beer and going full whiny bitch fit /pol/ on each other.

Colorado thinks you're funny.

>> No.5118402

The top 5 beer states are Oregon, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington and Colorado in no particular order

>> No.5118405


California destroys Michigan. I don't even know why you mentioned it.

>> No.5118406
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Great to know.

>> No.5118407

KBS puts Michigan above California

>> No.5118420



>> No.5118426
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first day on /ck/?

>> No.5118429
File: 35 KB, 310x400, KBS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, KBS

>> No.5118433
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It's like IBS, but for bro bros from Michigan who think their state is relevant.

FYI: Everyone from Michigan is dumber than a rock. I wish I was lying. Even the ones smart enough to leave the state are fucking retarded.

>> No.5118434


I couldn't actually figure out if you were talking about the beer or some magazine or website.

Yeah, nah. Anything from Stone is better than KBS.

>> No.5118439

>Anything from Stone is better than KBS.
Thats fucking dumb. Founders is a straight up better brewery than Stone. Stone is pretty good but its nothing special

>> No.5118476



Still, Michigan has Founders. One great brewer that produces one great beer that they had to name after another state.

California has:

>Green Flash
>Motherfucking Anchor Steam
>Sierra Nevada


>> No.5118480


>> No.5118488

>that produces one great beer

>> No.5118489

Bells too

>> No.5118490
File: 9 KB, 240x359, Cantillon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cantillon

do you guys even drink?

>> No.5118491

Are you delusional or ignorant?

>> No.5118494

I can buy all but one of those in the Upper Midwest

Can you buy any of the upper midwest's best beer there?

>> No.5118499


I don't see how that's relevant. It's not about what state is the best place to buy beer, it's about which state PRODUCES the best beer.

california beats michigan in sheer variety and quantity.

>> No.5118504

Not saying as part of that argument, just saying as an aside its way easier to find a wider selection of good beer in the upper midwest. Most of California's good beer you can't even find state wide

>> No.5118510

Remember, California is fucking huge. You have to take that into account.

If you took a California sized segment out of the upper midwest you would have Founders, Bells, Three Floyds, New Glarus, Ale Asylum and Surly. California cannot match that quality or variety

>> No.5118511


I don't have to take that into account, because we're talking states and not regions.

>> No.5118516

Larger states must have more to keep up. California has a rather embarrassing selection for such a large state

>> No.5118520

I live in Minnesota. I really just like being able to walk around Minneapolis and stumble upon a new brewery on damn near every block. It's pretty rad.

>> No.5118523
File: 70 KB, 160x240, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Austinfag here. I buy Left Hand Milk Stout from the convenience store down the street. I once overheard a conversation when one hipster told another hipster to make a float with vanilla ice cream and Left Hand Milk Stout. Anyone ever tried that?

Tonight I am drinking Saint Arnold's Winter Stout.

>> No.5118525

Meanwhile in California you need to drive an hour or so, but because the state is larger they are just as good right?

>> No.5118533

>it doesn't much... for a number of reasons
Can you enumerate said reasons?
I ask because I brew and am enamored with the style.I find most American examples too peaty/smoky.And I don't have a subtle palate.

>> No.5118538


No, California has too many people so the beer isn't good.

I feel like I'm a /k/ Malaysia Strong thread.

>> No.5118539

I'd still drive to check out some of them. Especially Stone. I'd love to visit that brewery

>> No.5118549

>No, California has too many people so the beer isn't good.
No one said that. Its just good breweries are harder to find since there are relatively few of them. There are definitely good breweries in California, just not nearly as many as you would expect from a state of that size that tries and insert itself in an elite beer state discussion

>> No.5118575

again with the harder to find nonsense.

I haven't spent much time in California but I didn't find Russian river hard to find. you know there's this thing called the internet? do you guys in the Midwest not use Google maps?

>> No.5118587

I have an iphone

>> No.5118590
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This is pretty solid. Drank it b2b with a Cuvee des Jacobins and it's not as tart, but really nuanced and almost double the ABV. Fuck Sam Adams but this is a pretty solid sour.

>> No.5118591

Good choice

>> No.5118599
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Fungal Pale Ale
>Mushroom Beer

>> No.5118606

I didn't care for that one as much. Thirteenth Hour was pretty good though. Samuel Adams can produce really good shit.
I felt bad for them with their imperial line that they came out with. The people who like Sam Adams don't actually like good beer usually, and the people who like good beer look past most shit Sam Adams puts out, so none of it really sold. The Russian imperial they had was surprisingly good.

>> No.5118608

Stone's an awesome brewery to check out and in San Diego you'll find some of the best breweries in the state; The Lost Abbey, Green Flash, Ballast Point, Ale Smith etc..

>> No.5118610
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Pic related tonight.

It's good - probably one of Bell's best beers. I don't know if it really warrants all the hype (or an $18 price tag, fuck).

>> No.5118613

it was only a matter of time

>> No.5118621


Normal beer. Carta Blanca.

Don't care much for you craft brew fags.


You look like morons and posers to both sides of the debate, just so you know. Why can't you just fucking enjoy what you enjoy? Why do you have to pretend and align yourself with the tastes of whoever social cirlce you're in.

You fucking kids have no dicks. The dick is what tells you to suddenly leave a group of people for no god damned reason, because its a unique fucking entitty.

NOPE. No dick. You'll just stick around here with the rest of your lame ass friends chasing the dream that was never dreamt.





>> No.5118624

If you have to use the internet to find it, its not easy to find

>> No.5118625

It's surprisingly great. Tastes like a portobello mushroom

>> No.5118627

I agree with this guy.

also, pomerol.

>> No.5118628
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I feel you. Nothing makes me rage more than when I'm at work and a customer walks 15 cooler doors of beer and then comes up to the counter with Boston Lager. They do make some solid brews and Cherry Wheat isn't one of them. There are so many fantastic brews at the same price point FUCKING WHY. Talking to (most of them) them does nothing.

>> No.5118635

>normal beer
Disregarded your entire post right there.

>> No.5118636

Oh shit, Hopslams out now? and its up to $18 now?

>> No.5118638

>Don't care much for you craft brew fags.
Just drink better beer. whowill quickly become one of them.
There are two kinds of people, those who drink craft beer, and those unfamiliar with it

>> No.5118642


if you and your neighbors have never needed a map to get somewhere, your local population is probably already showing signs of inbreeding related birth defects.

>> No.5118646

I have definitely never needed a map to find a grocery store

>> No.5118654
File: 94 KB, 1117x789, wisconsin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's because your entire state looks like this. Most people don't live in a place that looks like that. But because they do, the beer there sucks, right?

>> No.5118655


0/10 wouldn't drink with you fags.

What, 3 beers into it you will say you're done? I can't drink craft brews because i dont see myself finishing 18 "blueberry dragon vagina private selection" brews every day.

so ill stick to generic mexican lager.s

>> No.5118659


>> No.5118660

Just drank Boulevard's Bully Porter. It's alright, not my favorite by them though. It makes me kind of sad that I don't hear about them more often on threads like these.

>> No.5118661


I'm a few glasses in, so sue me.

>> No.5118662

but mexican beers are even worse than american macros

>> No.5118666

You know most craft beers have a higher abv right? There's a reason you only drink 2 or 3 at a time.
Tecate is number one though.

>> No.5118667


i dont know what the fuck you're talking about. i dont even know any american macros besides samuel adams that even tries to brew beer.

american beer is shit.

>> No.5118670


I had a pretty tasty Mexican IPA last week. Just saying.

>> No.5118671


haha! im drunking Tecate 32oz right now!

But yes i know the ABV is higher. I would still drink 18 of them because I LIEK GETTING DRUNK.

If i can have a nice taste to go along with it its okay, but my first priority is getting fucking lit up. I dont care about the fucking flavors if i am trying to chug that shit down.

Which is exactly why i dont drink craft brews - i cant drink 18 of those thick ass drinks down.

Quantity > Quality my friend. With beer, pussy, money, anything in life really except food.

>> No.5118674

You're a fucking homo.
Craft beer guy here, but I'll kill a 30 pack of High Life with you any day of the week. I'll drink trash adjunct lager when I am amongst trash like you. I won't even bitch about it until I get on the internet.

>> No.5118681

I'd love to see you try to drink 18 imperial stouts. LOL.

>> No.5118686


That's cool... so you're an undercover hipster. Power to you. I bet your blogs are engorged with the veins of real humans' pains.

Right? I couldn't even drink 3 guniesses lol.

HIGH LIFE is fucking disgusting but its $2 for a 32oz at mystore.

Carta Blanca is a nice tasting lager a little lighter than pacifico and its $3 a 32oz. So that's what Im doing.

hey anon: >>5118674

When I die, fuck it I wanna go to hell
Cause I'm a piece of shit, it ain't hard to fuckin' tell
It don't make sense, goin' to heaven wit the goodie-goodies
Dressed in white, I like black Tims and black hoodies
God will probably have me on some real strict shit
No sleepin' all day, no gettin my dick licked
Hangin' with the goodie-goodies loungin' in paradise
Fuck that shit, I wanna tote guns and shoot dice
All my life I been considered as the worst
Lyin' to my mother, even stealin' out her purse
Crime after crime, from drugs to extortion
I know my mother wished she got a fuckin' abortion

Why are you trying to live if you're just living to die?

>> No.5118687
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Nail in the coffin beer. It is on point with Dirt Wolf but finishes with the earthy/spicy UK hops. I prefer Dirt Wolf but this is a solid offering.

>> No.5118688

>i dont even know any american macros besides samuel adams that even tries to brew beer.
And mexican macros are different?

>> No.5118692


yes? what the fuck are you people talking about macro/micro

i dont even speak your faggy ass language.

My tecate is a big ass brand name and its way better than any american beer

>> No.5118694

You quoted me twice but you quoted my favorite Biggie track. So cheers you Mexican piece of shit. Salut.

>> No.5118697


haha. if that's your favorite track you're one of us.



>> No.5118701


A microbrew is a beer made deemed "good" by the thundercunts.

A beer is "good" until its corporate overlords assume the wrong form, at which point it is Pleb Piss Swill(tm)

>> No.5118718

>implying cheap alcohol isn't readily available at any corner in any ghetto, far outnumbering the mcdonalds

One poison at a time, my friend.

>> No.5118720

Ready to die. On the real. I'm fucking hammered.

>> No.5118732

>be 22 and just want to drink to get drunk
>always buy things that "look interesting to try"

Currently suffering through 40 proof cranberry liqueur. Fuck me, I never learn.

>> No.5118733

just drink Sailor Jerry's or Stoli

>> No.5118734


>A microbrew is a beer made deemed "good" by the thundercunts.
Fancy shmancy mumbo jumbo taiwanese transvestite bullshit!

I agree.

i like the rats song

NO! just one more sip! come on its right there!

>> No.5118736

been working on a Sam Adam's Christmas variety box the past few days. IMO, the juniper berry IPA and the White Christmas (kinda reminds me of a hefeweizen) are the best special flavors in the box IMO. there's also a "chocolate bock" that's so-so, i'm not a big chocolate fan to begin with and it tastes heavily of chocolate with a bit of cherry to it. still haven't tried the fezziwig or winter lager yet.

>> No.5118740

Go with some blackberry brandy. Easy as fuck to drink.

>> No.5118741


fuck that chocolate shit, just throw some orange peels in with your hefenweizen mix and youll get good results

>> No.5118752
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Last one. Really average little saison.

>> No.5118786


whats a saison? wheat beer?

>> No.5118789

actually that white christmas brew already has a bit of a citrus snap to it. like i said, it *reminds* me of a hefe, but it's a bit different because its spiced. too bad it's just a special release.

>tfw no craft breweries for miles around where i live

>> No.5118794

farmhouse style pale ale. fruitier, spicier than typical ales, main difference is is that it ferments at much higher temps than an ale normally would. Typical for a summer seasonal

>> No.5118796


but which grains does it use? cause there are mainly malt mainly barley or mainly wheat brews

>> No.5118802

malted barley. Wheat beers use malted barley as well they just replace some with wheat

>> No.5118814


sorry i know i could ask this from the internet, but you can answer it better...

what is malted barley? isn't malt a seperate grain?

can there be unmalted barley? or un barleyed malt?

>> No.5118826

barley is the main grain beer is brewed from. In order to get as much of the "sugar" extracted from the barley, it first undergoes a "malting" phase. The barley is soaked in water just until it begins to germinate (the plant starts growing inside the seed). Then it's heated and roasted to whatever level they want.

Most beers are primarily made with a base malt like 2-row, its very pale and doesn't impact the flavor or color a lot. You then have your specialty malts (chocolate, red, etc. etc.) which are used in less quantities to give it depth of flavor in the sweetness profile and to give it the color you want

>> No.5118830

Never heard of that.
Personally I would use a pasteurized stout like nitro.

>> No.5118835


My neighborhood restaurant does that. It's very good.

>> No.5118838

Thirteenth Hour was godlike
So smooth

>> No.5118844


so barley and malt are the same plant, but barley is like.. the raw form and malt is the germinated roasted form?

and how do they get dark beer? just more malt?

does the bitterness come from barley or malt? or from the yeast?

>> No.5118857

>so barley and malt are the same plant, but barley is like.. the raw form and malt is the germinated roasted form?
It's not malt or barley. It's "Malted Barley" Malt describes the process the barley underwent. So it's not just raw barley anymore. You can malt other things as well.

In brewing, people use the word "malt" to mean "malted barley"

>how do they get dark beer? just more malt?
brewer's use specialty grains (in addition to base grains) that are roasted more so they have a darker color. Colors range anywhere from lightly tanned to black.

>does the bitterness come from barley or malt? or from the yeast?
neither bitterness comes from the hops; specifically the hops which are added in at the early stage of the boiling process. Hops are used to counterbalance the sweetness from the malt(ed barley).

The yeast is obv. used to from alcohol, but does give its own flavors as well, albeit more subtly in most beers

>> No.5120175


About to attempt version three of LHMS clone this weekend.

Pretty sure I've got the ratios right this time

>> No.5120259


>> No.5120974
File: 259 KB, 390x780, westmalle-dubbel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't a huge fan the first time I had this but after a second try it's definitely gone up a few notches.