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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5116516 No.5116516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I made those simple "omelette" muffins this morning: just eggs, water, broccoli, cheese, ham, and onion, baked in a muffin pan, served atop an English muffin.

A very simple breakfast or brunch idea. Super easy to prepare in advance and eat cold on the go too.

What did you guys and gals eat for Sunday breakfast?

>> No.5116528

Please tell me that's your homemade relish finely pureed.

>> No.5116530


looks good OP

I had
>two soft-boiled eggs
>quinoa flax seed bread with almond butter
>handful of raw almonds
>bread with dandelion jelly
>a bit of dark chocolate

>> No.5116537

I had a simple french omelette and a piece of toast.

>> No.5116550


Looks like catchup.

>> No.5116655

Trader joes organic ketchup :/
It is more tomatoey, richer, and thicker than Heinz. Good stuff IMO.

I'm huge into omelettes. I watched Jacques Pepin's awesome video in which he makes a country omelettet and a more traditional fin herbes omelette. I can get the former, but not that latter. Any tips?
Sounds good

>> No.5116664

Leftover dwenjang jjigae with chicken and tofu.

>> No.5116760

Hot Grape-Nuts in soy milk.

>> No.5116768

dude, that sounds fucking delicious, how many eggs did you use for that omelette muffin? and i'm guessing you had to grease the pan first?

>> No.5116790

Rice Krispies with a sliced banana and a drizzle of honey.

>> No.5116798

Omelette in a muffin pan? Why have I never done this? Sounds like an excellent lunch.

>> No.5116818

country-style omelet, filled with some sheep cheese and olives

>> No.5116819

Recipe pls OP. I've been looking for a high-protein breakfast item I can make in large batches and refrigerate.

>> No.5116822

what's wrong with you?
you literally need FOUR minutes to make an omelet, including prep
seriously, wtf

>> No.5116825

That looks great OP

>> No.5116832

>what's wrong with you?

Not much, I don't think. Do you have something against making large-batch meals, portioned to be eaten later? It's pretty common practice.

>> No.5116840

yes, you are subjecting yourself to shitty old food, on purpose

>> No.5116848

>shitty old food

Oh boy, another I'm-too-good-for-leftovers moron. Yes, we're all very impressed you can afford to make fresh meals three times a day (ramen AND onions!) but some of us want the convenience that comes with things like big pots of chili, pot roast, pizza, etc etc.

>> No.5116851

I have nothing against big pots of chili and such
but frozen and reheated food is shit and you know it

>> No.5116858


I didn't want to freeze it. I wanted to refrigerate it. Why are you inventing points to argue against?

>> No.5116862

Honestly you'd have a point if it wasn't for the fact that we are talking about omelets here which take literally less than 5 minutes to prepare and it's not even like you are gonna save time by preparing things beforehand like you would with a big pot of chilli.

I ate a slice of bread and butter and two cooked eggs.

>> No.5116869


It is time saving. Instead of mincing enough onion, broccoli, and ham for one omelette, you do a whole bunch and portion it out. Likewise with the eggs; you just beat them in one big bowl and pour it out. I don't have to heat up a pan a dozen times and clean it a dozen times. I just bake it in one pan and clean that.

In the morning if you don't feel like cooking you just grab one out of the fridge, make some coffee, and go. I don't understand the stigma against convenience food that exists on here, especially when it's homemade.

>> No.5116871

ok ok
you make a huge batch of "muffin omelettes" and keep them in the fridge and take them out in the mornings, soggy and cold, reheat them in the microwave (2 minutes, maybe?) and eat them. they all taste the same, day in and day out
you make a fresh omelet each morning, with varied ingredients and eat it. it never tastes exactly the same, if you get bored with omelet you can make poached eggs or "muffins" or whatever the heck else
how is your version better?

>> No.5116876

fine, be a faggot
make a huge tamagoyaki and eat a slice every morning
then come here to ask what sauces go best with tamagoyaki because you are bored to tears
> convenience food
it is not convenient for me to eat a shitty tasteless reheated breakfast. it ruins my day, in fact. indeed, I'd much rather go without and just have coffee

>> No.5116877

>how is your version better?

I didn't say it was better, you made that up. Again.

The taste of the fresh-made omelet is going to be better 99% of the time, of course. But sometimes I don't want to do all the stuff in >>5116869 like heating up the pan, cleaning it, cleaning the plate, etc. I can eat the muffin thing cold with no dishes or just a napkin while I'm walking to work or whatever. It's not better, just more convenient. Why are you trying so hard to pick a fight?

>> No.5116879
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>this guy getting so mad that people want to cook and eat differently than him

>> No.5116885

Two bananas and a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of instant coffee and a teaspoon of sugar.

Nothing is better in the morning than a tasty warm milky drink, and since I don't have a boyfriend, this will have to do.

>> No.5116892

>hehe, don't hit on me silly boys
>hehe, I have also never tasted cum

>> No.5116893

> Why are you trying so hard to pick a fight?
I care about your wellbeing, strangely enough
> eat the muffin thing cold with no dishes or just a napkin while I'm walking to work
this will make you sad and sick, in the long term
don't do it
> fresh-made omelet is going to be better 99% of the time
> But sometimes I don't want to do all the stuff
have some respect for yourself. don't treat yourself like a fucking slave who eats what he is given
make yourself a crocque-monsieur if you don't have time/inclination for an omelet
get a fresh croissant from the corner and eat it sitting down with a pot of good coffee
god damn it show some love to yourself

>> No.5116902


I appreciate that you want others to enjoy themselves, but it really does not bother me to eat quick, healthy breakfasts when I'd rather spend my time doing other things than cooking.

>> No.5116917

> I'd rather spend my time doing other things than cooking.
you are lost, perhaps?
>>> /fit/ was what you were looking for maybe?
this is the cooking board

>> No.5117037

I tried my own but shooting a load on myself just isn't the same as drinking from another man's hose if you get what I mean.

>> No.5117059

That looks really good, OP!

>> No.5117069
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I had chicken fried steak with gravy because HHNNNGGGGGGGG. I wish I never figured out how to make that shit I can't stop eating it now.

>> No.5117122

Lel, literally every /ck/ thread i've been in today a discussion starts up for no reason that gets off-topic and ruins the thread

>> No.5117155
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OP please post the recipe. You've got my tummy rumbling.

>> No.5117234

Woke up with an intense craving for buckwheat blueberry flapjacks with real maple syrup. Made enough to freeze and pop in the toaster for the next few days.

>> No.5117247

OP here,
I leave you kids for two hours and this is what I come home to?!

Recipe is so simple!
beat 10 eggs together in a large bowl with 2 tbsp water (or milk for fluff), salt and pepper to taste; I used sauteed ham, minced and sauteed onion, pepperjack cheese (this was a mistake on my part; you'd need a more pungent cheese to really taste it. I'm going to use extra sharp Cheddar or fontinella next time), and finely crumbled broccoli sans stalk, obviously. in the past, ive done crumbled spicy sausage and gorgonzola, believe it or not. Next time I'll do tarragon, onion and gruyère maybe? Any suggestions as to a chess for that combo?

I used Pam on the large, 6 muffin tin, preheated the oven to 350°, baked for 18 minutes, and they cooked to perfection.

As to this debate regarding omelettes: if you like cold eggs-- I personally do --this is a good on-the-go breakfast. In my experience, they don't get too soggy and I don't even reheat them, cause I'm, how you say, a neanderthal. Another sweet application is do smaller ones with more variety for brunch, you could even do make your own, where you'd let the kids plop whatever they want into the muffin tins. Allows for variety, fun, and it's really a simple crowd-pleaser.

>> No.5117276
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Op here again

Here's what they looked like uncooked in the muffin tin. Dry about resolution.

>> No.5117285
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Thanks for the recipe OP. That looks like some good shit. Might make some for myself one day to eat between classes.

I made pancakes from scratch with some sliced bananas and a nice cup of french pressed coffee.

>> No.5117291


>> No.5117318

Husband and I went to a local dim sum place. We almost never have days off together, much less weekends, so we left the kid with my sister and went alone.

Siu-mai, steamed bao, rice rolls, lobster turnovers, lo mai gai, and that wonderfully fragrant tea that they serve with it.

CAPTCHA: refreshing lastlway

>> No.5117323

its just eggs and water, mix in what ever you like/ tastes good/ i like mushroom (portebello, are good but button shrooms are good) bell peppers and bacon bits no OP BTW

>> No.5117368


I am OP and I've already posted the recipe and process right here

>> No.5117381

wont the salt make the egds runny?

>> No.5117543

OP here.
Not in my experience. I always add salt to my eggs, no matter how I'm preparing them. I always intentionally undercook my eggs though, so maybe mine is not the best testimony.

>> No.5117548


>> No.5117553

Are you a middle-aged white woman?

>> No.5117688

I had progresso vegetable barley soup and 6 slices of toast.

>> No.5117701

I didn't eat until lunchtime. I had a bowl of bean and sausage soup with some corn pone.