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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 615 KB, 775x634, double.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5114335 No.5114335 [Reply] [Original]

What's with the double standard, /ck/?

>> No.5114469

you eat nigiri with your hands

if you eat filet mignon with your hands you are a retard

double standard

>> No.5114471

How am I supposed to eat a steak like that?

The only time I ate something like that, I would cut a small piece off, sear the pink flesh on the plate, place that on my tongue, squeeze it against my hard pallette for dem juices, then slowly chew and enjoy the fuck out of it, and follow it with a sip of water [cause I was 19 and didn't really want to have soda that day]

It was just a giant expensive steak and I wanted to savor the fuck out of it as much as I could.

>> No.5114481

Steak only has paramount status among the uncultured. There are so many more complex and flavorful meats out there. The whole steak thing here is what happens ignorant people try to be elitists.

>> No.5114507

No I mean like bison, elk or ostrich. All more complex and deserving of appreciation than 'murrican anus beef steak.

>> No.5114513

Properly prepared duck breast. Hnnnng.

>> No.5114512

that filet literally made me shiver, not joking. i want it so bad

>> No.5114746

>Calls others uncultured and ignorant
>For liking steak

>post nothing of the implied superior cultured food

>> No.5114749

>cooked beef steak is the pinnacle of fine dining

lol is it the Great Depression?

>> No.5114759
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In some ways, yes

>> No.5114810

I'm not insulting people for liking steak. I'm saying putting steak on a pedestal is an example of /ck/'s ignorant behavior.

and I did.

>> No.5114847

>proper way to eat steak

I don't get it. You cut off a piece and eat it. Or are you talking about condiments? Or how to prepare it? Both are pretty simple to prepare- the quality of the meat itself is the most important thing in both cases.

>> No.5114879

Hey asshole you still didn't post something better.
Stop backtracking and post some of these great meals.

>> No.5114905

The more elegantly simple something is, the more retards on the internet feel the need to overcomplicate it. See: cast iron cookware, the Old Fashioned cocktail

>> No.5114916

Well it's obvious at this point nothing I say will get through. So why bother? You just want to hear me say something that validates what you already think. Anything anyone says to the contrary will be ''wrong'' or ''invalid'' in your mind. Stay pleb and keep deleting those posts.

>> No.5116424 [DELETED] 


>> No.5116429


>double standard

Have you ever thought /ck/ is made up of multiple different people espousing varied ideas and beliefs?

>> No.5116430

You eat it with chopsticks.

>> No.5116434
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>> No.5116436
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More like all of the non-japculture parts of 4chan are tryhards who are desperately denying being "weeaboo" themselves.

>> No.5116440


Believe it or not, I actually hate anime/weeaboos. Anime is for manchildren/pedos.

>> No.5116442

And you. Don't forget there's you, you special snowflake.

>> No.5116444

Tell that to the J-List ad at the bottom of this page. (I don't hate anime, but I do think the whole panties thing is crass)

>> No.5116445

>implying everyone on this site has watched anime or cares about Japan.

No. I came here when a friend linked a funny gif. It might shock you weebs. but there are people out there who don't give a fuck about nippon~uguuuuuuu!!!!

>> No.5116447

That's not the point - the point is that because you're on >>5116436 pic related, you can't just not care, you have to actively shit on other people's interests.

>> No.5116453

>You eat it with chopsticks.
Actually, the traditional way is to eat sushi with your fingers

Almost everybody uses chopsticks these says though

>> No.5116457

different anon here, but ad at the bottom of the site is not a very good argument when discussing whether anime is for kids or not. Nor are 4chan banners.

>> No.5116472

My point is that people who happen to not like anime get all defensive instead of leaving other people's interests alone because they're offended at the perception of 4chan as being a weeb site.

>> No.5116475

*and that _that's_ why the double standard exists - because they'll take any excuse to say "you stupid weeaboo".

>> No.5116482


Probably because anime is shoved down your throat even on non-anime boards. It's annoying as fuck, and I like anime.

>> No.5116486

>liking anime and some japanese games makes you a weeaboo
Why is weeaboo probably the most misused term on this website?

>> No.5116490

That's a fair point, but OP was about shitting on people for liking/caring about Japanese _food_, which is entirely relevant to /ck/

>> No.5116491

>shoved down your throat

But anything that anon is oversensitive about is "shoved down your throat". Like one thread about Japanese food that some angry Australians can't figure out how to hide.

>> No.5116494


Not even close. That would be "hipster"

>> No.5116553

>implying it's hard to make 109k a year with the income of two individuals

>> No.5116566

But you can eat sushi however you want, just don't drench it in soy, much like you wouldn't drench a sausage roll in sauce.
Disgusting troll.

>> No.5116580

depends on the state + cost of living.
I guarantee my 50k a year here in Idaho feels like a lot more cash than the 70k my friend in California pulls in

>> No.5116581


It would probably be edgy at this point by my estimates

>> No.5116654

it takes 10 years to master sushi making.

>> No.5116663

White people being white people

>> No.5116677

Ruling the fucking planet? Yeah I know you're welcome.

>> No.5116680
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>> No.5116684

More like loving the smell of their own farts while criticizing everyone else that farts

>> No.5116708 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 480x339, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buttmad jelly shitskins detected
>as they live in a civilized world (white invention), on a computer (also white invention), probably only alive because they didn't die in infancy (white people tm)
Come at me braj

>> No.5116709

Edward Norton is the shit.

>> No.5116720


What is this? Is the "j" part of some delusional heritage you think you have somewhere in a distant part of Europe that you've successfully romanticized?

>> No.5116732 [DELETED] 

>being this upset
No need to be rustled.
Did your welfare not come in this month or something, Jamal?

>> No.5116738 [DELETED] 

Well, January is 31 days long, tough times in the ghetto.

Luckily black history month is coming up! Only 28 days between MUH EBT checks! WE BE MOVIN ON UP, TO THE EAST SIDE

>> No.5116740

j and h are next to each other on the keyboard yo

>> No.5116739


It will be easier if you explain it to me before you have to reset your modem. You don't want to get banned again for ban evasion.

>> No.5116761

He's already been triggered by white privilege.
Theres no stopping him now
He'll keep shitposting harder and harder until he feels like he's shamed the evil white man good enough for his reddit justice.

>> No.5116765 [DELETED] 

>You don't want to get banned again for ban evasion.

What? Explain what now? Why don't you put down the crack pipe before you try and combobulate a thought?

Ohhhh, or are you saying I should get banned because I don't love and respect your diverse, enriching nigger culture? I do love how someone can talk about how much they dislike whites, but the second someone comes back with disliking blacks, it's "OH LAWDY LAWD, DAS SUM RAYCISSS CRAKUH!!! BAN DIS HONKEY! MAH FEELS!"

>> No.5116773

eating raw meat ever.

>> No.5116793

weeb pls go
sushi threads should not be on /ck/, as sushi involves no cooking
COOKING is in the name of the board

>> No.5116924

>as sushi involves no cooking
>COOKING is in the name of the board

I guess the rice is raw in sushi. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.5116967

>sushi threads should not be on /ck/, as sushi involves no cooking
>COOKING is in the name of the board
Actually, the name of board is (this part is important) FOOD & Cooking, not just cooking.
Better luck next time

>> No.5117014

Yea because roast beef, peppers and bread are totally unhealthy.

>> No.5117054

Well for one, activated almonds and cultured vegetables.

>> No.5117070

>It might shock you weebs. but there are people out there who don't give a fuck about nippon~uguuuuuuu!!!!

Increasingly, yes we are beginning to notice.
Apparently moot wants that facebook audience. We'll be just like any other social media shit stain on the internet soon enough.

>> No.5117083

Due to steak shaming I cannot eat my favorite food in public anymore without disgusted looks and stares.

I am forced by our social constructs to eat chicken or seafood now due to MY BODY'S preference of a well done steak.

TITP - This is Taste Privilege

>> No.5117091


I've never met anyone arrogant enough to say that it doesn't take skill to make good sushi and that they could do it themselves....

But if people want to eat their sushi with a fork and dip it in a pool of soy sauce and wasabi, I don't think I'd be arrogant enough to suggest they shouldn't.

Yeah, Japanese people don't do that... who cares. Did you come for the authentic experience or bomb ass sushi?

I just don't like posers in general. People that want me to use the traditional method are just hipsters/elitists. The type of person that would complain about what glass you use for which liquor because of the "aerating shape" or some shit.

But having said that, I always sit at the bar at the sushi place, and chit-chat with the Chef and listen to all of his suggestions. Not because I "should" but because I know this guy probably spent 30 years making sushi and picking fish and if he suggests something it is not a matter of taste but a matter of knowledge.

I would say the same thing to a man who orders well-done steak. I'd say "well, you have the right to enjoy your food however you like."

Dont' people realize the color orange may be a completely different color to others? Food tastes may be competely different across people... what tastes "good" to you may taste like week-old eggs to someone else. My grandma can't eat lamb cause she says it stinks. I find the lamb's gamyness to be a savory flavor.

>> No.5117101
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haha, you tell him.

>> No.5117104


haha you have a medical condition known as bad taste.

but i get what you're saying about your body's preference, i said as much here:

>> No.5117103

4chan has been pretty mainstream for sometime. I'm sure Moot would love a 4chan app for Facebook. Clamping down on the so-called "quality of posts" is probably a way to clean up the board and gradually make it more advertiser-friendly.

>> No.5117114

and in my opinion all of that is an extremely bad thing.

>> No.5117121

so leave and never come back

>> No.5117132

Of course, but Moot has been unable to come up with anything better than 4chan and has consequently decided to spend more effort on directing the growth and direction of 4chan.

Canv.as is a failure and he likes to pretend to be the mouthpiece of the internet and the darling of 4chan content, so 4chan is the cash cow.


>> No.5117145

It's fucking satire

>> No.5117163

I actually did by a pass.
I got to tell you, for dumping images, it is so fucking amazing. Set it an forget it. I guess you'd have to have the latest 4chanX though.

But yeah they are over advertized. Still though I would say it was worth it.

>> No.5117166



>> No.5117168
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What separates pleb food from fancy food? Even processed junk food can taste great (pic related), and both kinds of food are bad for your health. So why is the expensive unhealthy food respected and the cheap unhealthy food is ridiculed?

>> No.5117178
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>> No.5117190

pleb - cheap and popular

Fancy - unpopular, usually expensive

>> No.5117187


because you're on 4chan, and people here often need to find ways to delude themselves into a false position of superiority. the term "pleb" is cancer.

>> No.5117194

You think that tastes great? I had my first one ever last year and thought it was horrendous. Maybe it's something you could like only if you grew up with it? I thought it had an odd taste to it... like... have you ever used a can of compressed air? It tastes like what the compressed air smells like. Only sweet. Not for me, thanks.

But as far as junk foods go, so long as we're not discussing sweet ones only, dem newfangled cheese crisps with the japaleenies in'em. Dem's shit's good.

>> No.5118524

It's called black angus steak and it's delicious
Pic related

>> No.5118528
File: 623 KB, 1331x750, Black angus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddamit forgot picture

>> No.5118595

black Angus is a very common breed of cattle. it confuses me when people behave as if it is a rare gourmet luxury food. but then I feel the same way about steak in general.

>> No.5118675

There are some awesome less-uses meats out there. Elk particularly is fucking amazing if done right. So is duck. Never had ostrich, but it's definitely on my list of things to try. Not that I've got anything against beef- a good marbled piece of grass-fed steak is great stuff. But I'd have to say that either elk or duck is probably my favorite land protein.

>> No.5118678

that thing cuts the roof of my mouth

but so good

>> No.5118699

Don't let anyone tell you different, you can't chop a goddamn thing with chopsticks.

Never been so embarrassed in my life.

>> No.5118712

It's frosting covered cake with cream in the middle...how does that cut you?

>> No.5118758

Those green sugar sprinkles are sharp.

>> No.5119834

>boiling rice is cooking

>> No.5119848

1 [intransitive and transitive] to prepare food for eating by using heat:

>> No.5119862

you probably don't know that sushi is served at body temperature, not cold

>> No.5119889

>eat sushi with hands
>hands now smell of vinegar
>two hours later dick smells of vinegar
That was the last time I ate with my hands.

>> No.5119896

Let me guess, you watched a documentary on sushi?
The general public doesn't go to a sushi bar, they get refrigerated sushi.

>> No.5119914

Wash your hands.

>> No.5120038

you and your logic

>> No.5120156

>The general public doesn't go to a sushi bar, they get refrigerated sushi.

general public is a bunch of morons

and if you don't have any sushi restaurant where you live, you should probably shut the fuck up because you know nothing about the subject.

>> No.5120301

I would consider pleb food to be anything that can easily be made at home for a lower cost and higher quality, but you're having the overly processed one from the supermarket instead.

>> No.5120322
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>refrigerated sushi
That's like suggesting "two girls one cup" as a replacement for chocolate pudding.
I'm amazed that people buy that shit.

>> No.5120342
