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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5113069 No.5113069[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>TFW Sister-in-law is bringing YOUR signature dish to a family function
At first I was annoyed that it's a direct challenge to me.
Then I felt kind of sad for her because I know as soon as she's out of earshot everyone will tell me how much better mine is.
Then I got even more mad because she could at least have made RED Enchiladas instead of the green like I always make. But no.

Anyone else have food/family related rage issues?

>> No.5113073


Sounds like you might have ass burgers.

>> No.5113086

Imagine another man coming to your house, drinking your beer, cooking on your grill, and serving meat to everyone.

>> No.5113095

Maybe she wants to feel accepted and just knows that your family loves green enchiladas. Maybe she doesn't know it's your "signature dish," just something that always shows up at family functions that goes over really well.

>> No.5113104

She's been with my bro like 8 years, she's accepted just fine. She knows, she fucking knows, I make them all the time, she's been to my home where I've made them, and my moms house is always abuz for like 3 days after I make them for my mom and dad, they get really excited and talk about them and hoard them.

>> No.5113109

I call that a barbeque and I try and have one every week in the summer

>> No.5113110

Wouldn't bother me if I knew the guy.

calm your autism.

>> No.5113113

What are you going to make instead OP?

>> No.5113115

You're the one showing signs of autism.

OP just be blunt about it, ask her directly in front of whoever you want to like your dish the best, why she stole your meal. Unless the other guy is right and you are autistic it shouldn't be hard to make it jovial. Bitches will still go home and their anger will simmer while everyone else looks no further into it.

>> No.5113129

Where another man comes to your house and cooks your meat on your grill? Are you a cuckhold too?
I'ts my dad's birthday so I decided to bring the cake.
I don't think I'm going to say anything, it's just fucking annoying.

>> No.5113133

i hope you make another copy pasta imitating those other ones OP.

>> No.5113135
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I don't know of what you speak.

>> No.5113138

no, u!

>> No.5113139

>harbor huge amounts of rage for someone for making the food you make. wow they made the food you are also know to make ~wow~ what a cunt
>dont even say anything about it and just let the tumor in your head grow bigger

either your name is peggy hill or you murder people in your basement. get a fucking grip before the voices come back, bateman.

>> No.5113140

You're being petulant.
If this is a pride thing and you know yours is better then I don't see the problem.
In fact I think this isn't some elaborate scheme to piss on your parade and she isn't even aware she's stepping on your toes.

Sounds like a barbecue.

>> No.5113147

Out of all the food in the world she could make she decides to make the one dish which I'm known for and everyone overly-raves about? Doesn't that seem like more of a coincidence?
I'm %95 sure hers will not be as good as mine, I more just can't imagine why she would decide to do this? Why not at least do red instead of green? Sometimes I think she has some kind of problem with me I can't put my finger on.

>> No.5113148

it IS a challenge anon

>> No.5113155

>Where another man comes to your house and cooks your meat on your grill? Are you a cuckhold too?

A cuckold? Really? Is this a cultural thing or do you have some serious personal insecurities?
Where I come from a barbecue is a social event where the host provides bread, salads and drinks and the guests all chip in by bringing some of their own meats. Then everyone cooks their own meat on the provided grills just the way they want it. That way everyone has something they like and the host gets to socialise and relax as well. Using your grill as your holy altar from which your preach the gospel of the providing man to your flock sounds fun too though.

>> No.5113159

In our house the man's grill IS his holy altar where he does good works. Our guests bring the beer and salad and feast upon the meat and bread we provide as nourishment to their hearts, bellies, and souls.

Your war sounds fine too, I guess, just different stroked.

>> No.5113163

it's times like these when it's best to take lessons from silverback gorillas

she is in your territory and needs to be dealt with swiftly

>> No.5113189

>Where another man comes to your house and cooks your meat on your grill? Are you a cuckhold too?

>not getting drunk with friends and turning the grill into a team effort

you sound so fun to be around

>> No.5113193

>Doesn't that seem like more of a coincidence?
Seems like schizophrenia kinda.

>> No.5113196
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>having a signature dish
>not being know for always presenting new interesting dishes

>> No.5113200

Well you know how people are, you make something they like and they keep asking for it. I had to yell at a friend of mine and tell her that our relationship couldn't be based entirely on Enchiladas. They make everyone happy.

>> No.5113212

>Then I felt kind of sad for her because I know as soon as she's out of earshot everyone will tell me how much better mine is.

Are you fucking serious? If that did in fact happen, you're terrible and so is everyone else who told you about your stupid food.

ITS FOOD. get the fuck over yourself you dumb ass.

>> No.5113216

>Sometimes I think she has some kind of problem with me I can't put my finger on.
Sounds like you're a dumb asshole and she picked up on it and is now doing things to enrage you because you obviously get upset over stupid petty bullshit.

If I were her, I'd fucking poison you with your own recipe.

>> No.5113217

he sounds psychotic. i predict things getting real ugly during the inevitable mental breakdown when they dont diss her food behind her back like he hopes.

my advice to you OP is to stop being such a fucking weirdo and tell her how you feel, or tell your brother if you dont think you can do that without using a lead pipe.

>> No.5113225

Right? I don't get this mentality at all.
If someone I know made the same thing as me, I'd be like, oh you like that too? How did you do it?

I'd just talk to them like a normal person.

I've never understood the whole, secret family recipe bullshit. And no, no one ever with held a recipe from me. I'd ask for said recipe and they'd give it to me. Because it's food and there's nothing secret about it. Like, what??

>> No.5113240

you've never complained about someone elses cooking behind their back? Not even in a /ck/ Thread? They used to live my mom and she would tell me about her horrible over-salty meatloaf with rasins in it or some shit. It's not her fault, she comes from white trash, she is a lovely girl though who I believe is not white-trash.
You don't see how this could bug me? You can't even fathom why anyone would be irritated by this? I've never had a problem with her at all, we don't really have a lot of drama in my family.
I'm free with my recipes, anyone can make them, also I doubt he'll be using my recipe, I just think it's strange and borderline aggressive to show up at my moms house with a dish that I'm knowing for making, it's inevitable that they will be compared.

Like if you throw a dinner party and make chicken cordon bleu or whatever, and then the next week your friend throws a dinner party and makes the exact same dish, and invites the same friends, you guys wouldn't find that strange?

>> No.5113247


>If someone I know made the same thing as me, I'd be like, oh you like that too? How did you do it?

This. Why not ask her about it, share tips and actually make her feel welcome. It sounds like you've got a grudge against her and she's making "your dish" as a way to impress/reach out to you but you're thaat much of an asshat you're getting mad

>> No.5113254

I don't have any grudge about her, she's great. And she's not some weird social anxiety loser trying to win my affections, she's not trying to "reach out to me." We have a great relationship (as far as in-laws go, I wouldnt call us "close") and she's a wonderful aunt to my kid. I just think this is really odd behavior.

>> No.5113257

People with signature dishes are doomed anyway.

>> No.5113258

in that case play it cool and ask your brother why you think she made it (and keep breathing and stay calm you angry angry man), make it jovial and don't go back to the subject after you've asked. woo hoo everyones happy! (except for you depending on the answer)

>> No.5113262

>not constantly renewing your signature dishes
Move on, OP. I bet she can't follow you.

>> No.5113266

Well I make a lot of other things, I just don't get OUT and cook much anymore because of the kid, my mom lives like 80 miles away, before that I lived on a different continent for 8 years, so my family know pretty much the stuff I cooked while I stayed there for a few weeks, and what I cook on thanksgiving. When I have people over to my house I cook different stuff all the time, but you know how old people get with stuff they like.
>implying a guy would get this irritated by this.
>Implying I can trust my brother not to say anything to his woman.

>> No.5113267


>she's a wonderful aunt to my kid

>my kid

I think we've just discovered what's really going on here.

>> No.5113269
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Oh! And what's that?

>> No.5113270

well shit you've been pretty worked up so far. this thread is a fucking waste anyway you're just shooting down everyone suggestion so go fuck yourself and remove the thread already.

>> No.5113275

I honest to god have never said anything like that. Maybe its because I've only been in party type situations for a year or so, but I usually talk about someone behind their back if they're an asshole. That and most people I know are good at cooking. I love going over to my friend's houses and eating their food. It's fucking tasty.

Its enchiladas. Anyone can make that. Why are you pissed about it? And no I wouldn't find that strange! I'd be like, whatever, that person loves enchiladas as much as I do, I can't wait to eat fucking enchiladas that I didn't even have to make.

Unlike you, I don't have my head up my ass thinking things like "Oh, only I can make this tasty, NO ONE IS AS GOOD A CHEF AS I"
what's wrong with you?

>we don't really have a lot of drama in my family.
cool. Enjoy starting unnecessary drama you twat.

>> No.5113280

Still, if they tell you you're better, there's absolutly no reason to get this mad on such a nice weekend.

>> No.5113281

I didn't ask for advice, I asked for similar stories, I guess I was venting, wanted to know what you guys had to say.
I'm not pissed, puzzled and irritated. I'm legitimately curious about her motives.

I'm giong to bed, I'd really appreciate some other stories of a similar nature? I'll check back on the thread int he AM and delete it if there's no new developments.

Thanks for coming to this thread, even the haters. This truly is one of the best boards.

>> No.5113285


He clearly feels intimidated by his sister-in-law's parenting abilities. He may even have a forbidden love for her.

>> No.5113286

You're not going to get a lot of stories like this because this is ultra snobby behavior on your part. There are people like this that I've come across in real life and I've always called them on their snobby-ness.

This is some upper class white people problems bullshit.
Why is irritating that someone made the same thing as you? Do you feel like they copied off your paper? Why do you care AT ALL about something like this.

>> No.5113289

Why is this guy airing out his weirdo family problems on 4chan?

Cook something else, who gives a shit?

>> No.5113291

Hey OP, why don't YOU make the red ones and not the green ones?

>> No.5113294

Just make your special signiture dish and bring it anyways. Then get really drunk and harp on your relatives to try yours and see how they are better then shout and cry a lot at the sister and then vomit on the floor and curl up into a ball and shiver uncontrollably.

That's what I'd do.

>> No.5113303

>I'm not pissed

>Then I got even more mad
>Anyone else have food/family related rage issues?

>> No.5113564

>oh gosh oh gosh I'm supposed to bring a dish
>I have to impress my step-family
>what on Earth should I make?
>what do they even like?
>oh I know, they love the green enchiladas that are there every time
>I can do that, crisis averted

And you're going to try to show the poor girl up.

>> No.5113590

>I memorized one recipe someone else wrote and I'm mad that someone "stole" it

What is there to be mad about here? Sounds like your family is a bunch of squabbling backstabbing children.

>> No.5113601

OP, you wouldn't by any chance want to come to a company dinner with me? One where we make "authentic" Irish Stew? You sound like a fun person and would love to bring you.

Don't forget the apple juice

>> No.5113608

inb4 your shitty enchillada bake you got from the back of a package gets BLOWN THE FUCK OUT.

>> No.5113617

You fucking suck at analogies.

>> No.5113623
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>> No.5113647

>autism lol
>autist detected
>nice autism
>sure think autist
>autism is a serious affliction

What is your other go-to favorite word, "projecting"?

>> No.5113655

Maybe it's faggot. As in you.

>> No.5113656
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And here I thought OP was best at making Irish stew. Good on him branching out, though. Shame about the autism.

>> No.5113657

How old are you?

>> No.5113666

I think he's just pissed off his kid will eat her quinky sauce but not his.

>> No.5113669

Not him, but if you're OP, he's probably quite a bit more mature than you.

>> No.5113671

Old enough to kick your ass

>> No.5113672

I wouldn't worry about anybody's else's age given you seem to have the mind of a fucking eight year old.

>> No.5113696

OP mentioned that the upcoming Reunion is for his Father's birthday and that he is bringing a cake.

Isn't it possible that the sister-in-law wants to make the enchiladas BECAUSE they're a hit with the family?

>> No.5113705

Not if you're a paranoid autist who thinks everybody's out to fuck with you.

>> No.5113707
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thanks OP this thread is fucking hilarious.

>> No.5113716

I have two older sister in laws who still have disputes similar to that in the OP, something about mousse or trifle, I can't recall exactly.
They are in their 40's.

>> No.5113744

First world problems.


>> No.5113989

> she decides to make the one dish ... everyone overly raves about

No shit? Gee I figure it'd make more sense for her to make something everyone hates.

>> No.5114045 [DELETED] 

I don't see the problem here.

This is OP's favorite dish to make and his family loves it too. It's perfectly reasonable to view this as an encroachment upon that.

It would be different if it was a common item that was unavoidable to repeat, but enchiladas in green sauce is pretty specific.

I don't buy that this person doesn't know what they are doing. This is a power move. Though I wouldn't understand everybody on this board to understand the nuances of social/power dynamics.

Just be gracious OP, hers probably won't be as good.

>> No.5114194

That's even more annoying. He's bringing a cake, so why can't she make enchiladas?

I feel so bad for this woman. Especially if the entire family is just going to shit on her behind her back. It's bad enough that marrying into a family is awkward already, but then they secretly don't like you?

Fuck off with this retarded bullshit. I hope she divorces their brother and takes all their fucking money.

>> No.5114213
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Are you testing material for some kind of angsty-Jew sitcom on us or is this bullshit supposed to be serious?

>> No.5114274
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Right?! This is some straight up Seinfeld shit!!

>> No.5114573

>implying someone getting this ass-devastated over a female relative imitating their food is male

Only women could be as petty as OP.

>> No.5114590

I lol'ed

>> No.5114608
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He CLEARLY stated that its a girl.

>SISTER in law

>> No.5114909

lol u mad?

>> No.5114919
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>> No.5115003

I was waiting on someone to reference that shit. Anyone want to dump the cringe-worthy posts?

>> No.5115031

I don't know the reference, is it something that happened on /ck/?

>> No.5115150

Yeah. Some autist posted his "EPIK WIN XDDDDDDDD" about judging someone making a mock irish stew and acting all uppity that it wasn't really irish stew. There's a few more within that category. I just don't have them saved.

>> No.5115380

I'll admit, I was pretty angry for the first 45 seconds after I found out.
Everyone likes her.
I mentioned this before, and you are correct.

Anyway, just got back from the birthday dinner (I tried to delete this thread this morning, but it wouldn't let me). Her enchiladas were pretty good, but a solid two points below mine.

She put canned black beans inside them, which would have been fine maybe if they had been cooked separately first, but as it was they were a little dry, And then she cooked rice and put that inside the enchiladas too, I don't know if she even seasoned the rice, but it wasn't spanish rice, and it didn't add anything to the dish, I didn't really understand the point. But It was better than I thought it would be.

Everything went really well, I just still find the whole thing very odd.

>> No.5115387

also that's pretty fucked up you would say that about my brother just because you don't like me, OP. My brother is a pretty great guy.

Also, they're not even married, actually, but they've been together so long they might as well be, sister-in-law is more appropriate to the situation than "Brother's girlfriend" especially since she is basically my kid's aunt.

I normally don't have crazy-bitch emotions, but this was an exception. Once I got there it wasn't a big deal, it just felt kind of weird. I texted my craziest bitchiest friend to ask what she thought and she totally understood, at least someone does.

>> No.5115524
File: 224 KB, 800x1184, shokugeki-no-soma-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

challenge your sister in law to a "shokugeki" and whoever loses revokes the right cook the dish

>> No.5115538

One time I invited my employees over for dinner and this autistic faggot brought over shepherd's pie, even though I had already told everyone that was what I was making.

>> No.5115548

the first time I saw that, I finally actually believed that someone on 4chan has autism.

>> No.5115637

She honestly looks like a half downy deaf girl.

>> No.5115649

>I can't into reading comprehension

>> No.5115696 [DELETED] 

If you really want to read the whole thing just look up "ck Dinner Party from Hell" on google and it should come up. That shit was fucking hilarious.

>> No.5115702

perhaps its so good and because you feature it also many family functions, it has become identified as a tradition. she may have made it to contribute to the family bonding experience. or she might be a conniving bitch like my sister in law

>> No.5115724

>Anyone else have food/family related rage issues?

Good lord, where do I start. Okay, let's start with this...my sister is a pushy, overbearing, narcissistic bitch. That's not opinion, it's fact. She's been that way since we were children. Even my relatives have mentioned it. Anyway.
SO, every family dinner, she relegates me to the menial chores, like setting the table, or getting out the napkins, even though I used to be an actual chef. I can cook circles around her. I've won awards for my cooking. But every family fucking dinner, she rushes around trying way too hard to help my mom cook, and won't let me do anything but the menial shit WHILE telling me what to do, bossing me around, and telling me I'm setting the table wrong and all that shit. Finally, I got sick of it, and decided to just sit out with the rest of the family and let her take over everything, since that's obviously what she wanted. Then, she went around behind my back and bitched to everyone that all I did was sit on my ass and not do anything to help.
tl;dr she's a cunt.

>> No.5115746

>You don't see how this could bug me? You can't even fathom why anyone would be irritated by this?

It's one thing to be slightly irritated that your sister-in-law brought your signature dish, but your reaction is disproportionate.

My family flips a shit over the sweet tea I make. When I see my sister trying to make it, bully for her. It means I don't have to make the tea (which I actually hate).

My family also flips a shit when I make peanut butter cookies. Sometimes my sister helps me make them and we talk and rag on people and we bond while we're doing it. Then sometimes my sister will come upstairs and be like, "Hey, I made peanut butter cookies," and I will say, "Man you should have made me come downstairs so I could help," because I enjoy making them.

You're a cunt. Come back when you've cured your autism.

>> No.5115766

on 4chan.

>> No.5115774

>birthday dinner at OP's house
>OP is upstairs trying to frantically delete the thread and all traces of his passive-agressiveness before someone asks him to come downstairs and be social for once
>gives up, slams laptop down
>heavily flops down the stairs
>brother and sister-in-law have arrived
>OP glares at the casserole dish of enchiladas in sister-in-law's hands
>brother pulls OP into a limp hug
>OP's gaze never leaves the enchiladas
>all of OP's family is excited for the party
>OP's mom says how glad she is that there are enchiladas, after all, enchiladas are the best part of family enchiladas
>OP: "MY enchiladas."
>Mom: "What, hon?"
>"The best part of family parties is MY enchiladas."
>silence, sister-in-law shifts uncomfortably and sets the enchiladas on the counter
>OP: "I made a CAKE."
>Mom: "Yes, you did, dear."
>Mom makes up a plate for OP and sets it down in front of him
>OP glares at the plate
>it contains one thing from each dish, including the enchiladas
>family awkwardly tries to keep conversation going as OP shifts things around his plate to keep everything from touching the enchilada while breathing heavily
>OP meticulously eats everything but the enchilada
>finally, there is nothing left except the enchilada
>now that OP has eaten everything else on his plate, it'll be really obvious that he intentionally left it behind, so he has to eat it or else he'll look rude
>OP begins dissecting the enchilada, mumbling under his breath
>"I don't understand the point. Rice. Not even spanish rice. it doesn't even add anything to the dish. beans. dry. dry beans. not even seasoned rice. I'm confused. I'm confused. I'm confused. I'M CONFUSED"
>OP throws his plate across the table and screams "I DON'T UNDERSTAND"
>grabs the casserole dish with the remaining enchiladas, slams it on the table
>bellyflops onto the table, starts doing the worm across it to reach his sister in law
>grabs her by the throat
>whispers, "I forgive you."

>> No.5115775

>enchiladas are the best part of family enchiladas
family parties

>> No.5115776
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>Finish college
>New job doesn't start till May
>Move with g/f to her sister's until then
>I've been making the same spicy ham and potato chowder twice a week for weeks now.

>> No.5115784

are you that guy from the irish stew dinner party thread

>> No.5115795


He later made another post about harassing some coworker because the guy loved his own mother's pasta or something.

>> No.5115799

Is this is an extremely emasculating process in American culture? Like is it symbolic of something for you guys? Is someone else cooking on your grill tantamount to being cuckolded?

>> No.5115806
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>all these posts implying OP is a man
No, this is classic female neuroticism at its finest.

>> No.5115813

males are more likely to have autism

and OP sure does have autism

>> No.5115838

>Quick Reply - Thread No.5113069
sounds much like some of my family.also marthaand.mary.we are all tagged.mine happens.to be thomas. slow down..everyone,has a bad day or week.even a year,seven or seventy.and not making fun. read.the book

>> No.5115843
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You're right. Everyone here may be rightfully giving me shit, I think maybe she decided to make them because it's my dad's birthday and she knows how much he loves enchiladas.
Why don't you cook if you're the actual chef? I hate a bossy-pants, sometimes you have to smack a bitch.
>but your reaction is disproportionate.
Posting this thread was my reaction.
Please, please stop with this shit. I'm so tired of people using that word inappropriately. Just call me a bitch and be done with it. you don't have to try and get trendy with it.
I Lol'd
I humbly concur.
Just fucking stop it with that.

>> No.5115925
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OP confirmed for autistic.

>> No.5115927


only for autists