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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 635x442, wendys6f-1-web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5110823 No.5110823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a list of past food fads going.

These aren't in order, though I know pretzel buns are the most recent and still going on. Every place has them now, even Safeway sells them when they never used to.

-ciabatta bread
-chipotle flavored everything
-pita bread (way back in the 90s)

I know there's tons more, I just can't think of them right now.

>> No.5110844

Wrong, the most recent fad now is stepping up the heat (finally).

McDonald's for the first time has something habanero on their menu, wendy's has jalapeno n' cheddar jack sammiches, etc.

>> No.5110856

Remember blue corn tortillas and sun-dried tomatoes?

Yuppies are not really wealthy so they exert their elitism with expensive home-cooked food (which is still hilariously inexpensive) so these kinds of fads are endless now.

>> No.5110860

I remember the ciabatta bread fad
Funniest thing, my dad got a burger on ciabatta bread twice at jack in the box.
And both times, he cut his lip on it. We aren't sure how he did it, but he did it both times.

He avoids ciabatta bread now.

>> No.5110863

I dunno. Ciabatta and pita I can get behind, but I remember these fads, and the breads they were flinging around were such shitty quality. But it's hard to go wrong with GOOD ciabatta/pita. I grew up eating canned chipotle peppers, so I can't really comment on that other than to say that a lot of chipotle flavoring tastes like ass. Especially the Tabasco sauce.

The pretzel bread thing, I do not understand at all.

>> No.5110872

My dad used to get those ciabatta chicken sandwiches at Burger King. He hasn't had any for a few years and went over to get one a couple weeks ago. The girl behind the counter looked at him like he was an alien when he asked for the ciabatta chicken sandwich. I mean it wasn't THAT long ago.

>> No.5110873

The next big thing will be aioli

>> No.5110886

That's a lye roll you faggets

>> No.5110902

I feel like aioli has already cemented itself, especially in restaurant culture. There is not one pub around me w.o a stout aioli or something.

I'm going with spicy things/hot sauce. Theres a reason hot sauce is one of the fastest growing industries and it's not all cock sauce.

Also, whatever company/ies figures out how to hang on to the archaic and unsustainable dollar menu while providing apparent value will own a lot of market share so I expect big pushes to make dollar menu items interesting despite the fact youre getting 1.5 oz of "beef" between two air buns.

>> No.5110912

what if it's made with a baking soda mixture instead of lye? WHAT THEN

>> No.5110919

I've never even seen aioli anywhere. In fact, I'm not 100% sure I know what it is. It's some garlic mayonnaise right?

>> No.5110921

but chipotle things taste good

>> No.5110928

Well, dunno about that guy but Wendy's is getting a burger with aioli and swiss cheese sauce in the next couple of months.

I think aioli at a fast food restaurant is still unheard of.

>> No.5110931

>That's a lye roll
ts not the fucking 1600s, please use modern english

>> No.5110955

Modern English was spoken in the 1600s and before, since the Great Vowel Shift which ended its course in the 1550s. You mean contemporary English.

>> No.5110959

honey mustard (90s)

>> No.5110988

And who said a liberal arts degree was a waste of money.

>> No.5111006

>implying i have a liberal arts degree
Just because I read and know things doesn't mean I didn't read maths at uni.

>> No.5111100

how DARE you question me choice of words fucking CIS SCUM

>> No.5111169
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>a lot of chipotle flavoring tastes like ass. Especially the Tabasco sauce.

What? Chipotle Tabasco is like the one thing that company makes that even people who hate Tabasco with a passion generally like. You're insane.

>> No.5111190
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yeah, who the fuck thought it was a good idea for the pretzel shit, wendys did it and if Im not mistaken Ruby Tuesdays advertised it. No one wanted a damn pretzel burger, it is too fucking salty

>> No.5111217

>tfw the michelin rated restaurant i work at has a burger w/a pretzel bun

>> No.5111251

how is it too salty? pretzel bread doesnt call for more salt than a regular hamburger bun

>> No.5111258

>expecting a tire company to know anything about what constitutes good taste

>> No.5111263

8/10 I chuckled a little

>> No.5111464

Pretzels aren't salty though? Unless you specifically buy salty pretzels.

>> No.5111837

MCD already won that imho. They also make sure to have localised version of the dollar sandwiches as well. The one's here for instance have a MCsmazak - basically fried eidam in a bun. And even their other stuff like porkyburger, chickenburger etc are incredibly popular.

As far as full menus,
imho the problem fast food places in Europe for instance face, is that they just can't compete on the price with normal restaurants during lunch hour.

It's not a dollar menu, but you can get significantly bigger meals, better cooked in the realm of something like 5 dollars (aka roughly for roughly the cost of a standard luncheon voucher) and fast food menus tend to start at something like 7USD

>> No.5111859

I found pita bread annoying mostt of the time and actually detracted from tthe taste

Now ciabatta bread is something I would love to make a comeback. I thought that was the shit and made shitty burgers awesome

>> No.5111878

>fried cheese in a bun
We have that in Italy, too, but not at McDo. Cotoletta di formaggio. Usually, we use a smoked cheese and the sort of cheese used varies region to region. In my area, it's provola affumicata.

>> No.5111881

Not that anon, and though I agree that Tabasco's Chipotle hot sauce is quite tasty, it doesn't really taste that much like chipotle peppers.

>> No.5111889

Not that guy, but I went to the USA recently and tried a lot of hot sauces whilst I was there, a lot were good, particularly melinda's habanero and homemade thin red salsas at the better mexican places, but chipotle and jalapeno tabasco were just bad, the chipotle one tasted nothing like actual chipotle peppers or paste and the jalapeno one tasted like soap (no I don't taste cilantro as soap)

I always thought I liked original tabasco, but it's been so long long since I tried it, maybe all tabasco sauces are bad?
Also, Franks redhot is terrible, but I tried that here in bongland

It seems, like with the beers, there are load of great american hot sauces, but its best to stick to the small brands.

>> No.5111891

Well fried eidem is basically a pub food here normally (and sometimes the only vegie dish next to a wannabe ceasar salad you can find)

Breaded, fried eidam or a brie like cheese

MCd removed the fries and added a bun more or less :P

>> No.5111896
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>ciabata bread

I hated that

>chipotle anything

everything tasted like smoked bullshit. NOPE

>pita bread

Not bad......

>Pretzel buns

FUCK yes. Hope it isn't a fad and stays.

>making foods spicier


>blue corn tortillas and sun dried tomatoes

I still buy both, excellent.

>honey mustard

its fine and still popular. I guess not as popular as the 90's

>> No.5111901
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Haha, here, too.
We serve it a few ways. One is in a sandwich (pic related). Another is on a plate topped with a simple tomato sauce and eaten with a knife and fork along with some fried potatoes.

We have a growing Indian immigrant population who've latched onto the cheese cutlet and a few Indian-run fry shops sell cheese cutlet sandwiches with curry sauce. So. Fucking. Good.
BTW, are you Czech or Slovak?

>> No.5111977
File: 63 KB, 741x436, wendy_baconbluesite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked this burger and ordered it a few times while it was around.
I can't believe it was five years ago already.

>> No.5112046

>breaded fried fat with fat sauce in a sandwich with extra bread
I love you Europeans and your inane hatred of protein and nutrients

>> No.5112050

but bleu cheese and bacon burgers are not anything new. that's an american classic, especially if it has carmelized onions on it. I can't believe there's no name for this sandwich

>> No.5112057

And yet we live longer than Americans and Australians. Odd that.

>> No.5112060

that's because statistically speaking Americans eat too much, exercise too little, and have shit health care. that has no correlation

>> No.5112064

And yet you're obsessed with Americans. Odd that.

>> No.5112066

And Aussies?

>> No.5112069

Nah. Mistaken.

>> No.5112072

no idea but if I had to guess it's the fact that the country is filled with a large amount of untamed and deadly animals such as 20 meter long tarantulas, sugar ray kangaroos, spitting scorpions, and abbos

>> No.5112091

You. I like you. But you forgot dropbears.

>> No.5112135

Czech. If I were slovak, the cheese would probably be something slightly better than the cheapest possible Eidam.

Though they do like their Halusky and other similar stuff.

>> No.5112140

hey, cheese has protein.

>> No.5112174

Bacon in/on everything is still a fad.

I saw a few stores in the southwest that had "artisanal" vinegar -- is that a thing now?

>> No.5112191

Cool. Czechs are total bros.

>> No.5112204

artisanal / locally sourced / hand-crafted everything, is a thing.

>> No.5112208

to be fair it has 7g of protein to 8g of fat, but that's still more than twice as much fat calories to protein, and you have to consider how much of the total sandwich that amount of protein is making up

>> No.5112216

think of it like macaroni and cheese > goes well with beer edition
And your pasta has been a saviour to us all. That or actually using some bloody fresh herbs

>> No.5112232

> -pita bread (way back in the 90s)
~85/86 or so BK had an ad campaign for sandwiches sold on pita bread.

Shit used to crack me up. The jingle sounded kinda like how the "Galileo" is sung in Bohemian Rhapsody, but they said "eat a pita" (sounded like eedah peedah). Once at the pool my dad accidentally bumped into this fat hoodlum chic and she immediately spun around and said, "Muthuhfuckuh, eat a pita!". He didn't watch tv at the time so hadn't seen the commercials. He looked stunned. When he snapped out of it he looked and said, "did she just ask me to suck her cock???"

> Dat BK innuendo

Pure novelty, had zero to do with health. Health was something fast food places pretended did not exist, therefore they had no options for even insinuating one thing was "healthier" because that implies healthiness not only exists, but something on their precious menu is unhealthy.

>> No.5112263

I can take no credit for pasta, but I thank you for the thought.
I forget: is it you guys or the Slovaks who make egg cheese? Or both of you?

>> No.5112281

macaroni and cheese is a side dish
you can only peddle it as a main if you add in a copious amount of chicken breast or bacon

>> No.5112297

> I think aioli at a fast food restaurant is still unheard of.

Arbys has it on a few of their sandwiches. The Angus Philly is one.

>> No.5112321

I'm not entirely sure what egg cheese is to be honest. In which case I'll assume it's slovaks that make it.

>> No.5112327
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right now Carls Jr and a few other places are going through a "Freshly Baked Bun" phase.

>> No.5112335

>freshly baked
>at our distribution warehouse 500 miles from here
>5 days ago

>> No.5112372


nah dude... they give them raw dough to proof and then ....

i dunno dude i think i may have to try it . People are saying good shit:


>> No.5112378

Wendys had a "brioche" that they later had to admit was just a regular bun that they put butter and egg on and threw in the toaster oven.

>> No.5112399


I don't know wher ethe fuck you heard that. Stop listening to the source of those dumb rumors. A simple google fact check shows absolutely nothing resembling what you're saying.

The closest thing I can find is that Wendy's does indeed have Brioche buns now...


>> No.5112442

Wendy's has a new burger and chicken sandwich with chipotle sauce, jalapenos, and pepper-jack cheese. They're $1 a piece. Fucking crazy.

>> No.5112451


Well burger king has rodeo burgers and mcrib burgers for 1 dollar

>> No.5112515

That's still awesome as fuck. I love dipping fries in them.

>> No.5112901

You know what, I have no idea what a dropbear is. Yet, I don't think I want to know. Right now, I picture grizzly bear paratroopers descending from the sky and mauling children on their way to school. And I think I like that more than whatever it could be. Damn this American blissful ignorance.

>> No.5112904

MSG free food
Gluten free food
"cruelty" free food
Organics (Yes I know it's better, but holy fuck Having to move from the city in texas because californians came and my local market quadrupled in price)

and let's not forget the biggest food fad of them all these past years.

Food trucks

>> No.5112909

I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson

>> No.5112910

>gluten freed food
Fuck, please no. No more fake allergies and ppl that claim some kind of "bizzaro celiac" that only affects them when it's not chocolate cake...

>> No.5112915


Let' me put it this way, Normal soup mix, Carrots, green and white onions, celery, a green bell peppet and bacon scraps, pre-2006 was 5$, then after katrina and the californina migration everything went insane. Visiting my friend for her graduation in dallas again, the market was insane, and the prices for the same soup mix would be around 20$


everything else is just from going somewhere with a friend and listening to some asperger's "DOES THIS HAVE GLUTEN? MY LIPS GET TINGLY FROM GLUTEN I MIGHT BE ALLERGIC :c"

>> No.5112921

I want to make a dinner for a lot of people, and ask if anyone has any dietary restrictions. When someone says "I can't eat gluten" (as if I would have to ask for someone to tell me this, I know I wouldn't have to ask vegetarians because I'd know their dietary choices before I ever mention food), I'll nod knowingly and assure them that I'll make suitable food.

Then I'll claim that everything which can be passed off as gluten-free is, and personally give my assurance to Mr. Celia Ack that the food will fit him personally. Of course nothing will be gluten-free. Then, when he's forced to run to the bathroom to shit the next Filipino monsoon into the can, I'll listen to his symphony of breakwinds and assoons before throwing the door open with a wide grin and declaring
>being an actual gluten allergic

>> No.5112923


>being in the south
>being this closed-minded

remember the alamo ;w;

>> No.5112937

>things that do not comtain gluten labeling them as "gluten free"

oh my fuck this pisses me off so much. Some dumb soccor mom bitch is gonna walk by and be like "OHH WOW I SHOULD BUY THAT ITS GLUTEN FREE!"

>> No.5112955

Sometimes I use bread flour, which is higher in gluten than all-purpose flour, in recipes that just call for all-purpose. It doesn't make them any better. Sometimes it makes them worse. Dammit if I don't get half a boner from eating extra gluten for gluten's sakt.

>> No.5112976

I work at Hardee's, it's frozen dough that's put in racks to thaw and rise, then given an egg wash and baked. Every night with this shit.

>> No.5113575

Mediterranean food
Mediterranean food
Mediterranean food
Mediterranean food
all gluten free everything

The "everything soy" is slightly fading out.

>> No.5113583
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you inbred hicks disgust me

>> No.5113618

i imagine they use par-baked buns. its really not that hard to bake fresh baked bread as you have an oven.

a distributor sends you frozen par baked bread, then you put it in the oven to brown it and give it that crisp, and it will taste virtually identical to fresh baked bread that wasnt partially baked and frozen

plenty of places are already doing this since its so easy and doesnt require you to mix out the ingredients and form the dough, etc

>> No.5113624

Pretzel buns have been a bar thing for years. The Habanero burger at Mcdonalds wasn't habanero spicy.

>> No.5113626

Bacon and Bleu Cheeseburger

>> No.5113630
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lol how the actual fuck dude.

>> No.5113640

>ciabatta and pita bread are fad foods

>> No.5113645

>bleu cheese
It's fromage blue, Pleb.

>> No.5113649

yeah, I'm not French so its Bleu Cheese

>> No.5113650

Considering a lot of people on /ck/ right now are older than ciabatta, it can be said to be a fad, I guess? I wouldn't call it a fad, but If memory serves, ciabatta was invented in 1986.

>> No.5113659

>new things are fads

>> No.5113662

>yeah, I'm not French
Yet you spell blue, "bleu".

>> No.5113670

Reread the post to which you're replying then contemplate why you're wrong.

>> No.5113673

because its not blue cheese, its bleu

>> No.5113674
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But that's what the label says. I bet you've never even had specialty cheese.

>> No.5113679

Are stacks a fad?

>> No.5113688

Is bleu a word in English?

>> No.5113689

I eat well, live in a cosmopolitan city, and have traveled extensively in the world. I don't care if marketers have convinced you to say, "bleu cheese", it makes no sense.

Do you say French pain or Français bread?

>> No.5113693

I bet you don't even pronounce it "bleu", you just say "blue".

>> No.5113694

>lives in a cosmopolitan city
>still calls it "blue cheese"

Cool story bro. Enjoy your processed garbage cheese, I'll be eating bleu, swiss, and pepperjack with the other patricians.

>> No.5113701

that doesn't matter, I call it bleu cheese along with millions of other people

>> No.5113784
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Food coloring changes. Remember when Pepsi was clear? Blue?
Remember purple ketchup?
It tasted wrong because of the color, with my eyes closed I couldn't tell, but looking at it it tasted off, somehow...

>> No.5113824

Millions of fucking idiots.

>> No.5113835

>Organic food

>> No.5113950

>thinking bleu, swiss, and pepperjack are patrician cheeses
>can't even name a specific cheese


>> No.5114355

But it is blue cheese. It is called blue cheese because of the blue conidia of the Penicillium (P. roqueforti) it is inoculated with.

Bleu is French for blue. Even if the cheese is from France, it makes no sense to think calling it, "bleu cheese" is more correct in a nomenclatural sense.

The fact that you think "bleu cheese" is one thing and consider swiss and pepperjack cheese to be superior also negates any opinions you have on this matter.

>> No.5114373


>> No.5114380
File: 15 KB, 230x219, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you know better than the people who make it
Just because you've never heard of pepperjack doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Go eat your kraft singles, pleb.

>> No.5114382

ctrl + f

>0 results found

>> No.5114386

No it wasn't, but it was spicier than I thought it'd be since it was from McDonalds.

>> No.5114391

Greek yoghurt

>> No.5114397

Americlaps trying and failing to sound somehow more classy or continental.

>> No.5114570

>tfw I had greek yogurt, avocados, and kale in some form today

Goddamnit my diet really does consist of a lot of trendy anglo-white-girl "diet" foods but it's only because I genuinely enjoy them

At least I never make things gluten free (on purpose). I love wheat and carbs too much to do that.

>> No.5114577

Slapping the word "Artisan" on everything

then charging 20-30% more for it

>> No.5114588

Those are fads? I've been enjoying them my whole life because I've had competent parents.

>> No.5114621

Ciabatta is a fad because even though it's been around for awhile mainstream fast food and deli places weren't really using it. Then around 2006 or so I think Jack in the Box introduced a ciabatta sandwich and suddenly fucking EVERYONE was rolling out their own ciabatta sandwiches for the next year. Every where you went it was ciabatta this, ciabatta that. And then as suddenly as it came about it just died off and they went back to using regular buns like nothing ever happened. That is why it was a fad.

>> No.5114622
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>No one wanted a damn pretzel burger, it is too fucking salty
confirmed for never eating a Pretzel Burger

>> No.5114630

>Then around 2006 or so I think Jack in the Box

How the fuck do you people know this much about fast food?

>> No.5114638
File: 121 KB, 640x480, HPIM1851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived it, man. Very fond memories of getting a ciabatta burger at Jack's and going to watch the tides while feeding seagulls some of my fries. Pic related, I took it on one of the days I did this little picnic. They were my bros for an hour.

>> No.5114639

Actually according to my picture data that was taken in September 2005, so I was off by a year.

>> No.5114652

picture take 2005, modified 2014....
jesus man fix your pics more often.

>> No.5114663

What, fix it how?

>> No.5114675

Diet sodas.
DIY sodas.
Pistachio nuts.

>> No.5114682


God I hate that word. But TCBY had been around in my town since the 80s so for me it wasn't a fad, it was just as common as Dairy Queen. Though why you would choose TCBY over DQ I have no idea.

>> No.5114725

Advertisements were mispronouncing it.

>> No.5114738

I remember /ck/'s mascot, Alton Brown, riding the acai train pretty hard back in the day. Then I sought it out and saw it was $25 per bottle and realized what a hack/hipster he was.

>> No.5114781
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It has less antioxidant shit than blueberries or concord grapes.

>> No.5114796

but not the modern, "toppings you scoop/choose" sort, surely

>> No.5114814

I didn't even realize those were a thing until last year when I moved to a new town. I swear to god on almost every street corner is some "do it yourself" yogurt place where you walk in, press the nozzle, load it up, then they weigh it and charge you. The first (and only) time I went to one I was so confused because I'd never seen anything like it. There was no one even working there, I thought, so I just sat and waited for another customer to come in so I could observe the method. Finally someone came out from the back to take their money. It would've been easy to just fill up a bowl and walk out with it, I swear.

>> No.5115035

What's so elitist about cooking at home? It just sounds like a good time and a great bonding experience if you do it with friends or family. Why so negative anon?

>> No.5115066

I actually had some fun looking up Middle English and comparing it to modern day speech thanks to you. Thank you!

>> No.5115094

Your welcome.
You know people still speak Old English? Yup. On a tiny little island no one cares about. They call it "Icelandic" now.
How odd that you would post this when not a minute earlier I was listening to Icelandic songs.

>> No.5115119

>you're welcome

>> No.5115157


Angus beef! Burger King had their angus and then McDonald's did and Jack in the Box and really none of them were very good.

Greek yogurt! I don't understand this trend greek yogurt is fucking gross.

Serve it yourself frozen yogurt! You're still paying top dollar for it, but now you have to do the majority of the work! The ultimate fuck you.

Frappucino ripoffs! McDonald's did it, now everyone's doing it! McD's and BK's are okay, but they're full of sugar which is probably why they taste decent.

Also, fancy ass chicken strips. When Carl's Jr. pulled that ad campaign about chickens not having nuggets and introduced like long, breaded premium white meat chicken strips, so did McDonald's (Chicken Selects) and Jack in the Box and a few other chains. Carl's Jr.s current chicken strips (hand breaded tenders) can be bomb as fuck provided they're made right and are fresh.

I'm really hoping poutine catches on in the US as a food fad. In lieu of that, this recent "spicy trend" has me hoping that one of these fast food chains will finally come out with a spicy chicken sandwich that actually has some fucking teeth.


Are these any good? The "fresh baked" biscuits are pretty great.


>gluten free food

Where the fuck did the idea that gluten is unhealthy for a wide variety of people come from anyway? I'm seeing all these racks of bizarre store-brand gluten free food at Safeway now and I just keep wondering why the fuck they're there - probably just to catch some health crazed mom like >5112937 said.

>> No.5115188

I hope pretzel buns are here to stay. I love them so much.

>> No.5115205

There's those that are ass-blasting intolerant of gluten and for a huge swath of other people it causes gas and bloating and too-hard poops. They just chalked it up to their diet and moved on. Gluten-free lets this second group of totally common people eat healthier too. Plus, gluten ain't all that. We could stand as a culture to have less of it, maybe encourage some fucking fibrous vegetables in our meals or something.

>> No.5115249
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>> No.5115250


>> No.5115300


>> No.5115391

everytime i eat at wendys i end up shitting my asshole

>> No.5115430

something is wrong with you

>> No.5115436

Better than shitting your nose I guess.

>> No.5115458

Using that stuff over the Red Devil *will* get you sneered at in Primanti Bro's.

>> No.5115462

>MSG Free

I only see this pushed heavily at Chinese restaurants.

>> No.5116538


>> No.5116544

>still being this butthurt over kraft singles