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File: 259 KB, 444x420, mcdonalds-Egg-McMuffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5109006 No.5109006 [Reply] [Original]

Let's examine the Egg McMuffin for a moment.

For a breakfast sandwich, it's really quite restrained. One egg, one slice of lean Canadian bacon (or ham or whatever you want to call it), one slice of processed cheese, and one English muffin.

Total is 300 calories, or less, depending on where on the planet you get it. Compare it to some of McD's other offerings like the Sausage Burrito (often eaten in pairs) or the Steak, Egg & Cheese bagel. Much less indulgent - and the flavors aren't even that strong. Whereas the sausage of the Sausage McMuffin with Egg is sort of in-your-face (but tasty), the meat in the regular Egg McMuffin is very subdued, adding just the right accent of salt to the egg. The sandwich as a whole is on the drier side, with just enough moisture provided by the fried ingredients plus liquid margarine.

It's a low-key, balanced sandwich that's not even that bad for you, and it's easily the best thing on the McD's breakfast menu. Truth be told, I'm kind of amazed it's still around as American tastes have gravitated towards heavier and more distinctive fare like the McGriddles and McSkillets.

>> No.5109038
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It's boring though. There's a reason the SE&CB and other stuff came out... they have better flavors. Minced beef seasoned with black pepper plus grilled onions, egg, and hollandaise? Fuck that sounds a lot better than a McMuffin.

>> No.5109034

IF i have to run to a fast food place for breakfast, Either this or a plain sausage mcmuffin (without egg to save on the kcal's) is my go to. If you get the sausage with no egg, get some grape jelly on it. fucking boss.

But you're right OP, it is a good sandwich for what it is

>> No.5109047

It's utter bullshit that a sausage mcmuffin w/o cheese is on the value menu, but the egg mcmuffin costs like tree fiddy

An egg mcmuffie and a black coffee is actually fairly healthy by fast food standards.

>> No.5109043

>grape jelly

You just reminded me of a recipe someone at work shared for a certain sauce that they use with meatballs and cocktail weenies. They mix Heinz Chili Sauce and grape jelly.

It sounds horrid to me but they swear it's awesome.

>> No.5109051

Yes. It's fantastic. Honestly, it's pretty much the only thing at McDonald's that I will choose to eat completely out of my own volition.

>> No.5109059

I'm dead serious. It's amazing. Next time, order a Sausage Mcmuffin without egg, ask for jelly, and put that shit on there like you would ketchup.

The sweet/savory combo is to die for

>> No.5109064

That's because they use actual eggs, while the sausage is a fun mix of shit. Eggs are pricier which is sad

>> No.5109084

The meat in the regular Egg McMuffin... ham, canadian bacon, whatever the fuck it is, tastes like industrial strength cleaner smells. I can't stand it. It's not food. It's cleaner. I swear if you take if off the sandwich, you could use it for a scrubber.

>> No.5109086

Eggs are cheap as fuck though. Wouldn't mind paying a buck fiddy for an egg muff.

>> No.5109104

the processed shit they make the sausage out of is cheaper. That's the quality of meat we're dealing with. It's amazing they get it to taste as good as they do

>> No.5109125
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No. It's because the Egg McMuffin is still more popular than the Sausage McMuffin, so they can charge more for it. The quality of meat used in their sausage isn't nearly as bad as you make it out to be. It's possible to get a lot worse. Pic related. Dunkin' Donuts, now there's truly shit quality.

>> No.5109134

>buying breakfast sandwiches when they're easy as fuck to make at home

I don't like making burgers at home because I have to remember to buy some decent ground chuck and it stinks up the place, but who the fuck doesn't have eggs and some kind of bread at home?

>> No.5109150

I love the concept itself, which I make at home often. But McDonalds sucks dick. Theirs may be a pop culture staple, but their rendition of it is terrible.

>> No.5109157

>dunkin donuts

don't even get me started. They have gone so far down hill quality wise they are passed the valley and going back up hill. Shit hill. It's like krispy kreme became popular and they said, "fuck it, let's throw in the towel"

>> No.5109248

Not by fast foo standards. A single egg might cost something like 8-10 cents. That sausage? Probably goes for 1-2

>> No.5109303

I went there once for my first time a few months back. The fuck, it costs almost twice as much as McDougies, but is somehow worse quality.

It's like the taco bell of the fast food breakfast world.

>> No.5109308

Nothing there is prepared on site even more. Not even the donuts. Everything is shipped in frozen, then heated up in a microwave or baked. I would rate DD's as the shittiest fast food joint for this reason alone

>> No.5109311


lol, that's not true.

>> No.5109456

>It's possible to get a lot worse
>meat worse than mcdonalds
Mcdonalds buys literally the lowest grade meat that the FDA allows them to sell to the public. It is legally impossible to get worse meat.

>> No.5109477

No they don't. It's cheap because they're literally the number one restaurant purchaser of meat. Buying in bulk makes it cheap, as well as controlling the logistics of the entire operation.

>> No.5109590

In NZ you can get a egg, bacon, cheese and double sausage mcmuffin, it's ridiculous. Great for hangovers

>> No.5109623

McDonalds owns much of their supply chain all the way back to the ranches where the cattle are raised.

>> No.5109948


As long as you get JUST the mcmuffin it's an ok breakfast health-wise. And coffee is ok too. But once you start loading it up with extras like, say, a couple of hash browns then it's not so good anymore.

Which sucks because their weird hash brown slabs are actually pretty good. I like mine with Arby's Horsey sauce.

>> No.5110317

mc donald's eggs are atrocious.

it's the only thing in McDonald's I can't tolerate

>> No.5110624

Iktf I fucking love those hashbrowns so much

>> No.5110706

I like to make my own version of this at home (usually with toast and salami). I wish I had the little rings to make the egg circular. It'd make life easier.

>> No.5110718

But I really dislike english muffins. If I need to get breagast at McDonalds it would be a biscuit thing. I don't remember what options they have.

>> No.5110731
File: 102 KB, 640x480, 2172124851_bd0376d269_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of beef would be best for replicating the steak bagel?

>> No.5110737

Soggy cardboard.

>> No.5110743

probably a highly peppered salsbury steak from the freezer aisle but without the gravy

>> No.5110954
File: 45 KB, 350x244, 23.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crossiant sandwich>egg mcmuffin

>> No.5111107


I guess you don't like real eggs then, because that's what those are. They just crack them inside a teflon ring to get the puck-shape and then break the yolk and cook them on the griddle. You would get exactly the same thing if you did it at home.

Plenty of YouTube evidence if you want to see.

>> No.5111268

>I guess you don't like real eggs then, because that's what those are

you amerifats just don't know how real eggs taste like.

Eggs I eat come from my parent's small, personal chicken coop.

Those at McD's come from chicken who have no beaks and are living in their own feces unable to move.

>> No.5111270

just because they come from real chicken it doesn't mean they are high quality.

Mc Donalds eggs have no taste at all.

>> No.5111289

Not everyone lives out in bumfuckistan in the boonies like you and your folks do.
If I didn't live in an apartment I'd def have chickens though, fresh eggs from the farmer's market are fucking awesome

>> No.5111352


They're Grade A large eggs the same as you buy in the grocery store. THEY'RE FUCKING REGULAR EGGS

>> No.5111365

>buying eggs from anything other than natural diet free range chickens

>> No.5111372

yeah i love those things

the egg white mcmuffin is pretty fucking good too.

thats really the only thing i go to mcdonalds for, even though its not very often. egg white mcmuffin, hashbrowns and milk

>> No.5111375

maybe in your plebeian grocery store

grading eggs by their size you just prove you don't care about egg quality

>> No.5111378

If you raise chickens for eggs, you better have the stomach to kill them when they stop producing or the money to keep them as pets. It's not all cutesy fun and games, y'know.

>> No.5111376

yep. love me some torture-eggs. you can just TASTE the chickens' misery. mmmm goes great with hot sauce.

>> No.5111387

In all honesty I buy regular eggs because I couldn't really taste a difference. Dairy on the other hand I can really taste a big difference and I am willing to pay more for grass fed dairy. Red meat I find does taste better but I just cannot afford it at the moment.

>> No.5111393

>people get too squimish to kill a fucking chicken
Please tell me this doesn't really happen.

>> No.5111398


If an Egg McMuffin comes with Canadian bacon, and a Sausage McMuffin with Egg comes with sausage, then why isn't an Egg McMuffin a Canadian Bacon McMuffin with Egg?

>> No.5111435

chicken are ridiculously cheap in keeping if you are having them just for your own.

you toss'em some seeds, give some water and that's it.

>> No.5111453

This is my favorite mcdonalds breakfast food, and the fact that they kept the 2 sausage egg mcmuffins for $3 deal for so long is fantastic.
If only they improved their coffee.
>running late for work, have to stop by mcdonalds
>2 mcmuffins and a medium coffee
>ask them to put a couple ice cubes in it, because I want to be able to drink it at a safe temperature
>get the coffee, cup is cold to the touch, but i don't notice at the time
>these niggers filled the entire fucking thing with ice
>don't have time to turn around to complain

>> No.5111460

An old hen makes good broth. It's a saying we have meaning something like "even something old and seemingly worthless has a use."

>> No.5111499

Because it came first.

Also a sausage mcmuffin doesn't have egg. A sausage mcmuffin with egg does though.

>> No.5111503


I *said* Sausage McMuffin with Egg.

But if a Sausage McMuffin has just sausage, then why doesn't an Egg McMuffin have just egg, instead of egg and Canadian bacon?

>> No.5111507

Because it would be called an Egg McMuffin with Egg.

>> No.5111513


no it wouldn't

>> No.5111518
File: 94 KB, 427x640, mcdonaldscreepymfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>yfw you realize that the Egg McMuffin is an eggs benedict sandwich

>> No.5111525

Wheres the hollandaise?

>> No.5111528

You ask for the stuff they put on the steak bagel.

>> No.5111534

>Scrambled egg
>No hollandaise
You just went full retard. But I do have a funny story about eggs benedict sandwhiches.

>Dad is going fishing with two of his buddies
>Makes them all breakfast, his favorite eggs benedict
>One guy doesn't know it is a knife and fork dish
>Takes two, makes a sandwhich
>Tries to take a bite and it explodes everywhere
>Everyone laughs and asks if he has ever heard of silverware
>They are good friends so the fool took it in good humor

>> No.5111554
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Tried. They're either confused or they flat out won't do it because they don't know what to charge.

They did have an Eggs Benedict McMuffin a million years ago but I'm sure even that wasn't actually hollandaise.

>> No.5111555


there's a sauce on there, tastes like hollandaise. Official page calls it "liquid margerine", it's got citrus flavor in it.

>Peterson developed the Egg McMuffin, which has become a McDonald's breakfast signature item, in 1972. Peterson was said to like eggs benedict, so he worked to develop a breakfast item which was similar to it for the fast food chain.


>> No.5111568

And the egg isnt poached.

>> No.5111570 [DELETED] 


Good luck ever getting a poached egg at any fast food place

>> No.5111580


That's an obvious sacrifice to make it a sandwich, otherwise egg yolk would go all over the place.

It is half steamed, half fried though. About as close as you can get to poached while still making a flat, non-runny egg.

They crack the egg into a ring-mold, then put on a cover than drips water into the eggs as they cook on the flat top.

>> No.5111592

Yeah, so its kinda poached, but over cooked.

>> No.5111595

yeah, plus it makes a nice flat stackable disc-shape so it doesn't fall out of the muffin sandwich.

>> No.5112106

>not getting a mcgriddle
shiggy diggy doo

>> No.5112109


Eh, I don't really need the sweetness in my breakfast sandwiches. I'm good with savory/salty.

>> No.5112142

It is good. My mom does that.

Stop being a fucking ponce.

>> No.5112149

>shiggy diggy doo

2012 called. They said you were A FAGGOT.

>> No.5112152

I've tried hard to like these things. Seems they're always on sale, they're one of the least-unhealthful breakfast item, and I love all the ingredients individually.

However, I like my muffins toast a bit dark and crispy. McDs... Can't even tell they were toasted. That makes them dry to the point that I have to put mayo on it just to keep from gagging and getting the hiccups after the first bite.

>> No.5112162
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Egg McMuffin is good, but I always have to order with a hash brown. Those two combined is a god damn disgusting grease bomb of fuck.

So, no matter how good it is, I still get 2 sausage burritos with picante sauce and a water.

>> No.5112190
File: 38 KB, 600x242, 112_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If not for the fact that 2 of those little burritos is about (I think) 700 cals, and you really do have to eat 2 of them to be satisfied, I'd have them more often. They're good stuff and I don't think they've changed much, if at all, since they first came out in the late '90s.

I only wish they still had the Hot picante sauce instead of the Mild.

>> No.5112196

You must love semen.

>> No.5112200

Got a McGriddle once. It made me sick.

>> No.5112546

Didn't they have a bigger breakfast burrito for a while?

>> No.5112572

>best thing
Every time I've had one it was clear that it had been sitting out for half an hour, and they overcook the egg to rubber because of muh salmonella.
You seem to be analysing it like it's actual good food. Why?

>> No.5112579

>saying you've had the shittiest version
>judging it based on that

Ask for a fresh one with an "undercooked" egg faggot.

>> No.5112723

order it without the margarine and it is basically the best thing you can on the menu.

>> No.5112804

What if I just keep the egg?

>> No.5115152

What a miracle of a sandwich