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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5106658 No.5106658 [Reply] [Original]

what is the god tier of chocolate milk?

>> No.5106660

Hershey chocolate syrup

>> No.5106672
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the type i got every friday in elementry school.

>> No.5106679
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From my hometown... Fresh Milk..... HNNNNGGGG

also: http://www.farmfreshmilk.com/home.php

>> No.5106785


>> No.5106818

Oberweis duhhhh

>> No.5106823

>Every friday
>Not every day
Nigga you go to poor school or something?

>> No.5107814
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Anyone ever had root beer milk. sounds horrible but is delicious.

>> No.5107842




>> No.5107873

vanilla milk

>> No.5107914
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I have never even heard of such a combination.

> pic related

>> No.5107957
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>> No.5107967

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.5107972



>> No.5107980

You posted it. Something about religious chocolate milk just gives it that nudge above the rest.

>> No.5107997

What's the best chocolate syrup for it anyways? I don't think I'd buy a dedicated gallon or whatever of chocolate milk but it'd be nice to have around.

>> No.5108007
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Milk + Chocolate Syrup = guess what

>The pic is the master rece

>> No.5108047 [DELETED] 


>still drinking milk

Why do you even still do this?

Name me a mammal in the animal kingdom that needs to and continues to drink (milk from its mother) after reaching full adult maturity.

Now if we're talking about making food and specialised drinks with milk that's a different issue like milkshakes and good old Milo.

>> No.5108058


>name me a mammal in the animal kingdom that needs to eat cooked food
>milk is okay when its in things I like

>> No.5108062
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/golf clap

>now go away

>> No.5108064


Because you're not consuming it for nutrition, only for luxury.

>> No.5108071
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>> No.5108072

there you go i drink it because i can, not 2 fucks given

>> No.5108076

>heat milk and a bit of coconut milk
>toss in raw chocolate powder and finely ground dry chili and ginger and cinnamon and honey
>approval seal of goddess Ixcacao

>> No.5108078
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Oberweis dairy in Chicago is the best I've ever had.

>> No.5108079


Anon, you don't NEED the internet. Maybe you should give it up.

Oh, even better.

Anon: Please name me one animal that cultivates the earth and raises crops and fruits and veggies. You don't NEED to eat all those things. Just stick to foraging.

>> No.5108081

>implying milk doesn't have all 3 of the macronutrients your body needs

>> No.5108084

coconut cream that is

>> No.5108087
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Creamline chocolate milk is the best.

>> No.5108090


Failed analogy because Internet isn't required nutrition nor affecting biology.

>Please name me one animal that cultivates the earth and raises crops and fruits and veggies.

Subject wasn't about agriculture, it was about biology and nutrients. Try again with a relevant analogy please.

>> No.5108092

Who wants to play a game called "spot the vegan shitting up a thread?"

>> No.5108093


>Implying those macronutrients aren't found in other foods already.

>> No.5108094


There really is nothing that you can make up about this company that isn't somewhat believable

I heard they put the ground up bones of third world children as filler in their chocolate milk powder

>> No.5108095

It is relavant you fucking nitwit because humans don't just eat for nutrients. We eat to enjoy ourselves as well

>> No.5108096


Not even Vegan bro. I eat a large amount of meat but don't know why so many adult people consume so much milk on a daily basis when they don't need to. Meanwhile I've played 3 different sports and never broken a single bone in my entire body nor had any joint injury.

>> No.5108101


It isn't relevant because you're straw manning by misrepresenting the point.

>> No.5108100

>Who wants to play a game called "spot the vegan shitting up a thread?"


How'd I do?

>> No.5108102

You from PA?

>> No.5108103

>It isn't relevant because you're straw manning by misrepresenting the point.

Your point is we don't NEED to drink milk. We also don't NEED to eat tomatoes. Yet we do.

You're a fucking moron I'm done.

>> No.5108105

I like truemoo but usually I just dump chocolate syrup in regular milk.

Stop giving the vegan faggot attention and report him.

>> No.5108106

You win the game my friend, you have spotted the vegan.

>> No.5108109

So you have been lucky and therefore milk is unneeded? Your logic seems to be based solely on personal anecdotes.

>> No.5108110


You're still straw manning. Tomato's are a plant and many mammals in the animal kingdom eat plants for sustenance and nutrition but none will still consume milk for this reason. Your body no longer needs to consume milk for the same thing but people still do it incessantly.

>> No.5108112

>he thinks people drink milk for all dat calcium and vitamin D
>not just because its fucking delicious

Why are you in here shitting up a perfectly good milk thread. Please leave

>> No.5108116


My logic is on the fact that there are no other mammals out there that continue to consume milk on a vast basis once reaching full adult maturity yet we're told to consume more milk daily somehow. Even large consumption of milk doesn't have any relevance to bones and teeth in adults.

Nobody has still managed to name one one mammal yet in regards to my original point.

>> No.5108119

>Nobody has still managed to name one one mammal yet in regards to my original point.


/argument, please fuck off this thread

>> No.5108124


>Name me a mammal in the animal kingdom that needs to and continues to drink (milk from its mother) after reaching full adult maturity.

So you continue to drink milk from your mother?

>> No.5108129


Actually that doesn't fit because homosapiens don't NEED to drink milk once they're adults.

>> No.5108130
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>Your body no longer needs to consume milk for the same thing but people still do it incessantly.

How is that different than any other food? Or other human activity, for that matter? There are very few things in this world that we "need" yet we still do them anyway. Nothing unusual about milk in that regard.

>> but none will still consume milk for this reason

Lol, what? You've never been around a farm, have you? It's actually problematic to keep other animals away from a nursing mother; they can often out-compete the calf/lamb/etc. which needs the milk most of all. Also if there's any milk lying around various other animals love it, even if they cannot digest it.

>> No.5108134

most animals are opportunistic and will drink milk if offered. I just gave a bottle cap of lactose free milk to my rat to prove this. He loved it. Just because they are unable to obtain it themselves doesn't mean they won't drink it if offered. There are also plenty of cases of cats drinking straight from a cow's teat.


>> No.5108141


>privileged child

>> No.5108142

I've always used ovaltine for my chocolate milk. Sometimes I get the chocolate malt kind to mix things up.

>> No.5108145


i've made that myself, i didn't know it was actually a thing. it's basically a melted rootbeer float. delicious.

>> No.5108150

>My logic is on the fact that there are no other mammals out there that continue to consume milk on a vast basis once reaching full adult maturity

I just quoted yourself. I win

"need" wasn't in is last question. Fuck you

>> No.5108149


>How is that different than any other food? Or other human activity, for that matter? There are very few things in this world that we "need" yet we still do them anyway. Nothing unusual about milk in that regard.

Because we consume far too much of it when we really shouldn't consume so much of it.

>Lol, what? You've never been around a farm, have you? It's actually problematic to keep other animals away from a nursing mother; they can often out-compete the calf/lamb/etc. which needs the milk most of all. Also if there's any milk lying around various other animals love it, even if they cannot digest it.

Isn't that just because those animals aren't fully matured yet anyway and still wanting to drink milk?

>> No.5108155


>"need" wasn't in is last question. Fuck you

It was in the first post. Scroll up and read again.

>> No.5108156

Name one animal that creates and eats bread.
Name one animal that catches and eats both tuna and cows.
Name one animal capable of going to space.

Just because dumb critters don't do it, doesn't mean we can't.

>> No.5108157

I just linked a video of a fully grown mature cat drinking milk from a cow. Also, my rats are about 2 years old at this point, definitely mature. It's okay to reformulate your opinions on things when you've been proven wrong, anon.

>> No.5108160


How old are your rats? Surprised that cat was drinking milk considering most are lactose intolerant. Isn't that more of a case of domesticated animals consuming what's on hand though than their natural eating and hunting instincts?

>> No.5108165

Why is it some anons feel the need to enter threads they really don't care about only to shit it up with useless shitposting?

Name me one other mammal that feels this need.

>> No.5108166


>Name one animal capable of going to space.
Dog and Monkeys.
>Name one animal that catches and eats both tuna and cows.
>Name one animal that creates and eats bread.
A man made substance? No idea.

>> No.5108180

>Because we consume far too much of it when we really shouldn't consume so much of it.

Why shouldn't we consume so much of it? What is the problem exactly?

Oh, and before someone posts "it's not natural", you should drink soy "milk" instead, let me point out that it's likewise not "natural" to drink the juices from the ground up reproductive organs of plants.

>>Isn't that just because those animals aren't fully matured yet anyway and still wanting to drink milk?

Sometimes, but not always. Many animals love milk. As others posted cats love it even though they are lactose intolerant. Likewise for hedgehogs. One year we even had a squirrel who would steal milk from the kids (baby goats). The squirrel would run along the fence on the goat pen then hang from it and suck the milk right from the tip of the bottle that the goats were supposed to drink from.

>> No.5108183


Tuna aren't salmon bro. Ocean fish, not river fish. How is a bear going to get in deep ocean water to catch a fish that can swim three time as fast as the bear can run?

>> No.5108184

Just stop it anon. I can barely see the goalposts from here

>dogs and monkey developed rocket science
>bears eat tuna

lol no.

>> No.5108188


>Just stop it anon. I can barely see the goalposts from here

I'm not moving anything. I'm asking genuine questions of inquiry here.

>> No.5108191


Leave a Tuna alone for a bit on your boat. I'm sure a bear will find it eventually.

>> No.5108197
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>Leave a Tuna alone for a bit on your boat. I'm sure a bear will find it eventually.


>> No.5108202

>ctrl + f
>no results

It's like I don't know you guys anymore...

>> No.5108210

>Ocean fish, not river fish.
Salmon are ocean fish my friend, just because they are born in rivers doesnt mean their life cycle takes place there. If a salmon tries to go into fresh water before the right time in their life they die, just like any other ocean fish.

>> No.5108245


>> No.5108762
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Thread won

>> No.5109336
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