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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5105705 No.5105705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

sup /ck/, /fit/ here

How do I into sauces for steamed chicken? The lesser the number of ingredients the better (because I want it to be as calorie-light as possible.) Thanks.

>> No.5105712
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>> No.5105710

To clarify it's steamed chicken breast fillets. Also does adding herbs and shit on the water contribute to flavor? I just rub some salt and lemon juice on it and add some milled pepper and tarragon leaves and it tastes alright. I want it to be more than alright tho. Pls respong.

>> No.5105713

>/fit/ here

This is never necessary. But as for taste with few calories, deglaze the pan with balsamic vinegar while scraping the frond and pour that over the top.

>> No.5105717

Lime, Thai chili, and salt as a dipping sauce. It's breddy good bruh

>> No.5105719

>steamed chicken breast fillets

Jesus no. At least pan fry you faggot. Asking for sauces is like putting lipstick on a pig.

>> No.5105720

Google hollandaise and mornay sauces.

>> No.5105722

Hot sauce

>> No.5105727

Drench it with boiled heavy cream, its single ingredient so its calorie light, right?

>> No.5105735

Just to set the precedent that taste would be secondary. I just want it to go down easier.

Gonna try this.
>dipping sauce
How about sauce that are on the chicken. Sorry I'm retarded.

I mean other than that.

>> No.5105738

>steamed chicken
I just threw up.

>> No.5105740

Tomato sauce

>> No.5105745


I would like to avoid heavy use of fruits for sauces because dem sugars.

>> No.5105756

>Just to set the precedent that taste would be secondary

Go back.

>> No.5105760

Holy shit, you must be trolling.

Tomatoes are healthy, and so is fat in moderation.

>> No.5105758

Least calories: herbs and dried spices
Otherwise, look into low-fat broth, vinegar, fresh squeezed citrus, yogurt bases, etc.

Try a low fat tzatziki sauce (greek yogurt, cucumbers, garlic). I just used a greek yogurt/hummus mixed dip tonight. And I always braise or slowcook most of my meat when I want to eat healthy. Then you have broth afterwards that tastes much better (and if you want to remove the fat, just refridgerate overnight and then remove the solids). Steaming chicken sounds... awful. Even baking with dry spices (cumin, turmeric, Cajun, etc.) would be miles better to my taste buds.

>> No.5105763

Nothing wrong with the sugars in fruit. Matter of fact, it doesn't behave the same way that can sugar does in your body at all.

>> No.5105768

>muh 0 fat diet

go back to fit and read the sticky you pleb, eating small amounts of fat is still ok unless you're a competitive body builder

>> No.5105770

Pureed chicken cut with chicken broth. This is the only answer.

>> No.5105778

How do I into spices into sauces? Would add tzatziki sauce into the list.

but muh macros

>muh 0 fat diet
It's actually 60-40-20/ protein-fat-carb.
I just want auxiliaries (read: for taste) in my diet to have as small a caloric impact as possible.

>chicken on chicken
Interesting. I just blend some cut up chicken with broth? Then what?

>> No.5105780


I seriously doubt that dude is concerned about health, he even probably wants to lower his body fat percentage to a point where he would look like a balloon animal and will suffer terribly from simplest diseases, because there aren't a lot of things in the world that can push a man to eat steamed chicken breasts. Even prison food is better than that.

>> No.5105788

No, at 13% currently looking to drop to 9%

I eat steamed chicken breasts because I can't cook and it's fast. I can get my broccoli and chicken done in one go with minimal prep and cleanup time. Yes I know to take the broccoli out sooner than the chicken.

>> No.5105791

Then add salt, pepper, and whatever else to taste. (poultry seasoning, rosemary, cayenne, whatever the hell you want it to turn out like)

>> No.5105792

>Low fat Ranch
>Low fat Honey Mustard

>> No.5105800

I already do this but directly on the chicken. Are there any conflicting herbs and spices I should watch out for?

What's the ratio?

>> No.5105806

Yes. But taste is subjective, as is trying to describe the taste of herbs to someone who doesn't cook with them.

Trial and error breh.

>> No.5105813

Try making a gravy analog by stirring some cornstarch into some chicken stock with your preferred seasonings and cooking it until it thickens up enough to coat a spoon

>> No.5105817



>> No.5105818

>implying you should cook it until it coats the spoon

You'll be left with chicken-flavored drywall paste when you take it off the heat.

>> No.5105820

Give guideline. If it were up to me I will use (and have used) all the spices. It was and tasted like a clusterfuck.

>preferred seasonings
No please. You're talking to a guy who is okay with steamed chicken which was only salted and sprinkled with lemon juice. This is also an exercise in building and acquiring taste while still maintaining cutting calories.

So how thick should it be?

>> No.5105822

He say no tomatoes and shit cause sugars
Basically he wants nothing

>> No.5105834

Should be a watery slurry. Buy some better than bouillon and corn starch. Shit's cheap, figure it out.

As for spices, buy an entire rack. Go through your main rotation of steaming chicken and add one spice to it until you've acquired a taste. It's not hard. Honestly, chicken is probably the most versatile of all meats because of its lack of flavor, so you would be hard pressed to think up a spice that would completely ruin the dish.

>> No.5105836


So I got
>Lime, Thai chili, and salt as a dipping sauce.
>tzatziki sauce (good stats)
>ketchup, low fat ranch, low fat honey mustard
and the gravy.

Thanks /ck/

>> No.5105839

just read the thread. this guy shitting me? tomatoes have like 3g of sugars.

>> No.5105847
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> steamed chicken is a waste of time

Just google Fish en Papillote

>> No.5105855

not to mention, salsa is like 5 calories per 2tbsp. you'd have to be an idiot to think it's a bad idea.

>> No.5105873


What makes you think that chicken and fish are the same thing?

>> No.5105882


I am not saying that at all just different options. Also it does not take a long to steam fish when compared to chicken breast.

>> No.5105899

That picture is way too hip for me. I'm out

>> No.5105935


>sup /ck/, /fit/ here
>all these responses

Just ask /fit/, nobody wants you here. (No offence, it's just that /ck/ does have it's own user-base, and isn't just a place for other boards to ask about the shit they ingest.)

>> No.5105959


Yea, we need more of these types of threads.

>> No.5106185

Add parsley to lemon and salt and you are legit. I don't see a lot of ways to make it taste better without adding fat, I guess it makes a rather challenging problem, even if kinda pointless. You can use meat in something, like shredding it and putting in vegetable soups or rice with chickpeas, you can make those stuff pretty low-cal and no fat, they will not be very good but they will be much better than plain breast, mix it with different vegetables, etc. Don't limit yourself to a piece of breast with a side of veggies, because that doesn't leave a lot of options.

Also you are like some asking /fit/ how to get jacked up real quick without lifting, so don't be surprised people snapping at you.

>> No.5107515

>/fit/ here

If you get nothing else from this thread get the message that you should pass this on to your friends for the love of God.

>> No.5107534

you are a disgusting person, OP

>> No.5107655

Don't steam chicken, so much of the flavour of chicken is in the brown parts when cooking it dry which you don't get from wet cooking methods.