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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5104716 No.5104716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you had kids (or if you do now) how often would you give them fast food?

Growing up it was a staple in my house. Literally every single day without fail my dad would pick me up from school and on the way home we'd stop by some fast food place. From elementary all the way up to high school it was like this, so I just accepted it as normal. Needless to say by 10th grade I was 220 lbs. I had a very extensive collection of Happy Meal toys too.

I wouldn't deprive my kids of it, since if it's banned it just makes it more tempting and exotic, and they'll be more likely to gorge and OD later on it. But idk, maybe twice a month?

>> No.5104722

>If you had kids (or if you do now) how often would you give them fast food?
Nearly never. I come from a tradition of cooking and frugality, that alone would mean I'd be loath to ever give them stuff from McD's.

But given all the other problems with it as food I'd be even less inclined.

>> No.5104725

I don't think I've ever eaten at places like McDonalds with my parents unless we were on a road trip or only had a quick stop at a train station.

I think you should just not replace a home dinner with take away. It's pointless. You can still make something they will love, like hamburgers or pizza once a week.

>> No.5104733

Kid wants a burger? Make it at home fresh, fast food doesn't have to be unhealthy.

>> No.5104734


I don't know if I'd want them eating it when their younger. Granted, as teens they would probably eat it eventually. But from what I can tell with my friend's kids, given the choice, they would rather eat fast food than meals prepared at home. Almost as if they're addicted. I'd feel lazy feeding them fast food.

>inb4 hipster douche parent

>> No.5104744

>I wouldn't deprive my kids of it, since if it's banned it just makes it more tempting and exotic

That's not always the case. I was raised in the US; both of my parents are good cooks and they cooked nearly every meal when I was growing up. The only exceptions were nice restaurants when it was someone's birthday or other special occasion. My parents never too me to fast food. It's wasn't tempting or exotic, it was a non-issue entirely.

I clearly remember the first time I got McDonalds. It was on a high school trip--I was excited to try out what I had heard about, and I loved hamburgers. Well, what I got was nothing but disappointment compared to what my parents cooked at home.

I wouldn't ban it--but I wouldn't make a big deal about it either. Kids find all sorts of things exciting--but fast food shouldn't be one of them. You want to take your kid out and have a good time? Sounds great. Just pick a different activity.

>> No.5104749

I'd probably do the same my parents did: Never take them there, but I wouldn't act all anal if they get invited to a birthday party there or something.

My parents took me to decent restaurants from an early age and both were good cooks, so I developed a good palette before I first went there. Thought it was awful. Still do. But to each their own I guess.

>> No.5104753

I had to travel to school around 20 km everyday via train, so I was eating at McD's pretty much every day.

I still was skinny and healthy because I fucking moved my ass around a bit.

>> No.5104757

I grew up with my mom making Hamburger Helpers and Campbell's mushroom soup on a regular basis, so to me McDonald's tasted damn good in comparison and was a real treat to have.

>> No.5104772

I grew up in a house where fast food was seen as something trashy, sort of a guilty pleasure. Mom was also proud of the fact she was a reasonably good home cook (still is, thankfully). We had fast food maybe ten times a year when I was a kid. By the time I was a teen Dad's career had taken off, so instead of ever having fast food we'd just go out to a nice restaurant.

When I raised my boys I imparted the looking down on fast food thing to them. When they were kids they had it maybe once a month. Then they went through the teenage rebellion thing, and started eating it several times a week. Then they got fat, put two and two together and stopped eating it.

Now they're out on their own, living with their girlfriends. I'm proud to say both of them are reasonably good cooks.

>> No.5104987

> fast food doesn't have to be unhealthy.

But it does have to be fast.

>> No.5104993


>Kid wants a burger? Make it at home fresh, fast food doesn't have to be unhealthy.

Making junk food at home doesn't make it healthy, Jamie Oliver

>> No.5105011


That depends. Homemade food automatically has many advantages over fast food:
-it's fresh rather than frozen
-no preservatives, binders, texturing agents, food coloring, or other questionable additives
-you get to make it out of your choice of ingredients

on the other hand, you can certainly over-eat homemade food just as easily as fast food. If you don't know what you're doing when you fry something you could make it just as greasy as eating out.

>> No.5105015

4 oz of beef, vegetable toppings, and bread really isn't unhealthy. Plus you can use better quality meat and not overcook it to death.

>> No.5105016

I used to live like that but I learned to cook and am greatly enjoying it. I'm also close to breaking 200lbs so I'm going to start dieting so what sporadic trips I took to the McDonald's are about to be phased out.

>> No.5105019

Fat person here.
My parents never gave me fast food. So I grew up frustrated and ended up eating way too much junk food as soon as I could choose what to eat.

>> No.5105023


Advantages, yes. Making your own version of an already unhealthy food doesn't turn it into healthy food though. Your homemade cookies aren't healthy, your homemade cake isn't healthy, your homemade burger isn't healthy. At best it can be called healthiER than what we already consider to the be the unhealthiest things you can eat, which isn't an accomplishment

>> No.5105028
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>Needless to say by 10th grade I was 220 lbs

Because you're a lazy glutton with no self control that's going to go to hell for your sins. Ate fast food daily (sometime twice daily) as a kid and I always was average or below average weight. Still eat it 3-4 times a week and only 140lbs (5'8").

As long as they stay away from McD, I let my kids eat anything they want IF they're hungry.

>> No.5105033

>your homemade burger isn't healthy
>a burger
>the unhealthiest things you can eat
How much fucking cheese and ketchup are you putting on your burger?

>> No.5105037


Paleo, please go

>> No.5105041

the only healthy burger is a veggie burger

>> No.5105066

Are you fucking serious? I just got done eating a handful of Doritos. How the fuck is a hamburger paleo? It's got baked bread and cooked meat.

>> No.5105069

>unhealthy food
The idea of food being unhealthy is silly. Patterns of eating are unhealthy, not foods. Sure, some foods are better everyday foods, while others should be "once in a while" foods if one wants to have a healthy pattern of eating.

There's nothing unhealthy about a burger. Eating one every day is probably unhealthy, though.

>> No.5105070

I struggle with bouts of terrible depression and despondency once shit starts piling up. I mange these bouts, but the take about a month maybe six weeks until I am on the other side o-f one of them. They tend to hit every three or four months. During the times that I am "well", we don't eat any fast food and eat very healthy, home cooked meals. When I am out of commision, we will eat 9-10 meals a week from fast food, usually in the form of pizza and leftovers. It actually makes me feel worse to eat this way, and I feel guilty for feeding my child unhealthy food. I am on medication and see a therapist, but the bouts still come. If I were ok all the time I wouldn't allow us to eat fast food unless it was a special occasion, every three months or so. I see more behavioral problems in my child when we are eating poorly. When we are eating a balanced diet my child has virtually no behavioral problems. We are not overweight, I have actually lost several pounds in the last three months, but I know if I continue to subscribe to this lifestyle that my child (two years old) will grow up to be overweight, he will grow up to be an asshole. So I am trying to find a way to make the depression cycles stop, or at least be more manageable.

>> No.5105072

I'd probably just give them it as much as I give it to myself, which is maybe once every few months. If they asked for it, I guess I'd need to sort something else depending on the request frequency but I'd be happy with once a month.

>> No.5105082


>Based on nothing at all and ignoring all scientific data

That's the world you want to live in, but I'm afraid your ideal isn't reality.

>> No.5105087


>There's nothing unhealthy about a burger. Eating one every day is probably unhealthy, though.

Why do you think that is?

>> No.5105115

>>At best it can be called healthiER

Yes, that was the extent of my point.

That being said, there's nothing unhealthy about the concept of many fast foods. A hamburger can consist of freshly made bread, freshly-ground meat cooked to order, and an assortment of veggies as a topping. If you're a vegefag then you can use a portabello mushroom cap in place of a meat patty. There's little that's unhealthy about that--it would have zero artificial additives and a variety of food groups represented--in fact, it's quite a well balanced meal. The real problems with "Fast food" are the absurdly large portion sizes and the poor quality ingredients, both of which can be addressed by making the food yourself.

>>Your homemade cookies aren't healthy, your homemade cake isn't healthy
Yep. but what do cookies and cakes have to do with this topic?

>> No.5105118

>nothing unhealthy about a burger
depends upon the burger
mass produced buns will have more added sugars
mass farmed beef will have more omega 6 fatty acids and less omega 3 fatty acids
processed cheese will have less fats and more protein derivatives
vegetables such as lettuce and tomatoes will have differing type of nitrates depending upon growing conditions.

Unless you are talking about added arsonic or salmonela nothing is truly unhealthy. Most food do not have a quick or noticable effect on your health. And if you eat it in limited quantities your body will be able to process the food with no noticeable negative effects.

However if we are looking on a scale comparing like foods to each other, certainly it could be said that the items on the bottom half of the scale are not healthy.

>> No.5105123

You're feeding pizza to a 2 year old?

>> No.5105125

>Why do you think that is?

Because any and all foods contain some nutrients but not all. Therefore eating any one food exclusively leaves you with too much of some things and deficiencies in others.

Eating nothing but hamburgers would indeed be unhealthy. So would eating nothing but carrots.

>> No.5105136

I don't know what went wrong with your relationship with food that you have to label it "healthy" or "unhealthy", but I feel sorry for you.

"Don't eat that, it's not healthy," is a terrible way to bring up kids. Because opinions about whether specific foods are good or bad for you are everywhere, and often contradictory. It's much easier to explain that some foods are everyday foods, while others are once in a while foods.

>> No.5105137


Oh. Food isn't made up of tens of thousands of different compounds that react with our bodies in a myriad of ways to produce good or bad results? What a relief, the only thing that matters is nutrients, not the source of the nutrients and their effect on the body. Whillickers, I'm off to eat some poison ivy for vitamin C. Surely it's no worse for me than an apple, I just shouldn't eat it every day because it's so healthy that eating it regularly may make me sick

>> No.5105143

>Implying cheese is unhealthy

>> No.5105149

I realize how poisonous fast food is. It's made out of literal garbage ingredients. So why would I see that shit to my kid?

>> No.5105150

>That's the world you want to live in, but I'm afraid your ideal isn't reality.

And what data would that be?

It is actually silly to discuss the health of specific foods because what matters is the total intake as a whole. Humans require a variety of macro and micro-nutrients. A "healthy" diet should provide all of the required nutrients that a person needs. In other words, there are certain minimum standards that need to be met. At the same time the diet should not contain excess amounts of things which can be harmful. Some of these are easy--they're bad no matte what, like trans-fats. Others are tricky because some nutrients are actually dangerous if over-consumed. Vitamin A, for example. Don't get enough of it and you can go blind or even die. On the other hand, get too much of it and that can kill you too.

Looking at one specific food at a time is silly because what matters is the big picture: are you getting all your micro/macro nutrients, and are you eating too much of those things which are harmful in excess?

>> No.5105157

Guys, the anti-burger anon is clearly a troll. Notice how he isn't actually making any points and is simply provoking you? Yeah. He's not even very good at it, you're just all really easy.

>> No.5105159

my mom used to take me to mcdonalds like twice a year and then I would go to birthday parties there like once a year. I like fast food now but I'm not crazy about it. Twice a month seems like a LOT for a kid to me

>> No.5105164

Sir, you are inferring something that wasn't thought or stated.

I meant to say that he would have to use a lot of cheese and/or ketchup for it to be blatantly unhealthy.

Did you just compare eating meat to eating a blatantly poisonous plant? Your tunnel-vision is making your look horribly short-bus.

>> No.5105167
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Now the meat guy and the cheese guy are going to argue about whose favorite food is less unhealthy

>> No.5105170

But the more cheese added the healthier it will be

>> No.5105172

>And if you eat it in limited quantities your body will be able to process the food with no noticeable negative effects.
This is my point. If you eat a reasonable diet like a sane, rational, informed person you can have a shitty fast food burger once in a while with no ill effects, if that's your thing. Or enjoy some foie gras, or a piece of cheesecake.

These foods are indulgences. They're not meant to be eaten often. They only become unhealthy when they are.

>> No.5105173
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>Some of these are easy--they're bad no matte what, like trans-fats

Guess what's found naturally in meat and dairy products

>> No.5105176


>Others are tricky because some nutrients are actually dangerous if over-consumed. Vitamin A, for example. Don't get enough of it and you can go blind or even die. On the other hand, get too much of it and that can kill you too.

That's only shitty animal-based vitamin A. Retinol can be toxic in large amounts, beta-carotene has no toxicity level.

>> No.5105179

>Oh. Food isn't made up of tens of thousands of different compounds that react with our bodies in a myriad of ways to produce good or bad results?

Yes, that was my point. Different foods contain different nutrients, and at the end of the day what matters is your total intake of those nutrients, not the sources of each one. Everything in total is what matters in the end (and that includes the "bad stuff" as well).

Eating poison Ivy for Vitamin C would indeed address your Vitamin C needs. Of course it would also be silly since most people are allergic to it. But I'm curious why you even brought this up? Discussing what is in your food also means avoiding bad things in there as well, and surely that disqualifies poison ivy.

So what is it in a hamburger that you think is equivalent to eating poison ivy?

>> No.5105181
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>I realize how poisonous fast food is.

It's not poisonous, it's just a once-in-a-while food. There's nothing bad about it, just eat as few of it as possible. But it's not bad for you though

>> No.5105184

i got it like once a month or something when i was a kid.

personally i think pizza night every friday or two would be fine

>> No.5105185

>Guess what's found naturally in meat and dairy products

Not in enough quantity to matter. Also, the trans-fats in dairy are actually not the dangerous variety.

>> No.5105187

>There's nothing bad about it
In all honesty, there is the taste of it. Most of it tastes bad.

>> No.5105188

But you ignore my second point, that that only counts on a absolute basis. We can certainly label foods that are less nutritious to be unhealthy

>> No.5105193


>Yes, that was my point. Different foods contain different nutrients

"Compound" does not only mean nutrients. Food isn't just made of vitamins and minerals. There are different things independent of nutrition we extract from food that compose what the food was made of. Some things have a clear benefit on our bodies, some things are a clear detriment. If you don't even understand that, don't enter discussions about the health effects of food. Life isn't a cartoon, you don't push some vitamin A and iron together and have it morph into spinach. The natural world is complex.

>> No.5105196

about 2-5% of human milk fat is trans fats

I hold that any food with 2-5% trans fat content has a healthy amount of trans fats

>> No.5105198


So? You've discussed one nutrient out of thousands. Any of the metals (zinc, copper, iron, etc.) fall into the same category. Heck, so does water: drink too much and you die.

Point is that for any nutrient there is a balance which must be maintained. Eat too little and your diet is unhealthy due to deficiency. Eat too much and your diet is unhealthy due to toxicity. A proper diet fits within both of those restrictions. It must contain enough nutrients that you are not deficient in anything and at the same time it must not contain toxic levels of anything either. And aside from silly examples like "durr, eat poison ivy or polar bear liver" just about any food can satisfy those goals, depending of course on the rest of the diet.

>> No.5105200


>Not in enough quantity to matter.

Trans fat in any amount are deemed toxic.

>Also, the trans-fats in dairy are actually not the dangerous variety.

That's bullshit the industry started spouting after trans fats were discovered in their products.

>Trans fats are the absolute worst thing, there is no acceptable amount to have in your diet.
>>guys, we found trans fat in meat and dairy

>> No.5105215


that's in women with trans fat in their diet

>> No.5105216

>We can certainly label foods that are less nutritious to be unhealthy
But that's taking a pretty black and white view. What about very nutritious foods that are also slightly poisonous, like spinach?

>> No.5105219

fast food?

As little as possible. However, I wouldn't mind restaurants if I am busy and rich enough to.

>> No.5105228

Parsley. Or rhubarb. Or aubergine. Aubergine has carcinogens in it. So does soy. And gluten is unhealthy for a growing number of people. Oh, and we shouldn't forget bananas and brazil nuts: they're radioactive.
Eventually, when those who hate everything that makes life bearable stop their war on drugs and alcohol and move on wholesale to their war on meat and dairy, we'll have a new war on our hands on most foods in general.
Fuck you if you eat anything but grass and icecubes. Enjoy your murder, you carrot-eating fuck. Oh, and carrots can cause skin cancer anyway, so enjoy your melanoma, faggot.
And this is what the future will look like when the vegans move on to their next crusade.

>> No.5105234
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I do not feed my child fast food. She's had small portions of fries and other minor things, so there's not the sense of deprivation, but 99% of her diet is fresh organic fruits and vegetables, legumes, local honey, multigrain wheat breads, fresh juices, organic whole milk with DHA, etc. etc.

It's had an incredible effect. Her superior nutrition has placed her in the 97th percentile for height, 98th percentile for brain development, and she rates astoundingly high for cognition, concentration, problem solving, creativity... I've basically built a super-child. Your children will work for her one day, if she doesn't rule them outright, and it's because I'm a superior parent to you. Deal, plebeians, and despair.

MFW nutrition uber alles.

>> No.5105237

if my children are going to eat junk, they will eat only the finest, cheapest, and most delicious junk: costco food court food. coincidentally trips to costco usually occur about once a month, which seems like an acceptable frequency to stuff yourself with pizza, hotdogs, churros, and soda for the price of a big mac

also the costco closest to me does something to their sierra mist to make it amazing. I don't think it has to do with the syrup, and my best guess is that they're using tap water that tastes a bit like chlorine? I have no idea but it's entirely unique to that location

>> No.5105242

How do you measure creativity? Also
>multigrain wholewheat
Which is it? Multigrain? Or wholewheat? I smell bullshit.

>> No.5105243
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>Oh, and we shouldn't forget bananas and brazil nuts: they're radioactive.

Just say "I don't understand what potassium is"

>> No.5105251


>Which is it? Multigrain? Or wholewheat?

Could be multigrain including wheat as one of the grains, and it uses the whole grain of wheat

>> No.5105253

>trying to pick and claw for validity
Your jealous tears are delicious, and my super-child will say the same of the jealous tears of your peasant spawn.

>> No.5105257

> since if it's banned it just makes it more tempting and exotic

This is a good topic. My 2 cents:

Grew up actually doing fine financially. Parents feigned poverty and actually dressed the part when we went out. For 1) haggling for major purchases (car, appliances, a piano once etc) and 2) avoid getting mugged (they called it "rolled") and 3) so they didn't have to buy things for me and my sisters.

Anyhoo, we ate out twice a year, once when tax returns came and again on my mom's birthday in the fall because her mom was always paranoid the old folks home would steal her $ so she systematically siphoned it off and dispatched Benjis left and right to her kids to disperse her banks account. Now the kids have all her money. She sure showed them. Anyways.

Mom always picked Ponderosa on her occasion. My sibblings always unanimously voted on Pizza Hut (much different experience in the early 80s--yes I'm old fuck you). Because of the mysteriousness and exotic nature of fast food I was fascinated.

Shitty ass summer camp (2 weeks, sleep at home, but it was all exercise and faggotry) in my town always went to Arby's for lunch on the last day. I signed up every year to go there for that purpose.

Fast forwarding... I used to sell my toys at school for pennies on the dollar to have enough $ to sneak out of my house and go to Arbys. Almost all of the earnings from my first fast food job was reinvested back into fast food. One of my sisters got caught with ~10lbs of candy bars she had hoarded (another item, just like pop/soda that we were teased with).

Weird thing about all that.... Parents reasoning was "blah blah fuckity fuclity your mom good woman cooks good meal" so we should enjoy that. Neither me nor any of my siblings like home cooked food and we all spent quite a while after college settling down into a "cannot eat fast food all the time" phase.

>> No.5105260

yes.every three-four months for 4-6 weeks It is either that or canned chicken chunks, wheat thins, milk, raisins, and broccoli or cherry tomatoes. I can't get out of bed on some days, so my spouse orders take and bake pizza from papa murphy's or picks up something from raising cane's. On the days I can almost function I am able cobble together the "chicken plate" as described above. The rest of the time, when I am almost alright or fine we stick to a menu plan and I cook or prepare all 21 meals per week.

>> No.5105265

Ah. That makes sense. I tend to rather dislike the flavour of wholemeal wheat flour myself. Other grains? Sure, but mix their flours and kernels into a white flour bread dough, thanks.

>> No.5105269

I ate plenty of fast food and I'm in the 97th percentile for height(6'2) and 98th percentile for IQ (mensa)

>> No.5105272

Pizzahut was so awesome back then.

>> No.5105277

Are you dying?

would you like charity meals?

>> No.5105288

5'10 180 lbs here.

Honestly, having your kids eat fast food is fine. But they need to understand that the reason for eating it is convenience and not so much for the taste. Teaching your kids about nutrition and exercise would be far better an option than never letting your kids eat fast food.

I pity people who let their kids sit around all day doing nothing and still letting them eat junk food. Play a god damn sport.

>> No.5105293
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Did you teach that autist precious pumpkin of yours how to steal shit from other people you fuck goddamn faggot? I hope she doesn't grow up to be like you, or hell, even grow up with you. You seem like a fuckin turd.

California uber alles asshole.

>> No.5105296
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I have some sort of cyclical depression that torments me, every so often. It causes some pretty painful physical symptoms as well as emotional distress. I am not dying, I just haven't found the right "cocktail" of prescription drugs to take in order to overcome my "issue".

No, I don't need charity meals. Ideally, I would like to be able to serve home cooked food all the time and take care of everything without interruption. If I had access to a bigger freezer or room for a chest freezer I would be able to cook when I am healthy and put stuff up to reheat in the oven available when I am not well.

>> No.5105315

I would never allow my children to eat fast food when the quality of the food is so shit tier.

>> No.5105361


Have you tried a low carb diet, plenty of walks without a shirt, and meditation?

All at once. If you tried them seperately I'm afraid that doesn't count.

>> No.5105435

This is the kind of mindset that grows out of the infantile notion of labeling foods healthy and unhealthy, when we all know healthy is a matter of eating patterns.

>> No.5105458

When I am well, we don't eat too many simple carbs but we will occasionally eat complex carbs like sweet potatoes, but the other stuff I haven't tried. I don't know, at this point I am willing to.
Why no shirt?

>> No.5105472


>hamburger helper

Yep. We lived off hamburger/tuna helper, La Choy, spaghettios and other such treats from as far as I can remember to maybe when I was like 10 or 11 when my mom finally started making decent money as a nurse. She was a single mother due to my father's passing at my age of 6. To this day I don't really know how to eat properly.

It's pretty much impossible to eat healthy as a child under an impoverished single parent. Maybe that's why I'm only 5'6, my growth stunted.

>> No.5105475

Are you fat, fit, thin or average?

>> No.5105479


I have a pretty big gut so I'm a bit fat but not hugely so.

I've been going to the gym recently to help fix it and I'm also dieting but apart from eating the same thing every day that i've meticulously calculated to meet all my macros while being under calorie target, I don't really know how to properly eat balanced meals.

Cooking pretty much impossible for me without a recipe, I just don't know what goes into making a real meal.

>> No.5105483

If I was to ever have kids I'd like to raise them in a smallish town or in the countryside and only if I'd made money and was financially stable.

I wouldn't mind them eating fast food once in a while as a treat or if we were in an airport but I think there has to be a limit on how much you let them eat it.
I'd much rather cook for them myself and teach them how to cook things from an earlyish age. I like fast food as much as anyone else but I wouldn't like the idea of my kids becoming used to it and expecting to get it.
On the other hand I'd hate to be one of those militant faggot parents who tells their kids that fast food is evil and that they put cow shit into the patties...

I think there has to a balance
Let them eat it infrequently and don't make a big fuss about it, but also make sure they learn proper eating habits and get used to different types of vegetables

>> No.5105498


>> No.5105527

for more vit D

alternatively get a sun lamp

>> No.5105533

Aw. I'll cook you a meal, little manlet. Watch me and you'll learn.

>> No.5105562

Pretty much this.

When they are little kids, just feed them healthy food and that'll be what they get used to and nostalgia over and enjoy. If you feed them nothing but fast food, chicken fingers and pizza and shit that's all they will ever want to eat when they get older and they'll be doomed to be fat-asses.

Don't ban fast food, just because you probably won't need to.

>> No.5105570

Whenever I feel like getting fast food.

What kind of idiot tries to plan things like that ahead of time?

>> No.5105805

I would try out a system my own parents employed when I was a kid.

It would be for special occasions only. Got 100% on a test? Sure, go out for McNuggets. Birthdays? If s/he really wishes to (I've never had McDonald's for my birthday, but many of my friends had entire birthday parties at McDonald's).

Then as they get older, the greater the magnitude of their accomplishments, the greater the reward. By the time they're teenagers, I'm pretty sure they would want dinner at a proper restaurant for their sweet 16 or when they pass their driver's exam.

All in all, it would never be a regular thing.

>> No.5105829

And another thing: On days when I'm too lazy to cook or outright unable to cook (say I was sick or the stove malfunctioned), I would reluctantly order food, but I would still try to go a step above fast food.

McDonald's wouldn't be my first choice for situations like these. I would at the very least order Chinese takeout or something. Not perfect, but a much lesser evil.

>> No.5105879


If going out for McNuggets is a "reward" then I'd hate to know what a normal dinner might be.

>> No.5105951

Kids have very simple tastes and know jack shit about reality, of course they fuckin' love McNuggets. If a 6-piece box of them is enough to please my kid, then so be it. No need to spend money on a fancy dinner for someone so young.

And even then, there's still other ways. If my kid liked Spider-Man then I can buy him a Spider-Man comic book.

>> No.5106310


>No need to spend money on a fancy dinner for someone so young

Yeah, why would someone need adequate nutrition during the most developmental stage of life?

>> No.5106318

Our daughter gets the t occasionally, butit's usually when out with other people and she hates fast food. Luckily she's hated it since she was little and her grandparents tried to get her to try some and she ate a fry and a half and just threw the nuggets on the ground for our dog to eat.
So she gets it maybe once a month but I cook the rest of the time and she'll eat anything but fast food and a majority of sweets (weird kid I know) so I'd like to assume my cooking helped out with that.

But god damn the kid loves her veggies, meats, and carbs.

>> No.5106324

>Kids luv choclates then give them choclates lolz

>> No.5106410

Your story sounds like mine, OP. I ate a mcbreakfast sandwich every day before school, and every other day some large fucking meal + extra sandwich. My mom can't cook, so she doesn't give a shit. I ended up weighing 280.

If you raise your children with fresh, natural food, I wouldn't imagine them even wanting fast food that much. Maybe once a month or so, but I would suggest the healthier options.

>> No.5106417

>got macdonalds once a year when I was a kid
>mom told me it was because it was really expensive I could only get it on my birthday
>birthdays were always awesome cause I got to have a big mac
Then I grew up and realized we weren't poor at all, mom just didn't want me to eat garbage.

>> No.5106432

I think your mom had the right idea.

My parents tricked me into thinking that we were rich, and for the bulk of my childhood and adolescence, I was a self-entitled asshole because of this fabricated affluence.

If I had grown up thinking we were poor, I probably would've been a lot more humble.

>> No.5106436

Yea I have no problem with what she did, I'm healthy and in great condition

>> No.5106485

assuming we all went out for dinner together once a week, I'd say once a month or so. you don't want the little shits to get hooked on this stuff, but you also don't want them to be the loser kids who've never had big macs.

>> No.5106531


>but you also don't want them to be the loser kids who've never had big macs

Why conform your kid to the rest of the shitty kids? Let your kid be better than them

>> No.5106544

Nah, because then they'll get shit from the other kids like
>OMG you've never had McDonlads it's SOOO AMAZING
then your kid will want it like it's the fucking fountain of youth or some shit.

Once or twice a month, don't turn it into a big deal.

>> No.5106550

>why don't you just put the whole world in home school, superman?

>> No.5106556

I'd have no problem doing what my parents did for me. Home cooked meals at least 4 days out of the week, a dedicated night out to a good, to higher end restaurant midweek, and an easy night in with some takeout pizza (from a place that doesn't suck) or fast food burgers and the occasional Sunday morning with fast food breakfast junk.

By the time I went to college and lived on my own and had control of my funds do what I wish, I of course gorged on easy solution fast food and quick-diner type places. The thing is, I got sick of it a lot faster than I thought I would and as soon as I moved out of the dorms I found myself cooking and emulating my mom's recipes on my own incentive. Now in my 40's, I find myself eating homemade food 5 nights a week again and the remaining two split between date nights with the wife and having to eat with coworkers.

Much like this guy says, having easy access to it instead of as an occasional novelty turned it into a massive disappointment.

>> No.5106580

I don't really see a reason to. homemade food is cheaper, tastes as good or much better depending on your competency, and almost as fast. the only think it cant cant substitute for is enjoyment of going out to eat, and the powerful branding effect fast food has on people.

maybe if the day has gone really inopportunely and im at my wits end ill give in and go get some mcnuggets for the kids, i dont know. if they want fast food on any other occasion, fine, but its coming out of their allowance.

>> No.5106826

if you think eating fastfood makes you unhealthy and fat, you're retarded.

the only thing you should monitor is calories, fat and sugar you eat everyday, and you'll get healthy in no time.

add to it 45 mins of marching everyday, and you'd be slim like a somali nigga

>> No.5106829
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>> No.5106834

compare one person who eats fast-food versus another who eats healthy balanced diet. which do you think would need to monitor portion sizes more and be more likely to suffer from hunger pains or work harder to not over-eat? which do you think would be more likely to suffer essential vitamin/nutrient deficiencies? which would have to exercise harder if they were to stray from their diet? really this isn't fucking rocket science. being healthy is not just about will-power and keeping track of metrics, but sustainability - i.e. making it easy for your body to maintain a long term life style.

>> No.5106843

Before I was a teenager, my parents only took me to McDonalds if there really wasn't time to cook, if we were gone all day, for example.

My parents always cooked, and still do. I'd probably give my children fast food as often as my parents used to, which wasn't often at all.

>> No.5106848

I grew up on about an 80-20 split of fast food to home cooked and have never had a single problem.

I've never even been close to overweight.

I played baseball at national invitational competitions on a diet of trash with no adverse affects.

The only negative effect it had on me was slightly higher than average blood pressure.

The only reason my diet changed is because I enjoy cooking a lot more than my family did, and there is a lot less fast food where I live now.

>> No.5106850


any retard who actually monitors calories, fat, and sugar knows that fast food is the worst possible thing you can eat in this regard.

>> No.5106851

I'm of the same mind. I wouldn't deprive my kids of it but I also wouldn't let it be a habit. It's the kind of thing that you buy them for lunch if you take them with you shopping on the weekend or on a road trip or, you know, stuff like beach days. If I ever have kids I'd try to make sure they see fast food as a special option and not one they should expect to see too often.

A friend of the family kept her child from eating fast food for like 10 years. He knew all about it but had never had it. And now that they let him make his own decisions about what he eats he's gotten fat enough that I'll bet he gets teased at school. It doesn't help that he's a little bitch... but the point about the food stands. They tried to force him to eat well without actually teaching anything, and now he doesn't have any self control.

>> No.5106858

who cares. I read articles about people who were eating Mc Donalds ONLY for an extended period of time and lost like 14 pounds.

what you eat is not important. what's important is how much you eat and how often.

>> No.5106862


>> No.5106863

losing weight is not indicative of health. just because you are thin doesn't mean you are immune to heart disease and other ailments associated to poor diet.

>> No.5106867

the teacher's cholesterol level also dropped.

>> No.5106868

Okay, just because you don't eat fast food doesn't mean you are immune to heart disease and other ailments associated to poor diet.

>> No.5106869

I think the biggest thing is not to make a big deal of it.

There were certain things in my house that became so... obsessive.... due to my parents making it so.

Like to this day, I remember that 4 Ritz crackers is a serving. But I used to get around that when I was hungry and wanted a snack, by piling them with a huge amount of cream cheese.

Weird rules about food that normal people don't follow (e.g. "We shall only go to McD on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month!) just increase the item's importance in the mind of the child.

On the opposite side, my parents just didn't keep potato chips or soda in the house, so I never developed a habit of eating chips. And I couldn't stand carbonation until my teen years.

>> No.5106875

if you think you're fat and unhealthy because of Mcdonalds, it only means you are a lazy fucking faggot and nothing else.

>> No.5106877

Never, or atleast i'd evade it like the plague

When i was a kid, we never ate fastfood because my parents cooked. I tried my first burger on a friends B-day and i hated it

I've just recently started eating at fastfood-joints a few times per year

>> No.5106878


that's a cop out. he has fucking oatmeal and egg WHITES for breakfast, and a salad for lunch.
sure if you cut out egg yoke out your diet and eat salads every day for a month then naturally your cholesterol will drop.
also his dinner was limited to the fucking value menu. fucking bacon cheeseburger and mcdouble at best. i.e. the smallest portion burgers on the menu.
no shit sherlock are you going to lose weight if you replace a steak dinner or spagetti and meatballs for a pithy kids sized burger.

>> No.5106880

did you read the fucking article. he was eating quarterpounders and big macs.

>> No.5106881

no you think that. what i think is that those who would tend to stuff their face with mcdonalds everyday are those who would be less likely to balance their diet or do what's necessary to ensure they're burning off the extra calories that eating that kind of food requires to stay healthy.

>> No.5106882

Burgers consist of
-various other veggies

>implying a beef patty with a side of salad and bread is unhealthy

If you make it at home, you can exclude all that fat and sugar and shit

>> No.5106883

might be, but this all means obesity is because of you, not because of eating junk food.

The teacher wanted to prove to his kids that McD's doesn't make you fat, being a lazy fucking faggot makes you fat.

You americans got so brainwashed by your educational system that nothing is ever your fault that you blame everybody else for your poor fat ass.

>> No.5106899

who the fuck are you even making a point to you autistic fuck?? i'm not talking about blame i'm talking about common fucking sense. please see my original post in this thread and stfu >>5106834

>> No.5106905

see >>5106829

if you think fast food (burger, pizza, chicken) can't be a part of "balanced diet" it means you are stupid fat fuck who thinks he's obese because mc donalds

>> No.5106907

i didn't post that, so fuck off

>> No.5106942

There's a difference between "Junk" Food and "Fast" Food.

Neither is distinctly good for you.
Fast food is only as bad as the nutrient balance between its elements. Some types of fast food are extremely healthy. Others appear to be healthy but have major imbalances.

Junk Food is defined as having little to no nutritional value (ie. empty calories) so eating junk food will only harm your nutrition quality of your diet.

Most people's body receive enough sugar and fats, and often too much protein.

A McDonald's "Big Mac" hamburger contains 550 calories, roughly one-quarter a healthy person's total caloric intake for a day. Half of those calories, are FAT calories. It contains about HALF of your daily intake for fat. It also contains moderate amounts of Calcium and Iron (25% each)

Seems reasonable enough, just back off the fats the rest of the day and it should all come out OK, BUT - here's the trap.

Add Large Fries to it, and that's another 500 calories, and 40% of your daily fat. That's 90% of your RDA. You'll have to stick to oatmeal and non-fatty vegetables all day in order to stay balanced. It also puts your calorie count to 1000 - meaning you've eaten half the food you should eat that day.

Add a large coke and that's another 300 calories, for 1300 in all - you've eaten 2/3rds your daily calories in one go, the soda had nothing redeeming in it, and you ate all the fat you should possibly eat for one day - if you use junk food to fill up, like a bag of doritos for dinner, you screwed yourself.

You CAN eat healthy using McDonalds. But you better screw your head on straight. The burger is generally not the problem. It's everything that comes with it.

>> No.5106951

Just a quick addendum: The double quarter pounder with cheese is 750 calories, which would take you up to 1500, and it contains about as much saturated fat as any food should EVER contain (20 grams). Eat it and your RDA is done.

I would suggest staying the hell away from it.

>> No.5107065

>I'm of the same mind. I wouldn't deprive my kids of it but I also wouldn't let it be a habit. It's the kind of thing that you buy them for lunch if you take them with you shopping on the weekend or on a road trip or, you know, stuff like beach days. If I ever have kids I'd try to make sure they see fast food as a special option and not one they should expect to see too often.
Taking the mystique out of anything is almost always the most reasonable route when it comes to instilling self control.

>A friend of the family kept her child from eating fast food for like 10 years. He knew all about it but had never had it. And now that they let him make his own decisions about what he eats he's gotten fat enough that I'll bet he gets teased at school. It doesn't help that he's a little bitch.
I've got a weird opposite extreme to that. I have a cousin who was given extremely limited fast food exposure and his parents did at least try hard to give him wholesome food his whole life. When he does rarely indulge he now has shit taste by enjoying only Pizza Hut pizza and not superior handmade local (we live in fucking SoCal for christ's sake, there's literally no excuse for lack of choice) and eating his steak well done with ketchup. He's graduating from his teens to his 20's, I'm hoping some more college exploration opens up his tastes.

His sister on the other hand, has become exactly as you described. Fast food whale.

>> No.5107803

>I had a very extensive collection of Happy Meal toys too.

do you still have them?
i would be intrested in some pics OP

>> No.5107822

Restaurant food is not "healthy". Fast or not.

eat your steamed chicken and brown rice and starve yourself thin like the healthy ones, fatty.

>> No.5107836

Wait wait wait, how cheap is McD's in the states? Fast food is expensive here in euroboo land.

>> No.5107837

My kids are allowed fast food (McD etc) whenever they want it, but I'm not paying for them to eat that crap. I'll happily make them nicer, healthier versions of the shit you can from the places like that, if they really want it. They know they're allowed to buy it for themselves and they also know how bad it is for them. My son probably gets a macdonalds like once or twice a year and my health fanatic daughter refuses to eat stuff like that.

>> No.5107851

>No need to spend money on a fancy dinner for someone so young.

Yeah, fair enough, but I think you misunderstood my point. I wasn't recommending taking kids to a 3-star restaurant. I was pointing out how horrible someone's home cooking must be for McDonalds to seem like a "treat" by comparison. Fast food is lowest-common-denominator stuff. If someone's home cooking is at the point that McD's looks like a "treat" by comparison then there's a real problem there.

>> No.5107852

I ate nothing but egg yolks for 10 days and lost weight

>> No.5107855

two dolla for burger

>> No.5107857

Oh it gets worse.

Everything sauteed or cooked with butter is likely cooked in Butter-It, a soy imitation oil with yellow food coloring.

What's scary? People prefer it because the butter taste is stronger.

>> No.5107863

Everything is cheap here in the states, barring healthcare. We are #1 in cheapest cost of foods.

Mainly due to the food industry subsidies of course

>> No.5107867

and not having to pay or treat the workers like humans

>> No.5107881

oh shut the fuck up already. cost of living is also cheaper. no one is starving.

>> No.5107890

My nephew is a pretty adventurous eater and only 4 years old, has almost always liked everything he's eaten but my family still will order him the blandest shit off the kids' menu and feed him kid cuisine frozen garbage which is fucking confusing.

>> No.5107892

>no one is starving
But that's not actually true.

>> No.5107893

you're a faggot, I'm a britfag, not some patriotifag americunt, but even i can tell you're a massive faggot

>> No.5107905

oh but it is. most poor people are actually fatter than they should be. if anything we should be paying them less

>> No.5107922
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I've worked in a pretty poor neighborhood and it seemed like there were no grocery stores and tons of fast food places. Even the corner stores served food like those nachos with that neon cheese sauce.

There was one really good pizza place though that gave EVERY vegetable topping for free, presumably to inspire people into eating healthier. The pizza was really fucking good too. It closed down within 2 years.

>> No.5107935

I don't let my four-year old have fast food more than four times per week. She only gets soft drinks when those restaurants don't have milk or juice.

>> No.5107939

>guaranteed replies

>> No.5107942

> cost of living is also cheaper

depends on where in the country you live when your life falls apart and you end up struggling for sheckles in a food service job

>> No.5107944

Why? Is that so extraordinary?

>> No.5107952

>four times per week

>> No.5107953

No bourbon for her?

>> No.5107955

Pro-tip: If where you live is too expensive you shouldn't be living there.

Crazy right?

They created the midwest for a reason. It's not only for those who gave up on their dreams

>> No.5107961

Four out of twenty-one meals isn't ridiculous.

>> No.5107966

>almost 20% of a developing childs diet being fast food isn't ridiculous
Working class pls.

>> No.5107969

You're retarded.

>> No.5107970
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pro-tip: go fuck yourself
pro-tip: moving is expensive, you can't rent an apartment without a job, and you won't get hired anywhere if you've been unemployed for any period of time. If you don't have a friend somewhere you will be homeless and any savings you have will be depleted quickly while you hustle for an income source.
pro-tip: fuck you

>> No.5107975

Nice argument there you really convinced me.

>> No.5107979

wth man, im 5'6 too
we are not manlets!

>> No.5107985

>living paycheck to paycheck
>moving is expensive
No, you go fuck yourself. You spend your money poorly on material goods while you are unable to pay your bills. No one wants you retarded coastal fucks renting because you prioritizing renting or purchasing things you can't afford and thus are a noisy jackass.

>> No.5107986

You're the tallest of the short people. Still manlets. The question is: are you a cute manlet or are you an ugly manlet?

>> No.5108010

Here in Europa I've heard of "food deserts" in America. Large areas where there'll be loads of fast food joints but no supermarkets. Is this a thing?

>> No.5108011

>moving is expensive

If you are that broke, you shouldn't have much to move. I would know.

>you can't rent an apartment without a job,
bullshit. Any place you go to you can find craigslist ads or something similar looking for roommates or tenants. You're a fucking idiot

>you won't get hired anywhere if you've been unemployed for any period of time
With an attitude like that it's no wonder you are poor and unemployed.

You can get subsidized housing, and in many cases it's free. You can get unemployment insurance. You can get food stamps to help cover your cost of living.

It's not the world and all those meanie employers keeping you down, it's your own fucking self.

Pro-tip: Get off the computer and try to find work jackass.

>> No.5108012

65% of american households live paycheck to paycheck. If you think it's just a problem with priorities, you're an idiot.

>> No.5108013


>> No.5108017

>If you think it's just a problem with priorities

Hell fucking yes it is. Look at our consumer debt. People are living paycheck to paycheck because they are more concerned with the next iPhone than a savings account.

>> No.5108018

It is a problem with priorities. And a cultural mindset in backwards rejects like yourself.

Being perpetually in debt is not normal, not acceptable, and sure as fuck not something you settle with.

>> No.5108028

I am employed dipshit. I went through the hell of moving across country to better myself. I made it through, and it was bullshit. A minefield of complete bullshit. Anyone who thinks it's so simple never had to endure it.

>> No.5108034

>pay people shit wages
>expect them to survive without accumulating debt

fuck off FBLAfags

>> No.5108036

Why don't you tell us more instead of pretending to be the poster-child of soon-to-fail fax-socialist mentality.

I hate corporations and government as much as the next guy, but I'm guessing you made some seriously stupid decisions.

>> No.5108040

Explain yourself or hang yourself in the closet. Even our dishwashers make a livable wage and have fucking insurance.

Bawww more about how your near minimum-wage job makes it hard for you to have a leather couch and 48" HD-TV with 200 channels.

You have no fucking idea what "surviving" is you pathetic leech.

>> No.5108055

what, im a man
ofc im ugly, ugly as a man can be

stop making fun of us, we're in larger numbers

>> No.5108060

>live in one the highest cost of living areas
>get paid shit
>be surprised when you can't afford things

I have no sympathy for faggots like yourself.

>> No.5108063

Aw... you're an ugly manlet? That makes me have a sad. I only sexually harass cute manlets.

>> No.5108068

>please explain every choice you made in the past ten years so that we may sit in judgement of your failures because we've been sheltered from major adversity our entire middle class lives and don't understand life.

Oh, Okay.


>> No.5108069

how tall are you

>> No.5108075

you guys are really sensitive about justifying shitty wages.

Here's a hint: When the government has to subsidize the wages of the people who work for you so they don't starve, you are paying shit wages and should be ashamed.

>> No.5108077

/ck/ used to be a place only foodies would come, now its full of assholes.

>> No.5108088

>/ck/ used to be a place only foodies would come, now its full of poor people


>> No.5108089

And the fuckin cars people drive. I make decent money, no debt, and I sock 20% of everything I earn into the bank and/or mutual funds and yet I still don't feel like I'm even close to being able to afford a new car. I've always bought 7-8yr old hondas/toyotas, drive them until they are 11-12yrs old and still have a resale value, sell it, then start over again. I live in a somewhat ghetto apt project and I have the oldest car of anyone.

My goofy fuckin neighbors make half what I do yet they both have new cars and a motorcycle they never use. I bet they whine about their credit card debt :-p

>> No.5108107

I tried to get a cheap used car, but my credit is shit and no one would approve a loan for me... unless I got a certified used for 5,000 more than I wanted to spend. Pretty cool, right?

>> No.5108128


>> No.5108146

Man, I almost hate to even post in this thread, but fuck it.
We had our son when we were both fairly young. That was some time ago, back before we even had the fast food uproars that we've had in the past several years (back before things like "Supersize Me" and things like that.)
When you're young, you think you know everything, but you don't, people under the age of 25 are still kids, whether you think you are or not. It not that people under that age are stupid, it's that they don't have enough life experience yet (aka, wisdom). And we, like most people our age at the time, ate fast food occasionally. Anyway, we didn't feed our young son fast food on a regular basis, but we did allow it very occasionally. Looking back, I wish we hadn't allowed it at all. I will say that now, though, because I do cook on a daily basis, and have developed much better cooking and eating habits since I was in my early twenties, he too has developed better eating habits. Kids learn by example. I was raised to eat a wide variety of foods, and I've raised him the same way. He will pick a a nice restaurant or ethnic restaurant over fast food any day, which is how it should be. He's also learning to cook himself now, and recently made his first whole meal for everyone. So, things are turning out just fine.

>> No.5108162

i would force them to eat it at least three times a day until it killed them because if i have kids i assume that the abortion(s) somehow failed and it is now my responsibility to return them to the fate that they deserved.

fuck children

>> No.5108171

I absolutely loathe children but even I think you're edgy.

>> No.5108236

oh, no. we live in subtropical climate. I don't think it is an issue with seasonal effectiveness disorder. That was ruled out years ago. I get plenty of sun.

>> No.5108248

At most like once a month. When I was a kid my parents never brought us to fast food places unless there was nowhere else to eat.
Kids are kids though and they always want it.
I think once a month is reasonable

>> No.5109999

Agreed. I don't blame my weight on fast food, but I would at least like to teach my kids what good food is like, and fast food is pretty much shit.

>> No.5110014

every day growing up i would sprint to mcdonalds get food and sprint back to class then sprint to the grocery store at lunch time for my daily entire box of oatmeal cream pies for lunch. i only weighed 120 pounds by the time i graduated from high school

>> No.5110041

>Rewarding children with food like dogs

>> No.5110081

>If you had kids (or if you do now) how often would you give them fast food?

Never. I know how to cook, I wouldn't expose my worst enemy to the diarrhea inducing shit from the fast food industry.

>> No.5110092

My sons take fast food as their nightly dinner 4-6 nights per week and my daughter Jaclynn takes fast food as her nightly dinner 3-7 nights per week. This is what those kids want and the church tells us 2 'let a child do unto itself as those u would have do unto it' so 2 me this means that if they want 2 eat fast food as their meal then the Lord's message is 4 them 2 do that.

They look healthy 4 their size.

>> No.5110202

as a mom with depression, if you are at that level, you need to have your child taken away until you get stable. you aren't actually caring for your child. if your husband is unwilling to ACTUALLY pick up the slack, neither of you deserve to have children and i hope you are on birth control.

>> No.5110213

growing up my mom and i had breakfast at mcdonalds on fridays before school. that being said. it was different then. yea, its always been bad, but its gotten worse. my son has eaten fast food twice. both times i was out and about much longer than what was planned and couldn't get home to feed him real food. i think that should be the only time they get to eat fast food.

>> No.5110267

>pay people living wages
>suddenly they think they're properly middle class
>pick up a $350/mo car note, a small mortgage, and some credit card debt and they're back to paycheck-to-paycheck

See this happen all the time with my co-workers. $12-13/hr is a hell of a lot better than minimum wage, but it's still jack shit in the real world. It's amazing the lifestyles some of these people pull of of their asses, but I know it's going to bite them in the end.

>And the fuckin cars people drive.
Also, related.

>random coworker bitching about how she's literally broke til next paycheck
>trying to make me feel sorry for her so I'll buy her lunch or some shit
>that night see her drive out of the parking lot in a fuckhueg shiny late-model SUV

>> No.5110373

yea, we make $14 an hour and drive a car where we have to manually flip the mixer door to turn on the heat because it doesnt make sense for us to buy a new one right now and we are two people. once we have our new baby and his two kids living with us, THEN a second car would make sense. only then does it make sense to purchase a car, but not a new one. an older one will work just fine. i hate people who feel the need to have a status symbol. i'd rather not have the stress every month than drive a new car.

>> No.5110430

I did one of those moves. It was certainly a goatfuck. Seemed like every person I dealt with had their greedy little hands out. Even the shitty apartment I rented screwed me. Charged me 2 months deposit instead of one, because "well, you're from out of town, how do we know who you are?".

>> No.5110436
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I come from a family where we never eat fast food and I can remember growing up and going out to a restaurant dinner less than 5 times a year. We had wholesome, 2 veg, 1 starch 1 protien dinners with a pre-meal salad. I grew up being a perfect, maybe even slim weight

Now, as an adult, i sometimes get fast fast food but basically try to ignore it, i know it's awful for me and honestly it tastes awful unless i'm stoned and starving. I go out to eat a lot though, all the time. Asian and tex-mex restaurants are my favorite and i've put on 20 pounds....

>> No.5110486
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Every day cause I don't know how to cook unless you want spaghettios and grilled cheese.

>> No.5110536

Definitely not more than once a week, same goes for soft drinks and buying lunch from the school canteen

Better find a good wife son

>> No.5110597

When i was young, my mother used to take me to the McDonald's just on special occassions (like birthdays or when i had good grades at school and besides that only once or twice a year)
so i was growing up thinking McD's is some fancy restaurant or something.
I was really surprised when i turned the teen age, started to go there with friends and realized it's just low-tier restaurant with shitty unhealthy food.
Still love the mc's food tho.

>> No.5110741

Maybe like once a month
I don't want my kids to experience McDonalds for the first time then fiend on it

>> No.5111338

Two months deposit is standard in most places I know.

>> No.5111474

I used to get it CONSTANTLY and I turned out fine. Never went overweight, almost underweight at times. I'd let my kids have it, but obviously not let them go apeshit like my parents did.

>> No.5111697

Man I wish I could buy plate sized buns, I sooo want to make a huge burger :(

>> No.5113017

That isn't even nearly close to the truth OP. Just because they don't eat it early on, doesn't mean later it's going to be some sort of fucking constant indulgence. If a kid grows up eating healthy, alongside a generally good diet, eating fast food won't be something they find a savior of nutrition. If anything, it's the other way around. Feed your kid fast food for 5 years as they grow, then deprive them, it'll become that exact problem.

That being said, I won't feed my kid fast food. At all. What's the point? I'm a good enough cook to top mcdonalds, bk, and Wendy's burgers and fries, so why would I feed them that fucking garbage?
Just so you fat shits know, that's what the food is. Garbage.