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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5103856 No.5103856 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /ck/ bros. /Fit/ faggot here, can we have a thread going with more of those?

Tired of eating my fucking chicken/rice erreday

>> No.5103858

/fit/ only want's one thing from us... I feel used.

>> No.5103860
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OP here, bumping with what I have (not much)

>> No.5103864
File: 308 KB, 563x723, Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all bitches!

>> No.5103872
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>> No.5103881

You know about ck.booru.org, right? Just search for the tag /fit/ or fit there.

>> No.5103897

sweet anon, thanks a lot!

>> No.5103900
File: 106 KB, 640x430, 1341540990628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only does the idiot who slapped together these images seem to have never seen a recipe before, but suggesting eating 1g protein per pound of body weight everyday is possibly going to give some people kidney problems.

>ingredients: onion
>directions: chop onion
Straight up retarded. Not even going to get into how stupid that OP pic is from a cooking standpoint.

If someone is seriously suggesting a blanket "1g protein per lb. bodyweight," then they can kindly go step in front of moving traffic, please. And doing it under the pretense of trying to help people get "fit" ffs.

>> No.5103904

/fit/ you stupid tard. It's for bodybuilder

>> No.5103939


I recently started lifting and I've been taking 2 scoops of whey, which is equal to 1 gram to 1 pound of body weight.

How is that going to give you kidney problems?

>> No.5103951

>implying the majority on /fit/ are bodybuilders

Clearly, you are one naive fuck.

>> No.5103955
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Not him, but maybe he thinks that the ammonia produced by amino acid metabolism might reach dangerous levels because the kidneys wouldn't be able to work fast enough to remove it as urea.

Which is a decent claim, but I doubt that this level of protein consumption would lead to complications unless you have some genetic disorder that limits this process.

>> No.5103956

You spelled fat basement dweller wrong.

>> No.5105902
File: 21 KB, 400x299, 1343016379114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the guy who said the kidney thing. Dunno if you're still lurking, but chronically eating too much protein can be harmful to your kidneys, apparently through this mechanism.
I've had a nutrition and a food science professor both advocate caution when considering protein supplements because of the long term effects it can have on one's kidneys.

I know quite a bit about whey and whey supplements, though I discontinued using them long ago. As an extremely active bicyclist, I take no supplements. Though /fit/ has some knowledge to offer, I seldom browse because its mopstly idiots and feels threads. You probably are quite familiar with Scooby's blog. Research his infinitely more satisfying and arguably safer sources of complete protein such as chicken breast. Basically I think it's too easy to overdo protein when you're taking it as a supplement. Also that whey isolate crap isn't very well regulated, as I'm sure you know.

>> No.5105917

>not eating for pleasure

May as well go on a nutraloaf diet at that point.