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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5098816 No.5098816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Easy to cook student foods.


>> No.5098821

You've just ruined my fleshlight for me. Thanks asshole

>> No.5098831

Sweet baby Jesus fetus that image obliterated my sides.

>> No.5098840

Nothing good or worthwhile comes without struggle or sacrifice.
Now go back to your ramen and natty lite beer pong. Bro

>> No.5098848
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Fuck then just recommend anything kinda cheap.

>> No.5098853

Cheesy fun pickle balls

1 jar of pickes
1 pack of american cheese
1 pack of boiled ham slices
1 ball of string
1 jar of mayonaise
1 jar of lemon curd

>lay the sliced ham all out
>top it with american cheese slices
>add 1 pickle ontop of each cheese slice
>top with some mayo
>top some lemon curd ontop of that may
>pinch the ham together and tie at the top
>preheat microwave for 2 minutes
>microwave for a further 3 minutes

>> No.5098873

beans and rice.

>> No.5098874

That sounds fucking disgusting
Beef stew.
Fresh veggies of your choosing and a pound of beef. Bam
Matza ball soup.
Matza meal. Egg. Celery. Carrot. Tater. Chx.
Another bam for thay ass

>> No.5098886

Sweet, I've always wanted to facefuck Gary Coleman

>> No.5098932

>das it mayne

>> No.5098951

whatcha talkin bout anon

>> No.5098970

Why don't college students just bake more?
Put chicken and french fries, or vegetables in the oven, google at what temperature and how long, done.

Can even use a toaster oven, and it'd save them on electric/gas

>> No.5099027

because we don't want to eat fricken oven food everyday, some of us like to cook but the issue is we're too poor for whatever reason. Not OP btw, just poor student who likes to cook

>> No.5099077

>the issue is we're too poor for whatever reason

You know exactly the reason why that

>> No.5099087

Chilli and spaghetti bolognese are pretty hard to fuck up and don't require too many ingredients to eat. Fajitas are great and only take like 15 minutes if you buy a kit thing. Pasta, with tinned tuna mixed in and tomato sauce / tinned tomatoes and some spices for flavour, maybe add in some veggies of some kind.

Google for simple recipes, I can't be bothered typing them out for your lazy ass.

>> No.5099088

Rice & Beans with Vitamin Supplements.

Buy discounted scrap cuts near close from your local butcher.

>> No.5099156

yeah I do, I wasted some money in first year on take away and drink. Since then I've had periods where my disabled fiancée has had her benefits removed and I've had to help support her, that's where my money has gone

>> No.5099171

Baked beans

>> No.5099264

dominoes? cheap? for a single meal with a half price off you're still spending a tenner. I don't think you understand cheap or cooking

>> No.5099269


nono. the game dominoes. you play it while you eat the beans and toast.

>> No.5099347
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I usually eat a bowl of ramen with steak
>pic related, how I eat my steak

>> No.5099376

no stove I'm guessing, so melt a little butter in a 9inch pie pan in the microwave to coat it,scramble a couple eggs and pour into pie pan and throw a 8 inch tortilla on top...microwave for 2-3 minutes,fold in half and eat on the way to class.

>> No.5099383

pitta bread, toast it and stuff with meat and/or vegetables

>> No.5099381
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The easiest and less expensive you can get. Plus it's delicious with a little tabasco and heinz chili sauce in the broth

>> No.5099521 [DELETED] 
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>marrying a cripple/retard
you could prob do better, anon.

>> No.5099569

everything bean and rice related

>> No.5099645

Some people marry for love

>> No.5099660

go eat in the school cafeterias like you are supposed to.

>> No.5099721

>off brand ramen

jesus fuck how poor can you be to eat this shit

>> No.5099929

Buy hamburger helpers. They come in a variety of falvors

They're 1 dollar at Walmart and for most you just need beef, chicken, and milk

>> No.5099966

Cooking is expensive, but a lot can be saved by buying in larger quantities, and if at all possible getting to know say a farmer that also has a farm shop. If you strike up a friendship they often provide very competitive discount. Same thing goes for butchers. I get my fillet steak cheaper than I would in a supermarket (which is unusual for an independent store in the UK, not sure what it's like elsewhere), took a few purchases, but by then I was friendly and the butcher was willing. How I got through cooking as a student.

>> No.5100132

>getting married when you're still a student

>> No.5100153
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>They're 1 dollar at Walmart and for most you just need beef, chicken, and milk

>> No.5100160
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inb4 this image spreads out far enough that the makers of fleshlight actually do this.

>> No.5100185
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Have you already got a fridge full of Mickeys malt liquor and MGD? Ok good, the next thing every student needs is peanut butter and jelly, eggs, bread, grits or oatmeal, and a simple pasta and sauce. Buying meat is expensive, but just get chicken breasts and ground beef and whatever the store has on sale. Ask the butcher for specials.
Shits cheap when you really have to plan on it.

If no real kitchen or cookware just get things you can cook in one pot or just requires boiling water. Try getting a crockpot for some shit.
Remember, you can cook lots of things with only a microwave, it just blows.

>> No.5100201

>not High Life