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File: 2.15 MB, 3221x1779, detroit style pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5097802 No.5097802[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst regional style of pizza?
Pic very related

>> No.5097807

Well I have never had that crap, but with provel cheese I believe it is called. How could anyone like it?

>> No.5097808

Anything with a floppy crust.
That shit is wrong.

>> No.5097827

All of them. Tostinos Party Pizzas are the only good pizzas.

>> No.5097828
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>> No.5097829

wow epic post man

>> No.5097833

OP's pizza actually looks delicious, except the crust though.

I dislike Hawaï style pizza the most, I mean fucking pineapple?

>> No.5097836

>implying that shit is actually Hawaiian
It seems more like some bad decision made by a housewife that inexplicably caught on

>> No.5097839

Exactly fuck pineapple pizza.
It is like no other topping. If you don't like a certain topping on a pizza no problem right? You can just take it off.
Not Pineapple that shit taints the entire area of the pizza it was near.

>> No.5097841

What is you peoples problem with pineapple?
Or is this just some shit emulated from Bourdain?

>> No.5097843


THIS. Every time I remove the pineapple, the sweet juice of the fruit is still ruining the whole goddam pizza

>> No.5097848

/ruins pizza

>> No.5097854

Fuck that. Pepperoni sausage is infinitely worse.
Unless you enjoy drinking grease.

>> No.5097855

Implying I like that.

Just go take your childrens to the kids table and be gone with you.

>> No.5097860

It really only goes with ham
I like hawaiian style pizza, but pineapple on your pie really pigeonholes it

>> No.5097862
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Or maybe you should be a little less of a pussy.
>boohoo somebody likes something i don't like

>> No.5097863

I bet you would prefer just adding plain white sugar to your pizza. Right on top, just imagine how crunchy it would be. Oh that sugar sweet taste you loved so much as a lad in your breakfast cereal. Now can be yours again. Recapture lost childhood memories, with sugar blasted pizza squares.
Fuck off.

>> No.5097870

Would never be a problem, except 1 fuck, just like you always, and I mean always ruins pizza for 5 or 6 others.
You're a whiny little bitch.

>> No.5097873

holy shit i lost it

>> No.5097881
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I've never had it from anywhere in Detroit but a grocery store near me serves them and it was surprisingly good.

>> No.5097883

Thin thin slices of pineapple and strips of crispy ham are actually pretty good on a pizza, although I agree it can make it too sweet.

>> No.5097885

Jesus, you ate that shit as a child? How fucking fat are you now?
This might fucking amaze you, but not everything needs to be filled with salt and MSG, you fat fuck. And some fruit balances the meatstuff on pizza nicely.

>> No.5097889

You're also not an astute reader, are you?

>> No.5097891

Most edible plants are fruit, aren't they?

>> No.5097894

>not eating sugar blasted pizza squares as a kid
damn dude your childhood must have been rough

>> No.5097898

How can you not like detroit style pizza? That shit's delicious.

California-style pizza is the fucking worst.

>> No.5097906

any pizza with a dry crust makes me cringe.

>> No.5097915
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(aka california style)

>> No.5097942

That's the saddest excuse for pizza I have ever seen in my entire life. It fulfills the thread's quest.


>> No.5097945


that's just a salad on bread

Come to think of it, how did they even make the bread without eggs and milk?

>> No.5097946

bread is water, flour and yeast
everything else is optional

>> No.5097948

it's not sandwich bread ffs

>> No.5097997

Nigger I have no idea what part of California you're from but that's not California style

>> No.5098005

Is that uncooked dough on the bottom?

>> No.5098009

The vegan hipster revolution didn't start in CA?

>> No.5098012

I coulda sworn that shit started in new York or in canada

>> No.5098027

I fucking lowe fruit on my pizza. Pineapple, banana, maybe kiwi even. And pepperoni


>> No.5098035

Well either way it's fucking atrocious.

>> No.5098052

what were there topping on

>> No.5099112

i always heard detroit pizza was good, never had it though.

worst imo is that "pizza" casserole they have in shitcago. although chicago thin crust is excellent and locals agree.

>> No.5099120

it destroys the best pizzas. any other topping can be removed and you still have good pizza. pineapple ruins all of it and probably taints the pizza next to it.

and I even like pineapples. not on pizza, not ever.

>> No.5099125

I like New York pizza, but the idiots who think it actually tastes different in New York than literally every other northern city are the worst

>> No.5099151

I have lived in California (both north and south) for the vast majority of my life and I have never, ever seen a pizza like that.

>> No.5099221
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Naw nigga naw

>> No.5099226
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>> No.5099232

that looks so good!

>> No.5099233
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>> No.5099240
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>> No.5099246

Is that some sort of gyro pizza?

If so, where can I find it?

>> No.5099248
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>> No.5099252

britbong pizza

>> No.5099251

I've lived in michigan most of my life for a time even detroit... but never have I ever seen a "detroit style" pizza. Ya'll getting trolled.

>> No.5099261

this is a real deal thing in the UK, takeaways often call it 'skinheads on a raft'.

>> No.5099265

Daily reminder that mushrooms are the best ingredient that can be placed on pizza and this is fact.

>> No.5099266

jesus britain get your shit together. Leave the crazy food combos to us yanks

>> No.5099271

It's more of a southwest thing actually. The desert hippies are the craziest.

>> No.5099276

It's sad that British food innovation is to take an American food and put baked beans (the most generic food item) on it.

>> No.5099287

>live in phoenix now
Get bottles and other stuff thrown at me from car windows. Drive by "FAGGOTS" shoutings are expected almost every time I'm out.

I'm a thin man with long hair.... who runs in the mornings. I find it very hard to believe the tumblr-vegan-mess started anywhere close to here. t

>> No.5099293

British food innovation is largely in the realm of modernising the classic dishes with some French inspiration. Outside of a small number of restaurants our food is generic and rather awful.

>> No.5099296
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>> No.5099303
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rice pizza

>> No.5099309


>I'm full of shit and I'm a faggot

>> No.5099319

In all honesty blood sausage on a pizza would be delicious. Only thin crust though. Thick crusts are for the proletariat.

>> No.5099338
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>> No.5099360
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>> No.5099371

had squid ink spaghetti before, never imagined it could happen to a pizza.

>> No.5101102

Chicagoan here. If we ever want your opinion, we'll beat it out of you.

>> No.5101107

That shit looks yummy as fuck.

>> No.5101108

I used to like thin crust more than anything.
Then I grew up and had to deal with money.
If it's the same price, why not get the fluffy, more-mass-having thick crust?
Then again, I don't go around sneering at the working class.
What was life like in your bizarre Richy Rich/Bram Stoker castle eating pressed bloody meat slurry?

>> No.5101132
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Is 'vending machine' regional?

Cause if it is, I win worst.

>> No.5101140

Pizza in California is great

The pizza in Kenya was pretty good.

The pizza in Sweden sucks.

>> No.5101243

I've seen pizza like called "Detroit style" as far as Texas.

>> No.5101249

>implying pizza is american

>> No.5101272

what were there topping on?

>> No.5101275


If it weren't for the blood sausage and were the egg not runny, it could be a quite good pizza.
The dough looks fantastic

>> No.5101276

Every pizza not made in Naples or Southern Italy.

>> No.5101291
File: 169 KB, 331x308, 1387582550108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've lived in michigan
>I've never seen a Cottage Inn or even a fucking Little Caesar's

You should try leaving the basement once in a while.

>> No.5101334

Cottage inn makes some Detroit style pizzas? Really?

>> No.5101398


Leaves hot as fuck oils behind

Taste/smell permeates the whole pizza

>Bell peppers
Like onions, but with a stronger effect and far worse taste and smell

>> No.5101405
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Try sausage and pineapple.

>> No.5101420

mein negar

>> No.5101647

Banana topped Pizza? Really? You sick, dirty little fuck.

>> No.5101652

You Americans never had the grim displeasure of having a 1 pound pizza shoved in the microwave by Amur for 30 seconds in the paki shop at lunchtime in school.

>> No.5101655

I used to work at Pizza Hut and we'd get a free personal pan pizza each day we worked.

I used to make jalepeno + pineapple pizzas. Usually without sauce. That's the only good use of pineapple on a pizza I've found. The cheap ham used in most pizza places is fucking disgusting, adding soggy pineapple bits doesn't help.

>> No.5101686

RIP my FBF folder

RIP blasting with piss

>> No.5101696

>each day
I dred to think how fat the workplace was.

>> No.5101698

A single personal pizza per day? That's not that bad if you have a balanced diet.

>> No.5101715


Have you ever been to Hawaii?

Pineapples are in literally everything.

>> No.5101720


That is not what California style means.


>> No.5101722


Picky 6 year old detected.

>> No.5101728
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>implying that's a grim displeasure
>implying it wasn't bloody good grub when you're a kid
>implying you aren't deeply middle class and just pretend like you're racist because you think that's how real people act
>implying Amur hasn't done more for the community than you ever will
>implying he's even from Pakistan

>> No.5101747

do you fags even like pineapple in the first place though

>> No.5101765

I don't know about balanced, bu I ate whatever I wanted when I felt like it. A three egg breakfast with coffee and toast every morning. Pizza or cheesy garlic bread for lunch. Got high after work and had a big feast every night.

...and I lost 30 pounds that year because I stopped drinking soda.

>> No.5101773

>>Implying pizza isn't American now.
They may cook well and their ancestors built some cool stuff, but I don't like the idea of singing praises to some greasy dago.

>> No.5101805

i've worked at a few pizza joints and during lent one of the owners would make a cheese pizza and during the last 5min of cooking he's add thin slices of tomato and then sprinkle sugar on when it was done.

wasn't bad

>> No.5101811

>tell it how it literally happened
>you're racist if you don't whitewash all the characters