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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5097363 No.5097363 [Reply] [Original]

The feel when you'll never get to eat at Sukiyabashi Jiro.


And when he dies.....

>> No.5097368

Is he going to charge an exuberant amount for non cooked items?
If so no fucks will ever be given.

>> No.5097371

at least you can buy them with food stamps.

>> No.5097372

It's fish on rice.

>> No.5097390


>And when he dies.....

Nothing will change, because his sons are already as good or better. He's just old and experienced so they attribute some mysticism about him being a magical legendary sushi maker that's miles ahead of everyone else, when really, besides his obvious skill and sense of taste, most of his accomplishments come from the fact that he has access to the best rice and fish in all of Japan.

All sushi is, is putting some rice and fish together. There's really not a lot of complexity involved, despite what weebs will try to tell you. The most important factor is the quality of the ingredients, and since Jiro's sellers only sell their best stuff to him, he's obviously going to have the best available sushi in Japan, through no extra effort of his own. Making sushi for 80 years doesn't necessarily mean that every year he makes sushi, his skill and abilities expand. He's a one-trick pony that's riding on his public image.

>> No.5097393

I saw the movie...
don't disrespect this guy whatsoever...
but I don't think he's the only sushi joint in the world doing it correctly, either.

You'll be okay, anon. Maybe you won't have a 15 minute window of reservation to see the master old dude at his craft, but it really really really doesn't take but a decade to master preparation of seafood, ya know? You should worry more about having no diversity of fish left in the oceans to enjoy instead.

>> No.5097394

I agree with sustainability, however, don't go full vegan on me ahah

>> No.5097396

His eldest son is already better than him.

>> No.5097398

Oh, I mean, the amazing world of seafood is going to disappear soon. Enjoy your sushi now, cause they won't taste so sublime when it's made with tank raised catfish one day :P

>> No.5097399


He's the best, because of public image giving him access to the best stuff.

Sushi is simple. Quality of ingredients is the most important factor.

>> No.5097402

>Jiro Ono declared best sushi chef in the world
>his restaurant seats one table at a time and he charges a ridiculous price
>all around Japan are chefs just as good as him or better, busting their ass to feed several tables at once and making chump change
>Jiro gets all the attention because "old man make sushi, so quirky xDDDDDDDD he rook rike turtle"

>> No.5097406

>perfect is something you can never actually attain

Just do better every time. That's my approach to cooking. I really respect this outlook.

>> No.5097413

Let's not forget Sushi is essentially japanese fast food.

Is Jiro's going to be better than that premade box you can get in the food court? Without question.

Its still just fish and vinegared rice though. There isn't too much you can do with it to make it truly unique and special

>> No.5097415

That's why he paces his meals and serves things at optimal temperatures. You have to do simple things to stand out when you make a simple food.

>> No.5097426

If only I had food stamps.

>> No.5097429

If by pacing his meals you mean, give the ladies smaller pieces while still charging the same price.

>> No.5097527

I was always kind of wondering what it is with all these japanese sushi stuff corean fire meat etc. but then... 4chan sob

>> No.5097530

he's insane and his food is shit

>> No.5097614

Do I haz to sit at the bar? Mister, do you have those cool octopus balls?

>> No.5097865
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I have not been to the shop of the free-standing tea ceremony room bridge. I ate at a branch.
The visitor of Jiro thinks that I come to the shop after drinking liquor.
The sushi of Jiro is very delicious.
Sushi of Jiro usually has less rice.

>> No.5097869

The sushi which a supreme craftsman cooks is supreme taste.
It is wrong to discuss in a food court and the same line.

>> No.5097922
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the movie gave me so many unexpected feels, sushi haters ITT should definitely watch

>> No.5098235


>sushi haters ITT should definitely watch

I'm >>5097390

I've watched JDoS, and I love sushi, but I don't pretend it's more than it is

>> No.5098238

It was a really beautiful movie. I wasn't sure why /ck/ got so upset about it or started living vicariously through Jiro's sons though.

>> No.5098251

I might watch this after class because I'm really not a sushi fan and I'm not even the biggest fan of fish (although I'm trying to change that this year.)

I just don't see why it's so hyped. Fish on it's own is OK but it doesn't have that much flavor which is why it's always cooked in ways to give it different flavors (poaching, blackening it with herbs, encrusting it in herbs.

So why would it be as amazing as people are saying when it's uncooked and just served with some soy sauce, which is also a one-trick and underwhelming condiment.

Maybe I'm wrong though.

>> No.5098254

>Maybe I'm wrong though.
You said you aren't a sushi fan, so why would you think your opinion is valid? I don't like hip hop music, I'm not going to offer my opinion on a specific artist or album and pretend I "get it".

>> No.5098278
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True Japanese cuisine is about subtlety. I personally think the reason why many westerners have come to hail sushi is simply status though. That said, I fucking love sushi and all this talk of it is making my stomach get a serious case of blue balls.

>> No.5098288

>I personally think the reason why many westerners have come to hail sushi is simply status though
Well duh. Girls go to Whole foods and buy the packaged Sushi and say it's the best thing because they feel cultured for eating it.

>> No.5098289

>Girls go to Whole foods and buy the packaged Sushi and say it's the best thing because they feel cultured for eating it.
>I personally think the reason why many westerners have come to hail sushi is simply status though.
Apparently these two anons live in the 70's.

>> No.5098292

I like the packaged sushi at whole foods. Not too expensive, and gives me those omegas 3s I need

>> No.5098304

You know, I'm all for subtlety but I've never had any Japanese food I found particularly good (except the rice I imported). I'm probably going to Japan with my girlfriend next winter and I'll try everything I possibly can. If possible I'll try to get Sukiyabashi Jiro reservations as I have never had sushi I found particularly good and if he can't convince me then I'm fucked.

Maybe I'm just more of a Chinese/Indian/Thai cuisine kind of guy...

>> No.5098307

Okay guys. I don't often cook fish but I want to cook it more because it's healthy as shit and is high in protein.

I'm going to pan sear any fish I get. Maybe broil it too since these are the healthier ways of preparing it.

What are some essentials? I know thyme is a good herb to cook with and lemon juice adds a bit of acidity. Is that all I need besides salt and pepper?

Also, what are some good fish to get. I've had salmon a million times and I'm sick of salmon.

>> No.5098311

Sushi's my jam son, and I definitely don't eat that shit for any street cred yo.

I generally prefer all my foods rare, undercooked or raw though.

>> No.5098323

i think sushi is okay
after watching htat movie i really disliked that chef

>> No.5098331

But the majority of Japanese can afford sushi so they eat more soups and curry

>> No.5098407

don't japs get fucking tired of fish and rice?

>> No.5098411

he's an asshole, his father was an ass to him and he got fucked up in the head and all he cared about was his work
it shows how bitter his sons are for him being a shit father

>> No.5098529

Only plebs think this movie is about sushi. It's about the relationship between Jiro and his eldest son, framed in the light of a sushi documentary. Also, the chef who prepared the sushi when Jiro got his three stars was his son. Even if you go after Jiro dies, you'll still be getting the best sushi in Japan.

Still, good movie

>> No.5098557

Shokunin is part of Japanese culture so this is normal

>> No.5098591

i dont think so...

>> No.5098606


I'm sorry, but at a certain point he is taking a raw piece of fish and slathers in in a little marinade and serves it. Make no mistake, the little sushi I've had I really liked, and I fully respect that there is an entire "science" on the subject of which I am clueless, but I just don't see the "genious" about it on some of the pieces in the clip.

>> No.5098640


It's spelled genius.

And you are completely clueless. You're right, all he does is take a raw piece of fish and slather a little marinade on it and serve it. It's served exactly the same as you would get in any number of the countless sukiyabashis around Tokyo, because the food culture in Japan does not pride itself on bleeding edge innovation, but rather absolute perfection. Jiro likely attains that perfection.

What you're not comprehending is that

1) He's using the best sushi rice available (as in, it's only sold to him because only he knows how to cook it), cooked to absolute perfection
2) He's using the absolute best fish available
3) That best fish has been butchered perfectly
4) The seaweed is the best available and toasted just right.
5) The "marinade" is likely a special blend, developed by him to be the perfect complement the fish.

There are myriad other tiny, unfathomably small-yet-crucial details that would go unnoticed by even me, a professional chef, because I haven't devoted my life to sushi. That is the art of Jiro (and all of the other top-tier sushi chefs around Japan, of which there are many).

Remember, this is a culture predicated upon the belief that repetition and mastery of a single task leads to transcendence.

>> No.5098648
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>because the food culture in Japan does not pride itself on bleeding edge innovation, but rather absolute perfection

It's much easier to attain perfection when the food is as simple as rice with fish on it. It shouldn't take 80 years to get that right while chefs in European countries are doing thousands of different things as well as Jiro does his one thing

>it's only sold to him because only he knows how to cook it

Holy shit, are you 7 years old?

>> No.5098657

Would you knowingly sells the worlds best cuts of beef to someone who would cook it well done and leathery?

No, you would sell it to the person who has the worlds greatest skill or always cooking it to perfect med rare every fucking time.

>> No.5098658

Of** not or

>> No.5098667


I'd sell it to the guy who pays the most for it, who in this case happens to be Jiro god damn Ono, who charges hundreds of dollars for his sushi

>> No.5098669

>It's much easier to attain perfection when the food is as simple as rice with fish on it. It shouldn't take 80 years to get that right while chefs in European countries are doing thousands of different things as well as Jiro does his one thing

There are European chefs who specialize to that same extent, you retard. There are guys who spend their entire lives making pizza, and that's just dough, sauce and cheese. Michel Bras has been making gargouillou des legumes for thirty years now, and that's just a goddamn salad. Your argument is flawed.

>Holy shit, are you 7 years old?

No, I'm 28, and I know from first-hand experience that certain craft/artisanal vendors are very, very choosy about their clients. When you sell only one or two things, you want it to go to the restaurant that will best represent your product. That's just a fact of the industry.

>> No.5098678

I agree with this person. Jiro spent years building a reputation. Some vendors just won't sell to everybody.

>> No.5098717

>Sushi is simple

Cooking is simple.

>> No.5098724


Somebody on /ck/ posted it once. I rather eat at this guy's place than at Jiro's.

>> No.5098729


Jiro's also an abysmal fucking racist. No roundeyes allowed, unless accompanied by a Japanese.

>> No.5098731
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>tfw you can have a thick crusty steak any day you want

>tfw the foreign hordes are dreaming of eating uncooked fish

feels good to be American

>> No.5098733

Well, he only accepts roundeyes who are other chefs so he can get an ego boost from their praises.

>> No.5098734
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Are there 82 year old burger chefs out there that have perfected their way of burger assembling?

>> No.5098735



>> No.5098737

>making fun of uncooked fish
>bragging about eating uncooked steak
>what is perspective

>> No.5098739

oh that tuna at 4:30

i need it

>> No.5098744


>When you sell only one or two things, you want it to go to the restaurant that will best represent your product.

And Jiro certainly has the reputation, but why do you think the most praised person automatically means the most skilled? Even Jiro's sons are better than him at half his age

>> No.5098746

>mfw older Japanese people are still mad at the US occupation even though they were the ones who started the war...and lost.

I swear to god we should have saved the two abombs and let the Russians invade.

>> No.5098747

I am completely OK with never tasting Jiro's sushi.

I lived in NYC during the late 90's. By then going out for "sush" had become commonplace, and I had more than my share of clumsy examples made from mid-tier fish. And I enjoyed them.

Then my career took off. I got taken out to high tier places in NYC and LA. Then I took three trips to Japan, enjoying the work of well regarded sushi chefs in Tokyo and Osaka. I do not believe I have tasted perfection, but I have had the pleasure of getting close to it.

The result of this is that I've lost all interest in sushi. What they serve in most sushi restaurants, even here in NYC is about as appealing to me as frozen pizza. And the cost of entrance to the places that serve the kind of sushi I pine for is well over $200. As much as I like sushi I'm not going out for it on my own dime when the expense is so great.

So I'm pretty much done with the stuff. Because once you experience top tier stuff going back to fucking spicy tuna rolls really isn't possible. A good hot dog is more interesting to me.

What I'm trying to impart here is that once you cultivate an appreciation for refinement in certain foods/cuisines you may lose the ability to appreciate less refines examples. And if you're not in the position to access that refinement on any kind of regular basis you might find you lose interest in those foods entirely.

I never go out for sushi anymore.

>> No.5098752

I went to Atlanta to have a Ghetto Burger at ms annes snack shack.
It seems unpro, but it was the best crafted burger ive ever had

>> No.5098754

You weren't supposed to call their bluff, just let them pretend they had the military power to take over the world

>> No.5098770

I think anyone with decent dexterity skills can become a master sushi chef if given enough time/practice. This old guy probably perfected his craft within a couple of years of starting and remained at that same skill ceiling since. That's the bottom line. The skill ceiling for sushi making is really low. The assembly is definitely the easy part. It's mostly the butcher work that you had to hone.

>> No.5098786

>Gordon Ramsay makes sushi for the first time
>does it as good as "super good magiku sushi grand masta!"


Took him a bit longer than the guy who's been practicing it for 30 years, but he still managed to have it come out perfectly on his first try. Let's see Jiro make a perfect Beef Wellington in one go

>> No.5098790

>I think anyone with decent dexterity skills can become a master sushi chef if given enough time/practice. This old guy probably perfected his craft within a couple of years of starting and remained at that same skill ceiling since. That's the bottom line. The skill ceiling for sushi making is really low. The assembly is definitely the easy part. It's mostly the butcher work that you had to hone.

Says the guy who has 1) never mastered sushi 2) nor anything else.

>> No.5098807

That's really weird. I've never seen green tea prepared that way before.

>> No.5098809

Ouch. Looks like you didn't master the art of making an argument either.

Butthurt weebs, not even once.

>> No.5098811


>accuses others of poor argumentation
>resorts to name calling


>> No.5098813

I'm with you, anon desu.

Weak roundeye American pigs will never understand the nippon strength a chef aquires by folding fish and rice inside sushi for 10,000 times.

>> No.5098814

>lets see Jiro make a perfect beef wellington in one go

What you mean whilst being shown exactly how to do it? I would say it is fairly likely.

>> No.5098815


Whoa Shakespeare, keep it simple for the common folks here

>> No.5098817

yeah I was talking to someone about this
it's basically a race between him dying and me getting enough money to go to Japan an d eat there

how much does a meal there really cost?

>> No.5098819


Yes, while being shown exactly how to do it. He wouldn't understand how to make it because it isn't a ball of rice with a slice of uncooked fish on it, the one thing he's been doing for 70 years

>> No.5098820

Just shut up. How obnoxious. You ad hominem and then proceed to cry foul when someone isn't courteous with you? What a shameless asshole.

>> No.5098826

>with a better quality finish

Oh japanese guy, you crack me up

>> No.5098834

you're seriously retarded
Jiro has sushi mastered at every level. At identifying quality fish and preparing it with precision and very specific timing with regards to temperature. Assembling the fucking fish and rice is not all there is to making sushi.

it's amazing that you think there is something about applying heat in a controlled fashion that makes cooking any more legitimate and skillful than making sushi

but hurr I'm sure you know so much better than the man who has spent his life making sushi and all of the professional chefs who speak to his skill.

>> No.5098841


>See m8 you put the beef wif the mushrooms, wrap it in the pastry, innit?

>Ah, so

>Swell, m8, lets get started then innit grab that tenderloin there

>Ah, fatty tuna here make-a dericious beef werrington

>No m8 dats fish innit, we're not serving chips here, grab that beef tenderloin

>Ah-so cut fatty tuna in bellyy rike honorable samurai seppuku, find number one part of tuna


>> No.5098843


>preparing it with precision and very specific timing with regards to temperature.

They foldu katana wahn MIRRIOR TIME so it BEST SWORD in whole WORALD! Slice-a through TANKU!

>> No.5098846

>it melts in your mouth, and the flavour of the two bursts out together and spreads across your whore mouth

Oh god why can't I stop laughing, it's silly I really shouldn't.

>> No.5098850


where exactly did I ad hominem?

>> No.5098858


Not that guy but


>Says the guy who has 1) never mastered sushi 2) nor anything else.

Assuming that's you, you criticized the guy (without any real knowledge of who he is) rather than explaining why he's wrong

>> No.5098859

>but hurr I'm sure you know so much better than the man who has spent his life making sushi and all of the professional chefs who speak to his skill.

I'm not saying your wrong, but that line of logic has severe flaws.


Wanting to participate in the Pauling miracle, they urged their doctors to give them massive doses of vitamin C. "For about seven or eight years, we were getting a lot of requests from our families to use high-dose vitamin C," recalls John Maris, chief of oncology and director of the Center for Childhood Cancer Research at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. "We struggled with that. They would say, 'Doctor, do you have a Nobel Prize?' "

>> No.5098867

cooking has a subjectivity that medicine does not really have

if you can empirically demonstrate that Jiro is not exceptionally skilled I'm all ears

>> No.5098869


Nobody would say he's not exceptionally skilled, just that there's little evidence that he's "the greatest of all time." One piece of evidence for that is his son is the one that earned him his 3 Michelin stars

>> No.5098870

>cooking is subjective
>Empirically demonstrate the skill of this chef

toppest of keks

>> No.5098871

that's that point

>> No.5098877

Jiro and his worshipers are making the initial claim, if cooking is subjective then they fail and we can assume there's nothing special about him.

>> No.5098880


>his son is the one that earned him his 3 Michelin stars

This also means that technically Jiro isn't a 3 michelin starred chef, he just owns a 3 michelin star sushi bar.

>> No.5098911


His son has a different place. His son only has 2 stars

>> No.5098954


You are perhaps confusing his two sons.

One of his sons--the younger one--owns his own 2-star sushi bar which is completely separate from Jiro's.

His older son works with Jiro at Jiro's main sushi bar. This is the son who actually did the cooking when the Michelin people were there.

>> No.5100797

He doesn't work anymore, but his son makes every dish now. Noone ever noticed.

>> No.5100799

why does the hosts voice get me hard?

>> No.5100814

Sushi is simpler. It's well cooked rice, seasoned with the right quantity of vinegar in the right proportion to fish.

If I gave you the ingredients, you could probably make sushi as good as Jiro in a month.

>> No.5100839

>you will never eat at the Heat Attack Grill


>> No.5100840
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>raw garbage fish that first world countries throw back in the ocean, literal raw sea cockroaches, and rice
>70 birron dorrars

>> No.5100843

ate there... felt my heart stop

>> No.5100845

>sushi has to be eaten with fingers
Is this true? I don't remember any of the customers in JDoS eating with their fingers. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me to learn the exact opposite is true. That it offends some autistic sense of nip honour to sully ones hands whilst eating or some shit.

Were they just fucking with Bourdian?

>> No.5100847


>> No.5100849

Assembling it takes some finesse.
>he doesn't like shrimp

I don't think you're allowed to be here.

>> No.5100850

I think you underestimate how oppressively work-centric Japanese culture is. Especially 10-20 years ago. These ain't like your chink toons son. There is a reason the suicide rate in Japan is through the roof.

>> No.5101075
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wonder if it was this trip that inspired his comic book

>> No.5101085

Where are you hearing that? I've read a bunch of reviews and have not seen anything to suggest that they don't allow roundeyes except when accompanied.

Also, how much does it cost, anyway? I'll be going to Japan later this year and might want to try it.

>> No.5101117

>watch that horrible docu
>they toss it in a pot and boil it like everyone else

Jiro is 80% marketing and 20% good ingredients, and even despite his son being better than him at putting pieces of fish on a ball of rice, the restaurant will take a huge hit when he dies, because all that makes it special is his cultivated persona.

>> No.5101137
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>no menu

>> No.5101144

Isn't it 80 yen to a dollar?

>> No.5101157


He's some oversensitive white who hasn't quite recovered from the day he found out white people aren't 100% loved in every country worldwide, no exceptions. He probably found out that Jiro either doesn't or won't speak English to customers, and he can't handle the thought.

>> No.5101169

So, that's $375, right? For raw fish and rice. I may love some me some sushi, but they can go fuck themselves.

>> No.5101171

He was exaggerating. (Hyperbole) It would cost a little more than 350 dollars.

>> No.5101172


30000 yen = $3750 actually.
Yeah, he can go fuck an octopus.

>> No.5101175

Shit I fucked up.
$289 as of now.

>> No.5101176
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no it's 300

>> No.5101178

Yeah yeah.
Wait, I didnt know /k/ameraden browse /ck/ too.
Probably something about not being a sack of shit liberal.

>> No.5101179
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First time finding out that expensive restaurants exist?

>> No.5101185

They still have to be worth the money, my champagne-good loving friend.

I like cooking, only once so far has a thread her devolved into noguns shitflinging

>> No.5101186

Whichever one of those price is correct, it's fucking ridiculous. Not even once.

>> No.5101189
File: 13 KB, 183x275, shamefur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is tipping dishonorabur?

>> No.5101192

But cooking is the exact opposite of what we hate.
Independence and self responsibility.

>> No.5101194

Please, I eaten at may fair share of expensive and fine dining restaurants. I don't mind paying a high price for a meal that equates in food, service, atmosphere and experience for that price, but that's ridiculous.

>> No.5101195

Speak for yourself, I hate people who cook stuff just to say they cooked it themselves, when all they're doing is making shit. Examples, people who try to recreate fast food recipes at home, people who go through extra effort and expense to make something that would have been easier and tasted the same if they had bought it in the store.

>> No.5101197


>> No.5101200

Jiro is the evil 10th son. He should be killed.

>> No.5101201
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>I eaten

Sure you have, son. Sure you have.

>> No.5101202

But it feels so good being better than them.
And I dont make fastfood at home.

>> No.5101254


Meanwhile on /ck/


>> No.5101260

>1) He's using the best sushi rice available (as in, it's only sold to him because only he knows how to cook it), cooked to absolute perfection
>2) He's using the absolute best fish available
>3) That best fish has been butchered perfectly
>4) The seaweed is the best available and toasted just right.
Just watched it, and yeah, none of that is done by him, by his own admission. He said 95% of the work is done by others. The guy knows he's a fraud and revels in it.

>> No.5101261

It was 80 a year or so ago before Abe won election and "Abenomics" (massive money-printing and currency devaluation to force inflation) was announced.

Now it's 103.59. It was 105 last week, but Bernanke wanted to stop the rise and so announced problems.

>> No.5101265

>>it's only sold to him because only he knows how to cook it
Obviously didn't see the movie. All the best ingredients, including the rice are sold only to him, and the rice vendor said he only sells it to jiro because Jiro is the only one that knows how to cook it.

>> No.5101268

Actually, yes, it is. They don't behave like U.S. fast-food-restaurant employees with a "tip jar" so they can buy some pot after spitting in people's ハンバーガー

>> No.5101273


Obviously you didn't see the movie, because Jiro doesn't cook the rice. He has a crew that prepares everything for him

>> No.5101283

Dunno, man. A lot of the restaurant reviews indicate that Jiro and family really are a bunch of assholes to customers, insisting that people eat quickly and leave even though the restaurant is empty, ruining the atmosphere by being abrasive jerks, and so on. There are about as many negative reviews as gushingly positive reviews on one site I looked at.

I would contrast this with Bo Innovation (Hong Kong, 3 Michelin stars), where the chef came out and personally spoke to our group of about 12 people, thanking us for trying his place and explaining what he was trying to accomplish with that night's meal.

>> No.5101288

You're an idiot.

>> No.5101294

That's what the vendor says, numb nuts

>> No.5101307


And in what way does that matter? He can say anything he wants for the sake of the documentary and to make a sale to a wealthy and prestigious customer, but we have visual confirmation that Jiro in fact doesn't cook the rice, his 20-40 year old staff does. You'd be gullible as fuck to believe that King Arthur "only Jiro can cook the rice of legend" bullshit

>> No.5101309

Why do I keep coming to this board if all we ever do is circle jerk and call each other names?

Even when I'm engaged in productive activity I have to whip out my phone secretly and trade insults with an anonymous stranger over some discussion that we've probably had 50 times already.

>> No.5101314

That could be a new 4chan banner

>> No.5101320

>whip out my phone secretly
Leave it the fuck alone until you are out of school/work.

>> No.5101325


Why? Sometimes I'm on a 2 hour conference call and part of the conversation doesn't involve me. I'm not going to put 4chan into my company's DNS cache even though the head of IT said he doesn't give a fuck. It's just embarrassing.

>> No.5101340

You incredible retard. I wasn't saying Jiro was telling the truth, I was saying what the vendor said. Jesus fuck look at the conversation.

>> No.5101341

We honestly don't give a fuck unless upper management wants evidence for a reason to terminate you. I hope you don't do personal shit using your work email.

>> No.5101342


I know, that's what I responded to. What does it matter what the vendor tells you if what we clearly see doesn't reflect what he said? He's giving a compliment to a wealthy customer, don't take it so literally

>> No.5101354

>what we clearly see doesn't reflect what he said

Only if you insist on taking what he said 100% literally.

"Jiro is the only one who cooks the rice properly" is just a casual speaking way of referring to Jiro's restaurant as a whole. Any top-tier chef (Ducasse, Passard, Ramsay, Pepin, Pierre-White, etc,) has a variety of staff working for them. No, the "Chef" himself doesn't do 100% of the work himself, but he does supervise and manage the restaurant that does.

>> No.5101360


You're more worried about people doing personal shit with work email than work shit with personal email? What kind of a sloppy operation are you running over there?

>> No.5101362

That still leaves up to debate whether there really is a rice so complex only one restaurant can cook it. It's just flattery.

>> No.5101367

Your personal email is not under my domain. That is not an IT thing, it is an HR thing.

>> No.5101371


So now that we've admitted that Jiro doesn't make the rice, and instead it's very young, comparatively inexperienced guys making it, we can assess that it's within the realm of possibility that there exists atleast one other restaurant in all of Japan that has the mental capacity to cook this magic rice

According to JDoS, Jiro's sushi place is the only sushi place in the world that isn't completely retarded

>> No.5101372


You don't have an IT policy about company data on personal email and devices?

>> No.5101374

This. His eldest son does everything.
His son chooses the fish at the market.
His son directs the underlings as they prepare the rice and basically everything.
His son cuts the fish.
His son assembles the sushi.

His son does everything, Jiro just kinds of buts in now and then to make it look like he still does shit in front of the camera. He wasn't even making sushi the day the Michelin people came, his son was. His son is the 3 star chef.

The whole point of the movie, to me, is that his son is the real master chef, but he will never be recognized on his own, because its his father who everyone praises. There is even a chance, that when the man dies, the restaurant will go under even though all these years its been run by the son, because everyone wants "Jiro's" sushi and won't believe his son his as good even though his son has been making it this whole fucking time.

>> No.5101378

ITT: you didn't build that

>> No.5101397

My thoughts exactly. He's a bitter old man that's riding on the coat tails of his sons

>> No.5101399

Sure we do but any executive can overturn or ignore it at the drop of a hat so it's really there for the average peons. Average peons don't sign my paycheck. It's not really a problem anyway, as we don't BYOD

>> No.5101408


All of that is true, but it's no different than most restaurants.

Do you think that if you go to the French Laundry that Thomas Keller personally cooks all your food? Heck no. Most likely, he's not even there. If you're lucky he's working the pass and checks your food, but he certainly isn't the one cooking it.

>> No.5101410

Not the Anon you're responding to, but you're right. Jiro is a master, and he trained his son, who is now obviously a master as well. But the restaurant is still Jiro's. He spent his life setting it up, developing the connections with purveyors and establishing the manner in which everything is done there. Now he takes more of an executive chef role, but that's not shocking for Michelin star restaurants. Mario Batali and Gordon Ramsay aren't making the food in all of their starred restaurants.

I don't see the issue here.

>> No.5101411

But I feel it's a little different when you have such a small-scale restaurant, and a sushi restaurant, rather than a French restaurant with a large, complicated operation.

>> No.5101412


Companies end up on the front page of newspapers because they didn't make sure data stayed inside. Not because flirty messages passed through an exchange server. Have fun playing with your petty internal politics while Russian hackers make off with the family jewels.

>> No.5101419


Other restaurants have to do that because they're serving 50 tables worth of people at a time. Jiro specifically seats 1 table at a time to focus on the experience, and he doesn't even bother contributing to it

>> No.5101439

> time to focus on the experience

No, Ginza real estate prices are very high so that is all he can afford in that shack

>> No.5101447

>he doesn't even bother contributing to it
Without the weight of his name behind it his son would bot be able to walk into the market and get the best fish. He would not be able to procure the best rice. Without that he could not make the best sushi. So Jiro is contributing by the weight of his reputation, which he spent a lifetime building.

(Not the Anon you were responding to, btw).

>> No.5101457

Does Jiro ever make more complex sushi? It looks like all he makes is simple ball-of-rice-with-slice-of-fish-wiped-with-sesame-oil sushi, not complex rolls with skillfully constructed garnish and presentation

>> No.5101459

>Other restaurants have to do that because they're serving 50 tables worth of people at a time

So in other words, restaurants have cooks who do the real work because the Chef himself cannot do everything. Which is still true with Jiro.

A fancy European-style restaurant might have a dozen people in the kitchen (plus waitstaff, busboys, etc) to serve fifty tables. Jiro has a handful of staff to serve 10-15 people. The ratio isn't much different.

>> No.5101468

Sushi is not meant to be complex.

>> No.5101479


Isn't that the point? Simplicity?

>> No.5101484


Then where does the skill come in? It sounds like the ingredients do all the work. If I pick a tasty strawberry from a strawberry bush, am I now a master strawberry chef because of the quality of the berry I picked?

>> No.5101485

> It sounds like the ingredients do all the work

That's neato, isn't it?

>> No.5101507

His vendors does most of the work since they pick the right product. Jiro, the only thing he has to do is prep work and sell it 'as is'

>> No.5101554
File: 373 KB, 300x169, 1354911047691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No ones this retarded.

>> No.5101568

Think of it as maxing out your knife skills and quality control skills. Japanese people have a hard on for that kind of thing.

>> No.5101573

>Riding on his public image
Save your hatred for the hipsters, he is a humble old man who goes to work everyday at his small sushi bar.

>> No.5101610

The skill is in procuring the best ingredients, and presenting the perfectly. Think about a steakhouse - the quality of the steak is the point. Now think of sushi; you have two elements that are crucial, the fish and the rice. So you need perfect examples of each. The skill is in harmonizing them.

That sounds simple, but this is Japan we're talking about. The more simple something is the more important that it be absolutely perfect. That is the aesthetic, and they pursue it with absolute conviction.

>> No.5101620

>If I pick a tasty strawberry from a strawberry bush, am I now a master strawberry chef because of the quality of the berry I picked?
If you could pick perfect strawberries every day for decades then yes, you'd be a fucking strawberry master.

>> No.5101665

How about somebody who is a strawberry master only selling their best strawberries to one person? Will the second person be considered a strawberry master too?

>> No.5101670

If the second person can pick out even the best from what is offered, then yes.

>> No.5101672

*tips fedora*

>> No.5101678

>you will never eat a sandwich with a piece of ham perfectly folded dozens of times
i hate tv commercials

>> No.5101700

>won't believe his son his as good even though his son has been making it this whole fucking time.
incoming suicide

>Do you think that if you go to the French Laundry that Thomas Keller personally cooks all your food?
No one ever thinks that. He doesn't say that he does.

>> No.5101706

Jiro is not humble. The Japanese, as an entire race of people, have cultivated an aura of smug, pseudo-humbleness based on backhanded compliments and subtle bragging. It is grating as hell to be around.

>> No.5101708

>No one ever thinks that.

Someone apparently does because they think it's odd that Jiro doesn't do all the work himself.

>> No.5101716

That's because Jiro's place is small as shit and can only hold like 5 people. Compare that to a western restaurant where you have to feed 100 person.

>> No.5101719

Because he used to
Because most of his advertising is of him making it
Because it's a tiny hole in the wall
Because people go expecting to eat Jiros sushi, not his sons sushi, even though it's probably better

>> No.5101729

That movie was shit. A half hour documentary would have sufficed

>> No.5101733

Well said.

>> No.5101741

But really genius to build that image.

That was intentional.
He was an orphan back when that meant if you were an orphan you were less than shit. No birthright, no anything. If you didn't think fast you'd wind up dying on the street. There's no such thing as 'charity' in Japan. Sink or swim.

So he decided he was gonna fucking BUILD an image for himself with his own two hands.

It's turned him into a mean old turtle but he survived and prospered. Most Japanese orphans back then just sorta were left for dead.

>> No.5101743

I watched it less for the sushi and more for the father-son relationship. His own family dumped him so he became an absent father. After not being there for his children, he expects them to take over his restaurant. However, he refuses to let go even though he doesn't do much of the work anymore and his middle-age eldest son still has to live under Jiro's thumb even though he's a better chef.

>> No.5101769

it's also because a small percentage of those growing up in the immediate post-war era are jealous that the current generation had to suffer none of hardships they did.