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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5095544 No.5095544[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on eating food with hand or chopsticks?

>> No.5095551

Hands, no. I don't care if it's culturally insensitive or whatever the fuck. I have ridiculously crippling OCD and that shit is just never happening. The mere thought makes me nervous.

Chopsticks are fine if that is what is given to me. I'm not that asshole that asks for a fork and spoon at a nice asian restaurant. I can use them and to a degree enjoy the novelty.

>> No.5095556


Couldn't you just wash your hands before eating and everything will be okay? Or are you just OCD about using utensils only?

>> No.5095559

I could write a page worth on why someone who suffers from extreme OCD can't handle that, but I am very tired right now so I will just give you the short answer; no.

>> No.5095565

I have OCD and I just wash my hands before eating if I am ever in a situation where I have to eat food with my hand.

>> No.5095579

It depends on what kind of food. If food is served by utensils onto your own plate and it's some kind of food that you can eat with your hands, like a sandwich or something that is generally eaten with the hands, then that's fine.

But eating off of a communal plate with your hands is really disgusting, especially if it's like the food in your picture.

Chopsticks I see as just another utensil so they don't really factor into this at all.

>> No.5095584


It's not like they don't wash their hands before. It's not like they actually put their hands into their mouths.

>> No.5095588

By all means eat however you want. The question was posed: What are your thoughts on eating food with hands? Those are my thoughts.

>> No.5095597

>eating food other people's grubby hands have been all over
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.5095598

Hands I don't think I could do, unless the plate was of mostly "finger" foods or things like it. Small appetizers, or things like that. Contact with other food is limited, and you mostly touch only the pieces you intend to eat yourself. People grab what they want, then get their hands away from the plate.

Anything else, just the thought makes me a little uneasy. Even if I knew everyone had clean hands, the thought of someone sticking their fingers in their mouth, then back into a dish we were supposed to be sharing is just...eh.

Chopsticks, that's nothing. I prefer them for eating Asian noodle dishes or sticky rice, but it's not like I go out of my way to use them regularly.

>> No.5095600

It really depends on the food, and unfortuately sometimes what's appropriate, though I will say, if some assholes expect me to eat with my hands when it's not right for me to do so, and I mean as I see it, then they can fuck off. I'm not a fucking diplomat.

>> No.5095601

I prefer to be hand fed by an old negro man. It just feels so civilized.

>> No.5095625

Doesn't make a difference to me

>> No.5095635
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>eating chicken with hand
>totally okay

>eating chicken and rice with hand

>> No.5095644


I don't see many problems with it given you wash your hands first and the only food that's touched is on your own plate. With your hands, you can pick up substantially more food than with any utensil. The only problem is that you have to wash your hands afterwards.

Maybe it's because both my family and I have done it since I was a kid. Yeah, I was taught proper table manners, but if we had the chance we ate with our hands. Maybe it's cuz I'm an asian beaner/nigger who's family has roots in the sticks.

>> No.5095645

I eat with my hands, but I would have trouble eating out of a communal plate with others. I even have trouble eating food from a communal plate with utensils.

>> No.5095646

how about finger foods (hot dogs, wings, etc.)

>> No.5095658

I eat with my hand, but I would never do that in front of friends/family/people who don't eat with their hands. I don't want to deal with offending them and I don't want to deal with people badmouthing me while I'm eating.

Funny enough, I'm the only south asian of my south asian friends that eats with hands.

>> No.5095661

Hot dogs if they're in one of the paper basket/sleeve things, and I can hold it using that. Wings, no. I only eat them at home because people look at me like a psycho when I take a fork to them at restaurants. Basically, there must be something between me and the food.

>> No.5095665

It's what happens with being a second generation anything. The second gen-ers will adopt the customs of the nations they're born into and not familiarize them with the customs of their parents.

>> No.5095671

Use the whole cut on the finger excuse

>> No.5095672



Notice that Asian youngsters these days don't even eat Asian food anymore. If they do, it's usually a westernized version or just Pho, viet sandwiches, pork buns, etc (the stuff that is popular with non Asians).

>> No.5095679

Eating roti any other way is very difficult.

>> No.5095698

Eating with hand isn't as messy as people think it is.

>> No.5095720

>go to American restaurant
>order ribs
>friends get pissy when I start eating the ribs with my hands
>they tell me to use a fork and knife

>> No.5095726

Your friend is a retard.

Anyone who eats ribs with a fork and knife deserves to be shot.

>> No.5095734

I had a Chinese friend whose dad owned a Chinese restaurant. She didn't know how to use chopsticks until she was 22.

Also, I'm Vietnamese and most of my friends are either Vietnamese or Chinese. One time I invited them to this restaurant that sells this whole roasted pig's head. They all went EWWWWWW and declined.


>> No.5095747

Yea, ribs and chicken wings...these are exceptions to the knife and fork rule. To that degree there will be certain foods that bring on the casual, else don't order them (or serve them). Fancy people will bring out the bibs when there's a big lobster bake.

That said, some foods that are usually finger foods, like fried chicken, should be eaten with a knife and fork if a restaurant setting. And, when you do eat those chicken wings, or ribs, go ahead and use one hand, dab your mouth, clean your fingers on your napkin (not sucking them), and other overly polite rules so as to minimize the kind of barbaric appearances of eating with one's hands.

>> No.5095775
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I don't have OCD but personally I hate getting my hands messy while I eat. I can get them dirty doing manual labor or cooking but when it comes to eating I need a degree of separation between my hands and food. I imagine OCD multiplies that discomfort.

>> No.5095787

I have nothing against eating with hands in situations where that's socially accepted. I figure that if you can eat BBQ ribs with your hands, anything is reasonable. Except stuff like soup, obviously, it's restricted to that which can be gripped.
Chopsticks I am not very good with. I can limp by eating sushi with chopsticks but I lack the dexterity for anything else.
Must say that I like my fork and knife.

>> No.5095840

>I hate getting my hands messy while I eat
My favorite BBQ joint sets up the little bowls of hot lemony water for finger dips. It's ideal.
My favorite thai-japanese teppanaki place does the hot steamy towels like in First Class. If they don't collect it, it's great to refresh fingertips during the meal.

>> No.5095844

You sound like you are a lot of fun to be around.

>> No.5095845

who cares, you're just shoving food in your face either way

>> No.5095850
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eating with hands work in fucking desert. because no matter what a fucking fork you choose you will still get a fucking sand into your food and mouth. so you can save money and place by letting the forks at home.

eating with hands today outside of desert is a fucking suicide without to leave a note. you have different level of filth on your hands just by using with your clean looking iPhone. you touch fucking door knobs after you washed you hands, which on other side were touched by AIDS/syphilis/gonorrhea/bird-flu infected fagots who like to jerk off, put needles in or fucking push into some arse -hands.
you also need something to wipe them clean during the eating so you don't mix fucking flavor of different tasted foods. you can stand up and reach the hand to new comers who maybe are your friends and want to join you at the table. you cant even switch a fucking TV with fat finger. and so on..

i once meet some arab, who refused to eat grilled food with a fork. which amused me because in the next sentence he complained about the weather and how many colds and flu types it gave to him and his brainoutfucked family..

>> No.5095878

>because in the next sentence he complained about the weather and how many colds and flu types it gave to him
ROFL. I love it.

The only reason I'd prefer not to use my hands with food is lack of access to handwashing first. I'm pretty careful about it. I absolutely hate catching the latest bug.

>> No.5095883


you must be loads of fun at kfc.

>> No.5095958

It is perfectly acceptable and in some places encouraged to eat sushi with your hands.

>> No.5095972

>you must be loads of fun at kfc.
Implying KFC has anything but a flimsy plastic spork for the cole slaw.

>> No.5096171

I skillfully scrape the meat off with a spoon. I believe (along with others) believe that this is completely appropriate.

>> No.5096203

I'm a pretty firm practitioner of the "when in Rome" adage.
Properly washed hands are just as clean as a silverware. Also I really enjoy using chopsticks. Once you get proficient with them they become incredibly useful in the kitchen.

>> No.5096206

Depends on the food. I wouldn't exactly eat like how they're doing in OP's picture where they don't always use the bread or nahn to scoop up cause looking at that picture, they use their bare fingers to tear that piece of meat apart.

Don't get me wrong, I think that using utensils is pretty much the same thing if people are picking through the food like my parents do with their chopsticks. I enjoy eating my own portions of food with my hands be it chicken, curry, ribs, sushi, mexican foods, and the like but when it's communal eating nah, chopsticks or the dish should come with their own utensil for picking some up onto your plate like a buffet. Koreans and their spoon sharing is pretty disgusting to me.

>> No.5096283

like burgers and pizzas? of course, thats acceptable. as is meat on the bone
if you mean ethnic food that is shared, it's not unhygenic, you are supposed to wash your hands well before the meal. I had a sit down meal with some blacks and arabs in Jordan similar to your OP, I didn't die or get sick. harden the fuck up
just learn how to use them you spastic

>> No.5096294


this is why you wash your hands before you eat.

>> No.5096300

>my faggy whiny OCD is more important than your culture

go fuck yourself bitch

>> No.5096308

eating from a communal plate with (your own) utensils (which go in your mouth) is actually less hygenic than using hands.
They use the bread to pick up the food then put the bread in their mouth, its not dirty at all

>> No.5096313
File: 37 KB, 680x510, 1389576268280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just learn how to use them you spastic

>90% of chinese eat with fork and spoon
>unless they got served chopsticks together with a fucking bowl of soup because the greed chink of owner is saving fucking 300 Dollars for dishwasher by turning worldwide forests into deserts.

fucking top kek. enjoying the photos of "most tolerant and ancient culture in the world"-smog.
picture related

>> No.5096315

It depends a bit on the cuisine. I'd be completely against eating as in the pic; communal plate, and direct contact with the food.

I don't mind eating with my hands for Indian cuisine, as you primarily hold things within a piece of chapati, which should have a light dusted of flour on the outside. So the only thing you get on on you fingers is a layer of flour.

Chopsticks are just as good as any other utensil.

Regarding etiquette, at the end of the day it depends on the situation. Personally I prefer using a knife and fork, which I'd use for sandwiches, ribs, pizzas etc. That said I generally don't expect others to do this.

>> No.5096319

>this is why you wash your hands before you eat.


>> No.5096320

i pick up a rib with the fork, and suck one end clean, then hold it with my hand on the clean part, reducing sauce on my hand

>> No.5096328

I really can't get into eating messy things with my hands
I have long nails and it's always a little gross to dig food out from under them.
Also food that will discolour your hands is a bit nasty, saw a guy eating Indian curry with his hand(semi white people curry as it was brightly coloured) was a real mess and I'm sure he would have had fun trying to wash off the orange later

>> No.5096329

>90% of chinese eat with fork and spoon
I guess I'll just take your word for it.

>> No.5096331
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>eating from a communal plate with (your own) utensils (which go in your mouth) is actually less hygenic than using hands.

yes. i like your thinking.

>> No.5096334

"Eating with your hands is dirty!"

Do you guys not normally wash your hands before you eat?

Do you guys normally not wash your hands before you eat?

>> No.5096341
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>>90% of chinese eat with fork and spoon
source plox

i do live here and almost all resutarants serve reusable chopsticks.

is your gluteus maximus in some kind of discomfort my friend?

>> No.5096342


Don't touch anything else after you wash your hands .

>> No.5096344

There's no real need to do that. Use a knife to cleanly separate the ribs, cutting as close to the bone as possible on one side. If you managed to cut against the bone, you should essentially be able to lift the flesh off the rib in on piece. Cut, and go from there.

>> No.5096345
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>> No.5096353

did you read the rest of the post. the hands hold the bread, the bread dips into the sauce, the bread goes into your mouth. your hand doesnt go int he sauce, or your mouth.
the utensil will go in your mouth, then back in to the communal dish, then back into your mouth. Obviously this is less hygenic

>> No.5096354
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>> No.5096362

Thank you for posting a picture that does nothing to back up your 90% claim.
The chopsticks look neat.

>> No.5096365

Are you guys unable to get your food after washing your hands without touching anything?

>> No.5096374
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>the hands hold the bread, the bread dips into the sauce, the bread goes into your mouth.

wait you dont eat the bread to the end?

also serious nigga, wet smashed bread full with souse? do you even put it away to eat some of salad, meat or drink some soup? ohh yeahh you magically keep it levitating in the air.

i fear you never ate with the hands.. unless those burgers with both hands, dropping all back into the fucking paper bag so you can sipp on the XXXL-coke.

>> No.5096378
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>> No.5096388

Good fucking lord. You tear a bite sized piece off of the bread, then you use that piece of to scoop up whatever sauce/stew you're eating. Your flesh is never in contact with the wet food, you mook.

>> No.5096392


>getting the most expensive food for your cat

>> No.5096404

>You tear a bite sized piece off of the bread

implying this not spread the infection further..

come at me bro.

>> No.5096408

Wash your fucking hands you slob.

>> No.5096409


>the cat was taught to eat the most expensive foods

So the cat didn't like the foods at first and was forced to either eat foods not good for the cat or die?

>> No.5096427

sounds like normal situation for cats. unless they can go out and slaughter own food. ohh wait..

>> No.5096428


>ice cream

I am not a cat expert, but those foods cannot be good for the cat.

>> No.5096438

You mean like birds and rodents?

>> No.5096446

It all really depends on the type of food. Messy foods are a no like rice. You put the rice in your mouth or your hands touch your lips and go back into contact with the food.

Other foods like drumsticks, fries, sandwiches are okay since there's less touching back and forth to the mouth and contacting other food (at least I hope so you slob).

Also I've learned that people are all experts in health.
>Don't worry, I was really sick yesterday but I'm not contagious anymore.

>> No.5096449


canned cat food is probably better than noodles and ice cream.

>> No.5096461


hand isn't really supposed to go into the mouth unless they are a slob.

>> No.5096468

Like the disgusting French, look up ortolan.
It's just a bird to me but French are so pathetic that I compelled to bring it up.
ortolan, that's like folk in the USA crunching on baby sparrows or whaever, the French are pretty vile.\

>> No.5096476

It's happens with rice and the frequency of it (probably at least 8-10 actions per meal).

Plus when you open your mouth, germs from your mouth will spray out on to your hand even if you don't feel it.

>> No.5096480

Was your mom gangraped by Frenchmen?

>> No.5096488


If it's just food on your own plate, then it shouldn't be that big of a deal.

>> No.5096491

You got, nail on the head, you fucking French wannabe.

>> No.5096493

but we're talking about communal dishes

>> No.5096502

yeah commie dishes, that's the French.

>> No.5096527

French, "What are your thoughts on eating food with hand...

American, "piss off"
Brit, "let's organize a commitee to organize how we should conduct ourselfs in that perilous enterprise!
Aussie, k m8|
ZA, let's fuck em!
Canada, whatever our masters the brits say
Mexico, Let's fuck em
Colombia, There
Brasil, There

>> No.5096743

The fuck are you serious? the staff there would probably tell you to eat it with your hands even, your friend is completely retarded

>> No.5096768

Bro you've got to come up with a better comeback
pretty sure you whinge this shitty pitch with at least five people a day.
Repetition is quite annoying, perhaps you're the one who is not fun to be around.

>> No.5096911
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>when foreigners eat with hand for first time

>> No.5096920

Guy on the right looks like he gets it.
I'm from SEA and I can use hands, chopsticks and western cutlery. I will never be reduced to not having a way to eat my lunch.

>> No.5096925

I'm not sure about Sri-Lankan cuisine, but for most asian hand-eaten cuisines if your hands are that messy you're definitely not getting it.

>> No.5096927
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>when you wipe your ass with your hand all of the time

>> No.5096953

Thing about eating with your hand is that you aren't supposed to be messy at all.

>> No.5096959


Etiquette is that you usually eat with your right hand while you use your left hand to wipe your bottom.

>> No.5096993

>Had Indian grandmother
>Ate Indian food, by hand, at formal gatherings (and all other occasions when I stayed there)
>The glare of a 75 year old whenever you slip up

Took me a while to learn how to tear chapatis with one hand though.

You tend to think that the etiquette would be trivial with these cuisines, but there are a surprising number of nuances.

>> No.5097029

considering in most of these places raw sewage is a problem in the streets and theres cholera and e coli and parasites all the time, this seems pointless.

>> No.5097037

Generally I see westerners using their hands to eat, they'll scoop and shovel, but I always pinched and tried to squeeze it into something that isn't as sloppy to eat.

>> No.5097041
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MFW I realized "wiping with your left hand" meant no toilet paper.

>> No.5097048

I don't have any form of OCD and I still wouldn't eat like the pic in the OP. Never.

I happen to be more civilized than some savage sticking his hand in other people's food. Sure, as long as your hands are clean I doubt there's any health risk in it, but these people don't always care about washing their hands or any other hygienic habits. As a Swede, I meet a lot of immigrants from pretty much all over the world and I remember eating food at one of my albanian friends when I was a kid and they told me they don't use toilet paper, they wipe their ass with their bare hands, using water from the sink and soap. I didn't eat food at their house after that.

>> No.5097060

I will eat my own food with my hands if I feel so, I wont share like in your photo. I just don't trust the germs in other peoples face holes.

Chops sticks, I don't like them. I have some fine motor movement damage. This makes them extremely difficult for me to use.

>> No.5097252

Doesn't matter if the food sticks to your hand or not I guess, but the right way is to push the food with your thumb into your mouth. Lots of people just shove their fingers into their mouth.

>> No.5097274


You need to hang out with red necks, the couple Chinese folk I know where surprized as hell when I ordered the chicken feet,

To be fair the were fried for some damn reason instead of pickled, still good though.

>> No.5097287

Asian kids these days think eating tripe is weird.

>> No.5097295

I only eat wearing surgical gloves and I carry my own sterilized spoon, fork and knife.

>> No.5097346

But tripe is delicious?

>> No.5097352


also I always take girls on dates to eat ethiopian food

>> No.5097354


>> No.5097356

Some foods are just better eaten by hands. yeah, a lot of Indian food can be eaten by spoon, but it doesn't make them uncivilized for eating by hand.

>> No.5097509

I thought it was gross at first then I had a roommate who ate with their hand. Turns out there's a lot of etiquette to it and it is sometimes cleaner then eating hot wings, hamburgers, pizza.

>> No.5098266

It is neat.

>> No.5098296

I don't like the taste that utensils give my meticulously crafted dietary delights, and I'm a fucking slob, so I just eat with my hands or bust out my Chinese grabbing sticks

>> No.5098328

Yep, rice, flour or something similar should give you a border region against direct contact with the other foodstuffs, then you pinch it into shape, and push it into your mouth.

Nothing worse than people taking really large handfuls either. Small & neat bits of food are the goal.

>> No.5098347

I don't like burning my fucking fingers. So I don't eat with my hands.

I have no compulsion against eating with other implements, however.

>> No.5098369

It depends on the type of food. Chopsticks, utensils, hands are all fine for me as long as that's what the food is meant to be eaten with.
What I can't stand is when people stuff their fingers inside their mouth when eating with their hands. Just pick up the food and put it in you mouth, don't try and eat your hand as well.

>> No.5099571

I eat with my hands, but never from a communal plate. I know people are supposed to wash their hands before, but I do not trust them to be thoroughly clean or not touch anything before touching the food. Often times people will scratch themselves, touch the table, touch chairs, touch their phone, etc after washing their hands.

>> No.5101859

it's alright.

>> No.5101891

I prefer to eat noodles with chop sticks.

>> No.5101898

I eat with chopsticks a lot, but hands only with foods like pizzas.

>> No.5101934

forks are the reason for underbites

>> No.5101972

I definitely use chopsticks a lot more than I used to, but that's a reflection more of what I've been cooking. Cooking chopsticks are also excellent utensils.

>> No.5102010


When I was around 8 or so, I lived in Africa (Gambia), for a few years. They'd eat like this all the time. Don't remember any of the dishes, but I do remember that they were fucking delicious.

>> No.5102049

What about fruit, an apple for example? Or chips? Or candy in a bowl?

>> No.5102054

Gonna agree with everyone, I'd pop your friend square in the kisser, or just not go out to eat with those ass backward retards.

>> No.5102083

I like using my hands to eat certain foods, like meat that has bones, or things like burgers.
But some things are better with utensils, such as a steak, vegetables, rice. And then theres shit like soup, I know you can just slurp it up from the bowl but sometimes its really hot so having it on a spoon cools it down.
I also hate having food on my hands and not being able to wash them afterwards.

>> No.5102099

Seems like people are under the impression that people that eat with their hands eat every dish with their hands. They still use utensils for some dishes, it's just that some dishes they were raised to eat it with their hands.

>> No.5102110

I just don't really care for chopsticks even though I know how to use them, probably pretty poorly since I haven't in 8 years. When it comes to eating with your hands I'm guessing you mean something like ethiopian? No I don't have a problem with that.

>> No.5103693
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How to eat with your hands

Take what you need and kind of bunch it together with your fingers. Create a U shape with your fingers to keep shit from falling out and use your thumb to push the food in your mouth


More or less food should never be on your palms.

>> No.5103704

Do any hand attachments exist for ease of eating?

>> No.5103707

I am 100% okay with eating with your hands, but I do not like the thought of sharing a communal dish this way.

>> No.5103715

forks, spoons, and knives

>> No.5103724

Do you find that these generally improve the dining experience when eating smaller, more finely separated foods?

>> No.5103730

you use a spoon with soups, knives with shit like steaks

forks aren't really necessary but whatever