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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5094658 No.5094658[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just qualified for EBT so I'm going to the farmer's market today. I used to work in fine dining so I can make most fancy stuff and I was wondering what might be available there in January, what I should get, and then what I should make for dinner. I am in the mid-atlantic and was thinking something along the lines of salmon en croute, but preferably more creative.

>> No.5094661

Perhaps get some ink cap mushrooms make a pizza and drink red wine with them. It be great, but you will die.

>> No.5094662
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>I just qualified for EBT
>Go buy expensive foods

Wow. What a douche.

>> No.5094663

It depends on the farmer's market. At mine, this time of year we have a lot of potatoes, turnips, carrots, onions, parsnips, winter squash, and for some reason sunchokes. There are still some remaining apples, and the rest is the usual animal products we get year round. We don't get salmon, but hake, flounder, monkfish, and striped bass are common, along with an assortment of local shellfish.

>> No.5094665

>I want poor people to eat wonder bread and hot pockets so that they put a severe strain on the health care system in a few years

Republicunt medieval logic, ladies and gents.

>> No.5094667

>I like putting words into other peoples mouths.

Wow. What a douche.

>> No.5094670

>Implying they don't eat those things
>Implying they aren't already an extream burden
>Implying you're not just going to put your fat fucking fingers in your ears and say lalalalalala I can't hear you so it isn't true and if I could hear you I still wont believe you.

>> No.5094675


So if they eat those things, where are all the pictures of the receipts? The only ones I see have lobster on them.

>> No.5094676

Because people are baiting you, stupid.

>> No.5094678


If they aren't being douchebags, there's no reason to document it.

>> No.5094680

I also have like 35 dollars of my own, but more on bet, and those dollars get matched.

>> No.5094686


Look at the debt per citizen and then the debt per taxpayer.

If you're on welfare, it seems to me that you should be as frugal as you fucking can.

It always amazes me how eager people are to spend another's money.

>> No.5094701

>It always amazes me how eager people are to spend another's money.

He needs to eat, I don't have a problem with this. You know what's fucked up? You can buy caviar but not fresh basil with food stamps, because people like you try to micro manage based on butthurt, instead of using your head. The free market is good and rules are bad, remember?

>> No.5094702

Why doesn't the government just take the wealth from all the rich and pay off the debt? It's so fucking simple.

>mfw they don't do this because the rich have absolute control of all government

>> No.5094714

What could I make that is interesting with all those vegetables and preferably some carbs?

>> No.5094717


Because when the wealthy make disastrous errors with other people's money, it's "creative destruction" resulting from "innovative financial products". Punishing them would "send the wrong message" and "encourage capital flight". On the other hand when a poor person buys the wrong vegetable with food stamps it means that poors can't be trusted and we must cancel all welfare programs and spend the money on dealing with the repercussions of having a starving, unhealthy, desperate permanent underclass.

>> No.5094722


I thought you used to work in fine dining.

>> No.5094729

I did but I'm curious what comes to people's minds that maybe I wouldn't have thought of. Maybe fusion recipes, I mostly know traditional Continental games.

>> No.5094732

Recipes damn it I'm tired.

>> No.5094736

You want to know what's fucked up. We subsidize farms to a laughable extent in this country, and then do nothing or export the crop. My dad was on government assistance as a kid. Every month his family went down to the courthouse to collect government cheese, beans, and vegetables off a truck. Seems to be a more logical solution to the hunger problem.

>> No.5094748

lol One lobster isn't enough?
EBT sets a limit per month. In Iowa for an individual, the limit is $200 per month.

>> No.5094750


I didn't say anything about micromanaging. I said it's shitty of him to buy expensive foods with tax dollars.

If you were at a restaurant and, just before heading off, another guy says he'll foot the bill, would you say "hold up, let me buy the most expensive shit on the menu first"? No, because that would be fucking rude as shit and you SHOULD be a better person than that.

I guess because you don't personally know the exact person whose tax dollars were allocated to feeding your ungrateful ass it doesn't matter to you. Or perhaps you're fine with it as long as you can imagine that it's some nouveau-riche snob who smokes caviar flavoured cigars while sipping on 300 year old scotch for breakfast that you don't feel bad about it, doesn't matter if that's the case or not.


One: Raising taxes on the rich does not increase tax revenue because the rich can afford to leave the country easily (France has a big problem with this right now, if you want to do some reading).

Two: Even in a hypothetical situation where it wouldn't be economically viable for them to leave (let's say the US had the lowest taxes in the world despite of it, which is a farce, but this is a hypothetical situation), what makes you think they would pay off the debt with it? They just increase spending. You'll never have a surplus again until after the world economy has literally died with all debts being neutralized or you end up conquering every nation you owe debt to.

>> No.5094753

did he just buy 120 cans of diet mountain dew?

I bet he is an alcoholic and is trading the lobster for vodka

>> No.5094755

I didn't say anything about increasing taxes on the rich. Arrest them. Seize. Their. Wealth.

Problem solved.

>> No.5094765

I like you.
As long as it doesn't just descend into anti-intellectualism.

>> No.5094769

I want to make something interesting with winter veggies. How is that elitist?

>> No.5094773


Instant totalitarianism? How nice.

Who determines who is rich enough to have all their wealth stolen from them for no reason? Who distributes the wealth?

Your problem solving seems to generate a lot more problems, both in terms of logistics and ethics.

>> No.5094777

>actually wants assistance to consist of a heap of perishables from the back of a truck next to the courthouse

What is this, the Marshall Plan? Since your dad was on welfare, we've made a few advances in supply chain and logistics.

>> No.5094791

Ok I got zero decent replies and its getting late so I'm gonna just go to the market soon.

>> No.5094795

Raiding citizen's bank accounts isn't really a new thing. I'm just narrowing the scope and expanding the scale.

>> No.5094797

Shutup you rich fucking faggot.

>> No.5094798


Do you know what a Drafter is? I'm middle class.

>> No.5094802

My dad used to draft, moved into architecture and was quite well off, a bit above middle class, lost all to wife.
Didn't you say you grew up with a cleaning lady?

>> No.5094810


No, my mother's CLIENT is a cleaning lady. She is co-owner of a knitting store.

>> No.5094818

Why defend the rich then?
They hoard money beyond their needs and desires, while others work 60 hour weeks in dangerous jobs and barely break even.
Sure you need a ruling class but the distribution of wealth is atrocious.

>> No.5094827


I'm defending property rights. Rights don't stop just because you've accrued a certain amount of wealth.

I'd hope that is something you can appreciate.

>> No.5094836

Actually I think as you accrue serious wealth you should move into philanthropy at the least, if not some sort of industry or just a single business to help people help themselves.
Legally it's still their property but morally I think they owe the people who they gained their money from something.
We are talking about multi multi millionaires and billionaires right?

>> No.5094853

>ITT: Lower middle class people hoping they will, "make it" one day

Old money here. Keep believing!

>> No.5094860

>old money

Your daddy's daddy bought those 35 acres in bumblefuck texas back in 1947, right?

>> No.5094867

Damn you Bottlesworth, let me have my dreams.


>> No.5094878

I was serious about wanting recipes. Damn you people suck. Off to the market bbl.

>> No.5094879

Try real estate and law in Connecticut.