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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5089038 No.5089038[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is dog meat legal in the us, and if so, how can I get ahold of some from a reputable source? as far as I can tell it's a state level law so for full disclosure I'm in Oregon.

I'd love to try it, and to try with it, as I've heard good things, but I've no idea how to get some.

>> No.5089042

Sorta? the law is pretty grey

>> No.5089082

raise your own then slaughter and process them. no one has to know. don't bother with legal channels.

>> No.5089100

because I absolutely want to wait years for a meal, or become unintentionally attached to my harvest.

>> No.5089102

the story will be made into a heartwarming feature film

"fluffy harvest"

>> No.5089185


To be fair OP, it doesn't take years, and you could just buy a dog. As of getting unintentionally attached to your meat, don't be a pussy.

>> No.5089197

Oregon bro here, I'm pretty sure it's illegal to buy and sell. Don't have a source tho so if anyone wants to correct me go ahead.
You could try an animal shelter but if anyone found out you could get charged with animal abuse. Your best bet is to make friends with the local Korean restaurants/grocery stores.

>> No.5089202


says the guy who has never eaten a dog.

>> No.5089217

I know South Koreans eat dog. Although I don't think I'd try it, I've been told by people who've tried it that it's actually quite good. If course, that depends on how it's prepared. Anywho, here's a link:


>> No.5089224


>inb4 Chinese restaurant joke

>> No.5089230

I don't want to try dog meat, but I'm interested in the legality of it in the states. There's game that is as dirty and wormy as a dog would be that people eat (rabbit, squirrel, bear, and all the game fowl). I'm going to look into this at work tomorrow. I have better resources there. I'll report back if there's any interest.

>> No.5089236

(How) Is it animal abuse if you slaughter the animal properly?

>> No.5089246

your best bet for finding dog meat is to go to a casino restaurant on a native american reserve

>> No.5089249

Because of people's sentimentalities. People don't want to kill pets.
I'm not saying that's bad or good; I know I wouldn't kill a dog or a cat, and I see myself as a pretty pragmatic person usually.

>> No.5089288

As far as I know OP that road is so grey that Dave Matthews wrote a song about it...

>> No.5089293

>eating animals that are on top of their food chain

terrible, terrible idea.

>> No.5089299
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>> No.5089302


Apex predators are usually full of toxins. That's why you shouldn't eat swordfish or pedophiles.

>> No.5089344
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Maybe puppy meat is better, who knows.

>> No.5089345

Are they naturally full of toxins or is this from their diet?
If it's from diet, you could easily fix this.

>> No.5089359

>If it's from diet, you could easily fix this.
I wouldn't consider the experimental farming of wild-type apex predators to be a trivial matter.

>> No.5089426

We can easily eat dog though, so what do all these toxins matter?

>> No.5089467

hey OP
I live in Korea and have eaten dog numerous times

it's a really fatty meat with a distinctive smell

ask me anything

>> No.5089471

this disgusts me, why do you want to eat a dog

dogs are the most amazing creatures and the mans best friend

i love dogs and hate cats but i would never eat a cat though

>> No.5089474

Dogs aren't apex predators.

>> No.5089476

as far as the dog eaten in Korea
it's a specific breed raised specifically for meat
I've seen one just after its been prepared
let me see if I still have the picture

>> No.5089477

Then why the fuck did you even bring this up?
What, just what.
what the fuck.

Never talk to me again.

>> No.5089478

which animal is it threatened by ?

>> No.5089481

I could either take my dog and have:
- an amazing companion
- it pull me on skis or a bike
- it carry things on a sled or packsack
- it as a form of protection
- it flush, retrieve, and hunt wild game

Or, I could eat it.

>> No.5089482

koreans, vietnamese, and filipinos

>> No.5089485

don't forget swiss

>> No.5089486

What makes you think a domestic chihuahua is an apex predator?

>> No.5089488


never mind, the picture's not on my computer, oh well

>> No.5089491

Or you could have your dog to do all these things and eat other dogs, but i guess that's too difficult for your under developed brain to understand.

>> No.5089494

thats the same as saying a lion isnt apex because of domesticated cats

natural enemies, the apex concepts is comepletely ruined by humans you retard

>> No.5089496

There are dog farms and lots of wild dogs where you live?

>> No.5089502

No it's not.
It's like saying a domesticated cat isn't apex because of a very, very small domestic cat.
Bullshit analogy patrol.

>> No.5089503

>natural enemies, the apex concepts is comepletely ruined by humans you retard
Humans aren't natural?

>thats the same as saying a lion isnt apex because of domesticated cats
A lion isn't even in the same genus as a domesticated cat while a chihuahua is the same species as a wolf.

>> No.5089506

You dont need a dog farm to eat a dog.

>> No.5089513

So where would you get your dogs from if you wanted to legally (e.g.: not someone's property) eat one right now?

>> No.5089514

>Humans aren't natural?
Not really, no.

He said the apex concept is ruined by humans, and that's true.

>> No.5089516

then humans would be the only apex predator because of our high intelligence

>> No.5089517

>Not really, no.
Full retard.

>> No.5089518

Dog breeder.

>> No.5089520

Yeah, good luck with that.

>> No.5089521

If you go by the textbook definition of natural, we may aswell say everything is natural, everything.
Excluding humans from the definition just makes it simpler.

>> No.5089523

It physically and easily could be done, I wouldnt but it could.

Dog breeders dont usually suspect people are buying dogs to eat them.

>> No.5089524

>Excluding humans from the definition just makes it simpler.
But it doesn't. Many animals use tools, many organisms are social, and many organisms have a cosmopolitan distribution. Why are humans unnatural?

>> No.5089527

>buy a $600-1200 dog
>buy a $8 steak

I've only interacted with reputable breeders, and they are typically very suspicious and weird people. When I bought my dog, I had to submit a long questionnaire form, met the breeder for what was essentially an interview, and then picked up the dog 3 weeks later.

>> No.5089529

Tell me what isn't natural.

>> No.5089532

This discussion.

>> No.5089533


>How is it murder if you kill the guy quickly, without him even knowing?

>> No.5089536

>go to supermarket car park in poorer area
>someone is undoubtedly giving away free puppies
>raise puppy for a month or two then eat it

not hard

>> No.5089537

because they have developed above animal state

>> No.5089539

snowflake detected

>> No.5089540

It's still possible though, it could be done.

>> No.5089541

if its not animal abuse to kill other animals in this manner, then it's not animal abuse to kill dogs this way. stop making double standards for cute animals you fucking retard

>> No.5089543

>Tell me what isn't natural.
Technically nothing.

We all have our own ideas about it and I could not definitively define my concept of unnatural. It would be something along the lines of the natural vs. unnatural fibers concept.

>> No.5089545

>because they have developed above animal state
It's funny that people actually believe this.

>> No.5089546

Have you got anything worthwhile to say or are you just going to use silly little attempts to patronize me because god knows why.

Separating humans from everything on earth does not make you an individual, it makes you part of 7 billion other things.


>> No.5089547

so you dont believe in science or darwin ?

>> No.5089549

>It's still possible though, it could be done.

>> No.5089551

>how is it animal abuse if you dont abuse the animal

Stop making stupid analogies

>> No.5089555

Soon, anons.

>> No.5089557


adjective: natural

existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind.

Happy now?
Or are you upset you wont be able to win internet arguments by calling everything natural.

>> No.5089563
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>> No.5089568

Because you SLAUGHTERED it you dingus

>> No.5089571

He thinks abuse means suffer

>> No.5089572


Many breeders treat it like adopting a child. They actually sent a guy out to inspect my house and my fence. Depending on where you live it may simply not be feasible.

>> No.5089574


1. kill (animals) for food.
"the animals have been slaughtered according to Islamic laws"

>> No.5089575

A definition from an online dictionary doesn't mean you won. It's semantics, there is no winning.

Why is a dam created by a beaver natural but if I made a quinzhee it would be considered unnatural? Your little definition does not actually address this in any meaningful way.

>> No.5089578

I would say the person that thinks humans are not animals is the fedora.

>> No.5089580

so its completely okay for me to stab you in the throat and let you bleed to death?

as long as i dont beat you, call you are nigger or sexual harass you?

>> No.5089583

BECAUSE THAT IS the definition, it doesn't have to be an online dictionary, go and find another dictionary and it will have the same definition.

If you include humans into the word natural, that is EVERYTHING in the world, there isn't a single thing that isnt natural.

>> No.5089584


>if its not animal abuse to kill other animals in this manner

Where isn't it? It's against the law to go around killing animals. Even in areas where hunting is allowed, you need a permit for it

>> No.5089586
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>implying humankind isn't existing and derived from nature

Nice cherry-picking there, faggot. I can find a definition out of the dozen that word means to suit my opinion, also. Now go look up the definition of the word nature. You know, the one "natural" comes from.

>> No.5089589
File: 13 KB, 194x259, fedora 3463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You clearly know little about fedoras.

>> No.5089590

>you need a permit for it
no you dont. you only need a permit to hunt wild game.

>> No.5089591

noun: nature; plural noun: natures

the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations.

>as opposed to humans or human creations.

>> No.5089592

It seems that arbitrarily designating one species of animals as "not an animal" despite all phylogenetic data is being a contrarian fedora.

>> No.5089595
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No, it's definitely a fedora thing.

>> No.5089597


He could be talking about a permit to slaughter food for public consumption. In every state that I have lived in it is illegal for a person to serve food to the public, or to process food, slaughter animals, etc, unless the person has a permit and the facilities have been inspected by the local health department. Of course that would not apply if someone was slaughtering and serving an animal for their own consumption as opposed to public sale.

>> No.5089598

are you retarded? I can go into my back yard and legally kill any of my animals right now as long as I do it in a humane way

slaughtering animals for food is not animal abuse

>> No.5089599
File: 147 KB, 961x641, xYa0K9Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogs are great. Why would you eat dogs? Don't you want a loyal companion to guide and protect you, anon-kun?

>> No.5089604

the entire thread has been about personal consumption of dog, so why would it now switch to public consumption?

>> No.5089606

>are you retarded? I can go into my back yard and legally kill any of my animals right now as long as I do it in a humane way

>> No.5089608

If you can't see the contradiction in the very definition you posted then all the green text in the world will make you none the wiser. Enjoy being out of this world, anon.

>> No.5089613

just because you say nope doesn't meant that I actually can't

>> No.5089614

I'll edit the definition to help a retard out.

>the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals(NOT FUCKING HUMANS), the landscape


>> No.5089618

>as long as i dont beat you, call you are nigger or sexual harass you
>implying current hate crime laws don't suggest just that very notion

Try it and see what happens.

>> No.5089619

>why would it now switch to public consumption?

Topics grow and evolve?
A misunderstanding by the poster on either the law or the topic?

>> No.5089620

then the poster is a dumb fuck

>> No.5089622


Depends which state you are in (assuming you're in the U.S.).

>> No.5089627

no it doesnt

at most i have to call up a federal inspector to stand next to me and cry like a little bitch because rover is getting in my belly tonight

>> No.5089631
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Yes, I'm ecstatic that you think you are not subject to physical and natural laws and will not die like everything else because you read a definition on oxfordicks.com that makes you feel superior. This is 4chan, delusions and fantasy are encouraged here.

>> No.5089636

I'm just trying to help you out with the definition of a word you're unsure on.
You could look up the definition in any dictionary and it would say the same thing.

On this planet, by your own definition. What isn't natural?

>> No.5089640


Entirely possible; this is 4chan after all.

>> No.5089643

Go to your local animal shelter, and fill out the paperwork.

>> No.5089651

>What isn't natural?
You're the dictionary expert, you should know this.



>> No.5089655

That's why I asked "by your own definition"

Just answer the question.

>> No.5089658


It absolutely does. California Penal Code Section 598b (my state).

>> No.5089666

Separating for the purpose of distinction is quite different from holding the belief that we are completely detached and not a part of the natural world.

>> No.5089669
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By the definition of natural, we are not.

If you chose to reply, prepare to stay here for at least 14 hours, I WILL get the last word in and I will be smug about it.
Are you prepared for this?

>> No.5089670

good luck getting anyone charged under that law given the huge diversity of culture and pets in cali

>> No.5089683
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I guess being an obnoxious, ornery cunt must be in your "nature", then.

>> No.5089691


>> No.5089695
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>I WILL get the last word
>blank post

>> No.5089702


>> No.5089711


>> No.5089714

Why do you feel the need to kill and eat a dog?

>> No.5089716


>> No.5089721
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Because they're delicious!

>> No.5089722

jesus christ did you escape from sperg camp

>> No.5089728


>> No.5089735



>muh meat
>muh cooking hobby
>I'm entitled to everything on the planet

>> No.5089759

OP Here. y'all are retarded. I ask about a reputable source And legality of meat and get told to raise and slaughter one, as if my dumb ass could be trusted to butcher any meat, or even raise it without ending up with some nasty ass crap.

as for you moral fags, it's meat. I want to try it. I'm not going to eat someone's little pet, some locations raise and eat animals that don't look like nature's retards.

>> No.5089762


>> No.5089768

>get told to raise and slaughter one

That's because there is no reputable source.

>> No.5089772

This thread is awful.

>> No.5089778

I dunno, why do you eat cows, pigs, chicken and fish?

>> No.5089785

Pigs look gross, chickens have liquid shits and fish don't do anything.
Cows are okay but they taste nice.

>> No.5089805

Morality aside no one's ever been curious what certain things taste like?

>> No.5089809

Just adopt one at a shelter and butcher it yourself, butchering something really isn't that hard, millions of rednecks do it with deer every year. I don't see how it could be illegal if it was your own pet, just say it was hit by a car or something if anybody asks what happened to it.

>> No.5089947

There are areas in Switzerland where people ate dogs and cats quite recently, even in the 80s.

>> No.5089978


> no one's ever been curious what certain things taste like?

Being curious is fine. Acting on your curiosity isn't. That concept goes beyond food

>> No.5089984

Like what?

>> No.5089986


What's "not OK" about slaughtering an animal and eating it? We do that all the time. There's nothing special about a dog as opposed to a chicken, cow, or pig.

>> No.5090107


Like it's fine to think "I wonder what having sex with that lady would be like" but it's not fine to rape her for the sake of your curiosity


>We do that all the time

That doesn't make it right. People used to own slaves all the time too.

>> No.5090121

Check the newspaper for FREE TO A GOOD HOME.

>> No.5090135

youer wrong

>> No.5090163

I personally have never really understood why people are so bothered by killing "pet" animals for food, but not other animals. I don't see a huge difference between eating dog meat, horse meat and cow meat, and I'd be willing to try any of it.

And what about pigs? Very common to eat them, but they're also occasionally pets.

>> No.5090232


What about people who are bothered by killing any animals?

>> No.5090256

That is much easier to understand. The other is an annoying double standard.

>> No.5091918

When people want to be different, they don't separate themselves from animals, they do it from other people. Retard.

>> No.5091926

What's annoying about it? It is a double standard, but that doesn't mean there's no reason for it.
Not common enough as pets to make people grimace.

>> No.5091940

quit doing heroin Reid

>> No.5091963

people are giving away dogs left and right,check craigslist

the majority of dogs born are probably mutts that not very many people want

>> No.5093062

It's a state-by-state deal: there isn't federal legislation on it.

Certain states ban the slaughter and sale of dogs for human consumption.
Others permit "personal use" slaughter so long as you put the animal down humanely.
Others still have no laws about it at all...

You need to recognise something, though: If you try to do something shady, like adpoting a dog from a pound just so you can slaughter it, you're probably gonna get cruelty to animals charges should you be caught.

>> No.5093070

if you get caught (and if you're butchering dogs, you may raise eyebrows hanging the meat, draining the blood etc), you're probably gonna get cruelty to animals charges.

You have to put the animal down in a legal manner -- something that the law considers "humane"...you also need to make sure your state's laws don't forbid it!

>> No.5094410

dog meat isn't that great think a really lean and gamey beef or venison depending on breed

>> No.5094417
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So you can't just throw a poodle in a microwave and youtube it without somebody being upset?

>> No.5094807


ugh i can't stand the smell of dog in the first place. I could only imagine what the carcass would be like

>> No.5094843
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don't just swipe any old dog from the shelter or craigslist ya dingus, meat dogs are raised specifically for the purpose of consumption like any other livestock.
find some dog eating immigrants and ask them if they brought any meat dogs with them.

dog isn't particularly good, anyway. tough and stringy.