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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 357 KB, 1600x1201, Mandarin Wok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5082849 No.5082849 [Reply] [Original]

Please show me the thing called Chinese food in your country.

>> No.5082855
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>> No.5082856
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>> No.5082875
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Despite what people will say, it isn't at all difficult to get good regional cuisines here in the states.

>> No.5082886

You must not live in South Dakota.

>> No.5082891
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does anyone?

>> No.5082892

Dim sim, deep fried meat and cabbage dumplings, Australia.

>> No.5082901

>Dim sim
It's an Australian dish you fucking retard.

>> No.5082902

I went to Nan Xiang in flushing a couple days ago. Really really tasty food. Shame that place is crazy packed all the time.

>> No.5082905

dim sum/yum cha are an Australian creation.

The more you know.
Anyways, been to china, their food is shit, the street food, the national dishes, north/south doesnt matter, all shit.
Thailand you can go down some shit hole alley and have the best broth you have ever tasted.

>> No.5082908

>dim sum is australian
what in flying fuck am I reading

>> No.5082910

aussie logic

can you understand now why they rage at japan threads? they haven't figured out how to take credit for sushi yet.

>> No.5082912
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Siomai or Shumai or whatever the fuck its spelling maybe, all I know is just with soy sauce and chili garlic, it's fucking great


>> No.5082916

No wonder aussies are well known shitposters

>> No.5082925
File: 260 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_2703(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound mad.

>all shit
Well you clearly have a valid opinion.

Pretty sure the Chinese influenced the dim sim, and you are wrong about yum cha, it is definitely Chinese.

>> No.5082932

....That's Japanese, at least the drink is

>> No.5082934


>mug culture


>> No.5082943

I have no idea what you're trying to say.

Chinese food in Japan, then. Potstickers, I'm fairly sure, are Chinese in origin.

>> No.5082945

>Pretty sure the Chinese influenced the dim sim
That doesn't mean it is Chinese food.

>> No.5082982

Post some Australian Chinese food then...

>> No.5082986

>Pretty sure the Chinese influenced the dim sim,
Of course. It's a fucking fried dumpling made by a Chinese expat. It's still an Australian dish. Only the fucking absolute lowest of bogans would consider dim sim to be "Chinese food"

>> No.5082993


It was the first thing that came to mind.

>> No.5082996


>> No.5083005
File: 101 KB, 800x600, Pollo con Almendras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in Spain do chinese people serve food with almonds.

>> No.5083008

Post it faggot.

>> No.5083036
File: 57 KB, 919x737, 1359263367597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attention Australian shitposters and the normal world:

dim sim = an Australian Chinese-inspired deep fried jumbo dumpling. has nothing to do with dim sum with a U which was not invented by Australians (wtf?)

Australia - please disconnect the undersea cable before the internet gets further contaminated with your stupidity

Rest of world - observe the instructions in this image

>> No.5083042

I nearly spat all over my screen when I opened that image. That shit is funny.

>> No.5083051

I've never eaten american chinese, but from what I've seen it's a lot nicer than australian-chinese food. General tso's looks amazing.

common australian chinese dishes:

HONEY PRAWNS which are deep fried prawns coated in a sweet sauce rolled in sesame seeds

BIRD'S NEST which is basically what you americans have as chop suey on top of a basket of deep fried noodles because westerners love crispy things. Not to be confused with the delicacy made from swallow's spit

LEMON CHICKEN which is basically just battered chicken deep friend and covered in a sickly sweet yellow lemon sauce

MIXED ENTREE which is deep fried dim sims, spring rolls, prawn toast and other similar things piled onto a plate

This blog entry is a pretty good rundown


I've heard of some stuff being served out at country chinese restaurants too like CHICKEN MARYLAND which is pretty much a schnitzel of a maryland. Another weird thing i've noticed is restaurants here will often be chinese/malaysian, even if all the staff are straight cantonese chinese.

at 'chinese' restaurants out in rural areas you can still get chips with your meal. The 'phantom menu' used to absolutely be a real thing, and a lot of places serving australian-chinese fare would have a few select dishes of THE TRUE for actual chinese people. White people love dumplings here but probably still don't engage with the rest of srs chinese cooking all that much.

When you go out to actual chinese ppl zones the food is pretty good, even down to restaurants serving regional styles, etc.

>> No.5083052

>dim sum is a fried dumpling
I don't know where this thread has gone but I don't like it

>> No.5083059

Learn to read: he said, "dim sim".

But yes, this thread sucked from its inception. Much like your mother.

>> No.5083065


nahhh i like these threads, weird mutant international forms of chinese food interest me

thread has gone to shit

surely noone thinks that dim sum is an australian invention and the entire culinary culture of like a fifth of the world is worthless tho


>> No.5083067
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>> No.5083069

>xiao long bao
>weird mutant international

>> No.5083080
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fuck up cunt

>> No.5083213
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fuck yeah

>> No.5083656

All the "chinese" food in my area is either american or korean.

>> No.5083753

The chinese food around here generally is dry rice + dry meat + sweet sauce.

>> No.5083766

>Retarded aussies think they made dim sum

my sides, ahahahahahahaha, what the fuck?

>> No.5083965
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>> No.5084034

>dim sum

I'm pretty sure Cantonese food actually comes from the Guangdong province in China and not some bumfuck shithole desert full of Irish convicts and gas huffers, and that traditional dim sum originated on the Silk Road

>> No.5084063 [DELETED] 
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Chinese drink antifreeze and run over their own children, you don't get to look down on anyone.

>> No.5084066

Dim SIM is Australian, not dim SUM. It's like a shitty Chinese-inspired meat dumpling.

>> No.5084075
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costs about $7 for everything here

>> No.5084120

Generic crispy meat/poultry in slightly tangy and sticky red sauce with peppers onions etc.

>implying I don't demolish the shit out of it though

>> No.5084182
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local place here in texas that's run by mexicans

good prices and delicious food, i was surprised the first time i ate there

>> No.5084244

That looks sickly. :(

>> No.5084627
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so hungee

the chinese place by my house catches seagulls in traps, no joke.
pic related


they would buy racoons from me, but i would just give them cats with their paws chopped off so they couldnt see the cute hands racoons have

>> No.5084668
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my country is china

>> No.5084772

much crispy
so delish
well behave
great taste

>> No.5084778

why do they cook naked in china?

>> No.5084779

I'm sorry.
But I can honestly never tell the difference(visually) between real Chinese food and takeout

>> No.5084805
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>> No.5084812
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This is the Dutch version of Chinese food.
It's a bizarre cross between Indonesian food and Benelux Snackbar junkfood.
I have no idea how it came into existence and why Chinese people tolerate being associated with it.
It's a greasy msg laden mess but it love it.

>> No.5084923
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Pretty good if you go to the right places
Also North new jersey

>> No.5084995

dim sim and dim sum are different, learn to use your eyes to more carefully read you colossal faggots

>> No.5085007
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>kill me

>> No.5085093


>> No.5085799
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>> No.5085805
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>> No.5085810
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>> No.5085842
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>> No.5085884

Haven't had laksa in fucking forever that looks gooooood

>> No.5085904


Looks like Mabodofu

>> No.5085908
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Something like this.

>> No.5085922
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>> No.5085952

yeah this anon is accurate

lemon chicken is fucking retarded

when I get chinese I try to get Sichuan Beef even though it makes me tear up

also I'm originally from NZ and over there, chinese food is two things

1. pork fried rice
2. sweet & sour pork

>> No.5085969


>> No.5085971


>> No.5086394
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Another dish that uis massive in spain is kubak rice. They bring out a sizzling platter and they add the puffed rice and it pops and crackles and is delicious. I'm sure it's well known aroudn the World but most likely with another name.

>> No.5086444

Dumplings like that are a shared dish, I think. I know Koreans have their own variant that looks almost exactly like that.

>> No.5086740
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>> No.5086744
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>> No.5086749
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>> No.5086792
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>> No.5086801
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Japan (homemade).

>> No.5086823
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>> No.5086857

should I go get chinese food or a bunch of mcdoubles?

The chinese food has soft orange chicken and it's not crispy but its alright but kind of too sweet. should I get rice and chow mein or just fried rice?

>> No.5086902

even if it's rat or dog or cat meat, it's still meat. I'd go with chinese

>> No.5087088

based north nj here too. very good typical chines food here

>> No.5088818


there's nothing retarded about ning meng ji or chenpi ji and you can get it lots of places in taiwan and hk

>> No.5088847

Looks like a sloppy fucking mess, chicken looks tough, sauce looks diluted. 0/10, will not touch

>> No.5088887


its called gyoza
>you fucktard

>> No.5088923

I wonder if Americanized Chinese food has made its way back to China.

The neon orange sweet and sour sauce, fortune cookies, etc.

>> No.5089117

check this out tho, i was eating out with relatives last night and they ordered sweet and sour pork and lemon chicken, even though the restaurant we were at is well known for winter comfort foods like snake soup and claypot rice

I can't figure out if they were ordering stuff to suit me and my girlfriend's western palates (lol) or if they're just dishes they eat a lot, because one of my cousins was praising the lemon chicken ????

unrelated but the chicken/salt fish/tofu hotpot was one of the best things i have ever eaten dear god

>> No.5089122

>weeabooo detected

>> No.5089132
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>> No.5089133

There's a place in Shanghai called Fortune Cookie that sells American-style takeout Chinese food. It was surreal.

>> No.5089158

shits hot bro

>> No.5089187
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>> No.5089232
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>> No.5089284
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jelly of the bloody grate DIM SIM mate

>> No.5089311

Chinese people must make sick gains with all these macros in their meals.

>> No.5089323
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South Korea.

>> No.5089831



>> No.5090004

Aussie here. The only "chinese" food I eat here is what originated in Australia: dim sum, fortune cookies, general tso's, and pizza

>> No.5090831

posting to say that dim sims are a pretty good snack tho

i have never seen general tso's on a menu in australia and i live here, weird

>> No.5090871
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>> No.5090875
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>go to chinese restaurant
>see steak and onion fried rice listed
>holy shit that sounds amazing!
>it's just beef fried rice with some onions they probably pried out of their mongolian beef pot

>> No.5090904
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Turtle soup.

>> No.5090916

always wanted to try real turtle soup. i've had some proper bird nest and shark fin but only mock turtle.

>> No.5090934

my grandfather just said he used to sell pigeons to the chinese for a dollar and two dollars for the baby pigeons. they wouldn't serve them to regulars. they only kept them for themselves as a delicacy.

>> No.5090949


>totally normal foods for $200
what is squab

>> No.5090962

i've tried turtle soup, and it's amazing. It was pretty shocking opening up the lid to the soup bowls they served them in to find a turtle skeleton and shell, though.

>> No.5090964

Pigeon used to be for the rich.
Lobsters used to be for the poor.

Looks like it worked itself out.

>> No.5090994

whats that (the stuff in the back) and where are you from?

>> No.5091104

Looks like poached chicken. Most likely cold. Presentation looks Japanese. That's my guess.

>> No.5091352
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Hainanese chicken rice from Singapore.

>> No.5092243
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Left to right to bottom.
Sweet and sour chicken balls.
Crispy duck pancakes
Special fried rice.

In England, our Chinese food is typically very dry, and served with sauces.

Most "wet" dishes are not as sweet and sticky as say, American Chinese food.

>> No.5092250

we have something similar in the US

>> No.5092320


You know, I don't see what's the big deal about eating dogs, or even cats for that matter. White trash rednecks have no problems eating opossums and racoons, florida eats snake and alligators, so what's wrong with eating dogs and cats? Meat is meat. I would fucking eat a bald eagle if you gave me the chance

Are you telling me YOU don't cook naked?

>> No.5092348
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canadu here

>> No.5092509

We also seem to have a lot more spicy chinese options than in the USA. At least in my experience.

>> No.5092639
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>> No.5093240
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Shredded beef Szechuan style
Veggie fried rice
Shanghai spring roll
Hot & sour soup
Crispy noodle things

Praise the lord those terrible captchas are gone!

>> No.5093251
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>> No.5093255
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>> No.5093269
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>> No.5093272
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>> No.5093273
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>> No.5093275
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>> No.5093280
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>> No.5093281
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>> No.5093290

It'll never happen. Captchas can't be gone, it's one of the only things that prevents advertisements and spam from flooding the place and a lot of others. Apparently it's a necessary evil.

As for the hot peppers, I find Chinese stuff to have less of a picante, which is heat from chiles because they always use dried red peppers. I've never seen a Chinese restraunt use fresh ones such as Thai restaurants do.

I ordered that Szeszuan beef at a place called Keh Weh Yoh (I think) on 56th street between 5th and 6th aves in NYC, my mom brought me there for lunch once. I ate one bite and was like wow! Then after the burn went away went back for more, and more! That was good stuff. Then it advanced from there learning about Thai places and buying my own chile peppers and making my own stuff.

>> No.5093301
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>> No.5093314

> I've never seen a Chinese restraunt use fresh ones such as Thai restaurants do.
Living in china and there are plenty if dishes where you find fresh chopped chillies, especially south Chinese

>> No.5093316
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>> No.5093319
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Midtown has a few weirdly good chinese spots, but I can never remember where they are because midtown streets arr rook same.

Also our backwards country cousin tripfag from CT was talking about the unsolvable captcha plague that started and ended in the last 24 hours, count yourself lucky if you weren't affected.

>> No.5093331
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Chile here. We have pic related and


It sucks.

They serve food with almonds here too, usually chicken.

>> No.5093337
File: 128 KB, 550x413, 1.1257956941.arroz-chaufan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also pic related, chaufan rice.

Wikipedia says it's actually from Peru. Didn't know this, welp.


>> No.5093343


>> No.5093371

I've encountered that in Ecuador too.

>> No.5093372

>tfw you live in the Chinese part of Vancouver
>tfw you get all the freshly made dumplings and noodles you want for $4-7 an entree
going to grab some xiao long bao tomorrow and maybe some stretch beef noodles

>> No.5093402
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>> No.5093912


chaufan means fried rice. You don't need to say rice. And fried rice is not from Peru. China has been eating fried rice for ages. Wikipedia is wrong.

>> No.5093935

idiot. chaufan is a hispanicized spelling of fried rice and they make it different down there than elsewhere. that's why it's Peruvian Chinese and not Chinese. it's about as Chinese as Australian dim Sim which is to say only by a stretch.

>> No.5094312
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>> No.5094313
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>> No.5094322
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