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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5082023 No.5082023 [Reply] [Original]

I know we have a lot of tipping threads here on /ck/, but can we have an anti-tipping thread? What's the best way to not tip without getting your food spat in?

>> No.5082029

pay for your food after you have eaten it.

>> No.5082032

Don't return often to the same restaurant.

>> No.5082039
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and if you're a return customer?

>> No.5082043

Oh yes, battle the cancer with more cancer!

>> No.5082049

Write "sorry" in the little tip line.

>> No.5082044

eat at home
eat fast food
eat at soup kitchens
eat your own feces

>> No.5082050

how do you know they won't spit in your food regardless?
did you know that tips are pooled?
why are you asking strangers to feed you if you aren't willing to get gouged to some degree?

get a job instead of being fucking naive and petty

>> No.5082055
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the entitled attitude makes me wish I could tip negative amounts. I should start taking out of the tipjars to be honest

>> No.5082090

ok, so to be fair. I would approach the manager of the restaurant before you are seated and explain that it is customary for you not to tip your server and that is not a reflection of the service or the quality of the food, but a practice that you do not follow. If you explain it calmly there is a good chance the manager will wait on you personally.

>> No.5082097

this sounds like a guaranteed way to eat snot

>> No.5082113

I don't see why it's so inconvinient to pay a tip unless you're ordering a meal that's over $50, at which point you most likely could afford a tip

>> No.5082127

I think that it is a fair way to handle the situation. Especially if you are not indignant about it, people respect honesty. If a server was expecting a tip and didn't get one they feel cheated, at least this way they know what they are in for. If you are otherwise a polite guest, and not too much of a pain in the ass you will be fine.

>> No.5082132

How about living in a country that doesn't expect you to tip?

Few years back on family holiday we had a waitress really nice and helpful I woulda tipped her straigh up but Dad didn't. Miffed me a bit why not if anyone deserved it she did.

Went out for birthday meal with the gf and her parents and the shitest waiter I've ever had threw a bitch fit when we paid and didn't tip. Want a tip for your tip? Don't fuck up the orders don't stand around purposely ignoring your customers when they're tryin. To get your attention and try smiling...

Makes me sound like a stuck up prick but it's true. You don't deserve tips if you're shit at your job. Even more so I'm a country where it's not expected and almost mandatory to tip

>> No.5082169

>What's the best way to not tip without getting your food spat in
don't go to any single restaurant frequently enough to be recognized

>> No.5082198

>that feel when dining and dashing to make entitled servers pay for my meal

Feels super fucking good, man. Like I'm a modern day robin hood.

>> No.5082207

The company preparing the food should charge the amount of money it costs to produce the item, run the business, turn a profit, and pay the fucking employees

>> No.5082221



>> No.5082225

pick up order is the answer. Love when those snotty waitresses give me a look when they know i wont give them shit.

>> No.5082231

There are so many factors that make this a non-issue for me.

I eat out very infrequently and usually don't go to the same place twice in a row. Then there's employee turnover, which is pretty high in foodservice.

Also you might go to a restaurant at a different time of day than you did before so the same server you had before might not be on that shift.

All of this combined means I never have to tip.

Unless all waitstaff in every restaurant keeps photos of non-tipping customers and fucks with their food. They seem pettyand entitled enough that I wouldn't put it beneath them to do this

>> No.5082242

What if the manager offers to just charge you 15% more than what the menu says as a gratuity, to relieve you the need to worry about tips?

>> No.5082303

then the manager is in the wrong, that is poor customer service. If the menu does not state that nontippers would be forced gratuity. then you should tell him you not obligated to pay it. Although they probably do have policy in place to add gratuity to larger parties. The manager isn't going to push the issue, he wants to make the sale to add the profits of the restaurant. he does that by keeping customers happy so they return and spend more money. he doesn't get the tips anyway.

I tip servers because I feel they deserve it. I tip based on the level of quality service I receive typically 10-20 percent. If I receive terrible service I ask for a manager, and complain and make a point to tip out the bus boy.

>> No.5082307

i don't even eat at restaurants but this is such a big annoying issue that i want people to stop having wars over it.

i always feel like its unfair how waiters and other tippable-type jobs get paid, just because the boss thinks that these poor f****rs get enough and should earn the rest from people who just wanted to eat a sandwich, and are not expecting to give up even more money than the price of the food.

what a retarded paradoxical system.

waiters should get paid FULL wages, not a penny and "earn the rest if your so good" they are already working a job, they should get paid for it.

as for the people eating at a restaurant, they shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything other than the price of food, people go to restaurants to sit down and relax and pay the restaurant to prepare and cook the food and bring it to them, and they already pay much more than it would have costed them to buy all the ingredients and make it themselves at home, so for the pressure of needing to pay some poor kid tips to be there, it kind of screws everyone over, the waiter, the customer, etc.

imagine if you could just walk in, sit down, pay for your meal, eat it, go home.

imagine if you could go to work, get paid for working, and go home.

supposedly a study was done (I forget by who, you can probably find it on Google somewhere) which showed that if waiters and waitresses wages were changed to minimum wage that food prices at restaurants would go up by about ten cents at most. At restaurants the smallest expense which owners pay is the wages of their staff, and they are already so low that it won't make much difference. Additionally, there's this thing called balancing your budget and an owner could simply allocate a little money from one area and use it for wages, which would result in little or no change of food prices.

>> No.5082309

Feels good to live in Europe. I don't think I've ever tipped someone.

But then again, waiters most likely earn more here.

>> No.5082311

>Places that include a mandatory gratuity

Fuck those places and everything they stand for.

>> No.5082315

> forced
It's not forced. It's the manager offering to relieve you of the burden of worrying about tipping.
The point of tipping is to pay the servers for the part of their pay that they don't receive from their employer. It'd be the same difference if the restaurant just charged people that much money and gave it to the servers that way, right?
How is that different than the current system?

>> No.5082323




>> No.5082324

Agreed, especially when it's not even on large parties. All the worst aspects of tipping with none of the benefits.

>> No.5082330

Tipping is one of the biggest scams in the food industry. Not only are restaurant owners federally mandated to make sure their servers make at least minimum wage, any tips that are not recorded, go unreported by servers and become undeclared income. Basically, servers double dip on their pay and then get pissed off when you don't support their fraudulent activity.

>> No.5082341

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.5082343

As an aside, why do you think the manager should take the side of customers who want to treat the waitstaff unreasonably?

>> No.5082364

because tipping is actually not mandatory,a tip/gratuity is not legally enforceable, even if the restaurant declares it mandatory.

it is encouraged and widely practiced so a server is expecting a tip. if you are not going to tip you just need to make sure that your server knows. It isn't like everyone doesn't tip. the server will work your table (or the manager will) and be expected to treat you as any other paying customer.

>> No.5082378

unreasonable would be verbally or physically abusing the server, being loud and obtrusive to other diners. Having an understanding that you do not believe in tipping is not being unreasonable unless you are abusing the staff too.

>> No.5082403

I assumed that since people in this thread hate tipping, they'd be in favor of replacing it with just increasing the price of the meal to compensate the wage difference.
A 15% gratuity would cover that.

The fact that people here think that's a bad thing stems from the fact that they actually *like* the tipping system because they want to have the power to chose whether to defraud the waitstaff of the money that they would earn if they were actually paid minimum wage.

>> No.5082413

>to chose whether to defraud the waitstaff of the money that they would earn if they were actually paid minimum wage.

Except waitstaff do earn minimum wage fuck head.

>> No.5082425

tip if you're happy with the food/price/service
don't tip and don't return if you're not
pay after eating

>> No.5082432

it would be fine to increase the prices overall if you universally discourage or disallow tipping at the restaurant or as a practice in general. but a restaurant singling out a patron who does not tip by charging gratuity is not the same since tips are not obligatory. if they were universally accepted to be factored into the cost of the meal and the waitstaff paid a higher wage then that seems better for all, except for the servers that were used to averaging a higher tip percentage.

>> No.5082434

No, they don't. They earn 3 an hour. Their employers are allowed to do this because it's understood they will make at least minimum after tip. If they made minimum before tip employers would have to increase the food prices to cover labor. Also wait staff pays income tax as if they were tipped fifteen percent irregardless of what they are actuallY tipped

>> No.5082437

And if tips don't make up to minimum wage, per payment period, the employer must make up the difference.

>> No.5082444

waiters don't get "underpaid" because managers decided to be dicks, they get it because lawmakers decided it should be so. then again, that's probably because the lawmakers identify more with managers anyway

it's tipping that allows wages to fall under minimum, not that wages being under minimum mandates tipping. white people are just really stupid and have a terrible sense of group identity politics that causes them to encourage this shit

>> No.5082448

But as other tips will bring them up to minimum they just end up making 3 an hour while serving you. The rest of the minimum wage of your service is essentially being covered by other tippers.

>> No.5082450

If I feel the service was exceptional I might leave a 12% tip. But I always ask a question about something on the menu, and if they can answer it that's part of it. Most of the time I get 'uh... um...' in reply. If they can avoid 'ok... who had xyz' when bringing out the dishes, that's another part. Most wont get these two things, so I might leave a dollar on a 15, 20 dollar bill.

If they can't keep track of shit or tell me about the stuff they are hawking, they need to get a different job.

>> No.5082456

So what? Sometimes at work you have busy days and sometimes you have slow days. Does that mean your employer should pay you more on busy days?

>> No.5082460

>What's the best way to not tip without getting your food spat in?
They're going to spit in your food regardless of how much you tip. There's a family that always comes into the restaurant I work at and one of the waiters is a preferred waiter because he acts so friendly towards them and caters to any special requests they have. The father of the family usually tips around 40% but that's because he has two really bratty kids. I once caught their waiter wiping his smegma on the little girl's burger and pissing in the boy's apple juice. I asked him what the fuck he was doing and he said "Just a little payback". Luckily for me a waitress came in the back and caught the guy flicking his dick in the cup of apple juice and reported him to the manager. Since she also saw me witnessing the incident I was forced to confirm if it was true or not and I wasn't about to risk my job. I mean holy shit if the family found that out the restaurant might have been shut down.

>> No.5082467

When I pay with a credit card, I don't usually enter anyting on the tip line. Just a down arrow and then round it up to the nearest... whatever.

Like if the bill was 13.47, I'll put 18.00...

>> No.5082481

You shouldn't make below federal minimum for one hour because someone decided not to tip, and not be compensated for that subminimum. Do you allow your boss to pay you subminimum on slow days? Although I believe tipping is a terrible system entrenched by lobbyist and law makers, under the system it is terrible not to tip.

>> No.5082483

>pay 5-10% in tip
>waiter will still make well above minimum wage
>will be mad at you and take a picture of your receipt and post it online
some people really don't deserve what you consider financial justice

>> No.5082484

Don't eat at the same place twice

>> No.5082485

Except for the fact that when you get your paycheck you will still be getting minimum wage for that hour, be it from your boss or another retard that decided to tip.

>> No.5082496

>waiters should get paid FULL wages
Fuck that. If we got paid minimum wage then how the fuck do you expect me to guilt trip and exploit customers for free money so I can buy the latest iphone and computer parts?

>> No.5082505

What if the service was shit?

Am I still forced to pay a tip then?

>> No.5082513

So you find it perfectly normal to expect the same level of service despite having someone else pay for it?

>> No.5082516

Move to a country where employers are actually required to pay a decent wage to their employees, as opposed to using tipping.

>> No.5082520

You know what I find perfectly normal?

Paying the price of my meal, while the waitstaff make at least the actual minimum wage.

What the US has now is not normal so I don't feel the need to perpetuate it.

>> No.5082523

No, please don't tip. Shitty servers shouldn't make money, hopefully they'll quit. You should however tell a manager. That helps them get rid of the shitty sever and let's the rest of the staff know you're not a dick, you just paid for what you got.

>> No.5082525

but that 16 year old high schooler gets away good tips for being a responsible young adult and its unfair cuz im a bitter adult who isnt likable enough for people just to give me money and i have to work. if i cant force people at a company i work for to give me 2 hundred dollars a day then fuckit! everybody needs to get minimum wage

>> No.5082528

Here is what I don't understand:

Why should the fact that I ordered a steak instead of a cup of soup implicate that I tip more, just because the steak costs more than the soup? The fucking waiter/waitress is only bringing me the plate. I understand that tipping is a common practice; why can't there be a flat fee for it? Did the waiter/waitress do that much more work carrying a plate instead of a bowl?

>> No.5082535


They are compensated till they hit minimum wage though. Why is it you tipping advocates can't understand this.

>> No.5082537


Everyone else does. Grocery baggers, station attendants, people who stock shelves and those who work at McDonalds.

>> No.5082541

I never understood the, "they will spit/do something to your food" thing. I have worked in a restaurant the past two years and have never seen anyone actually mess with food before.

>> No.5082546

Good. Don't perpetuate it! Go out and attack the system in your state legislature!

Realize you food price would increase a small amount, but it wouldn't be too bad. and it'd be worth it for a more just system.

However, don't expect great service without paying for it. And don't expect waitstaff to understand how you belive your ending the system by not tipping. All their going to see is the extratips they've felt they earned going to cover for your lack of tip so they make minimum.

>> No.5082550

>However, don't expect great service without paying for it.

Ah yes, the great American attitude. I get paid to do a job, but I'm gonna half-ass it because I don't think I get paid enough.

>> No.5082559

But everyone pays equally for those services. You pay the store, they pay the employee. In the food service industry you pay the employee directly, if you don't pay him as well as someone else, how can you reasonably expect the same service?

>> No.5082561

Except you don't. You pay the establishment that hired them.

>> No.5082564

This. Its fucking unprofessional to treat your customers like shit just because you're having a bad day or because some other customer pissed you off.
God forbid people should do a great job at work out of personal satisfaction.
>Protip - If you don't get satisfaction from your job, you're in the wrong line of work

>> No.5082567

If you don't tip a server makes the same amount serving you as they do not serving you. So they get paid to do a job, and if you don't pay them more, they won't do more.

>> No.5082570

Damn, tipping threads are /ck/'s favorite topic. We are secretly all waiters and waitresses.

>> No.5082574

No really, you do. They take the tip (or lack off) off of your table stick it in their wallet and go home with it. they guy who puts more money in the wallet gets better service.

>> No.5082577

Do you tip your doctor? No? Then fuck you, why should he give you the same kind of service he does to someone who's being billed 5 times what you are.

>> No.5082579

Lets clear some misunderstandings up.

>Restaurants are legally obligated to pay waters minimum wage if their tips do not reach that amount that night
>However people who consistently have this issue are fired for cute girls who can
>Waiters who are trying to tell you sob stories about how they can barely make ends meet are lying to you. They typically make far more than the other employees (excluding owner/manager) even on bad nights.
>It would be actually bad for them to be forced into only getting minimum wage instead of tips, which is why they secretly protest any changes towards it

The more you know. It is in your best interest to have them have minimum wage even if you think they don't deserve it, because they make a hell of a lot more in actuality.

>> No.5082581

Because the cost of a medical bill typically relates to how difficult or time intensive the process is? Stupid question.

>> No.5082586

>Because the cost of a medical bill typically relates to how difficult or time intensive the process

Except it doesn't.

>> No.5082589

Sorry I forgot to include how expensive the machinery required to operate is, and the potential cost of medicine. The point is that it can't be related to tipping. Medical establishments are paid what they should be for the procedure.

>> No.5082591

No, I don't tip my doctor. If someone is being billed 5 times as much is me I should hope to god they're getting 5 times as much medical care.

>> No.5082600

>Medical establishments are paid what they should be for the procedure.

No they aren't. Medical bills can be negotiated down to a fraction of their original amount. A doctor seeing a person, in a family clinic, on medicare/medicaid only gets reimbursed about $18, no matter what was performed or duration of the visit.

Fuck you for not tipping your doctor for all the work he does for you.

>> No.5082601


The employee is already making a wage from the employer. The employee doesn't pay for the food that's cooked. Do you understand anything about food costs, labor costs in a business?

>> No.5082605

Restaurant owners also do not want to change the system as they are currently able to attract the best waitstaff by being a busy or expensive venue.

If they had to pay their employees they would have to offer the best wages to get the best staff

>> No.5082611

First off, that would only be for something minor like a check up or cold. Secondly, anon do you even know what insurance is? Its not some magic system that just cuts the price of medical bills and that money isn't needed. Your insurance company covers that money because you pay them monthly. So yes, medical facilities do get paid substantially for everything they do.

>> No.5082613

I assume that across the board almost all U.S. restaurants except for high class ones would stick to minimum wage, and then waiters wouldn't have to look for the busiest place. Only the most comfortable place to work depending on the clientele and atmosphere. On the subject of prices, they would not go up substantially. Business would not change.

>> No.5082616

>Your insurance company covers that money because you pay them monthly

Yeah, no. Insurance companies, like everyone else haggles and bargains on the amount they will give the hospital. Just because the facility says that a procedure was $5,000, doesn't mean they will get that. Patient with no insurance? They can basically tell the hospital tough shit, I don't have the money to pay and leave. Why do you think so many hospitals are on the verge of bankruptcy in the US?

>> No.5082618


>So many hospitals on the verge of bankruptcy


>> No.5082619

First off, that only works if you get treatment through the ER. Secondly, it only works if you don't have any form of ID on you. They don't just let people walk out without paying unless it was a life threatening issue and they have no means of getting information to bill you with.

>> No.5082623

>So yes, medical facilities do get paid substantially for everything they do.
Sometimes two years after the visit/stay/procedure/etc.

But yes, the medical industry is fairly compensated.

I think dentists are making an unfair fucking killing though. Can someone explain to me why having primary incisors or canine teeth is unnecessary but decent insurance will compensate you for losing a pinky? Why hasn't anyone brought these fuckers under control!

>> No.5082625

Because they know you 'need' it ;3

>> No.5082628

The employee is making 3 an hour from the employee if they can't make up to minimum off tips they'll be fired. They are going to make that 3 an hour whether or not they serve you while they roll silverware and stock up the bathroom.

The tipping system exists to pass the labor cost onto the consumer. If you don't tip, the next time you come in a server will recognize they make the exact same pay, and have the same job security if they ignore you or serve you.

At many establishments if a notorious no tipper comes in the waitstaff will ask management to cover the table because their salary gets paid either way.

>> No.5082634

damn! the one time i am short on tipping money at my favorite place to eat and i get some stuck up bitch who "expects" a tip.

>> No.5082635

Do you have ANY idea just how much their pay fluctuates each night? I've seen the same guy tip $5 one week and $20 the other for the same meal.

>> No.5082649

At the Midwest town and random bar I put myself through college at all non tipped out lowest level staff make ten an hour. If there was a system change, I'd guess waitstaff would end up at least 12 an hour. This would be a quadrupling of waitstaff labor cost.

At a large busy venue labor cost to the owner from tipped employees would go from 60 an hour to 240 an hour.

I think a complete lack of change would be a poor assumption.

>> No.5082664

fuck tipping hot attractive healthy waitstaff when im pleased! i want to get served my food from a minimum wage paid peon who is pissed off that he is making minimum wage and im not going to tip him because he is made i have a hot female friend or what ever the new thing waitstaff is pissed about

>> No.5082674

it's not a cancer to not tip, everyone should know that.

>> No.5082678
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>> No.5082691


>I felt the need to create a thread on a topic I already judge to be overcovered.

Fucking shit.

>> No.5082698

I wonder. How would a server react if a regular customer tipped random amounts between 0-30%, regardless of service quality?

>> No.5082708
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Everytime I see these threads the first thing that hits my mind is "Troll thread".

The second thing that hits my mind is "Godammit, these people might be serious."

>> No.5083192

Waiters are one of the only groups that do not fall under the federal minimum wage, because the food industry lobbied heavily to make it this way. Most servers make $2.13 an hour.

>> No.5083195

$2.13 an hour, dickface. Look it up before you talk shit.

>> No.5083200

After tips it puts them well above minimum wage. If not, the employer covers the difference.

>> No.5083228
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This. Also you can send mail for free if you put the recipient as the return address and don't put a stamp on it. Also, you can take your dog to the movies if you put a "guide dog" vest on it. And if you don't wash your hands after taking a shit, no one will know.

I laugh at all these sheeple who are cowed by mainstream customs.

>> No.5083231

no, but you should tell the server or the supervisor that you were displeased with the service.

>> No.5083238


Notify the chain, enjoy a few hundred dollars of free coupons

>> No.5083404

Dude, I've been a server off-and-on for years, and in no way does the employer ever compensate you if you don't end up making minimum wage after tips. Google labor laws for servers.

>> No.5083411

In that case they broke the law and could be taken to court. Not our fault you are retarded and didn't know that.

>> No.5083416

You're full of shit or too dumb to be in the workforce.

>> No.5083417


Because it makes sense to spend a year and $50k litigating over a $100 paycheck. Yes, this happens all the time.

>> No.5083418

Negative, dipshit. Google the fucking law before you shit-post.

>> No.5083422

such beautiful autism... I've never seen anything like it.

>> No.5083426

This week marked the four-year anniversary of the last time Congress increased the minimum wage — from $5.15 in 2007 to $7.25 in 2009. Groups demonstrated across the country, demanding increases at both the state and federal level. President Obama pledged that he would continue to press for an increase in his economic policy speech at Knox College.

But there’s another problem: Millions of working Americans make less than minimum wage. In fact, more Americans are exempt from it than actually earn it.

The Pew Research Center examined Bureau of Labor Statistics data and found that about one and a half million Americans earned the minimum wage in 2012, but nearly two million people earned an hourly wage that was even less than $7.25 an hour. These workers, for one reason or another, are exempted from the part of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) that requires employers to pay at least the minimum wage, and include tipped workers and many domestic workers, as well as workers on small farms, some seasonal workers and some disabled workers.

The largest of these exempted groups is tipped employees, many of whom work in food service. Today, tipped employees earn just $2.13 an hour — the rationale being that tips cover the rest. In fact, some of these workers do earn a reasonable living through their tips, but, as Saru Jayaraman, co-founder and director of the Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, told us, many don’t.

“Imagine your average server in an IHOP in Texas earning $2.13 an hour, graveyard shift, no tips,” she said. “The company’s supposed to make up the difference between $2.13 and $7.25 but time and time again that doesn’t happen.”

>> No.5083430

>American problems

>> No.5083473

Nowhere have I ever seen a restaurant that has a big sign that says "ALL CUSTOMERS MUST TIP OR ELSE YOU CAN'T EAT HERE". I mean shit, I work in retail where I regularly have to lift heavy as fuck boxes and deal with complete and total fuckholes for 8 hours straight. Where the fuck are my tips? I get paid minimum wage yet always help every customer with a smile on my face because that's how you give good customer service.

The people who post online crying because someone "only" tipped 15% are just entitled little babies who just want an easy as fuck job to line their pockets with. My mom is a waitress currently and some nights she makes $200 in tips. I get less than that per week from my part time job and she makes it in a span of 6 hours. I can only imagine how much the typical 20something hot blonde college girl waitress makes.

>> No.5083477

I don't know how to say this without sounding like some paultard, but why don't you get a different job if you feel you're not being compensated adequately? It's not like you need a PhD to get a waiter job.

>> No.5083492
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How many percent of American workers have to rely on tips? It seems like tipping is ubiquitous in the US.

>> No.5083493

I never said I'm not being compensated adequately. My point was I'm perfectly fine with my minimum wage job yet these entitled shit heads cry when one person one time didn't tip them.

>> No.5083504

>I never said I'm not being compensated adequately

Not explicitly, but the implication was clear from

> I get less than that per week from my part time job and she makes it in a span of 6 hours

>> No.5083517


>> No.5083523
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>Like I'm a modern day robin hood.

>> No.5083608

When I don't want to leave a tip I write CASH on the tip line on the credit card slip, then walk out. That way it looks like I left some money on the table but someone came along and stole it.

>> No.5083646

No, you're just autistic

>> No.5083673

Is this only an American thing? Or are there other countries with this retarded system as well?

>> No.5083696

Yes, most of them.

>> No.5083727
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Positions that rely on tips are cancer.

The only way to destroy these positions, since 'Mericans hate gov'ment regulation so much, is to make sure no one EVER considers applying for them, no matter how desperate.

And the only way to achieve THAT is for no one to ever tip, thereby making cheap restaraunt owners lose their staff and be forced to pay proper wages to get people to work for them.

Of course, that's too "inhumane" of a solution, despite being the only one. So people will argue, and people will rage, and the cause of the problem will never get fixed.

'Merica in a nutshell.

>> No.5083752

That's not true. In most countries you tip for good service. Tips aren't expected regardless of what the service is like.

Also the whole waitstaff getting less than minimum wage is a fucking disgrace.

>> No.5083770
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It's not seen as a disgrace in the US, because Americans are literally brainwashed.

People here hate government SO MUCH (or are afraid of it) that it doesn't matter what the topic -- the answer is always "no government intervention."

Healthcare? No government.

Employers doing whatever the hell they want with positions like wait staff? No government.

People can't find in-house positions at all because it's perfectly legal to fill your entire company with contract workers, thereby bypassing legally required benefits? No government.

It's a sickness of the mind. People would rather jump into a fiery pit of abyssal flames than want to the government to control the way the country works in any way to make life better for the people within it.

I see it manifested around me every single day, yet it never ceases to astound me.

>> No.5083778

It's funny because every problem you just brought up is caused by the government, not solved by it.

>> No.5083783

Obama should just abolish tipping across the board and mandate employees be paid correctly by their bosses. At least if he does that he'll have done one good thing while in office.

>> No.5083784

>government to control the way the country works in any way to make life better for the people within it.
Said no sane person ever.
Seriously, you must have a serious mental deficiency and frankly you frighten me.

>> No.5083785

You could always move out of the country, faggot.

>> No.5083788

>says others are brainwashed for not kowtowing to a central planning master because they say "it'll be better for you, trust us"


>> No.5083792

Case in point.

People who think you can magically solve problems without the government forcing people to conform to the solutions necessary.


Then they go on to claim that the government isn't there to make life better for the nation's people, that it isn't the government's job, etc.

Yep. Problems will just magically solve themselves. No need for government. Nope.

Oh, wait... no problems are being solved at all. Woops.

>> No.5083799

That's not solving the problem, it's just running away from it.

>> No.5083801

>Oh, wait... no problems are being solved at all. Woops.
Yet, government is at it's all time largest. Whoops.
Seriously, gtfo out of my country.

>> No.5083806

>forcing people to conform to the solutions necessary.

That doesn't work either. Crime is illegal, yet it still happens.

>> No.5083814

i eat at one place only and tip pretty well
as a result I get an extra side every time i go for 'free'
I also have a standing 10% discount at my LGS since i send so much business their way

>> No.5083815

It's solving the problem of us having to put up with shitheads like you.

>> No.5083845

>“The company’s supposed to make up the difference between $2.13 and $7.25 but time and time again that doesn’t happen.”

There you go. They broke the law and now you have an actionable claim against them.

>What are small claims courts

>> No.5083855

Unless you're some entitled waiter you don't have to put up with shitheads like me anyway.

>> No.5083860


they are things that people have to put their life on hold over. if you're scraping by on near minimum wage jobs, you probably don't have time for that shit unless punishing the old boss outweighs the lost wages

>> No.5083871

This isn't court actionable

You fill a report with the department of labor. They contact your employer to remind them of the money they owe you.

If the employer still does not pay the department of labor will represent you at a court hearing.

Then if the employer still does not pay you can place a lean on their restaurant. (this costs 40 dollars)

Then if the employer still does not pay the restaurant is now yours.

Also you can fill a payment dispute up to 2 years after you leave a job.

>> No.5083874

Then you finally do admit that waitstaff do get minimum wage and that you were purposely being full of shit earlier to garner some sort of unwarranted sympathy?

>> No.5083881

>to garner some sort of unwarranted sympathy?

I sense minimum wage butthurt. I'm here to argue over technicalities because it's fun, I do not require your sympathy because I earn substantially more than you as it is.

>> No.5083889

Whoops forgot to mention that if the employer does not pay after the department of labor contacts them, the restaurant will be shut down until payment is made.

>> No.5083894


also, having to file a complaint with a government agency to get paid doesn't really sound like "getting minimum wage". that's more like "not getting minimum wage until a bureaucratic process can be started". most compensation schemes don't work that way. in fact, that is not really a compensation scheme at all.

>> No.5083900

>cookie cutter attorneys thinking they make more money than anyone
Don't be laughable.

>> No.5083912

some dude got shot while riding the bus last year.

I guess everyone that rides the bus got shot last year

>> No.5083925

>trying to be condescending about the legal field

I'm not sure if I should be flattered or insulted that you took me for an attorney, but either way, having a 3 syllable vocabulary isn't a sign of a JD

>> No.5083942

good analogy. a waiter who doesn't make up the difference in tips has about as much chance of having his employer make up the difference as he has of getting shot while riding the bus.

>> No.5083983


So if you believe the law is meaningless what makes you think a minium wage law would be any different?

>> No.5084001


So you are saying the tipping system is a kind of extortion racket where customers are threatened with their food being tampered with if they dont pay?

How about you go fuck yourself? Get caught deliberately tampering with food and you will go to prison.

>> No.5084007


I didn't say it was meaningless, I said that it was rarely observed in practice. big difference. I'm not here to argue over minimum wage laws, I just think you're naive for thinking that things work the way you think they do.

>> No.5084008

>getting caught
It's an art and I am Michelangelo

>> No.5084019


I'll go fuck you babe

>> No.5084030

I hope tipping dies in the US, what a shitty system murritard restaurants have.

>> No.5084039

Prepare to be shunned. Or outright refused service if you do it repeatedly.
Prepare to be ignored by managem,ent when you complain about antything.
Prepare to have your Yelp review deleted.

>> No.5084046


>> No.5084048

Bullshit for two reasons. 1. the average waiter makes 13/h after tips. 2. most restaurants do pay out wages properly

>> No.5084071

> 2. most restaurants do pay out wages properly

what are you basing that claim on? your feelings?

>> No.5084146

If the service is standard, I'll leave a 15% tip. If they are friendly and I genuinely enjoy the server, I'll go with 20%.
If it's Steak and Shake, $0 because they almost always fuck everything up. One time the waitress left us waiting for TWENTY MINUTES while she flirted with some table right next to us

>> No.5084152

Based on the IRS's history of auditing restaurants and waiters. The government always gets its money. And they can't get their money if restaurants aren't paying properly.

>> No.5084172


a simple link or quote would be nice. I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but someone else already posted a quote to the contrary.

>> No.5084191

Fucking Steak and Shake, man... Service is slow as fuck all and awful.

>> No.5084348


>88.7% of restaurant workers
surveyed were not aware of the correct minimum hourly wage for tipped workers

No wonder restaurants don't pay these people there correct wage. No one bothers telling them they didn't make minimum wage. I don't think we can blame businesses for lack of communication from employees.

>> No.5084500

Noblesse oblige, you fucking plebe

>> No.5084514

The only time I have EVER stiffed a server was at fucking steak and shake.

I only go through the drive-through now

>> No.5084604

"be good to your mother"

>> No.5084701

>Even considering tipping at restaurants with drive-throughs

Fucking christ, do you hate having money?

>> No.5085104

Well, if you go in there's table service.

>> No.5085114

I've been to Burger Kings with table service, but it's not expected to tip the employees.

I can assure you that any place with a drive through has it's employees making minimum wage, not below minimum and relying on tips.

>> No.5085126

You fucking should, especially if they're refilling your drink

>> No.5085131

I know you're not serious, but come one, that's some really weak trolling.

>> No.5085221

>What's the best way to not tip without getting your food spat in?

stay home