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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5081823 No.5081823 [Reply] [Original]

I've never met a modest vegan

>> No.5081836

I don't understand the pic

what is intrinsically wrong with a chicken's vagina

>> No.5081839

chickens don't have vaginas

>> No.5081842

if a chicken has a vagina, kill it and burn the corpse. it is an alien.

birds have cloacas.

>> No.5081840

I've never met an "urban carnivore" that prides himself in his ability to eat processed meats, yet they are alive and well on /ck/

>> No.5081853

right, I'm zoologically retarded

but I've still heard this nonsense elsewhere and my question still stands

there's nothing wrong with a chicken's ass and it's a dumb reason to stop eating eggs

I find swimming pools more disgusting than anything like that

>> No.5081859
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>2014 still meeting vegans


>> No.5081863

Hahaha I knew making this thread was a good idea. Don't ever let me down /ck/...

>> No.5081884
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Indeed a chicken's ass is a glorious thing

>> No.5081893

By that logic shouldn't the most humble vegans browse /ck/? It actually makes quite a bit of sense, not saying that you're one of them anywho

>> No.5081890

Hey vegans guess what

Your stomachs are full of billions of living bacteria that will never know life outside of your gut

I guess you'll have to kill yourselves

>> No.5081907
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>> No.5082656


You don't know when you meet a modest vegan.

>> No.5082658
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I just don't like inefficiency.

>> No.5082697


They go through a lot in between.

>> No.5082851

Meeting a modest vegan is life meeting the tooth fairy.

>> No.5082919

Vegan here. You're the first person I've even told I was a vegan in eight years.

>> No.5082926

That pic makes no sense, chickens don't have vaginas.

But concerning your troll point, I have met modest vegans. They're not ALL evangelical holier-than-thou types who try to convert everyone they meet by making them feel bad about their diet.

>> No.5082927

This will shock you, but we haven't met. I am right again.

>> No.5082928

What's so hard about giving up dairy, vegetarians?
It's kind of hypocritical to say you love animals and don't want them to suffer any more but yet only give up meat isn't it?

You do know dairy cows must be impregnated every year and that their babies are taken and going directly into making veal, right?

Also do you wear animal products?

Do vegetarians just not have empathy yet or what?

>> No.5082929

People just assume I eat meat/dairy, and it never comes up until someone says "you eat meat, right?" and then I say "nah, stopped eating meat a while ago," and they'll either say "oh" or they'll press on with "WELL WHY NOT?!" and get rude about it

For all the hate vegans get about being obnoxious, I notice way more loud-and-proud meat eaters

>> No.5082930

Threads about vegan cooking are okay on this board. Threads about vegans themselves are no more okay than having threads about Indians or Chinese people. Discuss food, not people.

>> No.5082931

Chickens don't have vaginas

>> No.5082933

What about goat milk?

>> No.5082963

All mammals work like that.

>> No.5082965

We vegetarians are superior to you vegan scum any day of the week. Our diet is better and we are much more healthy than you can over dream to achieve. Give it up now.

>> No.5082977

I'm new here, what about threads about cooking vegans?

>> No.5082980

I don't see a rule violation here.

>> No.5082985

Why be vegetarian at all? Maybe you think, and could argue, that avoiding meat may in some way be beneficial, but why limit yourself entirely with an arbitrary restriction like this? Perhaps there may be some situation in which some sort of meat may be of dietary benefit.

Unless of course this is an animal welfare type thing, in which case why are you ok with wearing animals but not eating them?

>> No.5082989

Do you really want to know the truth?
I'll tell you.
I love to fart. Not only do I love to fart but I have to think of creative ways to make them stink. This is my entire reasoning. I Will tell you that eating an entire head of cabbage and the drinking some beer with active yeast and having cheese will fucking clear the room out.

>> No.5082994

You've obviously never though of using a chunk of steak as suppository. If you can hold out for a few days, you will experience true glory.

>> No.5083000

This intrigues me. Though I don't want to put things in my ass. Tell me more.

>> No.5083002

For the past few months I've been eating really healthy. Partly for health, but my thing is leaving awesome dumps unflushed in the toilets at work.

I eat beets all the time. The shits are very dark red and a brighter red pigment leaches from the turd into the water. It is horrific.

When I eat corn I try to swallow some kernels whole for some texture. Eating high-fiber dinners consisting primarily of vegetables is now my thing.

I then go to work, have my morning coffee, and within 20 minutes I'm walking to the Poo Delivery Room with my iPod in my pocket and a smile on my face.

Someone actually left a sign with a disgusted comment imploring the anon pooper (me) to start flushing. I've had to use different stalls to avoid suspicion.

>> No.5083011

I've done the beet thing my self. Fucking amazing reactions.

>> No.5083076

They don't have vaginas, they have cloacas. It's like a vagina, anus and urethra rolled into one

>> No.5083086

Humans don't.
Veganite scum:0
Normal omnivores:1

>> No.5083091


>why limit yourself entirely with an arbitrary restriction like this?

What's arbitrary about it?

>> No.5083140
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haha, another vegan thread.

this thread is now about buffalo style chicken wings.


>> No.5083144
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>> No.5083147
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>> No.5083151
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>> No.5083156

Since this thread is apparently now about buffalo wings, anyone here try them at Popeyes yet? Just curious if they are worth getting.

>> No.5083159
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>> No.5083163
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>> No.5083171

I like the vegan ones without gristle :D

>> No.5083172
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>> No.5083178
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actually i've had vegan wings and I was pleasantly surprised, there are more 'wings' and they are cheaper per serving. They were like little spongy strips of tofu or something deep friends and the sauce was just like a buffalo wing, it was pretty good.

the dipping sauce was terrible though.

>> No.5083188
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delicious deep friends wings

>> No.5083209


I don't understand these kinds of invasive posts. It's like going into a general thread about healthy eating and interrupting it with pictures of mountain dew and doritos. It's not impacting anything, it just makes your side look stupid

>> No.5083252


Except vegans are assholes and trolls.

I am counter posting because everyone like chicken wings.

Or maybe you'd prefer to have a board filled with vegans talking about how much better they are than you, cockstamp.

>> No.5083255
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I don't think you could have crammed any more insecurity into that post

>> No.5083509

that's because the majority are meat eaters and the majority is stupid
vegans are supposed to be intelligent/mature because of their lifestyle choice

>> No.5083516

Most experiences I've had with vegans are that they assume everything they order is vegan and we know they are vegan despite not saying anything. Then get offended when the chicken caesar has chicken on it.

Fuck you and elitist picky eaters. The world does not revolve around your minority status.

>> No.5083521

I respect the ideals and if it meant animals would stop being used for food permanently I would go vegan however vegans are the most pretentious annoying pricks in the world.

>> No.5083524

I have yet to meet an intelligent vegan.

>> No.5083532

I have a friend who I didn't know was vegan for nearly a year and only found out because we were discussing, iirc, shoes, and she lamented how awful most vegan shoes are.

>> No.5083539
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>> No.5083550

I'd respect their dietary consumption if they weren't self-righteous pricks about it.

I remember this one bitch lecturing me about the evils of mass-produced meat being the new Holocaust. I nodded politely and reached for my pastrami-and-corned beef. The disgust on her face made the sandwich even more enjoyable.

>> No.5083915


i am but not by moral choice...colitis..my body literally processes nothing but rice and beans these days....feels bad man. veganism sucks ass but for me it's necessary.

>> No.5084475

>it's meat therefore I can't eat it
As opposed to making decisions on a case by case basis based on reason

>> No.5084492

because the ones who are modest don't tell you they're a vegan

>> No.5084528
File: 81 KB, 333x400, HowItAllVegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a vegan (or a vegetarian), but I got this cookbook for Christmas. It's great. All of the recipes I've made have turned out perfectly. If you want to add more vegetables to your diet-- I suggest picking it up.

>> No.5084537

>vegan book
>semi-masculine lesbian couple
This is completely normal

>> No.5084545

They're not lesbians. The woman on the left is married to a male tattoo artist.

>> No.5084555

>implying animal cruelty is the only reason to go vegetarian
>implying i give a fuck if animals feel pain
>implying im not a vegetarian to support the growth of humans and the further destruction of animals

>> No.5084580

even better, chickens only have one hole, a shared anus and vagina.

I still eat eggs cos dat delishus

>> No.5084588

yup, everything's about you

>> No.5084589

yes, because every woman with short hair is masculine
get the fuck over yourself

yours sincerely, a gay man

>> No.5084600
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I'm not convinced

>> No.5084602

>how dare you talk about vegan/vegetarian moral reasoning in a vegan thread
>stop being so self-centred !!
>this thread is now about how i feel about vegans :^)

the irony

>> No.5084607

Just read the cookbook, friend.

>> No.5084614

Awww shit, now I want some fucking buffalo wings! Got the sauce, but I've no chickens. )^:

>> No.5084619
File: 51 KB, 466x373, hugecunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people on /ck/ RIGHT NOW who have nothing better to do than shitpost about vegans
>these people do not want to post about actual food and cooking they just want to shitpost like it's /b/
>trying to bring people down to size on the internet makes them believe they are better in life

>> No.5084622

Drink it with vodka

>> No.5084856

Humus 4 life.

>> No.5084887

just wait until the gluten free people catch on to this

>> No.5085003

what's that in the picture?

>> No.5085008

'straya 4 life!

>> No.5085241

I don't think that consuming milk or eggs is intrinsically harmful so I don't ban myself from eating them. I do my best to get them from suffering-free sources.

I wear a leather belt and have leather hiking boots, but I got those before I turned vegetarian since leather basically lasts forever.