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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5080057 No.5080057 [Reply] [Original]


tl;dr :

The Arthor's Main Arguments Against Non-Tippers and Bad Tippers:
>Do not go out to eat if you cannot afford to tip well
>If can afford to go out to eat, you can afford to tip well
>You are obligated to tip just as you are obligated to serve a guest in your home water if they are thirsty. You are obligated to tip just as you would leave a door open to let an elderly person get through. You are obligated to tip if you want to be a civilized and decent person.
>If those in food service got their fair pay then food prices would go up. Happy hours and discount specials will rarely be a thing. Businesses would close earlier
>It is unfair for non-tippers and bad tippers to benefit from the perks that good tippers get (good service, free refills, cheaper meals,etc)

>> No.5080065

And here we go again...

>> No.5080067

>246 shitposts omitted

>> No.5080081

"... run to Walmart, buy a box of spaghetti for a dollar, and enjoy a home cooked meal."

Plain spaghetti noodles. The best meal ever.

>> No.5080089

Peopledon't tip in Europe, the rare exception occurs if someone really, REALLY enjoys their service.

People keep telling me both service and food are better there.

>> No.5080094


It's only better because they get minimum wage. Their workers are less stressed out by worry about bad tips.

>> No.5080095

>>It is unfair for non-tippers and bad tippers to benefit from the perks that good tippers get (good service, free refills, cheaper meals,etc)

>Bribe me an equal or greater amount of money so I steal these things for you

>> No.5080122
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>get food with someone I know
>go to register to pay for meal
>other person tips 95%
>mfw I have to pay and tip after that

>> No.5080127

I'm sorry, I am Italian and frankly I do not understand: haven't waiters got a minimum wage for paying what they have to pay?

>> No.5080130

just do like in any developed country and pay people a decent salary for fuck's sake

>> No.5080131


They are paid less than minimum wage (like $3 or $4) and tips usually gets them way over it. If it's slow and they don't, they get the equivalent of minimum wage.

>> No.5080137


Which means they're guaranteed more than or equal to the cooks in the kitchen actually doing all the work making the food so the sever can carry it twenty fucking feet and remember what three people are drinking

>> No.5080138

>but they do

>> No.5080140

If an American waiter worked without having tips, how much money would he get?

>> No.5080148


Yeah, they make a lot more depending on the place. Some places make the waitresses give some of their tips to the cooks at least.


Depends on the state, around 8 or 9

>> No.5080152

Reposting the end all be all answer to this issue.

>I am not contracting your services.
>Your employer is contracting your services.
>I am exchanging a set amount of money with your employer to have food and drink delivered to the table I am sitting at.
>Delivery service is included by your employer.
>You have been chosen to perform this service.
>If any of the above is distasteful to you, take it up with the one who has contracted your services.
>The only place I fit within this relationship is that I give money to your employer.
>I do not give money to you.
>You do not give food or drink to me.
>You are merely an extension of the service your employer has offered to me.
>You are merely the organic delivery robot, and so long as you are wearing your uniform, you are not a person.

>> No.5080154

8 or 9? Does it mean that an American waiter gets 800$ without counting tips?

How much should the tip be, relating to the bill?

>> No.5080155

>If an American waiter worked without having tips, how much money would he get?

Federal minimum wage, or state minimum wage, whichever is higher.

Minimum wage applies to every worker. Restaurant owners are only allowed to pay a lower "wage" if they can prove that the waiter makes at least minimum wage after tips. If there are no tips (or not enough tips) then the restaurant owner is obligated to pay the difference. They always make at least minimum wage, usually a lot more.

>> No.5080157

food service minimum wage is usually like $3/hr, they're exempted from proper minimum wage because it's assumed they'll be making tips.

>> No.5080161

as much as he was worth

>> No.5080166

So how are restaurants in other countries?

The people who are very vocal about bad tippers make it seem like restaurants in other countries are expensive, service is lousy since workers aren't bribed to smile, restaurants are failing businesses, and special offers don't exist.

>> No.5080168

you can't compare usa and eu
we're just too different.

>> No.5080171

If you go in some restaurants it's just awful, but in those pizzerie where I go, you have your pizza/main course/pasta/appetizer in no longer than 20 minutes.
A pizza here costs around 5 euro(the Margherita), while some better and more topped pizzas are around 8 euro(if you want it to be with mozzarella di bufala).

An Italian waiter who works only during the weekends can even earn around 100 euros.

>> No.5080172


8 or 9 $/hour. Sorry, should have been more clear. 9 is actually a bit high, so 8.

monthly, it's about $1200, but that's off of 7.25. Looking it up, more states that I thought are at 7.25, but still a lot close to 8.

Great service is between 15-20%
good service is 15%
okay is 12%
and bad is either at 12% still or less.

>> No.5080173

This is why you learn to cook. Boycott all food service, let them fucking starve.

>> No.5080185

I've read something strange: "refills".
What the helll does it mean? Will I have two portions of salad, or pie, or coffee paying just as I ordered one of them? It's crazy: if you ate two salads, you will pay TWO salads.

And, excuse me, but if I ate bad, I won't tip at all, sorry.

>> No.5080186


servers that can't make tips will be fired and replaced since management doesn't want to pay more out of pocket to cover their wages

This is way so many servers are cute girls. They are more likely to get tipped just for being pretty

>> No.5080187

tip should be 0, unless the waiter provided more than you paid for

>> No.5080200

Refills on drinks (usually water, soft drinks, tea and coffee. Sometimes juice or milk). And if places have endless soup/salad/pasta/pancakes etc, then it will say so. But usually, it's just for drinks.

Oh, and water is free and unlimited. Welcome to America!

>> No.5080201


Refills usually are in regards of drinks, sometimes soup too. These are free.

The problem is that some places is for fancier drinks, they don't tell you there's going to be an additional charge. I've been to places where a peach iced tea has been free refills, and places where they charged me another $2 for the second glass.

>> No.5080202

refills would be for soda or coffee, maybe bread

>> No.5080209

I was on a date with a new guy at a sushi restaurant. He paid but I offered to leave the tip. I left like a 30% tip because the girl was nice and the food was great. I find out later the waitress was friends with his ex and ran back and told her about him being a date with a new girl, which caused his ex to freak out and blow up his phone. 3 years later and it still pisses me off. Fuck that waitress, I want my tip back.

>> No.5080212

Uh, nice. Here in Italy(but only here, I went to Germany and it wasn't so) you will pay for every bottle of wine and every bottle of water you have ordered.
I even do not understand why we use so many bottles; public water is seldom bad.

But for coffee, we pay all the cups we've had. Obviously, we only have a cup of coffee per meal.

>> No.5080220

Bullshit; they're exempted from normal minimum wage IF they make tips. If they don't, they still get paid minimum wage. But no server wants to bring that little tidbit up because they don't WANT a fair wage, they want bank/dosh/whatever other slang they use for "Tax-free cash in pocket".

>It's not fair for the non-tippers to receive the same benefits as tippers
Oh, you mean the basic employee tasks that are required by your job? Well I counter that it's not fair for an entry level position usually relegated to the uneducated to receive a hefty tax-free paycheck when the rest of us have to lose anywhere between 10-20% of our gross pay before we even see it. What's left is OURS and we expect to keep it, not be told we have to pay it to you for doing exactly what you were hired to do in the first place.

>> No.5080224


B-B-B-BUT I ONLY GET $3/hr!!!



>> No.5080230

>I've been to places where a peach iced tea has been free refills, and places where they charged me another $2 for the second glass.
A lot of times that depends on where/how it's prepared. If they have a drink station that any server can go to with fountain drinks, a coffee pot and a big urn of pre-made, just-add-water powdered tea, it's usually free. If they have to go to the bartender to fill the drink, it comes with a charge, even if it's non-alcoholic.

>> No.5080234


American Restaurants:
-Constantly cutting corners to make up from profits lost from large portions at a cheap price, free refills, etc
-Stressed out workers because they constantly worry about getting fired because some bad tippers

Other Restaurants
-Food price is a bit higher

>> No.5080240


American Restaurants :
-Large portion of food for a cheap price

Other Restaurants :
-Small portion of food for an expensive price

>> No.5080241


Yeah, I understand there can be a difference, but never met a waitress that has bothered to tell me. That's my problem with it.

>> No.5080242

I wish waiters would be optional. Section off the restaurant if you have to, I don't care. Let me order when I want without pressure.

Going out to dinner soon and all I have is a gift card. No tip for anybody.

>> No.5080243

You are a fucking idiot

Those that do not report tips do get minimum wage.

Those that do report tips and still don't make minimum wage get minimum wage

those that report tips and make more than minimum wage make more than minimum wage

>> No.5080247

Is 12 Euro too much for a steak?(I think it's about 9 dollars, but they're obviously tinier than yours)

I pay for a big bowl of pasta with sea-food 12 euro.
I pay for a Margherita pizza 5 euro.
I pay for french fries about 2/3 euro.

I don't think it's too much.

>> No.5080251

>"Tax-free cash in pocket".

tips are still income, failing to report them as such is a crime.

>> No.5080254

Do wait staff really just not report tips? Or just under report?

Seems too blatant that the IRS wouldn't catch on, unless for whatever reason it would be tax exempt.

>> No.5080284

They all do it, and all get away with it.

I think there should be a crack down on it personally. That would probably end tipping all together.

>> No.5080289

So is going over 30 in a 30mph zone, but I see people zooming past daily. Unless there is definite proof they aren't reporting, most labor boards (or worse) state aid offices don't bother investigating. Yeah, I know a few servers in my town with brand new iPhone 5ses (is that how you pluralize it?) and use them to play fucking angry birds while they wait for their food stamp and cash-benefit certification appointment.

>> No.5080317

Even if people wanted to be honest about how much they get tipped, it would be pretty difficult to keep count since there really isn't written record.

>> No.5080327

Question: I am not used to giving tips. I've never done it in my country, never.
If I went to an American restaurant and I didn't give tip, would I be considered as a rude person? Even if I explained them I never tip?

>> No.5080341

americans are an entitled people.
you would be considered a rude person but it would be expected of you, because those damned europeans never tip anyway.

>> No.5080344


What the fuck.

>> No.5080345

Where are you from? Your accent may get you excused from tipping if the waitress is young and pretty.

>> No.5080350


Don't explain to them that you never tip. It is considered very rude since Americans know that service workers rely on tips to get decent paid. If you must explain something, just explain that you are from a country where tipping isn't the norm and you are not too familiar with tipping etiquette.

General Rule

15% minimum for okay service
20% for good service

anything less than 15% is an insult

>> No.5080354

I am Florentinian, hence Italian.

>> No.5080357


I think recently 20% is now the new minimum. 15% is the new insult.

15% for bad service
20% for okay service
25% for good service

>> No.5080359

is it me or does the "polite percentage" seem to be creeping higher over time

i seem to remember 'okay' was 8% and 'good' was 12%

>> No.5080362
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Might want to drop that in the conversation. Women like that shit unless they're very anti-Italian where ever you're going.

>> No.5080367

Iìd never thought you American were so pro-Italians.

>> No.5080369



In 90's, 10 percent was a good tip
2000, 15 percent was a good tip
2010, 20 percent is a good tip

>> No.5080371

Keep pressing for higher tips you will no longer be needed when tablets take over with a simple to use menu system

>> No.5080374

Do the meals cost the same both in 2010 and 90's?

>> No.5080376

> 20 percent is a good tip

That's minimum

>> No.5080378

Bullshit. 10% is competent. 15% is normal for dinner/higher end places.

But in all honestly, sometimes percentages don't matter. I'll give two bucks for a soup and sandwich with water at the same diner as getting steak n eggs with coffee.

>> No.5080381

About the same but the wages have increased since minimum has changed a couple of years ago.

20% is min

>> No.5080382

My waitress friend can make up to a thousand dollars in one busy weekend just in tips alone. If it's busy, I tip normally, maybe a little cheaper. But if a place is dead slow, I may tip a lil more, especially if the waitress is pregnant.

>> No.5080384

> 15% is normal for dinner/higher end places

What decade is this? You are going to get shit if you do 15%

>> No.5080388

You americlaps always crack me up with these tipping threads. I cannot imagine being almost forced to tip whenever I go to a restaurant, bar or whatever. If I tip, it's because whomever I tip really put effort into my enjoyment of that night/meal. Not because of social obligations. That wholly defeats the purpose of tipping if you ask me.

Thankfully I've only ever been to countries where tipping was considered a little extra. And to ones where it was even considered rude. Are there any countries other than the good old USA that have that retarded system?

>> No.5080389

Percentages don't change by decade ya dip.

>> No.5080390

yeah, like a waitress forging nigger on your receipt because of entitlement

>> No.5080397



20 percent is minimum

>> No.5080409

Tipping while nullifying minimum wage is how the ownership society get proles to subsidize other proles while they get away with slave labour.

If you actively support that bullshit, you're just saying its ok.

>> No.5080422


It's why restaurants are such a bad investment. People are treating it the same way as the theatre. Everyone spends thousands on a home theater so they don't have to be fleeced when they go out. Same thing is happening with cuisine, everyone is becoming a gourmet cook so you don't have to deal with the ridiculous shake down and piss poor food.

After a certain age, no one wants to deal with these assholes anymore.

>> No.5080464

You might be right when it comes to the home theatre but people don't become gourmet cooks because they aren't happy with going to restaurants, that's like saying people start to become writers because they're fed up with reading crap. I personally like to improve my cooking because it's fun but I also like to eat out for the experience.

>> No.5080471

>Paying me 15% over the bill of food as money just for me is an insult
>How dare you give me extra money, but not as much extra money as what I want.

>> No.5080481

I only eat at fast food outlets, where you don't tip the staff. If they want to earn enough to survive on they can GET A JOB!

>> No.5080489
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nowhere is safe

>> No.5080505

And the people don't care they want a high tip or you going to get shit

>> No.5080515

Can anyone explain to me why just because my food is a tad more expensive than usual I should be tipping my server any more than usual? I usually ignore the percentage and give a flat tip.

>> No.5080814

In my state waiters don;t have a lower minimum wage, and anyone bitching over tips can suck a dick, I live on minimum wage dishwashing my ass off and never saw a dollar, I regularly take out garbage i can barely lift, burn my hands on pots and plates, get nasty ass dirty if I'm not careful, and prep food and clean things when I'm not busy in the dish pit. I don't complain about the job, I don't even think its difficult, and I'm happy to have it, I just don't see why if I do 3 times the work most servers do I should give a fuck.

>> No.5080829

i would tip op 10% on a good job. id tip 20% minimum to the nice waitress who is happy just to be their but also does an excellent job

>> No.5080848

I'd rather we just end the confusion and bribery and just give them minimum and raise food prices a tiny bit. It really ends up being a miniscules amount that would not change clientele.

>> No.5080852

The reason I'm upset is because they're all tricking you into thinking they're the victims. I've worked as busser before. They make 2-3x more than me, and sometimes that much more than the cooks on a good night.

>> No.5080862

This is what turns the entire affair into a tacky mess, going on about money. It's supposed to be a night out, instead you have the equivalent of south american street urchins serving you food and expecting a big hand out. It's declasse.

>> No.5080871

I wouldn't generalize to that point. Back when I worked in a restaurant aside from the older woman who had kids to take care of, the younger waitresses were all in college for legit degrees and/or had another serious job. I think they just knew this was easy money.

>> No.5080873

>Tip 13-15% usually
>Waiter comes to me
>Was something to your displeasure?
>No why?
>Well it was such a small tip
>Oh sorry can you void the bill and i'll fix it
>brings me void receipt and i recharge it
>0 tip and talked to the manager and never went back
I wasn't even a suit and tie place. I guessed that waiters become so bitter and hateful until they snap and i was the lucky one he snapped at

>> No.5080911


This is why people either eat McDonalds or entertain at home.

>> No.5080921

I hope you actually did this. I can't believe a waiter would actually do this.

>> No.5080949
File: 36 KB, 540x304, curb-tipping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not Larry David are you?

>> No.5080961

at least you didnt get shitty service because you got judged the second you pulled into the parking lot

>> No.5080965

I love how even though the original letter said she got a tip, instead of being thankful for the free money, all she can do is bitch and whine that she didn't get more.
Servers are the most entitled, whining little shits in the industry.
>I don't care if you just spent $20 on that overpriced, shitty burger, I want MORE of your money to support my children with this low income job instead of doing something else!

>> No.5080972

I love how even this much is becoming 'not enough' for these greedy fucks.

>> No.5080981

>you are obligated to serve a guest in your home water if they are thirsty.

No I'm not. Sure it's a polite thing to do, but I am by no means OBLIGATED to have to do it. In fact I hate when my friends come over and empty my refrigerator of all my drinks. Greedy fucks, bring your own drinks if you know you're going to have so many.

>you would leave a door open to let an elderly person get through

Yeah, I'm not obligated to do that either. This author seems to confusing being nice of my own choice with some kind of social law where I am mandated to be nice.

>> No.5081006

I can't wait until somewhere, in this era of entitlement and liberal bullshit, they try to make tipping a law.
>Finish your meal, leave a buck on the table
>Pay for the meal, nod and turn to walk away
>everyone turns and looks at you with disgust and disbelief
>everything gets quiet
>someone drops a fork

>> No.5081020
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I just leave whatever cents i get back.
unless I need them.
And I usually order something to the limit of the money in my pocket since I almost always will have spent whatever else I had on drugs.
>wanting to be decent/civilized

>> No.5081025


>> No.5081026

Having a really great day at work till that table that comes in that you know does not tip walks in. #fuuucknooo @WConfessions

>> No.5081030 [DELETED] 

>You are obligated to tip just as you are obligated to serve a guest in your home water if they are thirsty. You are obligated to tip just as you would leave a door open to let an elderly person get through.

But none of those things involve voluntary gifting them money. A more appropriate analogy would be
>you are obliged to tip just as you are obliged to give your money to begging homeless people.
which, ofcourse, is incorrect. Fuck homeless bums and fuck entitled servers.

>> No.5081035

>The thread of made up stories

>> No.5081037

>You are obligated to tip just as you are obligated to serve a guest in your home water if they are thirsty. You are obligated to tip just as you would leave a door open to let an elderly person get through.

But none of those things involve voluntarily gifting them money. A more appropriate analogy would be
>you are obligated to tip just as you are obligated to give your money to begging homeless people.
which, ofcourse, is incorrect. Fuck homeless bums and fuck entitled servers.

>> No.5081039

I'm not sure about the laws across countries. I know in most establishments in Murika you are required to give people water if they ask. Not sure if it applies to people's houses?

>> No.5081042

Yeah I usually try to leave a decent tip so they don't spit in my food next time, but if the service is awful and I know I'll never go back I leave pennies. At a chinese place once the waiter just up and fucking vanished and I had to get the woman vaccuuming the floor to get me a to-go box and ring up my check. Left em a nickel because fuck em. Even worse because I was literally the only person in the restaurant, so it's not like they were too busy dealing with anyone else.

>> No.5081049

if they have been invited onto the private property then you have a duty of care. If they havent been invited then you dont have to give them shit.

>> No.5081063

You can invite someone over and treat them like shit, they're not obligated to stay if they don't like it.

Short of physical violence you can pretty much do whatever you want in your own home. If someone called the police to cite you for not offering them water they would probably be arrested instead for wasting the police's time.

>> No.5081065

The difference between someone who knows laws and someone who doesn't. Truly a dangerous society.

>> No.5081072


My counterargument is:

Tipping is the expected practice in the US, and you're a dick if you don't do it just because you're cheap. However, if I'm expected to pay your salary, I get to decide how much it is. Do a shitty job, get a shitty tip. I'm not obligated to leave a large tip regardless of how bad the service is.

>> No.5081090
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> you are obligated [to leave a door open] to let an elderly person get through
> 2014
> not slamming the door in the old man's face and laughing

>> No.5081109

I'm pretty glad the majority of people feel obligated to tip. As a waiter myself I get a lot of tax free money that paid for my ipad air and i5. The best thing is wait staff can always lie to make themselves look like the victim by saying they get paid soooo low. It's like Horde complaining about the alliance bridge in Alterac Valley. You know it's bullshit but there isn't a strong counter argument against it because technically employers pay below minimum wage and there is no way to prove exactly how much tips a waiter makes.

>> No.5081117


Maybe if you work in a chain franchise, then yeah you get good money. If you work at a mom and pop shop, then yeah tips do matter.

>> No.5081119

Its unfair for me to get standard service in a restaurant if I don't tip or tip poorly? What, these people want to be paid to do a piss poor job? Getting a drink and serving food is your job. If you can't do that, why are you there.

Fucking Huffington Post, I swear.

>> No.5081124

I feel like there should be a system where at the very least it can be logged how much waiters are tipped. Like you give it to the hostess with the check to be cataloged each night then able to be researched publicly per restaurant. At least then you would all see how much they are 'struggling.'

>> No.5081139

What makes me mad is when I was a kid, it was accepted that 12-14% was a fair tip. Now I go to a restaurant and I can overhear wait staff complaining if its less than 30%. If I order a 7 dollar pancake and egg breakfast and a milk that doesn't get re-filled I'm not leaving 3 bucks for a tip, you're outta your g-d mind.

>> No.5081156

get with the times old man

>> No.5081158

i don't even eat at restaurants but this is such a big annoying issue that i want people to stop having wars over it.

i always feel like its unfair how waiters and other tippable-type jobs get paid, just because the boss thinks that these poor f****rs get enough and should earn the rest from people who just wanted to eat a sandwich, and are not expecting to give up even more money than the price of the food.

what a retarded paradoxical system.

waiters should get paid FULL wages, not a penny and "earn the rest if your so good" they are already working a job, they should get paid for it.

as for the people eating at a restaurant, they shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything other than the price of food, people go to restaurants to sit down and relax and pay the restaurant to prepare and cook the food and bring it to them, and they already pay much more than it would have costed them to buy all the ingredients and make it themselves at home, so for the pressure of needing to pay some poor kid tips to be there, it kind of screws everyone over, the waiter, the customer, etc.

imagine if you could just walk in, sit down, pay for your meal, eat it, go home.

imagine if you could go to work, get paid for working, and go home.

supposedly a study was done (I forget by who, you can probably find it on Google somewhere) which showed that if waiters and waitresses wages were changed to minimum wage that food prices at restaurants would go up by about ten cents at most. At restaurants the smallest expense which owners pay is the wages of their staff, and they are already so low that it won't make much difference. Additionally, there's this thing called balancing your budget and an owner could simply allocate a little money from one area and use it for wages, which would result in little or no change of food prices.

>> No.5081165

>Do not go out to eat if you cannot afford to tip well
He's right though, every time you are a customer at a restaurant you legitimise tipping. If you wanted to get rid of such bad practices you'd eat at home until restaurants went out of business.

>> No.5081164
File: 413 KB, 1800x1200, menu01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear in mind that American portions are generally considered bigger than their European counterparts.
This is from a popular American-Italian chain restaurant. It's generally considered middle class.
(Forgive me fellow Americans, we all know that it's a treat for a bulk of our population.)

>> No.5081183

But this is a serious "1 vote never mattered" issue.

>> No.5081193

Not wall of text, actually reads quite quickly.

anons should at least read this once, just try it.

>> No.5081201

Say you and one other person went out to eat. You split a (roughly $7) appetizer, order two (roughly $12) entrees, skip dessert, and each have a drink (about $2.50 each) your bill would be:

$36 before taxes
$39.06 after Texas tax
$44.92 after a 15% gratuity

I tip, and tip well (I actually worked at The Olive Garden in college) but the numbers are sort of disturbing.

>> No.5081204

>tfw european
>tfw I have never tipped a waitress ever
>tfw no complaints

>> No.5081208


Stopped reading there.

>> No.5081213

>>If those in food service got their fair pay then food prices would go up.


>> No.5081215

so sorry for the spelling mistake, would you be so kind as to read the post for what it is trying to say and not its tiny mistakes?

>> No.5081229

Tipping should be a choice not a mandatory requirement. Also shouldn't be tied to a percentage. Though I do agree you SHOULD tip, just based on the service you've gotten.

>> No.5081230

I always tell my waiter they'll get a big tip

then i draw a big ole dick on the gratuity line

>> No.5081234

>tfw going to america next year and am going to have to unintuitively figure out how much to tip

>> No.5081236


>But...but...I'm I don't pay $10 to tip for $30 worth of food, then they're gonna make it cost $40 next time...

>> No.5081238

>Need to sign in with >List of Social Media to Comment
>Need to THEN authenticate with Facebook

Fuck that.

>> No.5081245

Cmon /ck/ read it.

>> No.5081250

lol you fell for the trap you pleb

>> No.5081251

And then no one will go out to eat.

Jesus wept, I've never known nonsense like this in my life. You tip your barber, you give £10 to the Postman and the Dustbin men at Christmas and you tip at the end of a very good meal with good service or if you're having cocktails in an high class establishment. You don't tip at the pub, you don't tip people serving any sort of fast food, you don't tip in chain restaurants and you certainly don't tip because people threaten to withhold service and contaminate your food.

>> No.5081253

>Do not go out to eat if you cannot afford to tip well
Do not take a job if you can afford to live on its shitty pay
>If those in food service got their fair pay then food prices would go up. Happy hours and discount specials will rarely be a thing. Businesses would close earlier
Bullshit bullshit bullshit

>> No.5081261

>You tip your barber, you give £10 to the Postman and the Dustbin men at Christmas

What the fuck no I don't.

>> No.5081264

People saying tips are necessary need to realise that there are many, many places in which nobody ever tips

>> No.5081265

>Pleb among plebs has been detected.
Sounds like a shit person, would not friend.

>> No.5081272

>tfw im >>5081234
>tfw all these complicated rules >>5081251

>> No.5081278

I have never heard of anyone tipping any of those people.

>> No.5081286

when in doubt. do nothing.

>> No.5081305

Food prices would jump in CENTS not dollars.

>> No.5081328

>Dustbin men

No free man calls them dustbin men.
They're garbage men or sanitation workers.

>> No.5081338
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I am sick to death of this discussion on tipping. People were talking about this article today at work.

Lately I've been into online dating and have been going to a fair number of restaurants. Because of this I have a very simple and direct message to you servers out there.

If you want a decent tip from me you will know the wine pairings for the dishes on your menu. I'm not talking T.G.I. Friday's here. If you are a server at a restaurant that serves composed dishes and you do not know the wine pairings on your menu you will not get even a 15% tip from me. It really is that simple.

This is not punitive. This is called you doing your job.

OC is related. An artisan cheese plate from a local establishment. The server my girlfriend and I had was knowledgeable about the wine pairings but knocked my girlfriend's jacket on the floor which prompted me to get up and put it back on the rack. This server earned a 10% tip for the overall experience. You will accept this and you will like it. End of discussion.

>> No.5081345

>out to eat with a friend
>bill comes to $15
>am now somehow expected to tip $5
>that's almost the price of another meal

Also, once I went to Outback with my grandmother, born in 1922 or so. This was in 2001 thereabouts and after our meal which was naturally almost $40 because it's Outback she said you leave $1 per person. So she puts $2 out on the table and gets up. I mean I am all for not-tipping because it is a stupid practice, but I have to admit I felt bad walking out with just leaving that little amount. But she paid and I didn't bring any money so nothing I could do but flee. Good thing I moved out of town shortly after.

>> No.5081358


>This is way so many servers are cute girls.

>Implying this is a problem

>> No.5081363

It's not about not being able to afford it. It's the idea that if I don't tip then the wait staff will hold my food hostage and taint it unless they get their dirty bribe money. That's not how it should work. If I don't want to tip, whether I'm poor or a millionaire, I should at least get food without some guy's jizz in it because I'm still a customer. It's like that surveillance video footage of the bartender mixing a guy's drink with his dick instead of a spoon. The guy was a paying patron, he deserves to be treated well regardless and get clean drinks.

>> No.5081371

>Good thing I moved out of town shortly after.

I'm sorry, but this is the most aspie beta thing I have read all day, and this is 4chan man.

>> No.5081374

>This is way so many servers are cute girls. They are more likely to get tipped just for being pretty

This, it's really a form of discrimination against men. I knew a girl in college who worked at Hometown Buffet, aka a restaurant where the waitresses don't do anything other than take your dirty plates away every now and then. She got $100 in tips per night because she had perky tits and was really cute. $100 in tips for carrying away a few plates. As a guy working there I would probably be lucky to get $15 a night.

>> No.5081375

He didn't move out of town because of it dumbass.

>> No.5081376

Why? It's not like I could show my face in Outback again. There's no way that waiter wouldn't have remembered me. I've had people at the McDonald's drive thru remember me for less.

>> No.5081378


Perhaps it was a joke

>> No.5081380

lulz, yeah I moved out of town to go to college, it's just convenient I never had to return to that Outback again.

>> No.5081381

I don't think I believe this. You guys go on about female waiters getting more, but why would they? They're not going to blow you after you leave or give you their number and then blow you. What does one benefit from giving a female stranger extra money in a restaurant? Maybe a wink and a cute gesture?

>> No.5081385

I like you.

I was in Firenze last summer and you Italians have some weird things like cover charges (2 euro just for coming it) and nothing but overpriced bottled water. In the USA we normal get served tap water for no charge and everyone is happy.

>> No.5081392

I tip out of pity. I wish I didn't.

>> No.5081394

Never underestimate the beta mentality. In their minds showering the qt's with money will somehow, in their mind, get them to like them, so tipping a lot is one step closer to sex.

>> No.5081402

I tip
I tip based on the service I get
No I'm not, I'm not obligated to do shit for you, nor am I "obligated" to hold a door or "obligated" to give house guests water. I do those things because it's the nice thing to do. Maybe it's expected that I'll act kindly, but I'm under no obligation to do so. That's not what obligated means.

I'll pay you money for your service; that's just a business exchange, not an obligation. I'll give you even more money if you do a good job with it. If a server said to me "ahem, actually sir you are obligated to give me a tip", you can bet that I would not tip him and I would write a very mean post about him on an anonymous image board.

>> No.5081405

You're gonna get a lot of fedoracore snarky remarks to that post.

>> No.5081409

Are you seriously this fucking naive? Ever heard of strip clubs? It's all an act. They will lie and bullshit with you just so you feel sorry for them or are impressed in some way.

Guys pay for the eye candy, dumbass.

>> No.5081411

>If those in food service got their fair pay then food prices would go up.
GOOD! I'd still pay for it!

>> No.5081413

>dont get tipped
>walk around miserable and do your job at the bare minimum
>dont get tipped because shit service

>> No.5081419

You get the 'eye candy' regardless at a restaurant you dumbass. Or do you go to places where after you put a tip on the table the girl slams her tits into your face? How can you compare a restaurant to a strip club? The guys don't act differently toeards you because you're already GONE by the time they get the tip in most cases.

>> No.5081422

If we are supposed to tip some people with shitty jobs then why aren't we supposed to tip all people with shitty jobs? At least be consistent.

>> No.5081434
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>> No.5081438

because other shitty jobs at least theoretically pay enough for you to live on just by virtue of being employed.

>> No.5081483
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>> No.5081484

>tipping at a funeral

You've got to be fucking kidding.

>> No.5081490

based Iceland

>> No.5081495


Not a study but you may be referring to this article.

>> No.5081498


>> No.5081502

Why would you create an etiquette system this complex and then insist upon it instead of just increasing the prices normally?

>> No.5081512

This is delicious and glorious. If not tipping pisses off the faggot employees. Then Everyone should boycott from tipping.

>> No.5081514

the most pretentious thing ever.

>here pay this when you do that!
>pay this here!
>give all your money away so you have none!
>thats a good american

the government and all the corporations wrote this thing.

>> No.5081516

never seen it before. simply posting my thoughts.

>> No.5081525

Telling everyone in a country to stop doing something is a hard thing, anon.

>> No.5081533
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This sort of thing is what makes me order for take-out. That way I can just go pick up the food myself and go about my merry little way without hassle. I don't have to go inside, sit there, have someone ask me "is everyone enjoying their meal?" while I have my mouth full of god damn food, and the whiney asshole expecting money from me when all is said and done - AND having the audacity to catch an attitude when I don't give them any. If people were smart they'd order take-out like all the time. Plain and simple.

Would rather save my four or five dollar tip for the bum down the street.

>> No.5081551

You should read it then. A decent write up conforming with waht you had to say.

>> No.5081553
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>work in a restaurant
>a server is serving a table of sassy black people
>bar in dining room is closed so she has to go to the bar in the lounge to get drinks
>every time she gets a coke, another sassy black person asks for a coke and snickers
>'eyo i need ma water topped aaaaaaf'
>server stays ccc and polite because we don't hire shittards even though she knows they'll tip poorly
>they actually leave one of the biggest tips of the night

Don't really know where I was going with this story.
Anyways, I don't tip

>> No.5081559


>taking pictures of your food at a more upscale restaurant

You're a fucking pleb

>> No.5081563

No-one tips the Dustman or Postman.

>> No.5081568

It probably started innocently enough and just snowballed into the catastrophic mess it is today, and by now there's no going back.

>> No.5081570


When in doubt, tip the tax

>> No.5081577

But there is no tax in my state, anon.

>> No.5081596

I worked in the food industry for a year at a catering company as a cook. The servers who were hot young university girls made LOADS of money from tips it was FUCKING STUPID. Everyone in the kitchen made 10-15$ hour at most (the manager made 15$ I was good friends with her). These fucking servers would make over 1000$ every single event. God help them if they bartended.

They didn;t cook the food. They didn't do anything but bring already plated dishes out to people. THEY DIDN'T EVEN TAKE ORDERS! It's always a fixed menu! And here they are making more money than anyone else that works there including the old guy who supervises the servers on the floor. The cook and dishwasher we all split the tips but the the servers got 60% and the other 40% was all split to everyone else.

Then my cousin was a super hot server in the hottest sports bar in Calgary. It was the sports bar where all the pro-athletes went to after games and shit. Lots of NHL players all the time during hockey season. She would pull in 3-4k A NIGHT on the average night. She received a 1000$ tip on a 10$ drink. What the actual fuck is that shit?

I am an extremely rigid tipper. 10% for good service. 0% for subpar service. I'll tip 20% if the service is EXCEPTIONAL. I mean the waiter knows everything and can match everything with wines and is entertaining and courteous as well. If they aren't motivated I'm not motivated to give them a goddamn tip. Food quality is counted. I'm not tipping someone for delivering me a meal consisting of shit even if it isn't their department. It's a group ordeal to get the food to my plate and if there is one kink in the chain it reflects on everything else.

I've been all over europe and their system is infinitely better. The best food I ever had was in italy and it was cheap as shit on top of not costing a goddamn tip. We NEED to do away with tipping altogether.

>> No.5081607

That post was in reply to someone outside of the US. And the states that get the most tourism have taxes.

In your case, just do 10%. Its what I do.

>> No.5081609

This is exactly the reason tipping is stupid - it rewards the wrong people. If anyone it's the cook who should be getting the money, they're the heart of the restaurant. But then it starts a bad trend where they could potentially fuck with your food too if you didn't tip them enough previously and they remembered your very specific order. The whole thing needs to be abolished.

>> No.5081613


>fuck with your food

I've never seen this happen once in any restaurant I've worked in.
Are Americans really this scummy?

>> No.5081623

In my state if a Waiter/waitress doesn't make minimum wage after tips it is up to the business to provide the difference.

It's not my fucking responsibility

I still tip 15% typically if needed

>> No.5081625

Some are, unfortunately. That's why we don't need this fucking tipping system anymore, regardless if it drives food costs up.

>> No.5081626

Yes, of course. In the 90s it was common to see shows like 20/20 or Primetime Live show undercover footage of waiters fucking with people's food then exposing them on TV.

One in particular I remember they went in with a hidden camera and the woman was having a shitty day and there were dead flies in the salad bar, so instead of throwing them away she put them in with the cut up black olives. Fuckin' sickos working in the food industry, I swear.

>> No.5081633

I think this is how it is supposed to be all over, in theory, but in practice the waiters who have to be paid by the employer just get fired instead because their bosses are too cheap to pay.

>> No.5081636

I'm an Australian.

Food servers get a reasonable wage.
Food costs a reasonable amount.
Tipping is for exceptional service.

Works well for us.

>> No.5081685

They just don't get it.
Servers are paid well but not too much and that alone is incentive to do their job well.

>> No.5081688

>Food costs a reasonable amount.


>> No.5081693

>It is unfair for non-tippers and bad tippers to benefit from the perks that good tippers get (good service, free refills, cheaper meals,etc)

But if I tip badly, it's because I didn't get good service, and the waiter probably walked right past me 7 times not realizing that I never ordered a glass of ice on the rocks.

>> No.5081702

I hear you
But I tip more when I get good service, and good service is service that makes me happy. A nice rack of tits on the waitress makes me happier. I don't give a shit about the dishwasher.
Sorry you weren't born with a vagina

>> No.5081706

Catering guy here. One piece of shit I worked with was like that. He did it for fun but not out of spite. God I hope he's dying of aids and being pecked to death by crows whole being crucified. He got fried really soon and he was only able to do it twice. One was he maliciously served like raw chicken and the other is he served a couple things that dropped on the filthy ass ground.

I've never known anyone to do it in spite and I've worked with 15-20 different cooks. Most people actually do take pride in their job and making a good product. Then again every person I've ever known (except those 5-6 server girls) is against tipping and it's still as popular as ever so I probably don't know shit.

>> No.5081710

I'm not blaming you because I do that too. I'm just saying the system is fundamentally flawed and makes no logical sense. It turned from a reward into an obligation and it's disgusting. Tips are the entitlement people need to talk about, not fucking videogames.

>> No.5081711

>food costs increase
I work in a kitchen and it basically makes enough to cover costs and pay most wages.
The bar is where the real kikery happens.
They make about half as much more a year and even supplement the kitchen.

>> No.5081712

Maybe not if you're an unemployed basement dweller...

But for anyone not living off the government.

>> No.5081718
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The same reason why female streamers on Twitch.TV get lots of viewers and donations even if they're not particularly skilled at games they play, douchenugget. It's just a psychological thing for men. Even if they KNOW they won't ever get a chance at tapping dat, a lot of them still give more attention or random gifts just to show appreciation.

Pic related. I'm a Siren.

>> No.5081732


Actually if servers suspect that you are from a non-tipping country, they'll alert the staff and charge you for being a foreigner. That way they know that you will tip instead of using the 'I don't tip because I'm from a non-tipping country' excuse.

>> No.5081733

You're a fucking island nation without that high of a percentage of fertile farmland. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you're going to be paying more for food comparatively to other nations, most especially US of A.

>> No.5081739

even a land wale can be cute and perky if they have the right attitude

>> No.5081750

>I saw this article on the internet that it happened at this one place so its happening across murika

>> No.5081751


The price difference of a meal in AUS vs USA is only around 20%

Taking into consideration a minimum wage of $16/hr vs the US's, what, $7/hr

It's nothing.

>> No.5081756


Except it does happen in many places of America.

>> No.5081760

if i tip 5 dollars for a ten dollar pizza and i get my food fast and i also get the nice well groomed person to bring me my pizza and they bring me free stuff thats free anyways. how is it that im getting my food for cheaper then non tippers? oh thats right. its a mutually causing pleasure for one another and enjoying life is wrong

>> No.5081768
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>Tips are the entitlement people need to talk about, not fucking videogames.

>> No.5081794


Charge you for being a foreigner?

>> No.5081810

Yeah, because there is a shortage of land, we pay more for the higher quality food.

>> No.5081822

>waitress carries over a plate with a $5 burger on it
>tip her $1
>waitress carries over a plate with a $30 steak on it
>have to tip her $6 now suddenly for the same amount of work

It's fucking stupid. Hell just call my number and I'll walk over and pick my food up myself, I'm not that fucking lazy.

>> No.5081824


Sometimes a foreigner might notice a 15% or 18% gratuity oh their bill despite bringing a small party to the establishment. This is to ensure a 'tip' since the foreigners are suspected to not tip since tipping isn't in their culture.

>> No.5081849

I make 11 bucks under the table working at some shitty overly popular mom diner.
Also there is a tip jar for the cooks "put in a dollar and ring the bell for our great cooks!"

there is usually roughly 200 bucks there at the end of every shift to split with 2 or maybe 3 people.
I never ask for tips but its fun getting paid pure cash

>> No.5081854

That's not the kind of work ethic that lasts in a kitchen.

>> No.5081856


Unless something saying they add gratuity is posted, those in the establishment might run the risk of getting their shit stomped.

>> No.5081867

All the restaurants I've seen with separate cook tip jars tend to have them vanish over time because they inevitably get more tips than the waitstaff and it makes the waitstaff mad as fuck.

>> No.5081894

first 10% then 15% now 18% why is the cost of tipping going up?

>> No.5081888

I've heard that the reason Americans are so antsy about tips is because servers dpm't get paid enough and rely on tips. If this is true, why don't they make it a part of the bill? I know in the UK gratuity is optional. We should all just make tips a part of the bill, fully adopt the metric system and eliminate pennies world wide right now.

>> No.5081908

its because older bitter self entitled people found out that 16 year olds working jobs for high schoolers get paid great tips and obviously older bitter people want the well paying jobs. sucks that good tips are given to great servers and not to self entitled individuals

>> No.5081920
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Butthurt "server" whine clubs & associated web propaganda.

>> No.5081925

Waitress Posts Credit Card Information Online of Customers That Leave Bad Tips


>> No.5081927

And people wonder why I prefer having them over to going out for dinner.

>> No.5081935


I'd lodge a complaint with her employer. If she's willing to do that, then who knows what else.

>> No.5081937

It isn't. Idiots are just giving in to the self entitled.

>> No.5081943


The just posts the last 4 digits of the credit card. She sometimes posts a name and photo .

>> No.5081951


Its not her business to shame people. Her employer makes up the difference so she makes minimum wage.

>> No.5081958
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>> No.5081971
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I can't really think of a good argument against

"If you can afford to eat out, you can afford to tip"

If I say "How about I just don't want to tip 20 percent?" I never tip below 15%, .

>> No.5081979

Honestly, the people who complain about tipping sound more entitled than servers complaining about bad tips.

>> No.5081987
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>> No.5082048

I remember getting my haircut at great clips and never leaving a tip.. ever...

I was 16 and didn't know that you were suppose to tip your barber.

As a waiter myself I find the biggest issue isn't bad tippers, but restaurant employers not paying servers enough.

Why can't we make tips mean something? Instead of just an expected expense.

>> No.5082057
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>> No.5082060

How much to tip really depends on where you are. Where I am the regular tip amount is 15%.

>> No.5082063


Haircuts are like 16 dollars or so, and it takes like 20 minutes. I wish I made 16 bucks in 20 minutes.

>> No.5082077

I don't really understand tipping barbers. There's only one way to do a haircut and that's right. Anything else is wrong/bad.

>> No.5082107

>it makes the waitstaff mad as fuck

My heart is bleeding for them even as I type this :'(

>> No.5082119


Waitresses work just as hard as the cooks and dishwashers, sometimes ever harder.

>> No.5082131

a dishwasher washes a dish. a waitress carries the plate full of food out to the customer, waits on the customer and brings the plate to the dish washer. some waitresses work hard. some are just self entitled

>> No.5082133

This is exactly why you never pay for food with a credit card.

I paid with a c.c. once and left a big $0 on the tip line, along with a penny on the table because the server was a fucking asshole (also suspected murderer but he got off on a technicality, but I didn't know that at the time, it's irrelevant to this story, but still a fun fact to note).

Anyway, he ended up forging $5 onto the tip line after I left. Thankfully I was alerted to this later by a different server and contacted the c.c. company to get the $5 refunded. Apparently this guy does this regularly to people who stiff him, which only tells me further how shitty he is that people keep refusing to tip him.

>> No.5082134


Waitresses take an order, write it down and deliver it. They get a drink, and they bring the food and take a plate if its empty.

Mean while a cook has to cook. It takes a degree of ability to cook... as everyone here has seen abysmal examples of bad cooks. A monkey can be trained to carry something. A monkey cannot cook.

>> No.5082140

Any monkey can bring out some food. It takes real skill to cook it to taste and have people want to return to eat there again.

>> No.5082143

You tip them so the next time they don't give you a bad haircut out of spite.

>> No.5082147

this is what waiters actually believe, dishwashers wash dishes, carry the plates from the dish washer to the line, often scalding hot if the places is any kind of busy and you have a lot of dishes to do, taking out the garbage from bussing, the pit, the line, cleaning up the floors and traction mats, dealing with corrosive chemicals to clean with, helping out the line with prep when its not busy and cleaning surfaces. If you think those plates are heavy try carrying 20 burning hot ones.

>> No.5082149

It's not my job to pay your employees.

>> No.5082154

it takes real skill to cook. that is why almost very reastaraunts most famous dish has a knock off version of it that some dweeb figured out while fapping to 4chan food porns

>> No.5082156

everything you've ever bought, either goods or services, goes to an employee

im sorry chucklenuts

>> No.5082159

try lifting 60+ lbs of trash over your head 4 times chucklefuck.

>> No.5082173


There is:

-Entertaining guests
-Remembering which order goes where
-Remembering any special orders or food allergies
-Dealing with kids, ill, and elderly
-Trying to deal with language barriers if the customer doesn't speak English or communicates via sign language
-Timing when to check up on tables
-Remembering which drinks go well
-Keeping a positive attitude
-Knowing how to keep cool when a customer is being rude or frustrating

>> No.5082176

waitresses walk alot and carry hot plates full of hot food. plus every bodies bratty kid sucks!

>> No.5082191

I can think of all the little nitpicking things in my job too.

Waiting customers is only slightly harder than bussing tables.

>> No.5082192

i like when wait staff gets so good at their job they figure out they should be able to stand and chat with fellow employies and then expect half of the tips from the cheerful waitstaff who makes good money from giving excellent service. oh wait! i hate those people!

>> No.5082193

>Entertaining guests

Maybe if I got more lap dances while at Applebee's I'd be more inclined to tip more, but as it stands that doesn't happen.

Just about all the rest of those can be applied to any number of retail jobs too, yet we don't tip cashiers.

>> No.5082212

waitresses carry all the stuff that was in the packages that made the trash. also deals with poor rich kids who didnt work for that dollar they are expecting the waitress to work for

>> No.5082220


>Pay for a service
>Then pay extra to ensure they do a good job in the event you come back.


A gas station attendant should be tipped then too, since they remember how to authorize credit cards. They know how to check an ID for a cigarette sale. They can pick up an item and scan it.

>> No.5082236

-sweeping floors
-moping floors
-vacuuming carpets
-cleaning mirrors, counters, toilets
-changing garbage and recycling bags
-scrubbing human shit out of tiles
-peeling used tampons off of inappropriate locations
-tidying desks
-disinfecting telephones
-carrying dozens of loaded garbage and recycling bags out to bins
-taking care not to interrupt phonecalls

fuck it, let's just install tip jars in restrooms for the janitors while we're at it

>> No.5082238
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>we don't tip cashiers


>> No.5082263


>Google this place
>Proceed to post bad reviews
>Fuck hipsters, vegans and cashiers who think they deserve a tip

Thanks anon.

>> No.5082267

I think the most I have ever left as a tip was like $5 in loose change, and that was on like a $250+ bill.

It is great living in a country that doesn't have tipping culture

>> No.5082280


janitors, cooks, dishwashers, food prep, etc get paid minimum wage or fair pay. They don't need like waiters do.

>> No.5082283


Wait staff is compensated by the employer if their tips don't make minimum wage. Wait staff by this can make more than janitors, cooks and food prep.

>> No.5082289


If the employer has to compensate a waiter, that waiter is fired. No tips or bad tips means a bad waiter. Waiter would get replaced.

>> No.5082290

waitresses have to be good with people. i would not be a good wait staff. i would go home with the fist hot person who asked me. every bodies bratty kid sucks! and i dont take being talked down to for unjust reasons very well.

>> No.5082291

Waiters don't need to either since they get minimum wage if they don't make up the difference with tips anyway.

>> No.5082292

then the onus is on the waiter to form a union to prevent this, or to demand actual wages and not depend on holding the food hostage for bribes.

>> No.5082300

>wait staff complains about making $2 an hour
>McDonalds is always looking for people and they actually pay minimum wage
>refuses to apply at McDonalds
>instead keeps complaining about making $2 an hour

>> No.5082310


And then all the waiters get fired, because the normal rules of business don't apply to the service industry. You form a union, you get canned, and nobody says shit because noone cares about unskilled labour.

>> No.5082313

even better, maybe now they'll get real jobs.

>> No.5082317


You keep saying that but I don't see any proof.

My job as a consumer is to NOT make sure the wait staff keeps theirs.

>> No.5082322

>the trick is that EVERY. SINGLE. WAITER. massively under-reports their tips on their taxes so they end up making $12-$30 an hour (really depends on the type of place they work), the majority of it tax-free.

>none of them want this racket to stop so they go on the internet or in real life and complain about muh tips.

>> No.5082335

like the one you have in a call-center, champ?

>> No.5082344


People who do this are the sames as bums on the street, in my book. At least I'd be more inclined to give the money to the bum, he at least needs it. These raptors already have a job and are getting paid yet its still not enough for their greedy hearts.

>> No.5082360

So, how's living with your parents going?

>> No.5082373

like literally any job that doesn't depend on begging. call centres included.

>> No.5082398

>high tip or you going to get shit
Oh what's the waitress gonna do? She doesn't fucking cook the food and if she spits in it I'll fucking dump the food on the table and storm out.

>> No.5082410

How precious. You think call centers count as work. That's absolutely adorable. You know what, I don't even wanna touch that. You enjoy that naiveté and just stay gold ponyboy.

>> No.5082414

>Women as a group are more likely to tip than men

Ok, maybe when they actually fucking pay.

>> No.5082418

Like you'll even know if she spat in it. They do it in the back in private.

>> No.5082419

dude, even reading this made me soo happy

>> No.5082438


Why has no one posted this yet.

>> No.5082464

> Chili's
> high class
Oh jesus, really?

>> No.5082475

I am your server, not your servant.


>> No.5082476


>> No.5082486

Holy shit, I tip well but this pisses me off so much for so many reasons.

>> No.5082487


what a nice read.

>> No.5082489
File: 68 KB, 424x535, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5082503

Mindset and belief of the majority of waiters in the US right here.

Still want to tip these people so they can keep cheating on their taxes?

You're a sucker if you keep tipping after watching that video.

>> No.5082517


Perhaps he shouldn't make this video while wearing nice clothes and standing in front of a bunch of guitars. Those guitars got to be at least 100 dollars each.

>> No.5082533

waitressing is for people in school and moms. if you are an adult maybe you should get a better job or go work in a bar were cheerful school kids are not stealing all your money by giving good service

>> No.5082536

>literal fedora
>wall of guitars

>> No.5082538

ITT: people from other countries getting butthurt over what's customary in a country they don't live in

>> No.5082542

Lots of customs are odd/stupid in the eyes of foreigners.
Your country should just raise their wage a few $ an hour and leave tipping as an act of gratuity, like when they receive above average service.

>> No.5082544
File: 426 KB, 1690x1124, rainbow_con.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fact: Bad tippers get reincarnated as an used condom in their next life.

>> No.5082545

Waiters take orders and carry plates to tables, you get shit pay because it's a shit kicker job.
I'm not running a charity so you're not getting any of my cash no matter how hard you work.

>> No.5082547

>an used

>> No.5082548

Well, what I'm really getting at is the whole point of this, or any tipping thread really, is beyond retarded. No one will ever agree with anyone, there is no resolution whatsoever and everybody from any country, whether it's the US or UK, should just agree to disagree just to stop being so anally devastated over giving some faggot money or not.
....but, just for fun, Ramsay even tips in the US. Source: Amy's Baking Company episode.

>> No.5082551

Here's a tip: Join or create a fucking union.

>> No.5082553

The tip line is blank because you are asking the customer to decide how much to pay you. There's really no argument to be had with the customer about this. As long as restaurant laborers continue to accept this pay structure from their bosses and the customers, then their compensation will continue to be variable and at the customers' discretion. My recommendation is for the laborers to pressure their bosses to include appropriate labor charges on each customer's bill, and use that revenue to pay the labor a better (and consistent) wage. This might mean seeking other employment if your boss does not satisfy your needs. That is a tough choice to make, but the employer-employee relationship is a consensual one. You can choose to accept what your current employer is willing to offer, or find a better employer. But if enough laborers leave for greener pastures, then the owners and managers will start to change because they won't have any other option.

As a customer, I'll willingly exchange that blank gratuity line for a reasonable labor fee on my bill. In the meantime, you're getting whatever the FUCK I choose to give you, because that blank line means I get to make the choice. I'll include my tipping scale below, in case anyone is curious. You can decide whether or not you like it, but don't expect me to care.

20% - Service is above average, or on a holiday, or during nasty weather.
15% - Service is average.
10% - I am disappoint, anon.
0% - I got married, had kids, and died of old age while waiting for you to bring my iced tea. Dead men can't tip.

>> No.5082557

Well, yeah I imagine I would tip $10 at most restaurants and a couple of bucks for a bellboy if I ever went to America.
The people with the real issues are the employers; they should pay people a fair wage and only hire people who will work well, not entitled girls who earn $100 on a good night.

>> No.5082563

>Americlaps can't even understand the basic premise of percentages.
>think it's perfectly normal for a percentage to inflate by 5% every decade.
>tfw in 60 years Ameritards on ck will try to justify paying 50% tips.

>> No.5082573

wwho would you rather have serve you? a nice healthy young person who is happy to be earning money even though its hard work or some older person who is pissed off all the time because they are poor from being so rich with their rich friends but yet are poor and is pissed of because you probably wont tip because you work and do not look preppy

>> No.5082585

good math if your into being selfish and dishonest. 15% of 50 is 7.50. inflation causes the 50 dollar item to go up to 100 dollars. 15% of 100 is 15 dollars. you should do math for some union stores that raise the price before minimum wage goes up and then raises the price again after minimum wage goes up because you know added expense

>> No.5082603

If it's based on the percentage of the meal, then inflation is already built into it because the restaurant owner will raise their prices to cover the cost. Where do waiters think they deserve 20%?

>> No.5082614

I'm not sure what it is exactly you are trying to say. That the cost living inflates before minimum wage?

1) Than that includes the cost of the produce the restaurant buys, inflating the cost of the price of the finished meal, meaning you should get the relevant amount from the standard 15%.

2) If for some reason, the restaurants prices stay static, despite the increase in produce cost, then that is no fault of the customer, and they should not be obliged buy increasing the %, take it up with the owner or quit

3) if you can't live off minimum wage or it's equivalent in tips, the take it up with your government.

TL;DR the notion of paying 20% standard tip now! as opposed to the 15% of a decade ago is solely down to the inflated sense of greed and entitlement of servers, not the natural inflation of the economy.

>> No.5082621


On the flip side of this, people over 30 working in sales.

> muh spreadsheets that do all of the actual work for me
> muh game of solitaire
> time for a free lunch with "clients"
> return three phone calls
> time to go home early
> dang kids today don't know what work is

Jimmies fully rustled.

>> No.5082632

There's a reason we only pay them minimum wage anon.

>> No.5082646

>failing to report them as such is a crime.

Link me to the Facebook page of someone who actually reports their tips. You can't. Nobody actually does it, even though they're required to. Why? Because nobody can prove someone is getting tips because it's usually in cash.

Anyway, I've decided to no longer tip, unless service is amazing. Sure, I run the risk of getting my food fucked with, but because I'm a paranoid person in general I actually check my food all the time. It'd be simple enough to check, send it back if something isn't right, and if it happens again, request the manager. If, after that, it's still fucked with, simply leave without having consumed anything and all I've lost is some time.

>> No.5082668

I don't give a fuck how chirpy and busty my servers are. I don't want fucking smiley faces on my bill, or for my server to sit down and have a chat.

All I want is professional, efficient service - and that can be supplied by any person of any age.

>> No.5082718

>If those in food service got their fair pay then food prices would go up. Happy hours and discount specials will rarely be a thing. Businesses would close earlier

lol if you actually believe this. It's about as legit as trickle down Reaganomics.

>> No.5083108

I'm going to use this image as an example.
Most people say that those prices are enough fair to pay, and I don't want to discuss it. If you think so, I won't say anything contrary.
I'm the Italian you maybe read at the beginning of this thread, and I'd like to make some comparisons:
1st) I've never seen chicken fingers in an Italian menu before, but you may like it. 8$ are about 6 euro, so I think it's a good price for it; we pay for an appetizer 3/4 euro, but I don't think they're bigger than yours.
2nd) A bruschetta, which is not served with ciabatta actually, is too much! 4.50 is way too expensive for some bread and tomatoes; right, there is extra-vergine olive oil, but here in Italy we don't use any other oil.
3rd) The Ciabatta flatbread is strange: here in Italy, expecially in Campania(Naples), Caprese is a salad made up by mozzarella di bufala, pachino tomatoes( or cherry tomatoes), parsel and lettuce.
4th) You have a point: your "primi piatti"(pasta, minestrone) are very cheap: I pay for an entire bowl of pasta and toppings around 8 euro(10$, I think)
5th) The pizza is too expensive: I'd pay for 11$ a giant pizza or a particular strange one; A Margherita costs about 4/5 euro, a Calzone is around 6/7; if you want Mozzarella di bufala on top, you'll be charged on 1 euro.
5th) The Lasagna. It's not as we do it; the ricotta shouldn't be there, as romano cheese( pecorino, maybe? What's romano cheese?); the Lasagna(whose adjective is "classica", it's considered feminine) is a Bolognese traditional dish with layers of pasta, ragu(meat sauce) and besciamella(bechamel); yours is too "cheesy", Italian tradition is not so "fat".
6th) the Eggplant Parmesan 'd be good, if there weren't spaghetti; the Parmesan is a "secondo piatto"(main course)
7th) Tortelloni are usually filled with meat(beef or sometimes pork), the ones filled with cheese and, usually, a vegetable are Ravioli.
8th) What is a Caffè La Toscana?

9th) Why do you import Italian bottled water?

>> No.5083645

I tip the butcher, baker, and tge candlestick maker.

>> No.5084081

I don't tip simply because other jobs on minimum wage don't get this magic bonus for doing a good job. Nobody tips the bin man and he provides a service much greater than some pokey waiter.

Also I live in the UK where the minimum wage isn't complete shit tier.