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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5079316 No.5079316 [Reply] [Original]

What are some examples of poverty food?

>"spaghetti" using ketchup as an ingredient

> "tuna casserole" where canned tuna meets noodles and velveeta

> canned ravioli

>> No.5079331

Human meat found on dead corpses

>> No.5079336

That's poverty food, alright. But a little more extreme than I was thinking in my OP.

>> No.5079337

as opposed to live corpses?

>> No.5079339

Any frozen meal. Period.

>> No.5079342

Jello molds that contain seafood, head cheese, squirrel.

>> No.5079344

Thats like suburban white trash food id say somewhere along the lines as nigerian stick and mud soup or stale bread cold lentils and salt pork

>> No.5079347

really more like people who can't cook and have no sense of taste.

>putting biscuits on anything

>> No.5079351

Condiment Sandwiches. (white bread with mustard, mayo, and ketchup on it. Pickles if you're fancy)

"Stone Soup" - water, ketchup, whatever seasonings you have and anything else you can find in your kitchen.

I didn't eat those myself, but I had a friend who grew up really poor who ate that kind of stuff on a regular basis. I'm happy to say he's an engineer now and eats much better, heathier, and complex foods. I was lucky myself, my mom was a chef before I was born, and then taught culinary classes when I was growing up, so we always had awesome food around the house. I think the only time I really ate poverty food was when I was a broke ass college student, and then I still ate things like pizza (my roommate worked for a pizza place and was allowed to make a pizza to take home every shift), and since I knew how to cook, I made stuff like pot roast, vegetable stew, etc, things that would last more than one meal.

>> No.5079367

How's this for poverty? This channel hits many feels; it's simultaneously depressing and incredibly endearing.

>> No.5079377

I just have to wonder how people actually survived eating that kind of stuff. Condiments and bread? Ketchup and water?

I will look.

>> No.5079387

>"spaghetti" using ketchup as an ingredient
Don't tell me you're hating on Filipino spaghetti. It's basically the same as regular spaghetti, but you add banana ketchup, hot dogs, and a little bit of brown sugar. I make it with the spicy banana ketchup and GOD DAMN. It's like a spicy sweet paradise. The hot dogs are the best part, since they seem to soak up the sauce

>> No.5079388

To be fair, the way some people eat cheap burgers and dogs essentially just turns them into condiment sandwiches. You think they can really taste that insipid hot dog under that strait jacket of mustard, relish, and ketchup?

>> No.5079389

>I just have to wonder how people actually survived eating that kind of stuff. Condiments and bread? Ketchup and water?

Yeah, he wasn't in great health as a kid and teenager. As a matter of fact, he only has one good kidney because of the malnutrition he went through as a kid.

>> No.5079403


> tuna casserole where canned tuna meets noodles and velveeta

Don't forget a bag of frozen peas, nigga. Gotta stretch out all that meat and cheese.

>> No.5079413

Everything about that sounds disgusting. It's not like regular spaghetti at all.

>> No.5079417

Mehlsuppe ("flour soup"), apparently known as gruel in English.

>> No.5079422

Pork neckbone soup.

>> No.5079430

Pork neckbones are one of my favorite cuts. Nothing makes soups/stocks like neckbones. It's awesome that they're dirt cheap as well.

>> No.5079536

I wouldn't say favorite cut, but I like picking the meat out of a section of neck bone. Very tender. I'd imagine it would be the shit on a taco.

Cook it in fajita sauce with pineapple juice... pull the meat, taco it up. Wtf.

>> No.5079542

store-bought pizza is the ultimate poverty food.

>> No.5079629
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a bread and ketchup sandwich

>> No.5079642

whatever's on sale or found through forage, in the crock pot for six hours

pot au feu is the povertiest of poverty meals, yet it is also scrumptious.

>> No.5079644

>"spaghetti" using ketchup as an ingredient

That's more the "everyone in the house was at work all day and no one can be assed to make proper food" meal.

>> No.5079645

this, essentially

the broke days are mostly behind my friends and i, but we got so fucking good at making delicious free meals with gleaned stuff that we have nostalgic dinners sometimes, just to bust out the old recipes and dishes, all laid surrounding a huge pot of veggie soup

>> No.5079646

love the stuff

>> No.5079648

salt and pepper sandwiches
lard sandwiches

>> No.5079650

Just to be clear OP, it sounds like you're asking for "food stereotypically eaten by poor people" rather than "cheap food," right?

Because I can make some dirt cheap food filling and nutritious.

>> No.5079652

Aglio olio spaghetti. Cheap as fuck and delicious.

>> No.5079657

>Tuna casserole
I don't know what kind of back woods shit trailer park you come from, but Tuna casserole is supposed to have cream of mushroom soup (like %90 of other casseroles

>Not making creamed tuna on toast when you're poor.

>> No.5079706

unless you plan on taking free ketchup from fast food places spagheti would be cheaper with regular canned tomato sauce, shits like 40c and makes plenty

>> No.5079719

>using logic when grocery shopping

Pick one.

>> No.5079727
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Maybe if you're making open faced tuna sandwiches under the broiler would you use Velveeta

but for a casserole, it's cream of mushroom soup

>> No.5079735

>Poorfag cooking
Yeah, maybe it's unhealthy, but at least it's expensive.

>> No.5079846

>> "tuna casserole" where canned tuna meets noodles and velveeta
My mom added canned tuna to store-brand boxed mac'n'cheese, which I suppose is a step down even from noodles+Velveeta

>> No.5080027

what is stick and mud soup? a stick in a mud?

>> No.5080048



WAT, WAT don't you know that nuclear yellow, plastic cheese substitute can not be broiled, it breaks down the atomic bonds of the plastic and the radiation escapes.

>> No.5080064
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Peanut butter jelly sandwiches, unless you're a kid.
There was this episode of Honey Boo Boo where the mom just threw a bunch of shit into a pot.
Sometimes I just cook buttered noodles, cut potatoes, and hotdogs in a pan.

More-known ones would be just spray cheese, Vienna sausages, spam, and pork rinds.

I don't really prefer eggs or macaroni and cheese with ketchup, and I especially hate pic related.

>> No.5080106
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A loaf of bread smeared with knife

>> No.5080571

No, there's never an excuse for ketchup in spaghetti.

>> No.5080612


>pb & j


>> No.5080662

My dad puts ketchup in his spaghetti sauce (he says he likes it because it makes it sweeter). Jarred sauce tastes better imo... but I eat it when he makes it anyway since I don't want to be rude.

>> No.5080668


that sounds bomb.

>> No.5080679


i hate tomato sauce but i like ketchup, so i eat my spaghetti with some ketchup by choice. spaghetti sauce/pizza sauce/marinara sauce are gross

>> No.5080680

It isn't a true italian recipe, though.

>> No.5080681

lol wut? who gives a shit? I always experiment and fuse different recipes, i dont give a shit if its authentic as long as its good.

food hipster.

>> No.5080683

Why in the name of fuck do poor people think it's a good idea to have kids? Do they not get that you are just dooming some other person?

>> No.5080687


yeah because no rich person ever started being poor

>> No.5080688

No, you see.
I'm Italian, so it actually drives me a little crazy to put ketchup on spaghetti.

Well, poor dishes: here in Tuscany we eat "penne" with lamb or hog meat, we often do "pappa al pomodoro" or "minestra di pane", which are basically some soups made up by old bread and tomatoes.

>> No.5080691

They're poor. They obviously lack intelligence and foresight

>> No.5080808

This is 4chan and I'm crying my face off right now. My grandmother is on the verge if dying and I have to leave her and travel 15 000km for a fucking Biomedical Engi degree. Fuck.

>> No.5080819


I miss when my diet consisted primarily of tuna.

>> No.5081569

>"spaghetti" using ketchup as an ingredient
WHAT THE FUCK. I'm going to get off of /ck/ for a while
Oh I see

>> No.5081611

-pork & beans with chopped up hot dogs in it

-bologna sandwiches

-those Banquet brand frozen tv dinners

-any frozen tv dinner

>> No.5081641

That's the "classy" take on spaghetti with ketchup. Now Google sketti and throw up in your mouth a little bit.

>> No.5081671
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>only a little bit

Closet sketti-eater detected.

>> No.5081699

two peices of white bread
add mayo


two peices of white bread
add mustard and saltines


mustard and saltines


just saltines

>> No.5081716

>"spaghetti" using ketchup as an ingredient

That is more about mental retardation than poverty.

>> No.5081727

There's nothing wrong with ketchup in spaghetti. After all, you need a little bit of sweetness to balance out the tangy acidity of the tomato paste.

Then again, I use mirepoix and wine to do that, but as long as it's just a dash, I don't see the harm.

>> No.5081746

>There's nothing wrong with ketchup in spaghetti.
>ketchup in spaghetti.

Looks like mental retardation remains the culprit.

>> No.5081777

Spray cheese these days is actually going way up in price for an absurd reason.

>> No.5081783

I knew someone would call out my error.

Fine: spaghetti sauce.

>> No.5081797
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white rice and ketchup. it's taste good as fuck though

>> No.5081803
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i seriously hope you guys dont do this

>> No.5081813


>tfw I once ate a hot sauce sandwich

The fridge was empty and had no cash

>> No.5081832

No. It does not taste good at all. You are a disgusting person and should not be alive.

>> No.5081834

Alright /ck/, lets play a game.

Rachel Ray breaks into your house and puts a gun to your head. She puts two plates down in front of you. On one is a ketchup and white bread sandwich. On the other is spaghetti and ketchup. The amount of food is roughly the same on each plate. Which do you choose?

>inb4 let her shoot me
None of you would actually make that choice- stop being a melodramatic twat

>> No.5081838

Oh, also there's a third plate with ketchup and white rice

>> No.5081870

home made tortillas.
mayo burrito.
tap water

>> No.5081874

rice, definitely.

Least amount of chewing

>> No.5081924

Zombies be rotted yo

>> No.5081952

I would eat rachael ray.

>> No.5081959

have you tried it?

>> No.5084147

That's like the Kraft Mac & Cheese with hot dogs in it.

Hot dogs don't add anything but misery.

>> No.5084155

No. No ketchup in spaghetti. Only a small spoon of brown sugar.

>> No.5084160

>Hot dogs don't add anything but misery.
I loled

>> No.5084165

I'd eat the bread with ketchup on it, I guess. You can ball bread up really tiny and choke it down.

>> No.5084170

That somehow sounds even worse.

>> No.5084178

my ultimate poverty food is tuna pasta salad
its just tuna, mayo, pasta and S+P

i'm poor as hell though so i have no regrets

>> No.5084197

Better than ketchup. And what I mean is about 1/2 t in an entire pot of sauce.

>> No.5084214

anything from the microwave dinner aisle

Hungry Man, Stouffers, etc.

>> No.5084235

I'm assuming you mean stuff you cook yourself.

For a start, beans, rice, oatmeal, etc. Millet, if you can find it, is extremely cheap and makes a decent porridge.

Various deep-fried things. Special mention goes to frybread. Lots of calories.

French bread. Four ingredients, cheap as fuck to make, but it does require skill.

Home-made noodles. Pretty much just flour.

For stuff that's not boring, offal. Stuff like scrapple and hamhock has perfectly fine nutritive value, actually, but it's worthless because people think the only thing that counts as "meat" are choice cuts. Well, that and most seem to lack the basic cooking ability to make an ordinary soup. Hamhock and beans is delicious...