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5075468 No.5075468[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hear people are panic-shopping. Is this happening in Minnesota right now or can I get groceries tomorrow?

>> No.5075471

For what reason Mr.Buscemi?
An impending blizzard?

>> No.5075474

Good luck getting your car started tomorrow. I live in Minneapolis and it's going to be -50 with windchill. The oil in your car will freeze

>> No.5075476

If you're panic shopping over a cold snap in MN, you should just move to california.
I haven't heard of anyone panic shopping, but like >>5075474
said, have fun trying to do anything.

>> No.5075477

>ITT: Pussy Americans

>> No.5075479

It's in a heated garage.
I just need to do a regular grocery run but I don't want to go if some items are out of stock.

>> No.5075483

No idea about the east coast, but here in the west everything is fine.


>> No.5075484

Just leave it running all night bro

>> No.5075487

You should be fine. There isn't any sort of mass panic going on. And if your car is in a heated garage then you'll be fine.
Do you realize how dumb that is?

>> No.5075488

Don't worry about panic buyers
We had that here when we had a bunch of serious earthquakes, there will still be stuff there but it will always be busy no matter what day you go
Just don't count on there being any bread or milk or bottled water, go Mac Guyver style and see what you can make from what's left over

>> No.5075492

>live in Midwest
>younger brother's school closed for tomorrow at 3pm today

Also panic buyers are the worse. Bread, milk, eggs, bottled water... these things will be out. I suggest getting stuff you can cook in a slow-cooker. Meat, veggies, cream of ___ soup.

>> No.5075493


Why can't I focus on that image properly? It's fucking my eyes up

>> No.5075494

Panic over the cold snap? Really? It just moved moved down from my neck of the wood and the worst that happened was a high level of bitching... Wear layers, keep skin covered when going outside to avoid the wind. Eat well before going outside so you have plenty energy to stay warm.

Te main issue, as stated is the cars not starting, but you've already solved that...

>> No.5075495

An idle engine burns fuel-rich and gets gunked.
I make my own bread, never buy bottled water because I have a reverse osmosis system, and the only milk I buy is almond. I'll be having a pumpkin waffle tofu sandwich tomorrow then :D

>> No.5075498

BTW OP, whereabouts in Minnesota do you live? I'm in Crystal (Northwest Minneapolis)

>> No.5075500

14/f/cali ;)

>> No.5075507



>> No.5075509

Just saying, maybe I could keep you warm tomorrow?

forever alone:(

>> No.5075510

Skype is nonfree software and I will not tolerate its presence on my computers.

>> No.5075515



>> No.5075516

It would be absolutely silly for there to be any panic shopping. This cold snap is only supposed to last for a few days at most.
Still if you don't have a heated garage or block heater, then just stay home.
Here in St. Cloud the forecast says it should be back up to -5 by Tuesday and 9 the day after.

>> No.5075522

Why do people panic about fucking everything? Jesus christ, we had a bad storm here a couples weeks or so here and no one gave a fuck.

>> No.5075524

I dislike Crystal because it's near Robbinsdale and that place sucks ass.

>> No.5075526

This is not OP btw.

>> No.5075527

I agree, it does suck ass.

>> No.5075533

I can confirm it's happening in southeast Michigan. Went to get groceries yesterday morning, and Meijer was unbelievably busy. Every single checkout was open (never seen that before) and at least 5 full carts in line at every one of them.

>> No.5075541

Haha, I take it American cars don't typically have engine block heaters, huh?

>> No.5075548
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Don't even fucking know. Like shit nigga, I'm no prepper, but I have enough food for a week if shit really hits the fan. People are such fucking pussies about driving in the snow, too.

>mfw I get called into work to cover for someone who's "snowed in'"
>mfw they live 10 miles closer to work than I do

>> No.5075551

FEMA now?

>> No.5075554

Seriously? How long is your snap supposed to last? Do people only buy enough food for a day or two?

Actually no, they don't. People in the lower half of the country would almost never have a use for one, so manufacturers don't bother. It's up to the owner to get one installed.

>> No.5075559

But it is free.

>> No.5075563



>> No.5075594


that was a long read. But why is nonfree such a big deal? I don't need to modify skype, i just use it to talk to my parents

what do you use instead?

>> No.5075635

a real phone, you pleb

>> No.5075645

Real phones cost money to use, skype is free

>> No.5075655

I just use email (which is interoperable with SMS). Real time linear communication is inconvenient.

>> No.5075668

if you have a gas engine and the proper weight oil you will have no problem starting

if you have a diesel plug in your block heater

only the old ass diesels with no glowplugs need to run all night

>> No.5075671

pharmacies and 711s have stuff you can buy if grocery stores get all shitty......

>> No.5075706

Do you live in the arctic circle?

>> No.5075716
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>Americans panicking over a snow storm

>> No.5075726

telephone companies are nonfree and I refuse to have them connected to my house

being able to see and hear your loved ones on the side of the world (where mine are) is not inconvenient. Skype lets me do this for free. You don't have to love micro$oft to use their services

>> No.5075729



>> No.5075730

good luck calling 911 with skype buddy

>> No.5075739

>Real time linear communication is inconvenient

i wasnt serious, of course i have a goddamn phone

so you would rather pay for IDD phone calls than use $0 software simply because you can't tinket with it and microsoft=evil?

>> No.5075742

Not just you man. My eyes still hurt after trying to focus on that thing.

>> No.5075744

There's other software, but speaking with someone head-on like that is awkward.

>> No.5075746

Arctic circle reporting in.
What's up? A snowstorm? Cold?

>> No.5075772

spaghetti? good job steering this back towards being food related

>> No.5075789

Human eyes are naturally trained to focus on a subject's facial features.

>> No.5075828

In Minnesota you are fine. It's been cold the past few weeks, at least up north it has been. It's winter, people should expect cold weather.

Just be sure to stock your fish house with lotsa beer and shore lunch

>> No.5075918

Richard pls

>> No.5075973


It's not even going to snow, it's just going to get slightly chilly, kek


>> No.5075984
File: 20 KB, 460x276, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indiana here.
My local walmart was completely out of bread, ground beef, and frozen pizzas.
All that was left in the dairy was cage free eggs, and almond and soy milk
(Even during a snow 'emergency' it seems like people still don't buy into that bullshit. Lel. )

Everyone was stocking up like it was going to be a month long blizzard. (we're only getting like 5-6 inches at most)
God forbid they should go for an hour without having their mouth full of food.

Also lol at all of the police cars i've heard on the road outside all day.
We get just a little fucking powder on the ground and everyone forgets how to drive.

>> No.5075992
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>> No.5076001

People did this all the time in Oklahoma when we had ice storms. The top things missing (aka that state in a nutshell)

ramen noodles
bud light

all of the good beer was still in stock, which was laughable on its own I guess.

OP if you're super worried just go get some rice, beans, and some other shit to last you a while. Beans and cornbread was one of my favorite winter meals and lasted for days

>> No.5076007

Fellow Hoosier-bro here, I had the same exact experience. I can't even leave for college tomorrow because it's now 'illegal' to be on the fucking road.

>> No.5076015

I picked up a few big cans of ravioli, corn and beans.
Canned goods tend to last a bit longer if the power goes out, plus I can just open them up and eat it out of the can if things get terrible. ((Which they won't. The worst we ever get is ice storms, which might knock your power out for a day at most around here))

I do love watching people run around in a panic though.
There were huuuuge fucking lines at the store, and here I was with my cheap ass canned goods just strolling past them to the self check.

>> No.5076022

Yea, I saw that.
I really doubt people will care though.
Even if there was acid rain and an earthquake and a flood and sinkholes opening up everywhere, you'll still see people out and about, just wandering around because they want to stop at the gas station for a coke.

>> No.5076023

They will probably not have it that bad, but in areas with lots of trees there are usually problems after big storms because the weight from snow causes them to collapse and knock into all sorts of things. Or the roofs of older buildings can collapse, we always have this problem in New England

>> No.5076026

>staying in one spot with sinkholes opening
>not going out to watch hell open

>> No.5076027

Exactly. I know for a fact my brother's gonna walk down the street to the gas station on the corner and get a pop in the morning. And to be honest, I'd be surprised if any of the cops in town would do anything about it.

>> No.5076035

when they say that they dont mean they will pull you over and arrest you for driving
if you crash you get an extra fine

>> No.5076036
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>illegal to travel on the roads
>work still wants me to come in
>get written up if I don't show
>get arrested if I do

>> No.5076047

Oh, really? My mom was trying to make it out like you'd get tossed in jail for the night if they caught you, and I was like 'that can't be right'.

Dude, fuck all that. You think cops in your area would be ok with it? I know the popo here are mostly pretty chill about this kind of thing.

>> No.5076057

Just go buy some drinks for your brother before he does something foolish.

>> No.5076114

Land of the free.

>> No.5076118
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>> No.5076151

>Do you realize how dumb that is?
Haha yeah lol, it was meant as a joke but I went out for a few hrs, I've had a fever for a few days and things a funnier than they really are

>> No.5076164

That's true but I fucking guarantee you every time some kind of national disaster happens it's always just before I fucking get paid and need to do groceries
Every fucking time, the only time I've ever been prepared was when the week before I'd purchased a 12 box of 2.25L Coke

>> No.5076659
File: 87 KB, 271x271, om.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been stuck at home for 3 days due to snow and I have nofood. It fucking sucks.

>> No.5076664

I have enough for weeks, but I'd like some fresh produce and stuff.

>> No.5076688
File: 225 KB, 450x440, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you not have staples like rice or pasta or seasonings or tinned things

at my poorfaggiest i still had rice and bovril to fall back on

>> No.5076696

Americlaps don't know how to cook rice that doesn't come with a seasoning packet and instructions.

>> No.5078097


my jeep had one but was pretty fucking pointless since it doesn't get colder than -5f here

>> No.5078105

>North Carolina
>its been 60 degrees and sunny since a week before christmas
>tommorow is supposed to be 10 degrees

>> No.5078177

Shits always been a mystery to me. Snow on the way? Hurricane? Better fill muh cupboards with tons of bread. Do I like bread and eat a ton of it? No, but everybody else is buying it I should to.

Just before hurricane Sandy I went to my local super walmart and horey crap, there wasn't a single fuckin slice of bread in the store. Loaves were gone. All the frozen bread including garlic breads were cleaned out. Not a drop of milk in site. I just needed some propane and cat litter.

> Power out for 6 days
> The fuck would I even do with frozen garlic toast

I ended up busting out my coleman stove and inviting my nignog neighbors (and their reefer) over and we all got fried and had our filthy way with my fridge full of goodies before it all spoiled.

>> No.5078253

> The 11.4" that fell on Sunday in Indianapolis, Indiana made it that city's second snowiest day on record (the all-time record: 12.1" on March 19, 1906);

You pusscakes. Phillyfag here, we got 30"+ on 3 different occassion in the same winter a few years back. Don't really see people looting the groceries around here but for some dumbass reason I see a lot of clowns buying lottery tickets.

>> No.5078285

>woke up and it was 70 degrees
>had to dig my sweatpants out of my closet before cooking up my spam and eggs

>> No.5078420

>inviting my nignog neighbors (and their reefer) over and we all got fried and had our filthy way with my fridge full of goodies before it all spoiled.

i fuckin lost it man

>> No.5078423

Theres internet in hawaii?

>> No.5078444

I don't know how anyone deals with 80F+ weather.
I think I could eventually learn to like it if it was year round, but I live in Michigan and it's hot as fuck in the summer and cold as shit in the winter.

>> No.5079353

I work at a grocery store in Chicago and it was the busiest weekend, ever
I would call that shift ground beef apocalypse
u r screwed OP

>> No.5079391


To be fair, they were going to buy those lottery tickets whether there was a storm or not.
In sunny Canada, I've been shovelling my driveway twice a day for the last 3 days and I'm running out of space to dump that shit. Had to start pushing it across the road and into the park because my snowbanks are now waist deep for the full 10ft on each side of my driveway. Shit is pissing me off, but you'd be surprised how many people are just letting themselves get snowed in.

>> No.5079400

> have an infrared heater turned on high for 450sqft apartment
> in full clothes with warm oversized button up alpaca fur sweater and booties
> still so fucking cold my cats and I did little more than poke our heads out of our warm blanket tent to eat and bathroom


> except soup made me fart all day so I'm trapped under my blankets with my own stink

>> No.5079433

Sunday night I just laughed at the floods of people going to Kroger and shopped at Aldi instead.

They had no crowds and plenty of good shit to buy.

>> No.5079442

>people going "french toast shopping"
>basically buying stores outta bread, milk, and eggs

Meanwhile, it's business as usual for me (except for the fact that work closed for me today.)

>> No.5079450


>> No.5079454

Fuck, I feel like that is spot on for EVERYONE'S reaction to snow. It's stupid as fuck...

>> No.5079464

if it gets that cold. step out side with a container of warm or hot water and fling the water into the air.

>> No.5079471

-27 here.

Car started but for the first few miles the engine was chugging and screaming racial slurs at me.

>> No.5079478

I see this shit all the time, and I live in the Midwest, where really cold winters are just called "winter." If you really need to panic buy anything, shouldn't it be fuel and batteries? (You shouldn't need to panic buy anything, really).

>> No.5079499


/o/ please go.

do not spash hot water onto your windshield when it's cold out

>> No.5079543

Norwegian here, you are such a bunch of pussies.

Go put on a pair of grown-up diapers and walk to the store. Its not that bad unless you are 90 years old or have a heart condition, jesus christ.

Cant believe you faggots are descended from us.

>> No.5079569

>Norway talking down to anyone

>> No.5079573

But he's right. American's panic over fucking everything, even my friend from TN thinks it's ridiculous.

>> No.5079579

i live near chaska area. is it really that bad to be out and about?

>> No.5079589

Top HDI, great country in general to live in.
Neighbours with Sweden.
I think they can talk down to most countries

>> No.5080038

If someone from TN said it, it must be so.

>> No.5080080

> Dat smoked salmon
> whew

>> No.5080099

But I'm 94 and I have a new heart.


>> No.5080160
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Its not even that bad in Kentucky, and panic shoppers have still been clearing our shelves of bread, milk, all the staples fucking daily. Even through the night (I'm an overnight cashier/stocker). This is how my nights have been going for the past week:

>people come in, raid the shelves of nearly everything during the day
>night panic shoppers come rape the shelves of everything else. Creating rushes that our store doesn't prepare for during the night
>only 1-2 cashiers there at a time
>people get angry about the wait times making the situation worse for everyone
>people get angry that we're out of [insert item]
>so many customers raging about their precious milk and Lays potato chips
>not our fault that you all decide to do two month's worth of shopping at ass in the morning, especially when common sense tells you most stores are shorthanded at night
>if I could I would kick the lot of them in the teeth like it was my job

>mfw our manager lets us hoard some of the staples in the back for employees to buy. Because people are being such assholes lately

>> No.5080175

I've always been of the opinion it's a good idea to be somewhere else when people start behaving out of fear and panic. The last place I'm heading to is the supermarket when the weather forecast is ugly.

>> No.5080227

Michiganfag here, stores were insane Saturday so I didn't stock up. I've been living off pizza and chinese food. Starting to run out of cat food so I may have to venture out soon. It's getting warmer, -6F with a windchill of -17.

>> No.5080237

Wisconsin here. The fuck is going on? Yes it's cold, and vehicles are harder to start (better plug in your diesels or park older cars in the garage).

But other than that, I'm still working outside. Just gotta layer up.