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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.10 MB, 3888x2592, Pinnekjott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5072513 No.5072513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Yuropoor food

>> No.5072523

It mostly tends to look poor when it's from Viking Landinavia, and I blame that the harsh climate that doesn't allow for awesome vegetables to grow.

>> No.5072532

those look like the remains of a somewhat promising meal.

>> No.5072534

>ribs, potatoes, and rutabaga

>> No.5072541
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>> No.5072543

i feel sorry for you

>> No.5072548

I've never understood why you'd want to eat whole, peeled potatoes. Did you boil them in something other than plain water? They would be horridly bland if they were just boiled and peeled with nothing else.

>> No.5072549

They're not bad ingredients and I'm sure they taste just fine but there's a serious lack of color that makes that meal look boring.

>> No.5072551
File: 281 KB, 1600x1067, viennese dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up Finnish potatoes

>> No.5072566


>> No.5072568
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>> No.5072579
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>> No.5072583
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>> No.5072586

It is unbelievably plain and boring and also a part of every Dutch meal that is not a stamppot.

>> No.5072590
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>> No.5072597
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>> No.5072600

Is it min-i-strone-eh or mine-strone ?

>> No.5072604


Food here is different because of lots of reasons. Back in the day we couldn't get our hands on fancy foods or couldn't afford fancy meals and certain things just stuck with us. We are used to mild tasting foods, which is why something as simple as a boiled potato can taste good because it tastes like potato.
We do make other kinds of foods as well, but the "bland" Nordic food you usually see is the "traditional" Nordic food.
Also Nordic food can be absolutely fantastic. People just like to post the bland foods here because hurrdurr yuropoor food.

>> No.5072607
File: 217 KB, 1823x1289, 1388853964876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you disagree with this, you obviously don't live in the proper parts of europe.

>> No.5072611
File: 134 KB, 1260x840, nye-kartofler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can be unbelievably delicious when fresh and prepared correctly (meaning not cooked to shit and in properly salted water).

>> No.5072613

>freeze dried cod pucks, garlic, olive oil, and parsley

Sounds like that would never get old... NOT

>> No.5072614

Sweden has got some of the best cuisines in the world in my opinion.

>> No.5072619

beats cabbage and potatoes though.

>> No.5072621

Haha, I've only been to the UK and Italy for vacation away from the US, but yeah from what I experienced, that pic seems about right even if overly simplified.

>> No.5072630
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>> No.5072639

>rich cuisine


>> No.5072641

Ever been?

>> No.5072650

Yes.Tapas and various stews, that's it.

>> No.5072658

I never understood why they peel them. The skin has a lot of nutrition, and flavour. It seems to go against the idea of eating simple food that is good for you

>> No.5072677

People actually skin potato's in yurop? Really? The skin makes potato's taste 99x better

>> No.5072681

spainfag here.
I second this partially. Tapas is a cooking resource extremely used here. It can be used in many different ways though. That's why it's that versatile

>> No.5072685
File: 86 KB, 838x983, 1388279801983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come /ck/ has turned into a cooking themed /int/? The amount of American hate posting is really getting out of hand.

>> No.5072689
File: 158 KB, 1136x1869, 1383507380954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scandanavian food

>> No.5072707

it's not just /ck/, but it's more prevalent here because country-specific food is an easy target

>> No.5072737

> American hate posting

On /ck/, mentioning any beer from Germany, Chinese food that isn't General Tso's, and Mexican food that isn't a 7 layer chalupa supreme is "America hate posting"

I regard this as a sign that we're in the advanced stages of decline. When I was younger I don't remember Americans being this defensive about people in other countries not living in mud huts.

>> No.5072746

>mentioning any beer from Germany
Have you been in a beer thread? It's literally non-stop US-bashing. Yurops tend to talk about America's culture more than their own, it's really insecure. In beer threads America=IPA's so it's nonstop hops trashing and saying how Germany and England's beer is older so it's automatically better. In act Europe tends to have this attutude towards everything, they're automatically better because they're older. It's the last gasp of a dying continent.

>> No.5072749
File: 45 KB, 460x648, left-behind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you been in a beer thread?

What do you suppose I was referring to? A McDonalds thread?

In every beer thread there is a diversity of opinions expressed, which generally follow the formula Beer X > Beer Y.

Of all these opinions, the only ones that reliably trigger shrieks of extreme moral outrage are the ones where X is a beer that isn't American. Maybe it's something about beer drinkers in particular, or maybe it's because most beer drinkers live in flyover states where they don't have much going for them except beer and NASCAR.

>> No.5072750

Well beer which is 1000 years old, is made from same age wheat type and by a recipe from skilled artisan monks must be inferior to some shit brewed up by a bicycle riding, hipster beard wearing cunt from Boulder CO.

I suppose America makes the best prosciutto and parmesan as well?

>> No.5072752

>this is how it starts

Every. Single. Thread.

>> No.5072759

Moar liek:
>Europe being provably naturally superior in every way shape or form and stating that fact
>Murrifats getting rectaldamaged

>> No.5072777

>Well beer which is 1000 years old, is made from same age wheat type and by a recipe from skilled artisan monks must be inferior to some shit brewed up by a bicycle riding, hipster beard wearing cunt from Boulder CO.

>Actually believing those two are somehow related

>> No.5072786

>being superior to anybody
Us, China, Japan, South Korea and arguably Russia are the only countries that even matter anymore. Europe has nothing besdes CERN. Don't talk to me like Im some ignorant American, I've visited Europe multiple times and it's shithole. Some places are better than others of course. Paris is the most disgusting city I've ever been too. Trash everywhere, people doing nothing all day besides drinking, nobody has a job unless you cook or sell wine. And they sneer at Americans, despite tourism to their garbage city funding their hedonistic lifestyle. France has squandered everything they have except great climate for growing food and grapes. Fuck Germany's practically the only country that actually does anything valuable, which is of course why everyone in the EU hates them.

At this point Africa is superior to Yurop. At least Africa has resources and cheap labor, which China is willing to exploit.

>> No.5072789
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Thank you, America, for derailing another thread for no purpose.

>> No.5072792

>Paris is the most disgusting city I've ever been too

So you haven't traveled much then

>> No.5072798

this thread was entirely about america v europe from the start
you fucking europeans can't even identify a fucking problem

>> No.5072802


Yeah and it was fairly low key stuff until you came along and started crying about being Americans being persecuted (in a thread making fun of europe, of all places).

You probably literally believe there is a war on christmas too.

>> No.5072817

>being this aggressive at a stranger on the internet

>> No.5072821

Boiled potatoes and their level of peeling is an important social rite in the Nordic countries. The first time a meal is shared with a newcomer, boiled unpeeled potatoes will be present. These are then manually peeled by the diner themselves, using the knife and a fork, and a little bit of the thumb. It is a meticulous, boring, and occasionally slightly painful process. Yet this is the importance of it. Pointless and pointlessly small-scale suffering and tedium are essential parts of life in Scandinavia. If a diner decides to eat his potato unpeeled, the rest of the people present will gasp, then quietly stare at the offender in a fashion of horror that would be more appropriate to a situation where they have first parked their car on the host's young daughter, and then whipped their cock out and slapped her out of her misery with it. What follows is a diplomatic breakdown through avoidance and awkward silence, and a life-long process of communal ostracizing. Because of boiled potatoes.

>> No.5072824
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>> No.5072827

ugh, I hate these cartoons, but this is pretty much spot on

>> No.5072851

Maybe people sneer at you because you're an ugly asshole?

I've been to Italy and France, had a great time and was accepted by everyone I met. Being ugly must suck.

>> No.5072857

The former is closest.

It's more Mihn-est-rohn-eh though.

>> No.5072867
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>> No.5072881
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>> No.5072884


He could also just be a suburbanite who's afraid of his own shadow. People who bitch about large cities being "dirty" because they have people dwelling in them confuse the hell out of me. There was a guy here a month ago saying he carried a gun because "my job involves dealing with strangers". Some people got really fucked up by their parents telling them not to talk to strangers.

>> No.5072885

Psst... you do realize that when someone posts an obvious provocation, the rule is that to be provoked into answering is to lose?

>> No.5072886

ItaliAnon here.
Using English pronunciation rules (such as double E and so on):
I don't get bent out of shape if none native speakers can't pronounce it correctly, but I get annoyed when someone is speaking English and says something like
"Today, we're going to bobble my head all over the screen while the male viewership stares at my huge, perky tits as I make some MEE-NEH-STROH-NEH for you."
When I'm speaking English, I pronounce Italian words as they're pronounced in English (such as 'spaghetti,' 'arpeggio' and 'fortissimo'). When I'm speaking Italian, I pronounce English words as they'd be pronounced in Italian (such as 'hotdog,' 'computer' and 'whisky and soda').

>> No.5072887

This is one of the greatest posts I have read in my 7 years of coming to 4chan.

>> No.5072891

>ItaliAnon here.

That doesn't mean a lot. I've been to Italy and walking down the street you can hear 5 different pronunciations for one word because of dialect differences and how people move around from one region to another.

>> No.5072915

So what? There's standard Italian. And there's dialectical Italian. I gave standard.
General southern dialectical pronunciation:
Neapolitan dialectical pronunciation:
General northern:

The standard is still "mee-neh-stroh-neh," just as you're not going to take a Geordie's pronunciation of "dew" (which is pronounced by them identically to "Jew") as standard.
Unlike English, though, Italian is more standardised. English has at least four different systems of standardisation.

>> No.5072925


>> No.5072948

gtfo mexican

>> No.5072950

ITT: Everyone is too dumb to realize that where a food comes from is irrelevant. It's the skill of the person making it and that is literally all that matters.

>> No.5072955

Agreed. The skill and knowledge too, but they tie in together anyway.

>> No.5073960

>They would be horridly bland if they were just boiled and peeled with nothing else.
It depends on the variety (and you always cook them in salted water unless you're doing them in the skins). Some are very boring when just boiled, others have lots of taste. Potatoes are not all the same! (You might as well say that all beef is the same; just as ridiculous.)

>> No.5074624
File: 2.59 MB, 350x280, not sure.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an American, I went to Paris, I have also been to Rome, and London.

Not even trying to be offensive, but from an objective stand point, it's hard to find a white person in Paris, it's filled with Muslims. I wanted to eat frog legs and escargot, but all I could find was places serving Middle Eastern food. Also, I come from Chicago - we have a place called Lower Wacker Drive, which is basically a subterranean community of homeless junkies and crackheads. I was there on New Year's Eve to drop off a few dozen hamburgers for them. It smells of the waste from Lake Michigan, decay, feces, and more potently than anything, human urine. I can honestly say that this is what Paris smelled like the majority of the time I was there. Your statues and monuments and history are beautiful and noteworthy, but your capitol city is filled with Muslims and smells as bad as the worst place in Chicago.

Feel free to argue with me though, it must be nice having a smug sense of superiority for a country that couldn't even colonize Africa.

>> No.5074629

Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fucking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook shit that was perviously in cans. you're a fucking joke dude, and im dead fucking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fucking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fucking families poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuck again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fucking faggot.

>> No.5074638

Scallops taste good though....
give them the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.5074644


Paris, Rome and London? That's the extent of your travel?

Regarding the race standpoint, I found Paris to be one of the whitest major cities I've visited, and when I say "major" I mean GaWC Alpha class and higher. Of course, I stayed in the good part. I don't know where you stayed, it probably wasn't even technically Paris. What you described sounds like one of those poor suburbs featured in a cheesy French action film. The real Paris is as white as north Chicago.

Also, your comments about colonizing Africa and monuments are confusing. Our capital is half African-American, but they are not predominantly Muslim. And it doesn't smell particularly bad. I agree the statues are alright.

>> No.5074651
File: 179 KB, 1600x1035, mfw curling in squat rack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Filled with African Americans

>> No.5074654


Just because it was designed by a French doesn't make it French, you tard.

>> No.5074673
File: 71 KB, 640x428, opposite day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're calling me retarded but you can't even write a sentence in context or use a preposition to convey your point.
>D for effort.

>> No.5074680
File: 37 KB, 192x279, 1385324762134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not too bright are we. This is a pretty boring discussion in any case, good luck figuring it out.

>> No.5074700
File: 62 KB, 312x312, dancing skellington.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?
Brb, watching your country's stock plummet under the weight of Francois Hollandaise

>> No.5074706

>not eating them with at least salt or gravy

>> No.5074722


>> No.5074742

Remove the meat from the bones, add some pepper, stock and sauerkraut, mash it all together, serve with some gravy and you've got yourself a really nice winter stew.

>> No.5074758

Jesus Christ, you're outstandingly retarded. Don't leave /b/ again.

>> No.5074773

>that's it

by 'it' I understand that you mean 'all I tried there' because buddy you are so wrong I can't even start explaining to you how wrong you are

>> No.5074780

That looks fuckin awful.

>> No.5074788

I come from the dreaded potato wasteland and I approve of this map.
Ireland should be potatozone too by the way if only for historical reasons.

>> No.5074790

man... sometimes I just feel legitimately sad for you americans... your governments have fucked you up bad....

>> No.5074797

>Yuropoor food
>You r poor food

>> No.5075340


>> No.5075361
File: 85 KB, 852x601, modern albania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German, France, Italy and all Scandinavian countries are the only countries that have ever contributed anything worthwhile to cuisine.

All else is peasant-tier slop

>> No.5075377

I imagine this is the kind of food they served at Auschwitz. This makes me feel better about my life. Thanks, OP.

>> No.5075384

No they had bread with sawdust in it

>> No.5075410


What have Scandinavian countries contributed?

>> No.5075435

>yuropoors in charge of cooking

>> No.5075455

That's the story Israel tells...I'm sure in reality it was much more like OP's meal.

>> No.5075457


Danefag here. I can't think of any. We have some very good pork and dairy but that's not exactly a contribution to cuisine, that's just local variability of ingredients.

Unless he was talking about modern cuisine? "Nordic Cuisine" is sort of a big deal right now on the strength of Noma, but it's too soon to say if that's just another flash-in-the-pan trend or if it will be significant in the future.

>> No.5075490

More like France and Italy. German and Scandinavian food is bland peasant slop, anywhere in America has better food.

>> No.5075497

/int/ has food threads all the time. Also /int/ is full of ameriboos. There's much more american hate here than on /int/.

>> No.5075504

Implying that calling this plate what it is (pathetic) is tantamount to hate. L2cook fgt.

>> No.5075506

They barely had food for the soldiers, so the subjects got potato peel soup and bread stretched out with sawdust.
Meat? Absolutely fucking no.
A lot of labour camps killed people, and why feed some weak Jew who'll be dead from exhaustion in a few months anyway?

>> No.5075629

>African Americans
That would be African Europeans

>> No.5077461


Were you there? Cus you are talking about it like you were. Didn't know there were 90 year olds on this board, my bad. Or maybe you're just JIDF?

>> No.5077474

>being this dumb

>> No.5077779

Implying Scandinavian "food" represents all of Europe.