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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 191 KB, 1024x768, Midwest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5071842 No.5071842[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Food pic from United States.

>> No.5071863

what were there topping on?

>> No.5071871
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x882, Seafood Gumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5071875

>that much cheese
jesus fuck murcah

>> No.5071878

>Based Giordano's

>> No.5071881
File: 63 KB, 500x375, 201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mozzarella is shielded from the heat. it doesn't get a toasty and crispy crust.

>> No.5071882

That's a pretty cheesy casserole, OP.

>> No.5071883

>slice of Chicago pie
>omg fucking fat Americans

>gooey wedge of baked brie wheel

>> No.5071886

i'm not euro nor do I hold this opinion
absurd amounts of dairy in foods is just disgusting, I don't think people realize how fatty it is

>> No.5071890

Fair enough.

My apologies, I'm used to angry and hypocritical Euros shitting up the board.

>> No.5071895


That doesn't have one either, though.

>> No.5071896

Fat isn't all that bad for you as long as you don't load up on carbs.

>> No.5071902

aha no prob
I decided a while ago to stop eating fat/sugar/calorie dense foods as much as possible to be even more of a skinny dweeb. so I really don't belong here, but it's more relaxed here than fa or mu and I enjoy cooking so w/e.

>> No.5071903

hahaha, like hell that's your picture. Seen it several times.

>> No.5071905



go away

>> No.5071909

American food sucks

>> No.5071910

No it doesn't.

>> No.5071913


It's a good thing all our food came from other countries then, huh?

>> No.5071917
File: 544 KB, 451x533, bbq-bacon-wrapped-meatloaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5071916

sure, but if you don't do heaps of exercise to burn it off you'll be putting on fat. whether that bothers you or not is up to you, but I find overly fatty things like this pretty gross.

>> No.5071919

Take out creole and soul food and you basically have
>Watered down chinese
>watered down Italian
>watered down mexican

>> No.5071934

Don't forget about food from New England, Cajun and traditional southern cooking

>> No.5071938


And just remove the immigrants that make up America and you're left eating fish and maize

>> No.5071944

>Still being this ignorant

>> No.5071945

creole soul food is cajun and south cooking m8.
Why can't anglos into food?

>> No.5071947

>Lets go eat American food
said no one ever. Good thing I live near LA and eat the best Mexican, thai, peruvian,korean and sushi outside their respective countries

>> No.5071955

OH what do you know I also live there. We don't have to say the because... wait for it...

We can just make a roast of any seafood we like. Hell I can make everything you've listed too. Just not as well as those who've made it their entire life.

>> No.5071960

So what part of mexico did your family hope the border from?

>> No.5071963

>not sampling the god tier seafood of the region

You're fucking idiot.

>> No.5071968

>being Mexican
Spoken like a true Amerifat. please, tell me about your vast knowledge of America's use of seafood.clearly you know a lot more about them than i do

>> No.5071970

> implying the food you're eating isn't super watered down variations

>> No.5071971

Spiny mother fucking lobster. Go try it.

>> No.5071972

It's all over where I am. I can't speak for the central areas of the states. I really don't know what they eat.

>> No.5071976

Try ensenada for seafood. Theres a fish market in la close to a swap meet with super fresh fish oysters and lobsters I don't remember where sincr its been years

>> No.5071978

This fucking this.
A friend of mine has family that became citizens from mainland China. They now have an amazing restaurant. During the day it is a Dim Sum palace.
In the evening however it becomes an outstanding restaurant with a rotating menu. One of the best things I have ever had in my entire life is a spiny lobster stir fried with some sort of hot paste. God damn I have to get some more of that.

>> No.5071989

If you live in ca you can dive at night off of crystal cove or close to it in laguna beach and pull it out with your hand

>> No.5071991

I didn't know catching a random shellfish and cooking it was considered American.
Are you from Ensenada?

>> No.5071996

Fortunately no I only visit why? Any horror stories?

>> No.5071997

I am in the OC so yes I can do this. Just have to buy that pesky lobster card.

Sure is an American thing.

>> No.5071998


It's not unique to any culture. Fuck off.

>> No.5072002

Nice I used to hang out with a guy that would snorkle with a hawaiian sling and he was pretty good with it. Fyi not recommending harpooning lobster ..... ever

>> No.5072005

I normally use the hoop rings to avoid DFG problems. I have landed them on hook and line before.

>> No.5072006

it does not matter where the idea is from, what matters is where you take it. I can give you many examples of other cultures adopting ingredients, techniques and flavors and perfecting it to their own tastes. Catching a random fish out of the water and saying its American cuisine is not one of them.

>> No.5072010

Just read your statement. Then reread it. Really understand what you've just said.

>> No.5072011

No. Just curious. What would you recommend in Ensenada? I know a thing or two about Baja.

>> No.5072012


yeah you can brag about whatever kind of fish they eat in coastal bumfuck nowhere but it will never match a good fried catfish

>> No.5072013

I can get just about any seafood I really want here in LA. I just can't get good catfish. Well my next trip south I know what I am having.

>> No.5072016


You're having a turn your ass around and go back to LA. We don't want you here.

>> No.5072017

What happened to all the food pics, OP?

>> No.5072020

I can tell your education comes from the south.
Funny being first generation on the fucking left coast. I can tell you that you would never know that I am from this god forsaken shit hole.

>> No.5072023

I personally love the mundo marino

>> No.5072024

Fried red snapper is fucking glorious

>> No.5072026

Can anyone tell me if curry is worth trying? I've remember eating it twice in thai restaurants, but I can't recall the tastes. is it a heavy laden dish?

>> No.5072032

Thai curry is great.

>> No.5072047

Most of the expensive seafood such as blue fin tuna, abalone geoduck comes from the sea of cortez and then gets exported to all over asia, so yeah Ensenada is a seafood mecca. Try going to Manzanilla or la Guerrense next time you head over there

>> No.5072048

but you'll happily take our tax dollars, right? Isn't it funny that the states that bitch the most about taxation contribute the least and suck up the most? Isn't it funny that the states that emphasize "god" and "Family" have the highest rates of violent crime, unwed mothers and divorce? Probably not to you, irony is a product of literacy, after all.

>> No.5072119
File: 975 KB, 500x321, pizza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should be illegal.

>> No.5072128

How anally anguished does someone need to get to bring up taxes out of nowhere?

>> No.5072181

and it's always with the sodomy with you people. I didn't know deliverance was a documentary

>> No.5072201

By "you people" you must assume I'm a southerner also because no other sort of person can think you're a retard.

>> No.5072206


>implying you faggots ever shut the fuck up about in-and-out

>> No.5072238
File: 224 KB, 1280x960, In-N-Out_Cheeseburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5072500


I hate brie, but it is supposed to be cheese. Pizza is not, and that pic was like 3/5 cheese. Hurl.

>> No.5072542
File: 5 KB, 141x136, REAL-Seal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there other countries where it's not an open question whether a certain product is "real" or not?

I get almost all my perishables from local farmers now, but I went to the grocery store while visiting family over Christmas and I saw this symbol on a carton of grocery store milk. I had forgotten it existed.

>> No.5072651

i don't usually say this about fastfood but those burgers do look quite tasty

>> No.5072709

I'm going to New York at the end of the Month. Where can I eat a delicious pizza like this in NYC?

>> No.5072715


>> No.5072732

All the food you eat is real.

>> No.5072826

that looks 100x better than that bread lasagna from Shitcago

>> No.5072840

>American cuisine
>burgers and pizza everywhere

>> No.5072842
File: 6 KB, 208x208, both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those little faggots taste so GOOD. and i'm one of the few who really loves their fries. as much as I love whataburger, in n out plz bring more stores to texas. not saying I like in n out better, but I want the options and its easily second best.

>> No.5073276
File: 50 KB, 660x371, 1388871874287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Favorite pizza in my home town San Antonio Texas

>> No.5073306

Thanks for reminding me that I need to cook gumbo sometime.

>> No.5073379

Single serving size.

>> No.5073397
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, snacks 003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5073578
File: 104 KB, 500x375, christmas eve in america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas eve in clapland.

>> No.5073616
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x2448, Dinner 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5073824


Thank you based giordanos

>> No.5073847


>> No.5073859
File: 101 KB, 390x275, clambake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5073924
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>> No.5075231

it certainly doesn't generate it from fat

>> No.5075266
File: 21 KB, 304x288, excitefrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Giordano's will deliver to literally anywhere in the continental united states

>> No.5075304

Thanksgiving dinner?

>> No.5075332
File: 22 KB, 450x338, big_carl02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5075335

Based America.

>> No.5075796
File: 217 KB, 1024x768, P1100865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5076745

Good pizza identification skills.

>implying that SF doesn't have significantly more sodomy than Arkan's Ass

>> No.5076747

So will Lou's.

>> No.5077285

>not going to an american food restaurant in japan and having a japanese cowboy minstrel square dance your burgers and milkshakes over to you while giving you hearty "yee-hawto"

>> No.5077463

what's that i want to make it

>> No.5077609
File: 70 KB, 640x434, slaters5050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat your hearts out bitches

see y'all at the winter olympics

>> No.5077630

Real American cuisine is our breakfast. Someone post a picture of a great american breakfast so these Europoors can witness the glory.

>> No.5077642

Nah, real american cusine is having people from other countries come over and share their experiences through food.

a lot of people (read: idiots) assume this creates a homogenized food culture,w here everything tastes the same. Granted, america loves it's salt (so it's added in various ways to most import cuisine), but that's something it learned from pappy Britain anyways.

In reality, America has a grand and bustling food culture that is no bigger or better than any other country's, just different.

I mean, look at any other country, and you can see pretty much the same thing, though a little less dramatic, as America does have the 'melting pot' reputation.

French cuisine: Italian food with cream and butter.

Mexican food: Spanish food + being poor + South American influences

American food: Literally everything + salt

I dont understand why people get so anally devastated by the simple fact that America's food culture is no worse or better off than anyone else's. Maybe people just want an easy target.

>> No.5077673

I agree for the most part. I just think that the American breakfast is something that you can identify as pretty uniquely American. The cuisine in total, is just like you've described.

>> No.5077687

BBQ mane

BBQ is 'murikan

>> No.5077696

>American breakfast

Which one? I've lived in a few different US states and what's popular in the east coast isn't the same as what's typical in the south, or the west, etc.

Do you mean a fried breakfast? Sausage eggs and bacon and all that? Because that's very close to English breakfast.

>> No.5077951

American breakfast is pretty much English breakfast, plus whatever desserts we've managed to sneak in, like waffles and doughnuts.

I'll grant you breakfast cereals though, since those are an American invention.

>> No.5077959

>BBQ is 'murikan
Yes, no one slow cooked meat over fire in the history of mankind.

I guess Americans invented slathering slow-cooked meat in HFCS though.

>> No.5077969

thank god there arent any carbs in pizza

>> No.5077975

Euros will always remind me of the children that grab all the toys away from their 'playmates' while screaming "mine!"

>> No.5077976


If you take this absolute reductionist approach to cuisine, then literally nothing is regional besides perhaps certain ingredients that are endemic to a particular region, and with globalization I guess that's a moot point.

But, continue your pedantic provincial posting, it's a diamond dozen in every thread like this on /ck/

>> No.5077979

>Euros will always remind me of the children that grab all the toys away from their 'playmates' while screaming "mine!"
Says the American claiming BBQ food.

>> No.5078001

Don't forget hamburgers

>> No.5078018

BBQ came to America from Africa. I'd like you to show me where in Africa you can get food identical to American barbeque.

Shaping spiced ground beef into a patty and grilling it came from Germany, but making it into a sandwich with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and bacon is distinctly American. Bonus points for codifying standard methods of assembly-line mass-producing millions of hamburgers to be sold daily.

>> No.5078036

Slow-cook is not barbecuing. Braising is not barbecuing. The closest I've seen to American barbeque is some meats from Sudan, but I haven't seen it with the same seasoning and sauces,

>> No.5078085
File: 63 KB, 389x386, sad slug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Europeons will never know the taste of true American BBQ in all its different forms

You will never know what it means to live.

>> No.5078118


BBQ is a form of slow cooking though. Perhaps you're thinking of grilling?

Grilling = direct high heat, fast cooking time. Examples: steaks, hamburgers, chicken legs, etc.

BBQ = indirect low heat (often involving smoke). Long cooking time. Examples: Brisket, whole hog, whole poultry.

Other kinds of cooking meat with fire would be different kinds of cooking, such as using a spit = roasting.

>> No.5078159
File: 72 KB, 250x250, costanza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheese and toppings above sauce

>> No.5078171

When someone says 'BBQ' in america, they're generally referring to a 'sweet, smokey flavor' instead of actual cooking.

>> No.5078182

mac and cheese

>> No.5078248

Baked mac n cheese with some breadcrumb topping. Just make whatever cheese sauce you like,top, bake, and profit.

>> No.5078265
File: 52 KB, 449x555, Implications.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being mad
>Being THIS mad

>> No.5078270

Dear lord, did you take that shit straight from wikipedia?

American barbeque depends on region, but involves slowly smoking and grilling/roasting a collagen-rich piece of meat until it is tender. The slathering of sauce depends on where you're from; a hot sugary mustard sauce, a sweet tomato sauce, or obliterated onions (way beyond caramelization) much like what the ancient people from the Mediterranean did; are the most common I've seen.

>> No.5078271
File: 26 KB, 312x312, Vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That meat though.

>> No.5078291


>> No.5078299
File: 45 KB, 700x350, 1389055730340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBQ platters...

deep fried pickle slices
mashed potatoes
Mac n Cheese
collared greans
dinner muffins
bbq chicken
bbq ribs
bbq pulled pork
bbq brisket

That's all you fucking need m8s

>> No.5078305
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poor yurotrash

>> No.5079303

>Mexican food: Spanish food + being poor + South American influences
I fucking doubt it, fatmaster